Salud pa sj subscribers

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Potential Subscribers

in Pennsylvania/S. Jersey

Recent U.S. Census Bureau numbers show that the Latino population in Southeastern Pennsylvania market, rose rose 58% since 2000, representing the region’s fastest-growing segment of the population with an estimated 4.2 billion in purchasing power. Scarborough Research statistics indiacate that Adults 18+, who have read a Spanish language weekly newspaper in the past month have: • 49.1% have obtained medical services* • 35.2% have visited a hospital emergency room* *Source: 2014 Release 1 Scarborough Report

We c a n h e l p y o u p e n e t r a t e t h i s $ 2 4 B I l l i o n p u r c h a s i n g p o w e r m a r ke t i n Pe n n s y l v a n i a / S . Je r s e y For + information contact us, Aaron or Madelyn at 484 472-6059, *See Visit US and learn MORE about US.

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