OMTimes Magazine January E 2017 Edition

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January E 2017

Cover Story




Mooji - Vaster than Sky, Greater than Space


Health & Healing 38

4 Critical Factors for a Balanced, Healthy Diet

OM Living 44 50 54 60

A Time to Retreat Somewhere Over the Rainbow Organizing and Time Saving Factors OMTimes Radio Host Spotlight - Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

Relationships 66

How To Go From Online Relationships To Real-Life Ones

Shanti Devi - The Child Who Recalled Her Last Life The Effective Use of the Law of Polarity

Personal Growth 84 88

Changing at Point Easy or Point Crisis? How Change Shows You Your Secret Fears

World Vision 94

What It Means to Be In a Year of the ONE

learn; pointing simply requires that you observe and follow what is being revealed. It takes no time. The truth is not something we are going to learn or create. At the heart of it, all that I am speaking about is fundamentally simple because it is pointing to a fact of life. Because it is our very nature, it has only to be discovered rather than created, and this is the good news. Discovering is not and should not be strenuous or difficult. It only requires the urge, the desire to know. I have found this non-dual way particularly beautiful because of the simplicity and directness of it. I am a simple man. I have not studied to any great extent. And the consistent and essential discovery of the great saints and seers, I have come to see and experience myself. I feel joy in my heart to share with those beings who are yearning for this understanding that it is ever-present, and it is not so difficult to find. What have I got to share with them? That your own true Self is what you must long to find and be.

Neeta Maharaj: Can you explain your teachings in a nutshell, For our readers out there? Mooji: I prefer to say pointing rather than teachings because pointings are more immediate and direct than teachings. Teaching requires that you

We all naturally know that we exist. No one taught us this simple, yet intuitive knowing “I am, I exist”. The awareness of oneself is the first knowledge—the primal knowing. It is a fundamental fact of life regardless of race or religion or any conditioning we may have experienced. When it first arose inside the human form, it was then, as it is now, pure innocence, shining as the sense of presence. And this simple state, the knowing “I am” is consciousness announcing itself inside each form. The great fall is when this consciousness, which is impersonal, timeless and immutable, identifies with the body— which it needs for experiencing—and then believes the body to be itself. This is the birth of ego and the beginning of

suffering. The ‘person’ is consciousness in disguise as time, name and form, a disguise that opens the door to fear because all forms are impermanent and perishable. But consciousness is not. It is this fear of non-existence that compels us to search for the everlasting. This is spirituality or true religion. The purest question in the search for Truth is the question, “Who am I?” What is it that says ‘I’ inside this body? It is here that an awakened being can help you to quicken your discovery into ultimate self-realisation. Rarely do we even come to ask this question, because, over the years, many concepts and unquestioned assumptions are combined to overlay the natural state of being. We first assume that we are the body and the conditioning that arises for, and is experienced inside each body. For example, if you are born in England, you will be told you are English, and whatever is natural and fashionable within that culture will be absorbed, and it will join other ideas that we like and maintain about ourselves. All these concepts combine to create the sense in us that we are a unique individual called a ‘person’. This is the common human experience, which is assumed to be a universal fact. Our interactions are shaped by these assumptions: ‘me’ being this unique body-mind unit and ‘you’ being another separate body-mind unit—or in other words, me being this person here, meeting you who are this other person next to me. This conditioning that we are primarily our bodies and personalities gets imbedded in the consciousness very early and tends to remain there unquestioned for the rest of our mortal lives.

So why not just leave it alone? Why would anyone challenge you about this and ask, “When you say you are this person, what does it mean?” This is a most unusual question and perhaps also an uncomfortable one within the mindset of the human kingdom, because of the strong assumption that we are the body-mind entity. But because this assumption is a limitation on what we truly are and on our potential as spiritual beings to transcend all phenomenal states, powerful urges arise within some beings to go beyond the scope of our current knowledge or ideas we hold of ourselves. It may start as the urge to explore and experience more of the world in which we live and to search for our place and purpose in it. But in some cases, for some rare beings, that urge grows deeper and vaster as they find themselves questioning the very root of existence. In this awakening inquiry, some beings discover something much greater than the limited notion of personhood. They find themselves in an effortless state of grace, wisdom, love and joy, which they later come to realise, is the universal field of being. They have discovered that beyond the façade of personhood lies the immensity of being. Neeta Maharaj: It appears that your teachings point to a disidentification with the mind and body; however new age philosophers expound the balancing of the heart and the mind to have a joyful life in this three-dimensional reality. Can you share your thoughts on this? Mooji: I would not encourage anyone to cynically disregard the body or the mind. The body-mind state of being is useful for practical functioning. But when it is being taken as a reference

point or fact for what we are, we cut ourselves off from the source and fall into sorrowful and suffering states of being. It is important that we discover that we are consciousness, that we are formless, even though we have the form which we call ‘our body’. If we know ourselves as the consciousness inside the body, then we can live and experience peacefully within the body, for it is our Being that experiences and then reflects its experience through the body. Actually, even though outwardly we seem to strive for material things, the truth is that it is the joy that arises inside the heart that we love to experience. Objects come and go, but that which reveals lasting joy is ever-present, timeless and pure. Though it sounds noble and intelligent to strike a ‘balance’ between the heart and mind, no one can do it. It cannot be done—it can only be discovered. And the most natural way is to break free from the delusion, ‘I am the body,’ and awaken to the imperishable consciousness we naturally are. A joyful life is the outcome of authentic awakening, which means to know and be one’s Self effortlessly.

Neeta Maharaj: Do human beings have free will? Mooji: No. In one sense, we have a limited play of free will to move about in daily life and seemingly make choices, but this is not absolute free will. Though we seem to make independent choices, these all unfold within the permissive will of the Supreme. We have the power and the freedom to dream, but you do not have the power to make a dream

come true in the way that your mind imagines. Let’s give an example: suppose I want you to love me but you do not. If I had free will, would it not mean that I would be able to get you to love me even against your will? It would just not work like that. To have the total autonomy and authority to fulfil all our projections we have about life, or act upon our judgements, would create real chaos. Even with our limited sense of free will, we mostly use that badly. There is a governing principle in the universe—a harmony. It is so broad, so flexible and so beautiful that it even allows for the play of disharmony to manifest, but it will only be a disharmony inside the great harmony. This is not easy for most people to accept.

Neeta Maharaj: So, therefore, the statement, “You create your reality,” is not true? Mooji: Well, it is also true because even though you may have a fantasy about life, what you believe at a subconscious level is what you are experiencing. You may feel you are a particular type of person, but maybe at the subconscious level you have doubts and fears about it, and this contributes to the life you see in front of you. The surface mind and the

underground mind do not always say the same thing. The statement, “We create our life,” also aligns with this saying: “as you think, so you become.” If your thoughts are focussed on something which you value, you will grow into it and experience this more. These are the ways in which our personal consciousness develops, and whatever we believe in that paradigm comes to fruition to an extent, but we do not have the level of free will that we imagine.

Neeta Maharaj: What advice would you give to someone who wants to find Truth or actively follow the path of self-inquiry, but they are deterred by daily obligations such as a job, bills to pay or children to take care of? Mooji: First, let’s begin with this search for Truth. Everyone is searching for Truth, even if they are not always consciously aware of it. Instead, they actively search for a career, a life partner, fame or something else, but underneath all of this what they are really yearning for is that which gives real joy, stability, peace and love. And fame would not provide that, nor would a great job or having a partner or children.

What we humans do is that we try these things out, perhaps to exhaust our projections and fantasies. Nothing is wrong with these things in themself, but can any of it really satisfy that space we long to fill? This missing piece can only be filled when your true nature is discovered. Now, for those who are seeking Truth but are deterred by daily obligations, I would simply say that if Truth is what you are searching for in your heart, life will arrange a way for you to find it. Even if you live on an island surrounded by crabs, with no teacher and you want to find Truth, then life—God—will arrange a way in which it will happen. One day you will find a floating box somewhere and inside will be a Bible or a Quran or a Bhagavad Gita. Something will take you to Truth. There are so many miracles that are taking place to guide you home, even for those who think there is very little chance for them, according to their mind’s projection. One may ask, “How can this person who has so many responsibilities find the time to search for God?” However, that very person will demonstrate that it is very easy. These things always bring a sense of wonder. You cannot know how anything will turn out, for life is limitless and free from the boundaries of the conditioned mind. There are people in prison who are much freer and happier than people who are walking about on the street with fat pockets of money. Life is full of surprises. Do not ever count yourself out. That would be my encouragement to everybody. Because you are already the Self, you are already pure in your heart. Simply, you are unaware of it. Liberation means only becoming aware of what you already are.

Neeta Maharaj: When one anchor into Truth, there seems to be a ‘falling away’ of desire and perceived passive-ness of the person. How does this lack of desire relate to manifestation? Mooji: The one who is awake finds that they are so satisfied and deeply content that there is no desire to do, to not do, or to undo. To some onlookers, they may appear not to be doing anything, but through their presence alone they may already be bringing about tremendous changes in the environment. Also, they may not have anything they want to manifest for themselves, but their presence elevates the lives of others. Ordinarily, when we want to manifest something, it is to feed the personal ego desire. However, to the one who is free, manifesting something becomes for the good of all, as they do not want anything for themselves. I once saw a man who carved intricate images, like an elephant with a rider holding an umbrella, but he carved them on the top of a matchstick. He had a big magnifying glass, and he sat there all day with a tiny scalpel carving away. He is in the same position all day long: at 10:00 am, at 2:00 pm and at 5:30 pm. He seems unmoving. One may see him and think he is doing nothing at all, but actually, he may be in a concentration much more than somebody working on a building site. In the same way, a holy being is radiating a tremendous spiritual energy, a kind of spiritual oxygen everywhere. They may look passive and appear to be doing nothing, but it is not true. You cannot evaluate the power of their presence.

Neeta Maharaj: Any other pieces of advice that you feel are important for readers about how to integrate your teachings into the “real world”? Mooji: Any authentic teaching will not separate you from life. It will only enhance life because you are life itself. So, if I tell you to follow my teachings and then say, “I have to show you how to integrate them with real life,” I have a bogus teaching. No. Instead, I urge you to follow my pointings and see for yourself how they synchronise with life as it unfolds. And then you will see that as you are discovering your true nature, life is experienced to be taking care of itself. Life takes care of life and flows with a beautifully spontaneous harmony. In fact, it is always like this. It is just that we have been seeing with the coloured spectacles of our personal conditioning and projection, which distracts us from seeing the life as it is. If there is an urge burning inside your heart to find God (who is Truth itself), To deepen your experience of life in its highest expression, you must first recognise the unchanging within yourself, inside which the changing world of names and forms come and go, like clouds floating by in the limitless sky. Life gives many clues and offers many opportunities to discover the pearls of existence—and, in fact, they are not so hidden. They only appear to be hidden because we are so easily distracted from what is obvious within ourselves. The moment the search is born in you, life sends innumerable supports to reach the goal. Trust and see that as you genuinely search, something is also guiding you to where you need to be.

and natural meditation. Eager to understand more about this transformation which was taking place, he came across ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’, a book about the great Indian sage, Sri Ramakrishna and connected very deeply with this master. In 1993, Mooji travelled to India for the first time with the intention of visiting the ashram of Sri Ramakrishna in Calcutta. However, a propitious encounter instead led him to his Master, Sri H. W. L. Poonja,“Papaji”. It was through the grace and presence of Papaji that he awakened to the Self.

Mooji (Anthony Paul Moo-Young) was

born on 29 January 1954, in Jamaica. As a teenager, he moved to Brixton, London, where he later worked as a painter and stained glass maker. He also worked as a street artist and taught art at Brixton College. At the age of 33, Mooji had a profound meeting with a Christian mystic, which exploded into the direct experience of the divine. As his consciousness is awakened, a deep inner transformation began which brought many miraculous experiences, mystical insights and a deep urge to completely surrender to divine will. Mooji describes it as if he died to what he was and was being reconstructed. For the following six years, Mooji lived almost penniless but was constantly absorbed in inner bliss, contentment

Mooji has been sharing Satsang for almost two decades. Many seekers are drawn to Mooji, from all parts of the world, in search of the direct experience of the Truth. From the early years where seekers would mostly sit with him in silence to the present day sharing of Satsang worldwide through various events, spontaneous encounters, books, audios and videos, Mooji’s wisdom and love is renowned. Few amongst today’s spiritual masters and teachers expound Truth and trigger the direct recognition of Self with such dazzling clarity, warmth and authority. For more information about Mooji’s work, please visit Mooji’s new book, “Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space”, is now available at major retailers worldwide. You can find more information at

Health & Wellness

Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

4 Critical Factors for a Balanced, Healthy Diet by Emma Sturgis

Nutrition Decisions: 4 Critical Factors for a Healthy Diet Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important for everyone. Food is the primary pathway to good health. An exceptionally healthy diet can promote overall wellness,

ward off diseases and in some cases even cure diseases a person already has. There is a great deal of information on nutrition available. There is also a great deal of misinformation, oversimplification and assumption that often goes on when discussing exactly what constitutes a healthy diet. The following critical factors can help you stay focused and on track when creating a diet and nutrition plan to promote health and wellness.

Healthy Carbs and Balance Macronutrients are the most commonly discussed-and maligned-aspects of a diet. They are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. There tends to be a lot of generalization and assumptions made about these nutrients and most fad diets focus on controlling one or more of them. Most fad diets involve either focusing on one of these nutrients or eliminating it. The truth is that each of the macronutrients is important to the body, with

optimal health achieved by taking each one in the proper proportions. Simple carbohydrates and fats are primarily energy contributors. They are broken down into glucose and used by the cells. Carbohydrates have the benefit of being metabolized quickly, so they provide a quick boost of energy. The disadvantage is that this energy spike does not last long. Carbs do not have to be cut entirely, and many foods that are very healthy, such as fruits, are also high in carbs. Avoid sugar and processed foods and opt for whole foods and whole grains. They are still healthy even though they are high in carbs.

Getting the Right Amounts Fat and Protein Fat is the enemy in the eyes of most people. Body fat and diet fat, however, are not at all the same thing. The reality is that your body will take any excess calories and turn that into body fat. When it

comes to fat in the diet, it is important to choose wisely. Good fats are generally unsaturated fats. Fats like olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil are very healthy. It is better to avoid saturated fats and especially trans fats found in processed foods and red meat, which are less healthy. Fats contain important nutrients and they burn more slowly than carbs, so they provide energy over a longer time. Eating enough fat is important for the body’s health and to feel full. Protein has one role in the body, to produce more cells and tissues. Any excess protein converts into energy. Converting protein to energy is inefficient and generally not good for the body. While protein is certainly very essential, the body needs a relatively small amount per day. The WHO has certain minimum levels for protein intake. Most people will need slightly more than this. A person who is younger or much more active than normal

will need more. It is important to get enough protein without getting too much. A “highprotein� diet is not healthy for the body.

Focusing on Micronutrients Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are an even more important part of optimal health than macronutrients. While we find vitamins and minerals in all whole foods, the richest sources tend to be vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are among the healthiest food groups, per the World Health Organization (WHO), because they contain the most concentrated amounts of vitamins and minerals combined with the lowest amounts of sugar and fat. Just remember to avoid over-cooking them. It is important to eat a variety of whole foods to obtain the optimal amounts of micronutrients. Extreme diets such as vegan diets often carry risks of deficiency because they may provide excellent amounts of some

nutrients but insufficient amounts of others. Choosing meal plans and natural health products wisely can counteract these deficiencies.

Don’t Forget Fiber and Water Simple fiber and water are among the most critical aspects of any diet even though they don’t often make into discussions of most diets or fad diets. Water is critical in all body functions, so it is important get plenty. Chronic dehydration silently links to many diseases and problems. A good rule of thumb is to never be thirsty. If you feel thirsty, then you are already dehydrated. Drink throughout the day and generally drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. Pure water is best. Coffee, tea and soda are not substitutes for water. Fiber is also very important for digestive health and nutrient absorption. Already healthy plant foods such as vegetables and beans are high in fiber and remain the best source of both fiber and nutrients. Fiber can also be taken effectively in

supplement form. A balanced of nutrients is the key to diet and nutrition. Following an extreme diet or cutting out certain foods generally does more harm than good to the body. Instead of focusing on what not to eat, shift the focus on choosing foods to eat that are naturally healthy and filling. Deprivation does as much damage to the body as overindulgence. By fitting a variety of healthy and whole foods into the diet with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables, most diet concerns resolve naturally. Reference: http://www.who. int/nutrition/topics/5keys_ healthydiet/en/ About the Author Emma Sturgis is a freelance writer based in Boston, Massachusetts, passionate about health, yoga, and all things related to wellness. Read more at: https://plus. googlecom/u/0/1002760 48172432343232/posts

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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

A Time to Retreat by Debbie Peluso

“Help….I need somebody. Help….not just anybody. Help….you know I need someone. HELP!!” --The Beatles Yes, we all loved that song and the movie as we watched Ringo run away from those who wanted to steal his precious ring! It seemed like

such an innocent and funloving song the way The Beatles presented it. But, in reality, it was John Lennon’s genuine cry for help. He had become overwhelmed and didn’t know where to hide.

Determine When It is Time to Retreat We have all heard our friends, families, co-workers cry out for help, feeling as if everything they try to think, say, or touch seems to go in the totally opposite direction of their character. Everything is out of whack! How many times have we ourselves felt this way? We go about our daily business smiling, talking the talk, but feeling as if we’re not “walking the walk.” Then doom and gloom sets in and we begin to lose confidence, self-esteem, selfworth. Our own cry for help begins to surface, only we are not quite sure where to turn. Do we turn to friends, loved ones, church? Do we turn to self-help or spiritual books?

And if we are spiritual practitioners or journeying the path of spirituality, it becomes compounded by this idea that we are not supposed to feel this way. We think to ourselves, how can this be? We chant every morning, meditate, are in service to others for their own healing, adhere to dharma. This should not be.

Our Humanness Surfaces, If We Pay Attention Well, guess what? At some point, our humanness with all its traumas surfaces. As a matter of fact, precisely because one is a practitioner or spiritual teacher/leader, challenges arise more often. And really, that is a good thing! It allows release of that which attaches to the energetic body and move on. What we fail to understand is these moments are nature’s way of telling us something is not right in our life. It brings to light unanswered questions and conflicts within our subconscious mind. And,

it becomes an opportunity to confront ourselves. Is it painful, confusing? Yes! But it is also through pain and sacrifice that we release and evolve. But how do we do this? Do we turn to books of wisdom? Certainly, they are an inspiration, but do we then degrade ourselves for not being in harmony with their teachings? Do we continue teaching, lecturing, healing others? We could for when we are in service to others, it brings us joy. But how can we truly serve and heal others when we ourselves need comfort, healing, and releasing? Where do we turn? “Clear your mind of dogmatic theological debris; let in the fresh, healing waters of direct perception. Attune yourself to the active inner Guidance; the Divine Voice has the answer to every dilemma of life.” -- Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi Sometimes we just need to step

back, “retreat” from the noise, information and guidance.

The Real You, Through Direct Perception The “true” teacher/master lies within ourselves. It is our own direct perception of our experience that brings answers and redirection. There are plenty wonderful retreats in beautiful locations to get away and regroup, but those can run a pretty penny. What if financially we are not able to take advantage of such an offer, or it is not our calling? Retreating doesn’t have to be in Bali with beautiful waters, swaying trees surrounded by other sensitives as ourselves. Though it is awfully inviting and a wonderful opportunity to connect with others, does it ultimately live up to the challenge of getting out of a rut and back on track with life? Ummmm……probably not! It is only a temporary distraction to what really needs our undivided attention.

A Treat to Retreat Anywhere, Anytime We can establish a retreat anywhere and at any time. Taking a day, weekend, or a week to sit in our favorite room in silence, reflection, meditation can be more beneficial. Yes, there are distractions of family and activities in the house. Little Johnny pounds on the door asking for his ice skates, or Jenny needs a ride to her girlfriend’s house.

then emerge feeling fresh and alive to tackle new ideas, projects, prepared for the next chapter of your life. Most importantly, also remember you are safe! We all need time to step away from the noise, people and situations in our life. Our direct perception helps us be empowered in peace, purpose, and service to others. Happy retreating! About the Author

Well, lovingly ask family to respect your need to be in retreat. Prepare a care package with water, food and incidentals you may need. Gather meditative music and your favorite inspiring quotes or affirmations. Sit in meditation. Ask to be shown what needs to be released from your energy field that is not serving you. Commit to a time for being in retreat and listen. Receive the answers, redirection, and

Debbie Peluso obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Metaphysics in association with the University of Sedona in Arizona. She is a certified practitioner in Meditation, metaphysical/ spiritual counseling, and is a working astrologer and coowner of Zion Yoga Studio in the Washington, D.C. area. and is a facilitator of and teaches the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Debbie is an OMTimes Magazine spotlight writer and OMTimes Expert.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Gia Dalton

How Much Happier Over the Rainbow? We all have dreams, which include thinking about what life will be like down the road. How much happier we will be when we get our degree, car, home or move to a new location. We continuously look over the rainbow, as it seems much more appealing than where we are, and what we have now.

Understanding it will take hard work, commitment, perseverance and often sacrifice we adjust our daily routine. Instead of going out for coffee we make one at home. We cut coupons, shop frugally, and do not accept every invitation to dine out or attend social gatherings. Instead of going on vacation, we save. We work extra hours or take a part time job in addition to working

a full time one. At night, we grab something to eat, shower, get a few hours of sleep and wake up, only to do it all over again.

Remain Mindful to Enjoy the Journey Any dream or goal worth having takes hard work, but we must remain mindful to enjoy the journey. Don’t miss the day, or neglect to see the beauty in life in the moment. Sometimes, the dream waiting for us on the other side of the rainbow does not provide the satisfaction, or happiness we once thought it would. In fact, it could be a letdown all together. Often, life throws us a curve ball that inevitably changes everything… including our dreams. It’s easy to get caught up in wanting more. We have been socialized to think that owning more, having more, and bigger is better. This mentality, if you choose to buy into it, dictates what a successful person looks like. That somehow if you do not have a grand home, new car, perfect body or the latest cell phone, you haven’t really made it. But wait…. isn’t that all wrong?

Without good health, there is little or no chance of working towards achieving anything. As a healthy body is needed to work, play…live. A healthy mind is essential to facilitate and nurture joyful, rewarding relationships. And a healthy spirit is the foundation that everything is built upon. Yet somehow, we take a healthy body, mind and spirit for granted.

Healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit We need a healthy body, mind and spirit. Eat nutritious clean food. Get an adequate amount of restful sleep. Exercise daily. Feed our spirit with prayer. Practice gratitude. If there are health concerns, address them. Have yearly physicals, and wellness visits. When life throws a curve ball in our direction, we realize just how important having a healthy body is. Everything comes to screeching halt when we are suddenly stricken with an illness. In that instant that the only thing that matters is regaining our health. Our somewhere over the rainbow dreams are replaced with thoughts of family and

friends. People that are dear to our hearts; not a grand home, new car, cell phone or wanting to shed a few pounds. Willingly and without hesitation, we toss those dreams to the curb! A light bulb goes off in our heads. Blink, Blink. We see the light. Perhaps neglecting our bodies, working long hours, not getting sufficient sleep, eating fast food, and the stress of having to achieve, obtain more at all costs, is what sent us into a downward spiral. Wow! That is a wake-up call.

Dreams and Rainbows Very Admirable Working hard and doing our best tells the world about our character. There is nothing wrong with that. Yes, we should have dreams, but we need to be certain that those dreams are ours and not what society tells us they should be. Dreams of being a better person, helping others, is much more admirable, and charitable than having the very best. And what is the “very best” anyway?

Perhaps the “very best” is good health; a healthy body, mind, and spirit. All three are vitally important, interdependent, and essential to living a happy, successful life. Anything more than that is cake, or a cherry on the ice cream sundae. Just like Dorothy in the classic movie The Wizard of Oz, we discover “There’s no place like home.” Home, where we feel secure, happy and loved. Our mind is suddenly clear and sharp. Our senses vividly awakened. Spiritually, we are filled with the beauty of God. We have everything we need, wanting for nothing. Our somewhere over the rainbow is found in our heart. About the Author Gia Dalton is an International visionary writer, speaker, coach, teacher and Intuitive Life Strategist. Currently writing a book, A Modern, Bohemian Guru, she states, “My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love, giving the glory to God.”

Organizing and Time Saving Factors by Kartar Diamond

We live in a world where we have the means to be “Do-ItYourselfers.� Sometimes this is great and can save you a lot of money. It can also give you a wonderful sense of

accomplishment and creativity. We even have instructional YouTube videos showing people how to do just about anything these days. I can attest, however, that almost all of the time when someone tries to “feng shui” their own house, that they usually have not learned or been exposed to the most important and personal aspects to analyzing a property. And, as lay people, I don’t think we want to handle our own dental or legal problems either. We go instead to a professional and experts in their field. Whatever needs to be taken care of in our lives, we have to consider not only the time it will take to just do something on our own but also the research and materials involved. Time equals money in many instances. In the world of organizing, there is a principle about teaching people to be organized so that they can eventually do it themselves and sustain whatever

organizational outcome they achieved initially with the assistance of a professional. Sometimes, it just doesn’t make sense to do something yourself, and it could be both a time saver and a money saver to let a professional handle the situation. This is not an admission of failure, but rather an astute observation or being realistic, like an executive being able to delegate duties to the appropriate people. What if you have a block about working with an organizer? What if the shame of having such a messy space continually makes you procrastinate? I encounter many people who say they know exactly what they need to do to de-clutter, and yet it never happens. Sometimes the chronic disorganization and clutter really undermine the quality of life. It might be better to get professional assistance, for any number of matters, than to try to tackle it yourself, making

costly mistakes along the way. I remember when I was publishing my first book and sharing my experiences with other new authors. One fellow author was trying to wear all hats as a self-publisher by interviewing editors, book cover artists, paper suppliers, illustrators, matters, printers, and attorneys for all the paperwork involved with Library of Congress and copyright submission. She was spending months of her time away from her other income-earning career to handle every detail that is required from a publisher. In contrast, I hired a book production company which had all of those professionals in-house and who could all coordinate their schedules so that the product was delivered in the least amount of time. I didn’t have to worry about hiring the wrong person for each job because the book development company took

responsibility for everything, like a contractor taking responsibility for the work done by all the sub-contractors. When I told this fellow author what I spent to have the book development company handle everything, I know she thought I overpaid for that kind of service. Meanwhile, I am absolutely certain that she ended up spending as much or more when factoring in all the time she spent, researching, interviewing and dealing with each person individually. Sometimes, the most organized and economical decision you can make is to let someone else handle your project or at least assist you. This makes total sense for people who can easily get overwhelmed. Author: Kartar Diamond Company: Feng Shui Solutions (R) From the Tao of Organizing Series

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Host Spotlight

Welcome to Inspiration and Transformation from the banks of the Ganges with Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, an American Sanyasi living at the Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh, India. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, PhD, is a graduate of Stanford University and has lived at Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh, India, for nearly 20 years. She is President of the Divine Shakti Foundation, a charitable organization bringing education, vocational training, upliftment and empowerment programs to women and children.

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The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

How to Go from Online Relationships to Real-Life Ones by Marcia Sirota, MD.

Online Dating is Only Part of the Picture These days, we are conducting so many of our relationships online that when we are finally face-to-face with another person, we are often more awkward, uncomfortable and unsure of ourselves. Lately, I have heard stories from a few women who were trying online

dating. They shared that the men they were communicating with were happy to chat online but weren’t getting around to making an actual in-person date. We figured that maybe the men were married and not ready to take their flirtations beyond the virtual. Maybe they were so used to online interactions that they didn’t feel comfortable

meeting in the real world. Either way, these men weren’t setting up actual dates.

wants to leave the site or break protocol, it is often because they are not on the level.

This underscores the two main problems of spending so much time online. First problem is that people often misrepresent themselves in their online profiles. The second is the more we email, text, Facetime, Tweet or swipe right, the less comfortable we are with dating in real life.

Another red flag to look for is when a date is being planned and the other person is very particular about when they can and cannot meet. Someone who has obvious time restrictions could very well be in a relationship and have only a small window of time in which to cheat on their partner.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution to both these problems. Learning a few basic communication skills will help us take our online chats into the real world and create more successful dates.

Learning to Identify Dishonest People Online First, we need to identify the dishonest people online, and this comes down to recognizing a few red flags. If the other person immediately wants to go off the dating site and start emailing on their private email, that is a red flag. Or, if they want to skip the protocol of the site and go directly to communicating via personal email, this is also suspicious. Online dating sites do their best to keep you safe, so when someone

Pay Attention to Red Flags When Dating The next red flag is a profile photo in which the person is flaunting wealth; for example, leaning up against a fancy car or flashing a high-end watch. Think of these as fishing lures-shiny objects meant to snare the unsuspecting minnows in the dating pool. Of course, some people are so good at lying and cheating that they won’t show you any red flags before you meet. So, then you need to look for the red flags when you’re on your actual first date. It’s best to make the first meeting a short, daytime coffee date. Drinking alcohol on a first date makes it much harder to

observe the other person and to get a sense of whether they’re legit. A too-long first date or a too romantic one is more likely to create a premature or false sense of intimacy that could make it easier to ignore any red flags. Red flags on a first date include bragging, name dropping, rudeness toward servers, hostile or critical remarks, talking excessively about the ex, being overly flirtatious or sexual, poor eye contact, or focusing on technology more than on you. They also include any signs that the person could be married; for example, being cagey about their living situation or extracurricular activities. If you notice any of these dating red flags, do take them very seriously. You can avoid a lot of trouble if you pay attention to the red flags early on.

Communication is Very Important in Dating Communication is so important when it comes to dating. The key at the beginning is to keep it light and pleasant. Too much intensity is uncomfortable and inappropriate. Do not get into your deepest thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams on the first

date, or even the next few dates. It is too much, too soon. Likewise, don’t overshare about past relationships or painful experiences. There is a gradual process of getting to know eachanother. This should happen over several months of dating. Physical intimacy can be tricky as well. Oftentimes, having sex will give you the impression that you are a lot closer than you are. Unfortunately, though, for many people, sex is just sex. Sex too soon can make you feel more vulnerable. Then, if the other person was only looking for a quick hookup and has taken off, you will be left feeling violated and humiliated, and you are still single. You have all the time you need to get to know each-other, both physically and emotionally. Take your time, enjoy some small-talk, and get a feel for one another. Let things evolve gradually over several dates, rather than trying to cram it all in at once. Good communication on a date is expressing your thoughts, feelings and needs clearly and directly. If something bothers you, speak up. That is the only way the

other person will know how you feel. The same goes with asking for what you want.

Listening to the Other Person - Reflect Your Understanding Listening is the other side of good communication, so listen carefully to the what other person is saying, and ask yourself how it makes you feel. Don’t make assumptions about what they mean. If you do not understand something, clarify. If what you are hearing makes you uncomfortable in any way, trust your gut. Do not let this person or anyone else talk you out of your reactions. One issue with online communications versus reallife dating is that we often present our online persona as more attractive, charming, and successful than in real life. It can be nerve-wracking to meet someone new, knowing that the real you is not quite as fantastic as the online version. The antidote to this is to trust that other person is probably presenting a shinier version of themselves online, as well. When you meet, there might

be a surprise at seeing a slightly less glamorous version of each other. But, hopefully, you can both get over this to discover who the real person is, beyond the online persona. Online communication is all about flashy surfaces and instant gratification. Everything you want is beautiful and glamorous and available at the touch of a finger. Real-life interactions are different. They are more imperfect and need to be slowly cultivated like a garden. Plant the seeds, add water, sunshine and fertilizer, and then wait patiently for whatever flowers might decide to bloom. About the Author Marcia Sirota is an author, speaker, coach, and psychiatrist. She is the founder of the Ruthless Compassion Institute. She has two recent books on creating successful relationships. “Women Decoded,” helps men understand what women want and how to choose the right woman. “Back on the Market” helps women return to dating successfully. Sign up for her free wellness newsletter at: www.


Shanti Devi

The Child Who Recalled Her Last Life by Marguerite dar Boggia

A Renowned Case of Reincarnation Shanti Devi is one of the most renowned cases on reincarnation. She was born on December 11, 1926 at 1:47 p.m. in New Delhi, India. In her previous incarnation, she was known as Lugdi Chaturbhuj, and was born on January 18,1902 at 10 AM in Mathura, India.

In 1996, I gave a lecture at the ISAR astrology conference in Chicago on Reincarnation using her charts. I obtained the dates and times of birth and personal information from the renowned Hindu astrologer KN Rau. I met him in 1995 when he was in Southern California. How did we learn of this case? One of KN Rau’s students was a relative or friend of the family of Shanti Devi. He told KN Rau that when he was young he studied at her house, where it was quiet. He said from the age of about three or four she would refer to ‘her house’ and ‘her house had many sweets.’ She also referred to ‘her husband’. When he tried to learn the name of her husband, she would not reveal it. Eventually she did reveal it, when she was promised that he would write to her husband.

Connecting with the Husband of Shanti Devi He did write to her husband. When her husband was contacted, he sent his cousin instead of himself. Lugdi was indignant and said, he was not her husband, but his cousin. She wanted to be taken to her husband.

Later, her husband did visit her with his new wife and her son, who was born just before she died in her last life. When she saw her son, she was emotionally overwhelmed and ran to give him her toys. When asked how she knew he was her son, she responded that the soul knows. She demanded to know why her husband remarried, when he promised not to remarry. She wanted to be with him. When her husband spoke to her alone, he asked, since she had arthritis and could not move very well, how did she become pregnant. When she described the whole intercourse procedure, he then believed that she was his former wife. (1)

Popularity in India and Travels The publicity was equivalent to the reappearance of the Christ. Thousands of people were at her door. She was so famous that Mahatma Gandhi invited her to his ashram. He appointed a committee of prominent individuals to investigate and report on their findings. The report was published in 1936. They all traveled to Mathura, where she had been born in her last life.

In Mathura, she was emotionally overwhelmed at seeing her Mother and Father. She recognized people and knew the dialect. When taken to her husband’s house, she knew she hid her money in a hole under a flower pot. On lifting the flower pot, the money was not there. Her husband said that they used the money, as she had wished, to give to the Temple. She never married and never had children. She studied astrology and met K.N. Rau, the prominent Vedic Teacher. She died on December 27, 1987 at the age of 61. (2) Her destiny was to bring people closer to truth: that there is life after death and to shake off materialistic beliefs that bind the soul.

More about Her Last Life In her last life, at the age of ten, Lugdi married Kedarnath Chaube. He owned two shops selling cloth (yardage). His previous wife had died. In 1915, when she was about 13, her child was stillborn after a Caesarian section. She had a second child when she was 23 years of age, again by Caesarian section. Nine days later, on October 4, 1925, Lugdi died.

Many books were written using the case of Shanti Devi to support the theory of rebirth and reincarnation. One of the most famous reincarnation research investigators is Ian Stevenson, of the University of Virginia; another is Dr. K.S. Rawat. Resources: (1) Shanti_Devi (2) http://www.carolbowman. com/dr-ian-stevenson/caseshanti-devi/ About the Author Marguerite dar Boggia presently serves as Membership Secretary for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She was past Secretary and Director of ISAR and Publisher of its journal, Kosmos. She cofounded, and is past Secretary and Director of United Astrology Congress (UAC). Her present efforts are to aid in the expansion of humanity’s consciousness by offering, three free pages weekly online of the ageless wisdom studies as known by Pythagoras and Plato. Reach Marguerite online at www.

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The Effective Use of the Law of Polarity by Diane Wing

Time to Crack the Polarity Code As we explore Universal Law, it becomes apparent that these laws are present in every aspect of life surfacing on a

regular basis. To recognize and apply them, therefore, is an essential part of understanding our interactions with the Universe and to become adept at flowing with its wisdom. The Law of Polarity states that: “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet.� We are a combination of various energies, each present by degree. Some energies may dominate our nature and others will surface only on special occasions. We are also the essence of the concept of polarity. Polarity differs from duality in that each pole has the essence of the other contained within it. There are ranges and degrees of each aspect housed within the other, inseparable.

Polarity Manifests a Spectrum of Combinations A continuum of polarities exists within us, and what we manifest is a combination of these polarities in varying degrees. Nothing exists in a pure state; everything blends to form unique and vibrant combinations. The physical and metaphysical aspects inherent in the energy that surrounds us is where the polarity begins; the power generated by opposites yet has the essence of each opposite held within it. The duality inherent in nature serves to produce energetic interactions as seen in the interaction of positrons and electrons within the atomic structure, in magnetic fields that display positive and negative polarities, in the light of day and the dark of night, the sun and the moon, and in the human forms of male and female.

In each case, both aspects are necessary to create balance and promote harmony in the world. Energy continuously seeks balance. We also talk more about this in the article on the Law of Gender.

Duality, Dichotomy, and Identifying Connections On the metaphysical side, it is the Yin (moon, female, cold, dark, submission) and Yang (sun, male, heat, light, projective) energies working to balance active with passive. It is the energies of the god and goddess and the forces of conscious and subconscious. Each of us therefore contains these aspects, traits, and characteristics within ourselves. Everyone is the duality, the dichotomy, reflecting the potential of the Ultimate Energy Source. We can also tap into the Source to bring these aspects together for our highest good or most devastating demise. Additionally, opposites, each

bearing their individual essence, allow for creation only when combined with its antithesis. It is about combining rather than separating, once again showing the need for interaction. Nothing is separate; nothing can in and of itself stand alone and effectively produce the desired result. Everything is connected.

Some Examples of Polarity are: Analytical - Creative Within each creative act, a measure of data analysis also takes place. It pulls together information about a perspective and organizing it in a way that expresses the essence of that information. The system of Tarot is a creative expression of the metaphysical laws that apply to the human condition and its relationship to the Divine. The act of interpreting the artistic renderings of symbols and concepts as they appear on the cards is analytical. At the more analytical end of this polarity,

a scientist who is gathering data and designing a system to make sense of the information uses the creative faculty to also create a visual or conceptual means of expressing the results. Physical - Mental An athlete is predominantly physical in the act of performing his expertise, yet a strong mental component is also essential to perform at the top of his game. Negative selftalk can diminish an athlete’s chances of winning. For those who are performing primarily in a mental/academic capacity, research has shown that daily exercise is important for optimum brain function. Left Brain - Right Brain Some individuals are right-brain (creative) dominant, some are left-brain (logical) dominant, and some use both hemispheres of the brain equally. When one or the other is dominant, the subordinate hemisphere is still active and contributing to the task at hand, albeit in a less prominent way.

The idea that all potentialities fall on a continuum therefore helps us understand the need to suspend judgment. We may seek to work in the realm of blurred meaning, where everything contains a bit of dark and light and positive and negative. This idea expands our understanding of how the world works that nothing stands on its own. Thus, tolerance for varying views and approaches is necessary to fully embrace the Law of Polarity. Copyright Diane Wing, M.A., all rights reserved About the Author Diane Wing, M.A. is the author of six books, founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio, and an experienced guide for those ready to see things differently. For more on this topic and to expand your energetic consciousness, check out her book, The True Nature of Energy: Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility, on Amazon and B&N.

Personal Growth & Development

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

Changing at Point Easy or Point Crisis? by Crystal Presence

Guided Change Can Really Make a Difference Change is part of life. Our environment, bodies, feelings, thoughts and behaviors and are always in a process of change. The question is how much power do we have to guide that change? Can we

make the change at the point where change is easy or do we need to go to the point of crisis to make the change? People have a reputation for ignoring, denying and procrastinating when it comes to making change. Rather than addressing issues head on and coming to a quick and easy resolution, we often ignore our issues, dismiss our thoughts, suppress our feelings and justify our behaviors. Eventually the denial builds up and explodes in the form of a crisis where we are forced to feel, express and address what we have been avoiding. A simple example is, instead of listening and responding to our anger (the natural signal alerting us to the fact that we want a change), we stub our toe. Now we have a darn good reason to feel angry, yell and demand a change!

Problems with Choosing at Point Crisis The habit of choosing at point crisis is reflected to us in some

of the following ways… Nuclear bombs. A container of compressed energy ready to explode in a reactive moment of repressed anger about the changes we want. Environmental pollution. A result of not addressing and cleaning up the issues we have within ourselves. War. The struggle, pain and conflict going on inside ourselves we take into our relationships, families, communities and the world. People in crisis often say… “Why didn’t I listen, I knew this was going to happen!?” “If only I had fixed it right away!”

Common Beliefs Perpetuating Change at Point Crisis The question is whether we want to change at point easy or at point crisis? If deep inside we know we are lying to ourselves, why do we secretly hold back until

crisis? The following are some of the common beliefs that perpetuate change at point crisis: Crisis is an unavoidable part of life. Relationships are hard and disappointing in nature, so it is best to ignore and go along with things to make it easier. Change is hard and painful so better to stick with the status quo.

The Switch to Making Change at Point Easy The following are some ways we can make a change at point easy… (1) Focusing on our potential rather than on our problems. (2) Creating moments of discomfort. Dr. Marcia Reynolds, well known organizational coach and author of The Discomfort Zone, says moments of uncertainty can disrupt our habitual brain patterns and open us to new

ways of looking at things and making change. Observing ourselves with curiosity and calling upon others can facilitate this process. A simple example is Mary who had been complaining and whining about the people in her life. A trusted friend suddenly said, “Do you think anyone will ever be good enough for you?” Mary was stunned by the question and had some moments of nervous laughter until a new insight about herself emerged. Mary’s friend stayed present with her to help her stabilize as her defenses broke down, allowing her brain to reorganize and make sense of what was happening. Soon she was able see new possibilities for making change. Engage in Different Modalities of Movement Diamond and River Jameson, creators of the Total Integration Institute, have been pioneers in making deep and sustainable change at

point easy. They use dancing, expression of feelings and other modalities of movement and as quick and easy way to release contraction and other addictive ways of holding back. A simple example: Justin was lonely and depressed. He was having a hard time making change in his life. He started dancing, vibrating and safely expressing his feelings. Suddenly he realized how he had been judging and rejecting himself in many ways. Opening with movement created the space to change his perspective and experience himself an inspiring catalyst for change in the world. Loving ourselves no matter what the evidence. Embracing any holding back we are doing, letting go of trying to figure it out and allowing our loving source to gently guide us in the changes that we want. Embracing our fear. Understanding that fear is

a signal to slow down, get present and let go of pushing and proceed when we are ready and willing to make the change. Asking powerful questions. To the power of making change at point easy, we can ask ourselves questions such as, “What is the nature of experiencing change as a natural, fun and empowering part of my life? About the Author Crystal is a coach, author and facilitator of a whole being wellness event called “Freedom at the Core”. For the past 35 years, Crystal’s passion has been creating a safe, fun and nurturing space for people to discover what stands between holding back and the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual freedom that is always available to them. http://www. crystalpresence

How Change Shows You Your Secret Fears by Kim Marks

Change is a Constant that Keeps Us Fresh We need change to grow. Change is a constant that helps keep us fresh. Change can come in small packages and bites that help us feel like we

control it, like getting a new computer or cellular phone. We usually welcome this kind of change. Change can be huge and throw us into a tailspin, such as the birth of a child. We can also thoughtfully plan our change, cover all the bases and think we have it made. This kind of change is often fraught with unconscious fear. Fear so sneaky that we are not even aware we are afraid. Let’s ponder an example:

Moving - A Change of Scenery Have you ever wanted to just pick up and move? Have you done it? Perhaps you have always wanted to live at the beach, or the mountains, the city or the countryside and would love to just pick up and go. Pretend that you saved up enough money to live for a year or longer, found the ideal home and you made the choice to go for it.

Say you have always loved the ocean. You have moved to a little town with an ocean view. You love going to the beach daily. Watching whales and dolphins from your deck really uplifts you. The sea birds fly overhead daily, grounding you to the earth and nourishing your soul. You know deep inside that you made the right choice and are really loving your life.

Settling In - In Multiple Ways A few weeks after you have settled in and are starting to meet the neighbors and get familiar with the community, you come down with a nasty cold. It is severe enough that you stay at home to rest. You figure that you now have time to take care of yourself properly and besides your feet have been hurting anyway. They need a rest. That plantar wart on your foot that showed up last year isn’t going away either.

Once you have recovered from your cold, you start on your beach walks again. Unfortunately, your feet hurt every day now and you can barely hobble around. You find out that you have plantar fasciitis in both of your feet. (Plantar fasciitis is a very painful inflammation of the tissues of the feet. It can be disabling, but usually surfaces in only one foot.)

A Seemingly Unrelated Pattern Develops You come down with another virus, complete with severe headaches and fever and congestion. Over the next few months, a pattern develops and you literally are sick every two weeks while your feet hurt whether you walk or not. You spend a lot of money trying to get the right shoes and inserts to help your feet.

To top it all off, you are getting indigestion and acid reflux! The euphoria that you felt when you moved is gone. Frustration starts to set in. These health symptoms all seem to be unrelated. Yet if we list the emotional reasons for the physical distress, we can start to put together the puzzle. Feet represent understanding of ourselves and others and how we can move forward in our lives. Plantar warts represent frustration about the future.

Emotional Reasons for the Evidence? Viruses can represent collective negativity, belief in statistics, and mental confusion (especially a cold). Inflammation often represents fear and inflamed thinking. Indigestion can be anxiety, dread, gut level fear and ideas

that we don’t want to consider. Can you see a theme? After writing down the emotional reasons, you can also see that they all relate to fear at a deep level. Fear is a sneaky thing. It is so often with us we do not even feel it, sense it or see it. Fear is often what holds us back, disguised as logic, excuses, and bodily discomfort or disease. When it manifests as a physical symptom, we often discount the emotional connections.

Rooting Out Our Fears with Change Change though, can be just what we need to root out those fears. The body often stores emotions and fears so that mentally we can function and be alert. This works great in the short term, but we also need to make time to listen to our body and the wisdom

held there. If we are not able to do this, our body can make us miserable as it tries to get our attention. By taking the time to identify and feel the emotional reasons around the fears, the power of the fear is reduced and our symptoms start to subside. Addressing both the physical and emotional challenges allows us to get back on track. Change then can become the object of our conscious gratitude instead of the hidden promoter of unconscious fears. About the Author Kim Marks is a soul coach who helps clients reconnect to their internal abundance. Starting her intuitive journey as a massage therapist, Kim teaches how to listen on a deep level. Find out more at: www.

When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.

World Vision

What It Means to Be in a Year of the ONE by Greer Jonas

What Does It Mean, A Global Year of the One? Well, just in case you did not realize it, ha-ha, life is different than it ever was before. The global year 2+0+1+7=10. 1+0=1. The number 1, in numerology, is also the number of the “I am�, the number of first, new beginnings and leadership.

With the outcome of the election, we have all, no matter who you voted for, arrived in uncharted territory. This is not a political post, but let us just say we are all being forced to deal with change. The global year of “1” promises to lead us to a “newness” that has never happened before in every aspect of our existence. The “one” energy gives us the opportunity to take action. Some of us in this one year are apprehensive, many fearful, others excited. Whatever it is, we can sit back and let the world take over, or we can take action in our lives.

Stepping back to 2016, the year of 9 - Transformation. As crazy as 2016 was for all of us, we have to admit that the transformational 9 year (2+0+1+6 = 9) brought up much change in our lives and our world. The nine is completion, so be it! Endings in so many ways! The roller coaster ride began as we were forced to deal with our shadow, our truths and to see what our real beliefs are. How did you experience the nine it in your life (not just politically,

but in areas of relationships, career, communication and home. There could have been moments of triumph and important insights and other moments of loss or the realization that something has to change. Read more about 2016 and the nine, here: http:// donald-trump-45th-president/

What now, in this One Year? How will this “One” year affect you personally? What are the “new” steps you can take? The “1” will give you the energy to push through old patterns of lethargy. Perhaps you can get involved in environmental reform, or finally finish writing that book that you started years ago. Or, you could clean out your attic and transform it into a place to create art. Take a step beyond your comfort zone. This is the moment!

What is your Personal Year in 2017 numerology? As the one year is about new beginnings, everyone has a personal year theme which is specific to them. To find out your personal year, add your birth

month and day to the current year. Once you find this theme, you can ask yourself how you can lead in a different way to making a change in your life. As an example, if you were born, April 1, your personal year would be 4+1+2+0+1+7=15 (1+5=6) The personal year of 6 is all about compassion and friendship and support. During the global year of 1, you could do service in an area you are interested in. Or you might step out and find a new romantic relationship. (Perhaps the old ways of looking - like sitting in front of the TV -are not working anymore?)

Personal Year Numbers and Their Lessons. Once you have calculated your personal year, here is a brief synopsis of the theme you will encounter and the lessons. Ask yourself, what can I do differently that might achieve what I have always wanted? 1 - Year of new beginnings and innovative ideas. You might attract a new job or a vibrant

relationship. Challenge: fear of taking the next step. 2 - Connecting in relationships of all forms - romantic, business, social and self. Challenge: caring too much what others think. 3 - Year of creativity and selfexpression in every form - art, music, speaking, writing. Challenge: fear of sharing your voice. 4 - Year of the builder, the organizer, a great time to get something done. Challenge: feeling bogged down by all the work you are doing or feeling overwhelmed. 5 - Year of fun, increased social life, travel, and energy. Being out there in the world with people. Challenge: feeling a loss of freedom, overwhelm, or too much on your plate. More Lessons... 6 - Year of all matters of the heart. Dealing with family, loved ones, community, relationships. This could be a time of marriage, birth or rebirth. Challenge: experiencing loss, feeling

overburdened or taking on too much responsibility. 7 - Year of spirituality and connection with inner self, year of unique thoughts and actions. Challenge: feeling unsociable, withdrawn, fear of speaking your truth. 8 - Year of abundance, leadership and manifestation. A great time to achieve your dreams. Challenge: Being too self-consumed. Feeling over-burdened. Instead of being the leader, feeling oppressed, victim. 9 - Year of transformation, transition and completion. A time to examine your life and see what new path to take. Challenge: Will you see the lessons of what you have been putting up with and decide to change the direction of your life? 11/2 - Master year of inspired ideas and actions. These ideas can influence and inspire others and may deal with your relationships (2). Don’t leave yourself out of the equation! Challenge: Having many dreams but not acting on them.

22/4 - Year of mastery in relationships (2) and building (4). This is a time to connect with others in a profound way and make a difference. A great time to achieve a project with others. Challenge: Taking on a project without asking for help or caretaking others.

How will you take Action this One Year? Do something new every day in this global year of one that might be a stretch but will help you expand in mind, body and spirit. Make a difference this one year by getting involved in a community project, the environment, or someone else’s life. About the Author Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, teacher, and artist for over 25 years living in New York City. Contact her for private readings and class schedule at Greer@Numerology4YourSoul. com. Numerology website: Art website (where you can purchase sized prints of “Wolf Spirit” and “Owl Spirit”):

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January E 2017 Contributors Writers Crystal Presence Debbie Peluso Diane Wing, MA Emma Sturgis Gia Dalton Greer Jonas Kartar Diamond Kim Marks Marcia Sirota, MD. Marguerite dar Boggia Neeta Maharaj

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