The ‘20s Will Finally Roar Again for Opening Day 2022 The 2020s didn’t quite have a great start, to say the least, but that’s no reason to dampen the coming “Roaring 20s” party in Seattle for the Opening Day of boating season. On May 7, the ‘20s of this century can finally begin on a high note, with the return of Seattle Yacht Club’s annual party and parade. After skipping the 2020 and 2021 festivities due to Covid protocols, the boating community is ready to kick up its heels with a much delayed celebration of recreational boating and traditional host Seattle Yacht Club expects to have a heavy turnout. Admiralette Jan Holbrook said the 1920s were a time of celebration. “Much like today, it was a progressive period in time where culture and lifestyle were evolving and growing in a positive direction,” she said. “We want to channel that as we bring people back together again for Opening Day this year.” The festivities will begin at 10 a.m. with the Windermere Cup Regatta (for more on that, see page 23), then following the Regatta, the traditional cannon blast will sound at noon to raise the Montlake Bridge and begin the two-hour parade of vessels adorned with decorations from the 1920s as they cruise through the Montlake Cut. On the SYC lawn at Portage Bay, a jazz band will play music from the era to get revelers in the mood for flapper dresses and pinstripe suits. A wide array of small and large boats is expected to take part in the parade, including row and paddle boats, antique boats, yachts, and sailboats with spinnakers flying. The Seattle Fire Department will participate with its fire boats sending out clouds of spray to mark the occasion, and to set the musical tempo, two small flotillas of yachts will carry members from the University of Washington and Washington State University marching bands. Vice Admiral Lance Rummel pointed out that 1920, which was the first year the Opening Day event was held in Montlake Cut, also marked the end of the “Spanish Flu” that held the world in its grip a century ago. With Covid finally in retreat, “this is our booming return to tradition with a parade, University of Washington crew races, and enthusiastic spectators,” Rummel said. “It all really resonates, then and now.” For more detailed information about Opening Day events, please visit: seattleyachtclub.org. THE OPENING DAY TRIO, FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: ADMIRAL PETE ROSVALL, ADMIRALETTE JAN HOLBROOK, AND VICE ADMIRAL LANCE RUMMEL. PHOTO COURTESY OF SYC PHOTO BY MORIAH BENDER