OEM Off-Highway June/July 2021

Page 82

OFF-HIGHWAY HEROES oemoffhighway.com/21508912

The First TractorControlled Scraper R. G. LeTourneau’s remote-control system enabled a scraper to be controlled from a tractor, reducing labor costs. by Thomas Berry, Archivist, Historical Construction Equipment Association


hen R. G. LeTourneau changed careers from auto mechanics to land levelling, scrapers were available for use behind livestock or, as he preferred, tractors. But while they moved material well enough, they were inefficient in that they required their own operators apart from the

five or six scrapers could be drawn by a it to the owner – who had now rented tractor of sufficient power, and instead it to a competitor, with his motors still of a man for each scraper a team of on it. One of Mr. R. G.’s great strengths two or three workers would handle the of character was refusal to be stymied, scrapers. A worker would load or unand it kicked in here. He and brother-inload a scraper, and when finished catch law Ray Peterson sketched out ideas in the next available machine as it went the dirt driveway of LeTourneau’s shop, by. On later Baker Maneys, the scraper and out of the drawings came the first operator could even sit as he did his of many LeTourneau-designed scrapers. work and ride between Built from odd pieces of iron found the cut and fill. at the shop, the scraper had a fullR. G. LeTourneau operates his Soon after going width pan that was fairly shallow front Holt 75 crawler tractor and into the land-leveling to back, and it travelled on two large his Full-Drag scraper, the first scraper designed to be operated business, LeTourneau steel wheels at the back. Dubbed the from a tractor. began developing a Full-Drag scraper, it embodied two remote-control system of LeTourneau’s design hallmarks – to operate the scrapelectric power, as with his rented scraper from the tractor. It er, and brazed welded construction consisted of a generator instead of rivets for lighter weight. on the tractor, powering Another of LeTourneau’s strengths R. G. LETOURNEAU HEAVY EQUIPMENT: THE MECHANICAL DRIVE ERA 1921-1953, BY ERIC C. ORLEMANN electric motors on the was refusal to sit on his laurels. While teamster or tractor operator. scraper that controlled its functions. the Full-Drag worked, he developed an Stock-drawn scrapers were loaded While it worked only for a single scraper, improved design, the Gondola semiand unloaded by laborers who manipit eliminated the cost of the scraper man. drag, in 1922. It was rated at 8 tons ulated the pan as the teamster handled In mid-1921, LeTourneau had the capacity, and a system of belts, pulleys the reins; but one team could handle opportunity to take on a substantial and gears transmitted power from the only one scraper, leading to significant project. But there was a slight complimotors. Next time, we’ll look at his next costs for both labor and for feeding cation. He had made the modifications major step in scraper evolution, the and sheltering the teams when dozens to a rented scraper, and had returned Mountain Mover.| of scrapers had to be massed for large projects. The Historical Construction Equipment Association (HCEA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated Tractor-drawn scrapers carried more to preserving the history of the construction, dredging and surface mining equipment industries. With material and moved it faster, but still over 3,800 members in over a dozen countries, activities include publication of a quarterly educational magazine, Equipment Echoes, from which this article is adapted; operation of National Construction incurred high labor costs. They still had Equipment Museum and archives in Bowling Green, OH; and hosting an annual working exhibition to be operated by a man at the scraper, of restored construction equipment. The 2021 show will be August 27-29 in Concordia, KS (learn more, but Baker Manufacturing Compa10598970). Annual individual memberships are $35.00 U.S. within the USA and Canada, and $55.00 U.S. elsewhere. HCEA seeks to develop relationships in the equipment manufacturing industry, and offers a ny’s Maney line and the early Euclid college scholarship for engineering and construction management students. Information is available at scrapers alleviated the costs somewhat www.hcea.net, calling 419-352-5616 or e-mailing info@hcea.net. Please reference Dept. OEM. by means of multiple operation. Up to


OEM Off-Highway | JUNE/JULY 2021

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