AR2102, AY 2023/2024 B.ARCH 2, SEMESTER 2
Yew Tee Primary School, Erik L’Heureux
Building Bodies |Body Building
Semester 2 AY 2023/2024
Throughout this semester, we will probe into the cultural and performative underpinnings of two envelopes that are situated in the climate and environment of the equator and in Singapore. Clothing – the body’s envelope – formally communicates, conditions, and shapes the body as much as it performs. And so does the architectural envelope. The envelope begins at the scale of the body but extends to the scale of the building. These two envelopes (Body & Building) have an intimate yet fraught cultural, formal, and performative relationship. Clothing impacts the experience of climate and environment, referred to as a clothing factor in the architectural domain. Yet, clothing is assumed to be outside the architects’ role – left to the inhabitant. The inhabitant, however, is culturally performing an expectation of body politics in climate and in turn, conditioning how architecture is assumed to construct its internal climate. We will examine the multitude of these cultural, formal, and performative underpinnings by designing, making, and experiencing two envelopes of the body and the building in the climatic and environmental milieu of Singapore.
Reflective Resonance by Delace Koh & Mao Mei
Soundscape by Chen Junyu Ryan & Chooi Enyu
Navigating Light by XiaoYiXuan & Chelsy TsanYan En
Beacons of Learning by Evan Tan & Felix Lim
The Aeolian Nexus by Bunag Ramela Joey Delen & Viernes Alexandra Michaela Abad
7 81 235 345 455
Reflective Resonance
Delace Koh & Mao Mei
Probe 1.1
Climate Driver:Sound
Our initial concept explores the concept of sound transmission by creating 2 distinct environments for 2 heads. In one setting, a head is situated within an enclosed space, with funnels attached to each side of the ear to maximize the intake of external sounds. Conversely, the other head occupies a semi-enclosed environment, allowing only partial sound infiltration from the surrounding area.
To simulate the interaction between two climates and environments, the two heads are interconnected by a funnel mechanism spanning from mouth to ear, serving as a conduit for both noise and heat transfer.
The objective of this project is to tackle a prevalent issue in educational settings: environmental noise. This noise often leads to distractions and disturbances for both students and teachers.
Receiving Direct Sound
2 Climate - Hot/Cold, Loud/Soft
Receiving Indirect Sound
2 Emvironment - Opened/Enclosed
Top View
Side View
Enclosed Envrionment (M)
Semi-Enclosed Envrionment (D)
Front View
2 Modules:
Probe 1.2
Climate Driver:Sound
In this investigation, we delved deeply into our main driver of climate - sound, specifically focusing on sound reflection. Our approach began with associating enclosed environments with amplified sound and semi-enclosed environments with diffused sound, drawing from existing research findings.
In environments where sound is directed towards a focal point for amplification, such as enclosed spaces, it results in a higher noise level. Conversely, in semienclosed spaces where sound is dampened through the material, it tends to be reflected off surfaces, leading to a lower noise level.
To accurately assess these effects, we utilized our bodies as measuring instruments. The precise positioning of our heads along the X,Y, Z axes was determined to ensure optimal comfort while wearing the apparatus.
Sound Research
Research was conducted on sound to comprehend its characteristics and facilitate the desired outcome.
Our exploration focused on the concept of sound reflection, delving into how surfaces and shapes influence the reflection of sound waves.
The waves will always reflect in such a way that the angle at which they approach the barrier equals the angle at which they reflect off the barrier.
occurs when a reflected sound wave reaches the ear more than 0.1 seconds after the original sound wave was heard.
occurs in a small room with height, width, and length dimensions of approximately 17 meters or less. The reception of multiple reflections off of walls and ceilings within 0.1 seconds of each other causes reverberations - the prolonging of a
Relationship - Shape
Reflect sound waves in such a way that the angle
Hard and Smooth
- Poor ability to abosrb sound
- Direct sound waves in a specific direction
- Achieve dispersive sound
- Greater ability to absorb sound
- Diffuse sound, reflecting it in a variety of directions
- Achieve lively and full sound effect
approaches the surface equals the angle at which the wave leaves the surface.
Curved surfaces with a parabolic shape have the habit of focusing sound waves to a point. Sound waves reflecting off of parabolic surfaces concentrate all their energy to a single point in space; at that point, the sound is amplified.
Sound reflection
Soft and Rough
Top View Side View
Enclosed Envrionment (D)
Using a parabolic shape (concave), the sound will reflect off the surface to a focal point, hence amplifying the sound.
Semi-Enclosed Envrionment (D)
Front View
Top View
1 Module:
Sound Testing - Noise Level
Light Testing
Convex Surface Convex Surface Before Before 73.2 74.3 72.9 72.9 73.1 73.0 73.0 73.4 72.8 72.3 72.8 72.3 0.2 1.0 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.7 After After Change in dB Change in dB
Smooth Plane Surface
Smooth Plane Surface
Probe 1.3
In order to fine-tune the concept of sound reflection within our apparatus, we made adjustments to the “walls” of the two environments. For the enclosed environment, a double-wall construction with insulation was adopted to further minimize sound refraction through the material. Meanwhile, the pattern for the semi-enclosed environment was simplified to reduce the amount of materials used, thereby decreasing the weight of the apparatus and maximizing its effectiveness.
Additionally, we introduced a secondary climate driver: light and humidity. To regulate the light levels within the environments, two materials, grey board and gauze, were implemented to the pattern to create the desired bright and dark spaces.
Considering our site’s location along the Kallang River, which experiences relatively high humidity, we addressed the impact of humidity on sound travel. For this purpose, specific outfits were selected for each member. One member wore long sleeves and pants, promoting higher body temperature and humidity levels within the enclosed environment, while the other wore short sleeves and shorts to maintain lower body temperature and humidity levels within the semi-enclosed environment.
Secondary Climate: Light
Secondary Climate: Humidity
The speed of sound in air increases with the increase in humidity
The humid air is heavy with noise, Sounds saturate the forest around us- insects buzz, frogs yelp, birds shriek, mammals scuttle, and bats clicks. Even the trees seems to pulsate with sound, as the din ricochets off the high canopy and cascades back to earth on a tide wave of noise.
Top View Side View
Site: Along Kallang River
Enclosed Envrionment (D)
Sound Testing (w environment)
Semi-Enclosed Envrionment (M)
Front View
Top View
Exterior Exterior 53.0 58 56.0 63.0 56.0 54.0 56.7 60.1 61.9 67.1 62.3 57.2 3.7 2.1 5.8 4.1 6.3 3.2 Interior Interior Change in dB Change in dB
3 Modules:
Probe 1.4
Climate Driver:Sound
In this investigation, we aim to elucidate the intricate relationship between climate, environment, and our apparatus, wherein three distinct climates impact the two environments housed within a single envelope.
Addressing the integration of these two environments as a unified envelope, we employed the pattern established in previous probes throughout the entirety of the apparatus. Moreover, we seamlessly connected the two heads within this envelope using an organic form.
Throughout this process, it was crucial to ensure that the functionality of sound reflection within each environment remained unchanged, despite the integration of the two environments into a single cohesive unit.
27 Top
Plan 1 Plan 2
Plan1 Scale1:3
Plan1 Scale1:3
Plan2 Scale1:3
Iteration 1
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Front View
3 Modules:
Top View
Probe 2:
by Delace Koh and Mao Mei Erik L’Heureux
Probe 2.1
Transitioning from Probe 1, our initial step involved overlaying Probe 1 onto the classroom section and conducting a climate analysis of Yew Tee Primary School. Utilizing the insights gained, we integrated elements from Probe 1 while maintaining our main focus on climate regulation.
To minimize alterations to the existing structure, we introduced slight modifications to the building facades and made minor adjustments to the walls to enhance acoustic concentration within the classroom and to mitigate sound transmission from neighboring school blocks.
Yew Tee Primary - Daylight Availability
3000 lux 0
Probe 2.1
Probe 2.2
We introduced a new program, farming, to address the students’ needs for outdoor interaction with nature beyond traditional classroom settings. By integrating elements such as drums from Probe 1 into our design, we created staggered balconies that serve as planters, transforming the building envelope into a green wall. Introducing this program not only revitalizes the courtyard space but also extends the greenery from the ground-floor garden to envelop the courtyard, fostering greater visual connectivity and interaction among students.
Additionally, the interior walls of the classrooms were curved to align with both climate considerations and the program’s requirements.
Furthermore, we utilized panels and frames from Probe 1 to serve as protective shields against rainwater and sunlight along the corridor.
0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% Exteriorclimate facingresidence Noisefrom externalcourtyard 75dB 0.2m/s 76dB 32.9°C 58.9%
Probe 2.2
Probe 2.2 - Daylight Availability
3000 lux 0
Probe 2.3
In this iteration, we enhanced the design language of the ‘drums’ by extending them vertically from top to bottom, thereby establishing a distinct contrast between different program areas.
Delving further into the classroom environment, we delved into the spectrum between formal and informal education. The incorporation of curved walls within the classrooms offers diverse learning scenarios for students, enhancing flexibility in teaching approaches. Utilizing the space between classrooms, we introduced openings and gathering areas, facilitating the differentiation of spaces to accommodate both “introverted” and “extroverted” students. Additionally, the gardening area is designed to be shared among classes, promoting collaborative learning experiences.
0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% noisefrom residence Noisefrom externalcourtyard 0.2m/s 76dB 32.9°C 58.9% 1:50
Probe 2.3
46 Farming Classroom
Probe 2.3 - Daylight Availability
3000 lux 0
Probe 2.4
For this iteration, we adjusted the floor slabs within the courtyard to enhance the prominence of the “drums” and improve climate control.
In the corridor area, we opted to extend the “drum language” to create a dynamic environment resembling a “jungle gym.” Rather than cantilevering the floor slabs, we replaced them with wire mesh to facilitate interaction between students across different floors. Additionally, ropes were incorporated into the frames of the drums, providing opportunities for students to climb and hang out within these structures.
0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% noisefrom residence Noisefrom externalcourtyard 0.2m/s 76dB 32.9°C 58.9%
Probe 2.4
Jungle Gym
Yew Tee Primary - Wind Velocity
Probe 2.4 Interior Wall - Wind Velocity
Flat vs Curved
Probe 2.4 - Daylight Availability
High lux Low
Probe 2.5
Reintroducing a design feature from Probe 1, we added thickness to the framing along the corridor to accommodate double panels. This inward offsetting not only enhances protection for the program but also serves to block rainwater from entering the classroom.
The panels integrated into the frames serve a dual purpose, akin to those in Probe 1, focusing on sound insulation. Our material selection, fiberglass, permits light transmission while effectively blocking rainwater, while cotton canvas allows light and partial wind passage. To address climatic considerations, such as wind, the panels are arranged with a gradient to channel airflow towards the classrooms.
Addressing other building surfaces, such as the fire engine access way, we extended the gardening frame around the eastern side of the building, linking the two primary sides (north and south). This wraparound structure not only facilitates wind flow to the courtyard but also guides wind through the space.
Maintaining consistency, the drums extend to the ground floor. On the northern slope, which extends beyond ground level to the basement, fiberglass panels were strategically placed to introduce natural light into the staff room below.
0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% noisefrom residence Noisefrom externalcourtyard 0.2m/s 76dB 32.9°C 58.9% MTWTFSSMTWTFSMTWTFSMTWTFSMTWTFSMTWTFSMTWTFSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWT 1:50
Probe 2.5
Jungle Gym
Material Research
Cotton Canvas
This is oldest n commonly used fabric material for the making of tents and shades on old days. It can be a light cotton twill, light canvas, or heavy proofed canvas.
Glass fibres are drawn into continuous filaments, which are then bundled into yarns. The yarns are woven to form a substrate. The fiberglass carries a high ultimate tensile strength, behaves elastically, and does not suffer from significant stress relaxation or creep. Because of its energy efficiency, high melting temperature and lack of creep, fiberglass-based fabrics have been the material of choice for stadium domes and other permanent structures.
United Nations Porte Cochere
Cape Town Stadium
Probe 2.5 Exterior (Jungle Gym) - Wind Velocity
Translucent Translucent Transparent Transparent Transparent
Probe 2.5 - Daylight Availability
High lux Low
73 3615.26 3615.26 GFA of Replacement 4092.26 4092.26 Volume (m³) Density (kg/m³) Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) 0.00 2400.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 7850.00 0.00 2.89 0.00 0.00 74.85 1650.00 123502.50 0.24 29640.60 8.20 3.50 7850.00 27475.00 3.91 107427.25 29.71 5.60 2700.00 15120.00 16.53 10.00 0.00 8.05 2500.00 20125.00 1.22 24552.50 6.79 0.00 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 Carbon Emission kgCO2e/m2 Carbon Emission for Demo building Excavator 16.76 60591.76 Transport to Landfil 10.82 39117.11 Volume (m³) Density (kg/m³) Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) 85.91 2400.00 206193.60 0.13 26805.17 6.55 3.44 7850.00 26977.00 2.89 77963.52 19.05 152.64 1650.00 251856.00 0.24 60445.44 14.77 1.19 7850.00 9349.35 3.91 36555.96 8.93 5.02 2700.00 13554.00 16.53 10.00 0.00 0.16 2500.00 400.00 1.22 488.00 0.12 0.00 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 kgCO2eq kgCO2eq/m2 202268.08 49.43 261339.22 72.29 463607.31 113.29 % of building demolished 100.0% #VALUE! #VALUE! TOTALS #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Mat Mass (kg) Length of Cube (Mass) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Length of Cube (Carbon) Con 0 0.00 0 0.00 Reb 0 0.00 0 0.00 Bric 123503 49.80 29641 30.95 Stee 27475 30.17 107427 47.54 Alum 15120 24.73 10 2.15 Gla 20125 27.20 24553 29.06 Timb 0 0.00 0 0.00 Adaptive reuse will produce New Demolition will produce times the amount of carbon emitted from Adaptive Reuse with the SAME GFA of the carbon that Full Demolition and reconstruction of the building would emit with the SAME GFA Carbon for New Demo (For comparison of SAME GFA) Carbon Savings New GFA of Rennovaed building Type of Carbon Embodied carbon of REPLACEMENT Carbon Emission from Partial Demolition Carbon for Adaptive Reuse TOTALS RATIO VOLUMETRIC DIAGRAM USE (da cubes) - Don't need to edit! Aluminum Glass Timber ENERGY USED TO PARTIALLY DEMOLISH BUILDING Transport Items Used Bricks Steel Steel PARAMETERS CARBON FOR PARTIAL DEMOLISHING BUILDING (MATERIALS) Materials DISPOSED Concrete Rebar (4%) GFA of Building to be rennovated (BEFORE) GFA of destroyed (m2) Aluminum Glass Timber EMBODIED CARBON OF REPLACEMENT (If any) - Partial Structure + Reinforcement (If any) Materials USED to replace Concrete Rebar (10%) Bricks CARBON SAVINGS
By Mao Mei
Our study regarding the performative and cultural components intertwined with the body and building envelopes takes us through exploratory activities aimed at revealing intricate relationships. These designs, which vary from creating a body envelope to redesigning a school building’s envelope, have given us the chance to critically examine the intricacies of design, as well as the effects of the environment, society, and climate change. This reflective essay delves deeper into the experiences, insights and learnings gained from these processes.
Probe 1: Bodybuilding
In probe 1, we have explored architecture in all its forms, from clothing choices to construction difficulties and inventive fixes. Our research began with the first stage of building a head envelope at a 1:1 scale. Working in pairs, we explored the difficulty it is to adapt to changes in temperature, light, sound, and other atmospheric conditions inside the head envelope. Two bodies linked together inside one envelope presented interesting problems that made us think about the physical dimensions as well as the sensory sensations both inside and outside the envelope.
Design concept:
We created two distinct environments for two heads as a result of our study into sound transmission. For the best sound infiltration, one head was positioned in an enclosed area with funnels, and the other was situated in a partially enclosed space. A funnel mechanism, which represents the interplay between different climates and environments, made it easier to connect diverse ecosystems. Our initiative investigated the effects of sound reflection on climate in an attempt to address the problem of environmental noise in educational environments. In line with previous studies, we linked semi-enclosed spaces to scattered sound and enclosed spaces to amplified sound. Our thoughtful positioning within the apparatus enabled us to measure the impacts precisely. In order to improve sound reflection, we made modifications to the walls of each environment. In the enclosed space, we used insulation, and in the semi-enclosed space, we made the pattern simpler in order to maximise weight reduction and efficiency.
We addressed the impact of humidity on sound transmission and light levels utilising materials like gauze and grey board, introducing them as supplementary climate drivers. Since clothing was chosen for both function and symbolic representation of metabolic rates, an in-depth understanding of how it reflects physiological processes is required. The individuals’ choice of clothing also had an impact; in the semi-enclosed area, one member maintained lower humidity levels while the other encouraged higher humidity levels in the enclosed area.
Our study combined three different climates into one envelope in an attempt to bring more light on the intricate relationships present between environment, climate, and our envelope. The smooth integration resulted in a unified piece while preserving the functionality of sound reflection. All in all, this approach forced us to consider sound’s interactions with various climates and settings in a novel way, which deepened our understanding of the dynamics of architecture and the surrounding environment.
Probe 02: Building Bodies
Our perspective was expanded to a greater scale as we went from developing personal head envelopes to redesigning the envelope of a school building. We addressed the issues of architectural design, climate adaptation, and embedded carbon reduction after learning from Probe 01. Using body envelope concepts in architectural design presented opportunities for growth as well as challenges. We expanded our perspective to take into account the overall performance, environmental interaction, and enhance social traits of students. Developing an appropriate head envelope that complemented our architectural concepts linked buildings’ exteriors and interiors and highlighted the balanced connection between people and their surroundings.
By Mao Mei
Design concept:
After moving on from Probe 1, we first conducted a climate study by superimposing its section onto the classroom area of Yew Tee Primary School. This helped us integrate the elements of Probe 1 while keeping the regulation of climate in mind. We modified the walls and made minor façade alterations to improve the acoustics of the classroom and minimise sound transmission in order to make minimal changes to the existing building. In order to improve outdoor engagement, we implemented a gardening program. We used components like drums to construct green balconies, which connected the building with nature and encouraged student interaction.
The ideas from Probe 1 were upwardly expanded in our design, and we included elements that sheltered the corridors from the sun and rain. Curved walls inside classrooms accommodated a variety of learning styles and temperature needs, while open areas catered to different student preferences. Collaborative learning was promoted via shared gardening spaces. With wire mesh flooring, climbing ropes, and double-panel protection, we created exciting circumstances and enhanced climate control in the courtyard and corridor sections. In order to address wind flow and sound insulation, materials with properties that involve light transmission and temperature resilience, such as fibreglass and cotton canvas, were selected. In order to enhance wind flow and direct it via different places, we expanded the gardening frames around the building. The drums’ design extended to the ground floor, introducing natural light to lower levels. Overall, our strategy successfully incorporated the insights from Probe 1, resulting in an effective fusion of creative education, environmental responsiveness, and architectural development.
Key takeaway:
The project took off with the detailed design techniques which were delicate on the concepts of the sun directions, the wind, the sound volume, and the necessary weather forecast data. Needless to say, much study and job simulation tests were fundamental in acquiring the required finesseYet it has become very difficult to assess how the climatic condition for the Probe 1 should be configured to meet the climate requirements in different parts of the school because it made me understand how complicated it is to design separately with the existing building. Apart from the above, we also focused on using Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of the building, its embodied carbon and environmental aspects. It followed an area that was out of our comfort zone, but the effect was obvious. We carried out, of course, very deep carbon figures, and the design of features was rused.
Peer Project Review:
Through discussing with other members we begin to comprehend that our thinking could be expanded, setting new ideas and improved conclusions. We were able to open our minds and learn other approaches and comforting solutions to the issues we were facing. As a result we got more sophisticated learning and know different aspects of those traditions, designs, and the environment. Our educational sphere was mentioned as a place where the feedback, sharing the knowledge and the reviews of peers play great roles. The groups have displayed various visuals, a schematic, and a voice-over to enlighten the audience about the idea presented. Through these measures, we wanted to combine the environmental design techniques, such as tilt and shadow zigzag solutions and transition from the outside light in, which brought the listeners to another level and involved them into this subject.
Our knowledge with architecture, sustainability, and human-environment interactions experienced significant breakthroughs during Probes 01 and 02, the ones we researched upon. Building head envelopes, rebuilding school envelopes, and evaluating peer designs took weeks of demanding work, which all led to valuable insights, failures, and personal growth. Nowadays we consider design principles, ethnos, climate factors, and sustainability guidelines while working on a project, consequently making our designs responsible and consequential.
By Delace
Probe 1: Bodybuilding
Working in pairs, we were tasked to construct a 600mm x 600mm x 1200mm envelope of 1:1 scale envelope for our respective bodies (heads only). With multiple conditions such as two bodies (heads) to be positioned within a single assemblage, the envelope is to calibrate and modulate our chosen climate drivers.
We first identified our primary climate driver, sound, then our secondary climate driver, light and humidity. As we mitigate around the research of sound where surfaces and forms play an important role, we were able to elucidate the intricate relationship between climate, environment, and our apparatus, where in three distinct climates impact the two environments housed within a single envelope.
Addressing the integration of these two environments as a unified envelope, the pattern was established throughout the entirety of the apparatus. Moreover, we seamlessly connected the two heads within this envelope using an organic form. Throughout this process, it was crucial to ensure that the functionality of sound reflection within each environment remained unchanged, despite the integration of the two environments into a single cohesive unit. We are also to define performance by utilizing traditional forms of climate measurement and awareness of body/building meaning and analogical ideas.
Through this exploration, we gained an understanding of the specific conditions necessary for each climate, as well as the interplay and impact of one climate on another. But is this considered architecture? From my perspective, Probe 1 represents a scaled-down exploration. Frequently, we lack the ability to fully gauge the climate within a large building. This investigation helps determine if the climatic concepts we propose are effective and provides justification for them. Consequently, I believe Probe 1 provides a solid foundation as we move towards implementing it in a real building.
Probe 2: Building bodies
For probe 2, we were tasked to superimpose, and transform probe 1 to redesign a 6-sided envelope of Yew Tee Primary School. During our site visit, we observed distinct differences in sound levels between the two sides of the school premises. The courtyard, bustling with activities during break times, emanated a notably higher level of noise compared to the quieter residential area. Inspired by the lush garden within the courtyard, we were compelled to integrate verdant elements throughout the space, revitalizing it with greenery. This led us to introduce designated gardening areas, enhancing the overall ambiance and functionality of the courtyard. As we delve further into the classroom environment, we delved into the spectrum between formal and informal education. The incorporation of curved walls within the classrooms offers diverse learning scenarios for students, enhancing flexibility in teaching approaches.
While endeavoring to integrate the climatic insights gleaned from Probe 1, our team arrived at a realization that programmes are also drivers of noise level. Trying to balance the noise level on 2 sides of the building, we introduced another programme, ‘jungle gym’, on the residential side. By strategically integrating programs to mitigate noise challenges, we aimed to enhance the overall functionality and livability of the building. Reintroducing design features from Probe 1, we added thickness to the framing along the corridor to accommodate double panels. The panels integrated into the frames serve a dual purpose, akin to those in Probe 1, focusing on sound insulation. Our material selection, fiberglass, permits light transmission while effectively blocking rainwater, while cotton canvas allows light and partial wind passage. To address climatic considerations, such as wind, the panels are arranged with a gradient to channel airflow towards the classrooms. During the development of Probe 2, one of the challenges we faced was preserving the elements of Probe 1 while navigating the constraints of scaling. The intricate details that defined Probe 1 posed a persistent challenge, frequently eluding us as we endeavored to replicate them in the larger 1:50 scale model. Scale emerged as a central point of contention, prompting ongoing debates regarding the delicate balance between fidelity to the original design and the aesthetics.
By Delace
Self - reflection
Given the adaptive nature of the project, our approach demanded meticulous consideration regarding any additions or subtractions to the building’s design. The intricacies of calculating the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) heightened our awareness of the embodied carbon footprint of materials chosen for construction. This mindfulness extended beyond mere functionality; it encompassed a responsibility toward sustainability and environmental stewardship. Each decision was weighed not only for its immediate impact but also for its long-term implications, ensuring that the project aligned with principles of energy efficiency and carbon neutrality.
Delving into the intricate relationship between clothing and architectural envelopes has been an eye-opening journey. Through our investigations, we unearthed how clothing serves as more than just a functional necessity—it communicates, conditions, and shapes our experiences of both self and environment. Similarly, the architectural envelope, spanning from the scale of the individual body to that of entire buildings, embodies a complex interplay of cultural, formal, and performative elements.
Peer Review
Through this collaborative project, we came to appreciate each other’s diverse strengths and honed a work methodology that maximized efficiency. Along the journey, we embrace our differences, particularly in the realm of divergent opinions and preferences. Rather than hindrances, we found that embracing these distinctions enriched our project, making it memorable and uniquely our own. It’s a project we’ll look back on with pride, knowing that our ability to embrace diversity contributed to its success and distinction.
Furthermore, it was interesting to hear from other groups as they share their progress on the project every week. While our group pursued distinct concepts and undertook varied tasks, these presentations served as invaluable learning opportunities. Despite our divergent approaches, we found common ground and exchanged insights, fostering a collaborative atmosphere where constructive feedback flowed freely. Each group’s unique perspective enriched our understanding, sparking new ideas and refining our own strategies. These interactions underscored the value of diversity in thought and methodology, reinforcing the notion that collective knowledge and shared experiences propel us toward greater innovation and success.
Chen Junyu Ryan & Chooi Enyu
Probe #1.1
Our exploration started of with a common wall that separated two bodies but at the same time connect them through sound. We were interested in how sound travelled within a confined space and wanted to see how this could impact a conversation between two people. Finding ways to amplify or reduce sound whilst at the same time exploring the idea of visual connection. What are some ways that we can visually fragment the face.
We explored speaking tubes and we were also looking at how people were able to listen using a conical shape. The exploration started of more visually than functionally and we wanted to explore how the materials are able to interact with one another. The use of gauze was a means to create a membrane for sound to pass through but also not be super reduced.
Probe #1, Front elevation , Enclosed Environment + Dark (Left) and Open Environment + Bright (Right)
Facial Fragmentation by grid system (Enyu)
Separating the senses and isolating them in different compartments (Vision and Sound)
Facial Fragmentation by grid system (Ryan)
Separating the senses and isolating them in different compartments (Sound and Wind)
Probe #1.1 Sectional Oblique
91 18 20 22 16 0 MTWTFS 2 01|1501|1601|1701|18011901|20 S 0121 Ryan:49h Greyboard(1.5mm) Greyboard(3mm) GauzeFabric Glue Paper(A1) MTWTFS 01|2201|2301|24012501|2601|27 S 01|28
Probe #1.2
After pinup we were task to have a clearer focus and goal hence we started to explore further sound as the primary climate. We were interested in retaining the aspect of conversations and thought that an envelope where two individuals of differing personality such as an introvert and an extrovert could talk. Hence we decided on exploring a queit space for the introvert and a louder and more lively space for the extrovert.
To retain the idea of isolated senses, we tried to create a more mechanical function to speaking and listening for the extrovert so that the extrovert would have to focus on one sense at a time.
18 22 24 16 14 06 MTWTFS 4 6 8 01|1501|1601|1701|1801|1901|20 S 01|21 Total Ryan:49h Total Ryan:49h Greyboard(1.5mm) Greyboard(3mm) GauzeFabric Glue Paper(A1) MTWTFS 01|2201|2301|2401|2501|2601|27 S 01|28 MTWTFS 01|2901|3001|3102|0102|0202|03 S 02|04 MTWTFS 02|0502|0602|0702|0802|0902|10 S 02|11 MTWTFS 02|1202|1302|1402|1502|1602|17 S 02|18 MTWTFS 02|1902|2002|2102|2202|2302|24 S 02|25 MTW 02|2602|2702|2802
Probe #1.2 Sectional Oblique
105 TFS |2903|0103|02 S 03|03 MTWTFS 03|0403|0503|0603|0703|0803|09 S 03|10 MTWTFS 03|1103|1203|1303|1403|1503|16 S 03|17 MTWTFS 03|1803|1903|2003|2103|2203|23 S 03|24 MTWTFS 03|2503|2603|2603|2703|2803|29 S 03|30 MTWTFS 03|3104|0104|0204|0304|0404|05 S 04|06 MTWTFS 04|0704|0804|0904|1004|1104|12 S 04|13
Probe #1.3
Probe #1.3 explores the isolation of sound in a greater degree by pin pointing the direct sounds and indirect sounds into tubes that run along the envelope.The baffles of the grid also explores the module screens that provide a greater surface area to reflect sound as well as a soft interior that was used to abosrb the sound from within the environment.
The second climate that was explored is wind and how it can be channelled through the funnel like modules that are being placed along the grids allowing for wind and sound to be amplified through the module making the environment for the environment louder and windy compared to the introvert which has a more stuffy and quiet environment.
XUnit 2 Erik L’heureux
107 X Unit 2 Erik L’heureux
108 X Unit 2 Erik L’heureux
109 X Unit 2 Erik L’heureux
110 XUnit 2 Erik L’heureux
111 X Unit 2 Erik L’heureux
112 X Unit 2 Erik L’heureux
113 X Unit 2 Erik L’heureux
114 XUnit 2 Erik L’heureux
115 X Unit 2 Erik L’heureux
Probe #1.3 Sectional Oblique
01150116011701|1801190120012101220123012401|250126012701280129013001|3102|01020202|0302|04020502|0602|070208020902|1002|11021202130214021502160217021802|1902200221022202|230224022502260227022802|290301030203030304030503| 68db 78db 76db 83db
117 0603070308030903|10031103|1203130314031503|16031703|1803190320032103|220323032403|2503260326032703280329033003310401040204|03040404050406040704|0804|090410041104|1204|13 85db 71db 85db 83db 2m/s 2.3m/s
Probe #1.4
Wind funnel and Ventilator. The exploration of channeling wind from the back of the envelope and making use of that air barrier to create distance between the introverts space and the baffles + modules. As the interior of the previous envelope didnt allow for much air to move we had to create openings for the air to escape however this made the sound level drop as gaps were introduced allowing for sound to enter.
The exploration of wind through the use of venturi effect to push the hot air up and out from the inner space in the introverts area so that it is more ventilated.
Probe #1.4 Sectional Oblique
129 MTWTFSSMTWTFSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSS 68.2db 77.3db75.2db 82.0db 82.0db
Sounds from Within Probe#1.5
Situated within the vibrant environment of SDE4’s open plaza where most of the communal activities happen, this envelope is designed for introverts to seek meaningful social engagement without feeling overwhelmed by external distractions.
By isolating external sounds, this envelope redefines the boundaries of social interaction where internalised sounds is more focused in this intimate space. Every whisper, laughter and exchange is emphasized to draw individuals closer in a shared moment of connection.
139 MTWTFSSMTWTFSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSS 68.2db 77.3db75.2db 82.0db BodySensationChart CoolingHot ExternalSound InternalSound AirFlow
Probe 2.1
For Probe 2.1, the exploration of the envelope now spans from the scale of the human body to the scale of a building. This expansion broadens the focus beyond just accommodating climates for introverted and extroverted individuals. Instead, the envelope addresses the multifaceted acoustic needs within the context of a primary school environment. This includes the considerations for exterior conditions, corridor and classroom environments.
In transitioning from Probe 1, we are prioritizing direct and indirect sound transmission at the exteriors and improving sound isolation in classrooms. Our design approach incorporates the angular elements derived from Probe 1 to encourage diverse acoustic experiments.
X Studio Title
145 X Studio Title 0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% 1.2m/s 68dB 32.1°C 55.7% 0.8m/s 69dB 31.7°C 56.2% 0.8m/s 70dB 32.2°C 56.8% 1.2m/s 70dB 32.9°C 56.9% 1.0m/s 72dB 33.2°C 59.7% 73dB Noise from ground level
of Probe
Probe 2.1 Overview
X Studio Title
Exterior Climate Exterior Climate Reflect & Direct Sound Isolate Sound Indirect Sound Corridor Climate Classroom Climate 65dB 70dB 72dB 75dB
147 X Studio Title
Exterior Climate - Reflect and Direct Sound
Noise Source 1 from adjacent block (during lesson)
Noise Source 2 from ground level (after lesson)
Adjacent Block
148 X Studio Title
Exploration of secondary climate: Envelope is tilted to allow ventilation
Noise Source 1 from adjacent block (during lesson)
Noise Source 2 from ground level (after lesson)
Directed to corridor through hollow tubes
149 X Studio Title
Isometric View
Isometric View
150 X Studio Title
Exterior Climate & Corridor Climate - Indirect Sound
Talking & Listening Tubes
151 X Studio Title
Isometric View
Exterior Exterior Corridor 2nd Storey 1st Storey Corridor Corridor
Isometric View
air rises & escapes through openings Noise from the exterior is reflected
152 X Studio Title
Cool air enters through hollow tubes
Roof eaves direct rainwater to corridor (noisy)
Classroom Climate
Climate - Noisy
User - Extrovert
Climate - Quiet
User - Introvert
153 X Studio Title
154 0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% South-southwest wind (SSW) 5 Feb 12pm
155 75dB 1.2m/s 68dB 32.1°C 55.7% 0.8m/s 69dB 31.7°C 56.2% 0.8m/s 70dB 32.2°C 56.8% 1.2m/s 70dB 32.9°C 56.9% 1.0m/s 72dB 33.2°C 59.7% 73dB Noise from ground level Noise from opposite block Head of Department Office Staff Resource/Lounge Area A/C
Probe 2.2
In developing Probe 2.2, we have expanded our exploration of the envelope beyond acoustic climate to allow ventilation, natural lighting and rainwater collection.
To enhance the angular design language, we experimented with different perforation patterns and integrated additional pipes that function as talking-listnening tubes and rainwater downpipes. The rainwater downpipes enable the smooth flow of rainwater while amplifying the soothing sound of rainfall. Together with the voices of students echoing across different floors, they add to the lively atmosphere of the school.
Additionally, on the courtyard side, a double-envelope element is introduced: the outer layer focus on sound dampening could contribute to a quieter and more serene atmosphere within the classroom environemnt, while the perforated inner layer allows for ventilation, particularly from the south south-west direction to optimize airflow and comfort.
Probe 2.2 Overview
X Studio Title
Exterior Climate Exterior Climate Reflect & Direct Sound Isolate Sound Indirect Sound Corridor Climate Classroom Climate 65dB 70dB 72dB 75dB
159 X Studio Title
Exterior Climate - Reflect and Direct Sound
Noise Source 1 from adjacent block (during lesson)
Noise Source 2 from ground level (after lesson)
160 X Studio Title
Noise Source 1 from adjacent block (during lesson)
Noise Source 2 from ground level (after lesson)
Directed to corridor through hollow tubes
Secondary Climate: Envelope is tilted to allow ventilation
Noise Source 2 from ground level (after lesson)
Directed to opposite corridor proposedthroughcorridor
Seamless continuity of the envelope from exterior to interior corridor via the introduction of perforated panels
161 X Studio Title Corridor
Isometric View
Isometric View
Plan View
162 X Studio Title
Exterior Climate & Corridor Climate - Indirect Sound
Exterior Corridor
Talking & Listening Tubes
163 X Studio Title
Isometric View
Secondary Climate - Rainwater Collection
Air gap (sound and heat reduction)
164 X Studio Title
Roof Climate
Classroom Climate
Climate - Noisy
User - Extrovert
Voices of peopleRainwater sound
Climate - Quiet
User - Introvert
165 X Studio Title
166 Radiation Mapping Before After 21 June 9am 21 June 12pm 21 June 3pm
Before After 21 June 9am 21 June 12pm 21 June 3pm
Point-in-time Illuminance
Material Research - Talking and Listening Tubes
Gutters typically have a long, narrow shape that helps guide water smoothly along its path.
Similarly, the talking and listening tubes could adopt a similar shape to facilitate the transmission of sound waves. The long, straight tube with smooth inner surfaces would help minimize sound distortion and loss.
Material Research - Soft Material for Acoustic Insulation
Inspired by sound barrier sheets, sound curtains are designed to be flexible and easily movable, allowing teachers to adjust the classroom layout as needed.
This flexibility enables the creation of temporary partitions to divide the classroom space for different activities or to provide privacy during group work.
Material Research - Hard Material for Acoustic Reflection
Perforated aluminum sheets are known for their ability to reflect sound waves due to their hard surface. It also offers flexibility in design that allows customization in terms of hole size, pattern, and spacing.
Embodied Carbon
172 GFA NEW (m2) 1374.20 Materials Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³) Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) Concrete 926.70 2400.00 2224080.00 0.13 289130.40 210.40 Rebar (4%) 37.07 7850.00 290983.80 2.89 840943.18 611.95 Steel 2.65 7850.00 20802.50 3.91 81337.78 59.19 Aluminum 59.38 2700.00 160326.00 16.53 10.00 0.01 Glass 3.33 2500.00 8325.00 1.22 10156.50 7.39 Number of PanelsEnergy used per unitCarbon Emission per kwhTotal Energy usedTotal Carbon used Energy used for PV manufacturing 51.00 4.00 10.00 204.00 2040.00 Transportation of PV Installation of PV kgCO2eq kgCO2eq /m2 1221577.86 888.94 PARAMETERS CARBON FOR NEW BUILDING (A1-A3) Total Embodied Carbon of Building CARBON FOR PV PANEL INSTALLATION TOTAL CARBON 1374.20 Units 0.00 No. of Floors 4 Energy per unit/kwHNo. of unitsHours used per dayDays used per weekWeeks used per year Yearly Energy Consumption /kwH Air Conditioning 1.2 5 6 5 52 9360 Fan 0.048 5 6 5 52 374.4 Heating 1.125 3 10 5 52 8775 Lighting 0.008 10 6 5 52 124.8 18634.20 kwh/year 13.56 kWh/m2*year 0.85 kgCO2e/kwh 15839.07 kgCO2e 6 PV Wa� Ra�ng (kW) 0.3 PV Efficiency 50% 328.5 kWH/year PV PANEL *varies based on the type of PV panels used Average Sunlight (h) Yearly Energy produced PARAMETERS GFA (m2) OPERATIONAL CARBON COMPONENTS (CLASSROOM + OFFICE) Components HVAC Energy Use Index (EUI) G.E.F Operational Carbon Total Energy consumed annually TOTAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION *Assuming no decarbonisa�on of Grid / GEF Same Rate
Operational Carbon
Demolition Carbon (Adaptive Reuse)
173 1374.20 0.00 GFA of Replacement 0.00 1374.20 Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³)Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) 7.79 2400.00 18696.00 0.13 2430.48#DIV/0! 0.31 7850.00 2446.06 2.89 7069.11#DIV/0! Carbon Emission kgCO2e/m2 Carbon Emission for Demo building Excavator 16.76 0.00 Transport to Landfil 10.82 0.00 Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³)Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) 23.05 2400.00 55320.00 0.13 7191.60#DIV/0! 2.31 7850.00 18094.25 2.89 52292.38#DIV/0! kgCO2eq kgCO2eq/m2 59483.98#DIV/0! 9499.59#DIV/0! 68983.58 50.20 % of building demolished 0.0% 8455648.52 2311.07 TOTALS 8386664.95 6102.94 0.8% 123 PARAMETERS CARBON FOR PARTIAL DEMOLISHING BUILDING (MATERIALS) Materials DISPOSED Concrete Rebar (4%) GFA of Building to be rennovated (BEFORE) GFA of destroyed (m2) EMBODIED CARBON OF REPLACEMENT (If any) - Partial Structure + Reinforcement (If any) Materials USED to replace Concrete Rebar (10%) CARBON SAVINGS A daptive reuse will produce New Demolition will produce times the amount of carbon emitted from Adaptive Reuse with the SAME GFA of the carbon that Full Demolition and reconstruction of the building would emit with the SAME GFA Carbon for New Demo ( For comparison of SAME GFA) Carbon Savings
Type of Carbon Embodied carbon of REPLACEMENT Carbon Emission from Partial Demolition Carbon for Adaptive Reuse TOTALS ENERGY USED TO PARTIALLY DEMOLISH BUILDING Transport Items Used
New GFA of Rennovated building
174 Greyboard(1.5mm) Greyboard(3mm) Paper(A1) Noise from residence 0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% South-southwest wind (SSW) 5 Feb 12pm
175 75dB 1.2m/s 68dB 32.1°C 55.7% 0.8m/s 69dB 31.7°C 56.2% 0.8m/s 70dB 32.2°C 56.8% 1.2m/s 70dB 32.9°C 56.9% 1.0m/s 72dB 33.2°C 59.7% 73dB Noise from ground level Noise from opposite block Head of Department Office Staff Resource/Lounge Area A/C
Probe 2.3
In the development of Probe 2.3, we integrated “soft material” to introduce greater perforation. This includes incorporating wire mesh to encourage the growth of creepers onto the envelope that provide natural shading from direct sunlight along the classroom corridor. This approach invites nature to become an integral part of the learning environment.
On the courtyard side, we decided to reduce the previous heavy appearance by introducing horizontal louvres. These will serve as a framework for gauze to create a softer aesthetic. Additionally, soft materials will be utilized to absorb noise from adjacent blocks. Louvres nearer to the windows will be strategically placed to absorb more noise to enhance acoustic comfort for students and staffs.
The wire mesh serves a dual purpose in Probe 2.3.
It not only provides a medium for greenery to thrive, it also extends from the exterior to the interior and becomes a netting where students can relax and play.
This seamless integration enhances visual and sound connectivity between different floors, which promotes a playful and vibrant learning environment for students even after lessons end.
The horizontal louvres in Probe 2.3 are designed to allow wire mesh to coil around them to create a more dynamic visual effect.
The zig-zag design language increases the surface planes,and enhances the reflection of noise from adjacent blocks.
In contrast to the heavy appearance of Probe 2.2, this perforated envelope design prioritizes improved ventilation and natural light to create a more welcoming and comfortable classroom environment.
Radiation Mapping
Point-in-time Illuminance
Before 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 12 p.m. 12 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. After
Embodied Carbon
184 GFA NEW (m2) 5364.39 Materials Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³) Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) Concrete 0.00 2400.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 Rebar (4%) 0.00 7850.00 0.00 2.89 0.00 0.00 Bricks 0.00 1650.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 Steel 59.64 7850.00 468174.00 3.91 1830560.34 341.24 Aluminum 19.31 2700.00 52137.00 16.53 10.00 0.00 Glass 0.00 2500.00 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.00 Timber 0.00 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 Num ber of PanelsEnergy used per unitCarbon Emission per kwhTotal Energy usedTotal Carbon used Energy used for PV manufacturing 51.00 4.00 10.00 204.00 2040.00 Transportation of PV Installation of PV kgCO2eq kgCO2eq /m2 1830570.34 341.24 PARAMETERS CARBON FOR NEW BUILDING (A1-A3)
Operational Carbon
Demolition Carbon (Adaptive Reuse)
185 5364.39 0.00 GFA of Replacement 0.00 Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³)Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) 0.00 2400.00 0.00 0.13 0.00#DIV/0! 0.00 7850.00 0.00 2.89 0.00#DIV/0! 0.00 1650.00 0.00 0.24 0.00#DIV/0! 0.00 7850.00 0.00 3.91 0.00#DIV/0! 13.89 2700.00 37503.00 16.53 10.00#DIV/0! 0.00 2500.00 0.00 1.22 0.00#DIV/0! 0.00 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00#DIV/0! Carbon Emission kgCO2e/m2 Carbon Emission for Demo building Excavator 16.76 0.00 Transport to Landfil 10.82 0.00 Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³)Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) 2400.00 0.00 0.13 0.00#DIV/0! 0.00 7850.00 0.00 2.89 0.00#DIV/0! 1650.00 0.00 0.24 0.00#DIV/0! 53.16 7850.00 417306.00 3.91 1631666.46#DIV/0! 28.61 2700.00 77247.00 16.53 10.00#DIV/0! 2500.00 0.00 1.22 0.00#DIV/0! 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00#DIV/0! kgCO2eq kgCO2eq/m2 1631676.46 304.17 Type of Carbon Embodied carbon of REPLACEMENT TOTALS Aluminum Glass Timber ENERGY USED TO PARTIALLY DEMOLISH BUILDING Transport Items Used Bricks Steel Steel PARAMETERS CARBON FOR PARTIAL DEMOLISHING BUILDING (MATERIALS) Materials DISPOSED Concrete Rebar (4%) GFA of Building to be rennovated (BEFORE) GFA of destroyed (m2) Aluminum Glass Timber EMBODIED CARBON OF REPLACEMENT (If any) - Partial Structure + Reinforcement (If any) Materials USED to replace Concrete Rebar (10%) Bricks 1374.20 Units 0.00 No. of Floors 4 Energy per unit/kwHNo. of unitsHours used per dayDays used per weekWeeks used per year Yearly Energy Consumption /kwH Air Conditioning 1.2 5 6 5 52 9360 Fan 0.048 5 6 5 52 374.4 Heating 1.125 3 10 5 52 8775 Lighting 0.008 10 6 5 52 124.8 18634.20 kwh/year 13.56 kWh/m2*year 0.85 kgCO2e/kwh 15839.07 kgCO2e 6 PV Wa� Ra�ng (kW) 0.3 PV Efficiency 50% 328.5 kWH/year PV PANEL *varies based on the type of PV panels used Average Sunlight (h) Yearly Energy produced PARAMETERS GFA (m2) OPERATIONAL CARBON COMPONENTS (CLASSROOM + OFFICE) Components HVAC Energy Use Index (EUI) G.E.F Operational Carbon Total Energy consumed annually TOTAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION *Assuming no decarbonisa�on of Grid / GEF Same Rate
186 Noise from residence 0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% South-southwest wind (SSW)
187 75dB 1.2m/s 68dB 32.1°C 55.7% 0.8m/s 69dB 31.7°C 56.2% 0.8m/s 70dB 32.2°C 56.8% 1.2m/s 70dB 32.9°C 56.9% 1.0m/s 72dB 33.2°C 59.7% 73dB Noise from ground level Noise from opposite block Head of Department Office Staff Resource/Lounge Area A/C
Probe 2.4
For Probe 2.4, we made several design decisions to enhance functionality and user experience. Firstly, we decided to terminate the wire mesh envelope at the first storey, opting instead for perforated aluminum panels with vertical slits for the upper storeys. This offers greater flexibility in adjusting the sizes of the perforations and enable us to better respond to natural ventilation and lighting needs. The perforation sizes gradually change near the classroom doors to increase openness and facilitate cross ventilation.
Additionally, we extended the steel pipes to the opposite side of the building. This approach allows us to incorporate different protrusions of the pipes and effectively serves as structural supports for holding perforated acoustic panels at various angles.
To further enhance the vibrancy of the entire block, particularly after lessons, we proposed new corridor spaces between classrooms. These additional corridors connect both exteriors and classroom spaces, thus providing students with opportunities to socialize and interact with one another.
Exterior Climate - Acoustic Dampening
190 Adjacent Block Classroom Classroom Classroom Office 35° 25° Noise Source ~ 1.4m from ground ~1.2m ~1.7m Acoustical “line-of-sight” ~0.8m noise source Ambient noise 1. 2. 3. 4. Sound entering the material causes it to vibrate and heat up Heat radiates away Perforated aluminium sheet Mineral wool Solid sheet Reflected sound is reduced
We also considered how the envelope can wrap the entire building, extending from the roof down to the fire access and basement areas. To emphasize the angular design language, we incorporated the steel pipe structure throughout.
In the basement play area where students often gather, wire mesh panels are used to occupy the ceiling to allow for the introduction of greenery and creating a more natural and inviting atmosphere.
For the high-traffic fire access area, we opted for aluminum panels. These panels are designed to create echoes that add to the vibrancy of the school environment.
Acoustic Simulation - Before
-Source -Receiver
75dB 69dB 71dB 73dB 62dB 75dB 75dB 75dB 75dB 69dB 71dB 73dB 62dB Lor Receiver 0 Receiver
1 Receiver 2 Receiver 3
Acoustic Simulation - After
-Source -Receiver
75dB 60dB 55dB 45dB 75dB 75dB 75dB 75dB 65dB 60dB 55dB 45dB
Receiver 0 Receiver 1 Receiver 2 Receiver 3
Acoustic Simulation - Proposed Corridor
4 75dB 61dB
-Source -Receiver 75dB61dBReceiver
Wind Simulation
198 Radiation
Mapping Before After
Point-in-time Illuminance
Before 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 12 p.m. 12 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. After
Carbon (Adaptive Reuse)
200 GFA NEW (m2) 5364.39 Materials Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³) Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) Concrete 0.00 2400.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 Rebar (4%) 0.00 7850.00 0.00 2.89 0.00 0.00 Bricks 23.34 1650.00 38511.00 0.24 9242.64 1.72 Steel 0.66 7850.00 5181.00 3.91 20257.71 3.78 Aluminum 7.97 2700.00 21519.00 16.53 10.00 0.00 Glass 0.00 2500.00 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.00 Timber 0.00 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 Number of PanelsEnergy used per unitCarbon Emission per kwhTotal Energy usedTotal Carbon used Energy used for PV manufacturing 51.00 4.00 10.00 204.00 2040.00 Transportation of PV Installation of PV kgCO2eq kgCO2eq /m2 29510.35 5.50 PARAMETERS CARBON FOR NEW BUILDING (A1-A3) CARBON FOR PV PANEL INSTALLATION TOTAL CARBON Total Embodied Carbon of Building GFA NEW (m2) 5364.39 Materials Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³) Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) Concrete 0.00 2400.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 Rebar (4%) 0.00 7850.00 0.00 2.89 0.00 0.00 Bricks 0.00 1650.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 Steel 39.65 7850.00 311252.50 3.91 1216997.28 226.87 Aluminum 71.36 2700.00 192672.00 16.53 10.00 0.00 Glass 0.00 2500.00 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.00 Timber 0.00 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 Number of PanelsEnergy used per unitCarbon Emission per kwhTotal Energy usedTotal Carbon used Energy used for PV manufacturing 50.00 4.00 10.00 200.00 2000.00 Transportation of PV Installation of PV kgCO2eq kgCO2eq /m2 1217007.28 226.87 PARAMETERS CARBON FOR NEW BUILDING (A1-A3) CARBON FOR PV PANEL INSTALLATION TOTAL CARBON Total Embodied Carbon of Building
Embodied Carbon
202 Noise from residence 0.3m/s 60dB 31.5 56.7% South-southwest wind (SSW)
203 75dB 0.3m/s °C 56.7% 1.2m/s 68dB 32.1°C 55.7% 0.8m/s 69dB 31.7°C 56.2% 0.8m/s 70dB 32.2°C 56.8% 1.2m/s 70dB 32.9°C 56.9% 1.0m/s 72dB 33.2°C 59.7% 73dB Noise from ground level Noise from opposite block Head of Department Office Staff Resource/Lounge Area A/C
Probe 2 Final - Soundscape
Situated at Yew Tee Primary School, Soundscape prioritizes creating a playful and lively learning environment by addressing acoustic comfort as the primary climate. Soundscape goes beyond typical climate-responsive envelopes. It not only focuses on dampening noise during lessons to enhance a conducive learning environment, it also allows for a contrast with acoustic play to create a lively and vibrant atmosphere after lesson.
Transitioning from Probe 1, “Sounds from Within”, the envelope expands from the scale of the individual body to that of a building. This shift broadens the focus from creating environments for introverted and extroverted individuals to a larger context with more complex climatic considerations such as wind, heat, light, and rain.
The flow extends from the exterior to the classroom, corridor, and to the exterior with each environment requiring different treatments for sound. Soundscape also responds to other climatic considerations which often acts as contradictory factors that require careful balancing.
206 Exterior Climate Corridor Climate Classroom Climate Exterior Climate 65dB 70dB 72dB 75dB Acoustic Play Acoustic Isolation Acoustic Dampening Probe 2 Final Overview
Exterior Climate - Acoustic Dampening
Acoustical “line-of-sight”
Noise Source ~ 1.4m from ground
25° 35°
Reflected sound is reduced noise source
Heat radiates away
Sound entering the material causes it to vibrate and heat up
Ambient noise 1. 2. 3. 4.
Perforated aluminium sheet
Perforated aluminium sheet Mineral wool
Exterior Climate - Wind and Heat
The steel pipes stick out at different length affected the angle of panels that are attached onto it. The angle of the panels increases when it goes higher as we know that the noise source will hit the lower part of the wall due to more obstruction and diffraction. Hence, when the angle of the panels increases, it creates bigger opening to allow more ventilation.
To maximize natural lighting, the perforated aluminum panels are designed to be shorter at the top, as the highest floor is farther from the ground noise source. Conversely, the length of the panels increases gradually as they descend as it is closer to the noise source.
a.m. p.m.
Sound Simulation - Before
Sound Simulation - After
Climate - Acoustic Isolation
During Lesson
After Lesson
The perforated acoustic panels extend seamlessly from the exterior to the interior, serving as partitions that separate wet areas from the classroom.
When closed, they enable sound to travel from the courtyard to the corridor while isolating external noise from reaching the classroom. When opened, they facilitate interactions between two classrooms after lessons.
Sound Simulation - Proposed Corridor
Sound Simulation - Fire Access
Climate - Rainwater Collection
218 Exterior
Overhang to block rainwater downpipes to collect and divert rain to the lower floors, allowing users to listen to the flowing water as it travels down
Exterior Climate - Natural Lighting
Perforation follows the vertical draping and grids of the solar panel, and allows for diffused light to illuminate the space
The talking and listening tubes at the classroom corridor enable acoustic play where students can interact between different floors to promote innovative learning experiences.
The envelope shows seamless continuity by extending steel pipes to connect both sides of the building envelopes.
This feature is visible at every corner of the school which symbolizes the theme of playfulness and liveliness through various acoustic treatments.
Experiment with the integration of the creepers into wire mesh to explore their potential for providing natural shading while maintaining ventilation.
Radiation Mapping
1st Storey
3rd Storey
Heat radiation increases at 3rd Storey compared to 1st Storey due to the shorter perforated aluminium panels used, thus allowing more heat from the sun to reach the interior of the classroom.
Point-in-time Illuminance
1st Storey
3rd Storey
Illuminance increases at 3rd Storey compared to 1st Storey due to the shorter perforated aluminium panels used, thus allowing more light from the sun to reach the interior of the classroom.
Embodied Carbon
Demolition Carbon (Adaptive Reuse)
228 GFA NEW (m2) 5364.39 Materials Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³) Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) Concrete 0.00 2400.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 Rebar (4%) 0.00 7850.00 0.00 2.89 0.00 0.00 Bricks 0.00 1650.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 Steel 30.14 7850.00 236599.00 1.55 366728.45 68.36 Aluminum 56.72 2700.00 153144.00 1.85 283316.40 52.81 Glass 0.00 2500.00 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.00 Timber 0.00 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 Number of PanelsEnergy used per unitCarbon Emission per kwhTotal Energy usedTotal Carbon used Energy used for PV manufacturing 50.00 4.00 10.00 200.00 2000.00 Transportation of PV Installation of PV kgCO2eq kgCO2eq /m2 650044.85 121.18 PARAMETERS CARBON FOR NEW BUILDING (A1-A3) CARBON FOR PV PANEL INSTALLATION TOTAL CARBON Total Embodied Carbon of Building GFA NEW (m2) 5364.39 Materials Volume (m³)Density (kg/m³) Mass (kg) Embodied Carbon Factor (kgCO2eq/kg) Carbon (kgCO2eq) Carbon per m2 (kgCO2eq/m2) Concrete 0.00 2400.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 Rebar (4%) 0.00 7850.00 0.00 2.89 0.00 0.00 Bricks 23.34 1650.00 38511.00 0.24 9242.64 1.72 Steel 0.66 7850.00 5181.00 3.91 20257.71 3.78 Aluminum 7.97 2700.00 21519.00 1.85 39810.15 7.42 Glass 0.00 2500.00 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.00 Timber 0.00 620.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 Number of PanelsEnergy used per unitCarbon Emission per kwhTotal Energy usedTotal Carbon used Energy used for PV manufacturing 51.00 4.00 10.00 204.00 2040.00 Transportation of PV Installation of PV kgCO2eq kgCO2eq /m2 69310.50 12.92 PARAMETERS CARBON FOR NEW BUILDING (A1-A3) CARBON FOR PV PANEL INSTALLATION TOTAL CARBON Total Embodied Carbon of Building
Operational Carbon
Roof Area = 1034.03 sqm
Max number of solar panels = 476
Total capacity = Number of panels × Capacity per panel
Total capacity = 476 panels × 300 watts/panel = 142,800 watts = 142.8 kW
energy generation = 142.8 kW × 4.75 hours/day = 678.9 kWh/day
energy generation = 678.9 kWh/day × 365 days = 247,723.5 kWh/year
The system is Net Positive
229 5364.39 Units 17.00 No. of Floors 3 Energy per unit/kwHNo. of unitsHours used per dayDays used per weekWeeks used per year Yearly Energy Consumption Air Condi�oning 1.2 0 10 7 52 0 Fan 0.048 153 10 7 52 26732.16 Hea�ng 1.125 0 10 4 10 0 Water Hea�ng 1.25 0 0.5 7 52 0 Ligh�ng 0.008 272 10 7 52 7920.64 Refridgerators 0.17 2 24 7 52 2912 Laundry 0.9 0 3 3 52 0 Corridor Ligh�ng 0.56 25 7 7 52 35672 Elevators (USE) 0.83 2 1 7 52 604.24 Elevators (IDLE) 0.21 2 23 7 52 3516.24 77357.28 kwh/year 14.42 kWh/m2*year 0.85 kgCO2e/kwh 65753.69 kgCO2e 12.26 kgCO2e/m2/year Energy Use Index (EUI) G.E.F Opera�onal Carbon TOTAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION Total Energy consumed annually *Assuming no decarbonisa�on of Grid / GEF Same Rate OPERATIONAL CARBON COMPONENETS (EXTERIOR) PARAMETERS GFA (m2) OPERATIONAL CARBON COMPONENTS (INTERIOR) Components HVAC
230 Noise from residence 0.3m/s 60dB 31.5°C 56.7% South-southwest wind (SSW)
231 75dB
69dB 31.7°C 56.2% 1.2m/s 70dB 32.9°C 56.9% 0.8m/s 70dB 32.2°C 56.8% 1.0m/s 72dB 33.2°C 59.7% 73dB Noise from ground level Noise from opposite block
Navigating Light
Xiao YiXuan & Chelsy Tsan Yan En
Unit 2: Building Bodies
237 Probe 1
Probe 1
Our focus draws into how different light qualities influence our visual perceptions. Starting with the restrictions of given materials and boundary, we challenged how a body could experience a universal head apparatus defined by views. Expanding on the permeability of light rays through varying view frames, we ventured into defining the different possibilities of experiencing light in relation to our vision, manipulating hard and soft, opaque and translucent materials to fabricate intricate contrasts between climates. The different permeabilities of the materials were also utilised to manipulate the audial conditions within the apparatus, allowing soft materials to absorb undesirable noise and hard materials to retain sound. The result is an apparatus that connects the visual and audial experience between two bodies, with each body still retaining an unique sensory experience different from the other.
Immediate understanding of the probe
Separate zones: one climate and environment - transition/ contamination - one climate and environment
Challenging the overall form and geometry Why should the frames be quadrilateral? Why is it a box? Is there a bias due to the given boundary?
The human body in relation to materiality
Given a fixed type of material we could work with, finding what and how they can relate to what our bodies experience was a crucial step in beginning our ideation. This brief unpacking of the two drastically different materials gave way to possible interactions and rationalisation along the way as our concept becomes more defined.
Layering the opacity in gauze fabric
Layering the opacity in gauze fabric
~50% opacity in gauze fabric
This particular gauze fabric had a high opacity which made it difficult to expand and test different variations. The further one distances away from the gauze fabric layer, the more visible one is. It could be caused by the light entering into the gradually increasing distance or the gauze fabric boundary which may be too small.
Week 1 study: plan
Week 1 apparatus: elevation 1
Week 1 study: elevation 2
As greyboard is naturally opague, layering one over the other as it is will not have any effect on its opacity. Instead, apertures are made such that not only visibility through the layer is allowed, there is potential in framing a view unique to a respective position of the viewer.
Framing the perspective
Apertures that changes shape as the angle between two frames changes.
Visibility in motion
Changing degrees of visibility in accordance to velocity
Attempt to observe material traits with visibility
Variations 1 & 2 in utilising the apparatus
The user fits the apparatus, instead of the apparatus fitting the user.
Unexpected perspectives
Individually, the frames function at their own wavelengths. When placed together, they work together to craft a unique view for whoever places their head in the apparatus. According to bodily differences and the user’s choice of positioning, the apparatus works to use its apertures and opacity to frame opposite views. Yet, the highly universal nature of this experiment left too much ambiguity. Is it the acoustics, atmosphere or merely the perspective that is being observed?
Person 1 POV
[Variation 2]
Sees only half the body
Person 2 POV
[Variation 2]
Sees much of the body from the top of the head.
Week 1 apparatus: plan
Week 1 apparatus: elevation
Week 1 sectional oblique
Unpacking light processes
Light qualities
Connected or continuous climatic influences between defined climates
Digital modelling and modifications
Material dimensions restricted the volume and structure modelled
The dimensions can also affect the degree of accuracy of our observations.
Digital modelling and modifications
Attempt to maximise and isolate parameters that directly influences the intended observations
Side elevation
Experiment located under direct sunlight (outdoors), affecting the way light reflects into the apparatus. Sky: Clear; Vegetation: Not providing shade, Activity: Traffic
Taking into account the height difference between the two heads (with the gently sloping surface of SDE3 drop-off point)
Climate: (atmospheric) light level observations
Environment: (physical) planes that form the immediate surroundings
Envelope: planes that wrap around the apparatus
Front elevation
Selection of time
[Fri, 26/01, 1530]
Left: Sun path, Right: Direct normal radiation prediction
710Wh/sq m
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 16 18 20 22 Days in a Year Hours in each day SINGAPORE 0 1000 Wh/m² DirectNormalRadiation|Jan26-Jan26|WholeDay| Total of24Hours|>Calm0 m/s |21-34°C|0%-100%humidity Range:0-923|Mean:78.5
Primary structural greyboard joinery
Creating depth in the grooves deepens the connection and ensured greater grip.
Large-scale assembly
Positioning apparatus on its larger surface area for greater stability; Uncooperative planes that were difficult to slot in and seemed redundant; Black soot marks left after laser cutting
Constructing at 1:1 scale made the accumulation of greyboard heavy and hard to support. While the grooves were laser cut, some slid in nicely, some were loose, and others were extremely tight. This made the assembly process much longer due to the span and tension of the joints.
View from light obstruction climate into contamination Planes the obstructs light (contamination zone) countered by the brightness of the light concentration climate makes vision easier
View from light concentration climate into contamination Planes the obstructs light (contamination zone) and the darkness of the light obstruction climate makes vision hard
Week 2 apparatus: plan
Week 2 apparatus: elevation
Week 2 sectional oblique
Testing different planar patterns for controlled light climate To select the one that allows the least light (lux level) to enter
Parallel down (lux - 1172)
Parallel up (lux - 8536)
V-shaped (lux - 9483)
Tapered up (lux - 4572)
Zigzag (lux - 1100)
Side elevation
Following the sun path with the light scattering climate facing the sun on Sat, 3 Feb, 1130
Fabrication of scattered light climate using gauze fabric
Tying pleated gauze onto hooks Thin threads are more efficient tied
Slotting stands for planes in contamination zone Gauze fabric thickened the slanted planes
of selected atmospheric condition
[Sat, 03/02, 1130]
Sky: Clear; Vegetation: Not providing shade, spacious grass patch to minimise light reflection
entering from apparatus’ head entry (as opposed to the sealed surface at the carpark), Activity: Traffic, open plaza above, aircraft
View from scattered light climate Lux level: 9019/ 15840; Temperature: 32.8 °C/ 35.3 °C; Thermal sensation: Hot; Clothing: Light-coloured; Sound level: 58dB/ 68 dB
View from controlled light climate
Lux level: 4112/ 15840; Temperature: 33.1 °C/ 35.3 °C; Thermal sensation: Hot; Clothing: Dark-coloured; Sound level: 60dB/ 68dB
Week 3 apparatus: plan
Week 3 apparatus: elevation
Week 3 sectional oblique
Changing forms
Assembly of controlled light climate
Left to right: Thickness of greyboard differed, resulting in the need to cut manually; Assembly of panels; Panels adjacent to slanted surfaces suspended; Manually cutting missing pieces from 1.5mm greyboard (this was easier to cut)
Assembly of controlled light climate
Angled surfaces that had to be supported counteractive to the toppling surfaces (weight of the panels added to the risk of toppling over)
Installation and fabrication process of pleated gauze for light diffusion Attempts to keep pleating consistent across all surfaces by first pleating before threading the thread through, which differs from the previous iteration where thread were sewn during pleating.
Different degrees of vision
Top: 2300; Bottom: 0700
View of selected atmospheric condition (Left: 1515; Right: 1530) [Sun, 18/02, 1530]
Sky: Clear; Vegetation: Not providing shade, spacious grass patch to minimise light reflection from entering from apparatus’ head entry, Activity: Traffic
View from scattered light climate Lux level: 5233/ 7064; Clothing: Light-coloured; Sound level: 65 dB/ 67 dB
View from controlled light climate Lux level: 709/ 7064; Clothing: Dark-coloured; Sound level: 62 dB/ 67 dB
Week 5 apparatus: elevation 1
Week 5 apparatus: elevation 2
Week 5 sectional oblique
Sketches of apparatus
In relation to the concept, bodies and joineries
Adapting to different bodies and body relations
The drastic change in height is one of the greatest challenges in closing the probe
Taking from the contamination idea in Week 5, the intention of the gauze is to 1) further diffuse light from the scattered light climate into the controlled light climate such that the contrast in the controlled light climate decreases, reducing the effect of glare in the controlled light climate, and 2) play with opacity through layering and cutting apertures in the gauze such that un-diffused light in the controlled climate is funnelled into the scattered light climate, increasing the contrast between the scattered light climate and what one sees through the contamination zone, and thus directing glare into the scattered light climate.
Adapting to different bodies and body relations
The drastic change in height is one of the greatest challenges in closing the probe
Returning to using 3mm greyboard to provide strength and structure despite the weight
Fabrication of controlled light climate
Fabrication of scattered light climate
Enhanced consistency in the pleating of the gauze through increased tension of the threads
1 final apparatus
Probe 1 closure: plan
Probe 1 closure: elevation
289 Probe 2
Yew Tee Primary School
Probe 2
Bringing the contrasting light climates and their connecting zones from the head apparatus into Yew Tee Primary School, we sought to craft spaces that promote interactive and experiential learning differentiated by the manipulation of light qualities. Spaces that enhanced the spatial and climatic experiences of the school community. As we revitalise existing spaces, opportunities to introduce new functions that complement primary activity spaces change the defined climatic zones in the head apparatus, adding new unexpected discoveries influencing how we view light.
Superimposition of Probe
Analysing existing architecture
What climatic characteristics and problems does the community face?
Possible climatic zoning
How can we translate and scale our observations from the apparatus to architecture?
Developing design language What can we do to integrate the panels and pleated gauze into the existing primary school architecture?
Atrium sketches Building climates past the interior of the apparatus and between adjacent probes
Atrium sketches
How much classroom space can we occupy so that the classrooms can still accommodate 40 sets of tables and chairs?
Classrooms still need to be big enough to accommodate 40 students and respective number of teachers
Atrium sketches
Distribution of atrium such that all classrooms are equally illuminated
After widening the apertures in the atrium
Pushing out the entrance/ exit of the classroom after the atrium eats into the classroom area
Classroom sketches Appropriate sizing of the boundaries making up the classroom
Filling in awkward corners that surrounds the classrooms and their furniture
Classroom sketches
How would light reflect off surfaces such that the classrooms are well illuminated but not too glariing
Parapet obstructs light shining directly at a lower height: is that really what we want?
How much space can we use in the classrooms and for what functions
Wall panels sketches To not obstruct too much light but also bringing in adequate amount of lighting
Golconde dormitory
Operational louvres
Image by Vir,Mueller Architects, Architectural Digest
Gauze wall sketches
How do we make the pleating of the gauze feasible while maintaining the idea of using its pleated density to diffuse light?
Possible species of trees (from NParks) (Top) Melaleuca cajuputi Powell; (Bottom) Hopea odorata Roxb.
Being one of the primary surfaces bringing in daylight, the roof had to balance light and other climatic factors like rain to ensure feasibility of the interior spaces
Fabrication of roof
The Menil Collection Roof daylighting Image by Alamy, CURBED
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP) Roof daylighting - diffusion Image by Julian Weyer
Double layered roof: mitigate rain while bringing in daylight
322 Final 1:30 sectional model
324 Final 1:50 sectional model
Final sectional oblique
Embodied carbobn calculations
Energy consumption of fan: 48 Wh * 6 = 288 Wh
Energy consumption of projector: 300 Wh
Total school hours per year: 44h * 52 weeks = 2288h
Total energy of fan & projecter per year: (300+288)Wh * 2288h = 1345.344 kW
Assuming 6h daily of rain for 171 days per year,
Total hours of rain per year: 6h * 171 = 1026h
Energy consumption of lights: 720 Wh
Total energy consumption of lights per year: 720Wh * 1026h = 738.72 kW
Energy consumption of wireless network per year: 6 Wh * 8760h = 52.56 kW
EUI of a classroom: (1345.344+738.72+52.56) kW / 86.05 m2 = 24.83 kWh/m2 · year
system is installed upon available space on the roof.
OF DEMOLITION location material total VOLUME/m^3 Mass Embodied CarbonTotal ConcreteTOTAL of all 3 1ST FLOOR WALLS concrete 17.134381941122.51656 5345.927153 57271.35873175006.7189 kgCO2eq/kg /m^2 WALLS concrete 96.3081092231139.4621 30048.13007 31.39880284 SUNSHADES steel 4.9926212439192.07673 153241.02 Steel Total FLOOR AREA ROOF steel 5.72638009844952.08377 175762.6475 772015.06795573.674887 FLOOR concrete 34.15821 81979.704 10657.36152 WINDOW FRAME YELLOWsteel 0.9057846547110.409534 27801.70128Glass Total SLAB NEXT TO WINDOW IN CLASSROOMconcrete 1.80313612 4327.526688 562.5784694 1933.099947 WINDOW FRAME BLUE steel 4.98488598 39131.35494 153003.5978 WINDOW GLASS BASEMENT glass 0.0950327813 237.5819533 289.849983 Steel After Recycling WINDOW GLASS RED glass 0.53877048 1346.9262 1643.249964 115802.2602 SUNSHADES steel 7.68460407 60324.14195 235867.395 RAILINGS steel 0.85812 6736.242 26338.70622 FLOOR concrete 34.15821 81979.704 10657.36152 COST OF ADDITION location material total VOLUME/m^3 Mass Embodied Carbon Total kgCO2eq/kg /m^2 1ST FLOOR WALLS concrete 7.61462529 18275.1007 2375.76309 Concrete Total 136792.5502 24.5426138 ROOF PANELS wood 61.955659738412.50901 20358.62978 29974.6428 ROOF MIDDLE steel 0.23248011191824.968879 7135.628316 Floor Area ROOF GAUZE glass 3.00505452 7512.6363 9165.416286 Wood Total 5573.674887 ROOF FRAME wood 14.93710879261.007394 4908.333919 74179.91759 CLASSROOM WALLS concrete 88.4579478212299.0747 27598.87971 ALLEYWAY WINDOWS glass 0.1881 470.25 573.705 Steel Total SIDE PANELS wood 30.82012219108.47564 10127.49209 7135.628316 SHELVES wood 15.47844239596.634226 5086.21614 CLASSROOM WALLS GAUZEETFE 263.402332 5347.06734 ETFE GAUZE FRAMES wood 21.72899 54322.475 28790.91175 18392.12553 GAUZE ETFE 642.613704 13045.05819 ALLEYWAY RAILINGS wood 6.936849034300.846399 2279.448591Glass 9739.121286
Total annual solar exposure of PV system: 932 kWh/m2 · year
Efficiency of PV system: 15%
Annual energy production by PV system: 139.8 kWh/m2 · year
Bird’s eye view
330 Point-in-time Illuminance 12:00 PM North-east Isometric View
3rd Storey
0 lux 3000 lux
3rd Storey
12:00 PM North-east Isometric View
Point-in-time Illuminance
1st Storey
0 lux 3000 lux
2nd Storey
332 Week 8 sectional model
Week 8 sectional oblique
334 Week 9 sectional model
Week 9 sectional oblique
336 Week 10 sectional model
Week 10 sectional oblique
338 Week 11 sectional model
Week 11 sectional oblique
By Chelsy TsanYan En
For probe 1, I partnered with Quek Bing, Justin, and ended the probe partnering with Xiao YiXuan to develop ideas and concepts on how different light qualities influence our visual perceptions. Starting with the restrictions of given materials and boundaries, we challenged how a body could experience a universal head apparatus defined by views. Expanding on the permeability of light rays through varying view frames, we ventured into defining different possibilities of experiencing light with our vision, manipulating hard and soft, opaque and translucent materials to fabricate intricate contrasts between climates. The different permeabilities of the materials were also utilised to manipulate the audial conditions within the apparatus, allowing soft materials to absorb undesirable noise and hard materials to obstruct sound. The result is an apparatus that connects the visual and audial experience between two bodies, with each body still retaining a unique sensory experience different from the other.
Using light as the main climatic factor and noise as the secondary in research, I learnt to create spatial contrasts in manageable scales, while highlighting the relationship they share through an intermediary space. Through the attempts to connect the climates, challenges like the overlap of climatic zones and the feasibility of climatic relationships needed shaping to make these climates quantifiable based on the human experience.
On further inspection of the terms used in this semester’s brief, I differentiated the use of ‘environment’ as a tangible quantity as opposed to ‘climate’, which is the intangible experience one gets in space. With these definitions, the research on light qualities becomes clearer in identifying the location and how experimentations should be conducted. Within the head apparatus, the placement of greyboard as louvres or panels would influence how light enters a void. The angles at which these panels are tilted would bring a corresponding degree of light into the void. The assembly of large pieces of greyboard would determine the boundary or dimension of the void and which body part can enter the void. The frequency and size of pleating the gauze would control how much light entering is being diffused in the void. The same amount of attention should also be placed on the venue where the experimentation is happening. While there were other places of consideration such as the jungle at SDE1 and the open grass patch beside Technoedge, I started at the SDE3 drop-off point to take advantage of the exposure to direct sunlight without obstructing vegetation. Deciding to isolate daylight from the sky, the characteristics of the ground where light would reflect into the void became one of the factors we had to minimise. Even the timing at which the experiment was being conducted came into play, which was why we finally chose the open area beside SDE4.
Besides the head apparatus and the external environment we had to be aware of, the body in the experimentation is also important. Wearing a darker palette would reduce the visibility of the opposite body into the void and vice versa. Noting the visual impairment of the bodies in question, doubts like the prescriptions working as a variable also enter the picture.
By Chelsy TsanYan En
Continuing my partnership with Xiao YiXuan, we translated our head apparatus from probe one into one of a larger scale, in Yew Tee Primary School. Here, we developed our findings from probe 1 in the context of the school, considering the programmes and existing infrastructure.
Stacking probe 1 and superimposing the result onto the block created a cross-climate zone between each replica of probe 1. As this zone did not appear in the experimentation process previously, it added another element to enhance and provide a different lighting opportunity to the spaces.
Using greyboard and gauze also added to the conflicts in enhancing the spaces. As some spaces like the offices and classrooms need not be spaces solely for the obstruction or diffusion of light, the dilemma of combining the two design languages (panels and pleated fabric) becomes prevalent. Possibilities, like using the panels as a guide to weave the fabric or making a doublelayered envelope, challenge the lighting conditions and results. Translating these model-making materials to industrial materials also proved to be a challenge, especially for the translation of the gauze fabric. Due to the pleating method, we chose to diffuse light, the material we translated had to be flexible and durable to maintain the authenticity in the language of the pleated gauze. In addition, there was much more to maintain light qualities as there were also considerations of rain and wind we had to account for to ensure the habitability of the spaces. In other words, it is impossible to target only one climatic factor as everything boils down to one spatial experience.
Located between a condominium complex and an inner courtyard, the block provided little space for further development of light qualities horizontally. The inner courtyard played a larger role in increasing echo from adjacent blocks within school compounds by enclosing the void. Instead, there was potential for vertical development. As the block consisted of four levels including a basement, having a consistent intensity of lighting condition from the third storey down proved to be a test on how much space we could subtract from the initial programmes in the block. The second and third storeys were classrooms meant to promote interactive learning on the third storey and collaborative learning on the second storey, separated by the amount of light entering the classrooms on each storey by the effect of daylighting from the roof. The offices and meeting rooms on the first storey, and the staff rooms and lounge on the basement encouraged a different but consistently intense lighting quality, differentiated by the larger distance away from the roof. With these differences in altitudes and proximity to the roof, observing how light can potentially enter these spaces becomes crucial in maintaining consistency in climate.
During our time working together, despite the equitable distribution of workload, it was still difficult to balance out the workload evenly. Splitting the workload into the ideation phase, model-making, drawings and documentation, and further sub-categories, we managed to produce work efficiently albeit only for a week. Hence, the constant need to allocate work further pushed tension between us.
A major conflict in our partnership is the contribution of ideas. With the uniquely experiential brief this semester, we could feel the huge jump in what was required of us, thus the need to step out of our comfort zone. However, this step was prolonged due to our mismatched pacing in generating ideas. Although basic weekly deliverables were met punctually, they could have been much more developed with the minds of two. Furthermore, despite this issue being raised early on in the partnership, there was minimal progress and thus this static status became the ultimate factor in ending the partnership.
I have worked with YiXuan previously and being friends, we could easily resolve conflicts regarding design decisions and work ethic. There were also more active and productive discussions that significantly pushed the project in the right direction. In this partnership, I felt I could take away more learning points as our work pace matched better.
Of course, every partnership has its problems. YiXuan develops ideas quickly but pushes things to be done at the last minute which can make one anxious at times. Our contrasting focus (being a perfectionist) on different aspects of the project also added to the slower progress. In her defence, we do have different work cycles, considering our schedules this semester. She has more time to work during the day and for me, at night. However, we still found ourselves rushing to meet deadlines, so this is one for us to improve on. YiXuan can also be firm in her decisions, which can be helpful at times but for a partnership, her rigidity made it hard to come to a consensus at crucial times. On my part, while I try to be receptive, there is also a limit to how many rejections one can take, so this is another one for us to reflect on.
By Xiao YiXuan
Having pivoted to this project after Interim 1, one of my first challenges was to familiarise myself with the progress and final product by Chelsy and Justin. As we only had a short time to finalise the apparatus after Interim 1, I had to immediately immerse myself into this new project even though I did not feel sure-footed enough about my understanding of it yet. It was regretful that I only had a short period to adapt to a new project, as I believe I would have felt more confident finalising Probe 1 if I had longer to adapt to my new settings. As the parameters for the project was different in my previous studio, it felt slightly jarring to have to switch my perspective of climate so quickly.
As my contribution to Probe 1 was minimal and limited to the finalised version, I will only be discussing the final iteration briefly. The head apparatus involves two zones with contrasting light qualities, with a “contamination” zone connecting the two. The first zone aims to create brighter conditions with more diffused light. This was achieved using heavily pleated soft material of gauze to create the walls encompassing the first zone. This pleated gauze also acted as an acoustic barrier. The second contrasting zone is darker and aimed to bring in controlled light, which would provide glare. This zone was also less acoustically soundproof and thus noisier. Panels were used to channel the light inwards as strips of glare. The middle “contamination” zone comprises of several frames of gauze. These frames have increasing sizes of a rectangular hole in the middle so that some of the controlled light could travel to the opposite zone, “contaminating” it and creating a gradient of lighting conditions in this middle zone.
The adaptation of Probe 1 on the primary school was carried out in several different manners. The central idea of our project was three interconnecting layers of envelope, going from the macro scale to micro scale. These envelopes worked simultaneously to emphasise climatic conditions we wanted to achieve.
From Probe 1, a few ideas were extracted to construct our envelopes. We allocated the two sides of the block one certain climatic trait each and then concluded that a combination of both climatic conditions was necessary for the classroom.
Envelope 1, the outermost layer, is concerned with the exterior area around the block and its facades. This envelope comprises of trees planted on each side of the block which were tall enough such that the canopy only started from above the roof and could partially cover it. The overlapping leaves were able to concentrate light and introduce controlled light into the building, providing glare.
Envelope 2 concerns the immediate exterior sides of the block, including the roof. Firstly, the two sides of the block were individually allocated differing light conditions in relation to the side. The side facing the courtyard received more noise from schoolchildren, and was thus assigned to bring in diffused light as the soft material used to generate diffused light could also act as an acoustic barrier. For this side, pleated soft material was placed on the envelope to diffuse incoming light. The other side facing the boundary of the school was assigned to bring in controlled light which would promote glare. Paneling design from Probe 1 was use for this side, though the distance between each panel was adjusted for the human scale. On the top and bottom, panels were closer to each other to block out more light and solar radiation, while the centre panels were further from each other so that more light could enter into the block. This was so that at the human scale, most light would exist around the eye level to accommodate activities such as studying. We aimed for the two sides to form a sort of gradient in between them in regard to light conditions, so that different lighting conditions within the block could be assigned different purposes.
The visual geometry of the flattened roof was inspired by a superimposition of Probe onto the school block, with one half more elevated than the other. Panels were used on the roof to bring in controlled light and introduce a different light quality to the third level of classrooms as compared to the second level. The brighter third level of classrooms could then be used for different purposes as compared to the second level. Atriums were created in between the classrooms, inspired by the superimposition of Probe 1 onto the school block. These atriums, covered by a skylight on the roof, were meant to bring in more illumination to the classrooms. Narrow passageways were added to the middle of these atriums, so that students may use this area for interactive learning outside the classroom, such as gardening.
Envelope 3 concerns the boundaries of the classroom itself. Located between the two sides of Envelope 2, the classroom experiences different gradients of diffused and controlled light. Frames were used to separate the level into three different zones: the corridor, the main teaching area and a reading area. The corridor is situated nearest to the side with panels as this area is the darkest, and the corridor’s function required the least light. The reading area is situated right next to the wall of soft material as this area is the brightest and thus most conductive for reading. A light shelf was added to the upper area of this reading area so that some of the bright light from the wall of soft material could be further channeled into the classroom. The middle area was assigned as the main teaching area as it combined diffused and controlled light so that an optimal level of brightness was achieved.
By Xiao YiXuan
PROBE 2 (Cont.)
Material-wise, our main materials were timber and EFTE. Timber was chosen due to its lower carbon footprint and used for constructing the panels. The qualities of timber, such as its relative durability and waterproofness was sufficient for this instance of usage. Specifically, teak was chosen due to it being a common outdoor material in Singapore having higher durability. Soft material was represented by EFTE. As it is fully recyclable, it was one of the most suitable options to have the same qualities as gauze. EFTE is flexible like gauze and can be tinted to control its translucency.
Working together with Chelsy came with many advantages, as we were already familiar with each other beforehand. We were able to be communicative with each other, and thankfully did not have strong reservations about providing each other with feedback on our work ethic. When conflict did arise, both of us were willing to talk it out and resolve it, so fortunately progress was not hindered by unresolved disagreements. Both of us were understanding of each other’s circumstances, and thus made efforts to adapt when necessary so the partnership could continue on smoothly.
However, working in a pair for studio was also a new experience, and thus required some accustoming to. The intensity of this semester meant a high workload every single week. As Chelsy had overloaded this semester, she had frequent classes throughout the week and coursework to along with that. As the semester progressed, I could sense that such heavy workloads every week was fatiguing for us, and especially for Chelsy as she had more courses than me. Nearing the end of the semester, I was concerned that Chelsy and I might start to suffer from burnout and be less able to approach this project with the same mindset as before. Even though we were still able to complete the project satisfactorily in the end, I believe both of us were still negatively affected by growing fatigue and were thus unable to approach our final review in our best mental states.
Chelsy having more courses than me also meant more difficulty in scheduling attempts to meet and work on studio. As I was more favourable of working in the daytime, when I felt I could be the most concentrated, Chelsy’s frequent classes meant she was mostly available only after the evening. Thus, effort was required to compromise with each other on working times especially when certain tasks required both of us to work simultaneously. I was less productive in the nighttime, yet oftentimes Chelsy was only able available to meet then. Though we managed to develop a mutual understanding and compromise, I felt that it could have been more effective, but the duration of the project constrained how much time we had to fine-tune our partnership.
Admittedly, I am quite an opiniated person and could get strong-headed at times. I believe in creating a project that both of us firmly agreed in and were confident with, and thus I placed heavier emphasis on us understanding each other’s point of view. That also led to me being quite critical during ideation and discussion. I understand that Chelsy had a differing stance on this aspect like I did, and thus my comments might have came off as discouraging at times, even though that was not my intention. If given a chance to re-do this project, I believe the collaboration would have been smoother if Chelsy and I were able to reach a better mutual understanding and agreement of each other’s working and ideation styles.