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Beyond Mars and Venus Dr. John Gray Interviewed by Carmen Harra
OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition
John Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. USA Today listed his book as one of the top 10 most influential books of the last quarter-century.
In hardcover, it was the #1 best selling book of the 1990s. Dr. Gray’s books are translated into approximately 45 languages in more than 100 countries and continues to be a bestseller. Dr. Gray has written over 20 books. His most recent book is Beyond Mars and Venus: new relationship skills for our complex modern world. His Mars/Venus book series has forever changed the way men and women view their relationships. He has appeared repeatedly on Oprah, as well as on The Dr. Oz Show, TODAY, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, and others. He has been profiled in Time, Forbes, USA Today, and People. He was also the subject of a three-hour special hosted by Barbara Walters. John Gray lives in Northern California, where for 34 years he happily shared his life with his beautiful wife, Bonnie, until her passing in 2018. They have three grown daughters and four grandchildren. He is an avid follower of his own health and relationship advice. OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition
OMTimes magazine FEB • 2021
I'm honored to present our extraordinary interviewee Dr. John Gray. We are all familiar with his book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. In fact, it became the most wellknown and trusted relationship book of all time. The USA Today
Dr. Gray has a most recent book called Beyond Mars and Venus. His approach combines communication Techniques with healthy nutritional choices that create the brain and body chemistry for lasting health, happiness, and romance.
listed this book as one of the top 10 most influential books of the last quarter-century.
You may access his many books, blogs, and free online workshops at www.marsandvenus.com,
But Dr. John Gray did not stop there.
He has written over 20
books translated into 45 languages in more than 100 countries and continue to be best-sellers.
His Mars-Venus
book series has forever changed the way men and women view their relationships.
I admire Dr. Gray not only for his extensive work on relationships and his profound understanding of human nature. I admire him for his unique and unconditional love for his wife and soulmate, Bonnie, so I said to myself, without his permission, I decided to dedicate this interview to his beautiful wife, Bonnie Gray.
Dr. John Gray: I appreciate you dedicating this interview to my wife, Bonnie. Carmen, if you know, Bonnie passed two years ago of cancer. You honor me. You are a special person. I feel love and spiritual energy flowing through you. CARMEN HARRA: Dr. Gray, what inspired you to write your latest book, Beyond Mars and Venus? DR. JOHN GRAY: I will try to keep my answers as short as possible, which is challenging. So, why did I write this new book, Beyond Mars and Venus? It's like re-writing Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus 25 years later because Today, many women feel like they're from Mars, male energy.
OMTimes magazine FEB • 2021
As spiritual beings, which happens the more spiritual we become in our lives, the more access we have to connect with our souls. The soul is both masculine and feminine. In this life, it chooses to be male or female, and sometimes if you've been a male for a long time, you say, now I'm going over to the female side. Still, your male side is more manageable, it's more comfortable, and vice versa for men. As a little boy, I must have had many lives as a female because I really understand women so well. As a little boy, I watched my dad shave, and I'd go, oh, my God, how will I ever do that. I don't know if I can do that, and then when I realized you had to work for money to have a life, I thought, how can I do that? I didn't yet have the training in how to be a man, but it takes practice, and if you don't have that, it makes it easier for men to go to their female energy. Actually, we know Today that women, when they're stressed, make more male hormones. They're not making the female hormones necessary for the body to come back into equilibrium and happiness. When men are angry or sad, or passive, irritable, grumpy, or lose their libido, their male hormone, Testosterone, is deficient. Their female hormone, Estrogen, is very high. Simply put, we are now a society that's pretty much-experiencing role reversal. Men have lower male energy; women have higher male energy. Men have more female energy, which means female energy is feeling dependent on others to be happy. If you think about women throughout history, they depend on a man to protect them and provide them to do the things in the home. Women don't rely on men and don't know what they can depend on men for. Often women say, "Getting married, why? It's like having another child. I've got two". And men become like a child. They become passive, and you have to take care of them. That's OK if you're cooking for your husband or cleaning up after him if you felt he was doing something difficult or dangerous so that you would have food on the table and safety. But when your husband is just watching video games, it's not that thrilling.
America is based upon the idea we want freedom and equality. So, the male part of us wants freedom, the female part of us wants intimacy, and women can smoothly go to their male side. It feels so good because they're free from the bounds of just being in the home and doing nurturing and intimate things like that. They have a balance. If I don't have to work for men, I can do more enjoyable jobs, then I go to my female side. There are so many things like drugs, I can depend on them. Dependency becomes an addiction, and for men, you have so much more addiction in men than women. Actually, women do have an addiction where they're addicted to their male side. You can't relax. You're on the go all the time. Must do, must do. That's a woman's brain Today. She tends to be addicted to feeling overwhelmed to doing, and that's her male energy. Men get addicted to their female energy sitting in front of a TV set, watching a game, and drinking a beer. Biologically, what's happening for men is their Estrogen levels are rising as they get older, and their Testosterone levels are going down.
It doesn't have to be that way. Nature is such that our Estrogen, as men, our female energy will increase as we get older, but it shouldn't have to mean that our male energy goes down. That's the thing. Like most men, I have a high Estrogen level, almost 70 years old, but my Testosterone is like a young 25-year-old. So, I have both those hormones, which are not common Today, but it was expected a long time ago. We have changed, and in the last 30 years, we've changed a lot.
A man's sense of self is defined through his ability to achieve results. As women have become more independent, it's hard for them not to be overwhelmed and turn off the brain. It's hard for men to feel the kind of motivation and selflessness men used to feel when they'd go off to battle. CARMEN HARRA: All of these changes have a lot to do with how we express ourselves. Have a lot to do with the hormonal changes. It is challenging to balance everything in the brain with neurotransmitters and hormones. You put it in a way we can rethink what's happening to us in a way we never did before.
OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition
DR. JOHN GRAY: These are new ways of thinking. You know why they do. It's because we're facing a new challenge that's never happened before on a large scale and this massive opportunity with every new challenge. Still, there's also an enormous risk if you don't adapt, and I'm trying to help people adapt to these changes, so they thrive. CARMEN HARRA: So they thrive, and how do you feel that this psychological and emotional evolution and hormonal transformation is actually going to affect love relationships with people? DR. JOHN GRAY: So now I speak a little biology. What happens in the body is that there's an imbalance going on. It has two primary causes, maybe three significant reasons. Let me talk about the first two. One is I feel that in the '60s, there was a spiritual revolution. I was a child of the '60s. I grew long hair, and I wanted to get high, learned to meditate, I'd demonstrate for peace, I didn't want to go to Vietnam. The women during the '60s were all out there going free sex, and let's change the world, let's run the companies, we're all going to become CEOs and break the glass ceiling, and they were thrilled. It was like we were roused. Women were inspired to become free, to be their masculine side, and men were so excited to be free, go on to their female side and enjoy life more. Love, peace, happiness, learn to meditate. That was the whole thing. So it's just my experience. One day I was meditating, and it wasn't like an internal talking to me, that happens all the time, but literally, a voice spoke out loud to me. It just seemed so loud and so unusual. It said, "Hi John." That was it.
OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition
Whatever we're going to call that voice, if it was the perfect balance of powerful masculinity or something else. Something you could trust and depend on and just were inspired to be next to and so much feminine love and caring. It was so loving and beautiful. How both those things could co-exist, and then I realized, wow, as we become more spiritual, we become one with a masculine and feminine spirit.
So I feel an essential shift has happened. You know, often people in a kind of newage community, whatever, talk about ascension. I think we ascended then and ascended to a part of our brain that can self-reflect and embrace both our male and female sides. Think of a pendulum going from one direction to another. You've been way over on the female side. As you're moving to the male side, that Centerpoint is the magic place where we connect with our divine self, both masculine and feminine.
Another thing happened simultaneously: Monsanto came along and created these potent, powerful pesticides that are basically called Xenoestrogens. They come into your body, these pesticides in our food. They started in the '90s.
Still, we're happiest when we give if we have an open heart that says I have received so much that I want to give back. If you give to get, it doesn't make female hormones. CARMEN HARRA: Exactly. This changes the way we function, the way we think, and how we will evolve in the future. Is the question all of this is going to affect the evolution of relationships long term? DR. JOHN GRAY: Here's the evolution of relationships. I'll give you an example. Right now, I'm in a flow state. Talking to you, I went into an even higher state of flow state where the divine flowed through me because of your presence and our oneness. You're giving and receiving at the same time. It's a little bit like what parenting helps us learn to do: when you give to your children, you're giving it to yourself. You get that oneness with them. It goes to a higher flow state when you can give to others that are not your children and connect with them, and it's giving to yourself.
So that's a fascinating metaphor for looking at it. On a spiritual level, we've ascended. We have permission, freedom within ourselves if we use that freedom. Not everybody uses that. You can swing from one side, and you can go to the other.
When these pesticides get into the food, they touch the body. Inside the body, we eat them and these pesticides, the body doesn't know what to do with them. They bind with estrogen receptor sites and message the brain that you have plenty of female hormones. So, for a woman, if she has plenty of female hormones, then she naturally goes to the male side to balance it. So just being exposed to pesticides causes women to become more masculine. It's also proven that pesticides lower Testosterone in males. It raises Testosterone in women because we're like complements to each other.
Most people don't have the skills to do that, so it's happening in this role reversal. So that's one explanation of why role reversal kills passion. We're no longer connected to that part of us that needs each other and is different from each other. It's the differences that create a connection. Our Similarities create connections. And our Differences create attraction, So there's a dance. Back to your question, what's the evolution of relationships? If people could experience growing in love and passion, they would realize that the only way to get to that place is through commitment and marriage. I'll share a quick little story. I travel and teach seminars, and I was becoming more and more famous then. I went away to Iowa, and someone invited me to give a seminar there. Evidently, it was at some wealthy woman's house, and I thought, well, that's fine. The conference was over, and I was going to bed and, wearing sexy lingerie, she came into my bedroom and wanted to have sex with me. Well, I'm in a monogamous relationship. This had never happened to me. I'm not like some rich, famous guy that women want to jump in bed with, but suddenly I'd become one. Anyway, I did not have sex with her, and I went home, and I told Bonnie. I said, "Bonnie, there was this woman, and she came into my room, and I was away, and you know how much I enjoy sex with you. I could actually have enjoyed sex with her, and it would just have been a joyful experience, and it doesn't mean I don't love you. Would you give me permission to do that?"
OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition
She said, "John, I'm not in control of you, but I want you to know how it makes me feel, and whether these feelings are right or wrong, I don't know. All I know is that if I thought that when you travel to other places and a woman wanted to have sex with you, my heart would just close down. I would be so afraid of losing you to a younger, more beautiful woman, and I just don't feel like I could grow in loving you, and it's hard enough for me to trust because of my own issues. To grow in love, I need that from you." So I said, "OK, then you have it." I just needed a logical reason to do it, and clearly, that was her experience. Now, there's a truth to that. We know that many men can grow in power if they're successful, making them more attractive to women.
If they're young and beautiful, women can attract men, and women know as they get older they lose some of that power unless they know their real power, which we can get to, but most women don't know that. So, there's always a threat that I could lose him, but there's even something more that I discovered through monogamy. The second thing I learned by being monogamous with my wife is that I bonded with her more. The more you know somebody, the more deeply you can go into sex and enjoy that passion. What happens is many men go, oh, you give up your freedom, and I said no, you don't understand. When you learn how to have a good relationship, open-hearted sex, your intimate moments are open-hearted. What happens is that you bond so profoundly that to bond with somebody else would be eating junk food. For me, there was this realization that I didn't give up any freedom.
Part of that came from the recognition that the purpose of sex for a man is he thinks it's just sex and pleasure and so forth, but I learned early on that the purpose of sex for men is to feel the deep love in their hearts. Sex can open a man's heart up more than anything in most cases because sex by its nature is estrogen-producing. As long as you feel successful and know how to do it, your wife thinks you're successful as a husband. Your testosterone levels go to higher levels at that time than at any other time. So what happens is that by having a monogamous relationship, you can go to higher and higher levels of sexual fulfillment because the love increases. When you just meet somebody, whatever, there's a sense of newness that creates a passion, but that newness always goes away. In previous generations, people accepted that. They said that's the honeymoon period. It goes away.
OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition People Today want to have that fantastic, intimate experience of masculinefeminine energies being activated together. We call that romance and passion. The men might call it out of your mind sex, OK, fantastic sex. If it's so incredible, why would I want to think about it with somebody else?
" I remember one of my single guys saying, "Once a week? You know, I'm having sex three times a day with my girlfriend." I said, "Yes, how many weeks is this relationship going to last? Show me 34 years of great sex." What I didn't know then is that I just said I'm going to follow my own intuition here and do what feels natural to me. I'm not going to force it.
So what happened is now the Japanese have done a study, and they've proven that when you have sex once a week, that means when you have sex with I wrote a book called Mars men, they ejaculate. After men have Venus in the Bedroom. I ejaculated in sex, their testosterone couldn't put this in the levels and male energy are cut in half. book because I didn't have This is measurable. That is kind of like the research. Still, Bonnie Saturday night sex, and then Sunday and I have practiced, morning we're going to sit at church, or generally speaking, we only we're going to watch the football game. had sex once a week. I didn't know why because there was pressure on me as a relationship expert. People always say, "How much sex do you have?" If I said "Once a week," they'd say, "Only once a week?"
He will double, and he becomes the man who can make passionate love to his wife. We now know that when a man's testosterone levels double, it dramatically increases a woman's estrogen levels so that she can open her heart. Isn't that amazing? Have that scientists showed that? CARMEN HARRA: It's just amazing. This is the most fantastic thing I've heard in a long time. I had no idea.
DR. JOHN GRAY: Now we have a scientific reason We're not going to do much. Men's for monogamy. Biology energy drops, and anybody who's is actually built for married has seen that. So the energy monogamy. Everybody level drops in a man afterward. What talks about how men's biologically happens his Testosterone biology is not made for went down 50% from where it was on monogamy. Actually, it Saturday evening. Now, if he doesn't is. People talk about ejaculate for six days, on the seventh that, but nobody day when he wakes up, his testosterone understands what I'm levels will be twice as high. about to explain.
When a man has sex with a woman who doesn't love him, his Testosterone will go down 50%, and he will crave to be in another sexual experience as quickly as possible. If sex produces so much dopamine, it's like taking a hit of cocaine or eating an Oreo Cookie. Try eating one. That's the nature of a high hit of dopamine. It goes up, and then it goes down, and you want it again and again and again. However, if a man makes love – this has been tested by the Italians – if a man has sex with a woman that he knows, that he's married to and loves him, that man's Testosterone goes down like other men. Still, another hormone gets produced, and that hormone is called prolactin. Prolactin inhibits his sexual desire for six days until his testosterone levels double. He's now super-attracted to his wife again.
We have a conditioned response, which you're very familiar with. Still, for everybody else, the conditioned response is called the Pavlovian response. To a great extent, everything is conditioned responses until, by the way, we're in a stress-free state. We have to change the behavior based on the response, and we grow new neural pathways in the brain. We have the ability as humans to recondition ourselves and be free of the conditioning of previous generations, but that takes awareness and work. CARMEN HARRA: I feel that this is different from individual to individual because people have different hormone levels. DR. JOHN GRAY: Now, here's the next thing when it comes to despair that I love talking about, and that is Freud explained this idea and, boy, did I experience it more profoundly when I lost Bonnie. He calls it a 'need integrate.' Are you familiar with that term? CARMEN HARRA: Yes.
So, it is built in to be monogamous, but only monogamous with a woman who loves you.
If a man feels loved in sex, his body will make this hormone prolactin, and prolactin is generally only produced by women when they're breast-feeding. So, it's a female hormone, but when a man has sex with his wife, who loves him, he will produce prolactin. Prolactin has the effect of lowering your sexual desire for six days. So amazing. Then on the seventh day, it doubles, though if you have sex once a week in having sex that satisfies her, now that's another aspect of all of this.
DR. JOHN GRAY: Most people are not, so let me explain it to most people. A 'need integrate' means that we all have conscious awareness or an unconscious awareness that we need love. We need nurturing, we need someone to care, we need to feel understood, we need to feel appreciated, we need to feel trusted. These are all forms of love. We need that, we require that, and the more we're no longer in a realm of survival that needs becomes more vigorous, as I mentioned before. We simplify by saying our need for love. A 'need integrate' that Freud explained was that "I need love," and now Bonnie gives me love. I can depend on Bonnie to love me.
OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition
The brain goes through a change. The brain is plastic. It reorganizes itself, and it shifts gears from I need love to I to need Bonnie, and if Bonnie dies, that monkey brain inside of me is bonded to her. You see, I don't need love. I need her. So, if she's gone, then I can't have what I need, and that's the pain that we go through until we reorganize the brain to experience that in the absence of Bonnie. No, it's a very, very big process—a massive operation. Men and women do it differently. That will be another book that I can write, because often everybody wanted to come and talk to me, whatever. I needed to be in my cave because I process my stress as a man, but I needed to know how to process that pain and most men are not adept at it. So, you'll see men, more than women, commit suicide after the death of a spouse or even after an emotional breakup. It can be so painful. Maybe for some, it's not as painful as they tend to solve the problem by getting in a relationship right away. The average is on a divorce – I don't know what the standards are on death, but I know that a man will be married in three years on the average of divorce. A woman may never marry again, or it will be nine years before she's ready. Because women, the female side, it bonds more profoundly because bonding is a big estrogen thing. Therefore, one of the simple, practical tools for any of the guys listening. You have to realize something Bonnie told me for years, I finally got it because women have a greater need for reassurance.
OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition
Now, men require reassurance that they don't realize. What we need is what often women might say 'stroke his ego,' but he's looking for reassurance that you see him as a successful male. Celebrate the depth of our love and continue finding that love. You know, I remember once watching a movie of a guy who'd been in jail for a murder rap, and finally, they found out he was innocent. After 32 years of being a hardened person in prison, he got out of jail, and some woman took compassion on him and had sex with him. They didn't end up falling in love, or whatever. She was just being kind, cutting his hair, and she realized what he'd been through, and they ended up having sex. This scene showed you could only see his heart.
It was like the emotional pain, tears, and agony, at the same time pleasure, came forth because he felt again. If you go way, way over to the male side where you're not having a sense of purpose, you can stop feeling anything. You just detach from feelings altogether. So, here he was feeling again, and feeling all the pain he had suppressed was coming up. This is often why when women have orgasms, they will cry, and guys go why you are crying. She says I'm crying tears of joy, but actually, it's letting go of those deep fears of being alone that can happen. CARMEN HARRA: I want to remind everyone; we have a free course that Dr. Gray is offering to the OMTimes Readers. It's called How to Get Everything You Want in Relationships for Women, Men, Couples, and Singles. To access the free course, go to www.marsvenus.com/welcome-start-here. So, this is the way you access this fantastic course
OMTimes Magazine | February 2021 Edition
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Why You Should Never Lose Hope In Dealing With Your Mental Health Issues By: Stan Popovich
OM TIMES | February 2021
struggled with fear and anxiety
In time, I became better able to
for over 20 years, and there were
deal with my fears and anxieties.
times I felt like giving up.
Whenever I encountered a fearful and anxiety-related situation, I would
During these times, my anxieties
apply the techniques I learned from
and fears were so powerful that I had
the professionals and my research.
trouble getting through the week. It was very tough; however, I did not lose
Instead of looking at my struggles as
a problem, I looked at each situation
as a learning experience. For example, I remembered when I first learned to ice skate. In the beginning, I fell down all the time,
To get through those difficult times,
but I kept getting back up even
the first thing I did was admit that I
though it was challenging. Over time,
had a problem. I then took steps to
I did not fall as much, and eventually,
find a mental health counselor who
I was able to skate without falling
could help me with my situation. I also
made an effort to learn as much as I could in dealing with fear and anxiety by reading many books and doing a lot of personal research. I knew that the answers I was looking for were out there and all I had to do was make an effort to find them. Over time, I became deeply knowledgeable on dealing with fear and anxiety, which helped me in the long run.
OM TIMES | February 2021
It was very tough and scary dealing
thoughts, which told me that I would
with my anxieties. However, I made an
not make it.
effort to determine which techniques worked for me. I would then write
I also realized that you can’t predict
down this information in a small
the future. A person maybe 99%
correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is 1% to make a difference.
The next time I encountered a
You can’t expect or anticipate
similar situation, I was better able to
factors and circumstances that can
deal with my anxieties by reading
make the difference in your current
my notes. This prevented me from
repeating the same mistakes I made in the past.
The key is not to give up and to seek help from professionals. You are
Praying and asking God for help was a
not alone when it comes to your
tremendous asset in getting through
mental health challenges. There
my challenges. I was able to manage
are many support groups in your
my anxieties and fears by using the
area where you can get assistance
Grace of God. Including God in my
and meet others who can relate to
life gave me the hope and the faith to
your circumstances. Your situation
continue on during my mental health
is not hopeless. By making the right
struggles. Never underestimate the
decisions, you will eventually be able
power of God when it comes to your
to get your life back on track.
mental health issues. Stan Popovich is the author of
the popular managing fear book, “A Layman’s Guide To Managing Fear.” For more information
Whenever I struggled with my fear
about Stan’s book and to get
and anxiety, I made it a habit to take
some free mental health advice,
things one day at a time. I made
please visit Stan’s website at www.
an effort not to dwell on my fearful
OM TIMES | February 2021
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
The Purpose of Living By Dashan Goswami, M.S., P.E.
OM TIMES | February 2021
he Purpose of life is what
While we mortals just try to live day-
you want to make out of
to-day, the eternal Purpose of Life
it. Each of us has a unique
still eludes us. All our considering,
purpose in life, and our
technology and sophistication yet
happiness, growth, and success
haven't solved the fundamental
lie in its realization. As humans,
riddle posed by two indelible human
this purpose is to understand our
existence facts—Life and Death. In
relationship to a broader reality
this article, I will attempt to share with
than our own — God-realization and
you my thoughts on the Purpose of
realization of one's True Nature as
Pure Consciousness. We were all created to be happy and Have you ever asked yourself?
have purposeful lives. As human
• Who am I?
beings, we are blessed with a brain
• Why am I here?
and conscience; and so can decide
• What is my purpose in life?
what we want to make of our lives.
• Is life more than just a brief period
Often, a purpose is imposed on an individual by family, culture,
on earth?
government, or even individuals Such questions have baffled the
who seek to control others for their
greatest thinkers and philosophers
own satisfaction. We strive to learn
down through the ages. Living, in
the Purpose of our lives here on
itself, is not enough. Life, in itself, is
earth. We must remember that
not the goal.
true fulfillment is not found in our outward achievements but in what
Most of us are so busy and caught up in day-to-day existence that we do not have time to think about the Purpose of Living. It seems that our lives revolve around daily routines and worldly demands rather than striving for fulfillment. Religions preach about real Purpose, and philosophers have pondered the mystery for centuries.
we accomplish within ourselves.
WHY WOULD I WANT TO KNOW MY PURPOSE? What would you like to ask the Supreme Being if you could get a direct and immediate answer? A poll in USA Today reports that the
OM TIMES | February 2021
#1 question people would like to ask
driven people experience more
God is "What's my purpose of Living?"
contentment and have more success
According to Swami Rama, "A human
and financial rewards than most
being is a citizen of two worlds. The
other people. By taking the time to
world within and the world without
understand your purpose in life, you'll
are two entirely separate realities.
have more satisfaction and more
The external world dissipates energy,
energy and focus on achieving that
but the internal world showers
purpose. Until you find your Purpose
blessings that fill the world's vacuum.
and begin fulfilling it, you will never
Conquering the inner world is more
be pleased.
difficult than succeeding in the kingdom of life in the external world."
Knowing your true Purpose leads to real joy, satisfaction, and happiness
My incentive for knowing/finding my
as you strive to fulfill your dream life.
Purpose lies in my own future. My
Studies have shown that purpose-
most satisfaction would be to look
OM TIMES | February 2021
back on my life and know that I gave
if I made enough money, I would be
my all unselfishly to make a difference
happy and fulfilled. But it didn't work
in the lives of those less fortunate.
out that way. The more I followed the
Nothing could be more important
path of material possessions, the less
than finding and fulfilling my life's
satisfied I became. Consequently, I
purpose from this point of view.
no longer believe that materialism is the way to true fulfillment. I have
But how and where can the Purpose
learned that God will give you what
for your life be discovered? Our
you want, making future steps more
jobs, daily responsibilities, or even
comfortable and more transparent
long-term goals are not the true
if you understand your Purpose and
Purpose, the real reason why we're
practice it in your daily living.
here on earth. I believe that our
Many people believe that you have to
most fundamental human desire
give up all your worldly possessions
is happiness. I also thought that
and devote all your time to helping
happiness could be achieved through
others, without regard for your own
material possessions. I presumed that
wants and needs. While such self-
OM TIMES | February 2021
sacrifice may be admirable, the most important thing to understand is that
your Supreme Purpose cannot be found by searching outside yourself.
To discover real Purpose, one must
To find your Purpose, you need
first empty the mind of all the false
to search within yourself. Various
intentions acquired in daily living.
meditation methods can help you
We must understand that, while our
to "look within" and realize your real
present life and body will come to
an end, whatever we do during our OM TIMES | February 2021
life influences our ultimate future.
Accepting death will help realize
According to Eastern teachings,
that life is temporary, a journey of
death is not the end of life. At
learning and growth that culminates
death, we acquire a new body based
in understanding that God, or the
on our previous activities (karma)
eternal Reality, is within you. Without
and desires, being reincarnated
this awareness, our Purpose remains
as any of the 8.4 million species
shrouded by body consciousness and
of life on any planet within the
ignorance, believing that life has no
universe. This cycle of birth, death,
ultimate goal or meaning. But, as soon
and transmigration continues
as we turn our attention back to God,
indefinitely. There is an exceptional
this illusion is removed, and we are
opportunity in this cycle for humans
free from fear. However, achieving this
because we are endowed with
level of enlightenment is an arduous
intelligence to inquire into the real
journey that must begin by examining
purpose of life. Unless this milestone
the inward self. Even Buddha spent
is reached, life is in vain.
years in solitude before realizing his Purpose, and Jesus went off into the
We are eternal living beings - we are not this body but an immortal spirit soul. While the body will die,
desert to discover the truth.
our real self, the spirit soul, will never succumb to death. The body
Finding the true purpose of life
is merely a temporary vessel. When
begins by understanding our real
it becomes old or useless, the soul
nature, transferring our earthly
takes on a new body, much like
desires to spiritual, and turning our
changing clothes. Some view the
attention back to God. When we re-
prospect of death and changing
establish contact with God, even
bodies as unnatural, unpleasant,
ordinary activities and relationships
and depressing. The notion fails to
we pursue take on new meaning
consider that the unpleasantness of
and significance, no longer being
birth, death, diseases, old age, and
temporary or illusionary. Ultimately,
other miseries of this world are due
it will enable us to go back to our
to forgetting our real spiritual nature
eternal home. There we can forever
and relationship with God.
engage in blissful loving service to OM TIMES | February 2021
the Supreme Lord without being
live by is important, critical even, to
subjected to the stringent laws of
personal satisfaction and happiness.
birth, death, old age, disease, and Creating a purposeful life begins with
changing your attitude and thoughts. Being human is a precious gift.
Give thanks to God for what you have
Finding real Purpose makes life
and, most of all, enjoy it! When you
more enjoyable. More importantly,
live life with Purpose, giving to others
the mind and spirit are infused
without expecting anything in return,
with a mission and a direction. This
prosperity will result. It took me a while
Purpose attracts and causes more
to grasp this concept. But now, doing
opportunities for fulfillment and
things for others unselfishly gives me
enjoyment. Choosing a purpose to
pure joy and true inner happiness.
OM TIMES | February 2021
Now let me tell you a secret of true
great spirits, and leave this world in
happiness. When you wake up each
peace. All of us have been blessed
day, recite a little prayer of gratitude
with precious gifts by God. What really
to the Lord for the immense pleasures
matters is what we do with these gifts
of life and the opportunity to be of
during our lifetime. Ask yourself a
unselfish service to others. By doing
simple question, what are you doing
so, your subconscious mind picks up
to help others? If you have found your
the positive feeling and energy, and
Purpose, you will discover the answer
you will realize the Purpose of your life.
(as I have) that the more you share
When you recognize your Purpose, you
your gifts unselfishly; God will shower
see things more positively. This insight
you with more skills in return.
releases tremendous amounts of positive vibrations that, in turn, attract more positive energy. It all starts when you focus on your life's real purpose, to liberate the soul and get redemption from the cycle of death and rebirth. Meditation is an extremely effective way of learning your real Purpose. Finally, life's purpose is to serve others, realize the truth (Self), and believe in Supreme Power. It is for these that this human life and this human birth have been received. Being human has given you a golden opportunity. Make the best use of it. When you are connected to your spiritual purpose, your life becomes more comfortable, satisfying, and rewarding. Be generous and give yourself away and serve humanity unselfishly. Live consciously and courageously, resonate with love and compassion to awaken others'
Darshan Goswami has more than 40 years of experience in the energy field. He worked as a Project Manager for Renewable Energy, Micro-grid, and Smart Grid projects at the United States Department of Energy (DOE) in Pittsburgh. Earlier, he was a Chief of Renewable Energy at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, DC. Mr. Goswami is a registered professional electrical engineer with a passion and commitment to promote, develop, and deploy Renewable Energy and the Hydrogen Economy. In dedication to his life serving humanity and poor people, the author supports India Foundation for Children Education and Care, Inc. (www.ifcare.org).
OM TIMES | February 2021
Yoga Nidrathe Sleep Kriya
leep is a moment of
thoughts. Sleep resets our minds.
rejuvenation and the space of
The quality of sleep matters and is
timelessness to incubate our
directly proportional to the well-
minds. Yogic sleep empowers
being of our mind and body.
the mind to expand in Consciousness. For a Yogi, sleep is a sacred moment. Sleep quality affects the quality
The vaster Consciousness is expanded.
of our mind’s abilities to perceive,
The deeper the rest, and lesser the
remember and produce optimal
time needed to sleep.
OM TIMES | February 2021
Yogic deep sleep has no dreams. Time
came to see Ayya were served Ayya’s
condenses, requiring the shorter time
tea. He seldom spoke to anyone other
of needed rest. Upon awakening from
than his helpers. After two hours, the
a yogic sleep, it should feel a brand-
helpers would again close up the cave
new moment filled in optimism, mind
entrance so Ayya to enter back into his
supercharged, body healed, and each
solitude until the next day.
thought from clarity. I spent my time sitting outside the Turiya is the attainment of yoga.
cave through the night, wanting
Superconscious states of mind.
to absorb his meditative energies. Through the night, I heard Ayya
Yogis who master Consciousness can
speaking to the Divine. Sometimes he
condense sleep to the extent of going
would burst into ecstasy singing. He
beyond “sleep,” the state of turiya,
was in a vortex of powerful energies-
called the sleepless rest.
in states of perpetual overflowing joy. It was now easy to understand
My experience of the states of
how Ayya had transcended sleep- he
turiya was with my Guru Ayya, who
was in the realms of turiya, the super
meditated atop near the peak of
consciousness state of mind. It was
Arunachala mountain. He drank a
this sublime ecstasy experience that
glass of milk a day, never moved,
inspired me to create my music, Turiya
and he never slept. I would climb
Nada. To know the conditions of turiya
up the mountain to be near his
is to understand the three states of
cave enclosure through the night to
mind- sleep, dream, and awake- as an
meditate. At the beginning of my need
observer. Sleep and mastery of sleep is
to sit near Ayya was my curiosity. What
the vital element in the attainment of
made Ayya love his solitude and inner
states of turiya.
journey so much that it made him cut off entirely from the external world and
My quest to learn more about sleep
journey within? Once a day, early in the
made me eager to ask enlightened
morning, his devotees would remove
Masters. In my pilgrimages during my
thorn bushes that blocked Ayya’s cave
years, seeking my Light within through
entrance, and Ayya would start a fire
solitude was another of my Gurus,
to make herbal tea. All pilgrims who
Siddha Maha Siva Swamy. Maha Siva
OM TIMES | February 2021
Swamy lived in a forest shrine of Nambi
me.� I did not tell him how that old
Hills, a tiger sanctuary all by himself.
tiger could have become a maneater.
I enjoyed every moment with him as
I felt safe with him knowing he
he was alright taking my questions,
must have the higher vibrations
and he would answer me. I remember
safeguarding him.
walking with him through the jungle to reach Nambi Hills. It felt eerie initially.
When we reached this sacred shrine
It felt unsafe as I knew this was a tiger
after a five-mile walk through the
sanctuary, and only a few would walk
forest, we bathed in the sacred jungle
into this forest. I asked him if he ever
stream and did our puja (worship)
felt afraid walking in this forest all by
in the evening. As night time came,
himself, mentioning how frightened
I told Maha Siva Swamy I needed to
he should be of the tigers. He smiled
learn how to sleep. I had watched
at me and said, “Tigers walk away from
him enter into samadhi many times,
human sensing us. But some tigers
with ease. Any time he entered into
are too old. One old tiger would sit over
samadhi, the whole area around him
there and roar. Its roar was so weak,
would buzz in Light. I was sure that if
unlike others. But they never will harm
he could enter into samadhi with so
OM TIMES | February 2021
much ease and meditate through days
I heard was his snoring. He was fast
and nights, he must have mastered the
asleep in another world. Soon I fell
art of sleep.
asleep too.
We lay side by side near the ancient
What I learned from these ultimate
Temple entrance on the ground with
moments with Guru Ayya and Guru
cloth underneath me. He did not need
Maha Siva Swamy the mind in its
anything underneath him. I asked him
journey. The mind in its states of being
what he was doing with his breath
awake, sleep, and realms beyond sleep
and how he was preparing his mind
are states of Consciousness. These
for sleep. He said, ” Go into the mantra
Yogis had mastered Consciousness
fires. Surrender your breath. Descend
itself by being able to enter the
into your heart. Fall asleep there.” I
sleepless sleep realms of Turiya. Ever
spent the next few minutes trying
since, I have delved deep to make
what he told me. A few minutes later,
sense of sleep to understand sleep as
I was ready to ask the following few
a tool of wellbeing, an instrument to
questions. I said, “Swamy, now that I
intense meditation, and a proponent to
am in my heart, now what?”… and all
enhance the mind’s clarity.
OM TIMES | February 2021
OM TIMES | February 2021
Water as energy cleanses away
unwanted thoughts.
Through the day, attain, maintain
Do gentle stretches or yin yoga before
and generate ease of mind. Do
bed if feeling unable to cope with
yoga, meditate & do pranayama or
stress or worries. The best yoga always
run, play basketball or walk. Doing
happens when our mind is low. Yoga
physical activities does tune the
helps us come back into our bodies.
mind into a long-lasting meditative
Meditate using mantra chants.
Even if for just 5 minutes. Make this moment a time of prayer. All the reality
Doing puja (worship of the Divine)
experiences; thoughts, anxieties, needs,
or prayers help to set the mind in a
wish, fear- and emotions; surrender
meditative state through the day.
into the mantra fires. Let go of realities
Prayers allow us to discard worries,
to the Divine Source God. No realities
anxieties & stress.
belonged to us before birth. Now in sleep, consider it the moment of death
Every breath enters our core of
when all of the realities are surrendered
harmony within retention- with
to Source God.
mindfulness & awareness. Being in a continuous meditative state
throughout the day nourishes the mind that requires less time to
Select Consciousness expanding books.
revitalize. The meditative mind works
Set a habit to read before sleeping
for sleeping effectively.
every day. Reading conscious books imprints the mind with good thoughts.
Set a daily time to shut down our work and prepare for bed.
Lay down on the bed, turning over to
Scheduling and setting a daily time
the left side. Use pillows or elbows as
helps the mind subconsciously tune
props and start reading the book. Be
into the sleep ready mode.
aware of the right breath that gains predominance as we rest our body on
Just before getting to bed, shower,
the left. We are tapping into the moon
bathe, or wash our face & forehead.
energies of breath that activates sleep.
OM TIMES | February 2021
OM TIMES | February 2021
Sleep will come soon, especially if the
– Upon waking up, the first thoughts
book is philosophical in nature. Chase
on arising out of sleep are reaching
sleep away by wanting to read more.
out to the mantra recitation and
Affirm for ourselves that the night is
connecting our mind to Source God.
young, and we have all night to read.
Our first thoughts, “Please, God
Sleep will come as a threatening lion
Source, give me the right thoughts.”
or a cute puppy wanting to be held.
Our first prayers- rub both the palms
Chase it away! Close eyes a minute
thinking of our Mother as our left
when sleepiness gets heavy. And start
palm and our Father as our right
reading again.
palm in gratefulness. Feel every cell in our body grateful to our Mother
– Now we are ready to sleep. Put away the book. Flip over to the right
& Father. Place it over our eyelids in Gratitude.
side. Start reciting a mantra that makes us feel connected to Source
Let gratefulness be our vibrancy gifted
God. Enter the heart like allowing
by the depth of our sleep. We are now
ourselves to float away into the
the vibrancies that align and manifest
womb of Light.
all that our heart intends.
– Step into timelessness of sleep like
Gratitude is given to our Beloved Sleep
meditation. The mind flows into
Goddess, whose gifts bring our mind
states of deep sleep where dream
the grandness of our Now.
occurrence is rare. With practice, in this womb state, we gradually
Interesting observations of yogic sleep:
activate more awareness of the
In the depth of sleep, there are no
mantra vibration of our unconscious
dreams. Sleep is like death.
mind connected to Source God. In this sleep, our mind is incubated like
Sleeping hours reduce.
a caterpillar turning to be a butterfly. We transform our humans into
Wake up feeling like we slept ‘hundred
Angelic. This yogic sleep reduces in
time due to its depth and intensity and ability to serve the mind and
Wake up with a mind that is crystal
body in rejuvenation.
clear. OM TIMES | February 2021
OMTimes Magazine Relax… Let your worries drift away into the moment… OMTimes is a free publication and can be delivered right to your inbox… Subscribe at: Free OMTimes Subscription Visit our website at: www.omtimes.com
OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
Why Use Homeopathy to Treat Animals? By Ministry Earth
ver the past few decades,
more fans when it comes to animals'
homeopathy for animals
treatment. This is so, even amid
has become increasingly
different myths and the disbelief
used to cure diseases and
that exists on many pet owners.
common problems.
The Homeopathic protocol is the most natural way to relieve and cure
As in the human medication market,
symptoms in dogs and cats. It continues
homeopathy is gaining more and
to grow in popularity worldwide.
OM TIMES | February 2021
The principles and laws that
possible relapses recurrences of
determine veterinary homeopathy
are the same laws as those applied to human homeopathy. They are the
One of the most significant advantages
same implementation in practice
of this type of medication is that
saved some specificities.
homeopathic products for animals produce very few or no side effects in
Homeopathic medication is
the vast majority of cases. Unlike most
prescribed to a sick animal
chemical medications, which can
considering their individual
trigger discomfort in pets and even
characteristics and symptoms.
worsen a disease situation before it begins to be eradicated.
With Homeopathy, we focus on improving health and preventing
Therefore, identifying the essential
disease more than merely treating it.
elements of the animal's "personality" within the same species or race is
Plants and minerals are the main
a question. The animal diagnostic
bases in homeopathic compositions,
elaborates on its defense reaction to a
including only natural substances -
given disease.
and ingredients such as arnica, marigold, gold, silver, copper, and
The role of the owner of the animal is of
even snake venom (in some rare
vital importance to treating an animal
cases) can be found in the formulation
by homeopathy. It is necessary to have
of this type of medication.
good knowledge of the animal. The
understanding of the particularities comes from the information provided by the owner or by the animal caregivers.
With the main objective of preparing the body to face diseases and
These people are the real
complications, homeopathy for animals
intermediaries between the animal
acts on the body to balance it, making
and Homeopathic veterinarians.
it ready to fight various diseases and
Only The caretakers can describe the
help the pet strengthen itself, avoiding
animal, its usual and unusual attitudes,
OM TIMES | February 2021
OM TIMES | February 2021
reconstruct its history, and bring
and horses and ponies, birds (parrots,
essential information to the choice of
parakeets, and canaries, mainly), and
the proper homeopathic medicine.
aquarium fish.
The same occurs with animals that our contemporary society has raised to domestic animals' status, such as
All animals that receive help from
rodents (rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters,
detailed observation by their owners
rats, and mice, for example) and
can be treated by homeopathy. In
reptiles (turtles and snakes, mainly).
veterinary medicine, domestic animals and farm animals are traditionally
distinguished. Farm animals (oxen, pigs, sheep,
goats, etc.) can also be treated by homeopathy. In the case of a disease
Homeopathic medicine is highly
that affects part or all of the herd,
effective in treating pets (dogs and cats)
it is possible to treat each animal
OM TIMES | February 2021
OM TIMES | February 2021
individually. Still, usually, the animals
and preventing diseases in domestic
are analyzed as if they formed a single
individual. The same homeopathic medicine was administered to all
It is an extraordinarily efficient and
animals in the group.
economic healing resource to be used positively in animals.
Its efficiency is mainly linked to We assume that the same treatments
food production (milk, meat, and
using Homeopathic prescriptions
eggs). Homeopathic treatments
may work for wildlife. But there are
treat the animal without having the
not enough scientific documentation
final product suffer from residual
or enough research materials to give
us a fair picture of the Homeopathic This type of contamination is
common when caused by allopathic In this case, the prescription is
medicines such as antibiotics,
determined from the symptoms'
antifungals, tick medicine,
analysis more characteristic than
organophosphates, etc.
all the animals belonging to the family group or the herd. In addition
Homeopathy is a natural way of
to prescribing the medication, the
curing illnesses because it is non-
veterinarian must be concerned with
invasive, holistic, and energetically
the welfare of the animals.
You should focus on improving health
Nowadays, when public opinion
and preventing disease more than
demands a less aggressive medical
merely treating it.
attitude for men, it is expected that
this is also applied to animals. We hope that it will also reach food free of toxic residues, besides animal husbandry methods that consider
Homeopathy is an excellent tool,
humanitarian aspects and non-
and it is the real exercise of curing
aggression to the environment.
OM TIMES | February 2021
OMTimes Radio
POSTCARDS TO THE UNIVERSE Melisa Caprio, author, photographer, radio host, and creator of Postcards to the Universe with Melisa, Creating the Life You Crave is inviting people from around the world to participate in her movement.
CAPRIO lifetime? How does living in passion sound to you? Then join Melisa and her guests where everyone gets to create in the magical playground.
She shares manifesting, tips, postcards, creativity, abundance, and prosperity. Featuring the coolest guests, trailblazers, mystics, and creatives who enrich our lives. Do you believe that you deserve to have the romance of your dreams? What about amazing health‌or the career of a
OMTIMES: Tell us a bit about your story and why you named your latest book? Melisa Caprio: I am an author, photographer, radio host and the creator of Postcards to the Universe™ A Global Movement for Manifestation. I invite people from around the world to participate in this movement. By using photography, art, personal wishes and desires and sending them out to the Universe via a postcard. My book, Postcards to the Universe, Harness the Universe’s Power and Manifest your Dreams features 30 contributor’s postcards that I photographed along with their stories of manifesting abundance. I share manifesting exercises and writing prompts on wealth, health, career, and relationships to help people focus and get what they want. OMTIMES: How and to whom do you believe your radio show, Postcards to the Universe can bring beneficial results? Melisa Caprio: I believe that anyone listening to my radio show would benefit. Anyone who is looking to expand their life or is searching for ways to find some joy. Those of us that want to take control of our energy to raise our vibration. I share and talk about different ways to create abundance in our lives. I spotlight many guests with that same thought in mind. I feature authors and experts that help us to learn new ways and techniques to shift our life from lack to joy. I also like to share my own personal journey and how I shifted my story.
OMTIMES: What is “your message” and why is it important? Melisa Caprio: My inspiration comes from a desire to have a forum where people come together in creative ways for global change. For us to all realize that we in fact do have the power to bring into our lives those things and situations that we want. We are always manifesting using the Law of Attraction and usually it is things we don’t want, because that is what is holding our attention. I have found a way to co-create with the Universe, by tapping into our creativity. It is a powerful energy for focusing on what we DO want.
We play out our stories in our lives and many times, not happily. What shows up for us is what we believe about ourselves. If we believe we don’t deserve to have a healthy relationship for example, what do you think will happen? We attract unhealthy relationships. If you want to bring in more money but your story is you never have enough money, what do you think shows up? Lack of funds in your bank account. I am interested in tapping into the energy of changing our personal story from sadness and lack to that of prosperity and joy. OMTIMES: Do you use any techniques to inspire & motivate and build strength for yourself? How did it work for you? Melisa Caprio: I guide my clients on how to create a unique manifesting postcard on the power of creative intention. By creating a manifesting postcard we are telling the Universe very clearly what it is we want to bring into our life. You learn how to manifest love, relationships, success, money, health, or anything your heart desires. Plus, it’s a lot of fun with a strong visual component. Using fun and play are very powerful energies. I also created a downloadable 30-day workbook titled, Manifesting Through Gratitude – A Visual Journey.
One on relationships, one on wealth, health, etc. I see myself creating a Postcards to the Universe book from children's perspective, using their postcards. Having them create a manifesting postcard on what they want to be when they grow up. What they want the world to look like. I also want to have more courses and workshops that I offer to help clients. I see myself having products such as oracle cards and eventually, I want to create an abundance app. The possibilities are endless. When you believe in magic, magical things happen. Â Connect with Melissa at the following: www.postcardstotheuniverse.com
Everything I have created I do myself on a regular basis and I cannot begin to tell you how much it has changed my own life. I am constantly manifesting new things and opportunities, it’s incredible. OMTIMES: What are your dreams and plans for the Future? Melisa Caprio: My dreams and plans for the future are to expand on what I am already doing and creating. I am expanding my Postcards to the Universe project to more people. I plan on publishing more books where I am even more immersed and detailed on specific life themes. I plan to publish a series of books.
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Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
10 Red Flags You Should Never Ignore in A New Relationship
OM TIMES | February 2021
ou meet someone
your partner isn’t making you happy.
who’s simply charming,
Take divine signs seriously. It’s not
irresistible. You’re
an accident if you come across
excited about this
something that proves this person
person and begin dating, spending
isn’t who he says he is or is acting in
more and more time together.
bad faith. Remember: people lie, but
Everything is going great, except
your intuition doesn’t.
that your new partner slips into certain “bad habits” here and there. You reassure yourself that this is
2. It’s complicated f rom the beginning
normal. But is it? The perfect partner doesn’t exist Seemingly little tendencies can be
because we all carry a bit of
early indicators of more significant
baggage. That’s normal. What’s
issues that will rear their ugly heads
not normal is a person who hauls
in time. Honor your wellbeing by
entire loads from their past into
walking away from an unhealthy
your present life. Your partner may
relationship sooner rather than
have children from a previous
later if your partner gives off the
relationship, but his kids shouldn’t
following red flags:
be making your life miserable. Your partner may have trust issues from
1. Your intuition is nagging you
past experiences, but he shouldn’t force you to prove your every move. If a relationship starts off this
The first source that will reveal to
burdensome, it will only get worse
you something is wrong will be
in time. Release it from your life
your inner voice. Pay close attention
and find a love that’s simple and
to gut feelings that ask you to
analyze your partner’s intentions, words, and actions more closely. Refrain from making excuses for
3. He doesn’t want to compromise
this person just because you’ve developed feelings. Be honest with
The couple that can’t compromise
yourself and acknowledge when
can’t survive. A person’s (in)
OM TIMES | February 2021
ability to compromise quickly becomes evident. At this point
4. He has mood swings
in the relationship, your partner
Steer clear of the person who veers
should be offering compromise
to moody extremes because this will
freely, and you should be taking
ruin your emotional stability. Your
turns accommodating each other.
partner shouldn’t leave you exhausted
The fact that he doesn’t means
by the end of the day! You become
the relationship will require much
what you’re around. If you’re exposed
sacrifice on your part.
to anger, bitterness, or resentment, OM TIMES | February 2021
you might find yourself mimicking
agree because people possess
these emotions. And riding this
the free will to break even their
emotional roller coaster that will take
most addictive patterns. But if
a mental and physical toll on you. If
you discover your new partner
your partner shifts from delighted to
being disloyal from this early on,
depressed in seconds, understand
spare yourself the heartbreak
that a psychological imbalance exists.
and move along. Chances are
And if he or she gets angry over
that he was prone to dishonesty
everything, know that this anger may
long before you and will continue
spill onto you one day, too.
to be unfaithful throughout the
5. He’s not generous
relationship with you. Often, we believe we can change people or mold their character or that
Generosity takes many forms, the
they will somehow be “different”
most obvious being monetary. But a
from us than they’ve been in past
person must also be charitable with
relationships. We experience deep
his time, affection, advice, and good
disappointment when we realize
intentions. Stinginess, greediness, and
that we can’t change anybody; he
egoism are serious red flags. While
must change himself.
you shouldn’t expect to receive the world on a silver platter, you should expect your partner to offer help
7. He treats others poorly
when you’re in genuine need. The person who wants to share his world
Be careful getting too attached
with you is preparing for a future with
to the person who talks down to
you. Generosity is a rare trait, so be
others, is rude without reason, or
grateful for the partner giving in all
has negative relationships with
senses of the word.
family members. People who have problems release them upon
6. He’s chronically unfaithful
others, and these problems can’t be resolved until they look within and eliminate the root cause. Your
Mom used to say that “once a cheater,
partner may treat you nicely initially,
always a cheater.” I don’t quite
but the same issues he has with
OM TIMES | February 2021
OM TIMES | February 2021
other people in his life will creep into
job, belongings, health, finances, or
your own relationship down the line.
appearance. In that case, chances
8. He comes and goes
are he won’t be able to lend you the care you need and deserve. Look for someone who handles himself
It’s demoralizing when your partner
responsibly, lovingly, and gently so that
doesn’t check up on you regularly.
he can treat you in this same manner.
One of the most frequent complaints I hear from my clients is that
10. He can’t commit
their new partner doesn’t initiate conversation; they have to be the ones
Lasting relationships are the deeply
to send the first message, or there’s
fulfilling bonds we crave, but not
no telling when he’ll actually call. Even
all of us can commit. You should be
worse is when he shows a pattern of
with a partner who not only wants to
disappearing then reappearing as
fortify a relationship with you through
nothing happened. Beware of settling
time but who understands the hard
with a partner who’s emotionally
work needed to do so. Consider your
ignorant or distant. You will find
partner’s dating history: has he or
yourself telling this person the same
she been able to uphold at least
thing over and over again, and it’ll go
one serious relationship? It will be
in one ear and come out the other.
difficult for your partner to keep up
One of the most outstanding qualities
long-term love if he’s used to jumping
you can find in a partner is someone
from romance to romance. A partner
who’s emotionally in tune with you.
who both expresses the desire for commitment and reinforces words
9. He doesn’t take care of himself
with actions is a real treasure. Our impulses often betray our true
How someone treats (or mistreats)
nature. Reflect on these ten red
himself is reflective of the way,
flags before engaging in a new
he will treat you. If your partner
relationship, and put your own safety
is self-destructive, how can he
and tranquility first.
make you whole? Suppose he’s completely careless with his home,
Here to healthy relationships!
OM TIMES | February 2021
From Cheesy Relationships to a Gourmet Banquet
OM TIMES | February 2021
n the early 1900s, a European
Frederic, astonished, put aside his
man named Frederic had a
cheese and crackers and entered the
dream to travel to the United
lavish dining room he deserved all
along. The second half of his voyage proved far more enjoyable than the
At that time, air travel had not been
developed, so he booked passage on an ocean liner. Such a
Like Frederic, many of us settle for
trip required all of his savings, but it
meager rations in life while we are
was worth it.
entitled to enjoy a great banquet. One of the areas we tend to starve
Considering that he could not afford
ourselves in is relationships. Since
the luxury meals the ship offered,
February is Valentine’s month, let’s
Frederic brought with him a supply of
take a look at how we can trade
cheese and crackers. While the other
cheese-and-crackers relationships for
guests sat in the ornate dining room
a gourmet feast.
enjoying lavish multi-course meals, Frederic sat on a bench on the deck,
Most people believe they are missing
rationing out his simple meals for
something in a relationship. Either
the cruise duration.
they are single and wish they had a partner, or they are with someone
One day another passenger passed
and wish their relationship was
Frederic eating his Spartan meal.
better. It is a rare person who says,
“Why are you sitting out here eaten
“I am completely satisfied with my
cheese and crackers?” the fellow
relationship status.”
asked. There are two ways to improve “I can’t afford the dining room meals,”
your relationship status: One is to
Frederic answered.
find a relationship or trade your current relationship for a better
The passenger laughed. “Don’t you
one. If you are in a toxic, abusive, or
know that the meals are included in
dead relationship, there’s no sense
the price of the
trying to fix it. You will do better to
quit fighting an uphill battle, let go, OM TIMES | February 2021
take stock of what you have learned
criteria, and your new partner meets
and move on. Many people stay in
a different seven out of ten. So you
unhappy relationships too long and
have not really upgraded; you’ve just
wish they dared to leave years earlier.
rearranged the furniture.
The other way to get into the gourmet
The most significant mistake people
dining room is to do your inner work
in cheese-and-cracker relationships
to upgrade your current relationship.
make to think, “If I can just get my
It is tempting to think, “I’ll find
partner to change, I will be happy.” Yet
someone better.” In some cases,
changing another person’s behavior
you can, but in most cases, you end
for you to feel better is never a worthy
up trading one set of problems for
or practical goal. If you’ve tried to
another. Your current partner meets
change your partner, you know this
seven out of ten of your relationship
doesn’t work. You just set yourself
OM TIMES | February 2021
up for frustration and the same
those blessings. They are your fastest
argument that keeps
ticket to the main dining room.
recycling in different forms. This would be a good month to take If, however, you are willing to do
stock of where you are settling for
your inner homework and make an
cheese and crackers, not just in your
effort to change your attitude about
intimate relationship but in all of
your relationship, you can make real
your relationships and all of your life.
progress. There are two elements to
Jesus said, “It is the Father’s good
this monumental move: First, move
pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
from deficit vision to appreciation
The purpose of your spiritual journey
vision. Quit complaining about
is to discover that you deserve
what your partner isn’t, and start
the great banquet and claim
celebrating what he or she is. When
it. No matter how cheesy your
you first met this person, there were
relationships or life have been,
lots of things you loved about him or
like Frederic, you can make the
her. But over time, you have drifted
remainder of your voyage a world-
from what’s right to what’s wrong. If
class experience.
you turn your rudder back to what’s right, you can enjoy so much more. The second element in the crucial shift is to give more of what you wish to receive. In any situation in which you perceive that something is missing, what is missing is what you are not giving. The illusion is that if your partner gave more, you would be happier. The truth is, if you gave more, you would be happier. More validation, more appreciation, more patience, more kindness, more communication, more support. When you invest those noble qualities in your relationship, you are the immediate recipient of
Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including the bestselling A Course in Miracles Made Easy, and his new illuminating guide, The Master Keys of Healing. Become a certified holistic life coach through Alan’s life-changing training program beginning in September. For information on this program and Alan’s books, videos, audios, online courses, retreats, and other inspirational events and materials, visit www.alancohen.com
OM TIMES | February 2021
How to Understand Family Karma? Humanity Healing
OM TIMES | February 2021
arma, from the Sanskrit
what motivates us to take action, be
कर्म, literally means
it good or bad. As an intention, they
"action." It is used in
have consequences and are also
several philosophical and
responsible for our will, our life link,
spiritual currents, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Spiritism.
and our desire to keep us alive.
Today we are going to understand
its essence and what the little-
In Jainism, the doctrine of Karma is
discussed concept of family karma
distinctive. Unlike the vision from
the Hindus, which purely is the Law of nature, Jainism believes that
Karma is not fate. Nor is it a
deeds and thoughts attract Karma
punishment imposed on us by some
and that a person's actions from the
external agent. We create our own
past decide the quality of life he has
Karma. Karma is the result of the
now. Karma in Jainism is a physical
choices that we make every moment
matter present throughout the
of every day. Tulku Thondup
Realize that everything connects to
What goes around comes around.
everything else. Leonardo da Vinci
Willie Nelson
Nowadays, one of the most
According to Hinduism, Karma is
accepted definitions of Karma is
the result of our actions during our
deriving from Spiritualism. Allan
previous earthly lives. When we die,
Kardec and his followers never used
it begins to develop within us, within
Karma; however, we correlate it
our soul. As time goes by, Karma, as
with the Law of "cause and effect,"
a pattern, begins to show itself and
much discussed by the Spiritualist
moves on to the next reincarnations.
When we reincarnate, we
In Buddhism, Karma's action is seen
automatically take the previous
above all as our intentions, that is,
set of Karma with us. These are
OM TIMES | February 2021
OM TIMES | February 2021
the consequences and needs of
But how is this possible?
our actions related to an earlier life. Suppose we have had a life of many
Like gravity, Karma is so basic
problems and disagreements. In
we often do not even notice it.
that case, we tend to reincarnate
Sakyong Mipham
in a family with the same issues so that we can heal and, in the future,
Even if we are healthy spiritual beings,
achieve enlightenment in a complete
these evils can also contaminate us if
spiritual plane.
we have spiritually ill parents. Parents who have been abused, traumatized,
Karma is the universal Law of cause
and living in trouble, can - even
and effect. You reap what you sow.
unintentionally - pass on these
You get what you earn. You are what
negatives to our future lives.
you eat. If you give love, you get
So, when we do not have a good
love. Revenge returns itself upon the
relationship with our parents, we are
avenger. Mary Browne
much more likely to inherit family karma. In this way, we may solve their
energetic blockages and help them to reincarnate more and more in more propitious and harmonic environments.
Like gravity, Karma is so basic
It is the spiritual Law of Karma in action
we often don't even notice it.
here and the Law of Reciprocity and
Sakyong Mipham
the healing power of love.
One idea that is intrinsically linked to Karma is family karma. It has a
genetic characteristic as it passes from
I believe in Karma. If the good is sown,
generation to generation. Sometimes, a
the good is collected. When positive
set of Karmic patterns can follow entire
things are made, that returns well.
generations of the same hereditary
Yannick Noah
lineage. Often a specific Karmic pattern of ours is not from our past lives, but
Well, we all have at least some family
from our parents' lives.
karma. This does not always mean that OM TIMES | February 2021
Karma is terrible. Often our family's
• You find yourself much more
Karma is so positive that our future
sensitive with your current family.
lives' actions cause us to evolve much
You can even feel patterns in your
faster as beings of light. Sometimes,
ancestors that go - and repeat
our ancestors already cleared our
themselves - in your present
Karmic lineage, that many things
parents, and even on yourself.
manifest like magic on our paths. • Strange discussions or events However, when you carry more massive
within the family may happen.
Karma from past families, some
They will involve you in most
symptoms are the most common.
cases because your family energy
Among them, we can highlight the
and your Karma are in constant
energy dialogue. OM TIMES | February 2021
• You feel heavy and burden with
beings of kindness and love. However, we still do not get rid of
many responsibilities.
this family karma, which even seems This is an extremely normal situation
to recurrently trap us on the earth
since your subconscious needs to
evolve and consolidate your life's family karma. Whether to relive them
Traumas from past lives always pass
in later lives or to close the Karma
through the generations and reach
cycle to say goodbye to them in this
their current parents. In other words,
your relationship with them will never be totally perfect.
Sometimes you need to learn how to disconnect from your old family and
To get away from this family karma,
carry out your current mission and
it is necessary to reflect on the
fully realize your life purpose yourself.
reasons that originated it. It may be required to return to the past and
• High spiritual development. You
explain what happened.
have, even in your countenance, a spiritual aura that pleases
When you see yourself as self-reliant,
those who love you. Your mind is
you may realize that you should
more connected with the issues
not be taking care of your family's
of Spiritual life, and you are
unsolved problems. But yes, from
very connected with your own
your mind, while a sentient being,
soul. You feel more prepared to
you should always use compassion
discuss the various problems
and understanding as tools to undo
that go beyond human
karmic blockages. At least to do not
create additional karmic layers to
pre-existing Karma. There is no secret formula to
Our life is what our thoughts make it.
cleanse Family Karma. Still, rituals
Marcus Aurelius
of gratitude and forgiveness are very efficient in dissolving traumatic
However, we have often evolved as
OM TIMES | February 2021
Chinese New Year 2021 - The Year of the Ox When we think about the New Year, some images come to our minds, like a shower of fireworks, gifts, hugs, and, of course, the change of calendar. In the West, we use a calendar that considers that a year is completed as soon as the Earth takes a complete turn around the Sun. So, we only are considering the relationship between our planet and our star. But not all Calendars follow the movement of the Sun. Some of them are based on the Lunar calendar as well. In the Chinese calendar, the time can be measured from the Moon and the Sun in relation to the Earth. According to this point of view, the New Year does not happen simultaneously with the Western New Year.
What is in common between the celebration of the Western New Year and the Chinese New Year's celebration is the fireworks display. A striking element of this tradition is exchanging red envelopes with different amounts of money as a symbolic emergency reserve to face the year's challenges. In general, older people or couples give these envelopes to children or people who are single. An essential point about the Chinese New Year is that, in this case, each new cycle is represented by one of the 12 animals that took part in a meeting with Buddha: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. According to the birth year, the Chinese horoscope considers these 12 animals and that all people are governed by these zodiacal signs. This zodiacal system is quite different from those used to. OMTIMES.COM
In 2021, the animal of the Chinese New Year is the Metal Ox, with Yin polarity. The Chinese believe that signs connect with the soul of human beings. The ruling animal can influence the spiritual experience from its characteristics. The combination of the element and its polarity can have important meanings for everyone's life.
The Year of the Ox The year 2021 will be ruled by the Ox and will start on February 3rd of that year. To understand what this means, we need to know more about the Ox and what it represents for the Chinese horoscope. The Ox can also be known as the Buffalo. The ox stimulates characteristics such as honesty, hard work, courage, and determination represented by white, green, and yellow colors. So, the ox sign people born in 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, and 2021, will present these qualities.
What is in common between the celebration of the Western New Year and the Chinese New Year's celebration is the fireworks display. A striking element of this tradition is exchanging red envelopes with different amounts of money as a symbolic emergency reserve to face the year's challenges. In general, older people or couples give these envelopes to children or people who are single. An essential point about the Chinese New Year is that, in this case, each new cycle is represented by one of the 12 animals that took part in a meeting with Buddha: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. According to the birth year, the Chinese horoscope considers these 12 animals and that all people are governed by these zodiacal signs. This zodiacal system is quite different from those used to.
METAL OX IN OUR LIFE IN 2021 We already know that 2021 will not be easy, but it will be a year full of achievements. Besides being dedicated to achieving your goals, it is important to stay healthy emotionally to not get carried away by difficulties. Many elements and energies are hanging around pending still, awaiting their resolution. Ox is a symbol of labor. It inspires hard work, the Metal Ox is also conducive to family moments and programs at home. You will feel more like spending time with your family. Pay attention to the way you communicate so that you do not generate unnecessary conflicts. In 2021, you're likely to have friction with like-minded people. Maybe this will be a behavioral side effect of the constant social distancing. We may need to learn how to be social creatures again. So, have patience and common sense to not wear out of any of your relationships. Concerning the year that will start, the Ox regency can be analyzed from a more collective and less individual aspect. Overcoming, commitment, and dedication are the virtues that will be present with more force worldwide. Energies for 2021 The energies for 2021 will resume the importance of believing in recovery and transformation, getting your hands dirty, and changing everything that is not good for you or those who live around you. Even in the face of an uncertain future, the Ox vibrations will bring us strength and courage and resilience.
However, analyzing the year of the Ox still goes beyond understanding that this animal will rule this new cycle. Several other conclusions can be drawn from this information. 2021 brings the Ox influence associated with the Metal element and the Yin energy. The union of these three aspects tells us that the year will be filled with a constant search for order and consistency in our attitudes and environment. Signs with Yang energy and which are influenced by other elements, such as wood, may have a little more difficulty adapting to this. Another factor to be analyzed is what Metal refers to the lungs, and the search for clean air and a healthier lifestyle must be present in your decisions. Prioritize field trips to open spaces and pay attention to what you eat. Although creativity is less stimulated at this stage, do not be discouraged. Use this increase in your energy to gain stability to demonstrate ethics and commitment in your work, in all circumstances. A negative point of the Ox's influence is that it propagates the attachment to tradition and the refusal of new lifestyles.
Expect Challenges The year 2021 will bring challenges that we cannot yet foresee but they can be overcome with courage, strength, and determination. So, if you feel discouraged and hopeless, take a deep breath, be with the people you love, and take advantage of the energies that come from the Ox's management energy to make a difference in your social circle! THE MAIN SYMBOLS AND MEANINGS OF THE OX Here are some features that can be highlighted in the year of the OX: • Loyalty; • Construction; • Justice • Frankness; • Intuition; • Patience. METAL SYMBOLS AND MEANINGS The following are some characteristics related to the Metal element: • Success; • Determination; • Ambition; • Stubbornness; • Self-sufficiency;
Importance of The Planets on Your Astral Map
By OMTimes
strology, like the ancients'
to study and compile observations
knowledge about the
accumulated over the ages. It was a
different personality
primordial attempt to identify and
characteristics of human
understand the depth of people's
beings and their relationship with the
character and inclinations when
solar system's planets, has endeavored
science was still in its infancy.
OM TIMES | February 2021
Astrology strives to expose the stars'
the essence of the center of our being,
influence on human beings and the
the will.
events related to them, formulating laws through the frequency and
MOON - reflecting sunlight, the Moon
permanence of specific planetary
is continuously changing. It represents
the unconscious side of personality, instincts, and desires. While the Sun
Putting the historical perspective
is a unit, the Moon is dual; it grows
in analyzing this knowledge, we
and decreases; it also symbolizes the
will summarize the planetary
double process of death and rebirth.
occurrences in the birth chart to
The Moon is also used to determine
express human beings' specific
the spectrum of our emotional states
personal characteristics.
of being.
In a birth chart, we find the planets
MERCURY - the "winged messenger
positioned in the sky according to a
of the gods," according to ancient
person's date and time of birth at this
mythologies, is a link between the Sun
time. In the skies, the planets travel,
and the Moon. It corresponds to the
particularly trajectories, measured in
vitality of a child who runs from side
arcs, divided into degrees, minutes,
to side, communicating and exploring
and seconds. Each region of the
everything around him. Mercury shows
sky has its own characteristics. It
how a person expresses his essence
is important to know precisely the
and how he classifies the effects that
time of a person's birth to accurately
influence his senses. Mercury also gives
position the planets in their
us the background of how our thought
astrological study.
process works.
The astrological "planets" are:
VENUS - expresses the desire for harmony, the sublimation of instinctual
SUN - represents vitality and ego. The
impulses in socially acceptable
Sun radiates light and strength, as
forms of relationship. The senses
the individual radiates his personality
are governed by Venus and enable
from his center or core. In the
us to live on Earth surrounded by
astrological chart, the Sun represents
harmonious beauty. Venus on the map
OM TIMES | February 2021
shows us the way we behave in our
order, which determines behavior
relationships and how we love others.
and morals. Jupiter confers the gift of prophecy and optimistic faith. It
MARS - warrior and aggressor,
encourages us to look beyond the
represents impulsive passions and
names and forms of things. Jupiter
desires. While Venus expresses love,
well-positioned gives good fortune and
harmony, and spirit, Mars shows
the ability to have powerful friends.
matter limited by matter. A wellpositioned Mars on a map can give us
SATURN - also called Cronos, is the
strong will, resilience, and grit.
oldest god of the Greeks, the legislator. It represents the sense of perfect
JUPITER - king of the gods, represents
justice and the highest achievement;
the principle of growth and expansion
it solidifies and fixes energy, giving
on Earth. It also expresses the social
structure. However, Saturn can also
OM TIMES | February 2021
be cold and constricting. It represents
patterns and structures and governs
material responsibility, limitations,
the intuitive perception that appears
and self-discipline. Some astrologers
in flashes.
consider Saturn the planet that carries and dispenses loads of Karma.
NEPTUNE - or Poseidon, the god of the sea. It flows in each individual
URANUS - is the planet that awakens
with the potential to tune into cosmic
humanity to a new era. Uranus orbit is
consciousness and transcendent reality.
the most eccentric of all the planets.
Neptune takes love to the level of
Its rotation movement is different
compassion and mysticism. Its upbeat
from all, as it rotates inclined around
vibe gives rise to music, poetry, and
its own orbit. Uranus is rebellious and
dance; its negative vibration causes
individualistic, portraying everything
individuals to escape reality through
unconventional. Uranus invalidates old
fantasy, drugs, and other illusions.
OM TIMES | February 2021
PLUTO - the god of the underworld,
Located between Mars and Jupiter,
stays half the time above the
they provide additional information:
surface and the other half below it, thus perceiving the depths (or the
CERES - or Demeter, was the Greeks'
subconscious). Pluto takes earth
great Mother Earth, goddess of
beings through the processes of
grain and fertility. Its predominance
death, rebirth, and purification,
in an astrological chart points to
as well as through the changing
an individual's inclination towards
seasons. When its strength explodes,
healing, expansion, and creative
it is like an erupting volcano.
Besides these "planets," some
VESTA - or Hestia, the guardian
asteroids are also found, deepening
goddess of the sacred fire, the symbol
the understanding of individual
of protection. Indicates a person who
works hard and has a strong sense of OM TIMES | February 2021
devotion and mysticism. Vesta is also
CHIRON - also indicates someone's
a guardian goddess.
inclination towards healing. It is an important point on the map because
JUNO - or Hera, goddess of
it means self-sacrifices, rebirth, and
marriage, governs the female cycle
of reproduction. Juno sheds light on how connections and commitments
ÉRIS is the goddess of discord. The
work in someone's life: whether we
dwarf planet was called because its
maintain our individuality or whether
discovery launched conflict among
we get lost through the union.
astronomers over the definition of a planet and indirectly caused Pluto's
PALAS ATHENA - represents
status to fall from "planet" to "dwarf
independence, involvement in social
planet." In Greek mythology, it is
causes, and social justice, arts, and
famous for having indirectly caused
the Trojan War. OM TIMES | February 2021
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course
Personal Growth & Development
5 Ways to Better Express Your Point of View By Gail Serna
o negative thoughts or
you feel with those who upset you.
stories run through your
Expressing your feelings relieves
mind, and do you wonder
how to achieve a calmer
mindset? Consider sharing your
Although expressing your true feelings
perspective and describing how
to another may be scary, there are ways
OM TIMES | February 2021
to have this conversation be productive.
5. See a beautiful golden bubble from
It's important to note that every
heaven surrounding the two of you
exchange will take on its own essence
in a peaceful web of loving light.
or energy. First, ask yourself this: who are you not on good terms with, and
Once the conversation is over, and
how much do they mean to you? It may
the other person has understood
not be necessary to communicate how
your position. You have heard their
you feel. The constructive approach I
perspective. You can surrender any
have outlined below will make these
opposing thoughts or connections in
conversations easier for those that are
your mind and see love from heaven
important to you.
surrounding the situation. Remember to monitor your thoughts and do not
1. Create a script for yourself and write down your talking points.
allow the toxic emotions and stories to keep playing in your head. This should subside now.
2. Ask for help from your divine self and visualize the discussion running
Allow yourself the respect you deserve
and be proud that you asserted yourself in this way.
3. Imagine that the other person will accept the conversation you are
If you do not attain the result, you
about to have. Your relationship will
are seeking from the conversation.
grow healthier for having expressed
It's best to allow some time to pass
your stance.
and walk away from the situation, knowing you did your best to resolve
Remember, the goal is to make
the bitterness between you and
them recognize how you feel and
give them the space to express any animosity they may have towards
Do not give up and use prayer as a
bridge. We consider prayer telepathic communication between your
4. Ask your divine energy or Archangel
consciousness and the other person's
Michael to provide you the energetic
subconscious. Keep imagining the
protection to have the exchange.
situation reversing itself and that the
OM TIMES | February 2021
two of you will see eye to eye in divine
had conversations with people
who do not agree with me or fully listen to my feelings. Although we
I have used this process to express
are still friends, we are not as close
myself to my own inner circle of loved
as we once were, and I accept that.
ones within my own life. It is powerful
I continue to pray and monitor my
and affirming to tell someone what
thoughts closely to change my
they did to upset you and to have
focus when a negative thought
them see your point of view. It is also
impedes my peaceful outlook. Our
crucial for your growth to be able to
ego is a necessary tool that our
then listen to another's point of view. I
creator gave us, but it should never
have personally gotten closer to three
overtake our minds. By participating
people by doing this.
in these powerful steps, your outlook on life will change, and you
There have been times when I have
will release any draining thoughts.
OM TIMES | February 2021
This work will allow you to create
others and, by doing so, achieve the
respectful boundaries between
happiness you deserve in life.
yourself and the people in your life. While your relationships will be healthier than they ever have been, please keep in mind that you cannot have complete control over every difficult conversation outcome. You must allow the process to take shape. The best outcome may not always be as you had initially been hoped, and that is okay. With the steps mentioned in this blog, you will at least be able to express your point of view to
Gail Serna is an Intuitive Reader, a Psychic Medium, a Spiritual Counselor, a Reiki Practioner, and a channel for Divine energy. She also teaches clients to develop their own intuition. Gail's goal is to empower people to make sound decisions, gain clarity, peace of mind, and reach their highest potential. Connect with Gail www.soulscollective.com linktr.ee/gailserna
OM TIMES | February 2021
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