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July B 2017
Cover Story
Tori Hartman - The Chakra Wisdom
Health & Healing 36 40
A Compassionate Guide to Obesity When Illness Reveals its Hidden Purpose
Spirituality 46 50
Is Heaven Trying to Get Your Attention? Communicating and Communing with Nature
OM Living 58 62 66
How to Live a Deep, Passionate Life How to Use Plants to Reduce Air Pollution in Your Home Is the One-Person Syndrome Limiting Your Business
Relationships 76
The Difference Between Liking and Loving
Illumination: Animal Communication - Cuddles Ask Whitedove
Personal Growth 96
What If Today Was Your Last Day? 100 The Pain of Loneliness & The Need to Belong 104 Receive Free Education from the GOYA School
Books 110 Book Spotlight - The MultiOrgasmic Diet
Chakra Wisdom Oracle: How to Read the Cards for Yourself and Others Tori Hartman, author interview with OMTimes Magazine Tori Hartman on the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Card Book OMTimes: I understand your new book, Chakra Wisdom Oracle: How to Read the Cards for Yourself and Others, is soon to be
published by Watkins. And it is a step-by-step guide to help readers gain a profound understanding of your bestselling Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards? Tori Hartman: I would say that the idea is to use the reading techniques and concepts to master your own intuition. I don’t think we ever learn cards. I think we learn the techniques that are necessary to read cards, and then the entire realm of card reading opens to us. When I was learning to read Tarot, 25 years ago now, I studied with some great teachers, who all told me to look at the cards and tell them what the pictures meant, rather than the other way around. My single biggest frustration is when people email me and ask what a card means. The “meaning” is in the book, yet if it were that easy then wouldn’t everyone just “get” it? Learning to
intuitively read cards is like learning a new language. I’m oddly surprised when I go to a foreign country and can’t simply speak the language. As I can use intuitive reading skills, I always think I can speak any language with ease. Apparently, this is not the case. The last time I was in France, I told a gentleman in a bookstore that I wanted to “smoke him”. Languages are trickier to master than you think. So, my new book is about learning the tools and skills that will open the language of your intuition to you. The Fables of the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Can Bring Healing OMTimes: Why did you write this new book? Tori Hartman: There is a short and long answer to this. The short answer is that it’s always frustrated me that so many cool decks didn’t give more than a small leaflet or booklet
from which to learn the deck; I always wanted more. Because of this, I wanted to give the person picking up my deck every opportunity to learn more, to heal their wounds and their origin issues. OMTimes: Why did you create the Chakra Wisdom Oracle in the first place? Tori Hartman: Through working with the fables and cards, I found my purpose, and healed old family wounds. I originally self-published my deck because publishers told me it didn’t make sense. After spending my life savings getting it produced, I then found out that if I sold it on Amazon, they would charge me more than I paid to make it so I’d lose money on every sale. I was lost. Then, with my last bit of money, I put up a free shuffler online to give it away; my last-ditch effort to get the information out into the world. And it worked! Slowly they came; people started ordering
the deck and soon, I had sold nearly ten thousand copies off my own website. Then, after waking up one day, I felt like London was the place to go. My friends, Monty Farber and Amy Zerner, suggested speaking to a friend of theirs who had been at Harper-Collins, and he later became my agent. It was an exciting time. After that, I found Watkins. The moment I met my publisher, I loved her. I knew I had found my home. I went from broke and back, not just to publish a card deck, but to shepherd the Chakra Wisdom Oracle teachings out into the world. Powerful Memories and the Origin of Special Gifts OMTimes: Can you describe how you realized that you had psychic abilities? Tori Hartman: My mother did astrology as a hobby, and from the time that I was very little, I was aware of my gift. But
it was hard to tell folks that my first memory was when I was still in diapers, and after crawling on the rug, I took off flying around the room before landing back safely on the carpet. To this day, that is a powerful memory for me. Immediately after that experience, I remember wishing I could go back and fly again; a feeling that I’ve felt my whole life. I return to that feeling every time I work with a client whose life opens to new adventures from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle. My mother, who died of alcoholism, wholly supported my intuitive abilities. She validated my experiences again and again. Once, when I was eight years old and we were broke, I told my dad not to worry about money because he had just been given a check for $308. No such check existed so he was baffled, until later that day when a check arrived
for exactly that amount. My mother kept saying I had a gift but it took a while for my father to believe me. Finally, he did. OMTimes: Was there a special encounter in your life that made you more aware of your abilities, or encouraged you to share them with others? Tori Hartman: Not really. Honestly, I’m more selfish than that. I always had an intention to do other things: write, act, create, etc. There was no way that I wanted to hang out a shingle that flashed, “Psychic Adviser” for the rest of my life. I would say that I’m the least likely person to do this type of work. And yet, I do. And I love it. I decided to pursue the chakras after I suffered a near-death experience almost 20 years ago. After it happened, I was visited by a spirit who told me a collection of stories. And it was these stories that drove my fascination with the
chakras and their power to transform and heal lives. With the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards, I’ve gained several spiritual tools to add to my tool belt which bring me back into center. For some of us, life has been about using just one or two tools because that’s all we have on our belt. But for me, Chakra Wisdom Oracle is about embodying multiple tools to face life head on, to just jump straight in and say, ‘bring it’! Third Book on the Chakra Wisdom Oracle OMTimes: You speak about the Original Fables. Where are they now? This current book is your third in the series. Can you catch us all up? Tori Hartman: When Watkins published the cards, we had to cut the fables out. They were reduced instead to legends in the card booklet. But after publication, the publisher spoke with one of
my practitioners and asked her how she learned the cards, to which she replied: “It’s easy. I just studied the fables.” Hence, the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit was born. While it is independent of the cards, it is the only place where the full fable that inspired each card lives. When you read the fable, it fills in many of the blanks for people. It especially helps those who find the simple divination in the card book isn’t enough. The fables have always been incredibly important to me. Two years ago, I sold my home and recording studio in Los Angeles and moved to Asheville, NC. I needed to make a drastic change and it was vital for my health to leave the west coast. At one point, I was homeless, driving cross-country in a rented car with my two dogs to a rented apartment in North Carolina. But I knew it was the only way for me to break my patterns and my
addictions and completely reinvent my life. The lessons from the Original Fables did that for me. OMTimes: How does the new book, How to Read the Cards for Yourself and Others, tie into this? Tori Hartman: In this book, I teach the techniques to read the cards as a professional would. I also go into the difference between your intuition and your brain, and what to do to get the message directly from your intuition, using buzzwords and autopilot. Insightful Example from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle OMTimes: What are Buzzwords or Autopilot? Tori Hartman: Let me give you an example: I was teaching and a participant said that she was abandoned by her mother. We all know ‘abandoned’ is the buzzword here, right? That’s because we all know
what abandonment means. I asked her to elaborate on how she knew that her mother had abandoned her. After a bit of ‘you know what I means,’ she finally relented and told the story of coming home each day to find that her mother wouldn’t even turn to look at her. Instead, she would simply tell her to take a snack off the table and leave the room. She also mentioned that her father worked nights, was rarely around, and was a violent man. Then I asked her if it had occurred to her that perhaps her mother wouldn’t look directly at her, not because she didn’t want to, but because she didn’t want to reveal her bruised face? Shocked, my student then remembered her mother always being purple underneath her makeup. My student’s entire life shifted in that one moment. She had framed her experience as abandonment but it never
was. We then changed the buzzword from ‘abandoned’ to ‘protected.’ Can you imagine how differently you would approach your life if you saw yourself as being safe and protected versus abandoned? It’s a completely different mindset. In my new book, I detail my own techniques to know the difference between your brain and your intuition, to learn about how cards represent buzzwords. This helps to discover the different aspects of a chakra while you uncover your real personal truth. OMTimes: How did you develop your intuition? Tori Hartman: I learned early on that my brain was not going to be a good barometer of how to survive. My parents often fought and I walked in on them engaged in a full-on fist fight. I gasped and they stopped, calmly looked at
me, and told me to go back to bed and that everything was okay. It was because of this that I had to learn to trust what I didn’t see, not what I was told, because that was more trustworthy. I believe that our greatest wounds will become the gift we are here to give others. Unique Appeal of Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards OMTimes: How do your oracle cards differ from others? Tori Hartman: Oracle cards are like people - completely individual. We can look at a deck and see how deep it goes to address our consciousness at the time. Decks themselves are prophets of their era, oracle or otherwise. Doreen Virtue, for example, brought out her “positive” Angel Cards at a time when people were afraid of their shadow side. I remember someone asking me at a party years ago if I could use her deck to do readings for guests, instead of using
Tarot, because her deck didn’t ‘frighten’ people. At that time, people wanted to see their light, or divinity, not their darker side. What makes Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards unique is the idea that there are no good or bad cards. It speaks to where we are now. OMTimes: How important is the understanding of the chakras to develop intuition? Tori Hartman: They are everything! They are our internal map that holds our wisdom. It is why some people can simply pick up a chakra wisdom card and by just reading what is in the booklet, they tell how spot-on their reading is. Our answers are within, and the Chakra Wisdom Oracle reflects our inner wisdom. When you really know the chakras, it’s deep work. But the cards are only as powerful as the person using them.
OMTimes: What is spirituality for you? Tori Hartman: You are spirituality. It is our consciousness as a society; we all create it together. OMTimes: Do you have a message for your readers? Tori Hartman: Yes! “You” are the magic that makes these cards, these fables and the readings come to life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am, forever humbled. Connect with author, Toni Hartman, and discover more about the Chakra Wisdom Oracle and her other intuitive aids at: Twitter: @ToriHartman Her website: www.torihartman. com Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/ OfficialToriHartman/ Pre-Order the Book on Amazon-U.S. and Amazon-U.K.
Empower Girls Break the Cycle of Dependence
The number one reason girls drop out of school in Sub-Saharan Africa is lack of access to feminine hygiene products. The Pads for Schoolgirls Project, an outreach of Humanity Healing International, is changing this paradigm by setting up sewing programs at schools, teaching girls a vocational skill, while producing the reusable pads that help keep them attending classes. The girls pay it forward by making and giving pad kits to other girls in need. To learn more, visit humanityhealing.org
Health & Wellness
Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
A Compassionate Guide to Obesity by Kathryn Remati
The Obesity Epidemic and Getting Healthier Obesity is officially an epidemic, ranging from the overweight to the morbidly obese. According to recent studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “The prevalence of overweight children and adolescents and obesity in adults in the United
States has increased over several decades.” This is not just an American problem, as more than a billion people worldwide are experiencing health problems due to extra weight. A deeper and holistic awareness of the overweight individual is necessary for any solutions to have long-lasting results. Instead of seeing the obese person as a statistic, a BMI or scale number, we can view the whole person as someone suffering emotionally, physically, and mentally. This is the first step to helping. Do not confuse compassion with pity. This is a call to better understand people suffering from misunderstanding most of their lives. If you are overweight, or know someone who is, here are a few facts to consider. These prove there are instances where the obese individual is thus perceived as a victim and not just an intentional consumer of calories.
Four Insightful Facts about Obesity 1.The human brain has craved high-fat and sugary
foods since prehistoric times to prepare for a long, lean winter in the cave. Our primitive brain still has those cravings, but is now easier to appease due to the evolution of our culture of convenience. Our ancestors were also more physically active than we are now. It seems logical under these circumstances that the population would grow heavier over time. The scientific community has coined the term “sitting disease” to describe the growing prevalence of our modern, tech-obsessed, sedentary lifestyle and its negative effects on our health. 2. Our subconscious mind is always awake and ready to be influenced by those knowing how to reach it to affect our behavior. Brian Wansink, Ph.D., the director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, researches the “hidden persuaders” used by supermarkets, restaurants, and food marketers. External stimuli, such as music, color of the room, and label design, can subliminally encourage Omtimes.com
us to “mindlessly” eat more calories than necessary. 3. The average American home now has more television sets than people. Research shows a strong correlation between TV viewing and weight, no matter what age or what they watch. Television watching takes away time that we could spend on physical activity. It distracts us from listening to the body, and encourages unconscious eating. Media bombards us with advertising for high calorie, cheesy gooey pizza and other so-called comfort foods to soothe our emotions rather than face them. 4. Research studies link sexual abuse, early childhood trauma, incest, rape, and molestation with obesity. It has been scientifically proven that more than half of all obese females have had to endure a painful and harrowing event in their past. Psychologically, the weight may help them feel safer and protected from future assaults. Overweight people have not only extra physical Omtimes.com
weight, but also deal with more emotional and mental weight than others. Stop Judging Persons Who are Overweight Our society likes to single out heroes and villains and feed into the drama of winners and losers. The celebrity magazines sell us stories that make anyone that gains weight, the ‘bad’ guy. Bullying on all media, social or otherwise, is so prevalent that we added a new meaning for the word troll and trolling to the dictionary. We are constantly encouraged to compare ourselves with others rather than see similarities. Feeling shamed and singled out by bullies is a common dilemma for the overweight. Start Healing Obesity with Self-Compassion Maybe it’s because we judge ourselves so harshly that we are less compassionate with others. If we wish to see others in a compassionate light, the best place to begin may be to befriend our own worst enemy: ourselves. “Find the sweetness in your
own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart.” This advice from the wise poet Rumi may not be as easy as it sounds. Loving ourselves unconditionally can be a lifelong process. An essential first step is to improve our self-talk. We can quiet the inner critic that judges and condemns our actions and feelings. Making friends with ourselves begins when we mentally speak with kindness and a gentle, light-hearted tone. Next time we step on the scales or overindulge, speak to yourself with kindness and no judgment. Use a term of endearment as you would to a dear friend. Unconditional Love Goes a Long Way We must try to love ourselves, and others without conditions. Loving what we consider faulty will help us to see the overweight as lovable too. Take advice from writer Elizabeth Gilbert who says, “Accept the glorious mess you are.” Let us also accept obesity as a call for love and treat all beings with compassion.
We can shift our focus from seeing only laziness or gluttony in an individual with a weight problem, to an expanded awareness that includes their heart, soul, and their suffering. This will go a long way toward building a truly compassionate society. We also need to stop shaming, blaming, and separating ourselves from others, and accept and value all human beings no matter their shape and size. About the Author Kathryn Remati created the popular Tranquil Me meditation app to spread peace, one peaceful person at a time. She is a certified San Francisco based meditation teacher, Health Instructor for Kaiser Permanente, and writer. You can also listen to her guided meditations on the Insight Timer App or live on the Periscope App. Kathryn is proud to have been a presenter at the consciousnessraising, Sedona Yoga Festival 2017 Follow her on Twitter https:// twitter.com/TranquilMeApp Or go to: Tranquil-Me.com And Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/tranquilmeapp/ Omtimes.com
When Illness Reveals Hidden Purpose by Courtney Marchesani
A Divine Plan, When Illness Reveals Hidden Purpose… In Plant Spirit Shamanism, a book by Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing, readers learn of the strange ‘sin eaters’ of old. Sin eating was once a healing tradition of the Celtic people. According to Ross Heaven, “A sin eater would be
employed by the family of a deceased person, or sometimes by the church, to eat a last meal of bread and salt from the belly of the corpse as it lay. By doing so, it was believed, the sins of the dead would be absorbed by the sin eater himself, and the deceased would have clear passage into the Kingdom of Heaven.� In this healer-priest-medicineman role, sin eaters provided a sinless passage into the afterlife for the departed. As one might imagine, society basically shunned these individuals as they considered them impure due to their calling. Considered healers, sin eaters lived away from their villages, in obscurity. In their isolation, sin eaters lived much closer to the mysteries of the divine. They also had skills in medicine, spiritual doctoring, and spirit world communicationtranslation. In the latter, they brought messages of
forgiveness, hope, and specific instructions from loved ones who had already passed into the beyond.
‌To the Healing Arts of Today Today, we call these medicine people who serve humanity through the translation, service, and knowledge of the spirit world intuitive coaches, shamans, mediums, priests, and trans-personal mental health counselors. They view healing through a psychosocial-spiritual perspective. In the earliest shamanic traditions, traumatic life events always had a spiritual cause. However, we do not have to wait until the afterlife to gain insight into the purpose of this lifetime. We can use the process of life review to help us discover the hidden meaning of illness now. Identifying Hidden Illness as Destiny Calling For those of us who serve
in these important roles as healers, how can we identify a client’s hidden life purpose or destiny inside an illness? We may overlook this phenomenon sometimes, but different forms of illness may sometimes be a call from spirit to live out a unique destiny. The wounded healer may be a tired or exhausted phrase, but still worthy of mentioning as we explore the original progression of modern medicine. For example, let’s look to mythology for an ancient representation of this. Modern medicine uses the symbol of the Asclepius staff to represent healing and medicine. The original Hippocratic Oath began with the invocation, “I swear by Apollo the Physician and by Asclepius and by Hygieia and Panacea and by all the gods ...”[1] If we go back even farther and see who influenced Asclepius, we find Chiron, the centaur.
Chiron was struck in the thigh by one of Heracles’ arrows poisoned with the blood of the Hydra. He was also the master of the healing arts. Even though he had trained many students in the art of healing, he could not heal himself. Thus, the iconography of the wounded-healer-as-teacher was born. In the respected Greek tradition of tragedy, this powerful irony leads many healers to identify with Chiron, Asclepius, and other masters of medicine who found healing as a vocation. How to Use Illness to Find the Divine Plan in a Life Review First, take life experience into account. We use everything we have learned in our lives up until now. Step One: Help clients flesh out their powerful, defining moments by drawing a timeline of life events. Go through the life review on paper and draw out
or use images to help the client construct their own story. Certain patterns will emerge. Look for archetypes, symbols, and universal themes in the story. Step Two: Hold sacred space to allow clients to creatively process their experience by expressing their meaning. For example, if a client uses words to communicate freely have them type up, hand write, or tell you their full story including what purpose they discovered. Step Three: How did illness show up? When and where on the timeline of events? Does it connect to other people or life challenges? If it was early in life with the client having limited memories about what happened, it is helpful to allow them to process the memories connected to childhood illness. Step Four: As coaches, we may have experienced personal loss through illness. If this is the case we allow the divine
in ourselves to come out and greet the client where they are, encouraging them to accept their divine purpose. This is the synergistic healing property of the spiritual counseling relationship. Reference: Farnell, L.R., Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality, Chapter 10, “The Cult of Asklepios” (pp. 234-279) About the Author Courtney Marchesani, CEO of Inspired Potentials, is a Natural Health Coach, a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and the creator of Intuitive Soul Language. Her newest book, “Feeding the Trauma Spirit, How to Nourish the Hidden Body,” is available now on Amazon. She has worked as a Mental Health Practitioner in social services for over ten years, as a writer/publisher, and an administrator. Courtney specializes in the often-hidden health struggles of Highly Sensitive People (HSP). http:// www.inspiredpotentials.com/
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Is Heaven Trying to Get Your Attention? by John Holland
Feeling Those Heavensent Messages The veil between this world and the next (heaven) is very thin. As a medium, I have the ability to see beyond that veil and communicate with the Spirit World. I treat it with the utmost respect and never abuse the privilege that’s afforded to me.
As I raise my own vibrations to make a connection, I always stop and honor their presence as I blend with their energy. I get to see and feel a soul in its entirety--youthful, beaming, and luminous--even if it’s for the briefest of moments. I celebrate their joys and their sadness, as well as their love. It is a blessing to do this work, but I’ve never considered it as a job and never take it for granted. The people who receive a message through me from loved ones on the Other-Side often tell me what a beautiful gift they’ve just received, but in reality, I’m the one who’s received the ultimate gift. It’s a chance for me to honor my soul purpose of being all that I can be as a spirit messenger to help others in their time of need. Communicating Alone Can Be Equally Insightful Communication and closeness with departed loved ones in heaven is also possible without necessarily sitting with a medium. So many people come to see me and express how much
they’d love to connect with the Other-Side for themselves, rather than receiving the information secondhand. To experience your own communication firsthand, it’s important to become aware. For example, the next time you’re thinking of someone who’s passed over, it could be because at that exact moment, they’re lovingly thinking of you, too. Be aware of each time you think of them and keep an open mind. As I often say: “Your loved ones are just a thought away.” As always, I urge you at the start to keep a record of your experiences in a journal. ‘Talking with Our Think’ and Child Chats with Heaven A beautiful story of this child’s belief in the power of thought illustrates my point perfectly. It revolves around a little girl named Daisy who passed to spirit at the very young age of ten. During her last days, Daisy looked up and told her mother that she was communicating with her little brother who had passed years earlier. In fact, Daisy
told her mother that the little boy was standing right beside her and the two were having quite a lively conversation.
that should make you smile. They are ‘Hellos from Heaven.’
“How do you speak to your little brother? I don’t hear or see you moving your lips,” asked the bewildered mother. The grinning little girl answered: “We talk with our think.”
So, if you feel you’re ready for a message, please let your spirit family and friends that you’re ready for a sign. Don’t demand - just ask lovingly.
JOHN’S LESSON Is someone trying to get your attention from the Other-Side? Would you like to get a sign yourself?
Ready for a Message from Spirit?
Be open to any sign that they can send. If you do in fact get a message and you’re not sure who’s sending it, then ask: “If this is you Mom, then send me another one of the same signs.”
If so, then simply ask for one. Reach out with your thoughts and love to the person you would like a sign from. When you ask for a sign, you must be ready for one. In other words, your loved ones and friends in the Spirit World take their cues from you.
Just remember - love is everlasting, neither death, nor time, or even distance can ever separate us from the ones we love. We are and always will be connected.
If they know that a message might cause you to be sad or emotional, they will often wait until you are in a better space. Messages are meant to be loving with happy memories
About the Author
Live a Soul-filled life!
John Holland is an artist, author, public speaker, and psychic medium. To learn more about John Holland, visit http://www.johnholland.com.
Communicating and Communing with Nature by Carl Greer
Expanded-Awareness Practice with Nature Recognize that simply being in or near nature can bring you information about your health and be “medicine� for you in ways you might not expect-as my client, Brendan came to see when he stood quietly and made a connection with a tree while waiting to receive health test results. As you observe a Omtimes.com
snowfall through the window of a quiet room, you might feel moved to dialogue with the experience and let it inform you about your health. You may get a message about purity, innocence, freshness, or a new beginning. You might realize you need to slow down and be less distracted. Even if you only intended to sit for a while and observe the snow
falling, you might begin to realize you and your health are part of a larger whole of nature and that remembering this truth will help you experience greater wellness. One winter evening, I took a walk and was looking at a waxing moon, which was about half full. It would appear and disappear in the sky, as the clouds passed in front of it. I paused to interact and dialogue with it to discover what it could teach me about my health story. Reconnect with Natural Elements for Healing I was reminded of how some things can be present but not visible-things that contribute to poor health and to good health. I understood that if I intend to see them, and I remain vigilant, I can catch glimpses of the invisible world and the wisdom it holds for me. Soon after this, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, which was present but not visible, just like the moon behind the cloud. Taking advantage of opportunities to reconnect with nature and its elements can give you insights and energies
for healing. Even if you may have seen many snowfalls or thunderstorms in your life, you might want to pause the next time you experience one. Open yourself to what it might bring you-messages, a renewed feeling of gratitude, or something else. I also suggest that when you use expanded-awareness practices in nature, you consider beginning by opening sacred space, cleansing your energy field, and doing mindful breathing, and then closing sacred space afterward. Should you receive any messages from the snow, rain, sky, clouds, or ground, consider thanking them, as this shows respect for the wisdom of nature. Communing with Nature’s Energies If it has been a while since you have spent time in nature, connecting to its healing powers, you might want to do the following simple expandedawareness practice, which can help you connect with the energy of the sun. Do you long to feel its rays upon your skin? In writing about an indigenous African ritual for greeting the Omtimes.com
sunrise, Carl Jung said, “The longing for light is the longing for consciousness.” When was the last time you made a point of watching a sunrise? What are you missing by taking for granted that since the sun will rise again tomorrow, you can always catch a sunrise some other day? The following simple expandedawareness practice requires no preparation other than planning to find a place to greet the sun as it rises.
Expanded-awareness Practice: Sun Greeting
breathing. Then, as you face the east, salute the sun, adopting whatever posture feels right to you. You might want to do a yoga pose such as the sun salutation, or you can simply extend your arms out to your side, with your palms up, and thrust your chest forward. Open yourself up to the sun’s energy. Look out at the horizon or sky and then close your eyes so you can turn your face fully toward the sun. Notice the sensation of your breathing and the sensation of the sun as it strikes your skin and its light penetrates your eyelids.
Plan to awaken before dawn to watch the sunrise in a natural area where you can fully appreciate the experience with an unobstructed view. As soon as you can upon arising, go outside to greet the sun as it begins to spread light upward from the horizon, filling the sky.
Try not to consciously create thoughts about what is happening; simply be present to the experience, and continue to focus on your breath.
Be fully present as you soak in its light and warmth. Imagine it is observing and greeting you, just as you are observing and greeting it.
You might open your eyes and watch the changing colors of the sky, but do not directly gaze at the sun, as this can damage your eyes.
Become mindful of your
Ask the sun, “What message
Focus on Breath; Be Aware of Messages
do you have for me about my health?” Wait for the answer. Be open to the form of the answer. It may simply be an inner knowing, or it may be a word or an image that comes to you. Ask the sun, “What do I need to release to help me live according to a better health story?” Ask it, too, what you need to bring in for that purpose. You might also ask, “What in me needs to be nourished so that it may grow?” Each time, wait for an answer before posing the next question. When you sense it is the right time to end your ritual of interaction with the energy of the sun, open your eyes. Thank the sun for its messages and energy.
Post-practice Checking for Insights After you have used this practice, journal about it. Did you receive any insights that you found helpful? What was it like for you to have this experience? Expanded-awareness practices such as this one can be used to work co-creatively with the
energies in nature, accessing their healing properties. If you do not get a clear, direct answer to your inquiries about your health when you are in nature and trying to communicate with it, remain present to the experience and simply observe what you are feeling and sensing. Later, you can choose to do a dialogue and learn more. The following expandedawareness practice, to do out in nature, is a technique for tapping into the wisdom of the unconscious mind. It is similar to the Jungian sand tray technique and Native American sand paintings created for healing purposes by people of the Navajo, Zuni, Hopi, and Plains tribes, but here I am calling it a “nature painting” because it might not involve sand as one of its elements. About the Author Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD, is a practicing clinical psychologist, Jungian analyst, and shamanic practitioner. He teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and is on staff at the Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being. Learn more at CarlGreer.com. Omtimes.com
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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
How to Live a Deep, Passionate Life by Tony Samara
The Complexity of Living a Passionate Life “There is no passion to be found in playing small; in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.� --Nelson Mandela Living a deep, passionate life is quite a complex scenario. Do we simply wait until what is safe outside supports us? Do we wait until what seems okay outside supports us through the change?
If so, then we will wait forever because the mind is never safe. The mind is fed from the ego, from a sense of control and dualism, and from the sense of believing that there is a future. However, there is no future, there is only this moment! The heart knows this, but the mind can’t go there. If we stay with this aspect of ourselves, there is never a safe thing. There may ‘seem’ to be safe things. This is because they are the feelings that come from the mind. These convince us that everything is okay because it feels good or feels like it is possible. Passionate Life: A Channel for the Divine Love Life is so complex! Yet, the divine is not some sort of joker sitting ‘up there’ watching us play games. He/she/it, the big picture, or whatever you like to call it, doesn’t sit anywhere other than inside of our heart. It is not a joker; rather, is really wanting each of us to acknowledge its experience. Once we acknowledge it, then the idea of love, the idealism, the picture that we have of love,
has no validity. What happens is that we experience love. We open inside, to a space that is so real that our mind begins to believe again in that space that it has forgotten. When this occurs, there is such a powerful feeling. Because what we have done and are doing, and what we create, is a channel where the divine deep inside of us is able to express itself. This offers not just love or projection, but rather the actual expansion of the divine into the experience of the mind, which the mind then cannot resist. Real Love - No Mind Can Resist It In the same way, we must ask ourselves, how can we escape from a structure that is us? There is only one way and every person that is totally free knows this. We must be totally and completely, be 100 percent passionate about everything that we do. The English word doesn’t convey what 100 percent passionate means. But, perhaps it could be defined as being 100 percent total, being totally involved and passionate about everything we do. Omtimes.com
Without this, life is empty and has no meaning. Without passion, life is just an action, whereby we wake up, eat, and the mundane takes up our time. Our brain and thoughts take up our time in every waking moment. Then we tire, and this is the end of our day. So, we go to sleep and then it’s another day.
more powerful than the ego; than the sense of maintaining that status quo. It is the strongest force - it’s the creation of life. When we have this, and awaken this inside of ourselves, then it is not a hero’s journey but a real journey that we undertake. It is a real journey towards coming home back to what is really us.
Of course, it is an interesting way of living but it’s not what life is about. It is surely not what Jesus spoke about when he spoke to the priests in their temples, and said, ‘God doesn’t dwell here in these temples; these temples are dead. God dwells everywhere. Why don’t we open to this beautiful space that is everywhere? Why do we have to be fixated on institutions?’
When we touch this space, the most amazing thing happens. When we honor it, this space is so awakened that it begins to touch every structure in our life. What seemed complex, difficult, impossible, unrealistic, and what seemed to be just a dream, becomes our reality.
Fixated on Beauty, the Passionate Life Diminishes Today, why are we so fixated? Many people are fixated on the beauty of words, on the pretense, rather than on simply being. Real love breaks all these old structures. Real love is much
About the Author Tony Samara is world-renowned spiritual teacher and author of 16 books. He has been sharing deep spiritual work and energy transmission for the evolution of consciousness for over 25 years. Join Tony Samara for livestream videos on the OMTimes Magazine Facebook page, and enroll in his OMTimes Experts courses on the Learn it Live platform. Discover more at: http://www.TonySamara.com
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How to Use Plants to Reduce Air Pollution in Your Home by Eileen O’Shanassy
When There is a Noticeable Difference in the Air... When we walk into a greenhouse, the first thing we notice is the air. It is usually warm, but it is also moist, rich, alive. It smells clean, even though we may be surrounded by fungi, insects,
and dirt. How can this be? And how can we also apply these benefits to create the same feeling in our homes? The secret is in the plants. Plants have a long history of doing the grunt work in scrubbing our air. Ficuses and ferns are considered good choices for most homes because they are very hardy, which means they can survive even those of us with black thumbs. Similarly, peace lilies and bamboo are often used in corporate atriums because they are both attractive and freshen the air. The Science Inside the Leaves Some of this might feel a little too good to be true. After all, we have heard about sick building syndrome and carbon monoxide poisoning. The suggestion that adding a couple of Boston ferns will clean the air might feel too simple. But it’s true, and science has the proof. In the same way that humans and animals breathe oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, plants breathe carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. This makes
them active air filters, not only increasing surrounding oxygen concentrations, but also metabolizing a variety of chemicals harmful to humans, including carbon monoxide, benzene, and formaldehyde. This is confirmed by a NASA study from 1989, analyzing which plants are the best indoor air cleaners. After all, astronauts on a spaceship cannot simply open a window for fresh air. Benefits of Breathing Clean Air Clean, fresh air is the first step to correctly nourishing our bodies and maintaining mental clarity. Other benefits of using plants to raise ambient oxygen levels and decrease airborne toxins include the following: Increased serotonin levels, thus creating a feeling of general well-being. Improved cardiovascular efficiency. Improved ability for lungs to remove and expel toxins from the body. Exposure to phytoncides, a stress-reducing chemical produced by plants. Improved cognitive efficiency. Strengthened immune system. Omtimes.com
More energy. Fewer feelings of malaise, such as headaches, dizziness, or nausea. One can further increase the benefits of clean air through regular exposure to natural sunlight. Air-Purifying Plants for the Home NASA’s findings are, therefore, good news for lovers of houseplants, good air, and the color green. They discovered a long list of plants that remove formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, ammonia, and even carbon monoxide from the air: Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) Broadleaf lady palm (Raphis excelsa) Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii) Rubber plant (Ficus robusta) Dracaena “Janet Craig” (Dracaena deremensis) Red-edged dracaena (Dracaena marginata) Azalea (Rhododendron simsii) Dwarf date palm (Phoenix roebelenii) Ficus Alii (Ficus macleilandii “Alii”) Omtimes.com
Boston fern (Nephrolepis exalted “Bostonian’s”) Peace lily (Spathiphyllum “Mauna Loa”) English ivy (Hedera helix) Aloe vera (Aloe vera) Dwarf banana (Musa cavendishii) Chrysanthemum mum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) Golden pothos (Scindapsus aures) Warneck dracaena (Dracaena deremensis “Warneckii”) Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema crispum “Deborah”) Heart leaf philodendron (Philodendron oxycardium) Not all of these plants are safe for house pets, and some are more difficult to care for than others, so double check toxicity and care requirements before visiting your local plant nursery. About the Author Eileen O’Shanassy is a freelance writer and blogger based out of Flagstaff, Arizona. She writes on a variety of topics and loves to research and write. She also enjoys baking, biking, and kayaking. Check out Eileen on Twitter @eileenoshanassy.
Is the OnePerson Syndrome Limiting Your Business? by Simone Milasas
When Business is Me, Myself, and I “What can I do to improve the number of my clients?� This is a question that comes up frequently in my business seminars. Usually the person asking it loves what they do -
whether it’s coaching or being a motivational speaker - but there are other aspects of their business that they don’t enjoy. The good news is, you don’t have to do it all. If marketing, making sales calls, answering email inquiries on time or book keeping is not something you truly enjoy, hire someone else to do it. That’s the joy of business! It’s not about having all the answers but rather having the tools to deal with any situation that arises and changing what’s not working for you. Often, when someone has founded and created their business from the ground up, they don’t want to hire extra staff. They say it costs a lot of money, it’s too complicated, how do you find the right people; there are so many different points of view about hiring staff. Joy of Business - So Many Ideas, So Little Time I have been there myself.
When Joy of Business first started, I employed one person who was great at technical systems. I had so many ideas and lots of things that I wanted to create, but each time we talked about them she said, “I’m not a creator”. She said it five times before I got it. I had been so comfortable with one employee that I didn’t want to step into the unknown area of hiring a second or third person. When I finally realized that my business needed a different energy I hired two more people. What Energy Does Your Business Require? There are three energies you require for a business to work. They are creator, connector, mover. It doesn’t have to be three people; it’s three energies. As the creator, you’re creating the energy of the whole business. Creators are visionaries; they are the ones who have a plethora of ideas and they come up with
new ones all the time. Often, creators will judge themselves harshly because their ideas don’t come to fruition. What they don’t know is that they’ve got to add connectors and movers to their business. The mover is someone who can perceive the future and see what needs to be put in place today to have that future. They are energetic, ambitious and know how to run a business. The mover will always look at the possibilities and ask a question like, what’s going to be required next? Personally, being a mover is one of my favorite things. Which Energetic Vantage Point is Your Favorite? Thirdly there’s the energy of connector. The connector is someone who will talk to anyone and do whatever it takes to get the message out there. Connectors are easy to spot, they’re the person in the supermarket line who talks to everyone. They’re the person who gets in the elevator and has a chat.
Connectors make great sales people, so if you’d like more clients then find connectors for your business. Most people who’re great connectors think it has no value. Which one are you? Usually the energy you think has no value is the one you’re great at but you mistakenly think everyone can do it. Some people cross over; they may be great creators and also have the energy of a mover. There is a fourth energy which is a foundational person, someone who is capable of being the creator, connector and mover simultaneously. A foundational person usually makes a great manager, or CEO, as they have an aerial view of the business. Going Beyond Predictability to Create Revenue Just because you own the business, or are the boss, that doesn’t make you responsible for everything that occurs. If you’re the one that’s responsible, then you constantly must judge whether
you did a great job or a mediocre job because it’s all on your shoulders. That’s one of the ways that businesses ensure there is predictability. Prediction does not create anything because you’re always looking for a certain result and you never have to be greater. When a business is based on predictability then you must create all the revenue streams - and that’s a lot of hard work! You have another choice. The choice is to remain predictable or choose a different reality. A different reality with business could be asking for contribution from everyone you work with. So many people don’t do that with their staff. Just for today ask the people with whom you work to contribute to the business. Literally ask them, “What would create the possibilities for more money, more clients, more revenue streams to show up?” Allow that contribution and be willing to listen to the
whispers of possibility that show up. It’s a different invitation for money. It’s a different invitation for your business. What if you didn’t think about it and were willing to create it and have it show up? About the Author Simone Milasas is a dynamic speaker, leader, and serial entrepreneur who travels the globe demonstrating how to do business from a place of joy. She has been at the forefront of cutting edge business creation and development for over two decades. Simone is the founder and creator of Joy of Business as well as the Worldwide Coordinator for Access Consciousness® which operates in over 170 countries. Simone is the author of the internationally acclaimed book, Joy of Business (currently available in 11 languages) and recently released her second book, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully, which became a number #1 best seller within 24 hours of launching. You can sign up for her free video series on Getting Out of Debt at www. gettingoutofdebtjoyfully.com
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The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
The Difference Between Liking and Loving by Bob Mangroo Life Lessons and Natural Philosophy Combine From the time we are small, we seek to figure out the difference between liking and loving. Someone once
asked the Buddha, ‘What is the difference between I like you and I love you?’ The Buddha beautifully replied: ‘If you like a flower you will pluck it, if you love the flower you will water it daily. One who understands this understands life.’
or someone new. This type of thinking is common where people may abuse food, alcohol, shopping out of boredom, or quick relationships that come and go. As much as we may like quick pleasures, they are not long lasting as love.
Very often, we function from the perspective of liking but not loving. To like is to function from quick pleasure. If you pluck a flower and put it in a vase, the flower has already begun to die. Thus, quick pleasure never lasts. A flower that is plucked begins to fade, its fragrance dulls and soon the flower dries up. Pleasure is temporary; the feeling dies, the object of desire disappears and nothing is left except tiny fragments of memory.
Liking and Loving - What Brings Lasting Fulfillment? There is nothing wrong with pleasure, but when we rely heavily on pleasure for fulfillment this inevitably leads to disappointment. The feeling of pleasure vanishes quickly, and yet, we often fool ourselves into thinking that this good feeling will last forever. And, sadly enough it does not. No matter how hard we try, we will not (and cannot) find deep happiness through desperate pleasure.
When the pleasure for something is gone, we are quick to search for something
Pleasure is limited and it usually comes in a package and sits on a store shelf. Authentic
love cannot be packaged or controlled. Any attempt to do so destroys its purity. It is a sacred experience without boundaries. It is open like the sky and free to grow like flowers in a field. Such a love must come from inside you as a direct experience.
simply tantalizes the senses. We can like ice cream, like a new dress or like a party. But, the ice cream will finish, the dress will go out of style and the party will end when the music stops and the fluorescent lights turn on. Pleasure always has a time limit.
Pleasure is very small when compared to deep love; just as the light of a lamp is very small when compared to the sun. With genuine love, we involve our whole self. With pleasure, we only stimulate our five senses. Deep love transcends the five senses. To enter the green grounds of love, we must leave behind the barren land of the five senses and arrive at our soul.
Conversely, deep and sincere love has no reference to time. Mothers, think of the first time you looked into the eyes of your newborn. That was a pure and profound love. There was no part of you that did not feel love. Did you say to your newborn; “I like you?” Absolutely not; you said, “I love you.” Do you think your newborn gave you a momentary pleasure for that day? No. From that day forward, your newborn gave you something that is impossible to describe; hence, love cannot be described.
Very Different Times between Liking and Loving To like something is very different than to love. Liking
Does this mean we need to give up the pleasures of life? No. Enjoy pleasure as much as you desire, but understand, that they are just pleasures and that is all. And, do not be shocked when the object of your pleasure is gone leaving you empty and hungry again. Liking and Loving for Genuine Happiness To enter the temple of love, we must do things that give us a deeper and richer experience of life, so that, even when we look back years later those things still warm our heart. We must nurture our hearts by doing things that feel special, caring, and long lasting. There is no “one special thing� to do. We are here to explore and discover the life and lifestyle that is most appropriate for our personal journey. And, as we spend regular time to
discern when we are in liking versus loving mode, it can go a long way to help us in our genuine happiness. While absorbed in loving thoughts, positive activity, and good deeds, we align with our soul. We are, as the Buddha says, watering the flowers daily. And, keep in mind that the more we function from the position of love and joy, then humanity will become the flowers of the field. About the Author Bob Mangroo is a personal potential coach and spiritual teacher. His training and coaching work includes hypnosis, meditation and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In addition, he has earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada. www.bobmangroo.com
Animal Communication with Cuddles by Lisa Shaw
Welcome to our first animal communication column for OMTimes magazine. I will be providing consultations which will be featured monthly.
A reading is a telepathic conversation between the communicator and the animal, providing illumination to strengthen to solve problems, best serve our furry and feathered companions, and strengthen the humananimal bond.
Cuddles and Judi Reach Out for a Reading Judi got in touch, asking for insight with her dog, Cuddles. From Judi: I could use some advice with Cuddles. I adopted her in 2013 and we take her everywhere we can so she will be more social and not afraid of other people or dogs. Cuddles has done well with that. The issue is I see clients in my home, and she is very protective. Even if Cuddles has seen them several times before--barking, jumping and threatening stances whenever
they stand up, walk in, or walk out. If they are sitting, she calms down. Any ideas? When I read Cuddles, she immediately shows me two important things. The first is a small white dog, a poodle or Bichon Frise-type, with whom she was very close. Then she shows me a human baby being picked up by its mother. In both cases, she felt left out. Cuddles may have been in a home with two dogs and was very close to the other dog, who was the preferred pet. Being given up for adoption meant being separated from her friend, so there were two crushing issues with that one action, loss of friendship and knowledge that she was not wanted. This could be from this lifetime or a holdover of memory from
a previous lifetime. Cuddles: Protective and Sensitive I believe Cuddles also felt very protective of the baby, even though the other dog was more prominent. And, as such, she has carried that level of protectiveness into her relationship with you. She is so grateful to be loved and wanted that she feels she needs to be your guardian, which means being a barrier between you and your clients or anyone who comes into your home. Cuddles is a very sensitive girl, who not only thinks about the dog she left behind but dreams about her. She also shows me she would benefit from a basic obedience group class and even Canine
Good Citizen training and certification. Here, the two of you would work as a team, creating a new level of bonding. It occurs in a social situation where Cuddles would learn to be responsive, but not territorial and overly protective. I have shown Cuddles what it means to stand and walk alongside you without having to act as a ‘barking barrier’ to others. She seems to understand. She shows me a very full heart; she absolutely loves you. Reward her for love more than for protection. She also says she wants to howl. Do you find her howling? Crazy as it sounds, you might want to howl a few times and let Cuddles chime in. Perhaps an annoyance to your neighbors, but a delight for her!
She has an interest in caterpillars, by the way, so be careful. Her greatest joy is when you come home. She hears the lock turn and it’s party time! Judi’s Response to Cuddles’ Insightful Reading Judi’s response: Thank you, Lisa! This is great information. It does make a lot of sense. Cuddles was at the shelter for a year and was so withdrawn and sad when I first met her. It takes her a while to trust. She also tries to talk/howl - funny you should mention this! I do this with her all the time, and my roommate thinks I am quite crazy, ha! And she does love it when I return home. I will also check into signing up for a class today. I so appreciate your insight
on this! We will be working on it! If you would like a reading for your animal companion, please send a photo and a brief description of the issue you would like me to explore. Thanks!
About the Author Lisa Shaw, M.A., M.F.A., R.M., is an animal communicator, Reiki Master, writer, and professor who lives in South Florida with her furry and feathered companions. She conducts a free online Reiki circle for animals on Facebook, has graduate degree Pastoral Ministry, specializing in loss and healing, and has trained as a Hospice chaplain. Visit Lisa at: www.reikidogs.com
Life Stages Heads up for next 12 Months
Make the most of meaningful events and encounters and lessen the effects of any negative experiences. Life Stages alerts you to specific occurrences, where you should best consolidate, or when to experiment; otherwise where to be cautious; when it’s down to you, or someone else; when to wait and when to act.
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Dear Michelle, I’ve recently felt uneasy in my home. I’m writing you because last night I saw a dark shadow in my bedroom. What can I do to get rid of this negative energy that is coming around me? I’d be most appreciative of any advice you can give. Dearest, You have the power to vanquish this negative energy from your personal space. It’s time to do some spiritual housecleaning. Now get a white sage bundle for smudging and a big box or two of Sea Salt or Kosher Salt. This is a simple yet prayerful ceremony, so do it with reverence. First light the sage on fire, and then blow it out to create a sacred smoke that is used to help clear negative energy. This is called smudging.
Say a prayer to God and ask Archangel Michael for assistance also. Give thanks to Great Spirit for protection and the cleansing of your aura and your home. (Archangel Michael is the warrior angel that God put in charge of protecting our physical body and our soul) Pray that any negative energy will be repelled from your house and only love and light energy is allowed to enter. As you are praying, give thanks and walk through each room of your home while fanning the cleansing smoke. Be sure to keep a fireproof bowl handy such as a terracotta pot to set it in once you are done with the smoke. Next you’ll do a second walkthrough, only this time while praying you’ll be pouring a small pile of salt in all four corners of your bedrooms, living room and kitchen. I would suggest that you do this to all four corners of every room. Natural sea salt absorbs and transmutes negative energy; It also has cleansing and NOMADIC | 24 healing properties.
Be sure to leave it on the floor; do not vacuum up, it will naturally dissipate. Lastly, also draw a line of salt across your doorway threshold, front door and back entrances. This will stop negative energy from entering. If you live in a freestanding home you can draw a complete ring of salt around the perimeter outside of your home. Once complete, you’ll feel a difference in the energy, a lightness and a positive vibration! Dear Michelle. I’ve been involved in a paranormal group for years and now I am starting a new group to do some local investigating. Do you have any spiritual advice for the amateurs that have interest in ghost hunting?
Dearest. I say this with all seriousness, anyone that cannot see a wayward soul and sense the intention of a spirit is an amateur and is inviting danger. Having an authentic PsychicMedium join your paranormal investigative group would be beneficial, this way you’ll know if you are walking into a Beetlejuice scenario or an Amityville horror. Yes, really! For your protection, always wear a cross or another spiritual symbol of God. Before entering a haunted location, shield up in prayer and group prayer would be even more potent to come from a spiritual place of power. Do this because you don’t want to leave with an attachment; this is serious business, possessions can happen just as often as working with a Ouija board. NOMADIC
Ghost hunting is a popular fad but the reality is that Ghosts are confused or fearful of going into the light of Heaven. Watching a meter for cold spots or catching an orb on film is of little value, if your goal was to help the soul to cross over – now that would be meaningful work. Dear Miss Whitedove, For a few years now, I have been stalked on social media sites by several muscle head guys. I have been made fun of about my looks and smarts. I’m an adult that has some learning disabilities. I get really depressed because these people have threatened me and say really mean things. I don’t understand because I am a nice guy. My Dad says I should get off of FB because they always hurt my feelings. But I have good and nice friends from all over that I would never be able to talk to again. Miss Whitedove why are people so mean?
My Dear Sweet Man, In God’s eyes we are all created equal. You my friend came here to be an example to others because you know how to show love and kindness to everyone. Your heart is full of love and your mind is filled with fun and creative thoughts. I see that you intuitively live by the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” How sad life must be for these guys to lash out at people they don’t know. Man’s cruelty to one another only serves as karmic lessons: meaning these guys will only understand when they are experiencing what they have done to you.
Be assured that mean people will experience their negative Karma from someone else and then hopefully they will learn the importance of kindness and good deeds. Please give your father this message from me. I’d ask that he report any and all messages from bullies and cyberstalkers because they should be banned from social media. You just keep being the bright ball of love and light: always know that you are an asset to this world! Keep doing the right thing!
http://www.michellewhitedove.com/ OMTIMES
Personal Growth & Development
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
What If Today Was Your Last Day? by Julie Geigle
If Today Was Your Last Day... In listening to a great song on the radio (If Today Was Your Last Day, by Nickelback), it got me to thinking. It is interesting how we spend so much time running around trying to get everything done. We fall into a heap on the couch
at the end of the day, exhausted. Many keep a to-do list every day and really enjoy crossing things off. That used to be me, but then I began focusing on all the things I didn’t complete that I still had left to do. I realized it was creating more stress in my life than less. So, ditch the to-do list and start simply focusing on three things you want to complete in a day. Get up early, and set the intention of what the three most important things are you want to accomplish. For myself, 99.9 percent of the time when the day ends I now say, “Yes, I did that! I achieved my goal.” Feeling calm and confident, I can tackle another day. This gives us much less stress in our life than an endless to-do list. We may occasionally still write out long-term things we’d like to complete. But, do away with that daily to-do list. In its place, you will find life is a calmer, more peaceful place. It is possible to exist within a love vortex and create more love and joy in life.
Here is a bucket list of things I would do if today were my last day: Give my partner a smoldering kiss before they leave for work. Walk the dogs because there is nothing better than watching them get all excited when you say, “Who wants to go for a walk?” Take a long, hot, steamy bath with loads of Epsom salt and bubbles listening to soft music. Wear the sexiest undergarments in my drawer (this is the special occasion I have been waiting for) and those comfortable jeans with that favorite sweater I’ve had for 20 years and still look great in. Go out to that favorite breakfast joint with my sister. Watch old reruns of my favorite TV shows. Have bloody Marys with my besties for lunch; because yes, sometimes it is fun to be naughty like that.
Shake my booty to my favorite song. Go to one of those apps and schedule birthday cards for everyone to receive on their next birthday. Imagine how surprised they will be to see that birthday card in the mail! Take an afternoon nap with the fur babies all curled up in my lap. Eat that favorite candy bar I usually deny myself. Go out to dinner with the family at my favorite restaurant and indulge in ice cream afterwards.
you might realize too that when you keep your life super-simple, it is super-easy to be happy. Consider meaningful things if today was your last day. This is a good exercise to do on occasion maybe every five years or so. It helps one to slow down and put life into perspective. And, scheduling out those birthday cards even if it is not your last day is a pretty nice idea. Remember, keep it simple: Family + Friends + Food = Happy. What would you do if today was your last day? About the Author
Spend the evening enjoying a funny movie with popcorn and a root beer. And what I would do “all night long� will be my little secret, because secrets are fun to have! A Great and Simple Exercise in Possibilities All my favorite things wrapped up into one day what an exquisite way to spend the last day on this planet! Once you give it some thought,
Julie Geigle is a gifted channel of Archangel Metatron, a 4th generation Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer. Book a private session with Julie at heavensenthealing.us, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly radio show, and purchase guided meditations. Connect with her OMTimes Expert Classes on Learn It Live, and watch Julie on Wednesdays for a free psychic reading at 9 a.m. CST on Facebook live hosted by OMTimes Magazine.
Practical daily exercises and training to open the doors of your perception
Learning how to get rid of the grasps of your demanding ego.
REEV ALU ATIN G SELF _WO RTH Implementing viable and realistic goals to reach the life of your dreams.
The Pain of Loneliness and the Need to Belong by Diane Wing, M.A.
Belonging Despite Differences is Daunting There are times when we feel like outsiders, not belonging to any particular group or succumbing to a specific way of thinking. All the talk about
tribe and community but not being aligned with one makes us question our ability to connect. Some of us use Facebook to feel connected and noticed, yet the loneliness comes through the posts. Even within family units, if we come across as resisting an accepted way of being, thinking, or believing from the rest of our blood relatives, there is a sense of being “different.� The truth is that there is nothing wrong with us. The problem is the result of being unique and needing to create in a way that resonates with our personal style and core values. It is tough to find a group that fits perfectly with the way we are most comfortable interacting. Even when we identify a meet-up group of people who have similar interests, it can be difficult to relate to the variety of people who attend the group event. And ultimately,
they may not feel like our tribe at all. Personal Validation and the Desire to Be Understood So, we spend time seeking ways to be understood and to fit in. We feel lonely and wonder how others seem to fit so easily into society. It almost feels like high school all over again, seeing those who have a close group of friends and us being on the periphery of social interaction. It was and is our search for self that put us in a precarious position to find those we can relate to. Our sense of self seems diminished by the lack of confirmation by others. Personal validation only comes from within. When we know ourselves at a deep level, our self-acceptance grows. We revel in our uniqueness and expand our acceptance that we do not need to be in a specific
category. And this is when the world opens to us. We find that there are many like us waiting to connect and who understand this place of being unusual. They revel in being out-of-the-ordinary and like and accept others who are uncommon. Confidence in Uniqueness: Find Your Tribe What sets us apart may be a special skill, gift, or way of thinking or being. It could even be our lack of desire for one thing or another. When we do not belong by virtue of not fitting into a predetermined category, that is when we need to seek out others of the same ilk who recognize another outlier when they see one. We feel understood, encouraged, and accepted. This is when our selfconfidence in our uniqueness soars. We can become more truly who we are at the core,
and no longer feel lonely for being different. With confidence and selfknowledge increasing, we enjoy our own company more and know where to find others of like mind when we want to interact. We are tasked with finding out who we are despite what others may think or feel about us. Seeking outside the self to do that is fruitless. Going deeper into the reasons we feel outside the norm and identifying when it tends to happen goes a long way in overcoming loneliness. A sense of self replaces this need to belong. This opens us to the joy we can only find through deep self-awareness. We All Belong, So Our Unique Gifts Shine And everyone goes through this at one time or another, even the people who seem to be accepted by society and
who seem to fit so perfectly into “normal� categories. Shifting circumstances, personal trauma, and unexpected betrayals take a person off-center. This occurs when one places their identity in the hands of others to gain acceptance, such as with a job title, marriage, or other external form of selfidentification. We need to be who we are, accept it, and revel in our uniqueness as we continue to discover the beauty of life in our own, very personal way. And if we do not know who we are, it is time to find out. The longer we wait, the more anxiety builds. Then more loneliness creeps in to destroy happiness and limit our development. Believe that we come into this world with a personal signature that has a purpose. We can
use this purposed to create our best life, including building worthwhile relationships. While wishing we belong, know that we do belong. Where we belong is determined by our gifts, interests, and the way we can make the world a better place.
About the Author Diane Wing, M.A.’s practice specializes in working with women who struggle to find happiness and fulfillment in their personal life. She helps them release the patterns that prevent them from being happy in the present while creating their ideal future. Diane is the author of six books, including The Happiness Perspective: Seeing Your Life Differently (available on Amazon.com & B&n.com). www.DianeWing.com
Receive Free Education from the GOYA School by Tess Pender
Be In-the-Know with Lessons from the GOYA School She sat on a chair in the college psychology professor’s office, talking about how badly she was being treated by her boyfriend. When she stopped venting, he stared at her and
finally said “You are a psych major, right?” She nodded the affirmation, and waited to hear the special help he would offer. He said, “I follow the GOYA school of psychology”. Confused, she stammered “I’m not familiar with that - is it kind of like surrealist, for the artist?” (She wasn’t an art major). He said, “No - it means get off your ass! If you don’t like where you are - move! If you are in pain because you are sitting on a pin - Get Off Your Ass!” Applicable Anywhere, Anytime - The GOYA School! He didn’t mean to dispense spiritual advice, but that is what he gave. In many situations, we don’t need therapy or a guru - we just need to follow the GOYA school. Hate your job? Cannot recapture love with your spouse? Need friends? Weigh too much? Dreams out of reach? Want to start a business? Try the GOYA school.
Maintaining the motivation to continue is a huge barrier to those who sign up with the GOYA school. Find one friend who also wants to make significant changes - and meet at least weekly to report on progress and identify next actions. It is amazing how far you can travel in a week if there is accountability at the end! So, how does the GOYA school work? First, define the place you are willing to leave. (Stop seeing the abusive boyfriend). Find a partner, and both state the scenes you are leaving. Brainstorm all the pitfalls to success: (He could call, he could show up, I could get lonely, or drunk). For each pitfall, brainstorm a response. The more important list - what are the positive steps to take in the next week to replace the toxic substance, or to lead to
long-term change? (meet new people (start online dating) a dance class, (or any timeconsuming interest to study), spend time with old friends. After a week, meet with your partner, report on progress or lack of progress, and develop a new list for the coming week. Useful Therapy with a Spiritual Side Therapy is useful, and a therapist could act as the partner, though recruiting a reliable friend with a similar bad habit or goal is much cheaper. The spiritual element is to take charge of personal changes, to set a goal to improve your life on this planet, then act every week to achieve your goals. This is the essence of spiritual progress, and an effective way to build self-reliance and self-respect. There is no
achievement sweeter than recognizing and overcoming a stuck place in your journey. Everyone, at some point, gets bogged down in the swamps of despair, fear, anger, and conformity. Pulling yourself out of the sucking mud is a heroic task, with the everconstant urge to give up and fall back! Spiritual Elements of the GOYA School But what is the spiritual element of the GOYA school? How was this spiritual advice? The goal of any spiritual path is transcendence - becoming the best possible you. Some spiritual traditions offer a single lifetime in which to achieve self-knowledge and a spiritually aware life. Others teach that when a soul incarnates, it chooses a set of challenges to meet
- and overcome - in the upcoming life. It also carries the “seeds” of past choices - or karma - that rides along to offer “learning” from experience. Of course, no situation is truly the same as those of the past, so old knowledge often fails to resolve the current challenge. In either tradition, when confronted with seemingly impossible obstacles, the soul freezes, waiting for an epiphany or flash of insight to provide salvation, sitting in the pain and crying out in frustration and terror. This is the moment when the GOYA school delivers the next step to growth. Rising to one’s highest self is impossible when sitting in pain and terror - the only way forward is through! In many situations, the most
spiritually appropriate act is to leave the current position and face the future with courage and resolve. Register now at the GOYA school, and begin working on a Master’s degree in living!
About the Author Tess Pender is an ordained Interfaith Minister, active in 12-step programs for over thirty years. Her spiritual practice began with Native American Sweat Lodges, and continued with a series of Vision Quests. She led a Teen Spiritual Education Program, and regularly teaches classes on accessing intuition. Tess practices EarthCentered Spirituality, and can be reached on Facebook at https://www.facebook. com/Rev-Tess-InterfaithMinister-1333335763419...
The Multi-Orgasmic Diet: Embrace Your Sexual Energy and Awaken Your Senses for a Healthier, Happier, Sexier You
Don’t be fooled by the title. This award-winning book, written by Rebecca Clio Gould, doesn’t focus on teaching orgasm techniques, and it’s not a traditional diet book. It’s something better. A sexy spin on diet, weight loss, and women’s self-help, The Multi-Orgasmic Diet is a revolutionary and fun approach to natural, shame-free healthy living. Instead of a restrictive diet that tells women what to eat and what not to eat, this book provides a lifestyle plan that teaches you how to fill up on the ecstasy of life rather than overeating or using emotional eating to fill a void. You will also learn to cultivate deeper love and acceptance for yourself in this body positive approach to women’s health and sexuality.
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