Are you searching for your soul?
Then come out of your own prison.
RumiLife's journey is more than just moving from place to place or growing older. It's like there's a secret adventurehappeninginsideallofus.Thisisoursoul's journey. It's a quiet, deep dive into what we feel, think, and dream about. It helps us discover who we are, what's important to us, and how we fit into the bigworld.
At some point, everyone wonders about these big questions. It's a natural part of growing up and being human. We all want to understand our lives better. So, what starts this deep thinking, and what are we lookingfor?
Itcanbeginwithasimplethoughtorquestion.Maybe something big happened, like losing someone you love, having a moment that makes you think differently, or just looking at the stars and feeling small. These moments make us ask big questions aboutlife,ourpurpose,andwherewebelong.
Thisisn'tjustrandomthinking.It'slikeourinnerself nudging us, saying, "Hey, there's more to see and know!" It's an invitation to dig deeper and connect withsomethingbiggerthanourselves.
But, like any adventure, there are roadblocks. Sometimes,whatothersexpectofus,ourdailychores or things that distract us can make it hard to think deeply. There are times we might doubt ourselves or getconfused.
Yet, anyone on a real journey knows that problems can teach us things. We learn and grow by facing theseissues,understandingthem,andfindingwaysto deal with them. These lessons help us know ourselves andtheworldbetter.
On this inner adventure, we learn surprising things aboutourselves.Werealizewe'remorethanjustour bodies. We're also made of feelings, energy, and dreams. This can make us feel connected to everythingaroundus,realizingthateverythinghasa lifeforce.
We also discover what we're good at, what makes us happy, and what we're meant to do. It's like finding amapthatshowsustherightway.
The more we learn on this journey, the more we change. How we see things, our likes and dislikes, and even our goals can shift. Sometimes, we'll feel sure and clear about something. Other times, we mightfeellostorunsure.Buteveryexperience,good orbad,helpsoursoulgrowandlearn.
You might ask, "Will this adventure ever finish?" Well,it'sabitcomplicated.
This inner journey, this secret adventure of our souls, is one of the coolest trips we'll ever take. It needs bravery, time, and a never-give-up spirit. Even though everyone's journey is different, in the end, we're all looking for the same thing: to know more, connect more, and grow more. Through this journey, we don't just find out the secrets of the world;wediscoverthewholeuniverseinsideus.
Editor In Chief““Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.”
We all have access to a powerful source of energy and wisdom called Spirit, despite the rational and habitual thought patterns that often prevent us from recognizing and utilizing its presence in our daily lives.
So says highly acclaimed psychic medium Bill Philipps in his new book Soul Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom, which offers readers an inner roadmap for living a more imaginative, authentic, and intuitive life by intentionally engaging with Spirit regularly.
OMTIMES: Tell us about your book Soul Searching and what inspired you to write it.
Bill Phillips: I have been working on helping people overcome what I call "the fear cloud," which seems to be increasing in our society in recent years.
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By leading guided meditations, I have received feedback from many people who have found inspiration in the elevated energy vibrations we create during these sessions.
Given the feelings of fear, loneliness, and disconnection many are experiencing, I want to provide people with tools to find peace in their daily lives.
I drew my inspiration by going within and asking Spirit for guidance on how to best help others through this. I want to remind them that they can connect directly with Spirit and the other side through meditative practices and have the power to shape their own lives by receiving information and co-creating with the Universe. "Soul Searching" is a guidebook that can help people explore their inner selves and connect with their higher selves.
OMTIMES: You say that our conscious self needs to acknowledge our subconscious self to connect spiritually. Tell us more about that, please.
Bill Phillips: It's important to be aware of our subconscious and intuitive selves because they connect us directly to Spirit. By acknowledging and setting aside our negative thoughts and ego-driven conscious minds, we can tap into our true nature of love. This awareness can transform perception and bring us closer to Spirit, our departed loved ones, and greater happiness.
OMTIMES: What role does our inner child play in our search for the Soul?
Bill Phillips: Our inner child is the most genuine representation of ourselves. It's the purest and closest part of us to our spiritual being. As we grow into adulthood, we carry our inner child with us and the emotional wounds it has endured. To heal our souls, we must acknowledge and embrace our inner child.
The child version of ourselves is the bridge between life and the afterlife. When we are born, we carry an imprint from the other side, which is the reason why young children are more sensitive to spirits than adults.As we age, we tend to distance ourselves from this access point due to rational thought and forget our connection to the other side.
OMTIMES: You say that connecting with our higher self helps us navigate and flourish in a world that is becoming increasingly complex. How so?
Bill Phillips: Our world is currently facing many challenges, including wars, opposing beliefs, pandemics, loneliness, drug addiction, high suicide rates among young adults, and the impact of technology. It's a long list of problems, but it is important to cope with these stresses by reconnecting with our spiritual selves. Practicing meditation and reaching out to our higher selves can positively impact our mental health and well-being, which is crucial for our overall happiness. We can flourish despite these difficulties once we become aware of Spirit's presence in our lives.
OMTIMES: You describe meditation as a practice that disconnects us from the rational part of our being and minds. Why is this important?
Bill Phillips: Disconnecting from our rational mind, or our human side, can allow us to access the realm of Spirit by raising our vibration through meditation. This creates a space where our humanness and Spirit self can merge, enabling us to release things that no longer serve us. While our rational mind is essential for planning, assessing danger, and responding to situations, it can also lead to fear-based thinking if left unchecked. This can block us from existing in a flow state, practicing positive attraction, and limiting our access to Spirit. We can attain greater peace by learning to quiet this mind chatter through meditation.
OMTIMES: Why is letting go of toxic relationships an important part of living our desired life?
Bill Phillips: Holding onto toxic relationships harms our personal growth and achieving our full potential. It goes against our higher self and limits us from living freely. Continuous energy drainage from these relationships prevents us from being our best selves. So, it's essential to let go of these relationships to create space for harmonious ones that lead to greater happiness and personal success. Remember, we are the sum result of the people we surround ourselves with.
OMTIMES: What advice do you have for people having difficulty letting go of people, places, or things that no longer serve them?
Bill Phillips: When deciding whether to move on from someone or someplace, it's important to trust your intuition. However, it can be challenging to differentiate between intuition and fear.
Fear comes from the ego mind, whereas intuition is a feeling that arises in between thoughts. Ultimately, it's up to you to make the decision. Letting go of the familiar can be difficult, but if someone or someplace is no longer bringing out the best in you or aiding your growth, it might be time to consider moving in a new direction. Remember that surrendering and letting life unfold divinely is the key.
OMTIMES: You say in the book that forgiveness does not equate to exoneration. Why is forgiveness so important?
Bill Phillips: Forgiveness is crucial for our own well-being. It helps us release the emotional weight and burden we carry from being wronged by someone. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting the wrongdoing but accepting what happened and freeing ourselves from being victims. It's a powerful way to take back our personal power and move forward with our lives. Forgiveness is a way to let go of the pain and find freedom.
OMTIMES: You say if we can find a moment of stillness, we can access the unlimited energy source of Spirit. Talk to us about the importance of going within and how it feels to do so.
Bill Phillips: Access to Spirit can be found in stillness. It's a source of personal power, as true stillness requires surrender. By letting go of the need to control outcomes and silencing the mind's chatter, we can find glimpses of stillness in the quiet space between thoughts. Stillness is the absence of thought, a place of higher observation where we connect with our higher self without judgment or analysis. This state of inner stillness brings a sense of lightness, freedom, limitlessness, and peace. By embracing a state of stillness, we can unlock our unlimited power to shape our lives in a positive way.
OMTIMES: What is the difference between prayer and meditation? Are they both important to do?
Bill Phillips: Engaging in a conversation with a higher power, whether it be God, Spirit, or any other spiritual being, is known as prayer. In contrast, meditation involves being present and listening for guidance. Both prayer and meditation are important for connecting with our higher selves and unlocking the unlimited power within us, enabling us to live our best lives.
OMTIMES: Tell us about the spiritual web you write about in the book.
Bill Phillips: I call the network of spiritual light workers on the other side the "spiritual web." This web consists of our loved ones in spirit form, angels, master guides, spirit guides, and ascended masters. I refer to them as a web because they are all interconnected to each of us, providing influence and support to prevent us from falling.
They are our spiritual team, constantly supporting and working behind the scenes to guide us on our life journey. Whenever we need them, they are there for us. They remind us that we are never alone, even when we feel isolated in our physical bodies. Their support from the invisible world helps us stay grounded and uplifted.
OMTIMES: Tell us about your daily intention-setting practice and how it benefits your life.
Bill Phillips: Every morning, I begin my personal intention practice, which involves visualization and raising my emotional self to a state of flow. I set specific mantras that I want to experience throughout the day. Our intentions are powerful tools shaping our lives as they reflect our focus. Setting intentions enables us to think differently and be more selective about what we put into the Universe, as we understand that the energy we emit will return to us like a boomerang.
OMTIMES: What is the connection between intuition and self-trust?
Bill Phillips: Trusting yourself is the foundation of intuition. This means accessing your innate wisdom, which is all-knowing.
OMTIMES: What is the gratitude frequency, and how can we plug into it?
Bill Phillips: It's amazing how powerful the act of gratitude can be. Taking the time to appreciate what we have can transform our lives and bring us closer to the abundance of the Universe. It's easy to forget to be grateful, but practicing gratitude every day can have extraordinary results. By shifting our mindset and focusing on the positive, we can attract even more positivity into our lives. So let's all take a moment to reflect on what we are thankful for and let the gratitude frequency guide us towards a brighter future.
When connecting with Spirit, we receive "downloads" from imagery, feeling, and knowing. The key is to trust these downloads and not let our "earthly ego" interfere. Overthinking can block our natural ability to trust ourselves, as the rational mind (ego) can get in the way of self-trust. It's simpler than we think, as we do it naturally. This is why I often say, "Trust what you perceive because this is what you are meant to receive."
OMTIMES: Tell us about the practice you offer in the book "Cutting Cords to Protect Your Energy Boundaries."
Bill Phillips: "Cutting cords" is a technique that visualizes energy dissolving from others that negatively affects or drains your energy source.The visualization may differ from person to person, but the method discussed in the book has proven effective for me.
By establishing internal or energetic boundaries through cord-cutting, we become better equipped to manage boundaries in our daily lives. This gives us more emotional and energetic protection. Through cord-cutting visualization, we can free ourselves from toxic connections and reduce the hold new cords have over us. Practicing this visualization technique gives us more control over the energies we allow into our lives. It's important to be mindful of the energy we allow into our lives in order to protect ourselves, as everything we experience is connected to energy cords.
OMTIMES: What perspective or words of wisdom do you have to offer those grieving the loss of a loved one?
Bill Phillips: There are no words that one can give to replace the pain of losing someone they love. But what I can say is what I know to be true.
Spirit has shown me that we go on after this life, albeit differently. Life is truly beautiful and a gift not to be squandered or disposed of. Our loved ones who pass on show me repeatedly that they want us to live the best life we can because it's the only one we have in this human shell. They don't want us to live in despair because they are physically gone. They want us to love each other as much as we can. Every relationship, every encounter with one another, no matter how insignificant, is a gift. They want us to cherish every moment.
Please find comfort in knowing that they are always around you, and they send you signs that this is true.
Like breadcrumbs left on the trail, they leave clues that lead you to them. Just know that you will see your loved one again.
OMTIMES: What do you most hope readers will take away from Soul Searching?
Bill Phillips: The message I hope to convey through Soul Searching is that people possess immense power within themselves. By practicing meditation, visualization, and cultivating a positive mindset, they can unlock this power and lead a more vibrant, purposeful, and exciting life. It's important to know that we are never truly alone on this journey, as we have a spiritual support system on the other side that can offer comfort and strength.
Living intentionally and being mindful of our words and thoughts can shape our reality and create a peaceful, fulfilling life. We are the co-creators of our destiny, and our actions have the power to impact others profoundly.
Living with greater intention allows us to create our own heaven on Earth.
Psychic Medium Bill Philipps is the author of Expect the Unexpected, Signs from the Other Side, and most recently, Soul Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom. His life's mission is to help people deal with the grief of losing loved ones by bringing through validations, evidential information, and beautiful messages from the Spirit, which heal and bring a sense of peace.
He conducts individual and small- and large-group readings and has appeared on high-profile television programs like Dr. Phil and Access Hollywood. He lives in Orange County, California. Visit him online at http://www.billphilipps.com.
Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
Learn three ways to beat
Anemia to feel more energized, less tired, and sore, and continue striving for a well-balanced life!
We can be quick to ignore what ails us. We may think that we simply didn't get enough rest, or perhaps it's just part of the aging process, or we take pride in the ability to tough
it out. However, something as simple as fatigue could have a multitude of causes. One of those causes may be Anemia. We must pay attention to our bodies and identify the root causes. How can we expect our bodies to do so if we can't keep our cars running without proper maintenance?
Anemia sneaks up on us and can come in many forms with many root causes. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, it affects more than three million Americans. With numbers like these, we have to be on the lookout. The most basic type can leave us feeling weak, dizzy, lightheaded, with cold hands and feet, and maybe with chest pains and irregular heartbeat.
Hemoglobin plays an important part in fighting this, and it's proteinpacked with iron. Its job is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. If we are low in iron, then the hemoglobin doesn't have what it needs to do its job properly, and we, unfortunately, welcome the list of symptoms to our misfortune.
production, or even high red blood cell destruction. People who often donate blood or even have trouble absorbing iron need to be aware of this, as it can affect them as well. We must supply it with more iron to give our bodies a fighting chance. We can do this through diet changes, supplements, and lifestyle changes.
If we can take a more natural treatment route, it is always advisable. We can find iron-rich foods in red meats especially, as well as pork, poultry, and even seafood too. In fact, seaweed and kelp are excellent sources of iron. We can also find help through beans and dried fruit. These simple diet changes can help us improve our iron intake in hopes that we may begin to feel better soon.
Other causes may look like excessive blood loss, low red blood cell
If we don't start feeling better through dietary changes alone, we can add supplements into the mix. We must be aware to not overdo it and pay attention to the daily requirements that are advised to us.
We can find supplements as easily as over-the-counter and prescriptions from a trusted doctor. We can also try to boost our iron absorption through vitamin C supplements.
Certain lifestyle edits may be necessary, particularly including alcohol, watching how certain medications may affect our iron, and even how we exercise while we combat our Anemia.
If we drink alcohol heavily, this can affect the round shape of our red
blood cells as it also affects iron metabolism, possibly leading to deficiencies. If we are having a celebration of some kind or just need a night out from our busy lives, just keep in mind some moderation as we continue to support our bodies with what it needs to thrive.
Certain medications can also have side effects concerning Anemia by sending defense signals in attacking the red blood cells to be broken down prematurely. So please be aware of the medications that we are taking and know all possible side effects.
And lastly, because we may be facing Anemia and have a lack of oxygen traveling to our muscles, we may tire out faster than normal. We can try easing into our workouts rather than throwing ourselves into intense regimes. Exercises like yoga or walking are both excellent choices.
We need to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. If we need a break to keep on going, it is a hundred percent okay that we do so, and taking note of when we are most energized will just help us further. Conclusion: We must stay
aware of how we feel in our bodies, find the root causes, and begin to take action if necessary. Suppose we are anemic and aren't feeling a hundred percent.
In that case, we can supply our hemoglobin with more iron through dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle changes that will improve our bodies and, ultimately, our lives.
Ginger Mcbride is a freelance writer with a background in health and wellness. She loves creating special pieces for her clients. For more info: www.quillninkstudios.com
Trauma, such as surviving or witnessing road accidents, natural disasters, and violence, can shake up our lives, challenging our core beliefs and views of the world. But this upheaval can also trigger what’s known as “ posttraumatic growth ” in different aspects of our lives. This can mean a greater appreciation for life, new opportunities, a deeper sense of personal resilience, or strengthened relationships.
My team was interested in what things could help us have posttraumatic growth. For example, our recent study found spiritual (but not necessarily religious) practices, such as pondering how life experiences relate to our understanding of who we are and our place in the world, encourage the sort of contemplation that helps process Trauma.
But we also found that Spirituality didn’t reduce the likelihood of experiencing stressful effects from Trauma. And the time that had elapsed had no bearing on posttraumatic growth in our study. So simply waiting for time to pass
did not result in personal growth. In short, it’s not time that heals but how you use time.
To process the shock of Trauma, we often think about the distressing events again and again. And there are two types of such repetitive thinking.
Intrusive rumination is involuntary and unwanted reactions like nightmares or flashbacks. These are symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Deliberate rumination is when we think about Trauma on purpose to find meaning in what happened to us. This is where Spirituality can come in.
Spirituality is about exploring who we are and how we relate to ourselves and others. It can help people think about experiences in a safe and structured way.
[Other researchers have previously found people who are more spiritual (but not necessarily religious) experience less distress after Trauma. We thought this could be because people who have spiritual
beliefs tend to explore their core beliefs in response to changing life circumstances. In other words, spiritual practice involves a lot of deliberate rumination.
We ran an online study in 2017 for our recently published research, asking participants about Trauma, growth, and Spirituality. Ninety-six adults who experienced a traumatic event after age 16 but not in the last
four months took part. The events included serious accidents, illness, sexual assault, and natural disasters.
We found that the more participants engaged with deliberate rumination, the more post-traumatic growth they experienced. This was especially true for those with high or moderate spiritual beliefs. The link between deliberate rumination and growth
was stronger for people with average to high levels of Spirituality.
Probing our beliefs about who we are and what matters to us before and after Trauma helps rebuild our personal security. This is the deliberate rumination people with spiritual philosophies build into the fabric of their lives and practice, perhaps every day.
They expect to have their beliefs shaken occasionally and use contemplation to deal with the fallout. Processing trauma helps us make sense of it, which reduces fear and avoidance of things that remind us of what happened.
Our conclusion is that people who rate Spirituality as important to them could harness those beliefs to set in motion the process
of deliberate rumination. This could be because they feel supported by a spiritual community that lessens isolation or grief. They routinely practice forgiveness, relaxation, reflection, or meditation practices.
It is hard to measure something like the strength of someone’s Spirituality, but we must find
ways to [measure value and belief systems in a scientific way if we want to understand the human experience. That is, what helps us stay well and thrive, not just what makes us distressed
We can explore and find meaning in our experiences, finding positives in the distressing aftermath of
Trauma. You don’t need spiritual beliefs to benefit from aspects of Spirituality such as acceptance that help us move on. No one should have to go through Trauma. You may never be the same afterward, but posttraumatic growth can transform us.
Catrin Eames does not work for, consult, own shares in, or receive
funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.
Copyright © 2010–2023, The Conversation Trust (UK) Limited
To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Too often, we wish reality to be other than it is or we remain oblivious to our body’s signals which indicates a low degree of somatic literacy. Somatic literacy, which for most of us remains undeveloped, supports us detecting
and interpreting our body’s many signals. There is great power in acknowledging the present moment with all its messy, fleeting, puzzling, unsettling, painful, contradictory, and astonishing phenomena. Too often, we resist What Is and find respite in excuses, victimization, or a story
about reality whose usefulness has passed. It’s important to regularly touch into the active stream of sensation, perceptions, subtle energy and renewal taking place every moment. This awareness accesses all of who we are and doesn’t lock us into a restrictive narrative.
Ironically, resistance to What Is reinforces that which we’re resisting. It reinforces an argument with the evidence before us. Resistance perpetuates the existence of the very condition we’d rather not experience.
“I shouldn’t be feeling this way,” complains many of my clients. Or “It’s not who I am.” None of us are our pain, but pain may be the condition of our body at that moment and we would be wise to listen and attend to its message. Better to give ourselves compassion. Better to connect bodily and acknowledge the sensations involved with What Is which opens the door to relief and growth. Better to acknowledge present details and use them to make informed decisions. Better to investigate the content of our thoughts.
Accepting What Is may seem great if we’re mildly tired and not so great if we’re suffering from the debilitating effects of fibromyalgia or despairing about being unemployed.
Acceptance doesn’t mean solidifying the present and its conditions. It’s not a giving up. If anything, it’s an acceptance of changing conditions. The body changes. Circumstances change. Feelings and thoughts change. New information emerges all the time. Change is constant, is
indeed the only constant. Accepting What Is contributes to ease and supports changes rooted in an informed, personalized relationship with our body. Our subtle energy flows, every bodily system supported in fulfilling its function to the best of its ability. Listening to and tending deeply to our body allows its wisdom to emerge. It reveals the path to its own betterment and integrative well-being. Acceptance of What Is a necessary step in our recovery.
Acceptance of What Is can liberate us from our suffering and is the very path underfoot.
Easy to write about, harder to do. Which is why mindful, embodied practices and guidance from a professional help. To differentiate sound from noise, an image from a blur, a clear signal from static. To know what is helpful and what is detrimental. To know when we’re off track and when we’re on.
To know what uplifts us and what brings us down. To point out which filters get in the way and which lead the way. To feel the levity of encouragement when discouragement weighs us down.
My health is incomplete without regular movement practice in my home, the dance studio, or a park. Sometimes what is craved is the airing out and centering that accompanies the blood and
oxygen rush from repeated forceful movements. Frequently, it’s the slightest motion or deepening of a stretch warming my heart, activating energy centers, and lubricating the connective tissue toward opening awareness. It may appear that my head or torso have tilted, or my hand has lifted - all part of it - but it’s also the energy of my biofield shifting which
prompts a deepening of breath and sensory sensitivity. The shift provokes a subtle yet profound alteration to consciousness, my sensory awareness heightened. My previous self loosens its fixity as I press into the floor, expand ribs, and clear bodily channels in a dance with being. The pattern of activity of the previous hour or days is given an opportunity
for renewal through expression. Deliberately I engage with flow. Dance ranks among my most potent of medicines with ample beneficial side effects and allows me to inhabit the full breadth of my body. Writing has a similar effect, especially when it coincides with a somatic and energetic awareness to alchemize body, breath, and matter, taking me into the frontier of new possibility. Somatically and energetically based writing typically ushers in insights, visions, and a vibrant resonance that provides immediate satisfaction, every word on the page essential to a pattern emerging, regardless of level of craft. Details about who I am rise up, a looking within that coincides with seeing outside me. Every word matters, every breath, every seeing and feeling, and somehow amid the swirl of details, I settle into a peace like the pleasure of walking a wooded path.
This excerpt from Ecosomatics: Embodiment Practices for a World in Search of Healing Wisdom by Cheryl Pallant, Ph.D., has been published with permission from Inner Traditions Bear and Company.
About the Author: Cheryl Pallant, Ph.D., is an awardwinning writer and poet, Reiki and Healing Touch practitioner, somatic coach, dancer, meditator, and teacher. She has published more than 200 articles on dance, writing, healing, somatics, and spirituality and is the author of several books, including Writing and the Body in Motion and Contact Improvisation. She teaches at University of Richmond and leads workshops in the U.S. and internationally. She lives in Richmond, Virginia.
For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
The grief comes in waves. Too much to bear and then gone. Then again.
When we lose our companion animal, the pain is
often extraordinary and is sometimes compounded with doubt and guilt. Did I do the right thing? Did I let her go too soon? Did I let him suffer? Why does it hurt so much?
Losing an animal can be much more painful than losing a family member because we love each other unconditionally. This is because it’s such a purely uncomplicated and very real relationship.
And for those suffering from this loss or anticipating it, a companion animal end-of-life doula might be just the person we need to help us through this time that is filled with questions and grief.
Animal death doula (or end-of-life doula) work is relatively new and has gained more visibility in recent years with the increase in pet ownership (70% of American households have an animal). And we are creating more important relationships with our animals. They are our friends, family, and even our children. Interest in communicating with our animals continues to grow in the US as we try to better understand and provide for their needs.
For some, they’re the reason to get up in the morning. This non-medical person provides nonjudgmental, holistic support to those whose companion animals are nearing the end of life or has just died. An end-of-
life doula assists in making the road ahead an intimate, sacred, and rich experience for everyone involved, whether medical support is required or not.
Do I need an EoL Doula?
When we have doubts about how to do the best for our animal, when anticipatory grief blinds us, a doula can empower us to ask the right questions of our veterinarian, make informed decisions regarding our animal’s wellbeing, help us choose holistic care methods that might help our animals in conjunction with our veterinarian’s help. A doula can create a plan that fits our unique situation following a terminal prognosis.
When choices are made with awareness, the possibility of future regret is greatly reduced!
What can I expect from an end-oflife doula?
While each doula offers different expertise, most will offer some or all of the following:
1. End-of-Life Plan – The end-oflife plan is a discussion on the
specifics of our animal’s end-oflife journey. This includes what we would like to see happen during this time and review available resources, such as holistic modalities that can complement Western medicine.
2. Hospice Support – Hospice care setup is individual and designed for each animal, gives you a qualityof-life chart to use with your animal for decision-making and discussions with your team, assess
your goals, beliefs, concerns, and financial constraints, and even speak with your doctor if you like.
3. Euthanasia Support – A doula is a sounding board for clients to discuss euthanasia and if it’s necessary at that time, as well as reviewing your animal’s qualityof-life chart and talking with your vet if you like.
4. Natural Death support—A doula can help us look at how
a natural death looks and wh ether it’s an option for our animal or the family.
5. Ritual an d Ceremony planning—A doula can create rituals and ceremonies for you and your family, bringing more spirituality into this time we have left together.
6. Self-Care and comfort support—This is a time for selfcare, and the doula can help
you choose the best methods to support you at that time.
7. Memorial Keepsakes – A doula can help us consider a variety of options available and suggest resources for them.
8. Help with creating a good transition for our companion!
Talk to a doula you are considering and find out what they offer. What are their views on euthanasia vs.
natural death? Do they have any religious affiliations that might clash with your own? If they have a website, read it and make notes of questions to ask.
Doulas are not regulated by a governing body, so they can offer their strengths to their clients,
meaning they might not be strong in ritual and ceremony or some other area that may or may not be important to you. Still, they are very strong in their knowledge of other aspects that you feel are crucial.
While an end-of-life doula doesn’t replace our veterinarian, she can be
an important part of our team as we prepare to help our animal have a good death. A doula will help navigate our options for this endof-life journey through knowledge, experience, and resources in a manner that will make this time peaceful, respectful, and meaningful.
Did you see that “game” last evening? Did you see those hockey workers “play” their brutal “game”? And did you see the “players” fighting each other?
What a dreadful comment on our depraved society that we actually call them hockey “players”! No! They are
not hockey players; they are hockey workers! They have a ridiculously overpaid job, for which they work their butts off to the frantic cheering of huge crowds of slavish puppets who waste their money and time to be enraptured spectators.
No! They are not players but workers. Not hockey players, but hockey
workers. When will we, as a society, wake up and get our terminology (and minds, motivations, and priorities) straight?
Similarly, baseball, tennis, golf, volleyball, … and other professional sports workers.
When will we finally wake up and become “woke” to applaud and cheer for the many other legitimate workers who far more deserve our adulation? These include scientists, engineers, artists, writers, teachers,
lawyers, medical workers, architects, dentists, politicians, managers, journalists, researchers, laborers, historians, farmers, anthropologists, poets, counselors, psychiatrists, police, technologists, firefighters, accountants, and on and on, who don’t play to entertain us, but who work to nurture, sustain, heal, teach, inspire, feed, lead, and otherwise enhance our lives.
We have our priorities all wrong.
So, for the readers of OMTimes, how does this rant relate to consciousness-
raising and spirituality? Well, … I believe that it far more than relates, but it represents the essence of elevating our consciousness and enhancing our spirits. Consider what consciousness is. To my mind, it is perception, awareness, and understanding of all the forces that impact us, both physically and spiritually. So raising our consciousness aims to elevate all of that perception, awareness, and understanding from the watery depths of the unconscious to welling above the unconscious/conscious threshold. Such a raising enables us
to be objective rather than subjective about all those forces. Using our objective minds allows us to analyze, reason, and make decisions about them. Such an approach might be termed “mature” instead of “primitive.”
So, consciousness-raising would seem to be a desirable use of our intelligence. Similarly, enhancing our spirits would seem to be desirable.
Now, let us relate this observation to hockey workers. As usual, C. G. Jung was correct and astute (his consciousness was “raised”) about
everything; specifically, he taught us that virtually everything in Life is a symbol of something else. Thus, we can consider hockey “players” to symbolize humankind’s misguided motivation to hire workers to entertain us. Yet, at the same time, we ignore the real problems in our society. Just as the Roman gladiators would kill each other for our entertainment, with “thumb’s down” decisions on Life and death, all the while, we have pretended that nothing destructive was happening to our humanity, such as the undermining of its depraving morals.
If I could re-design the World—and lots of folks have had a crack at it, so now might be my turn, although tons of people would suppress my freedom—I would eliminate all professional sports and replace them with group meditation, study, and research for raising our consciousness and enhancing our spirituality. Indeed, I try to do just that by writing about reincarnation and our purpose in Life. However, I am sure I would get “thumb down” votes from most modern humanity. It is likely a good thing that I have not yet been given unilateral decision-making powers.
OMTimes is one of the organizations that are on the vanguard of facilitating a new world order, and we fortunate people who read it are well above the unconscious/conscious threshold. Let us celebrate their work. Let us eliminate professional sports. And, especially, let us proclaim the difference between players and workers.
Yes, the idolization of hockey workers might be a symbol of how fragile our modern society is, tottering on a peak
of evolution but about to plunge into annihilation. So please let us mature, evolved, enlightened human beings pull back from the madding trends and not confuse hockey workers with hockey players.
The ancient Romans ignored the symbols of depravity in which the peasants cheered while people killed each other, and look what happened to them! Likewise, the top-of-theheap dinosaurs did not learn to read and so were oblivious to the signs that
they would become extinct, and look what happened to them! And now modern human beings are ignoring the signs and symbols from Roman times, and most of them have not even heard of consciousness-raising, and look what is happening to them!
I guess we have at most another two or three generations of human beings left to live on this, our precious island home. Nobody else will save us. We must do so ourselves. We must stop playing and start working!
William Bezanson is a regular contributor to OMTimes. After retiring from an electrical engineering career, he writes books and articles on spirituality and world stewardship. His next book will be Your Lives And How To Live Them, a book about reincarnation, expected to be published in late 2023. He was awarded the 2022 Ommie Award for “Ageless Wisdom Columnist” by OMTimes. He lives with his wife in Ottawa, Canada.
This old phrase, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness," was spoken by theologian John Wesley in the 1700s. The notion is that after worshipping the Creator, keeping yourself clean is one of the most important manifestations of showing love or respect for the Creator.
We can take something from this saying or interpret it our way. For me, it just acknowledges that the body is a temple. It houses our soul. And in gratitude for having this human experience with a body, the least we can do is honor it by keeping it clean. And as an extension
of that, we can feel godly keeping our homes and work spaces clean as well.
By showing respect for our worldly possessions and personal environment, we are honoring how each thing we own was made, the toil, the creativity, and the prosperity which allowed us to have things around us and to serve us.
Now, does that mean that a messy person is somehow less evolved?
Is the person who decides to bathe only once a week somehow less
godly or conscious? I would never want to be the judge and jury on this issue, but it affects me very viscerally. I work with a family member who doesn't bathe regularly, and it shocks me on a regular basis.
And yet I know that there is a very primal region of the brain where this activity is not seen as necessary. Perhaps we are even over-washing ourselves these days, as studies have shown that by removing all the body oils from our skin with daily bathing, we can't even absorb vitamin D from
the Sun as effectively. So maybe all the dry skin and hair problems can be partially traced to washing too much!
There is another saying: "Your rights end where my nose begins." So perhaps the only real litmus test is whether or not we have offended another person by our appearance or smell.
The subject of cleanliness comes up in the course of an Organizing session because dusty, dirty
environments are often cluttered as well. These are all just signs of neglect and not making cleaning a priority.
I like to think of house cleaning as the "unintended workout."
I sometimes embarrass myself to find how sore my muscles are the next day after just cleaning my house!
How badly out of shape am I? As a Feng Shui consultant, clients often apologize for their homes being messy, but there is often a good reason. Creative people, busy people,
and sometimes unorganized people will not prioritize cleaning. For some, it is just drudgery, and they would be happier having someone else do the cleaning for them. Wouldn't we all? I would also like a private chef to create perfectly nutritionally balanced meals for me. But I digress.
One thing we don't want to waste vital life force energy on is being uptight and stressed out that our personal environment may not be absolutely clean all the time. From an organizing standpoint and from
a Feng Shui standpoint, we don't want to strike fear in the average person's heart that they cannot enjoy health, happiness, and prosperity unless their personal space is clean and orderly beyond practicality. Studies have also revealed that children who grow up around more germs, pets, and dirt end up having stronger immune systems! Standards of cleanliness can also vary from culture to culture.
From the Tao of Organizing Blog Series
The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
Although it originated as a Christian holiday in honor of St. Valentine , Valentine’s Day has become a global celebration of romantic love, observed by people of many religions and of no religion.
Other religions have long had their own myths centered on love. In my work as a scholar of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism , I know that in Hindu traditions, there are many stories of divine couples: deities who embody the ideal of love and whose
stories often contain lessons for the rest of us. One couple that has especially captured the imagination of Hindu devotees for centuries is Radha and Krishna.
The story of Radha and Krishna is first found in the Bhagavata Purana, a text dated by scholars as somewhere between the fifth and 10 th centuries. Their story is further elaborated in the Sanskrit devotional poem “ Gitagovinda ),”
authored by Jayadeva, who lived in the 12 th century in Eastern India.
Krishna, a highly popular and beloved Hindu deity, is regarded, depending on which textual tradition you read, as an avatar, incarnation of Vishnu, or as the Supreme Being himself. In Hindu belief, [Vishnu preserves the order of the cosmos, often through taking on an earthly form to right some wrong and to set the world back on the correct course when chaos threatens to overwhelm it.
The life story of Krishna is an exciting one, full of adventure as well as tragedy. When Krishna is born, his evil uncle, a king named Kamsa , orders all of the male children of the kingdom who are born on that night killed [not unlike King Herod in the New Testament This was due to a prophecy that one of those children would put an end to his reign. Krishna’s parents, however, are warned of this impending calamity, and the baby is spirited away to safety.
Krishna, born to royalty, has a humble upbringing, growing up amid the cowherds and cowherdesses, or gopis, of the bucolic region of Vrindavan. Stories of Krishna’s teenage years, in particular, are greatly beloved by his devotees. This was a relatively carefree time in Krishna’s life when he engaged in all kinds of playful mischief with the gopis and wandered the forests of Vrindavan playing his flute. So naturally, all of the gopis fell in love with Krishna, and he was with them, but the one with
whom he fell in love the most deeply was named Radha.
The story of the love of Radha and Krishna is overshadowed by an air of tragedy. The two cannot be together, as Radha is already married, and Krishna has a great destiny ahead of him. When the time comes, Krishna must leave Vrindavan, overthrow his wicked uncle, and play a key role in the fight between two warring brothers, the Pandavas, and the Kauravas.
This tragic story is dear to devotees because of the very real human feelings it evokes and because of its deep theological significance in the Vaishnava tradition –the Hindu tradition in which this story features most prominently. To some, the love between Radha and Krishna might appear to be adulterous or scandalous, given that she is married. The focus of the tradition, though, is not so much
on this scandal but on the deep, spontaneous, genuine love that it illustrates. Radha’s love for Krishna is so strong that it is willing to fly in the face of social conventions. She is willing to risk the disapproval of her community for this love. And according to Vaishnava theology, this is how individuals’ love for God should be. True love for God –called bhakti, or devotion – should be characterized by wild abandon. It should be spontaneous and free.
In Vaishnava theology, the gopis represent the many jivas, or souls, that dwell in the universe, while
Krishna is Ishvara, the Lord, the Supreme Being. A very popular and beautiful artistic depiction of the relationship between Krishna and the gopis is called the “Ras Lila.”
It depicts the gopis dancing in a circle. Each of them has Krishna as a partner. He has used his divine power to multiply himself so he can dance with each Gopi individually.
When Krishna finally has to leave Vrindavan, the pain of separation, Radha feels is almost unbearable. When she asks Krishna why she has to feel such pain, he tells her that she must learn to see him in all beings,
for he dwells in the hearts of all. The individual soul’s sense of separation from God is similarly painful and is believed to be a particularly powerful manifestation of bhakti. But that separation can be overcome by seeing God in all beings and one another.
As Krishna also says in the Bhagavad Gita , “I am never lost to one who sees all beings in me and who sees me in all beings, nor is that person ever lost to me.”
The story of Radha and Krishna can therefore be enjoyed on Valentine’s
Day on two levels: as a sad and poignant tale of a past youthful love, remembered fondly but left behind by the call of adulthood, but also as an invitation to be open to love in all its forms.
Jeffery D. Long does not work for, consult, own shares in, or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.
Copyright © 2010–2023, The Conversation US , Inc.
Spirit communicates with us from the afterlife in myriad ways. These messages, signs, and visits bring comfort, support, encouragement, inspiration, and healing as we navigate life here on Earth. In addition, they assist us in knowing
that we have a purpose here and that our guides and loved ones also have a purpose for us in the other realms and dimensions.
Spirit communicates with us from the afterlife in a myriad of ways. Some are extremely obvious, while others
have a more subtle approach. Our experiences can vary depending on our abilities and senses, which receive and process these phenomena. If we practice methods that heighten our communication skills, our experiences can be varied, dynamic, and often. Many people have had visitations, unexplained happenings, and premonitions that are few and far between, but they leave a lasting impression, nonetheless.
Vivid dreams are one of the most common ways we can receive psychic
information. We can visit with a loved one, connect with our Spirit Guides, see and hear premonitions of the future, visit with people we have never met, and tour places we have never been physically. Some dreams aren’t messages but our subconscious working out issues and challenges we may be facing in life. They assist us in healing mentally and spiritually, raising our vibrational frequency, and enhancing our psychic abilities.
Intuitive messages can come through our Spirit Guides, especially
when we are attuned to their frequency. They also have the ability to get our attention even when we are distracted and not paying close attention to things. That intuitive voice that says watch out ahead or call your friend. They need your help! Spirit can be a very persuasive motivator. Many people report hearing a message from a loved one in their voice, giving them specific information or a warning about an upcoming event.
Most of us are familiar with these synchronicities throughout our lives. Those events seem to happen just when we need them. We might mention a certain person or need something, and within a short time, we hear from the person or see something that answers our needs or thought. These gifts from the universe help lead us on our life journeys as we walk our paths.
Names, words, and numbers
repeating are also a creative way for Spirit to get our attention. A certain name can keep coming up in our life that resonates for a number of reasons. It can be related to a life theme we are working on to heal. To a person from the past who bullied us or finding someone who was kind when we needed help. Certain words trigger our emotions or remind us of something important we need to do or remember. Numbers are
also very meaningful in the study of Numerology or Angelic messages.
Music is a fantastic way for us to lift our souls into higher dimensions to remember a loved one or an event that changed our life. When we hear a certain song, it can take us back to a happy memory and the people who were present during that time. Even a sad song can help us remember how we healed a broken heart and how far we’ve come
since then. Raising our conscious awareness is also attainable through the frequency of music. Certain notes and sounds help our brains react to lighten our moods and help us sleep, meditate and reach Nirvana.
Certain places can also help us feel heightened energy throughout our body, mind, and soul. These energy fields have an amazing power to lift us up and feel the spiritual energy sent to us. Stand For example,
standing on top of a mountain with Our guides will take the opportunity to make sure we know they are near when we visit these magical places. Their loving energy will stand with us, holding our hands, letting us know we are cared for. We will physically feel their presence in these moments. We can also experience the feeling of time stopping when we are in higher vibrations of spiritual energy. If you have ever heard that there is no time on the other side, this phenomenon is
proof. Many of us have felt this during meditation or in moments of stillness in places of higher frequency.
These messages, signs, and visits bring comfort, support, encouragement, inspiration, and healing as we navigate life here on Earth. They assist us in knowing that we have a purpose here and that our guides and loved ones also have a purpose for us in the other realms and dimensions. We are never alone.
About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read them to clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com
In homeopathy, a proving is testing a new remedy or medicine.
Like new pharmaceutical drugs, new homeopathic remedies are also tested before being put on the market.
However, that's where the similarities between Western traditional medicine and homeopathy end.
All homeopathic remedies are tested on healthy human volunteers, usually students, but never on animals. Homeopathy is the safest form of medicine, but it is also because animals cannot communicate how
they feel when taking medication. The physical effects of a drug may be easy to observe from the outside; however, a holistic modality like homeopathy is also concerned with the mental and emotional sphere of every being.
Another difference is that pharmaceutical drugs are typically made to fight a particular symptom or condition. Therefore the goal of the test is to ascertain the efficacy and safety of that drug in treating that particular symptom or condition. Homeopathic remedies are tested without any particular goal in mind. In other words, we know that the remedy is going to be safe. Therefore, safety is a given. After that, we simply collect the physical, emotional, and mental reactions of the volunteers providing the remedy. Those reactions will determine how that remedy will be utilized in the future.
For example: if enough provers feel a physical burning sensation in the stomach when taking a particular remedy, that remedy will be prescribed for heartburn. This is based on the homeopathic principle of "like cures like": something that gives you a symptom when healthy
will also treat that same symptom if you suffer from it.
Green Aventurine is a type of translucent quartz that gets its green color from a concentration of fuchsite inclusions. Green Aventurine mined today is found in India, though it's also been found in China and the state of Vermont.
The name aventurine comes from the Italian word venture , which means "by chance." Therefore, green Aventurine is considered a lucky stone.
Everyone first agreed upon how unpleasant the proving experience was this time.
One prover felt quite relaxed. She felt moved and attracted to the color pink, which was unusual for her.
The other provers felt very depleted and despondent.
• Tiredness, lack of energy, feeling like nothing really matters, apathy
• Feeling ungrounded
• Physically very sleepy, one prover gave the remedy to her daughter, who is usually highly strung, and she reported much better sleep than usual, whereas those who already sleep well felt over-tired
• The dreams from all provers featured crowds of people, feeling of wanting to escape from the crowds
• Two of the provers experienced feelings of ancestral sexual trauma, especially during meditation and from dreams: lost children and panic about not being able to find their children.
• Sexual exploitation, abuse
• Feeling in a drugged state, against one's will
• War victims
• Feeling cut off from sensations, being unable to feel
• Time and clocks: in my dream, I was in 2019 instead of 2022
• White color: pearls in the dream
• Headache between eyebrows
• Sinus pain
• The desire for sweet and rich food, decadent (giant doughnut, huge soft ice cream)
• A desire for sleep, tiredness
• Dizziness
• Inflammation: one prover's chronic wrist pain came back. Affinity with Ruta state.
• Affinity with the pelvic area, uterus, violation (Staphysagria)
The sacral chakra was the one that felt most affected, the pelvis area.
One prover was woken by a powerful orgasm in the middle of the night.
Heart chakra: visions of pink or desire to wear pink, dream of green emeralds, alignment between heart and third eye.
The polarity of Green Aventurine seems to be relaxing, self-
indulging, better sleep on the one hand, and extreme lack of energy and the dark side of sexuality: exploitation, lost children, and abused children.
In a healthy state, there was joy in indulging in treats and feeling gratitude. In an unhealthy state,
there is over-eating, laziness, selfloathing, apathy, letting things go, and overspending without caring. Possibly a good remedy for those who are highly strung and overcontrolling (carcinogen type)
All but one prover disliked this remedy and did not like the "depressive energy" of it.
One prover potentized the essence to 200c with a radionics machine and felt a strong sensation in the
pelvic area, visions of the birth canal, something moving out of it. Visions of looking for lost children. A sensation of suffocation, could not breathe through the nose.
The prover went up to 10M, and the feeling of apathy deepened. Then, finally, her daughter tried the 10M and reported a very deep, dreamless sleep when she usually has very vivid dreams and nightmares.
Visions and theme of genocide.
One of the most underrated superpowers most of us don’t even realize we have is the ability to manifest our desires into reality by setting intentions. An intention is a mental commitment to something that matters to us, a deliberate focus of our energy that presents
opportunities to create a physical manifestation. We are such powerful beings of divine light that we have manifested ourselves into human form, projecting our intent from the other side like a lightning bolt into this world. Incredible, right? Imagine how transformative life could be if we use that same focused energy in our daily lives.
I state my intentions throughout my day, from the moment I awake. Sometimes I do it while I’m on the move, but most times, I try to find a quiet place and moment where I can pause and focus on what I want to bring to fruition. If I can, I light a candle. This helps set the mood and creates a symbolic manifestation of the intention in the physical world. Before I go into a reading, I state my intention to be of service as a clear vessel of validation and peace for my client. A one-person private reading might take me a minute or less.
For a larger group, like an audience reading, I may spend ten minutes visualizing the people present in the room with their hearts wide open, capable of receiving Spirit. I create a feeling of healing within myself and surrender to Spirit so that I may become a vessel for others.
At the start of each week, I write what I want to create that week, an energetic platform from which to launch. For example, I might focus on trust, healing, or peace. When I enter that intention-setting space,
I’m making mental deposits to create energy and an atmosphere that will set events into motion. Some might refer to an intention as a prayer. I see it as what is within my Soul that I want to bring to the world, usually something that I have a significant passion for creating. While the two practices are similar, I see prayer as an active dialogue with our spiritual web, and intention-setting is the force behind that active dialogue that summons the energy to create the atmosphere of manifestation and attraction for what we seek. While our spiritual web certainly assists
us in how our intention manifests, the intention is the origin of the desire itself. I may not know how it will happen, but that is the beautiful mystery of intention-setting. Setting the intention is the “what.” The “how” will manifest as I continue to focus on what I want. By creating the atmosphere, the elements I need for my intention to manifest will eventually appear at the right time.
It’s important to visualize the outcome of our intention. By seeing our desire as if it has already happened, we create a mental space
from which it will manifest. The excitement we feel from conjuring up our intention is the vibrational force necessary for it to manifest. It can be so powerful that whatever we choose to focus on can become our reality and attract more of the same. If we put forth the effort to set intentions for what we truly want, we can transform our lives.
The Crystal Ball of Intention
This visualization exercise practices intention-setting by calling upon the
white light to assist in charging the intention for manifestation.
Find a safe and comfortable space with privacy and no distractions. Sit upright with your palms face up. This places you in both a receiving and a sending position. As you inhale, close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you exhale, say to yourself out loud the word relax. Repeat this process and
take your time; keep going until you reach a relaxed state. You’re stripping away the outside world as you focus on the stillness within.
Visualize a crystal ball in front of you, a bubble of white light. Focus on the entire ball. Hold it in your hands. You may feel a buzzing energy from it. This is the creative energy of the Universe, from where possibility is born. It is a window into your future, your desires, and all that is you. This is your magical intention, oracle. Repeat the breathing exercise above if you need to refocus at any time. Allow the light from the crystal ball to
envelop you. As you blend with this pure white light, focus inward on this bright space where anything is possible.
Now, visualize your intention playing out in this magic window in your life. Play it repeatedly, studying the formation of this intention down to the details — who’s involved, what’s involved, the actions taking place for it, and the setting where it plays out. Become immersed in this intention.
Notice how this scene makes you feel as it brings positive feelings of success, happiness, and peace. Allow your feelings to fuel your desire and visualization. As you inhale, the white light becomes brighter and brighter until all you see is the light. Visualize the light flowing out of the top of your head as it connects to the larger Universe. This light is your energy charger, like plugging into the main grid. Charge your intention with this pure energy source while surrendering all that no longer serves you to the light for transformation.
When you’re ready, snap your fingers three times to return to the room and open your eyes. Thank the Universe for delivering what you seek through its limitless bounty of energy.
Know that after each repetition of this exercise, intention-setting will become second nature to you. It will only take a moment to visualize your intention and send it into the Universe for creation.
Psychic Medium Bill Philipps is the author of Expect the Unexpected, Signs from the Other Side, and most recently, Soul
Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom. His
life’s mission is to help people deal with the grief of losing loved ones by bringing through validations, evidential information, and beautiful messages from the Spirit, which heal and bring a sense of peace. Visit him online at www.billphilipps.com
Excerpted from the book Soul
Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom ©2023 by Bill Philipps. Printed with permission from New World Library — www.newworldlibrary.com.
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course
When we think of being in an ego state, we imagine this means we’re overly confident, arrogant, and boastful. But it’s actually the opposite of this. When we’re using the ego lens to view our world or any situation, we’re looking at ourselves
and others as limited beings with limited potential, all of us competing to survive. The ego lens tells us we need to struggle to get what we need because there’s never enough to go around, and we’re never good enough to get it done, so we must be better than everyone else to succeed. The ego lens thrives on seeing differences.
When you allow this view to dominate your life, you pull the plug on your inner wisdom, the source of your personal power. This drains your energy and leaves you feeling defeated and exhausted. The stress of having to be the best—which your soul knows is impossible—will push you far from the unique path you came here to experience. The ego lens hides the truth. It blocks your ability to clearly see your unique gifts or the gifts of others.
The ego lens sees only the surface of life. The divine lens, on the other
hand, makes no assumptions. It reveals the deeper truth behind every story, the pain hidden in each misbehavior, and the soul journey behind every wounded personality. It reveals similarities rather than differences. The divine lens is your prescription for compassion. It aligns you with your soul’s wisdom and empowers you to be your greatest self. It reveals that you’re perfectly who you’re supposed to be at this very moment—which is exactly as powerful, beautiful, and brilliant as you’re meant to be today.
This perspective allows you to shine, even when your mind tells you that you’re inferior, powerless, or not good enough.
The divine lens illuminates each moment of your life with wisdom. It pours light into your wounds. It fills every dark space with love. Wearing your divine lens, you understand that the gifts of others are perfectly unique to them and what their soul came to accomplish. You see that you’re absolutely radiant when you speak your soul’s truth, share your wisdom, and speak from your heart instead of from your mind.
Never doubt that your soul will always put you exactly where you’re meant to be for your highest good and the good of others. Your task is to embrace each painful moment and flip it into gratitude for the gift of what you’re learning and the gift of knowing that divine order is already helping you move through this perfectly designed lesson.
You are open to source energy and flawless wisdom whenever you call out to your Higher Self for guidance. You open your channel of inspiration. Divinity pours through you. Then you become the goddess, the prince, the
golden child. All meaningless ego comparisons seem ridiculous and fall away. You carry the light within. You get the job you’re not qualified for, the standing ovation, and the partner you thought would never notice you. Your work, which is your holy sacrament, shines with resonance. This is the divine lens of living at its finest. And it’s available to you 24/7, just for the asking.
About the Author: Sue Frederick is a lifelong intuitive, an ordained Unity minister, a certified past-life and between-lives soul regression
therapist, a certified creative arts therapist, an intuitive career coach, a grief intuitive coach, and a master numerologist. She’s the author of Bridges to Heaven: True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side, I See Your Soul Mate: An Intuitive’s Guide to Finding and Keeping Love, and I See Your Dream Job: A Career Intuitive Shows You How to Discover What You Were Put on Earth to Do, and the memoir Water Oak: The Happiness of Longing.
Excerpt from Through a Divine Lens. Published with permission
Reclaiming our destiny and moving forward requires finding our higher self – the innocent, virtuous, vulnerable child within us. Our spirit self is always in contact with that child, who wants us to be more imaginative, intuitive, honest, and open to receiving love, no matter what indoctrinations and toxic environments we have experienced. In Soul Searching, beloved psychic medium Bill Philipps shows how to reconnect to that spiritual nature we had as children and why those gifts we entered this life with are important. Using beautifully written stories and practical suggestions, Bill helps us access and build upon our innate skills of intuition, trust, forgiveness, and gratitude. He shows that it is not only possible but crucial to:
• hear, feel, and honor our grief without being overwhelmed by it
• forgive without forgetting
• embrace and utilize the powers of gratitude, prayer, and setting intentions to manifest the life we desire
• set ourselves and others fully free to live, love, and thrive