John Assaraf
November A Issue Innercise
Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power
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01 02
5 Feelings that can be confused with Love
Using Traditional Chinese Medicine For Pain Syndromes
The Cure for Holiday Season Loneliness
Is Deeksha Right for you
what's inside this issue
John Assaraf Interview By SANDY SEDGBEER
The 6 Best New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Finding Love
Spiritual Values How Wrong Company Creates and the Bhagavad Gita Wrong Energy Fields
Connecting With Your Intuition in Your Everyday Life
tYour Four Types of Love
Re-igniting the passion
The Precognition Phenomenon
Special Features
Looking to connect with the Conscious Community? Let OMTimes point the way!
December B 2018
Cover Story 28
John Assaraf - Your Brain's Hidden Power
Health & Wellness 50
Using Traditional Chinese Medicine For Pain Syndromes
Spirituality 56 62 64
Is Deeksha Right for You? Re-igniting the Passion Spiritual Values and the Bhagavad Gita
OM Living 72
76 84
The 6 Best New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Finding Love A Humble Holiday Season Is The Best Gift You Can Share Explore Business Beyond Definition
Relationships 96
5 Feelings That Can Be Confused With Love 100 Your Four Types of Love 108 The Cure for Holiday Season Loneliness
Metaphysics 114
The Precognition Phenomenon Connecting with Your Intuition in Your Everyday Life
Personal Growth 126 How Wrong Company Creates Wrong Energy Fields
World Vision
132 Pioneering A Sustainable Future
John Assaraf: Innercise – Your Brain’s Inner Power Interview by Sandie Sedgbeer For many years, scientists believed that our brains are forming new connections and growing new cells every day. What’s more, research suggests that when you practice a variety of specific brain-related
activities, you can not only change your brain, but you can transform every area of your life, including your health, finances, relationships, and your career. To share the science behind changing your brain is New York Times best-selling author and Behavioral and Mindset Expert, John Assaraf, whose latest book “Innercise – the New Science to Unlock your Brain’s Inner Power”” shows you how to release the mental and emotional obstacles that sabotage success and prevent you from achieving your full potential in life. Sandra Sedgbeer: John Assaraf, your bio describes you as a serial entrepreneur, a brain researcher, CEO of NeuroGym, and in the last 25 years you’ve grown five multi-million-dollar companies. You’re the author of two New York Times bestselling books, you were feted in the movie The Secret, and now you’ve just released your third book, Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power. That’s not bad for a kid who left high-school
after 11th grade and was still wondering at the age of 19 what he wanted to be when he grew up. So, before we talk about Innercise, tell us what happened to change your brain and your life. John Assaraf: I got into a lot of trouble from the age of 12 to 17/18 with the law and at school. I left school after Grade 11. I was getting into so much trouble than before. By chance, my brother introduced me to a gentleman named Alan Brown, who was a wonderful philanthropist, father, and business owner, and he agreed to meet me for lunch one day to find out if he could set me on the right path instead of on the way to the morgue or jail. He asked me why I thought I wasn`t doing well in life and why was I getting into so much trouble, and I said to him: “I don’t know, I’m just hanging around with a group of kids trying to make some money and fit in.” He said, “Why don’t you use your brain differently and fit in doing things legally and ethically and become the man you are meant to become?” So, I listened to him with much
chagrin. Then he pulled out these sheets of paper that had goals for 1980 written on them (this was obviously 38 years ago), and he said: “What are your goals for health and wealth and relationships and career and business and fun and experiences and charity?” I had no idea. I was 19 years old. So, he sent me off for a few hours, saying, “I want you to go off and write some goals down. Don’t worry about how to achieve them, just write down what you would like if you had no mental or emotional or strategic obstacles”. I went, and I wrote out these goals for probably about three or four hours, and when I came back, he read them and said, “Where did you get most of these ideas”? I said, “Most are from the TV show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. I want a nice house and \a nice car, and to travel the world first class, etc.” He said, “All that’s possible, but it’s only possible if you answer this one question: Are you interested in achieving those goals, or are you committed?” To be honest with you, at 19 I had no idea what the difference was, so I
asked: “What’s the difference, Mr. Brown?” He said to me, “If you’re interested, you’ll come up with stories and excuses why you can’t. You’ll come up with reasons and with all the beliefs in your past and your present of why you can’t achieve these goals, but if you’re committed, you’ll upgrade your knowledge, you’ll upgrade your skills, and you’ll develop the beliefs and the habits that are required to keep these goals.” Then he said: Every one of these goals is actually easy to achieve. You just don’t know how, and the how is the easiest part of the equation.” That moment changed my life because I said to Mr. Brown “I’m committed.” Then he mentored me for a few years, and my life transformed, and I went on to do a few pretty neat things because of one man, one question, one lunch. I’ve taken everything that he’s taught me, and a lot of what I’ve put in several of my other books, and I wrote Innercise. I took what Jack LaLanne did in the ’70s and ’80s for Exercise, and I said, what about the User’s Manual for the Brain? And what about
Innercises for the Brain for selfconfidence, for certainty, for letting go of disempowering beliefs, or low self-image or fears that hold us back? All of these are happening in our brain, and yet, for the most part, we’ve exercised – I like to call it Innercised – our neural muscles. Now we know through the latest brain research that you can strengthen your mind, and you can upgrade your emotional skills, and I’ve created the User’s Manual for exactly how to do that so people can achieve whatever goals in health, wealth, relationships or career faster and easier. Not fast and easy, but faster and easier by eliminating the obstacles. SANDRA SEDGBEER: Alan Brown introduced you to the importance of mindset. You became a successful Entrepreneur. You made a lot of money. You achieved all the things you said you wanted to. You could have stopped there, but you didn’t. What motivated you to become an expert in brain research? JOHN ASSARAF: I wanted to understand what happened
to me. I was voted most likely to fail in life when I was in Grade 11 High School, and they actually had trophies for who’s going to do the best, and who’s most likely to fail in life and I was the kid who got that trophy. So, when I changed, I wanted to know what happened to me? How was that possible? It just didn’t make any sense to me, and then about 20 years ago the first batch of research started to come out that our brain is mouldable, pliable, that we have these things called neural networks that we’re not born with, but we develop. For example, I was taught that a belief is nothing more than a group of cells or neurons in your brain that has formed a connection that has been reinforced. The same is true of your habits, perspectives, and paradigms. So, the idea that we’re not hardwired and that we’re not going to be just like our mother, father or grandparents was the first AhHah! That I had, that maybe I changed because of some of the things I was doing – and, in essence, was rewiring my brain to a higher level of performance. Then, the research
started getting clearer that we are, in fact, able deliberately and consciously to create new patterns; that when we create them and reinforce them, they become the new habit or the new thought habit or emotional habit or behavioral habit, but there are a few other things I discovered that happen. Like resetting the thermostat in your home to a different temperature by turning a knob, we can reset how much we weigh and what our weight’s best point is in our brain, or our income’s best point, or our relationship’s best point which our brain developed.
relationships to work better than they ever worked before. So I felt compelled to do for as many people I can what Mr. Alan Brown did for me. That was to give me hope and also to give me the how.
So, when I started to understand, that’s what I did. I started to dive deep into the research with some of the top neuroscientists and neuropsychologists in the world, and I have this knack to take really complex stuff and make it simple so people like me could understand it. So, I started to teach it, and hundreds and thousands of my students around the world started to achieve amazing results in weight loss and earning more income and growing their businesses and getting their
JOHN ASSARAF: To help people understand that we really have two brains, not one. There’s a part of our brain called the left prefrontal cortex which is just above your left eye behind your skull, that we now know through brain scan imaging is the executive director part of your brain. So, if you think about an orchestra or band leader that creates the pace and harmony, the tonality, vision, and behavior for the band or the orchestra, our left prefrontal cortex does that for us; it’s the executive director of
SANDRA SEDGBEER: Many people believe they are dominated by their right or left brain. We often hear that women are more right-brained than men. Men are more leftbrained than women. You talk about the hemispheres differently. You even nicknamed them, Einstein and Frankenstein. Why?
our life. We call that Einstein. Now, right across on the other side above your right eye behind your skull is the right prefrontal cortex and we call that Frankenstein. Why? Well, Einstein wants to imagine and to look at all possibilities, and create all these amazing plans, and directions and directives, and Frankenstein is there to say: “Hey, what about the last time you tried that and failed? You got hurt emotionally, or you got hurt financially.” Frankenstein has to go into the memory bank to pull out all the things that could possibly create danger or hurt you, whether it’s spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally or financially. Frankenstein acts almost like a safety mechanism just in case. So, Einstein wants to put a foot on the gas and Frankenstein wants to put a foot on the brake, and that’s why most people are stuck making a lot of noise and a lot of movement but not getting on. They don’t understand that both Einstein and Frankenstein are there to help and guide you, and you have to know how to activate Einstein. Then you have to be aware
of Frankenstein and to know what is a real threat or danger versus something that is in our memory bank that is brought up to consciousness for us to be aware of it. This is why I want people to understand that there’s nothing wrong with being negative or pessimistic, etc., but those are just signals; they’re not the truth. Most of what we are afraid of, or most of the signals that are happening in our brain that cause us not to take action, are nothing more than a fear or a stress response based on an old memory versus the present moment and the future. SANDRA SEDGBEER: You say in the book that brain science has revealed that humans have an innate negativity bias. Tell us a bit about this. JOHN ASSARAF: A lot of people think negativity is bad, but think of this from a different perspective. When I write about having innate negativity in Innercise, the idea is to understand the hierarchy of how the brain works. Most people have never gotten past a high school understanding of the brain, and if you’re in your 30’s,
40’s, 50’s, 60’s or 70’s, everything you were taught is actually wrong. The hierarchy for the brain is safety first - safety for your life, for your physical body, your emotions, financial safety, anything that could jeopardize your life and/or cause you any real or imagined pain. Real or imagined pain activates the negativity side of the brain, the fear/distress/ anxiety side of the brain first because that’s how we were hard-wired from the beginning of time for the safety of mankind. The second and very important part of the brain that is required for us to understand is energy conservation. Our brain also wants to conserve energy in case of a threat; it needs to make sure it has the energy to run away or fight the beast. The third thing that our brain does extremely well is to make sure that we maintain homeostasis, or keep in our comfort zone, whether it’s our weight, income, career, business, relationships, etc., so it never exceeds our hidden internal self-image and set point of where we think we should be or what we have become
accustomed to being. Anything that jeopardizes any one of those three creates a negativity bias and puts us on high alert. So, the key is to understand that this is how I operate. There is nothing wrong with me. So how do I flip the switch from a negativity bias to either a positivity bias or a neutral bias where I can start making better decisions that are not based on fear or stress or anxiety? These are all skills that we can learn. SANDRA SEDGBEER: You’ve said that to strengthen our inner Einstein the solutionmaking, forward-thinking part of our brain, we’ve got to Innercise our three core neuromuscles. How do we do that? JOHN ASSARAF: One of the highest human traits is awareness. Most people live habitually without giving much thought to what’s going on. When we become more aware of our thoughts, our emotions, feelings, sensations, behaviors and our results in a state of no blame, no shame, no judgment, guilt or justification, just pure awareness, we can move to another function of the brain and set a new course and
intention – that is what do I want to be thinking about? What do I want to feel? What is it that I want to do? Between awareness and intention, we are now at the cause, and we are in the present moment. When we consciously and deliberately choose our behaviors and actions, we are operating at the highest function of human capability. So, a state of awareness gives us choice and choice gives us freedom, but most people don’t realize that they are not choosing deliberately day-byday; they are operating based on sub-conscious patterns conditioned ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving and are no longer in control. That’s why we keep doing the same things, achieving the same results over and over again. And that’s why we fail to let go of disempowering habits or behaviors that are not constructive in our lives. But, in a state of pure awareness, by slowing down, we are able to activate some of the higher cortical functions of the brain and be deliberate, be present, and be at choice instead of being a victim of our past or present circumstances. This is a
skill that people can learn. One of the first Innercises that I teach in the book is called “Take Six, Calm the Circuit First.” It is based on neuroscience research that says when you take deep breaths in through your nose in four or five second increments and exhale out through your mouth – you blow out like you’re blowing out through a straw – six to 10 times you deactivate the stress/ fear thought centers of the brain and recalibrated both hemispheres. You’re then in a state to move into Innercise Number Two, which I call AIA, which stands for Awareness of my thoughts, feelings and emotional sensations and behavior, and then Intention, and one Action step. When you practice this once an hour, you interrupt the habitual patterns that govern and run your life. This gives you a chance - to begin with, let’s say, once an hour - to be deliberate, to be conscious and aware, to be on purpose and a choice. Then you realize that maybe you can do that every 30 minutes, or every 15 minutes, or even every minute. When you practice these
Innercises, you are taking control of the most powerful tool in the known Universe - your brain. So, by taking more control of your brain versus running it on auto-pilot to conserve energy and keep you in your comfort zone, you can deliberately evolve and change your brains, so you change your life. SANDRA SEDGBEER: What are the most common things that stand in people’s way? Why do we sabotage ourselves? JOHN ASSARAF: I was just having this dialogue with my two sons, who went to see the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody with Freddie Mercury about why do so many musicians sabotage their success, whether it’s through drugs or alcohol, or in many other ways? The answer is because we have a part of our brain that governs our outer world of success. So, let me give you an example. Let’s say you want to lose weight and look and feel great, but because of some negative programming around your selfimage, self-worth or self-esteem, you unconsciously feel you don’t deserve to look or feel
that good. So even though your conscious mind, your Einstein says: “Hey, lose weight, feel great, have more energy, do the things you want to do,” if there’s a subconscious selfimage or self-esteem pattern that doesn’t agree with that, you’ll sabotage your success. That’s number one: self-image, self-esteem, self-worth. Number two is fear. There are over 50 different types of fears that will deactivate our emotional center. So, let’s go to money now – if you have a fear of failure, or of not having enough money, or of disappointing yourself or a loved one, or being embarrassed, ashamed, ridiculed or judged, So, even though you might be motivated (Einstein) to achieve financial success. Your fear center is going to deactivate your motivational center and your motor cortex, and you’ll sabotage your success. You’ll procrastinate and won’t do it. Number three is limiting beliefs in the brain is the lens by which we see the world and they drive our behavior. Let’s say you’ve been divorced once and you’re
in your 50’s, and you want to be in another relationship, but you have limiting beliefs that you’re too old to use technology to find a partner, or not attractive enough, etc., Frankenstein will say, Uh, Uh, you can’t because… Everybody has something - a money story, a relationship story, a career or business story that governs our behavior, perspective or perception. Belief, fear, self-esteem, stories, and excuses - those are the four key things that hold people back. Now here’s the good news: Innercise has helped hundreds of thousands of people overcome those mental or emotional obstacles by helping them become more aware without pain, shame, judgment or guilt, then we upgrade their knowledge and skills and give them the behaviors to overcome it. SANDRA SEDGBEER: For all of the experiences that have affected our self-esteem or created a negative belief or story, we’ve also had positive experiences and stories that have raised our self-esteem. So why is it that our brain focuses on the negative and not the positive ones?
JOHN ASSARAF: Negative experiences are wired in the brain 10,000 times faster than positive experience, and that goes back to us being hard-wired for safety first, so any negative experience gets encoded in the brain for memory and for future avoidance as an awareness. We have to thank those circuits for trying to protect us, but we have the higher-thinking parts of our brain, the higher cortical functions of our brain, and that is where Innercise can help. We almost have to unlearn some of the things that we learned as children or young adults, and the thing is to make change easier. We have a brain that does not like change and resists it to conserve energy. But this is probably one of the most fascinating things to think about: You have a brain, but you’re not your brain. You can actually instruct your brain. You can slow your heartbeat. You can increase your focus. You can decrease your pain centers. You can increase or decrease your heartbeat. These are all functions of knowing how to use your brain and some of your other systems
better. I encourage people to learn a bit more about the brain; make it easier for yourself to be happy, or to be wealthy, or to be in better shape and have more energy and vitality in your life. All the how-to’s we know. So the last thing that someone should be concerned with, well, is howto. You can read about it, you can Google it, you can hire a coach, you can hire an expert, you can hire a mentor, and you can take a course on it. All the how-to that just about anyone who is listening to us right now already is known to us, so that is the least of the problem. SANDRA SEDGBEER: Tell us about the science behind motivation. Why don’t we do the things that we know are good for us and how can we find the motivation to start and then stick with them. JOHN ASSARAF: The definition I like to use for the word motivation is a motive for action, and there’s a lot of research that shows that if you don’t have a big reason why then you won’t. Let’s say somebody said, “If you don’t lose and keep off 20 lbs for
a year, I’m going to take the person you love the most, and you’re not going ever to see them again,” You’d have a motive for consistent action, right? Barring any health issues, if you had to release 20 lbs and keep it off, you would do it. If somebody said to you, “If you don’t double your income in the next twelve months, we’re going to take away your favorite pet or the person you most love in the world forever! Would you ask people for help? Would you get whatever book you needed to help you overcome whatever obstacles you had? Would you learn whatever skill you needed to double your income within the next twelve months if you absolutely, unequivocally had to? For 99.9% of people that I meet the answer is “Of course I would.” And then I say,” So then you can, can’t you? So, let’s come up with a reason why you must that will motivate you.” We come up with a motivation and a goal, and a way to develop the habit to create a new pattern of thinking. Feeling, and being, now we’re giving the brain a goal, and the emotional juice
of why, and when we set the habits and the strategies and tactics, the blueprint for doing it, we take action, we now have a trifecta of how the brain works, that will activate the motor circuits of the brain. If we want to take it a step further, we get ourselves an accountability partner to keep us accountable to do what we say we’re going to do. Like the orchestra analogy, we’re now engaging a variety of different members of the brain. We’re using the neocortex to choose who we want; we’re using the limbic system to get emotionally rounded, we’re using the motor cortex to start taking some action, and when we learn the science of creating and reinforcing habits, we start changing our habitual ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. It’s all just a process, and when people follow the process, it becomes easier. Of course, change requires some effort, some tenacity, resolve, and commitment, but the reward of who you become, of how you will feel, of achieving those goals, is so worthwhile.
SANDRA SEDGBEER: You’ve said that every human being is an addict. What are we addicted to? JOHN ASSARAF: If you think about the brain, we become addicted to thought patterns. We become addicted to emotional patterns. We become addicted to behavioral patterns. We become addicted to people. We become addicted to certain foods, certain times of eating, certain expectations, a certain way that people will treat us, a certain way we treat people. We become addicted to constructive and destructive things. Why? Because the nature of our brain is to become addicted to creating patterns and our brains don’t give a hoot whether they’re positive patterns, negative patterns, empowering patterns, inspiring patterns, or expiring patterns. We become addicted to patterns, and the brain uses all of its energy to run these automatic subconscious patterns without thought. When you were a child, a toddler, you had to learn a pattern of how to brush your teeth, how to put on clothes,
how to eat, how to learn the alphabet and words and sentences, all of which takes zero effort now because these patterns all run on autopilot, part of the automatic self. So, why not use our brain to release and let go of any disempowering patterns in our brain and create and reinforce new patterns? Why not create new patterns by making a list of the things that are constructive and inspiring us and motivating us, and a list of the things that are destructive or demotivating us and preventing us from achieving our goals? That’s what’s possible. SANDRA SEDGBEER: In your experience, how long does it take to create real change? JOHN ASSARAF: The latest science out of the University of London says that on average a pattern, depending on how long you’ve had that habit, takes between 66 and 365 days to change. In our program, we’ve found it takes between 65 and 100 days to create a new pattern that goes from conscious effort to subconscious
automaticity, which means it’s going to run itself, and then you reinforce it through different Innercises and behaviors. SANDRA SEDGBEER: You have been addicted to alcohol and to sugar, and In Innercise you share a story of how you were afraid to go to Las Vegas with a friend because you knew you were going to be confronted with some wonderful desserts that you didn’t think you would be able to resist. So, you prepared yourself ahead of time, using some of your Innercise processes and principles, one of which was making the change too small to fail. Can you expand on that one? JOHN ASSARAF: Absolutely. Here’s an example. Let’s say you want to exercise, but you hate it I did this with my 86-year-old mother when she started to lose her mobility, and she wouldn’t walk or do anything. I call it reducing it to the ridiculous. So, I started by getting her to move just her fingers - squeeze in and then let go, five times left and five times right hand. “That’s
all you have to do,” I said. So, for seven days, while I was visiting her in Montreal, that’s what we did – five times left hand, five times right hand, once only. That was easy for her. Then after seven days, I told her caregiver to do it twice. And then she did it three times. That was two years ago. Now not only does she do her legs, lifting them up and putting them down, her arms with her fingers and shoulders, and a few other exercises for upper body, she’s also walking up and down the hall ten times a day with her walker. She was almost immobile two years ago, but by reducing it to the ridiculous we developed a habit – and the thing about habits that I teach is that when you’re starting out, the habit is more important than the intensity. So, reduce it to 30 seconds, reduce it to 10 seconds, reduce it to one thing, reduce it to one minute and do that consistently for one day, five days, ten days, 20 days, and then add more time or intensity. So, when you practice, you reinforce it. Practice the right things,
you reinforce the right things; practice the wrong things, you reinforce the wrong things. So you can do that with something you want to start or something you want to stop. So, if you want to stop being an addict to your phone, stop for 15 minutes. If that’s too long, stop for five minutes. If that’s too long, stop for 1 minute, but then do it every hour. If you can’t do it every hour, do it once a day. If you can’t do it every day, do it once a week. Either way, whatever it is you want to reinforce, you will develop a pattern for. You can watch three of Brainathon Trainings, with John Assaraf and other worldrenowned brain and success experts at www.innercisebook. com/brainathon. To discover which beliefs, habits, and obstacles are holding you back, visit innercise and complete a free assessment. Get $200-$300 worth of free brain-training audios at www.ignitemybrain. com, when you buy Innercise on Amazon for $10.
Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
Using Traditional Chinese Medicine For Pain Syndromes One of the most active areas in Chinese Medicine is that of trauma remedies. Cuts, bruises, lacerations, sprained joints, and pain are just some of the daily problems, which can pop up unexpectedly.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the oldest, continually practiced, and professionally administered health care system in the world. It is a documented medical system spanning over 2,500 years based on comprehensive philosophies, rational theories, clinically tested and empirically verified by over 100 generations of highly educated practitioners. Chinese Medicine is a total system of internal medicine which is comprised of a diagnostic procedure based on signs, symptoms and treatment styles including acupuncture, herbal medicine, exercise, diet, and meditation. Its foundation is based on the principles of balance; the interdependent relationship of Yin and Yang. Through this balance, health is achieved and maintained. Herbs are the “medicinal” in holistic healing. Chinese herbs are specifically used to create a decoction or “tea” and are a compelling part of healing dis-ease. Herbal decoctions may also be given in “tea pills,” tinctures, granules or as an external patch, compress, or bath.
Chinese Medicine: Trauma Remedies-Trauma Liniment “Die Da Jiu Liniment,” which literally translates to “hit fall wine” is the NUMBER ONE remedy for bruises, contusions, sprains, and fractures. This formula was developed centuries ago in kung fu schools to treat bruises and injuries due to injuries that would occur during daily practice. Soak a cotton ball and press this herbal formula into the skin where ever trauma to an area has occurred. Bruises, contusions, sprains, shin splints, repetitive motion injuries, and fractures, (which needs a proper doctor’s care after a break), can be treated with amazing results. This herbal formula, which has been decocted in alcohol, has been prepared with safe and effective herbs to move stagnation of energy and blood that occur after injury. Tendon Lotion This combination of warming herbs is best used for chronic conditions or old injuries such as tendonitis, which includes tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, shin splints, old sprains or
reoccurring problems made worse by cold and dampness. When heat makes your injury feel better, this is the formula for you. Massage this lotion into affected areas twice a day. This unique blend of Chinese herbs works deep down into the tendons to stimulate circulation! Trauma Pills One of two patented formulas, Liangcai Xin Die Da Wan (Tieh Ta Wan) is the internal counterpart to Trauma Liniment. Taken in tandem with the lotion, these pills actively break up blockage of blood and fluid due to trauma. It moves accumulation, which sits in the area of the injury, preventing blood from congealing in the tissue. Yunnan Paiyao Treating open wounds is the best way to prevent scars from occurring. This patent formula alone helps the flesh regenerate and prevents blood stasis and infections, which could lead to scarring. The valuable first-aid remedy for internal and external
bleeding, traumatic swelling, insect bites, nosebleeds, open and infected wounds, ingrown toenails, spider bites, postsurgical healing, prevents scarring, stops bleeding, disperses stagnant blood, disinfects and stops some pain. Commonly used for excessive menstrual bleeding, severe menstrual cramps, ulcer bleeding, carbuncles. Take capsules both internally and externally by opening a capsule and sprinkling the powder directly into the wound. Herbal Ice Herbal Ice “San Huang San� is composed of three cooling Chinese herbs that reduce inflammation while dispersing congealed blood and fluids. This is the single most useful herbal poultice for your first aid trauma kit! This is most helpful for immediate sprains, strains, turned ankles, muscle pulls, twisted wrists or severe contusions. Where ever you would use ice, this should be substituted right away. When an injury occurs, blood will stagnate in the muscle tissue and often does not
reabsorb back into the system. The blood can congeal and harden, adhering the muscle fibers together and blocking normal circulation in normal areas, creating pain and stiffness. Applying ice can exacerbate this injury in the long term. “San Huang San” Herbal Ice is in a Vaseline base and should be gently massaged into the injury morning and night. Wrap lightly with gauze and cover with an ace bandage (not too tight). Clean the area before re-applying. UI Oil This wonderful massage oil (pronounced “ooh-eee”) is used for stiff, sore, overexerted muscles and joints that are worse with the cold and dampness. This oil is also great to massage into cold muscles before exercise to help them warm up and to prepare them for stretching and activity. This patent Chinese formula comes in a 1 fluid oz. Bottle in a protective can. UI Oil contains the light, warming aromatic oils of cinnamon, peppermint, lilac
oil, and the tree resin “Xue Jie” also known as “dragon’s blood” (a resin known for its ability to dispel congealing blood and relieve pain). The main ingredient is the warming herb “ai ye” or mugwort (folium artimisae). Mugwort’s properties penetrate obstruction, activate local circulation and drive out cold. Black Ghost Oil This oil, also known as Hak Kwai Pain Relieving Oil is the deepest penetrating massage oil used for deep bone bruising that occurs in areas where there are thick muscles overlaying bones. This area is bruised and painful but shows no visible swelling or discoloration on the surface. This is the MOST effective oil for this type of injury because it contains very aromatic herbs and oils, which penetrate this kind of obstruction. Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac https://www.peacefulmind. com/acupuncture-chinesemedicine Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Is Deeksha Right for you? What is Deeksha and are the benefits for Mind and Body? By Humanity Healing
Deeksha is a type of energy transference That helps reduce anxiety, It also awakens the inner self, and unlocks unresolved emotions in one’s unconscious mind.
The Deeksha, also known as Oneness Deeksha, is the transference of divine grace to an individual. It is an intelligent and subtle energy vibration coming from the Source of All Life. According to Krishna Ji, son of Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan and founder of O & O Academy, the primary purpose of the Deeksha as a supernatural phenomenon is induce enlightenment or mukti. It is a mystical tool for a total transformation of consciousness. A movement of the awareness of self for the consciousness of unity, of separation for connection, of conflict for peace, of the division for integration. All people can enjoy this experience to conquer life with more joy, purpose, healing, and transformation Regardless of origin, belief or lifestyle, all people can enjoy this experience to conquer life with more joy, purpose, healing, and transformation. Deeksha is not bound by any philosophy or ideology.
Transmission of Deeksha The most common form of Deeksha transmission is by the laying on of the hands of a Deeksha Giver on the crown chakra (top of the head). Deeksha manifests itself in diverse ways in different individual, depending on what the person needs most.
Some of the most common benefits reported are: • Accelerates the process of human development, bringing self-awareness and expansion of consciousness • It increases the level of awareness allowing to discover the extraordinary in daily life. • Awakens compassion • Reduces anxiety • It leads to a state of meditation and immediate presence • Provides a sense of pleasure, joy and inner peace • Increase the connection with the Higher Self and the Divine
Self (our true essence)
and deep relaxation
•·Removes emotional blocks and burdens
• Keep the heart in a state of gratitude
• Brings harmony and love to relationships • It dissolves unresolved emotions in the unconscious that generate a negative reality. • Release of traumas • Miracle physical healings
Initiation for Deeksha Giver After a two-day course, with O & O Academy teachings, the individual is eligible to be a Deeksha Giver. This course brings to the individual the internal transformations necessary for the emergence of a new state of consciousness. Also, it will allow a deep inner experience that makes him understand what it is to live in fullness, acceptance, and integrity.
Three Attitudes that Intensify the Power of Deeksha: • Being in a state of detachment
• Have a clear intention of what you want to receive
The Scientific Explanation Deeksha makes a neurobiological alteration in the brain proven by science. Deeksha activates the frontal and parietal lobes, triggering the area of the brain responsible for the sense of empathy, connection, and inner silence. It has a progressive action, remodeling and rebalancing the neuroendocrine activity, raising the levels of oxytocin and serotonin (well-being hormones), and decreasing levels of cortisol and other neurotransmitters of chronic stress. The Deeksha forms new brain synapses, leading to a change in the perception of the facts of life, in the emotions and in the acting.
What the Deeksha Phenomenon causes you. Deeksha leads the individual
to access a spiritual and transcendental dimension, that is often activated during deep meditation. The access to the dimension called Supreme Consciousness, or Grace, Presence, or Supreme Self is in itself, an experience that transcends logic and limitations. Over time, this enormous inner power comes into manifestation in many ways. Some have thought it as an expanded and encompassing sacred space, as an infinite light, power, or as an internal guideline. For others, the experience is very personal: as if they were in the presence of a very compassionate and benevolent father or mother with whom they can relate and receive answers. Sri Bhagavan says: “The divine is dependent on the observer.� Deeksha will manifest in each individual depending on what the person most needs. When you receive the Oneness Blessing or Deeksha, you start to awaken to that sacred dimension in your consciousness. Each person has very personal
experience of this Supreme Self. In ancient initiation traditions, usually awakened teachers transferred wisdom and states of consciousness to their disciples after years of preparation. As water flows from higher levels to lower levels, grace also flows from a higher point of awareness to lower consciousness. In the same way, through the Oneness Blessing, grace transfers from the Blessing Giver to the recipient. This initiates a neurobiological transformation, and as a result, the brain and consciousness open to realization in God.
Harmful Beliefs Limit your Capacity to Realization The Deeksha is a zone, a space and a time of the event, where grace arrives incredibly and powerfully. Even though you may never meditate before, you may have a classic mystical experience as the sages of the past have had. You may see your divine part manifesting in you or even
experience a healing of the heart and body. The subtle changes continue days after receiving the Deeksha when the receivers can become free of emotional or find great explosions of creativity. Life turns into a beautiful stream of coincidences, drawing you closer to your dreams. How Deeksha Happened. Deeksha began in 1989 at a children’s school in Jeevashram, India. Founded by Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan when a Golden Orb appeared to Krishna Ji, the son of the then 11-yearold couple. The Golden Orb was also passed from Krishna Ji to the students and parents of the students of this school, leading them to enlightened states of being and profound expansion of consciousness. This mystical and sacred phenomenon came to prominence and called Deeksha & Unity Blessing. The Golden Orb had already manifested itself to Sri Bhagavan when he was only
three years old at a place called Natham in India and had him chant a specific mantra for 21 years. Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan realized that this energy arrived for the benefit of all mankind, as an incredible gift for spiritual evolution, if given to every person who is seeking transformation and a life filled with joy. The school in Jeevashram, devoted to Holistic education, has become the birthplace of the O & O Academy, an institution that has formed hundreds of thousands of Deeksha donors around the world. Harmful Effect over Chakras: Many Yoga Practitioners are weary of the Deeksha process by the The Oneness Blessing group. They argue that it can be a traumatic process for those that have no practice on working with their energetic centers-chakras, and that the process can cause a burnout effect on the wheels of energy of one’s body.
Re-igniting the passion. By John Holland
I often consider the reasons why we lose sight of our true passions, why is it that life just gets in the way, why we find excuses for not doing the things that feed and nurture our souls. Surely, our entire body (that being our mind, body, AND soul) is often focused on doing what we love most. When we’re doing a job that we love, it often makes you
happy, the days just slip by without that feeling of dread, when we say: “I’ve got to go to work today …” or “oh, the start of another week!”. Of course, I am not advocating that life is always perfect or that “stuff” doesn’t get in the way of pursuing your dreams and passions. When you’re dealing with the death of a loved one, it can be all-consuming as many of you will know, and life can be
temporarily put on hold, while you cope with the emotional seesaw roller-coaster. Equally, if you’re moving home or changing jobs, these are stressful times when your passions have to be put on the back-burner, as there’s often just not enough bandwidth in such a busy schedule. But if you lose sight of your passions for too long, it can be self-destructive, as we all have to have dreams, aspirations, goals, and those passions that make up such an important part of our lives. By ignoring them for too long, it can leave a void in your life, a sense of emptiness and left too long ... it can ultimately cause more permanent issues, such as depression. Of course, you don’t have to neglect all your usual commitments in life to pursue your passions. I know many people who are consummate multi-taskers, running the home, working, taking care of family, yet they still find time for a yoga class or some other pursuit to nurture the soul. By making an effort to incorporate your passions into your daily life can re-ignite the fire! You’ll feel
excited, inspired and get to live your life with a passion for what you love most again. JOHN’S LESSON Whether your passion is playing your beloved instrument, painting, drawing, dancing or spending time in nature, just remember it’s never too late to rekindle that passion. When I was a child, I used to love drawing, and over the years as I got busier and busier, I rarely picked up a charcoal pencil, but one day … almost like an epiphany … I got the urge to draw again and enrolled in an art class. I spent 10 glorious weeks with an eclectic group of people drawing and painting. I felt alive again, as my passion for drawing seemed to course through my veins, feeding my soul, encouraging me, inspiring me, leaving me knowing … I MUST make time to do this again soon! So, my lesson for this Soul Inspirations is quite simple. Reignite your passion and do something for yourself soon! Live a Soul-filled life!
The Famous Hindu text may help you see beyond the material reality In the Bhagavad Gita, the most celebrated text on selfknowledge (Yoga) of the Indian millennial tradition, there are twenty essential values ​​for those who intend to evolve in the spiritual
plane and be one with the world and the with others. “I believe You are the imperishable, the Supreme to be realized. You are the ultimate resort of the universe.” To get a sense of the importance of this text in Indian culture, we must recall that Gandhi referred to the Bhagavad Gita as “his mother.” Young Gandhi, who lost his true mother as a child, sought solace and wisdom in the words of this great work, having translated and commented it (from the original Sanskrit for his native language Gujarati) in a series of lectures in 1926, which were to be published almost 30 years later. In chapter XIII, of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna, who during the text assumes the role of teacher, explains to his disciple, Arjuna, what are there were fundamental values, or qualifications of the mind, for the attainment of self-knowledge. That there is a route, the seeker must
follow - and maintain - to gather the understanding of himself. As no one is separated from the whole, as consciousness, and that beyond body and mind, we are all unlimited and full. Source of Knowledge “The yogi who diligently strives, perfecting [gradually] through many incarnations, becomes completely free from all sins and reaches the Self-realization.” In this way, through a process of internal maturation, the seeker is led to see beyond the information captured by his five senses, his worldly experiences and the reality of the material world. The seeker must discover that truth that lies behind the veil of ignorance and dares to answer the basic existential questions - such as “who am I, who created this world, what is my role in society and how do I relate to others?”. In the Bhagavad Gita, we can find incredible and surprising answers, full of knowledge, capable of nullifying the feeling of insufficiency or
separation and complete isolation that sometimes invade our hearts. Each of these values, by itself, can unfold an immense transformation in our lives
Like a lotus flower which, being born in the mud, blossoms on the surface of the water and goes to the Sun; so is the realization of the human being. Who, after having lived for some time beyond his infinite possibilities, rises to a new age in the path of light, through its own Light - in essence, can feel similar to that which sustains all this universe, all things, and beings. Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
The knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita is perfectly based on the vision of the ancient scriptures of India: The Upanishads. These texts speak of the human person as Being, pursuing total immensity, complete freedom, ultimate and
supreme rejoicing; a process of unity with the creator of heaven and of the earth, and, at a given moment, to dissolve our manifestation into a state of unmanifest. Notice that this Being does not refer to the body, to the flesh, nor to the mind and its finite capacities of memory and thought. So, we do not speak from the ego, from the personality. But of an immaterial Being, who in moments of meditation or contemplation, we can feel alive and awake. These values, models of acting and thinking, may be followed as a kind of vow or promise, called vrata by Indian tradition, and are intended to lead the individual to “see behind the veil,” to identify with the whole, which has neither beginning nor end, is neither an effect nor a cause and everything permeates - Being, beyond name and forms. If you have come here to read this article, you should certainly want to know what values I am referring to.
Without further ado, here they go: The absence of pride, the absence of pretension, nonviolence, accommodation, uprightness, dedication to the master, purity, persistence, self-control (Bhagavad Gita 13.8). Detachment from the objects of the senses, and the absence of egoism and perception of pain as suffering inherent in birth, death, old age, and disease (Bhagavad Gita 13.9). Firm devotion [to the Being] knowing that there is no other [beyond Being], the frequency of a quiet place, the absence of the need for the company of people (Bhagavad Gita 13.11), constant search for knowledge (of Being) and appreciation of the truth (Bhagavad Gita 13.12). These values are usually explained in detail by sages or teachers who have a thorough knowledge of the scriptures and who are the
living example of them. It is not intended to create confusion or difficulty in obtaining this wisdom, on the contrary, the objective is to bring clarity about a subject that is very close to us, the closest of all, the understanding of myself. Hence, tradition advocates the transmission of this vision through the systematic and direct monitoring of the search engine by the master for a period of time. At this point, check to see if it’s helpful for you to learn more about these values, or, for example, choose one and try to stay true to them. However, note if this makes you a more available person to others, with greater openness, more understanding and loving – these are signs of evolution, inner transformation. The Bhagavad Gita values, as well as self-knowledge, are not unique to the Hindus, nor to a group, in any historical period. They are addressed to all mankind and are also for you. Use them wisely.
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The 6 Best New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Finding Love
How can you make this year your very best yet when it comes to electrifying, heartpounding-in-your-ears romance? Resolve to nourish yourself in ways that invite love and
excitement into your life— you have more control than you might think! Here are our six best New Year’s Resolution Ideas to make yourself ready for love in the new year. New Year’s Resolution 1. Be interesting by being you. It’s cliché but it’s true. Journalists know that everyone, from deli clerks to preschool teachers to CEOs, has a story—which means you’ve got one, too. What is it? Find it and own it. Maybe you’re a Midwestern girl who’s passionate about photography, cherry pies, and wildlife conservation. Or a proud child of New York City with an implacable drive to advocate for kids in the foster care system and watch Star Trek. Whoever you are, trust that you’re already a fully formed individual who brings something to the table of any date. Developing your interests and passions further will deepen your natural, unfakeable allure. That’s why any New Year’s resolution you
make for yourself also helps your love life! New Year’s Resolution 2. Commit to being available. No, you don’t have to go for coffee with any schmo that asks. But part of landing dates is putting yourself in situations where other single folks can get to know you. If your daily routine is going to work, coming home, and watching House of Cards until bedtime, your exposure to potential dates is pretty low. That’s why being part of open social groups, like clubs, dance classes, and sports leagues are so important. If you’ve already got a few hobbies cooking yet they offer few dating prospects on the horizon, you might want to try online dating. The beauty of a digital profile is that you’ll encounter people in your town who might not run in your circles. Whatever method works best for you, challenge yourself to be available for love to find you this year.
New Year’s Resolution 3. Ditch your checklist and get some deal breakers. What’s the difference? A list is all about superficialities—must be this tall, red-haired, ferret-loving, etc. These qualifiers don’t just filter out non-contenders, but a lot of potentially great matches as well. And, a lot of people who do meet these super specific criteria might not be so compatible when it comes to the qualities that define a relationship, like communication, commitment, and personal values. Deal breakers, on the other hand, are your own boundaries. For example, it might be a deal breaker if he doesn’t want kids, travels a lot, or isn’t okay with your ferret as mentioned earlier. Deal breakers will help guide you to a truly satisfying relationship, so if you haven’t already, shred your checklist on January 1st. New Year’s Resolution 4. Get serious about being playful. Are you hopelessly attracted to Mr. Wrong? Or unexpectedly not so into
your perfect-on-paper new date? These feelings aren’t an inconvenience—they’re incredibly valuable sources of information about your deepest desires. Pay attention to them. What is it that drives you wild? What are you craving? Even if you don’t choose to act on your urges, don’t try to squelch them completely. Give them some curious attention, perhaps by journaling, meditating, or exploring other spiritual practices. You might be surprised at the wisdom your subconscious offers. New Year’s Resolution 5. Resolve to get rejected. Being turned down hurts. But if you’ve ever learned how to bike, ski, ice skate, or rock climb, you know that something unusual happens after the first fall—you say, “Huh, that’s it? That’s what I was afraid of?” Once you’ve had that experience, you start relaxing, and your form starts evolving. The metaphor applies to date, too. If you’re
working the scene and have never been rejected, chances are you haven’t asked a lot of people out. So start putting yourself out there. You will be dismissed sometimes (maybe even a lot of times), and that’s okay. That’s better than okay. That’s progress. New Year’s Resolution 6. Put your phone down. If your first impulse on a free moment is to whip out your phone, resolve to fight the habit. You’re tuning out the world around you, which is probably brimming with interesting (and possibly single) people. Wherever it doesn’t go entirely against the grain of social decorum, try to strike up a conversation with your neighbors, even if they’re a crowd you’d never date. Being gregarious and open helps you make new connections (that can indirectly point you to romance by growing your social circle), practice your conversation skills, and broaden your worldview. It’s a win-win-win!
Each New Year invites us to take stock of our strengths and weaknesses and chart a course for the future. If you want to help put love on the roadmap, think critically about which of these New Year’s resolution ideas you need most. Maybe you’re already heavily invested in online dating and singles meetups, but you’re feeling miserable and stressed about each date—perhaps you need to inject some playfulness and self-acceptance. Or maybe you’re deeply involved in personal projects and private passions but lack substantial opportunities to find that spark in another human. Whatever you’re craving, give yourself the time and space to reflect on your situation this last year. Congratulate yourself for everything you’ve done right. Then, empower yourself to create what you need for your best romance yet. For insight on where and when to find love in the new year, advisors at can point you in the right direction.
A Humble Holiday Season Is The Best Gift You Can Share by Leigh Burton
If we want to celebrate the true meaning behind the holidays, LOVE, then we want to deliver what we want to receive. Let’s be humble and make this our best holiday season yet.
The holidays are upon us, and it’s time to celebrate a connection with family and friends. There is a great deal of joy in visiting with those who hold space in our hearts, themed with perusing the last year of each other’s lives and personal hopes for the new year. A lot of thought goes into the generosity that we intend to share with loved ones but, should it be at the expense of honoring our journey and personal wellness? There is fun to be had and memories to be made but, so too is the inevitable overwhelm of wrapping hope in pretty paper and bows. Imagine for a moment, the gift of peace and personal freedom through example. Is that not what we are trying to achieve? Despite the problematic scenarios that are only a result of the stories that we tell ourselves, the ultimate reason we
come together is to share what we believe to be the true spirit of the holiday season. Love. Appreciation of where we have come from and the respect and hope for where we are headed in the next chapter of our individual journeys. How well received is a gift delivered with the message that it is not understood or not something that we want for ourselves? The greatest gift is one that provides an endless ripple of giving and sharing a love for ourselves that matches that which we hope for our loved ones. It wouldn’t be fair to suggest that it is easy to step away from the pressure and hype that we categorically thrust upon the final hour that ends the calendar year but, we can empower each other to embrace the courage we need to step outside of the box, even a little bit. Monkey see
monkey do but, only if someone takes the first step and leads the way to a personal space of greatness. This is a time to honestly recognize that while our journeys are our own, there is a great deal of satisfaction in remembering that there is also the journey of family and community. One that doesn’t have to be revisited annually and shelved due to a turn on a calendar. If we show up allowing ourselves to be who we are with gratitude of what makes us individual, then we are open to the generosity of letting the same of others. If there is stress, then there is stress. If there is a challenge, then there is a challenge. If there is an accomplishment, then there is an accomplishment. All of it is integral to who we are in the moment. We
are what we are, despite the never-ending demand to present ourselves in fashion. There is no healthy reason to hide from our true selves. By removing the masks that we wear, we allow our authenticity to exist and, we provide each other with space for our best selves to shine a light of hope, peace, and freedom. ACKNOWLEDGE - BE GRATEFUL AND SHARE. We don’t need to be afraid of recognizing what we feel and validating our reality. There is a great deal of freedom in allowing ourselves to exist as we are. If seeing a favorite relative is exciting, why deny it for the sake of not making others feel as welcome in the same space? Their sense of inclusion is a result
of their thoughts. If facing individuals that support discomfort, why deny it? It’s easy enough to remove a film of resentment just by honoring our core values and respecting our boundaries. Take the time to recognize the value in all that is what we are in the moment. All the challenges have an insurmountable benefit to building a much more comfortable journey forward. Encouraging others to do the same is a perfect gift to share in learning and growing. Gratitude breeds generosity. Let’s not be fearful of sharing our strengths and vulnerabilities. After all, we are human. For it is where we are strong that we build upon where we believe we are weak. If we allow
ourselves to witness both, we can share the greatest gift of all. The humble gift of love for humanity, with no demands and the freedom to be who we are in the moment. A silent night is one with the peace of knowing that it’s ok to be human and, the jingle of bells is to announce our passion for freedom. May we deck the halls with honesty, respect, and compassion for all. BIO Leigh Burton: Author, International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Emotional Health Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapist, an expert in letting go, and a lover of life.
Explo re Busin ess Beyo nd Definitio n
How many definitions do you have of what business should be, and what you should be in business? Are those beliefs giving you the freedom to create your life and business as the dynamic, thriving space of possibility? No, they’re not. Definitions are the limitations we place on ourselves and the experiences that keep us from ever enjoying the full range of what we can actually create and enjoy.
Anywhere you’re doing business from definition rather than creating your business from possibilities, is the hole in your bucket where all the money drains out. Definitions are conclusive and finite, they aren’t ever going to give you access to the immeasurable success and fun that life, living, and business can truly be. One of the classes I created is called Joy of Business. People often tell me they can’t come to the class because they don’t have the prerequisite joy of business! You don’t have to have that to come to the class. They’ve defined what it takes to join the class and determined they don’t qualify. It’s functioning from conclusions in this way that dictates all your limitations in life. What are you refusing to see as a possibility because you’ve determined it doesn’t apply to you or you don’t have what it takes? Are those definitions true, or have you been functioning from them for so long that you’ve forgotten there’s another possibility? If you’re willing to acknowledge where you’re stopping yourself and begin
asking what else is possible. Create your business and your life without limitation rather than doing business from definition and conclusion, there are a few simple tips to keep in mind: Ask questions What are all the things you’ve decided business is or isn’t? I always say, your life is your business, and your business is your life. Most people try to separate it out. What definitions of business are you using to try to separate it from you and the rest of your life? Are those definitions actually serving you? Or are they keeping you from having the ease, fun, and money you could actually be enjoying? When you’re willing to ask questions, you become aware of what else is truly available. If you began acknowledging business as the creation of your life, how would that change the choices you make? What possibilities have you been unwilling to consider because you’ve been trying to contain or control business through the definitions that don’t allow you
to create something greater? Be aware of others’ definitions and what you can choose beyond them To contribute to your success, you want to be aware of the definitions that others are functioning from. Then, ask yourself questions that allow you to know what else is available. When you’re willing to be aware of the choices that no one else is willing to make, you have access to possibilities that no one else does. What is the difference that you can be or provide when you go beyond the conclusions that everyone else is working with? Asking questions and having an awareness of what else you can choose is the key to limitless living and creating. Choose in 10-second increments Most people believe that once they’ve chosen something, that’s it; they have to stick to it and follow through. That’s an interesting point of view, but what does it create? What if you could choose, then choose again and again?
Creating your business and your life is not about getting it right. Choosing something a minute ago that doesn’t work now is not about something being wrong. Choice creates awareness, but most people aren’t willing to have the awareness that’s created. Instead, they use judgment and conclusion to stop them from choosing anything different. They stick to their decision as if it’s vital. Then, they judge themselves for their choices when things don’t work out. It’s not a way of functioning that really works. Choosing in ten-second increments is a way to acknowledge the truly limitless possibilities available. To create beyond definition, keep asking questions and choosing what works, even if it looks totally irrational. Be willing to choose what will create the most, while continuing to ask what else is available. Ask what you can contribute, not what you can get Imagine if you started each day by asking what you can contribute today that will allow for greater possibilities in the world. Most people create a
business, define what it will be like to get what they want out of it, and then do whatever they’ve concluded they have to do for their expectations to be met. It’s a business model set up for disappointment and failure. When you earnestly ask what you can contribute, you’re going beyond definition and allowing your business to be something greater than you concluded possible. It’s not about trying to do the right thing or saving the world, it’s looking at what can be chosen at that moment that will create something greater. A business based on contribution sits totally outside the box and allows your success to be outside the box as well. Instead of being ruled by calculations of what you have to do to get what you can get, contribution opens the door to receiving from anyone and anything beyond definition. There’s an exchange that’s possible with the world around you that can’t be calculated or defined. In fact, it can be greater than you ever imagined. With these simple tips, you can
begin to move into limitless creation. Anywhere you’re functioning from the definition is like walking across the street with all your peripheral vision closed off, so the only thing you can see is directly in front of you. That’s a great way to get run over. When you go beyond definition, you remove everything that obscures the full range of choices in all directions. You have the freedom to create your life and business as the limitless possibility they can truly be. Simone Milasas is an entrepreneur, creator, creative business coach, international business owner, author and Worldwide Coordinator of Access Consciousness. She has been at the forefront of cutting-edge business creation and development for over a decade and has trained business leaders and innovators all over the world. Simone is the author of JOY OF BUSINESS translated into 13 languages and bestselling book GETTING OUT OF DEBT JOYFULLY translated into 5 languages. You can find Simone every week on her podcast – The Art & Industry of Business & Living available on her website,
The interconnectedness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
5 Feelings that can be confused with Love By Ascending Hearts Dating When love finally comes into our lives, we feel the world around us is transformed and joy and happiness become part of our daily routine. Love is a powerful feeling of affection and a show of affection that develops among beings who can
live it. However, there are many similarities among diverse feelings that can make us be confused and lead us to think that we are feeling love. Below few are listing five feelings that can be easily confused with love.
endures and establishes a much more intense affective bond between the people involved. 2. The feeling of Desire
Of all the feelings that exist, passion is undoubtedly what most resembles love, for provoking very similar reactions.
It is also possible to confuse love with desire, which is a feeling directly related to the action of possessing, or the wanting to have dominion over something. The desire may also be connected to something extremely physical.
Passion is a feeling that arises unexpectedly and surprises the one who is affected by it, for so little time can be noticed the state of complete passion. When we fall in love with someone, we are attracted to specific characteristics of the person we like, such as the way we dress, the way talk and act, etc.
When we have a desire for someone, we have the feeling that that person owns us, as if it were something that is under their control and that we will only be happy if we are with this person. We can also say that we have desire when we want to satisfy our sexual needs with someone.
However, the significant difference between passion and love is that passion is ephemeral and is directly related to attraction, be it physical or sentimental. That is, if we fail to be attracted to the person continuously, the passion can also cease to exist.
Desire is something natural, but if it is felt in excess, it can be very detrimental to any relationship.
1. The Feeling of Passion
In addition to being a gradual feeling, Love is also one that
What makes love different from desire is that love is complete, and does not need this feeling of possession. It is something that connects people and is able to make them share feelings.
3. The Feeling of Lack of Neediness In many situations, love can also be mistaken for neediness, which is the emotional need to have someone in our lives. When we spend a long time alone, we feel the need and the will to have someone by our side to share life, whether in good or bad times. And when meeting someone who arouses our interest, we may find that we have affection for that person. However, just finding an interesting person does not mean that we are ready to plunge into a loving relationship. It is of vital importance to know how to identify these feelings in our lives. 4. The Feeling of Friendship Another widespread feeling that is promptly confused with love is the feeling generated by the bond of friendship. Often, when we have a lot of affinity with a person, to whom we tell our greatest secrets and share our fears, we may feel that we feel love for them. And indeed, we can feel it, but it is agape love.
Friendship is characterized as a great affection or appreciation and is intimately connected with the affinity we feel for a particular person. In love relationships, we can also find bonds of friendship, but these are built gradually and as our confidence in the person increases. 5. The Feeling of Admiration A person’s admiration can also be confused with love. Admiration is characterized as an emotional disposition that translates into respect, consideration, veneration and needs a concrete reason to exist. So, when someone for whom we have deep respect, whether for what it does or the person it is, shows us something that is very interesting, it surprises us with their abilities and this feeling can grow in a way that we can confuse with love. However, when we feel love for someone, we also come to admire that person for what he does. That is, love does not mean to have only admiration for the individual but is one of the essential complements for a full complete love.
Love is Possible
Your Four Types of
Often, we’re so blinded by our emotions that we can’t decipher the true purpose of a relationship. Deep attachment can force us to stay in a relationship that was meant to end a long time ago. On the
other hand, our stubborn will and uncompromising ego can make us leave a person who might be our soulmate. We ask ourselves, “Why is this person in my life? Is it really meant to be?” In such confusing moments, we must turn inward for the truth. There exist four types of love relationships, each serving a unique purpose to our evolution. We may experience only one kind of relationship throughout our lives, or we may move through the full range of four. Reflect on the elements of each type of relationship to discover where your love really stands: Transitory A transitory relationship acts as a bridge between two phases of evolution, enacting change or easing the burden of major life shifts. For example, such a relationship can help a girl transition into a woman by teaching her important first lessons in love. Or, a transient relationship may help a person cope with separation, loss, or divorce until he or she heals and feels ready to embark on new, long-term love. Transitory relationships are marked by desire, physical
chemistry, excitement, and adventure, but they lack commitment and authentic love. Instead, they mostly involve a love of the five senses. Such relationships often commence when a person is feeling vulnerable or right after a serious relationship has ended. The partners in this kind relationship generally don’t become too attached and can let go of each other without much trouble. No serious sacrifices or advancements are being made in a transitory relationship, which soon reaches a plateau it can’t get past. This type of relationship is almost always temporary but serves a greater purpose in gently pushing someone from one chapter of life to the next. Once the person evolves, however, the relationship usually fizzles out and is left behind. If you find yourself in a transient relationship, know that it is necessary but only for the time being. Unless genuine emotions develop, your relationship will come to a close in the right moment. Don’t expect devotion and undying loyalty or you’ll quickly become disappointed. Simply allow it to run its predestined course. Try not to
stress or overthink things; Just have fun! This is your time to enjoy yourself, your partner, and the world around you until a better opportunity is placed in your path. Compromise A compromise relationship is the most common of the four types. It occurs when two people come together based on an arrangement of comforts, such as financial stability or social standing. Many relationships that are meant to end continue because both partners have become so used to each other that they find it difficult to part ways. In short, they settle for one other. They may share a house and have children, which makes them feel obliged to stay together even though they don’t feel fulfilled or fully in love. Relationships based on compromise keep us stuck in a comfort zone. It’s important to evaluate whether you’re truly happy with your partner, or merely comfortable. Being in a compromise relationship can become stultifying and downright boring; Most result in one or
both partners straying outside of the relationship for romance, excitement, and love. In the end, half also result in divorce or separation, simply because the perks of comfort can’t compare to having a genuine connection. In my practice, I often hear my patients declare that their spouse is a great parent to their children and a great provider for their family, but that they know deep down their relationship is a compromise. They can feel the truth in their hearts but dismiss their intuition. The biggest problem in compromise relationships is that one or both partners may not feel completely satisfied. This type of relationship can still be complementary, but more regarding advancing in the physical world: generating income together, buying properties, raising a family in harmony, etc. Each partner follows a specific role and contributes to the success of the couple’s mutual goals. Regarding a relationship that’s based on such arrangement, it becomes the free will of each partner whether to remain together or separate. I’ve seen compromise relationships that have lasted a lifetime because
neither partner wanted to let go of the other, and that’s perfectly fine. If you find yourself in a compromise relationship, know that the decision to stay or to go is your own. If you crave a love that will nourish you deeply and wholly, you owe it to yourself to seek your soulmate (yes, we each have one!). No matter how comfortable you are or what you’ve gained in the material sense, it is your birthright to give and receive unconditional love. Karmic Karma is the greatest law of the universe. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not some malicious force that brings our bad deeds back to us. Karma is the memory of every one of our thoughts, intentions, and actions, both good and bad. And it has a reputation for repeating itself, especially in our love life: A karmic bond always involves some sort of “action” that must play out within the relationship, such as the breaking of behavioral patterns or cycles of events. This type of relationship denotes past lives shared by the two partners, hence the strong feeling of familiarity
or “knowing” this person from somewhere. Two souls that have passed through certain experiences together will find each other again to close what was left open. A karmic relationship is almost always described as intense: When it’s good it’s great when it’s bad it’s awful! But there’s instant magnetism from the beginning; The person is simply irresistible to you. The relationship may be prone to arguments as the two old souls try to find solutions to old problems. There may also be a deep-seated desire to be dutiful or sacrificial for your partner, sensing the need to work towards a higher purpose. Regardless, those in a karmic relationship are guaranteed to learn a lot of necessary lessons, both as a couple and as individuals. After the karma is settled, however, the relationship may come to an end because its role has been fulfilled. Sometimes karmic partners can also be soulmates. If they are, the relationship will endure beyond the completion of the karma. Karmic relationships are enriching experiences that can
be progressive, enlightening, and complementary, whether temporary or for the long term. If you find yourself in a karmic relationship, you have attracted a soul you knew before. Try to pinpoint the reason why this person is in your life once more: What is it that you must resolve, enact, or change in yourself, in each other, or with each other? For example, maybe your partner hurt you in a past life and now he or she must make it up to you by helping you in other ways. Or, maybe you had a family with this person in a previous lifetime, and you’ve reunited to start a family again. Karmic relationships are powerful and passionate and can be tremendously positive once you understand the divine nature of your karma. Soulmate A soulmate relationship is a unique bond reaching deeper than physical or emotional levels. Soulmate relationships are far and few but when they do occur, they often last the test of time. This kind of relationship is marked by a profound connection between two people, one that may even be difficult to convey. Soulmates
just get each other: They finish each other’s sentences, are best friends, and share a mentality of “us against the world.” When soulmates have found each other, the feeling is likened to two pieces of a puzzle fitting perfectly together. Soulmates can’t wait to come home to each other after a long day, and they may even be linked telepathically, one partner sensing what the other feels/ needs/fears at all times. They can both work and play together because of how well they complement each other; One elevates the other in thought, potential, and ability. This is not to say that soulmates won’t experience problems along the course of their relationship, but that they’ll be able to resolve their issues more easily than couples who aren’t bound by soulful ties. Very few things in this world can break up two soulmates because their connection is otherworldly. Soulmates may also have some mutual karma to work on, but unlike in a karmic relationship, they won’t separate once their karmic business is finished. If you find yourself in a soulmate relationship, congratulations!
This is the purest, highest, most unconditional type of relationship. Be proud, because many people wish they could meet their heart’s other half. Be as involved in your relationship as possible and dismiss insignificant problems from the outside world. Together, you are a divine force to be reckoned with. Treasure your partner and take joy in every moment by his or her side, knowing that your souls have reunited at last. It can be difficult to disentangle our emotional knots and understand the core function of a relationship. Detaching ourselves from our feelings just enough to assess the authenticity of our relationship can make a world of a difference in the quality of love we give and gain. To your type love, Carmen Harra Dr. Carmen Harra is a worldrenowned intuitive counselor, psychologist, best-selling author, radio show host, and relationship expert. In the past 25 years, Carmen has helped over 40,000 people rediscover peace of mind, reclaim personal power, and regain joy. Her clients include people from all walks
of life, from the lady next door to Hollywood celebrities and eminent politicians. Carmen’s unique technique includes combining the normal with the paranormal to deliver the greatest transformative potential: tried and tested cognitive therapy coupled with the ancient arts of numerology, mediumship, and incredible intuition. Carmen has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, New York Post, and New York Daily News, and on shows like Good Morning America, The View, Good Day New York, the Today show, and many more. Carmen is the author of the international best-sellers Everyday Karma, Decoding Your Destiny, The Eleven Eternal Principles, and Wholeliness, among others. Her seventh book, The Karma Queens’ Guide to Relationships, was released by Penguin Books, and she’s now working on her eighth book all about commitment! Carmen has also hosted call-in shows on Hay House Radio, WOR Radio, and WABC Radio. She now hosts a popular weekly show called Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life every Tuesday at 7pm EST on OMTimes Radio.
The Cure for Holiday Season Loneliness By Marcia Sirota, MD.
The holiday season can be full of fun, family, and friends but it can also be a lonely time of year. If you aren’t feeling the holiday spirit right now, there could be some reasons for this.
It could be that your loved ones are far away and you’re unable to spend time with them over the holidays. You might feel bad because you’ve never had a close family or a partner to celebrate with. Maybe you’re estranged from your family of origin. Maybe you’ve never met “the one.” Because it’s such a peopleoriented time of the year if you find yourself alone this holiday season you’re probably going to feel your loneliness more acutely than at any other time of the year. Fortunately, there are things you can do, right now, to make this and future holiday seasons brighter for you. First, it’s a good idea to ask yourself if there might be some things you’ve been doing that have resulted in your being so lonely. Have you isolated yourself and made it harder for people to connect to you? Have you behaved in ways that might have pushed
other people away? If you think that either of these might be true, even to some degree, you owe it to yourself to do some selfreflection moving forward, so that you can create more meaningful connections in the coming year. Have you been hurt because of a painful breakup, separation or divorce? Did you lose one or more loved ones in the past year? Perhaps you’ve withdrawn into yourself out of grief or from the fear of getting close to someone again and once again, losing them. You need to see that it’s time to take the chance to connect with people again. Even if you feel raw and vulnerable; even if you’re afraid of going through another painful loss, the benefits of having more love in your life will always outweigh the risks. Sometimes, people become lonely because they’re filled with anger, bitterness or hate. You hold on to a grudge, and
the resentment seethes within you. You feel wronged or betrayed, and you can’t let go of your righteous indignation. You stew, and you stew, going over the hurts that other people caused you and without realizing it, you give out a vibe that makes the people around you uncomfortable. Most people don’t want to be around someone who’s filled with negative emotions. It’s unpleasant and stressful, and others fear that you might turn these emotions against them. It’s a big social turnoff to be an angry, indignant person so if you’re feeling lonely these days you need to take some time to look at your anger and let it go. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to create new social connections. Another thing that people consider a social no-no is complaining. If you’ve had a tendency to complain about your family, your
romantic partner, your job or your health and lately you’ve been feeling lonely, it might be that people are avoiding you because they don’t enjoy the complaining. If you want to create close bonds with others, you need to see how off-putting this behavior is and stop it now. If you’re feeling isolated because of your situation; for example, you work from home, or you’re in a small office working with the same group of colleagues for years, or you’re the oddman out due to your values, religion or lifestyle choices, you need to get out there in order to meet new, likeminded people. A good way of meeting new people is to follow your passions and start an on-going activity where you see the same group of like-minded people over an extended period of time. It could be French lessons, ballroom dancing, painting, hiking,
biking, volleyball or writing.
they don’t tolerate disrespect.
When you spend time with a group of people who share your passions, and you see them week after week, the likelihood of making one or more new social connections is high.
The too-nice people-pleaser is insecure and doing too much for others in the hopes of gaining acceptance and approval. Whereas the kind person tends to be admired and respected, the toonice person is usually taken advantage of and disrespected by others. If you want to create new friendships, it’s important that you understand this distinction and work on building your self-esteem so that you can become kind, rather than overly nice.
Another way to connect with new people is to do volunteer work at the local food bank, soup kitchen, gardening co-op or community organization. These individuals already care deeply about others so once you’re among them, sharing their goals and ideals, it’ll be easy for you to connect. Of course, being a kind, a considerate person is a great way to attract people to you, but you need to know the difference between being genuinely kind and being a too-nice people-pleaser. The genuinely kind person has good self-esteem, so they’re caring toward others but never at their own expense. They’re thoughtful and considerate but they don’t over-extend themselves, and
Loneliness over the holiday season is extremely painful. Everyone needs close, supportive people in their lives and everyone deserves love and connection. If you find yourself lonely this holiday season, there are things you can do right now to improve your situation and make this holiday season and the years to come better than they’ve ever been. Sign up here for my free monthly wellness newsletter
The Precognition Phenomenon by Judi Lynch Millions of people have felt precognition in some form even if they are not consciously aware of the experiences. We all have the ability, but not everyone understands or takes the time to strengthen the skills which bring us premonitions, options, and insights into the future. Since everything has a vibration, it makes sense that when a certain intention has been set in motion, the future event has already
happened and can be seen, heard and felt. Animals can feel the vibrational energy of changes in the atmosphere which create sound and frequency to foretell of inclement weather or natural disasters long before it reaches them. Energy in different forms can be a miraculous predictor of what is yet to transpire. Many of us receive communication through our dreams. These can be vivid, detailed visits and visions in which we are shown or told of things that we know in reality have not happened yet. It can also come in an overwhelming feeling and a knowing of something though we may have no idea where the information came from. You may ask someone about a situation they never told you about without realizing they never told you. These strange occurrences are often brought to us to help us learn to validate and trust our messages, dreams, and feelings. It can be difficult to differentiate sometimes if we are prone to anxious feelings in certain situations. We learn over time how to read where the energy was created. A person who is highly developed and channel sensitive can be
in someone’s presence to get sensations from that person’s energy field which they can read instantly. Inside that energy, there are sparks of a future that is manifested by events they have already set in motion. These sparks also include all the other options and choices still yet to be decided. There can be millions of variables floating around which cannot be known yet because action still has to be taken. Some people can touch a person and tell which loved ones are near them in spirit, receiving messages of future options to consider which can manifest positive outcomes. The practice of psychometry in which objects are held or touched also brings in images and information that can help with future decisions. We might get a flash of insight about a particular person we haven’t seen in forever, and they immediately show up. We may have a dream about a beautiful home we’ve never been to, and then we drive by it two weeks later. Coincidence is often blamed when precognition is the culprit for the staggered goings on with the energy around us. It has been written about and documented countless times. Someone has
warned others about their visions and dreams of natural disasters and impending doom, bang, it all came true. Since this ability is not developed in everyone, we might tend to doubt ourselves and the metaphysical connections we are born with. We all can use these incredible skills as we set our intent on living more intuitively, consciously and mindfully. If we desire to sharpen further our skills it helps to write down and document dreams, waking visions, messages, and empathetic feelings. When we can trust what is being shared with us through Spirit, we learn that we can actively control when, what, where and how we receive our information. Meditation in many forms can be very beneficial in opening channels, releasing negative thoughts and making room for positive energy. Many people have been able to receive transmissions from Spirit since an early age, and they no longer wish to feel so much empathy or that they are not able to control their “gift.” It can become a matter of choice to either learn to balance it into our lives or
to keep it quiet. There is no judgment in the decision, but when Spirit wants to get your attention, it knows where to find you. The consciousness is alive and thriving, running through each of us in deep and mysterious ways. The unconditional love in that spirit energy will bring in synchronicity, soul visits in dreams and blissful healing energy that hugs you in light at the times you need it most. Precognition is not about fortune telling. It’s about future making. “The best way to predict your future is to create it” –Abraham Lincoln. A little insight and a lot of faith for what’s to go a long way. Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session visit
When a Household Breaks, Many lives are changed, and others just End.
DOMESTIC ABUSE There are Many Forgotten Victims
Connecting With Your Intuition in Your
Everyday Life
by Leanne, The Barefoot Medium What would be a better way to get to know the self as a Soul then by connecting and flowing with our intuition in everyday life. Trusting it to guide and lead us to where
we want to be, so we can embrace more of who we are. Be our authentic self and gain access to a wealth of guidance, insight, and information to support us in creating the fantastic, joyful and abundant life that we desire. Our modern world is filled with technology which allows access to information, guidance and support for relationships, business, finances, health, general well-being, whether through phones, emails or ‘Google’ quickly and easily. As Soul’s living in a physical body we also have instant access to an internal search engine known as the intuition, that instinctive knowing which appears quickly in response to a prayer or request to Soul, Spirit, God, the Divine or a loved one who has passed to the Spirit world for support
and help. We each have the ability to connect with and tap into our intuition (inner guidance system) on a daily basis to receive insight into current experiences, situations and relationships, help with choices and decisions, support with possible solutions to everyday concerns and obtain guidance on the best actions to take to creating what we desire in life. Many of us may not be aware of when we are being provided with intuitive guidance or what the intuition looks, feels, sounds smells or tastes like resulting in overthinking and doubting what we are receiving as well as feelings of confusion, frustration, uncertainty and like we are lost or stuck. Often when we are receiving guidance through the intuition (heart-space, Soul, Spirit), we will experience it as an
inner voice, a deep sense of knowing, ‘gut-feeling,’ hunch or a pull of energy that moves us to take a particular action or go in a specific direction. This information will rarely make logical sense, it will always feel light, loving and encouraging and will come to us quickly in response to our question or request – a little like typing a query into Google and immediately receiving a response.
can thrive and experience more joy, love, happiness, success, and abundance in all areas of life. So, how do we spend time connecting, listening and actioning our intuition to support us in our everyday life?
Like any relationship, the more time we spend connecting, listening and actioning our intuitive guidance, the deeper and more solid our level of trust. The same is right for value and respect for self, others and Spirit, which leads to being able to more quickly access and embrace our intuition, to make decisions and choices so we
Connect to the heart where we are our authentic selves, are fully present in the moment, aware of our energy (thoughts, emotions, and actions), doing the things that we love and that make our heart sing.
Make a commitment to learning what the intuition looks, feels, and sounds smell or tastes like and experiment with how we best receive guidance.
Observe and listen to the intuition, becoming consciously aware and present, noticing the
inner guidance or pull communicating with us in a variety of ways whether providing information about situations, people, opportunities in our everyday life. Trust and take action when we receive intuitive guidance or nudges, even if we do not understand what it means. We often receive the next piece of information or step to take once we have been willing to follow the first step and allow it to unfold when we can trust our inner guidance system to lead us to where we want to be, the more it flows to us with ease and joy. What better way to get to know the self as a Soul then by connecting and flowing with our intuition in everyday life. Trusting it to guide and lead us to where
we want to be so we can embrace more of who we are. Be our authentic self and gain access to a wealth of guidance, insight, and information to support us in creating the amazing, joyful and abundant life that we desire. Leanne, The Barefoot Medium, a gifted and highly sought after International Medium, Channel, Twin Flame, Transformational Coach and Author who is passionate about supporting people to connect with loved ones who have passed and to transform through patterns, limiting beliefs to achieve their dreams, visions, and goals in life. Website: www. Facebook: www. leannethebarefootmedium/
Personal Growth & Development We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
How Wrong Company Creates Wrong Energy Fields The Company We Keep by Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari
In this practical, material world of ours, we travel with people who may be drawn to the pole of negative energy. Their number is too large in a society that is not oriented to the inner spirit. In such
families, children hardly get the opportunity to see the family elders practicing the art of joyful living, tolerance, and compassion in the midst of difficult circumstances. As a result, when children grow up seeing disruptive outbursts of harmful power games of control and anger, they cannot but absorb those wrong vibrations in their subconscious mind. As adults manifest that negativity, it brings a chain reaction of hurtful situations. The wrong company creates the wrong energy fields, and it is painful for anyone who is close to that field of energy. Gossip: The Major Roadblock One of the significant manifestations of wrong energy is the habit of gossiping. When we criticize, find fault, or talk ill about anyone in his or her absence it is gossip. Gossip is a significant roadblock to a happy state of mind and good health. If we have an opinion about someone, why don’t we discuss it with him or her in person, rather than behind their backs? Gossip’s impact on the body and mind is poisonous.
Families are destroyed, the workplace and every social space are polluted with this mindset. Some people love to gossip, and other people value their time and energy and devote it to the positive side of life. Let us together join the latter group so that we can create a collective consciousness in a world that thrives on love and forgiveness, harmony and peace. In this way, it is always a good practice to refrain from judgmental comments about others or ourselves. Our opinion does not always have value. Our words are not always needed, and it is vital for our wellbeing that we not participate in gossip or negative news or conversations. These do not add value to our lives, but instead, drain our good energies. We avoid this pitfall when we choose carefully what to say, how to say it, how much to say, what to listen to, and from what to withdraw. This is a learning process. Satsanga, Being in the
Company of the Truth We have all experienced great inspiration and joy in the company of some persons, books, pictures, or symbols. They had sparks of truth and the charge of positive power in them. When we came close to them, the aura of positive light and power entered us, penetrated our inner being, and the feeling that we perceived was elation, happiness, delight, and meditative celebration. We were in Satsang with them. In India, from our early childhood, we heard from our grandparents that it is the holy company, it is the company of good people, that helps us to be on the righteous path of contentment and joy in life. In Sanskrit, the oldest language in the world, it is called Satsanga. Sat means the indestructible, unalterable, unchangeable truth. Sanga means company. The meaning of Satsanga is to be in the company of truth that transcends all the trifles of life, to be with our spiritual self, to be closest to who we truly are. When our minds are not given
to all that is wrong in the world, or in our family, or in our own lives, then our minds have only one option. That is to dwell on the thoughts of all that is right in the world, right in the family, right in our own life. It is our choice. This choice, to choose Satsanga, is the greatest power that the Universe has given us. Which company do we prefer? Until the right company is selected, the mind will keep playing its illusive tricks of self-deception even in the name of the divine. Divine energy resides in mind and the thoughts of affirmations and trust in the unfailing power and protection that the Universe gives us every moment. Everything can fail, but the Universal Intelligence and compassion can never fail or falter. To nurture this thought in mind is to be in the right company! Connecting with Goodness both Outside and Inside Therefore try to befriend those who are sincerely in the path of yoga or meditation; their number could be small, but at least we can share our resolve with them as a co-traveler on the path to light. That means
we don’t depend on gossip and putting down others for a high!! We want to develop the power of meditation to experience true joy and elation. We need to stay focused on our path. We befriend our mind first through meditation and inner introspection of who we truly are. Then we finally start to discover the reality that all that we need in life is not out there with a group of gossiping so-called “friends,” but in the silent recess of our heart.
the company of positive selftalk. Let us all first create an inner environment that affirms the life of abundance for everything as it all comes from the source of the divinity, which is unlimited. Let us meditate and feel our breaths, feel the body as the most beautiful temple ever, and generate a positive energy field inside so that we are healed first, so that we feel good inside first, and then we can truly become good human beings who help others in their journey toward peace and happiness. Isn’t life a gift to be happy and make others happy and create a happy world? Together we can all make it happen for sure!
Even our cells respond to the environment and not just their genetic destiny or internal environment. As such if we can keep good company both outside and inside, our life will turn towards Positivity. On the outside, we can connect with the goodness in others. We can connect with the companionship and friendship with people who are more spiritually and ethically anchored with a cheerful demeanor, people who understand us and our needs, and people who can boost our passion for uplifting our self to the higher domain of a blissful state of mind.
BIO Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (India): Globally acclaimed spiritual and inspirational speaker, author, and visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. Received Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015.
And on the inside, let us court
When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.
World Vision
Montevideo (Uruguay) - In a school in the Uruguayan capital, in the district of Jaureguiberry students produce their own organic food. It is the first sustainable school in Latin America: made with recycled materials, it works with renewable energy, and its students learn to live in harmony with nature and be active World Citizens.
Two thousand tires, five thousand glass bottles, two thousand square meters of cardboard and eight thousand aluminum cans. What can you do with it? Believe me: one of the answers would be “a school," and that is already is a reality standing in Uruguay.
Who designed the 270 m² building was the architect Michael Reynolds, an American who in the 60s realized that architecture had abandoned the human being and founded a community to live more intelligently and harmoniously with nature. OMTIMES • DECEMBER B
We accounted that 60% of all material used in school were recycled. Since 2014, residents of the region were introduced to the project and have done their best to make it a reality to their community.
Michael E. "Mike" Reynolds is an American architect based in New Mexico, known for the design and construction of "Earthship"passive solar houses. He is a proponent of "radically sustainable living." He has been a critic of the profession of architecture in general for its adherence to conventional theory and practice, and he advocates the reuse of alternative building materials from waste streams, such as automobile tires, and is known for designs that test the limits of building codes. For 45 years he has created Earthship, specializing in low-cost, sustainable buildings. The school in Jaureguiberry, Uruguay, has solar panels & power plates and windmills to generate energy, as well as vegetable gardens and orchards to produce organic food.
200 volunteers from Uruguay and other neighboring countries put their hands into this project during the seven weeks of construction attempting to learn the Reynolds method and later replicate it, in other community schools around the world.
The goal is to re-signify the school, making it a placeholder for the community, public and private sector, with learning about innovation and sustainability from construction to classes about “Green Management�.
The sustainable school can serve about 100 students per year, with a teaching model that puts them in direct contact with nature and the environment. The goal is to resignify the school, making it a placeholder for the community, public and private sector, with learning about innovation and sustainability from construction to classes about “Green Management”. Water scarcity and pollution are the fruits of human irresponsibility and have serious consequences. With this scenario, it is possible to teach children sustainability concepts from an early age so that they live well and transform this Earth in a better world. It would be great if they learned it at school, right? But, this is not a distant dream, not anymore. OMTIMES • DECEMBER B
The goal, says the teacher Rita Montans, is to create a kind of code of conduct to care for the environment, as well as an "environmental cross" or "green cross" that students could administer, as well as the "red cross" that still exists in some schools of the continent. Teachers receive special training to teach at the sustainable school, both in terms of adapting the syllabi of the subjects and in a more autonomous management of the building. There is no better learning than living, "says director and head master of the School, Ms. Alvarez." Whether children can apply or not "what they have learned is important," the seed is planted, "he concludes confidently.
The Eco-Escola SustentĂĄvel currently serves 45 children. But, the aim is to benefit up to 100 students, with a teaching methodology based on care for the environment, nature, rational use of natural resources and compassionate living.learned is important," the seed is planted, "he concludes confidently. The school, which received the approval of education authorities, could be built thanks to private funding and the efforts of a local NGO, and opened its doors in March 2016 and have been operating successfully ever since. V i s i t m o r e A l l
e a r t h s h i p g l o b a l . c o m i n f o r m a t i o n
p h o t o s
Š U n a
a b o u t
E s c u e l a
f o r
E a r t h s h i p s . S u s t a i n a b l e
December B 2018 Contributors Writers
Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac Ascending Hearts Carmen Harra Humanity Healing John Holland Judi Lynch Keen Leanne, The Barefoot Medium Leigh Burton Maria Sirota MD OMTimes Staff Sandie Sedgbeer Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari Simone Milasas
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