University of Galway Students' Union Annual Report 2022 - 2023

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Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh 2022-2023
Annual Report
Contents • Clár na nÁbhar President’s Foreword • Focal ón Uachtarán Mission Statement/Highlights • Ráiteas Misin/Buaicphointí Executive Committee 2022/23 • Coiste Feidhmiúcháin 2022/23 SU Council • Comhairle an Chomhaltais SIN Newspaper • Nuachtán SIN Elections • Toghcháin Students’ Union Policies • Beartais Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn CÉIM Life Skills • Scileanna Saoil Fundraising • Tiomsú airgid Entertainment & Events • Siamsaíocht agus Imeachtaí Campaigns • Feachtais Students’ Union Services • Seirbhísí Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn Incoming Executive 2023/24 • Coiste Feidhmiúcháin 2023/24 SU Finance • Cúrsaí Airgeadais an Chomhaltais 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


President’s Foreword Focal ón Uachtarán

It has been an absolute honour and the most remarkable moment of my life to be the President of Comhaltas na Mac Léinn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, University of Galway Students’ Union. This year has been exceptional, coming out of the pandemic we stepped into our roles with new hopes and dreams to achieve. I had the absolute privilege of working with a determined and enthusiastic team who were not afraid to face the challenges that come with our roles. Every day was different, with new challenges and new projects to achieve but we faced all of them with a smile. Our aim this year was to provide the best student experience possible, especially coming out of the pandemic, we wanted to ensure every student had the best experience possible at the University.

We were fortunate this year to work with the first-ever fulltime Leas-Uachtarán don Ghaeilge, Barry Ó Siochrú. Barry has dedicated countless number of hours and has put in a tremendous amount of effort to establish this newly formed role and to promote the Irish language and culture. When it comes to the Vice-President/Education Officer & the Vice-President/Welfare & Equality Officer no matter how much I say it will always be less. Both Joe and Imogen have constantly strived to provide the best student experience possible. They were always ready to face the challenges that come with academics and student welfare and weren’t afraid to tackle them. From successfully hosting large scale events to ensuring proper representation of students, they have consistently put in a tremendous amount of effort.

Our year has been focused on numerous aspects of student life. This included initiatives surrounding the Irish language, student representation, union relations, societies & clubs, large scale events, social spaces, outdoor seating, future plans for the student pantry, postgraduate students and much more. Since the start of the year, we have constantly ensured that everyone is represented by the Union and has the best experience at the University.

One of the most important lessons I have learned this year is that a Union is a team, it is extremely important to work together to achieve the goals of the Union and most importantly to provide the best student experience possible. I would like to thank everyone who has constantly helped and supported us throughout this year, most importantly thank you so much to Chris, our general manager, Joanna, our assistant manager and Lorna our receptionist. They have constantly helped and supported us when we needed it the most. It is also important to acknowledge and appreciate the tremendous amount of hard work and effort put in by them every single day.

CÉIM has played a vital role in my student experience. Since my first day at this University CÉIM has given me the support and most importantly confidence to be where I am today. Not only as the Students’ Union President but as a Biomedical Engineering student myself I would like to especially thank Amber, Órla and Niamh who have worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the programme. They provide students with the chance to experience the fun aspect of academics and at the same time help them to thrive in their course. CÉIM is a vital part of the student experience, and it is important that we ensure future generations of students have the chance to experience it as well.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our Board of Trustees, SU Commercial Services Board, the staff of Sult, Smokey’s Café, the SU shop, Student Services, and everyone who has stood by us and supported us throughout this year. They’ve also provided essential services and support to our student community.

Most importantly I would like to thank our Class Reps and our 15 part-time officers who have worked tirelessly to represent students and ensure the student voice was heard and acted on. Your dedication and commitment have made our Union and the University as a whole a better place. Your achievements and effort will not go unnoticed and will be remembered for years to come.

I would also like to especially thank my three VicePresidents who have always been by my side and supported me when I needed it the most. Your work has been nothing but exceptional and I’m sure it will be an inspiration to all the students who one day follow in your footsteps. Thank you so much Joe, Imogen and Barry, we met as strangers but today we will be leaving as friends, and I’ll definitely miss spending time with you all the most.

In its 59 years, the Union has become an unstoppable force for change that cares for all. Each year is a step towards a more positive future. On behalf of Joe Mee, Imogen O’Flaherty Falconer, Barry Ó Siochrú, our Executive Committee, the SU Council, the entire staff, and myself, I present to you with pride the annual report for 2022/23 of Comhaltas na Mac Léinn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, University of Galway Students’ Union.

Le gach dea ghuí,


Mission Statement/Highlights Ráiteas Misin/Buaicphointí

Comhaltas na Mac Léinn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, University of Galway Students’ Union was originally established in 1911 as the Students’ Representative Council. This council was short-lived, the re-establishment of the body was proposed in 1913. The council was firmly established by the mid-1920’s and in the 1960’s was formally developed into the university’s Students’ Union, then known as Comhairle Teachta na Mac Léinn.

Founded in 1964 the function of the Union as per the Constitution shall be “to represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of its members at all levels of society”.

“An injury to one is an injury to all”

Highlights 2022/2023

• Received 9 Student Achievement Award (SAAI) Nominations and won 4 SAAI Awards - International Student of the Year, Environmental & Sustainability, Full-Time Officer of the Year and Access Champion of the Year

• Won the Gníomhaí Gaeilge Gold Award for Irish language Activism

• It was our first year of having a Full-time Irish language officer

• Developed future plans for the Student Pantry

• Held Social Events for Postgraduate Students

• Won Best Delegation, Best Speaker and Best Speech Awards at USI Comhdhail

• Secured more Outdoor seating on campus including Outdoor Pods

• Secured extra Study Spaces for exams

• Launched the SU Síbín a new Social Space in the Library Basement

• Signed the Partnership Agreement with the University around Student-Centred Decision-Making and Student Participation and Engagement

• Hosted our first ever SU Drag Race in Sult

• Seachtain na Gaeilge – Hosted the annual international festival promoting the Irish language and culture

• Seachtain Ghaelach – Weeklong events in Semester 1 promoting the Irish language and culture

• International Conferences: Attended two Enlight conferences in Göttingen and an ESU (European Students Union) Board meeting in Georgia.

• Large scale events: SOS & Hallows with the Socsbox along with Fáilte Fest, Christmas Day and Consent Week.

• Refreshers Fairs for everyone in September and January welcoming them back to the campus

• Launched the Fainne Nua Ollscoill na Gaillimhe for the University which shows fluency in, or a willingness to speak, the Irish Language

• Youth Assembly on Climate change

• Hosted USI Pink Training, Launched An Foclóir Aiteach – the first ever Queer Dictionary in Irish

• International Orientation semester 1 & 2

• Accommodation Protest, WalkOut, PhD Stipends Protest, Gaeilge4All, Cost of Living Protest, CATU Protest, BDS Palestine Protest, Ireland4All, Talk to a TD


• Increased a block of 16 to 32 rooms on Campus as part of the Sceim Conaithe dedicated to students who wish to live together and use the Irish Language

• Raised €19,000 for the SU charities – Galway Rape Crisis Centre and Galway Simon Community with events such as the Shave Off, Galentine’s Day Brunch, Take Me Out, Sex Toy Bingo and Drag Race.

• Funding secured for a Consultant Psychiatrist

• Revived the Irish language drama society An Cumann Dramaiochta

• Environmental and Sustainability initiatives such as: Global Activism Week, green careers events, Beach clean-ups, Lunch with the sustainability officer, Wasted Week, SU Climate Crew, Eco-Bricks, SDG Panel and Glassary

• Drafted and Launched the Union’s Environmental and Sustainability Strategy

• Participated in the HSE STI test campaign which was viewed over 2 million times

• Class Reps: 563 Class Reps elected; created and launched E-learning Module for Class Reps; safeTALK Training; Election reforms for Postgraduates

Executive Committee 2022/23 Coiste Feidhmiúcháin 2022/23
President Sai Gujulla
VP/Education Joe Mee VP/Welfare & Equality Imogen O’Flaherty Falconer VP Irish Language Barry Ó Siochrú Disability Rights Officer
Michaela Margaret Joyce Ethnic Minorities Officer Anne Marie Ward Gender & LGBT+ Rights Officer Connor Boyle Ferry/ John Walsh International Students Officer Julia Egan
Mature Students Officer Benjamin George
Convenor of College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies Tom Forde
Convenor of College of Business, Public Policy & Law Holly Leech Convenor of College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Rain Puiman Yan Convenor of College of Science and Engineering Jack Reidy
Societies’ Chairperson Vickie Popoola Clubs’ Captain Tahsin Kamal Postgraduate Taught Officer Raimey O’Boyle Postgraduate Research Officer Greta Westerwald MPA Environmental and Sustainability Officer Malena Thren
Oifigeach na Gaeilge Seánie Ó Gáibhín

SU Council Comhairle an Chomhaltais

This year there were over 560 elected Class Reps ranging from Undergraduates, Postgraduates, Adult Learners and part time learners. Elections for all year’s bar first years took place in September. Class Rep elections were delayed for incoming first years due to the late issuing of Leaving Certificate results and elections were held in October. This year elections took place fully online using YourSpace.

This year saw the introduction of an e-Learning module for Class Reps. It informed them about the Students’ Union and the role of Class Reps. This module will hopefully be expanded and improved year on year. The e-Learning Module had a completion rate of almost 80%.

Comhairle was hybrid this year which allowed students the flexibility to join meetings online or in person. This meant students on satellite campuses or those on placement could participate online. There was an attempt to make Comhairle more interactive this year using technologies such as vevox, using round tables to encourage discussion and introducing a 2 hour guillotine to prevent fatigue. Attendance was great this year with one Comhairle having 175 students in attendance.

New election guidelines were adopted by Comhairle that defined how Postgraduate Research Reps are elected. This should improve representation for the often-underrepresented postgraduate research students. There were also improvements made to the Class Rep election system on YourSpace to allow us to track which classes do not have Class Reps.

SU Chairperson, SU College Convenors and Postgraduate Officers of 2022/2023

A special thanks for the work done by the Chairperson, College Convenors and Postgraduate Officer on electing and engaging with Class Representatives.

• SU Council Chairperson – Cathal Sherlock

• Convenor of College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies – Tom Forde

• Convenor of College of Science & Engineering – Jack Reidy

• Convenor of College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences – Rain Puiman Yan

• Convenor of College of Business, Public Policy & Law – Holly Leech

• Postgraduate Taught Officer – Raimey O’Boyle

Finally, thank you to all the Class Reps who worked so hard to make this a brilliant year for student representation.


SIN Newspaper Nuachtán SIN

SIN (Student Independent News) is the University of Galway Students’ Union only student newspaper with 12 issues, one per fortnight. SIN was published online via ISSUU this year, and a bonus printed ‘Time Capsule’ edition was circulated in April 2023. The paper is student and campus focused, celebrating the achievements of University of Galway’s students, athletes, artists, writers, and staff. Everyone can contribute to SIN, and we have a variety of volunteer writers from disciplines such as law, commerce, and journalism.

2022/2023 Team:

• Editor – Valerie McHugh

• Deputy Editor – Darragh Nolan

• News Editors – Rachel Foster and Laura Hannot

• Features – Rachel Garvey

• Opinion – Anne Marie Ní Bhraonáin and Steven Fox

• Arts and Fashion – Syakira Nazri

• Health and Lifestyle – Caoimhe Looney

• Sport – Joseph Murray and Ciarán Ó Flaitherata

• Cainte – Gearóid Ó Droighneáin

• Chief Photographer - Lisa Hamilton

This year, SIN published 12 40-page editions, 6 per semester, and an additional 16-page election special ahead of the FullTime Students’ Union Officer Elections. This issue contained in-depth, exclusive interviews with all candidates for the fulltime Students’ Union elections, as well as interviews with outgoing officers and a vox-pop of students from various disciplines and colleges in University of Galway. SIN also printed a bonus 50 page print ‘Time Capsule’ edition in April which featured interviews with Galway alumni, including a specially written piece by President Michael D. Higgins.

Shannon Reeves is our designer and has worked on SIN for a number of years. He helped SIN to adapt its layout, making it more accessible to an online audience and befitting of a modern newspaper.

2022/2023 Highlights:

• Under the direction of Shannon Reeves, SIN has continued to create new design ideas following the redesign of its layout and design in 2021.

• SIN covered and broke ground-breaking stories this year and kept the student body informed on issues happening in the University.

• The newspaper was shortlisted for several awards this year, including Newspaper of the year at the National Student Media Awards. Several SIN writers also picked up nominations including Valerie McHugh and Darragh Nolan (Collaborative Journalism of the Year) Chloe Richardson and Tom O’Connor (European Commission Award for journalism relating to European Affairs) Scott Stephens (Features Writer of the Year - ). Editor Valerie McHugh won one award at the 2023 Student Media Awards, Health/Lifestyle Editor Caoimhe Looney picked up an award, and contributor Tom O Connor won two.

• SIN added a new photography section this year which centred around local and campus events. Chief Photographer Lisa Hamilton was at the helm of this, and produced fantastic photos across each issue.

• SIN’s Time Capsule edition was the biggest highlight of the year, and allowed past writers to come back and write for the paper. It was widely circulated, with a feature interview with magician Keith Barry one of the biggest draws.

• SIN is published in association with University of Galway Students’ Union, but retains editorial independence.



Elections Toghcháin

In March forty one students put their names on ballot papers seeking election to the 2023-2024 Students’ Union Executive. Students were given the option to vote online or in person at the three polling stations across campus. The majority of students opted to vote online.

Returning Officer Seán McKiernan oversaw the elections and announced the results of the in person vote counts. Turnout was still quite low despite the large number of candidates running for election and the return of on campus canvassing and voting. We will be looking at ways to increase voter turnout and engagement for next year.

The successful candidates in the elections were:




VP/Welfare & Equality

VP Irish Language

Disability Rights Officer

Ethnic Minorities Officer

Gender & LGBT+ Rights Officer

International Students Officer

Mature Students

Convenor of College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies

Convenor of College of Business, Public Policy & Law

Convenor of College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences

Convenor of College of Science & Engineering

Societies’ Chairperson

Clubs’ Captain

Postgraduate Taught Officer

Postgraduate Research Officer

Environmental and Sustainability Officer


Dean Kenny

Raimey O’Boyle

Izzy Tiernan

Faye Ní Dhomhnaill

Mary Tynan

Vanessa Frimpong

Sava Beekman

Julia Collins

Adrian Wisdom

Ruairí O’Boyle

Cameron Rose

Katie Scrivener

Joey Andrews

Rachel Concannon

Raunak Bhagwani

Fionn Sexton Connolly

Chris Stewart

Molly Hickey


Students’ Union Policies

Beartais Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn

University of Galway Students’ Union adopts policies on various issues. Policy can be set by the Executive Committee, SU Council or a referendum of all members of the Students’ Union.

The following policies have been agreed by referendum in recent years:

Referenda on Amendments to SU Constitution

Passed April 2021

Creation of a part-time Environmental and Sustainability Officer. Chairperson of SU Council replaced with an external independent Chairperson.

Referendum on Student Levy

Passed April 2021

From 1st July, 2021 the members of NUI Galway Students’ Union approve the cancellation of the current Student Levy of €224 and further approve its replacement with a new Student Levy of €140.

Students’ Union position on reunification of the island of Ireland

Passed March 2017

NUI Galway Students’ Union supports the reunification of the island of Ireland and calls on the State to hold a national referendum on the question of such reunification.

Students’ Union position on the Direct Provision System

Passed March 2016

The Students’ Union condemns the direct provision system which is inhumane and denies asylum seekers their basic rights and calls for its abolition and replacement with a system which respects the human rights of asylum seekers. In line with policy supported by the Migrant Rights Centre and other concerned NGOs.

Students’ Union position on the Decriminalisation of Drugs

Passed March 2016

The Students’ Union has adopted a position actively supporting the decriminalisation of drugs solely for personal use.

Students’ Union position on the Legalisation and Regulation of the Cultivation, Sale and Possession of Cannabis

Passed March 2015

The Students’ Union has adopted a position supporting the legalisation and regulation of the cultivation, sale and possession of cannabis.

Students’ Union position on the issue of couples of the same gender availing of Civil Marriage

Passed March 2014

The Students’ Union has a policy of supporting couples of the same gender availing of civil marriage. Following the national referendum in May 2015, this policy has been fulfilled.

Students’ Union position on the campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against the State of Israel

Passed March 2014

The Students’ Union adopted a position in support of the campaign of “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against the State of Israel” (BDS Campaign)

Students’ Union position on

Passed March 2013


Issue of Abortion

The Students’ Union has a Pro-Choice position in support of the national campaign for full reproductive rights, which include a woman’s right to abortion, whether elective or medically necessary.

No Platform Policy

Passed March 2012

The Students’ Union is mandated to oppose any invitation to members of various organisations to speak at the University. Full details available on the Students’ Union Website.

This year, CÉIM celebrated ten years of supporting 1st year students’ transition to university, academic success, health and wellbeing and progression.

Building learning communities

Initiated and coordinated by University of Galway Students’ Union, CÉIM is delivered via a partnership between the Students’ Union, University of Galway and students. It is now regarded as a proven model for providing small group academic peer learning on a weekly basis throughout the entire academic year and was offered to approximately 2,000 1st year students in 2022/23.

2022/23 highlights

• This year was another year of recovery after the pandemic with a renewed focus on small group work and building academic confidence and less reliance on technology.

• CÉIM was piloted successfully in Spanish in 2022/23 and will be rolled out to Shannon College of Hotel Management, Biotechnology, and Genetics and Genomics in 2023/24.

• A case study on peer learning during the pandemic written in collaboration with Lund University, the University of Manchester and Nord University was published in the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal.

• A case study on CÉIM was also published in the NSTeP Case Study Hub, which showcases examples of good practice in student engagement and student-staff partnerships from across Irish higher education.

• A member of the CÉIM team was invited to be an Associate of the European Centre for SI-PASS (Supplemental Instruction/Peer Assisted Study Sessions).

How CÉIM works

CÉIM is based on the well-evidenced Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) or Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) model used in over 30 countries. Student leaders from higher years facilitate weekly study sessions for small groups of 1st year students, creating peer-led learning communities where it’s easy to ask questions.

‘It was nice to know I wasn’t alone and made me feel included. The CÉIM leaders were so friendly and really put me at ease.’

10-30% higher grades consistently achieved by regular CÉIM attendees ** 583 CÉIM student leaders have received intensive leadership training since 2013 *Many Arts students are offered CÉIM in multiple subjects ** On average in comparison to non-attendees based on research using 7 sets of data

2,445 3 4 90%+ Arts students currently offered CÉIM

Supporting the 1st year experience since 2013 Ag tacú le heispéireas na chéad bhliana ó 2013

OUT OF colleges run CÉIM

1st year student 2022/23

Approx Smooth transition to University of Galway Academic success

‘CÉIM has really added another dimension to our students’ experience. It facilitates every step of their undergraduate development, whether as a CÉIM leader or student.’

Academic staff member 2022/23

‘I’m in huge groups for lectures and Céim provides an opportunity to actually speak to people on my course and work through more challenging concepts.’

Start of 1st year Transferable skills

Supporting progression to 2nd year Learning communities and social networks

Independent learning skills 2nd Year Health and supportwellbeingand signposting

1st year student 2022/23 1st year students currently offered CÉIM across multiple subjects* 97% leader retention

Scileanna Saoil 9

Life Skills Programme

The Life Skills Programme saw the Students’ Union running online and in person courses throughout the year to allow students the opportunity to enhance their life skills away from their academic studies and also improve their employability.

We held several in person Heartsaver AED courses with training provided at the Croí Heart and Stroke Centre.

In partnership with Galway Rape Crisis Centre in person courses in Disclosure Training returned. These courses equipped students with the skills to deal appropriately with a disclosure of sexual violence.

The SU worked with the HSE Suicide Prevention Officer to host safeTALK training on campus to equip students with the skills to recognise the danger signs for someone who is a suicide risk.

We also promoted the Ohana Zero Suicide Online Training course throughout the year which only takes 20 minutes for student to complete and the HSE LivingWorks Start Programme.

Jigsaw Galway ran two fully booked online Mental Health Workshops for University of Galway students.

A series of sold out sign language courses were held both in person and online during the year which gave students and staff the basic skills needed to converse in sign language.

Irish Language Classes were held both in person and online in conjunction with Gaelchultúr. These were hugely popular with 6 sold out classes offered each semester.

Our 6 week Pilates Courses were held throughout the year and delivered online to increase students flexibility and core strength with Marie Hegarty Pilates.

There was a welcome return of our Mixed Martial Arts for Self Defence course with the team at Shaolin MMA equipping students with important self defence skills.


Fundraising Tiomsú


University of Galway Students’ Union ran a selection of unique charity events this year raising €19,000 for our chosen charities: Galway Rape Crisis Centre and Galway Simon Community.

Galway Rape Crisis Centre is dedicated to providing a professional, caring and confidential counselling and support service for those in our community affected by sexual abuse and sexual violence.

Galway Simon Community provide support and accommodation services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the West of Ireland.

Our giant Christmas Raffle raised over €2,800 with staff and students purchasing tickets online for a chance to win 30 amazing prizes kindly donated by Galway businesses.

Our Take Me Out night was a big hit at Sult hosted by comedian Steve Bennett with students vying for the chance to take part, have the craic and try to find romance!

We held two saucy, sold out rounds of Sex Toy Bingo at Sult during the year to raise more funds for the SU Charities hosted again by the fabulous Steve Bennett.

During SHAG Week we hosted a Galentine’s Day Brunch which was so successful we brought it back for International Women’s Day with lots of pancakes, prosecco and goodie bags from Ceravé.

The Swifties of University of Galway united for our Sult Taylor’s Version Night with Swiftie Society to raise more money for the charities.

We hosted our first ever Drag School with Prof Annie Naggins at the helm ably teaching our pupils the art of Drag. The school end of year show at our first ever Drag Race was a huge success with Steven Sharpe on co-host duties with Annie.

We held a massive quiz night, a charity 5 a side competition, a pool competition and charity yoga classes during the year. More brave students and SU Officers sacrificed their hair doing the Shave Off challenge to raise funds for the charities. Postgrads showed they had brains to burn at our Postgrad Quiz Night.

We continued to sell our Big Yellow Thing Socks online and on campus. The socks designed by Galway Company Irish Socksciety feature a tribute to the iconic “Galway Yellow” (AKA Big Yellow Thing) sculpture on campus. All proceeds from the sock sales went to the SU Charity fund with the socks proving very popular as presents for alumni, graduates, students and staff.

Entertainment & Events

Siamsaíocht agus Imeachtaí 11

Freshers’ Events

At the start of September we took part in Fáilte Fest with a pop up Gaeltacht, pop up charity shops, free rapid HIV testing, a Céilí and a County Colours Night at Sult. Our SU Rudaí Áille tote bags were back and packed with freebies and the SU magazine to welcome students to campus throughout September. The ever popular Outdoor Cinema returned with free popcorn and a showing of Madagascar. Our Refreshers Fair made it’s long awaited return with food trucks, inflatable games, a vintage clothes pop up, music, competitions, great students offers and, of course, more freebies.


We had a huge amount of University of Galway staff and students taking part in the Smarter Travel Walktober Challenge in October with 49 teams registered. The month long event kept everyone active and connected whilst encouraging sustainable transport choices.


In October Hallows was the first of our big collaboration events with Sult and the Societies Office to mark Halloween. The sold out event featured an amazing performance by the Dirty Circus, DJs, drama, costume competitions, activities and more transforming Áras na Mac Léinn, Sult and the Bailey Allen Hall in to a spooky Halloween experience.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day returned in November with events in Áras na Mac Léinn and Sult to help students start spreading the festive cheer early and take a break from the books. Free events were run during the day by the SU and Societies with Santa Claus in attendance and students donning their Christmas jumpers. Verve DJ’s took over Sult in the evening for a sold out gig.

Sult (Taylor’s Version)

At the end of November we teamed up with Swiftie Soc again to have another amazing Taylor Swift night at Sult in aid of the SU Charities.

Pink Training

In November we again hosted the national Pink Training conference. Pink Training is Europe’s largest LGBT+ Conference, which sees over 300 student delegates attend a weekend of residential training. The weekend includes talks, workshops and plenary sessions run by USI (the Union of Students in Ireland) along with social events including another fabulous Dirty Circus performance.

Thriftmas Market and Pet Farm

During Study Week in December we organised a Thriftmas Market and Pet Farm visit at Áras na Mac Léinn. We had students selling their arts and crafts, a pop up second hand clothes shop with Galway Simon Community and music from DJ Soc in Áras na Mac Léinn. Outside there were Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Chicks, Chickens, Ducks, Goat and a Llama from Wooly Farm!

Early Bird Ents

At the end of August/start of September we worked with the International Office to put on a series of Early Bird Ents to welcome our early arrival students to campus. These included campus tours, Galway tours, a Croagh Patrick hike, quiz nights, karaoke, scavenger hunts, Gaeilge 101 and speed friending.

International events in January

There were more Early Bird Ents in January to welcome visiting students to campus including an Arriba Latin American night, a Movie night, speed friending, campus tours, karaoke, a scavenger hunt, a pub quiz and a board game night.

Refreshers Fair 2

In January we hosted a second Refreshers Fair with freebies, giveaways, exhibitors, J1 information, food stalls, a second hand clothes sale and more!


On Donegal Tuesday/Valentine’s Day we teamed up with the Societies Office, Sult and Groovy Tuesday to put on Galway’s biggest-ever dance music event SOS. The sold out event took over Áras na Mac Léinn, the Bailey Allen Hall and Sult with an amazing line-up including Cody Currie, Shee, Chaz Moloney, Maedbh O’Connor, IMO and DJ Socs finest!

Voter Registration

The SU continued to encourage students to register to vote throughout the year with Voter Registration Drives for first time voters along with encouraging Graduates to register for their Seanad Éireann vote during Graduation events.


Throughout the year we held promos in the SU Office with lots of great freebies from companies like Vodafone, Mooju, Hot Press, Energise and Avonmore. We also had a Just Eat challenge event where a student won a trip to go to the UEFA Cup Final! To celebrate the opening of the SU Síbín social space we did giveaways of tea/coffee, fruit and pastries a number of times during the year.

Postgrad Events

Throughout the year we worked with Postgrad Society to put on movie nights, quiz nights, speed friending and coffee mornings to help the postgraduate community connect with each other. We also held a STEM Movie Night for our STEM students.

Take Me Out

In February we took over Sult for a sold out version of Take Me Out. Contestants aimed to impress in the hopes of finding romance at the event hosted by comedian Steve Bennett.

Drag School + Drag Race

The budding Qweens and Kings of University of Galway signed up for our month long Drag School hosted by Professor Annie Naggins. Then our amazing drag students took to the stage at Sult for our first ever Drag Race hosted by Annie and Steven Sharpe to raise funds for the SU Charities.

International Women’s Day Brunch

In March we held another sold out prosecco and pancake brunch to mark International Women’s Day.

Campaigns Feachtasaí

Comhaltas na Mac Léinn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ran many campaigns throughout the 2022/23 academic year. These ranged from welfare campaigns focussing on mental health and sexual health to sustainability initiatives, Gaeilge campaigns and more.

Accommodation Protest

In September SU Officers and students marched to Eyre Square and took part in an overnight Accommodation Protest Sleep Out to highlight the cost of living crisis and the lack of affordable, suitable accommodation in Galway for students. Officers also went door to door encouraging homeowners to rent rooms to students.

Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week events took place in October to encourage students to take time to look after their mental health, to raise awareness and to recognise the signs of mental health issues. During the week there were skincare clinics, Walk & Talks, sunrise swims, chances to meet local Mental Health organisations along with free Pilates, meditation and dance fitness classes.

USI Walk Out

In October we took part in the USI national Walk Out protest as part of their Cost of College Campaign. Students all walked out of their lectures at the same time to gather in front of the library and protest the rising cost of living and the student accommodation crisis.

Seachtain Gaelach

The Seachtain Gaelach campaign in November included a Coldvember Swim collaboration, Gaeilge 24 and a visit from the Sam Maguire and Liam McCarthy cups to the SU Office. There was also Flirt FM takeovers, ceol in Smokey’s Café, a Céilí Mór in Sult and an amazing culture night. The week ended with the launch of the Queer dictionary “as Gaeilge” to kick off Pink Training.


In November our SHAG Week events included free workshops covering topics such as The Best Sex Ever, Kinks, Healthy Relationships and Digital Intimacy. Active* Consent had information stands looking at relationship green flags and we had a delicious cakes and contraception event at Sult where we also gave out free panic alarms. There was also disclosure training with Galway Rape Crisis Centre, free rapid HIV testing with Sexual Health West and our sold out Sex Toy Bingo. To mark Elimination of Violence Against Women day we raised awareness about relationship Red Flags with the #TooIntoYou campaign.

Talk to A TD

In February we held a lobbying session at the SU office contacting TD’s to raise key student issues such as accommodation and hybrid learning.

Consent Week

Our Consent Week took place in February with lots of great events including Galentine’s Day Prosecco + Pancakes Brunch, a Self-Care Sesh, an Active* Consent Workshop, Rapid HIV Testing, Disclosure Training, STI Testing and the ever popular sold out Sex Toy Bingo.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge was held over three weeks in March with a great array of events including community games, coffee mornings, Gaeilge 101 classes, Flirt FM takeovers, trad sessions on campus, talks, workshops and another amazing culture night.

Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week was held in the final week of semester two to help students to wind down and take a break. There was lots of freebies, dance fitness classes, yoga classes and a charity rounders match pitting the SU Officers against the University Management Team (which we lost!). There was also a pop up vintage clothes shop, a mental health workshop and we gave out free pronoun badges to mark International Trans Day of Visibility.

Climate Crew

The SU Climate Crew met throughout the year to try to find ways to make the university as eco-friendly as possible. We held lab coat and goggle recycling drives in September and May so that these can be passed on to other students rather than dumped. We joined with Fridays For Future for their Climate Strikes in Eyre Square. We held regular Clean Ups to try to make Galway a cleaner, greener place. We hosted Secondhand pop up shops with Galway Simon Community, NCBI and Clare Haven Horizons during the year. There was a trip to the Museum to look at a Climate Change exhibition, we hosted a Sustainable Development Goals panel discussion and took part in Green Careers events. In November Wasted Week had events like free bike checks, vape recycling workshops, a vegan pot luck and upcycled arts and crafts to encourage students to think green. We promoted the EcoBricks competition and took part in an EcoFeminism Workshop and Global Activism Week. We had a Pass It On Box at Christmas to encourage students to donate items they no longer needed to other students and we held a Galway Simon Community Donation day at the end of the year in conjunction with the Glassary sustainability project.

Other campaigns

We worked with Sexual Health West to hold regular free rapid HIV testing and syphilis testing clinics on campus throughout the year. We also distributed thousands of free condoms, lube, period products, pregnancy tests and antigen tests. We have a hygiene bank in the SU Office for students experiencing hygiene poverty.

We worked to increase the amount of study spaces available in the lead up to exams and participated in the exam jam podcast. We also extended our cloakroom hours and, of course, gave out lots of freebies to get students through the exams.

We hosted regular Education Forums, Clubs Captain meetings and Societies Chair forums during the year to encourage students to make their voices heard.

We took part in protests on issues such as PhD Stipends, Gaeilge4All, the Cost of Living, CATU, BDS Palestine and Ireland4All.


Students’ Union Services

Seirbhísí Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn


2022 / 2023 was another jam-packed year at everyone’s favourite (and only!) on-campus bar / restaurant / music / live sports, meeting, social and event space. Sult continued to host record numbers of live shows; class parties; fundraisers; barbeques; signature pizza and filthy food nights.

Come in and try our popular Pizza; Filthy Food or Street Food menus! Not to mention our incredibly reasonable and broad range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for your enjoyment!!

Our Deli and fantastically reasonable Bia Boxes continued to go from strength-to-strength alongside our Hot Food offering, and we managed to deliver more of your favourite drinks, mega deals and special discounts than ever before! All of our food and tea / coffee take-away packaging is fully compostable (or reusable) too!

We are delighted to host and support a huge number of events, not least the following:

• 110 Class Parties.

• 110 Society Events.

• 100 + Club Parties and post match / tournament events.

• 45 Students’ Union Events.

• 120 x Live Sport events on our big screens.

• 120 Departmental & Postgrad Staff Parties.

• 20 x Humanitarian & Charity Fundraising Events.

• Live broadcasts to the Nation!

• And much, much more!!

Plus, all your favourite DJs; bands; comedians; karaoke; raunchy cabaret nights; craic on Galway’s favourite Riverside Terrace, which is now covered for those more blustery days, and loads more!

Sult hosts regular ticketed nights with some of the coolest acts around too, including Verve, OnaBumble, D2AL, Groovy Tuesdays, Arriba Nights and lots more!

Don’t forget – every society, club and class party event qualifies for complimentary finger-food for official events booked in at Sult. We’ll pick up the tab, because we’re sound like that! In addition to our regular special offers and giveaways, Sult continued its deals like free porridge with your morning tea / coffee, ensuring that University of Galway students don’t start the day on an empty stomach – especially important during the cold winter months and exam times!

At Sult, we’re very proud to continue our partnership with, and sponsorship of, the University of Galway’s highly successful Women’s Soccer Teams.


Still the number 1 spot on campus to relax / unwind / meet friends / plan your project work and nights out over a cup of the very best coffee on campus, bar none!

Smokey’s serves premium hot and cold drinks, including Fairtrade, organic, 100% shade-grown, arabica coffees, from our brand-spanking new barista coffee machines, as well as all your favourite teas, smoothies, juices, salads, sandwiches; rolls; pastries, snacks; a range of sweet treats and healthy options too – and its located right on the main concourse in the very heart of the University!


The Students’ Union Shop, your only on-campus convenience store, really is the neighbourhood shop for the University of Galway! We’re centrally located in the Hardiman Library building to maximise convenience.

At the SU Shop, we’re constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of customers. We offer an impressive range of great fresh foods; sandwiches; wraps; rolls; snacks; hot and cold drinks; key grocery and household items; stationery; discounted newspapers and lots of healthy options!

If you need stationery for that all important assignment but can’t get to a shop, check out our Stationery Superstore at http:// where we offer free delivery on all orders over €20! The Shop has always been the number 1 desitination for its great range of Official University of Galway merchandise including hoodies, t-shirts and branded stationery. The SU Shop continued to go up against the biggest and the best around and beat them too! Ár Siopa is award winning in its category, having received the top national honour of a 5 Star Award at the Annual XL ‘Store of the Year Awards’ as it continues to achieve and maintain the highest standards in the industry at affordable prices.


Our free SU Card has been guaranteeing you better value, discounts and freebies for over 13 years now. Available for use in every Students’ Union Commercial Services outlet, it’s our way of saying “go raibh maith agaibh” or “thank you” to the students and staff who support us all year, every year – without you, there’s simply no us!

In all our units, keep an eye out for our regular offers and SU Card promotions, some are there all the time and others are updated regularly. The SU Card will always maximise value for you and we’re always open to your suggestions too!


We’ll soon be introducing a Click & Collect from all our commercial outlets – meaning you can maximize your break time, every time. Look out for our app, EatCampus, and our webstore,, coming very soon!

Brand new SU Card partnership with a city centre bar, eatery and coffee house! So, the value we bring you goes on and on and on – and not just on-campus!!


Working closely with the Galway-based Ethical Coffee Co. and Fairtrade Ireland, every tea, coffee, sugar; condiment; cup; lid and stirrer in every Students’ Union Commercial Services outlet is Fairtrade, Organic and completely compostable too!

All our coffee is also 100% shade-grown Arabica, from Puro, making it the finest and most ethical available anywhere, on or near your campus!

Our outlets have been offering discounts to every customer that uses their own (re-usable) cup for over 14 years. Also, we’re very happy to accept all brands of re-usable cup.



As always, the profits earned from all Students’ Union services are reinvested in the Students’ Union and on-campus services (both commerical and non-commercial) to further develop and expand the suite of services we offer. What makes the Students’ Union services unique is the money you spend on campus stays on campus. No other service provider on campus can say that!

Students’ Union Commercial Services Ltd., (Sult, Smokey’s and the SU Shop) contribute €30,000 to the Student Projects Fund every year making it the biggest single contributor to the fund. Our commercial services company also contributes in excess of €250,000, annually, to the your University to help fund the services it provides and gives €30,000 directly to the Students’ Union.

All the contributions outlined above are made regardless of profitability, to assist with the valuable work carried out by the respective parties for the benefit of students, staff and visitors to University of Galway.


Over 85% of our staff, across all our operational units – Sult, Smokey’s, the SU Shop – are also students. Keeping our trading income on campus and in your pockets!


Over the course of the year we support many of the good causes run by the different charities, clubs and societies on campus.

We’re very proud to be continuing our partnership with, and sponsorship of, the University of Galway’s highly successful Women’s Soccer Teams!

Watch this space as we look forward to the announcement of exciting new partnerships over the coming year!


The Students’ Union rents lockers in various locations across campus. We took over running lockers in the Cairnes Building this year.


The SU Síbín is our new social space for students located in the library basement.


The Students’ Union is an agent for the Student Leap Card which gives great student dicounts on travel.


The Cloakroom is run and managed by the Students’ Union. Cloakroom staff are all students and the service is provided free of charge to students during term time. During exam times we had extended hours to suit students sitting late afternoon exams.


Síbín EatCampus ShopCampus


Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn an Chomhaltais

Cárta Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn SU CARD Check your account at SU Swipe Card 2022.indd 1 23/08/2022 08:07 Student Independent News N UAC H TÁ N S AO R N A SC E SU CLOAKROOM Life Skills grinds REGISTER SU LOCKERS BOOKSTORE SU SU Second Hand SEOMRA CÓTAÍ AN CHOMHALTAIS Clár Scileanna Saoil clár DIANCHEACHTANNA TAISCEADÁIN AN CHOMHALTAIS SIOPA LEABHAR ATHLÁIMH E Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn an Chomhaltais AN CHOMHALTAIS ENTS Students’ Union Siamsaíocht an Chomhaltais SU LOCKERS SU CLOAKROOM Life Skills grinds REGISTER SU LOCKERS BOOKSTORE SU SU Second Hand SEOMRA CÓTAÍ AN CHOMHALTAIS Clár Scileanna Saoil clár DIANCHEACHTANNA TAISCEADÁIN AN CHOMHALTAIS SIOPA LEABHAR ATHLÁIMH E Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn an Chomhaltais AN CHOMHALTAIS
Students’ Union Siamsaíocht an Chomhaltais
CHOMHALTAIS SIOPA LEABHAR ATHLÁIMH E Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn an Chomhaltais AN CHOMHALTAIS ENTS Union Siamsaíocht an Chomhaltais SU CLOAKROOM
Skills grinds
Life Skills grinds
Second Hand SEOMRA CÓTAÍ AN CHOMHALTAIS Clár Scileanna Saoil Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn
ENTS Students’ Union Siamsaíocht an Chomhaltais
Siamsaíocht an Chomhaltais
Students’ Union
Free Students’ Union Freshers reusable tote bags were distributed to students througout the year along with freebies and the SU Welcome Magazine. The magazine is a useful resource for students and contains information on the SU Team, SU Services, campus facilities and Clubs & Societies. The SU was also a distribution point for free antigen tests and reusable face masks for students.

SU Finance Cúrsaí Airgeadais an Chomhaltais

University of Galway Students' Union Income Statement 30 June 2022

University of Galway Students’ Union Income Statement 30 June 2022

The Students’ Union financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June. The details below relate to year ending 30 June 2022 with figures from the previous year for comparison.

This was the first year of the collection of the new Student Levy. Although students now pay considerably less in the Student Levy, student services such as the Student Health Unit, Clubs and Societies, FlirtFM and the Students’ Union receive increased funding. CÉIM is also funded exclusively by the Student Levy which finally provides much needed security. However, the Union no longer receives funding from the student contribution which is how all other students’ unions are funded.

Covid 19 continued to have an impact on the activities of the Students’ Union in the year ending 30 June 2022. The allocation from the licence fee paid by Sult to the University (€30,000), and the contribution from SUCS Ltd (€36,000) continued to be waived.

As campus life returned to some level of normality the Union’s activity level also increase. Campaigns expenditure grew significantly as did entertainments costs, USI participation and spending on CÉIM activities.

The Union always seeks to use its resources to deliver for its members and all expenditure is viewed in that way. 50% of expenditure was on Representation and Services and 12% was spent on Office and Administration. The remaining 38% was Staff and Officer Costs who deliver the work of the Union.

At the end of last year, we delivered a surplus of €27,614. We continue to be mindful that we are a private sector organisation, and we require a strong balance sheet and cash at hand to keep us stable.

The accounts for 30 June 2022 have been presented to Comhairle Comhaltas na Mac Léinn (SU Council) and are publicly available on our website. For further information on the finances of the Students’ Union, please visit our website

NUI Galway Students' Union Budget Update 30 November 2019 30 June 2022 30 June 2021 Income Student Levy €579,386 €418,576 Publications Allocation of Student Levy €33,335 €32,524 Student Contribution €0 €70,396 CÉIM €175,011 €130,979 Fundraising Campaigns €11,000 €12,768 Leapcard Top-up Income €688 €63 Locker Rentals €12,527 €575 Secondhand Books - Income €1,490 €67 Student Leapcards €11,143 €1,688 Former Travel Office Facility €10,000 €10,000 Total Income €834,580.20 €677,635.56 Expenditure Officer and Staff Costs Staff Salaries and State Insurance €173,022.43 €163,059 Officer Salaries and State Insurance €97,425.88 €94,203 Officer & Staff Expenses €9,481 €515 Training,Development &Welfare €17,446 €12,419 Total Staff and Officer Costs €297,375.62 €270,197.49 Office & Administration Subscriptions & Membership €450 €450 Telephone €4,944 €5,763 Accountancy Fees €6,315 €5,030 Bank Charges €2,294 €1,038 Water Cooler €98 €0 Website & I.T. €9,330 €12,997 Insurance €5,786 €6,057 Legal Fees €3,450 €22,380 Printing, Postage and Stationar €4,990 €3,960 Promotions €12,644 €4,345 Publications Allocation from Levy €33,335 €32,524 Fundraising Campaigns Expenses (Donations) €11,000 €13,761 Lockers - Repairs & Renewals €2,632 -€213 Total Office & Administration €97,268.39 €108,092.26 Representation & Services CÉIM Expenditure €168,414.99 €142,640.51 Campaigns - General €69,776.46 €21,647 Campaigns - An Gaeilge €19,964.07 SU Council €20,007 €19,260 USI €104,379 €83,779 Election & Referendum Expenses €8,612 €10,453 Entertainment Costs €4,784 €0.00 Life Skills Expenses €3,594 €2,003 Total Representation & Services €399,531.63 €279,782.51 Depreciation of Tangible Assets €2,183 €1,524 Depreciation of Intangible Assets €4,871 €1,806 €1,489 €5,737 €10,065
Mary Tynan Disability Rights Officer Oifigeach um Chearta Míchumais Adrian Wisdom Mature Students’ Officer Oifigeach Mic Léinn Lánfhásta Vanessa Frimpong Ethnic Minorities Officer Oifigeach na Mionlach Eitneach Rachel Concannon Societies Chairperson Cathaoirleach na gCumann Raunak Bhagwani Clubs Captain Captaen na gClubanna Molly Hickey Environmental and Sustainability Officer Oifigeach Comhshaoil agus Inbhuanaitheachta Julia Collins International Students Officer Oifigeach na Mac Léinn Idirnáisiúnta Sava Beekman Gender and LGBT+ Rights Officer Oifigeach um Chearta Inscne agus LADT Cameron Rose Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law | Tionólaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí Katie Scrivener Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences | Tionólaí Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte Joey Andrews Convenor of the College of Science and Engineering | Tionólaí Choláiste na hEolaíochta agus na hInnealtóireachta Chris Stewart Postgraduate Research Officer Oifigeach na nIarchéimithe i mbun Taighde Fionn Sexton Connolly Postgraduate Taught Officer Oifigeach na nIarchéimithe Teagasctha Coiste Gnó Executive Committee 2023-2024 Incoming Executive 2023/2024 Coiste Feidhmiúcháin 2023/2024 15 Dean Kenny President | Uachtarán Faye Ní Dhomhnaill Leas Uachtarán don Ghaeilge Vice President / Irish Language Raimey O’Boyle Vice President / Education Officer Leas Uachtarán / Oifigeach Oideachais Izzy Tiernan Vice-President / Welfare and Equality Officer | Leas-Uachtarán / Oifigeach Leasa agus Comhionannais Ruairí O’Boyle Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies | Tionólaí Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta & an Léinn Cheiltigh
UniversityOfGalwayStudentsUnion @UniOfGalwaySU

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