OMTimes Magazine December 2021 Edition

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Looking to connect with the Conscious Community? Let OMTimes point the way!

Photography (c) Paul Abdoo.

JOY HARJO POET WARRIOR Joy Harjo is an internationally renowned performer and writer of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. She is serving her second term as the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States. Joy Har­j o, is a mem­ber of the MuscogeeNation and belongs to Oce Vpofv (Hick­o ­r y Ground). She is only the sec­o nd poet to be appoint­e d a third term as U.S. Poet Laureate. Born in Tul­s a, Okla­h oma, she left home to attend high school at the inno­v ­a ­t ive Insti­tute of Amer­i ­c an Indi­a n Arts, which was then a Bureau of Indi­a n Affairs school. Har­j o began writ­i ng poet­r y as a mem­b er of the Uni­v er­s i­t y of New Mexico’s Native stu­d ent orga­n i­z a­t ion, the Kiva Club, in response to Native empow­e r­m ent move­m ents. She went on to earn her MFA at the Iowa Writ­e rs’ Work­shop and teach Eng­l ish, Cre­ative Writ­i ng, and Amer­i ­c an Indi­a n Stud­i es at Uni­v er­s i­t y of Cal­i ­f or­­n ia-Los Ange­l es, Uni­v er­s i­t y of New Mex­i ­c o, Uni­v er­s i­t y of Ari­z ona, Ari­z ona State, Uni­v er­s i­t y of Illi­n ois, Uni­v er­s i­t y of Col­o rado, Uni­ver­s i­t y of Hawai’i, Insti­t ute of Amer­i ­c an Indi­a n Arts, and Uni­v er­s i­t y of Ten­n essee, while per­f orm­i ng music and poet­r y nation­a l­l y and internationally.

The author of nine books of poetry, including the highly acclaimed An American Sunrise, several plays, and children's books, and two memoirs, Crazy Brave and Poet Warrior, her many honors include the Ruth Lily Prize for Lifetime Achievement from the Poetry Foundation, the Academy of American Poets Wallace Stevens Award, two NEA fellowships, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. As a musician and performer, Harjo has produced seven award-winning music albums including her newest, I Pray for My Enemies. She is Exec­ut­ ive Edi­tor of the anthol­og ­ y When the Light of the World was Sub­dued, Our Songs Came Through?—?A Nor­ton Anthol­og ­ y of Native Nations Poet­ry and the editor of Living Nations, Living Words: An Anthology of First Peoples Poetry, the companion anthology to her signature Poet Laureate project.

She is a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets, Board of Directors Chair of the Native Arts & Cultures Foundation, and holds a Tulsa Artist Fellowship. She lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

OMTimes Magazine

OMTimes: Your poetry expresses a deep understanding of the delicate relationships in Nature and all its beings. How do you think that your creative words can affect change in the fragile and tumultuous state of our world? How do you balance the gentle nuances between art and activism? Joy Harjo: There are two questions there. When you consider the oral cultures and written languages of world cultures, poetry is rooted in song, storytelling, and oratory. Words or language create resonance. It's a living thing. It's living stuff. When your utterances go out, they're literally creating a reality, creating a world. And poetry, I think, distills language and meaning more than any other literary art. Music and dance are very closely connected with poetry. What poetry, and writing in general, has taught me is that words do make a difference. It could be subtle, but there's an accumulation. Depending on the speaker's skill or the poet's skill, words can set off-resonance and energy. Still, as a poet, I question if our words could disarm, literally disarm, weapons. Maybe they can, at a certain level. Perhaps it takes a different kind of time to do so. OMTimes: You have had so many different and eclectic experiences in your life. You have changed many lives, influenced our modern culture, and built countless bridges across various social divides. Do you consider yourself to be a fearless person? Joy Harjo: No, I don't think so. I don't think anybody, or anyone, is without fear. Fear is a useful tool, I've learned. I've been writing for 50 years, and I've learned that fear has been one of my biggest teachers. Fear is useful. It has a role. It's good for warning. It's good for protection. I have noticed that those places marked by fear often become the turning points towards realizing a path or a direction.

OMTimes Magazine

I remember being in high school at the Institute of American Indian Arts and choosing our class schedules. I was with my good friend, Belinda Gonzales, who was signing up for theater, and I said to her that I would never get on a stage. The thought of speaking publicly or performing was a place of terror for me. But I ended up participating in one of the first Native drama and dance troupes and learned how being on stage is a way to shift your identity. The stage is really a highly intuitive and psychic space. You can shift your awareness within yourself and perform as someone else. So that one-way fear was a teacher for me. Another was through music. I loved music and wanted to play saxophone, but the teacher wouldn't allow girls to play sax. So, I walked away from music. Then, when I was close to 40, I got a saxophone but was terrified. Fear carries a charge. The saxophone, by playing through this fear, became a teacher for me. I'm not saying you should go into danger, rather, go towards what you love. Omtimes: No, I understand perfectly what you're saying. I think fear could be a point of expansion. That's a very interesting thing. I never thought about it that way. Tell us a little bit about your new album "I Pray for My Enemies," especially the pungent track called "Calling the Spirit Back." The Calling for a Global (and Personal) Spirit Retrieving. Can you talk a little bit about the process of this creation?

Joy Harjo: I had many incredible teachers. One of my teachers is the Pacific Ocean. We were talking about fear earlier, and when I lived in Hawai'i, the idea of going out in a one-man canoe into the deep used to terrify me. Still, I loved it almost more than anything and learned from it. I've had many incredible teachers along the way. And I would even venture to say spiritual teachers because ultimately, everything is spiritual. But what I've learned through those teachers—and some of them are poets, some are healers, some are visionaries—is the importance of ritual. Ultimately, we are all in a ritual together. The poem, "Calling the Spring Back," could not have happened without those teachers, those teachings. I guess you would call the poem a kind of soul retrieval.

OMTimes Magazine

“Bless the poets, the workers for justice, the dancers of ceremony, the singers of heartache, the visionaries, all makers and carriers of fresh meaning—We will all make it through, despite politics and wars, despite failures and misunderstandings. There is only love.”

― Joy Harjo, Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings: Poems

The poem is meant to help us realize these rituals are ongoing and that we can go back. Forgiveness is important. We leave parts of ourselves along the way because of fear or traumatic incidents and judgment—self-judgment, the judgment of others—but we can retrieve these parts of ourselves. When I write, I don't always know what I'm writing. I write towards what I don't understand or towards what I don't know. And I'm using language because language is like my color, and the lines, the way the poem is set up is, is a kind of architecture. There's a sense of immense play throughout the whole process. Sometimes I have stories that preface the poems. But many poems come to us in their own time, on their own, without a story. I have noticed that art is often prophecy, and maybe this is one of the primary functions of art. OMTimes: Once, you said that "poetry is a place you can come when you have no words." How did you become who you are? Did you have an inspiration? Joy Harjo: I write a lot about this in my newest Memoir, "Poet Warrior." I wanted to be an artist, and I knew I would wind up doing it, but I thought it would primarily be drawing and painting. So, I grew up with the paintings of my grandmother, Naomi Harjo, around me. One of my most prized possessions is this painting of my grandmother, Naomi Harjo, made in 1916 of the Seminole Chief Osceola, who never surrendered. He and his people, our people, never surrendered to the US government. Awareness was my first instinct. I've always had a kind of awareness that started early. I've written about it in "Poet Warrior" and "Crazy Brave"— about traveling in my spirit when I was a young child. I loved the night because I would leave my body, and I would go on these journeys. OMTIMES •DECEMBER


Having this awareness was very difficult, living in a little community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, post-war. But this creativity was how I became aware that I was in a dynamic universe. But, of course, as a child, I wouldn't have called it that. So, I don't really use those words now, necessarily. But, still, it seems like my major impulse is to basically translate what I see here and to use language or music, or both. Then, at some point, painting or art, exploring or listening to this universe and the teachings have for us. OMTimes: Tell us a bit about the journey of crossing the threshold, breaking the glass ceiling as a woman, as a Native American, that opened the gateway to many other Native American Artists?

Joy Harjo: I guess what I found was my path. And I remember coming to this conclusion in kindergarten when we were all sitting around the table drawing. I can still smell that paper. What did they call it? News, not newsprint, it wasn't called the newspaper. I can just see those smells, that paper. And everyone was drawing the same house, the same lollipop trees. Everyone was looking at each other and drawing the same thing. And I was drawing something totally different. And I asked them—it was one of the few times I spoke, I never spoke a lot when I was younger —why are you guys drawing the same thing? And what was interesting was that they looked at what I was drawing and started copying me. It caught my attention. It's a kind of the story of my life that, whatever I've done, I do my own way. I've had to.

I respect the conventional ways, and I have learned from some of the best and the worst. There's always something there to learn. Following the more predictable path might have been easier, but it wouldn't have been mine. If I aligned with a particular school of poetry, for example, or fell into a specific political stance or genre, I wouldn't be me. I've just followed my own path and voice. I make my own place. When I write music and put out albums, it doesn't fit any customary genre or style. Same with my poetry and my new Memoir, Poet Warrior. When I gave my editor the manuscript, she said, you've done it again. You have reinvented Memoir.

OMTimes: Was it more difficult to have your words recognized because you represent Native peoples? Joy Harjo: Definitely. Oh yeah. I think so. I don't represent Native people, but in this country, if you're a Native person who gets some recognition, people often want you to become representative of every indigenous person that ever lived and that no one can ever be! I am also an individual with my rhythm and my tribal nation. I don't represent. All of us deal with the caste system in America, with a hierarchy of value of who is speaking, which I call the over-culture. Males in this over-culture, and their voices, are seen as having more value. Then there are women. And at the bottom of that hierarchy are Natives. So, I think Native women are at the bottom of that hierarchy. So, having our voices recognized is definitely a challenge. OMTimes: Tell us more about your next creative projects and how people can follow you and know about your events?


Joy Harjo: I'm continuing to promote Poet Warrior, and my last book of poetry, An American Sunrise, is one of this year's NEA Big Read selections, with events going on around the country, which is mostly available virtually and open to the public. You can follow my events and readings on my website, I'm currently working on a play musical play called, We Were There When Jazz Was Invented, and I have another music album in mind that I'm starting to work on. I'm also working on a project with young Muskogee Creek citizens with art, creating arts mentorship opportunities not just in poetry or music but with all the arts. So, I've got a lot of different things going on. In addition, I am a grandmother, great-grandmother, and still doing my paintings. The Poet Laureateship concludes after April 2022, and I will pass it on to another. I'm deeply honored to serve in this position, especially at this time. It has been an honor. My boss at the Library of Congress said this has been one of the most unusual terms for a Poet Laureate, politically speaking. Political because of the urgency. I've seen my role as somebody holding the door open.

OMTimes Magazine

JOY HARJO I Pray For My Enemies In her first new recording in a decade, Joy Harjo – the first Native American named Poet Laureate of the United States – digs deep into the indigenous red earth and the shared languages of music to sing, speak and play a stunningly original musical meditation that seeks healing for a troubled world. “The concept for I Pray for My Enemies began,” says Harjo, “with an urgent need to deal with discord, opposition. It could have been on a tribal, national, or personal level. I no longer remember. The urgency had a heartbeat and in any gathering of two or more, perhaps the whole planet, our hearts lean-to entrainment – that is, to beat together. ”Listen to her on Spotify here Visit Joy's Website

Poet Warrior : By Joy Harjo Three-term poet laureate Joy Harjo offers a vivid, lyrical, and inspiring call for love and justice in this contemplation of her trailblazing life. FOLLOW JOY ON FACEBOOK





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Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

13 Health Benefits of Wakame Seaweed


by Dr. Paul Haider

akame Seaweed

has many health benefits. Wakame

is very common.

Seaweed contains lots of iodine for

Many people have

hormonal balance, protects against

this Seaweed in

cancer, boosts energy levels, lowers

their seaweed salad at sushi bars.

cholesterol, helps with weight loss,

But other than having a fantastic

and helps to prevent cardiovascular

taste, this wonderful Seaweed also

disease and more.”

OM TIMES | December 2021

The Seaweed Wakame used to only

compression of the spine and bone

be grown in Japan, but now this

fractures. Thus Wakame may help

wonderful Seaweed grows worldwide

prevent this scenario. Plus, Wakame

in sea farms and even organic sea

also contains Vitamin D, so add some

farms. And it also grows in wild areas.

Wakame to your meals.

Cardiovascular Health - Wakame

Thyroid Health - Wakame also holds

has agents that lower cholesterol

lots of iodine which is important for

LDL or bad cholesterol. And stop

thyroid health. In this day and age,

the accumulation of fats, plus

lots of people are having thyroid

helps to prevent hardening of the

problems. Many people have moved

arteries. Thus, Wakame added to

away from iodized salt to sea salt,

the average diet can help to prevent

which is lower in iodine. Thus, goiter

cardiovascular disease.

and other thyroid diseases have become common… thus, consuming

More Vitality - Wakame boosts vital

Wakame can help.

energy within the body because it has lots of magnesium. Magnesium

B-Vitamins - Wakame Seaweed

boosts metabolism and regulates

contains lots of B-Vitamins,

enzyme production. Plus, it balances

especially folate, which is important

hormones and helps the body use

for infant health. Thus, pregnant

protein efficiently.

women should eat a little seaweed to make sure they have enough

It is rich in Iron: Wakame has lots of

folate to prevent birth defects. Also,

bioavailable iron, making it easy for

B-Vitamins boost vital energy and

the body to create hemoglobin and

enhance our mood.

healthy red blood cells that will carry oxygen. Thus eating Wakame can

Weight Loss - Wakame contains

provide a boost of energy.

fucoxanthin which prevents the accumulation of fats within the body.

Helping osteoporosis: Wakame also

Plus, it also helps to break down fat

contains lots of calcium, thus helping

into usable energy, thus helping with

to prevent and repair osteoporosis.

weight loss. And fucoxanthin is not

Lack of calcium can result in

a common agent found in green

OM TIMES | December 2021

veggies. And Wakame is very low in

Add Seaweed Instead of Salt - Wakame

calories, only about 5 calories per 10

does hold sodium. Thus instead of

grams of Seaweed, and a tablespoon

adding salt to food, it would be better

of Wakame contains 4 grams of

to add some dried ground Wakame

protein… so to lose weight, try some

Seaweed and get all the other health

Wakame Seaweed Salad.

benefits of this wonderful healing OM TIMES | December 2021

agent. We need a little bit of salt for

Recipes - If you google “Wakame

good health… but do not overdo it!

Seaweed Recipes,” many great ways to use this wonderful Seaweed will come

Anemia - Wakame Seaweed also has

up. And it can also be used as dried

iron and copper for anemia.


Bloating - Wakame helps those

Finding - Any Asian market will have

suffering from bloating by getting rid of

fresh or frozen Wakame Seaweed in

excess water weight because it’s a good

their freezer or refrigerated section.

diuretic. But be aware that too much

And dried Wakame can be ordered

Wakame can do the opposite because

on-line and can even be found on

it does contain sodium.

Amazon… and even organic Wakame Seaweed can be found on-line.

Cancer - Wakame contains lignans which have been shown in laboratory

This information is meant to get you

tests to prevent cancer. A study in

started, so dig a little deeper and find

Japan showed that eating Wakame

what works for you. This article is for

can kill breast cancer cells. And eating

educational purposes only. I strongly

Wakame could be the reason why

recommend that you seek advice from

cancer is not that common in Japan.

your own medical practitioner, a private doctor, or medical specialist for any

Antioxidants - Wakame also contains

ailment, illness, or medical condition.

many vital antioxidant vitamins such

This article is not meant to be a

as Vitamin A, C, E, and Vitamin K for

scientific analysis in any way, shape, or

normal clotting function.


Great for Skin - Wakame is great for

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist

healthy and elastic youthful-looking skin.

and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helps people recover and

Wakame Seaweed can be used in

feel healthy. You can also find

salads, miso soup, in other soups,

Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul

stews, rice dishes. They can be used in

Haider, Healing Herbs, and at

just about any other dish that can be – feel free to

supplemented with Wakame.

connect with him any time.

OM TIMES | December 2021

The Physics of Grounding and the Energy of the Feet


By Humanity Healing

ur feet, the passion for

But they are much more than

some, disgust for others.

a means to move! They are an

The feet are responsible

important energy center.

for taking us where we

want, for being able to walk on this

They can carry energies and are

incredible journey that we call life.

portals of exchange with the universe.

OM TIMES | December 2021

You may not believe it, but it is

emotional, and various body disorders,

actually the truth.

thus generating great body balance in


the simplest possible way. The feet are our roots. Imagine your

Keep your eyes on the stars and your

body like a tree.

feet on the ground. If the sap is alive in us, it goes down

Theodore Roosevelt

to the roots and up to the highest In reflexology, it is said that the feet

branches. Making this analogy with life

carry information about the entire

in matter, we can say that it is precisely

body. They also carry our incarnational

through our rootedness of existence


that we can walk towards the light.

This type of alternative therapy is

And our feet are our roots. Bad

based on the belief that each organ

energies flow through them, and

or part of the body is represented or

universal vital energy also enters.

reflected in the soles of the hands and feet. Putting pressure on these places

The foot cleansing ceremonies that

causes physical changes in the rest

exist in some religions are practices for

of the body. It works more or less the

many reasons.

same way Iridology works. Its purpose is to put into practice the "When the nerves in the eyes and

humble service to all our brothers,

feet are properly understood,

following the example of Jesus to all

there will be less need for surgical

his disciples. Christ's love, embracing


all of humanity, makes all people

Sir William Osler

brothers and sisters by the strength of his example. The "mandatum"

The practitioners of this technique

(foot wash) left by him invites us to

stimulate the points located on the

transcend the physical act of washing

feet, promote the cure of diseases,

the feet of the other, to experience

and relieve unpleasant symptoms that

the whole meaning of this gesture: to

they bring us. You can treat organic,

serve, with love, our neighbor.

OM TIMES | December 2021


These chakras are like the "first


floor" of the root chakra. It promotes support so that you can get up and

Our chakras, or energy centers, are

live your truth, and on them, we have

spread throughout the body and

the concentration of earthly energies

located on the feet.

responsible for the vibrational balance of the body as a whole.

We would say that, in the case of the feet, these energy points are

Notice that the first sign of this fatigue

essential. We know that bare feet

appears on our feet when we are

on the earth can energize us, and

exhausted. The feet are literally the

there is much mentalization used

part of the body that supports us.

in meditation that uses our feet to renew energies. This is due to the

Therefore, they are closely linked to our

chakras we have on our feet.

material achievements.

OM TIMES | December 2021

It is important to activate this chakra

Nothing without a good base can

to manifest your own physical reality.


Otherwise, we can find a challenging physical reality. The foot chakra allows

Whenever the cloud of ego

ideas to leave the mental field and

threatens to engulf me, I remind

become a reality, like a magnetic

myself of my roots. It helps

attraction field giving physical shape

keeping my feet on the ground.

to your thoughts.

Faraaz Kazi

The thought-forms we emit may


gravitate towards our feet and thighs, so taking care of the energy-related to these limbs is essential. The base chakra is critical to the anchoring and

Some aspects of our life indicate

grounding of our ideas and projects.

that the energy circulating through

OM TIMES | December 2021

OM TIMES | December 2021

the feet is not doing well or is not balanced as it should be.


3. DIFFICULTIES WAKING UP The alarm goes off, but your body doesn't wake up. You would give the world to stay asleep, and it

If you see a tendency in your path to

seems that, even after a long night

not complete what you start, this is an

of sleep, you woke up even more

excellent indication that the chakras

tired than when you went to sleep.

located in the feet are blocked.

It is as if you are awake, but your spirit, your conscience, is not there.

Another evidence is the difficulty

It may be the fault of neglected

in materializing ideas. It rains ideas,

energy in the feet.

solutions, inventions, projects, but you can't put anything of what you


elaborate mentally into practice in your head. Nothing materializes, or

If you have a chronic illness that does

when it materializes, it does not go

not respond to treatments and does

forward. Pay attention to this, as you

not abandon you, taking care of the

can work with the energy of your feet

energy in your feet can bring about

to unlock your life.

the long-awaited cure.


With the "terrifying" energies blocked, nothing else flows, and the imbalance that this situation causes

If you "get out of the air" easily during

in the body is great and can affect

meditation or other spiritual pursuits,

our health.

your foot chakras are certainly not balanced. This lack of concentration or blackouts that some people


have as if they were transported to another dimension is a sign of energy

There are many techniques to

imbalance that can be resolved by

promote the balance of the foot

treating the feet.

chakra. OM TIMES | December 2021

OM TIMES | December 2021

The first thing you can do is to

Water can also promote

always walk barefoot at home. As

outstanding balance for that part of

soon as you arrive from the street,

our body.

remove your shoes and step on the floor. If you have a garden,

A bowl of water with coarse salt is

someplace with soil, put your bare

enough to energize your feet and

feet in contact with the earth for

your chakras. Salt also helps a lot of

at least ten minutes.

dissolving energetic blocks.

This will help a lot! But just the fact

This is a good practice in case you

of acquiring the habit of walking

live far f rom the beach. But if you

barefoot is enough to activate the

have access to the sea, even better.

energy that circulates through the

Walking on the sand with your feet

feet and promote the exchange

immersed in the seawater is simply

with the earth, receiving vital

incredible in terms of energetic

energy f rom it. The more you do

dynamics, and it is no wonder that

this, the more open and activated

so many people love to do this

your chakra will become.

without even knowing why they feel so good when they do it.

Another effective technique is to meditate and imagine your feet

The energy exchange that exists

bathed in light. Just imagine that

with nature through the water of

a bright light surrounds your feet,

the sea is incredible.

starting as a tiny point of light and evolving to such an extent

Still using water, we can also take

that it illuminates the entire

advantage of the healing and


spiritual energy of plants. Roses are great for this job, so dipping your

This light can be white, violet - to

feet in a container with rose petals

transmute what is negative - or

will energize your entire body and

green, in cases where diseases are

unlock your foot chakras. This

involved. Wrap your feet in this

practice also activates harmonious

light energy and allow them to

and loving results to our general

relax within that light.

energetic system. OM TIMES | December 2021

The Health Benefits of Exercising with Enjoyment by Ginger McBride

OM TIMES | December 2021


earn how to use enjoyment

and releasing endorphins, which aid

to exercise that benefits both

in a boosted mood.

mind and body, and begin a fulfilling journey to better

The key, however, is getting ourselves to participate in something that


requires energy but benefits us in Learn how to use enjoyment to

multiple ways. A great way to do this

exercise that benefits both mind and

is by incorporating an exercise that

body, and begin a fulfilling journey to

we like and enjoy.

better health! We always make time for the things that are most enjoyable

There are various types of exercise

to us. It's not that the important

and movement out there. We need

things aren't a priority, but it is easier

only to explore those options and

to motivate ourselves when we know

choose what is best for ourselves.

joy is on the way. So much of our lives

Whether we like something as simple

are riddled with responsibilities. It's

as walking or running on a bright,

easy to understand how it can be

sunny day, or we require something

challenging to prioritize more work

more explorative like hiking with a

in the little free time we have. This is

group. We could even take it a step

why working out and exercising can

further by bringing a camera to

be difficult for some. We procrastinate

document the fun time.

for a multitude of reasons such as fear of failure, fear of success,

Some of us might enjoy joining a

perfectionism, confusion, short-

team in tennis, basketball, baseball,

term gratification versus long-term

softball, or football. Whether it is a

gratification, and the list goes on.

team in high school or college or meeting up with our buddies for a

Exercising is an important aspect

few games a month, the options are

for both the mind and the body.

endless, and for those that are more

When we exercise, it helps our body

creative in nature, we might enjoy

build muscle, improve strength and

taking a dance class. Maybe we enjoy

endurance, and enhances our heart

the live music and meeting people in

health. Exercise can also do wonders

our community that have the same

for the mind, such as relieving stress

interests. Whatever it is that pulls us

OM TIMES | December 2021

to move, we should begin there by

have a place. They are wonderful in

exploring that option.

targeting areas that we would like to change about ourselves, but if we are

We must begin to look within and

just beginning and struggling with

explore what we truly enjoy in this

moving at all, finding enjoyment with

life and how we can add this and

exercise could be a great first step to

enjoy exercise. We can make it a

a fulfilling journey!

celebration rather than another remedial task on our to-do list. This

We may recall Newton's First Law

is not to say that regular workouts

of Motion, "an object in rest stays

aren't important. They definitely

at rest, and an object in motion

OM TIMES | December 2021

stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. "We should

Ginger McBride is a wellness

let our body be that object and

writer, certified health

stay in motion for a better living

coach, wellness expert, and

and a better life. Exercise can be

entrepreneur. She uses her

enjoyed, and when done right, it

knowledge in the health and

will be appreciated. We need only

wellness field to help others

the courage to begin our journey,

with their health, inspiring them

to explore our options, and strive for

to reach their goals through

our goals with a bit of optimism and

motivation and education!

enjoyment! OM TIMES | December 2021

The Power of Binaural Beat Music for Healing by Dr. Paul Haider

OM TIMES | November 2021



ith the advent of

Even pain can be controlled and

new technology

dialed down during this state of

and Binaural Beat

entrainment. And depending upon

Music, we have

the frequency used, a proportionate

the opportunity to go deeper into a

change in the frequency of the brain

meditative state quicker and easier

waves can be created. With specific

than ever before. Plus, we can have

tones, Beta Waves can be entrained

the same deep healing abilities that

in mind for busy, active days at work.

meditation brings to the mind, body,

At other times Alpha Waves which

and spirit. Here is a quick overview of

are relaxing, can be created which

the healing abilities of Binaural Beat

help a person feel at ease and help


with stress. Still, at different times, Theta Waves can be created: dream

Here is an overly simplistic view of how

state waves that allow a person to

Binaural Beat Music works. Basically,

be more creative and feel relaxed.

breakthroughs in music have shown

And during the evening, Delta brain

that if we use stereo headphones

waves can make deep recuperative

and place a specific tone in one ear,

sleep; thus, we wake up refreshed

which corresponds to one side of the

and ready for another day.

brain. And set another particular tone in the other ear, which corresponds

Here are my normal Beta

to the other side of the brain. With

brainwaves and my brain waves

those two frequencies being just a few

during meditation.

hertz apart, a third tone is created in the middle, which harmonizes both

And there are also Gama Brain

hemispheres of the brain. This also

Waves. Gamma Brain Waves bring

takes us from a regularly active brain

about a powerful connection of

wave on EEGs to a profound state of

all the different brain areas, thus

meditation. Thus, slowing our brain

helping the brain be more flexible.

down, moving us into a different form

Gamma Brain Waves are high-

of consciousness, a healing state.

frequency brain waves even higher than regular Beta Waves. They can

This causes the brain to enter a state

help with problem-solving, healing

of entrainment, which is powerful.

fear… and sometimes they can

OM TIMES | November 2021

take a person into higher states of

with sound and music. The Monroe


Institute has hundreds of healing recordings under the company

There have been lots of studies done

“Hemi-Sync,” which are healing. And

on Binaural Beat Music. In fact, Dr.

the Monroe Institute (A nonprofit

Robert Monroe did many years of

organization) has an exciting

research on Binaural Beat Music.

program that takes people through

He started the famous Monroe

26 levels of higher consciousness. As

Institute, which specializes in healing

far as I can tell, no one has done as

OM TIMES | November 2021

much research into consciousness

for those getting started with

levels using vibrational frequencies

meditation or needing a helping

as the Monroe Institute.

hand to relax. They can help you feel better about life and get rid

But there are also inexpensive ways

of anxiety, lower stress and blood

to start using Binaural Beat Music.

pressure. It can help with addictions,

Even on iTunes and all the rest of the

get along better at work and at

online music download companies,

home, balance hormones, keep

lots of Binaural Beat Music can be

stress from causing heart attacks,

found. Music that can be purchased

and many more powerful processes.

and download to phones and other

Binaural Beat Music can work

devices for as little as 99 cents, and

wonders, just like meditation.

they work. This information is meant to get you In one double-blind study, it was

started, dig a little deeper and find

found that using Binaural Beat

what works for you. This article is for

Music had positive effects like

educational purposes only. I strongly

meditation. In another study, it was

recommend that you seek advice

found that those using Binaural

from your medical practitioner, a

Beat Music lowered their anxiety

GP, a private doctor, or a medical

levels, balanced their hormones,

specialist for any ailment, illness, or

and improved their quality of life.

medical condition. This article is not

Plus, in other studies, Binaural Beat

meant to be a scientific analysis in

Music reduced postoperative pain.

any way, shape, or form.

In fact, some insurance companies recommend are using certain types

Dr. Paul Haider – Master

of music to prevent postoperative

Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher

pain and for faster recovery.

for over 25 years, helps people recover and feel healthy. You can

I like good old fashion meditation

also find Dr. Haider on FB under

because no matter where I go and

Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs,

what I do, I can always meditate

and at –

anywhere, without the aid of

feel free to connect with him

technology. But the beats are

any time.

OM TIMES | November 2021

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Dreams and the Different Version of Reality


By Cathedral of the Soul

uthenticity is a concept

When we are in the universe

that has been on my mind

of dreams, however bizarre the

lately. As part of my deep-

situations may be, we tend not to

dive and introspection,

have the slightest critical sense.

I asked friends and acquaintances what

There is no question about facts

this word meant to them.

that would be impossible to happen in our objective realities.

Are the dreams versions of ourselves

For example, in a dream, we can

coexisting in parallel universes? Are

see ourselves flying, talking to

these states of consciousness different

people who are already gone,

from the one when we are awake?

among countless other situations

OM TIMES | December 2021

inconceivable to happen while we are

constantly have problems with bosses,

in the waking state.

others who often feel wrong, or those who countlessly betray or are betrayed.

When we wake up, however, not infrequently, we are appalled by some

All of these questions work equally as

of the experiences, being intrigued to

the hidden symbolism that appears

the point of going on to some more

in dreams and the answers, both for

in-depth research on the symbolisms

the question of dreams and for our

that came. On countless other

practical lives, are in-depth we choose

times, we left aside what appeared,

to do or not to do about ourselves,

disqualifying contents, imagining that

about what moves us.

they are just loose images with no meaning at all. The big question is that

All the time, our psychism or

even when we let go of a dream, the

something bigger than us is

feeling we had in it or even the images

struggling to get out of the countless

can affect us for several days.

situations of existential looping that we are in. We all have an equal

You are born to fly, and in dreams

opportunity to be more lucid and see

you remember the soul has wings.

beyond. Just choose this purpose.

Robert Moss Daydreaming is part of a creative Our daily lives, like dreams, are full

process, imagining when the mind

of symbolic situations that, even in

is taken, as if by a distraction, to

apparently different scenarios, they

other experiences. This can occur as

end up repeating themselves in

a dissociative event when the mind

emotional content. They would be

escapes from reality due to emotional

symbolic experiences as if we had

issues and stress.

recurring dreams but in a supposed Dreams can be seen as portals of

state of wakefulness.

communication from us to ourselves. As an illustration, we can think of those

We are not always able to give

people who, turning and moving,

ourselves time for this space to occur.

always end up bumping into similar

With training, if soon after we wake

life situations, for example, those who

up, this type of space is installed,

OM TIMES | December 2021

the contact information with the

most troubled stages of life. Those

experiences begins to appear

less interested in the possible

spontaneously, increasingly accurate,

communications from the dream

useful and efficient.

universe may become increasingly distant from such possibilities.

Some indigenous tribes meet every

However, those who are more aware

day in the morning so that everyone

of the help that dreams can offer will

can share their night dreams to know

always be the most benefited from

as much about themselves as what

the messages. They will somehow

can happen with each one and with

receive in the brain's attempts to

the tribe.

resolve these tribulations.

Depending on the state of

Sometimes, even the most

consciousness of each one, dreams

disconnected are crossed by

can appear more or less in the

numinous dreams, the terminology

OM TIMES | December 2021

used by Jung when referring to

amid some transcendent, lucid, or

impactful and revealing dreams.

different than the usual dream. Many

These dreams occasionally appear

are fully aware that they dream when

as inexorable factors of personal

they are inside a dream and undergo


extra physical experiences, also known as developments.

Until today, the universe of dreams has not been fully revealed in its

In the same way that many disqualify

essence and functions. The same way

the dream universe, so many others

that like access to many dimensions

study it, bet on the evidence, on

that are not yet fully clarified for

synchronicity and seek to become


more and more lucid within this universe.

Countless people at some point in their existence find themselves involved

The more awake, the better!

OM TIMES | December 2021

Seven Self-Care Tips to Help Raise the Vibration


by Judi Lynch

hen we feel

We have all seen and heard much

rested, connected,

about self-care recently. In light of

and seeing life

recent world events, we all need

from a higher

reminders to love and honor ourselves

vibration, we can truly live-in

more. When we feel rested, connected

purpose and assist others.

and, observing life from a higher OM TIMES | December 2021

vibration, we are genuinely more

Try new meditation techniques to

able to live in purpose and assist

help with intuition, connection, and

others. Here are a few suggestions to

self-healing. There are countless

remember when things feel heavy.

apps and YouTube videos dedicated to meditation. Focused breathing,

Clear personal spaces of items no

mindfulness, chakra activation,

longer needed or wanted. Clutter can

guided meditations with music and

cause anxiety and take precious time

photographs, spirit guide activation,

away from activities that enhance

and many more are readily available to

life. Constantly cleaning surfaces and

sample. Everyone has particular needs

furniture, having closets filled with

in what helps activate energies within.

'things' can overwhelm our senses. Make peace with letting things go.

Recognize sacred spaces to help

Donate, sell, and give things away to

center and connect. A sacred space

a friend who will use them. Releasing

can be inside or outside. The sounds of

material and outdated items also

running water are great, whether it's

helps to release our minds from past

an indoor fountain or a softly flowing

negative experiences attached to

creek. Painting the walls with specific

them. For many people, this is a life-

colors that represent nature promotes

changing action.

calmness. A special comfortable chair by a window with a view can

Create a personal mantra for the

be a great place to meditate, read, or

next year or perhaps six months.

journal. It's so important to feel that

Identifying what you want to

we have a place of sanctuary to help

accomplish, manifest, or change, and

us process stress and anxiety.

add it to your daily meditation routine to help focus. When we set goals for

Walking or just sitting in nature is

the future, we are more likely to live

a proven method to heal the body,

each day with purposes that help us

wake up the mind and charge the

create what we want to see come

spirit. Schedule time each week to

to fruition. Examples of mantras: I

experience nature in different ways.

am manifesting my best life, Exhale

It lifts the energetic frequencies we

doubt – Inhale Confidence, I AM

genuinely need to survive. Every

Peace-filled, I AM Loved.

tree, plant, and animal is part of OM TIMES | December 2021

the universal vibration we are all

weekend, a mini-vacation can help

connected to. Our immune system is

us recharge and regroup.

built to thrive in these energies. Remembering to laugh as much Taking a mini-vacation and turning

as possible. When we see the joy

off all electronic devices. Just enjoy

in others' faces or feel it inside, we

the moments and the tenacity of

see the gift of humor. It touches our

silence. When we disengage from

hearts and minds. It heals the body.

all the 'noise' out there, we can focus

Watching a comedy or a night at the

on purpose and intention. We can

comedy club helps us not to take life

better hear our intuitive messages,

so seriously. It's genuinely uplifting

our guides, and loved ones sending

to have others around us who like

us support and information.

to laugh. It's also helpful to un-

Whether going for a day or a long

follow those people and pages that

OM TIMES | December 2021

bring us down. We always choose who we let in our world on social media, and we could all use more positivity, especially now.

medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal

Once we have experienced some of these techniques, there is a quick way to put ourselves back into calm when life challenges arrive. Choose a color or sound, any abstract symbol, then associate it with our vibration-lifting technique. We can instantly go to the place that will help us the most.

Judi Lynch is a psychic

Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact for a session, see

OM TIMES | December 2021


WETIKO WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE WRITTEN BY PAUL LEVY PHOTOS BY CANVAS More and more people are hearing about the Native American idea of the wetiko mind-virus.


Wetiko—called by many different names throughout history—is at the very root of the collective madness and corresponding evil that we, as a human species, are collectively acting out on the world stage. Though wetiko is multi-dimensional, manyfaceted and utterly profound, its fundamental essence is actually quite simple to understand.

The process of identification—of who we think we are—is at the root of wetiko. “Who do we think we are?” is a real question that implies that our sense of identity is related to our thinking, to our very mind itself. Our subjective experience of identity itself is quite malleable and is a function of our own mind, which is to say we are actively participating in the moment-bymoment creation of our experience of identity.

Our sense of identity molds us, while we are at the same time the ones crafting our identity. What we don’t want is to let wetiko forge our identity for us. Because wetiko disease (which I’ve also referred to as Malignant Egrophrenia, i.e., ME disease) is, in its essence, to have fallen into a state of mistaken identity, the best medicine for wetiko is to know who we are. Our true nature, our true identity—who we really are—is impervious to wetiko’s pernicious influence. Wetiko can’t take over, possess or have any effect on our true nature, which is not an object that can be manipulated or possessed by wetiko (or anything else, for that matter). For this reason, wetiko’s strategy is to set up a substitute counterfeit version—a simulation—of ourselves. It then tricks us into identifying with this fraudulent version of ourselves. Wetiko cannot stand it when we identify with our true nature as creative beings, for then it has nothing to sink its roots—and fangs— into. If we don’t pick up and mobilize the creativity that is an essential aspect of our very nature, however, wetiko is happy to use our unexpressed creativity for us in order to serve its agenda, which we can be sure does not serve our best interests. Wetiko has no creativity on its own, but it’s a master impersonator - we can conceive of it as the ape of the divine. The apocryphal texts call wetiko “the counterfeiting spirit” (the antimimon pneuma). A master mime, wetiko creates a copycat version of us, literally masquerading as ourselves. This counterfeiter, for example, plugs into our own innate but unused creativity to conjure up a stunted image of ourselves as being limited, wounded, having problems, etc. (or, the opposite—being inflated and grandiose).


This psychic snake-oil salesman then presents to us, in a compellingly convincing way, that this fake representation of ourselves —a true imposter—is who we actually are. If we are not awake in that moment to the fact that we are being sold a bogus bill of goods, like putting on a garment, we unknowingly step into wetiko’s version of ourselves, buying into its fabricated and impoverished image of who we are. In so doing, in one fell swoop we have given ourselves away, identified with who we are not, and disconnected from our creative power. A more perfect recipe for the madness of wetiko to work its black magic within us is hard to imagine. As soon as we identify with this false self, however, we are a goner, as then, with wetiko’s help, we will create experiences for ourselves that will confirm our limited identity in a self-reinforcing (and mind-created) feedback loop that traumatizes us to the core. Wetiko has fooled us into thinking that a seeming appearance, a display of our mind— a fictitious identity that literally has no actual reality—is who we really are. We then tend to become consumed by protecting and defending a make-believe version of ourselves that doesn’t even exist in the first place. This is the essence of wetiko psychosis, a.k.a., ME disease. Our creative life-force and vitality then get vampirically drained from us in a process in which we ourselves are ultimately complicit. It is as if we are powerful wizards beyond measure who are unaware of our divine gift and have become ‘bewitched,’ literally entrancing ourselves by our own innate, unrealized genius for shaping reality.

When we remember who we are and connect with our true nature, however, we discover that our nature is—by its very nature— creative. In a positive feedback loop that generates life most abundantly, getting in touch with our creativity helps to further reveal our nature, and the more we know ourselves the more we naturally express ourselves creatively, ad infinitum. Instead of outsourcing our intrinsic creativity to forces outside of ourselves, we have then stepped into and animated our vital nature as creative beings who are made in the very image of our creator. Owning the creative gifts that are our natural inheritance is wetiko’s worst nightmare. Instead of being disempowered victims of an imposed creation separate from ourselves, once we realize that we ourselves are the creators of our experience, wetiko doesn’t stand a chance. For once we connect with our calling, find our authentic voice and express our creative nature, wetiko has no place to stand—similar to the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote falling off the proverbial cliff.

A Tibetan Buddhist practitioner and founder of the Awakening in the Dream Community in Portland, Oregon, Paul Levy is a noted pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence. A teacher, healer, and artist, Paul Levy is the author of several mind-blowing books including that explore the nature of madness, evil, psychological and emotional abuse, the projection of the shadow self, and the existence of Wetiko – a mind virus that is at the root of every crisis we and the world are facing today, but which, once recognized, can help humanity wake up and bring sanity back to our society. His titles include Awakened by Darkness – When Evil Becomes Your Father, Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality, and Wetiko – Healing the Mind-Virus that Plagues our World.


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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

The Spiritual Benefits of Yoga and Meditation for Children


By Omtimes

he human psyche

thinking or feeling from other

naturally perceives and

people in a given space.

reads energy, being a natural skill and instinct.

Before modern civilization, in more

Initially, young children are unaware

primitive life, a man had the ability

of how to distinguish their own

to intuitively "read" the environment

OM TIMES | December 2021

more often, which was a need

being too strict or too full of rules.

for survival to warn of danger

The child needs to feel free and

around him. Due to the increase

comfortable to practice meditation.

in population, and the absence of natural predators, people have forgotten how to develop their


intuitive skills. Meditation is a well-known ancient Intuitively, the child interprets the

technique that brings greater

world around them. Guiding them

awareness to the human being.

to develop their empathic skills

Meditation has been practiced by

will teach them how to distinguish

the eastern peoples, it has expanded,

between their own feelings and

many other countries worldwide


practice meditation as a spiritual practice.


For children, meditation can even be used as a process for emotional

The first energy center that works on

learning. From the age of three,

empathic skills is concentrated in the

it is already possible to teach the

solar plexus chakra.

child to meditate. It takes a lot of patience to teach how meditation

However, the physical system to

works. The person who will pass on

which they are connected is the

the knowledge needs to say that

pineal gland. This is a gland found in

meditation will be a moment only for

the center of the brain.

them, the children.

Due to its benefits, such as providing

Children are full of commitments

Children with greater concentration,

from an early age. Besides regular

and a greater sense of well-being,

classes, they are divided among

the practice of meditation can and

other responsibilities like sport,

will improve human relationships

language class, their family life.

in general. Meditation with children

Many even play a little. Therefore,

does not have to be construed as

meditation will be a moment for

OM TIMES | December 2021

them when spirituality can flourish

peace. First, explain to the child

from there.

in simple words what meditation is. Then meditate with her. But it

The technique is not a religion

is important that the child feels

because anyone can practice it

in a comfortable position. If she is

regardless of their beliefs. Having

already more prominent, she can

a moment for yourself, breathing

sit in the lotus position, preferably

deeply, being silent, and having

with an upright spine. If it is still

a clear conscience is a learning

small, you can do it lying on the

experience that significantly

floor. Explain to her to pay attention

benefits life, which is the feeling of

to her own breathing. Before

OM TIMES | December 2021

meditation, you can put on a calmer

Focus and emphasize that it is

song, tell a story or even say a prayer

necessary to be silent, that is,

with it. The important thing is that

to avoid making noise. For the

this moment is yours and that you are

child to feel more comfortable,

as present as possible. In this way, the

you can place your pet close to

child creates freedom with God and

where they will meditate. You will

with his own spirituality. Try to do it

see the fruits of meditation. Love

often. It could be five or ten minutes.

flourishes, the child will have more

It just can't be a tedious time for the

empathy and a greater perception

child. She needs to like it and feel

of himself. It will be self-knowledge

happy when she practices.

since childhood. OM TIMES | December 2021


Practicing yoga since childhood can allow the little ones to quickly develop emotional intelligence, confidence,

• Increased self-esteem.

ease of communication, and

• Better concentration and

teamwork, using the bodily sensory experience as a starting point of

memory. • Improves the relationship with

learning about themselves.

parents and friends. • A better perception of feelings.

Experts recommend that children start

• Improves sleep quality.

practicing yoga from the age of four.

• Healthier body and life. • Increased emotional control.

To introduce the technique, the first

• Easier abilities to develop

two members worked are the Yamas and Niyamas, both working on moral

happiness and joy. • The benefits of practicing yoga in childhood

values such as ethics, truthfulness, detachment, etc.

OM TIMES | December 2021

After that, the asanas start to work,


where the physical postures that

1. Improves body capacity

should be followed during the work

2. Develops motor coordination.

begin to be taught. That done,

3. Strengthens bone and body structure.

pranayama, breathing techniques,

4. Increase concentration.

are also incorporated and, finally,

5. Raises self-esteem and confidence.

yoga Nidra, summarized in

6. Keeps your body and mind more relaxed.

relaxation practices.

7. Encourages keeping discipline and responsibility.

To facilitate learning, make sure that

8. Assists in controlling emotions.

the techniques are passed playfully

9. Decreases anxiety.

through games, storytelling, music.

10. Increase creativity.

This will help plant the seeds of a

11. Eases social interaction.

Joyful and more satisfying life for

12. Increases the capacity for respiratory

the children and help them become

coordination and control of the speaking

complete Human Beings.

apparatus. OM TIMES | December 2021

Fall in love this Valentine’s Day…with yourself! Join Seeking Sacred Journeys and OsiLiving for an inspiring and transformative 7 days of heart-centered guidance, spirituality, yoga, sisterhood, and sacred self-care practices to awaken and embody what it means to truly love your most authentic self without shame or fear. We've chosen a uniquely charming, bohemian and Conde Naste Award winning destination, Jakes Hotel located in the hidden gem of Treasure Beach, Jamaica. Our week in paradise will offer you the space to reconnect with everything you love about yourself - your magical body, your beautiful mind, and your expanding spirit! Featuring an (optional) Indigenous Cacao and Sacred Psilocybin ceremony with a Healing Sound Bath, facilitated by a local Jamaican Wise Woman, during which you’ll open your heart and release blocks that have held you back from thriving. Our juicy schedule includes Kundalini yoga infused with Transformational Breathwork, Hatha yoga, Restorative yoga, Soul Coaching & Sacred Circles, swimming in the clear blue Caribbean Sea, walking along the beautiful white sand beaches of Jamaica, as well as a special Valentines Night Dinner, a sunset cruise to Pelican Bar and the "One Love" boat ride and private beach BBQ, and so much more! Plan ahead and use code EARLYBIRD through December 31, 2021 to receive 10% OFF our All-Inclusive Rates. Reserve Your Spot Today We hope you'll consider taking this journey with us to connect deeply with your inner strength; reclaim your self-love, self-compassion and wholeness, so you can heal, thrive and glow during and after our time together. Learn More

Be Love! A Journey to Reclaim Sacred Self-Love February 13-19, 2022 | Treasure Beach, Jamaica

Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Sisterhood Retreat -Jamaica

BE LOVE! RECLAIMING SELF-LOVE Love. It is infinite, boundless, and an essential part of being human. It is easy to care for others and share our passion, but why do we find it so hard to love ourselves? We’ve all heard it before; finding love starts with loving yourself first. But, easier said than done, right? Learning how to love yourself feels like an endless process. That’s because it is. Think of loving yourself as an ongoing journey—a spiritual practice that requires consistent nurturing to embody your highest self. It takes regular selfcare rituals to restore and reconnect with the mind, body, and soul. It means mind-body awareness to nourish yourself through daily habits. It means healing from wounds of the past to move past the traumas of our childhood, past lives, and ancestors.

Although it might sound like a lot, introducing selfcare rituals and healing practices into your routine can have a powerful impact on your life. It’s never too early to start. Step into your personal power. From daily practices to sacred rituals, discover these habits to learn how to love yourself.


Create a Self-Care Tool Kit

If you find yourself spiritually stuck, it can feel like a major challenge just to get out of bed, let alone take care of yourself. So, start simple. Fake it until you make it. Sometimes going through the motions of self-care will get you there, even if difficult at first. Choose a few habits to include in your “self-care toolkit.” You can always turn to these go-to healing activities for self-care, especially on days when you feel blue. It can start with something as small as making your bed or applying a nourishing skincare regime (these can be major achievements on days when we are struggling). Or maybe just going outside: try hiking, biking, walking, or paddle-boarding. Even just a 10minute walk in the sunshine can boost your mood and remind you that you are worthy of care and nurturing. Turn to spiritual activities, like sisterhood circles, meditation, or yoga to nurture the soul and connect with the deeper truth of who you are. You can also practice self-care rituals, like a Full Moon Meditation, to heal energetically and release negative patterns. Or treat yourself to healing experiences where you indulge your senses; soak in a hot bath, allow your muscles to melt at the hands of a skilled massage therapist, or rub a drop of calming essential oil in the palm of your hands, cup your hands over your nose and inhale deeply to create deep relaxation. Even spending time cuddling with your pets or sipping tea with friends can count as an act of self-care.


Remember: Self-care is personal. You can decide for yourself what to include in your self-care toolkit. Experiment with new activities and allow your intuition to guide you to what really restores your body, mind, and soul.


Return Home to Your Body In an interview, Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh says, “How do you love yourself? The first act of love is breathing in and going home to your body… So, to be aware of your body is the beginning of love.” In our busy lives, it’s easy to get caught up with schedules, appointments, and commitments. Sometimes you need to step back and check in with your body. Bring awareness to yourself, to your body, to your spirit. Practice guided meditation, like Yoga Nidra or mindfulness, to scan the body and reconnect. When your mind becomes aware of your body, you are fully present for yourself. Experience the miracle of your body. You might notice a few things. First, you realize that your body is an amazing miracle. Your feet carry you where you need to go. Your lungs support the breath of life. Your eyes perceive the brilliant lights and colors around you. Your ears hear music and laughter. Practice mind-body awareness regularly. Cultivating gratitude for your body helps align your actions to support your health. Over time, your thoughts will support a healthier attitude toward your body. Instead of focusing on your physical flaws and comparing yourself to how others look, you breathe in and appreciate the beauty of your body.

A simple yet powerful exercise is using a mirror to gaze deeply into your own eyes, affirming for yourself that you are beautiful and loved just as you are. Speak aloud and state your affirmations directly to yourself. For example, “You are beautiful and loved, and you deserve happiness. Thank you for providing a home for my soul and for protecting me and keeping me alive.” It may feel uncomfortable, but even if you don’t believe the words you speak, your body and unconscious mind will receive positive messages. In time, they will begin to feel natural and true.

Heal the Wounds of the Past We need to FEEL to HEAL. But when traumatic events happen, it can feel so painful that we lock away our emotions deep inside. They become our wounds. When you don’t take the time to heal these wounds, the emotional pain stays in the body. It can manifest into negative thought patterns, self-sabotaging behaviors, and even physical disease.

What does it mean to heal from the past? This can mean taking the time to unravel your traumas. Then, as you develop self-awareness, you begin to recognize unconscious programming and behaviors, understand their source and let them go.


You can work with a therapist or coach to access and heal the wounded child within and reclaim aspects of the splintered (shadow) self or practice journaling to unburden layers of confusion and gain clarity. Spending time with a sisterhood can also help work through painful experiences together. Our soul-tribe acts as a mirror that reflects our value and worth back to us, reminding us of our highest self when we have forgotten. Spiritual practices, like Mindfulness Meditation, Forest Bathing, or Yoga Nidra, can bring us fully into the present and help release unconscious habits and trauma rooted in the past. You can break through the layers of illusions and experience who you are NOW. It means letting go of the thoughts patterns and perceptions imprinted upon you, the illusions of self, based on external factors that no longer hold true for you. A spiritual reconnection goes inward to connect with your soul, limitless and eternal. Sometimes traumas can travel with us from one lifetime to the next. Selfdestructive patterns often reveal the unhealed trauma carried over from a past life. The karma of your past lives continues to echo into the present moment. Look at the patterns you experience now.


Repeated painful experiences often hold important clues about the buried, unconscious wounds that need to be healed. To break free, you first need to recognize these patterns so that they can be witnessed, forgiven, and released.

In addition to Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Plant Medicine Ceremonies, spiritual practices like Past Life Regression or Soul Coaching also help identify and heal karmic patterns from previous lives so you can finally move forward into a life of thriving (rather than merely surviving).

Heal the Divine Feminine Wound Because society has suppressed the Divine Feminine for so many years, it has caused a collective wound to the feminine aspects. The Divine Feminine is not weak – it is intuitive, receptive, and wise. Still, it has been misunderstood and maligned throughout thousands of years of fear and ignorance. For women, this can cause shame of the Feminine, like stigmas about body image, hormonal fluctuations, and menstruation. For men, it can manifest in suppressing feminine qualities, like intuition, sensitivity, and collaboration.

JAMAICA Self-love means full acceptance of ourselves. But, when we deny the Divine Feminine within, we deny a vital aspect of our authentic selves. Healing the Divine Feminine wound means honoring and reclaiming the innate power of the Feminine (both its receptivity and its fierceness) without embarrassment or fear. Divine Feminine healing is for everyone, regardless of gender. For men, it may mean connecting to the sensitive side, to allow yourself to feel and express emotions. It can mean letting go of the shame for women—to embrace the sensual side and embody the feminine power openly. To understand your feminine wound, begin by asking yourself which feminine qualities made you feel ashamed? DEC 2021 | OMTIMES

These qualities include intuition, creativity, empathy, compassion, sensitivity, communication, acceptance, collaboration, forgiveness, and living from the heart.

Fall Deeply In Love

With Yourself

Identifying areas of shame can help us shine a light on our karmic woundedness so that it can be seen and ultimately healed.

Go on a Sisterhood Retreat Much of practicing self-love means doing the work on yourself to heal internally and show up fully present to the world. But that doesn’t have to mean doing it alone. In fact, having the support of loving, like-hearted people will enhance your journey to self-love.

Develop a deeper relationship with yourself surrounded by supportive sisters and expert teachers. This Women’s SelfLove retreat offers an immersive week of yoga, spiritual practices, ceremonies, and sacred self-care that will create more joy, foster deep connections, and cultivate selfcompassion. Space is limited. Use code “EARLYBIRD” through December 31, 2021, and receive 10% off our all-inclusive rates. Reserve your spot today to remember and reclaim your self-love.

What better way to practice self-love than a spiritual wellness retreat surrounded by your sisterhood? Fall in love this Valentine’s Day…with YOURSELF. Be Love! Reclaiming Self-Love, Jamaica is an inspiring 6-night, 7-day women’s retreat at an oceanside boutique hotel on the hidden, bohemian gem of Treasure Beach. Self-care is the foundation of self-love. If You Find yourself overwhelmed, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. A Caribbean retreat on the white sands of Jamaica may provide just the deep breath and spaciousness you need to experience the joys of loving yourself.



Kleshas and the Root of Human Sufferings By Humanity Healing

OM TIMES | December 2021


e call Kleshas the

Some Kleshas are constantly

forms of suffering

subtly manifested in our lives, and

that make us live this

others can cause significant pain.

wheel of Samsara.

Regardless of the intensity of their

There are five, and when you are stuck

manifestation, the kleshas prevent

with one of them, you cannot reach

us from enjoying this life, realizing

Moksha (liberation), which is the goal

that we are not just this mortal

of every yogi or of those trailing the

body. Understanding the kleshas is

spiritual path of Self-Realization.

essential if there is a change in how we deal with our automatic reactions

Translated f rom Sanskrit as "Poison,"

from our ego.

the Kleshas are like toxins from the different layers that we add to our

They say that kleshas are overcome


with meditation, Tapas (Tapas can be translated as austerities), and true knowledge.

“Avidyā-asmitā-rāga-dveṣaabhiniveśaḥ kleśāḥ”

Being in the present and accepting The Kleshas are manifestations

the flow of life is the recipe against

derived f rom identification with

this cycle of "suffering production," so

the ego, preventing our true self's

practice, breathe, smile, be grateful

understanding, the perfection

and enjoy each experience provided

beneath the layers. In Buddhism,

to you.

the Kleshas are mental states that cloud the mind and manifest in unwholesome actions. Avidya is


ignorance. Asmita is identification with the ego, Raga is desire, dvesha

The first Klesha, Avidya, is considered

is aversion, and Abhinivesha is fear

by Patanjali as "... the fertile field for

of death.

the other four ..."

In verse 2.3 of the Yoga Sutras,

The prefix 'a' means 'no,' and "Vidya"

Patanjali describes as 5 the roots of

means knowledge. It is not ignorance

all human suffering.

due to a lack of intellectual capacity OM TIMES | December 2021

but due to a lack of ability to see the

mother, the teacher, the daughter,

truth. It acts like a veil in front of our

the friend, the wife, and so on.

eyes. It is as if something denies our authentic knowledge above all that

Our way of seeing the world is linked

baggage that forms our ego.

to our material experiences that are so personal that they shape different

Because Avidya is ignorance of who

realities for each of us. When the mind

we are when we are identified with

dominates, we live in Maya, illusion, not

the characters added by ourselves

distinguishing what is permanent and

throughout our lives. We became the

transitory, bringing up all the other

OM TIMES | December 2021

afflictions, the other Kleshas. Within

someone. It is everything that attracts

this "our individual reality," we trust

us, distracts us, that we use to protect

our thoughts as accurate and connect

our individual existence. It can be

with the ego allowing the doors to the

power, love, security, recognition.

next kleshas to open.

The danger is not to identify its transience.

The second, Asmita, is this ego that I spoke of above, an identity that we

As if Raga were our desire to obtain

create, who makes us believe that

desire, satisfaction, and happiness

we are our body and ego. It provides

and Dvesha was the fear of not

a clear identification with the labels

getting it. So, I have passion and

or characters we create for ourselves.

attachment for what my ego

This 'identity" that is always trying to

considers good and aversion for what

feel special and when that doesn't

it considers bad.

happen gets frustrated. Sometimes we are moved by this ego, that is,

It is easy to feel attached to a

by the results of our actions. If we

pleasurable experience such as sweet

are successful, we become proud.

taste, the smell of coffee, or a drug's

Otherwise, our life falls apart.

effects. In relationships, we can get attached to people who offer a sense

We tend to forget who we truly are

of security or affection.

(avidya). We seek this identification with what is fleeting. "If I am my body,

But being connected to something is

I am finite, and I suffer as a result of

an indication that you are afraid of it

Raga and Dvesha."

being taken away from you, creating tension and anxiety. Developing this

Raga and Dvesha are related to ego

same fear through experiences that

desires and attachment to the result

we find unpleasant causes the same

of our actions.

state of stress.

The third is called Raga, attachment,

Do you remember to wait for the

the need to have things to get

result of a medical examination full

pleasure. It can also be linked to

of tension because of the possible

a person, a kind of obsession with

outcome? This is a clear expression

OM TIMES | December 2021

of dvesha. Dvesha, translated as

The last is the fear of death,

aversion, is the fourth Klesha.

Abhinivesha, the attachment to life, which makes us fear

When we experience something

the end of it. This theme only

that result is unwanted, our defense

Spirituality can help, believe

is to ward off any possibility of

that there is a greater purpose,

reviving, and, thus, we block other

thus, coming out of ignorance,

opportunities for fear of repeating.


We do not let go of this past makes

We naturally have our survival

it even more present and makes us

instinct, and we are born and

create prejudices.

die with the fear of death.

If You judge the experience as

The knowledge that in the

unfavorable and do not want it for

material world, everything is

your life (aversion) and, in this case,

transient, including life, makes

even more expressively, you are

us aware that suffering is only

connected to Abhinivesha.

an illusion caused by ourselves. OM TIMES | December 2021

All 5 kleshas speak in some way

we do something good, how do we

about our need to control. We want

expect others to recognize it? And

to control actions and results, and

when it doesn't, how do we feel

realizing that we are not in control,

f rustrated?

we suffer. As a remedy against this "poison," we can use "Pranidhana."

You can't stand waiting for the world to discover all this wonder

Pranidhana is a spiritual practice

you are!

to dedicate, devote, or surrender. It means that if we can completely

But what if you try to get rid of all

surrender our individual ego

your roles and of all the judgments

identities to God (our own higher

that these roles bring you?

self), we can free ourselves from Your role in your family, in your

these Kleshas.

work, in your nucleus of f riendships. Everyone has that moment in their

Just be your essence, full of love,

existence that we stop to and analyze

and open to all experiences. There

their life, what they are doing and

you don't need to be the best at

where they intend to go.

anything, just be. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.

It turns out that we often live in Maya. That is, we believe in a false illusion of

Then you will discover that being

the Universe, of life, and of ourselves,

special is a prison, and to achieve

so we do not break free from this

f reedom, Moksha, just be simple.

cycle of Samsara, where we spend

And to be simple, you need to

our lives chasing something that we

be present. We need to ground

believe will make us happy.

ourselves on the here and the now.

Yoga believes that real happiness

So, close your eyes and notice that

exists when we get rid of our need to

you are not just this body, not just

be "special."

these thoughts, not just these emotions, get in touch with your

Have you noticed how nice it is to

essence. That is the essence of

receive a compliment? And when


OM TIMES | December 2021

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course

Personal Growth & Development

From Blocked To Blessed: Receiving The Lessons From Life's Obstacles by Melvin D. Nix The Arrival Of An Unforeseen Detour

OM TIMES | December 2021


bstacles and roadblocks

a goal or complete a task, we typically

are some of the most

have created plans or a strategy to

unwelcomed occurrences

ensure our success. However, when

that happen in daily lives.

an obstacle arrives in our lives, it shifts

They tend to show up at the most

our plans and has the potential to

inconvenient moments and create

alter our effectiveness. Here are a few

periods of frustration and angst. We've

reasons why we dislike obstacles.

all been there. You get out of bed late and remember that you have an

They Are Unexpected

important meeting scheduled. You hop in the shower, throw your clothes

They Create Delays

on, jump into the car and speed down the highway to get to your meeting. As

They Force Us To Change Our Plans

you are cruising along through traffic, and all of a sudden, everything comes

Although obstacles and roadblocks

to a screeching halt. You discover

slow us down and make us choose a

that the road ahead is completely

different course of action, they can

shut down due to construction, and

be a significant blessing in our lives.

you will be forced to take a detour.

We must learn to look at them from a

You were already running late, and

different perspective.

now you risk missing your meeting because you had no idea that your trip would be stalled due to an unforeseen roadblock. Usually, being late + an obstacle = the formula for a terrible day. Obstacles and roadblocks don't necessarily ruin your day if you learn to

HOW OBSTACLES CAN ENRICH OUR LIVES Obstacles and roadblocks can lead us down the right path to our destiny and preserve us from dangers along

embrace them as a teacher.

the way if we learn to embrace them


it's a financial crisis, an illness, or a

rather than avoid them. Whether loss, we can still find value, hope, healing, and direction if we learn to

Most people don't care for delays of

channel the energy from the detour

any sort. When we set out to achieve

into a favorable situation. I'm not

OM TIMES | December 2021

implying that this is an easy process.

that are happening. Being mentally

All change is difficult, but if you learn

aware and present during life's

to work with obstacles, you will be

challenges allows you to have clarity

stronger and wiser in the end.

and insight. You begin to see things with clearer vision because your mind

OBSTACLES MAKE US FOCUS ON THE PRESENT MOMENT Many times when an obstacle arrives, we find that we have been so

is completely focused on what is directly in front of you.


distracted by the things around us that our lives have lost our focus and

Similar to roadblocks and detours on

are in the middle of a tailspin. When

the highway, an obstacle frequently

a roadblock occurs, it makes you slow

may keep you from making the

down and reassess the situations

wrong decisions and protect you

OM TIMES | December 2021

from dangerous situations. Think of

mind due to what appeared as a lost

the times you may have wanted to

opportunity instantaneously became

get a particular job with a specific

filled with gratitude and joy because

company. You submitted your

you were seemingly spared. There are

application and went through a series

many occasions such as relationships

of interviews to receive the dreaded

that failed, plans that didn't go your

email that says another candidate was

way, or people who walked out of

selected. You may be upset for a while

your life that turned out to be more

and nervous because you desperately

beneficial to you rather than a

need the job. Fast forward, you took


another opportunity that turned out to be even better for you. Weeks later, you find out that the company you wanted to work with went out of business and laid off their entire staff. The anxiety that permeated your

THEY REVEAL OUR TRUE CHARACTER When we are challenged is when our true nature comes to the surface.

OM TIMES | December 2021

OM TIMES | December 2021

The actions we take, decisions we

Listen for intuitive guidance that

make, and the things we say when

may be presenting itself to you as a

the pressure of an obstacle shows


us where we truly have grown and where we may need to improve. Are

When those unexpected moments

you calm, relaxed, and confident

of delay show up, take a deep

when roadblocks happen or are you

breath, get into a relaxed state and

nervous, tense, and in a panic? Are

ask yourself," What can I learn from

you thoughtful and innovative or

this situation?" "What decisions do

frantically spiraling out of control?

I need to make to strengthen any

When an obstacle shows up, take

weak areas of my life?", "How can

notice of your attitude and demeanor,

I ensure that this problem never

and it may reveal some things about

happens to me or anyone else

yourself that you weren't aware of.

again?" The answers to all of these questions and more can be found


within the same obstacle standing in your way! Melvin D Nix is a spiritual

Obstacles can be a catalyst for

teacher, author, and

positive change, they can be the

motivational speaker. He

source of marvelous innovation,

currently hosts a weekly

and they can be the starting point

broadcast called "Putting On

of massive personal growth. It's all

The Pneu You" (pronounced

about how you choose to view the

New You), where he teaches

roadblock when it's arrived. Here are

how to apply universal spiritual

some simple keys to embracing the

concepts and principles in an

lesson f rom an obstacle...

easy-to-understand format so that anyone can apply them

Stop to observe and reflect on why

and see tangible results in their

the obstacle is in your life

daily lives. Visit for more info and resources from

See the obstacle as a helper rather

Melvin D. Nix

than a hindrance OM TIMES | December 2021

Do You Wear Masks Instead of Being Authentic? by Michelle J Howe

OM TIMES | December 2021


uthenticity is a concept

of their own truths. Truth brings a high

that has been on my mind

level of integrity, vulnerability, and

lately. As part of my deep-


dive and introspection, I

asked friends and acquaintances what

Let's explore more personally…

this word meant to them.

Have you held back from speaking your truth?

Everyone was very happy to share

Have you ever said yes to something

their thoughts. Some people

that wasn't your truth?

define authenticity by spotlighting

Have you ever appeased someone rude

the opposite. They described an

or arrogant?

inauthentic person as dishonest,

Have you ever told a white lie to avoid

selfish, lying, or breaking promises.

a confrontation or to hurt someone?

Others saw authenticity as a person whose behavior showed up with heart,

If you answered YES to any of these

compassion, and integrity.

questions, you have worn a mask. Why?

Although I agreed with all these ideas,

You may think being authentic feels

I thought to go deeper.

too vulnerable – and that's too steep a price.

My own thoughts concluded that…

You may think that your truth can be

Authenticity is intimately linked to

used against you.

recognizing and embodying truth.

You may think that truth doesn't

Authenticity goes hand-in-hand with


trust, value, faith, and understanding You may feel that hiding your truth


is safer. An authentic person will…

You may compromise truth for

Know their truth

approval or validation.

Understand their truth

You may be afraid of your own power.

Speak their truth

You may fear judgment.

Each person is on a life-long journey

A final consideration is that you're a

to embody an authentic expression

very private person – perhaps you only

OM TIMES | December 2021

reveal your truth in certain settings or

Age, person, situation, and

with specific people. Most people see


your mask.

Personal awareness, values, and perceptions Innate fear-factors and beliefs

Do you have another view of authenticity? Do you wear masks? Authenticity comes when you feel safe

Because you are always shifting,

to explore and speak your own truth…

growing, and changing…

And, truth is a lifelong journey because…

The truth you embody today is one thing

There are truths you recognize

The truth you embody tomorrow is

There are truths you do not recognize

another thing

There are truths you are not ready to For all these reasons, embodied


authenticity is a challenge worthy Your capacity to embody your truth

of your attention. Authenticity

varies based on…

allows you to stay true to your OM TIMES | December 2021

heart, stand your ground, and speak your truth without fear, apology, or

Michelle J. Howe is an Awakening


Speaker, Teacher, and Healer. She is the founder of Empath Evolution


and The Empath Evolution Community for individuals who are

Authentic is the person who is not

Highly Sensitive Feelers, Healers

afraid to be themselves. They are

and Empaths. Michelle is a powerful

not afraid to show the world their

channel of high vibrational healing

greatness. They are not afraid of

energies. She is on a mission


to awaken your sense of inner connection and to deepen the trust

Authentic is the person who knows

you have in your own natural gifts

their heart and their mind. They

and intuition. Michelle is passionate

have a deep understanding of how

about helping you navigate

they think, what they feel, and the

beyond the negativity, trauma,

reasoning behind their actions.

mood swings, and anxiety that often accompany the Empath's

Authentic is the person who speaks

journey. As a highly tuned Empath,

their truth with love. They are not

certified Reiki Master, Integrated

afraid to share their thoughts. They

Energy Therapist, Soul Detective

communicate without malice.

Practitioner, and Metatronic Healer, Michelle's private practice,

Authentic is the person who lives

empowerment workshops, online

with integrity. They live what

programs, and specialized events

they speak. They hold an inner

are designed to guide you along

motivation. Their goal is growth,

with an EXPANSION TO JOY - to

purpose, and contribution.

elevate your personal fulfillment at home, at work, and in your

With perseverance and awareness,

relationships by embracing new

you steadily embody more and more

thoughts, concepts, and tools

truths. With this priority, your life

relating to empathy, emotions, and

becomes a beautiful tapestry of


authenticity. OM TIMES | December 2021

World Vision

When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.

Forests, Trees, and their Curative Energies


By Ministry Earth

rees and forests are

energies. These, in turn, can be felt

indeed significant for

in many ways. Some trees even have

the continuation of the

healing energies, such as willow and

lives of various beings,


including humans. That is why the issue of preserving the environment is substantial worldwide, even though there is still a lot to be done.

THE IMPORTANCE OF TREES FOR THE PLANET It should not be necessary to talk

In addition to simple living beings, trees and forests also have beautiful

about it too much, as it should be a clear conscious behavior in everyone!

OM TIMES | December 2021

The truth is that, even though a large part of the population grasps the


concept of the importance of the trees intellectually, another significant

Regarding social aspects, everything

amount of people do not care. It is an

we have about natural resources,

unfortunate situation, but the role of

such as water, food, etc., comes from

all of us is to do our part in the best

our environment. They are called our

possible way.

Commons because they are resources that we share with other beings of

Trees and forests are dictators of

the entire planet. They do not belong

climate and are also the primary

individually to any of us.

caretakers of our waters. Without their presence, the springs would not

So, ignoring the need for nature

survive, and neither would all beings,

preservation and restructuring is

including humans.

like taking the steps forward to the destruction of our civilization.

Besides, environmental preservation is helpful for the country's economy, as long as it is done consciously. After all, there is no point in removing


extensions of forest and not having a supportive sustainability plan.

For those who believe in the potential that exists in contact with nature, the

For the health area, preserving the

simple act of sniffing a vegetable or

environment is also particularly

hugging a tree can heal you. And yes,

useful since an unbalanced climate

many trees have healing effects, if not

can bring "discomfort" and health

all of them.

consequences to their populations (humans and others). There is also the

As trees are beings full of energy, like

question of using medicines that are

us, they can influence our personal

created from medicinal plants, which

energy. So, if you have visited some

contribute to health. The destruction

trees and forests lately, you must have

of environments can affect our ability

felt a lot better than at your home in

to heal ourselves as well.

the city. OM TIMES | December 2021


against respiratory problems comes f rom it.

The energy surrounding the pine tree has a lot of vitality and acts


against mental and physical fatigue. This tree can help anyone

Did you know that drinking willow tea

have a long life, nourish the blood,

can lower the pressure? To improve, it

and give strength to the nervous

can also act as an anti-inflammatory

system. The best essential oil

and body moisture regulator.

OM TIMES | December 2021


this practice can also be used as a

When you enter into an energetic

and psychological health.

meditation, with benefits for physical

connection with this tree, you have a good chance of having a renewed

The effects of the practice on the

bone structure. If you have a swollen

body and mind have been studied

part of your body, it can help to reduce

since it was developed in the early

the swelling.

1980s. The results show decreased cortisol, the primary stress-causing

If you have any of these trees and

hormone, and a reduction in blood

forests of any kind close by, know that

pressure. In addition, the practice

you are a great privilege. Of course,

promotes improved concentration,

whenever you can, spend time near

increased immunity, and

one of them to feel the power of your

strengthened metabolism, among

energy at work.

other emotionally positive effects.


HOW THE FOREST BATH WORKS A typical session involves walking

In Japan, the process of experiencing

very slowly and deliberately through

nature deeply, taking it slowly through

the forest. The session begins with

all the senses, is called shinrin-yoku,

moving to a forest or green area, such

which translates as "forest bath." The

as a park. The participant must then

Forest Bath as a technique is a way to

calm down, observe the environment

increase our connections with nature; it

around him and walk slowly, paying

was developed in Japan in 1982, at the

attention to the movement of the

initiative of the Japanese government's

feet. It must keep all the senses

Forest Agency, which sought to

attentive, allowing a complete

encourage people to leave home and

immersion of his consciousness in the

spend time immersed in nature.

forest environment. You can also try this technique in other environments

It is good to be surrounded by

in the city, such as in a park or

nature, everyone already knows, but

botanical garden.

OM TIMES | December 2021

As you walk, you need to expand your

Breathe deeply through your nose,

gaze to admire the beauty of nature,

inhaling the varied aromas.

even more, noticing things that you To enjoy the practice better, it is

didn't notice before.

better to be alone and not carry You can also just sit back and watch the

electronic equipment, such as cell

subtle differences in the color of things,

phones and cameras. If you are

taking a moment to pause and breathe

accompanied, make arrangements

in deeply the abundant clean oxygen

before you do not interact during

from the trees.

practice, and when you are finished, you can sit in a circle and talk about

Run your fingers across the grass,

what you have observed.

feeling its texture. Open your ears to tune to the sound of bees buzzing, birds

You can practice shrinrun-yoku

singing, water, and foliage moving.

as many times as you like. Just an

OM TIMES | December 2021

afternoon can bring positive feelings of

Currently, the technique is used as

well-being that last for weeks.

a form of preventive medicine, has shown results in reducing cortisol.

The practice of "forest bathing" is

This primary hormone causes stress,

not only to improve health. It is also

blood pressure, and improvements

a way to increase our links with

in concentration and immunity.

nature, stimulating and inviting more sustainable practices in our daily lives.

The Shinrin-yoku or Forest Bath technique proposes a meditative

Initially, the Forest Bath was based

experience of silence, observation,

on the common sense that the fresh

and exchanges between the

air and the immensity of a forest are

person and nature, being formed

suitable for the body and mind, soon it

by exercises very similar to those

started to be studied, and its benefits

later adopted by the mindfulness

were quickly proven.

meditation lines. OM TIMES | December 2021


"THE ILLUSION OF LIFE AND DEATH will help any reader to move towards freedom from fear of death. Coming from a Christian background, Clare's search about the meaning of life led her to the timeless Eastern teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism. She has also discovered deep parallel insights in the teachings of the Christ and of Jewish mystics. Highly recommended." ~Ravi Ravindra, author of The Bhagavad Gita: A Guide to Navigating the Battle of Life

After helping her significant other, Brent, go through eighteen months of living with, and eventually dying from esophageal cancer, Clare Goldsberry wanted to share not only his story of fearless living and graceful dying, but also include the broader picture of to help people understand what having a good death means: a death without fear of the unknown – to trust the path of passing – which makes living so much more enjoyable. As a Hospice volunteer for two years after Brent’s death, she became acutely aware of just how important it is for the dying person, and the person's family and friends to understand living and dying. In THE ILLUSION OF LIFE AND DEATH: MIND, CONSCIOUSNESS, AND ETERNAL BEING, Clare shares the wisdom and knowledge of the ancient sages, spiritual teachers, philosophers, and quantum physicists, as she walks us through the mystery of death and dying. Drawing from her insights as a Buddhist practitioner, her studies of Christianity, Ageless Wisdom, Hinduism, and her partner’s cancer journey, she provides a profound view of living and dying as seen through the ages by those who have sought answers regarding the most mysterious aspect of life–this thing we call death. We have a lot to learn from death: When we learn that our fears are created by our minds through our thoughts and perceptions, we become liberated from that which keeps us fearful, especially fear of death. This perspective leads us to a freer and more enlightened way of living and learning to be with what is, rather than what might be. This is how we live in the present moment. What's the best gift we can give someone who is dying? Helping our loved ones have a good death and allowing them to experience the release of their body quietly and peacefully is truly the best gift we can offer them. Goldsberry helps readers understand, "The end of this lifetime is as important and miraculous as the beginning. It truly a time to celebrate the life–and the death–of the person."

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