Oaks Christian Stewardship Report 2019-20

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Teachers of the Year

HONORED Matt Hurdle

Matt Hurdle with his advisory on senior beach day.


Ryan Kelly with his band students.

ats off and a round of applause are in order for the 2019-20 OCS “Teachers of the Year.” High School History Teacher and Director of the Institute of Global Leadership Matt Hurdle and Middle School Director of Bands Ryan Kelly are the recipients of this year’s Atsinger Teaching Excellence Award. The gentlemen were recognized at the summer commencement ceremonies for each school in front of their peers, students and OCS families. In introducing Hurdle, last year’s high school recipient, History Teacher Jeff Dewey, said, “I marvel at his ability to adapt form and function of classroom management and instruction to meet the needs of wide-eyed incoming freshmen, while at the same time serving the needs of our savvy college bound seniors.” Flexibility, adaptation, collaboration and problemsolving are some of the traits that Hurdle has demonstrated in the classroom and with his student advisory group. “Matt maintains an impressive educational balance between academic rigor and student learning outcomes while generating genuine bonds of endearment and mutual respect among his students and colleagues,” Dewey added. 6 | OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2019-2020

Ryan Kelly

In this last year, Hurdle has helped establish the Institute of Global Leadership, training students in entrepreneurship, leadership and global issues. Students have enjoyed guest lectures from experts in the fields of law enforcement, business and enterprise, as well as on-site excursions to area businesses. Hurdle has taught at Oaks Christian since 2010. He and his wife, Hannah (OCS Class of 2006) have two children. Head of School Rob Black awarded the Middle School Teacher of the Year Award to Kelly during the live streamed eighth grade commencement. “Over the years I have gotten to know Ryan and what impresses me most is not what he does, but who he is,” Black shared. “He is a strong mentor to young men who need a Godly figure in their lives.” Even though considered electives, Kelly’s classes have continued to grow in popularity. Demand for band classes has steadily increased so that more sections were added with students on a waiting list. Kelly developed a new jazz lab and students eagerly showed up at 7:30am to be able to participate.

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