OMTimes Magazine January B 2019 Edition

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Robert Thurman

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Animal Spirituality Â

November A Issue



Table of Content


Robert Thurman Interview By Sandie Sedgbeer


Aromatherapy for Emotional Wounds


Dealing with Sorrow; Grieving in Pieces


Need Some Healing Light?






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Table of Content s OMTIMES | JANUARY B

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Publisher: Christopher Buck Editor in Chief: Liane Buck Executive Editor: Lisa Shaw Editor at Large: Leigh Burton Social Media: Iryn Fernando Greek Edition: Christos Archos Cover Design: Ilana Tschiptschin Article Layout: Sean Keenan OMTimes Magazine is a Bi-Weekly Publication from OMTimes Media, INC OMTimes Media Inc is A 502 A company fully Owned by Humanity Healing International, a 501-C (3), an IRS Registered Charity.

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Robert Thurman: Animal Spirituality

Robert A.F. Thurman is a recognized, worldwide authority on religion and spirituality. He’s Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University and President of

the Tibet House, US, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Tibetan civilization. He’s written and edited and translated several books on Tibetan Buddhism and has been named one of Time Magazine’s 25 most influential Americans. In this interview, Robert Thurman discusses Tibetan perspectives on the soul, reincarnation, and the nature of human relationships with our animal companions. Sandie Sedgbeer: Robert in January, 2017, millions of people sobbed their hearts out in movie theatres around the world as they watched a film based on W. Bruce Cameron’s bestselling book A Dog’s Purpose in which a devoted dog discovers his purpose in life by showing humans how to laugh and love over the course of several lifetimes spent with different owners. Reading some of the 1,980 overwhelmingly favorable reviews of the DVD on Amazon, I couldn’t help

wondering what it was about that movie that resonated so deeply with so many people – and pondering some of the deeper questions it raises, such as ‘Do animals have an afterlife?’ ‘Do Dogs have souls and Purpose?’ ‘Are such souls the same as human souls, or are they different?’ Why do you think that movies of this nature elicit such huge outpourings of emotion within us? What is it that we’re all responding to? Is it sentimentality? Hope? Wishful thinking? Alternatively, something else? Robert Thurman: I think there’s a mixture of the things you mentioned, but I also think the idea that people don’t believe in the continuation of the soul and the mind after death is over-sold. The view that human beings are nothing

more than biological robots with no soul and no mind and, therefore, when their brain stops their existence ceases and they become nothing is not very logical, and not scientific because the question is: ‘Whoever discovered nothing?’ Nobody did, and nobody ever will, and everybody subliminally knows that even though officially, ‘we’re all modern so we’re going to be materialist people,’ when they get close to death themselves in the hospice people hedge their bets and call their Minister or their Rabbi or their Priest. So, the Tibetan and Hindu and Buddhist Daoist people and the ancient Christians before Constantine, the Jews, and many indigenous tribes, basically consider it’s more logical and sensible that the subtle energy and the super-subtle energy of the soul and the mind continue. So, the idea that everything is always a continuum, always in flux, is much more commonsensical than the idea that a living

process at whatever level of subtlety can simply become nothing. Since nothing is there, it’s not a place you can go. It’s not space. It has no room because it doesn’t exist. That’s the whole point. That’s why nobody ever discovered it and science, which is supposed to be based on empirical discovery, has not discovered anything and, therefore, they continue falsely assuring people that their mind and soul are nothing and people subliminally know that. That’s my view. So, the biggest piece of unrealism is the idea that animals have no soul and they don’t have minds, that they’re not really living beings, they’re just walking food or enemies to be shot and hunted, or something. In the east, everyone knows that animals are on the spectrum with humans; that humans have been animals and animals have been humans in the past and will be human in other lives.

SANDIE SEDGBEER You were interviewed for and subsequently wrote the Foreword to the book Soul Dog – A Journey into the Spiritual Life of Animals by Elena Mannes. In my experience, writing forewords is neither quick nor easy, particularly for someone who leads such a busy life as you. So, what was it about Elena’s book that impressed you enough to agree to write the foreword? ROBERT THURMAN: Well, it’s not the kind of thing I normally write forewords for, or even read for that matter, although I agree with her sensitivity and sensibility. However, she had interviewed me for the book, and Indian and Tibetan Buddhists have this view that dogs are special and are emanations of the Buddha. Buddhists have this idea that these savior-type beings can manifest in other embodiments, not just in one, and so he [Buddha] manifests these embodiments or

incarnations in the form of dogs because dogs make humans feel loved and secure. They love humans, they’re friendly, they wag their tail, so they see them as enlightened beings there to make human beings feel comfortable on earth and have a companion who’s loyal and faithful, and so on. Anyway, I liked it, so I got involved with it. I don’t believe in materialism. I also don’t believe in a single model creator God either, but Buddhists do believe in gods. They’re non-monotheistic, but they think there are extraordinary beings in the world and they don’t consider them supernatural, they consider them natural, part of nature. SANDIE SEDGBEER Buddhists see all animals as sentient beings, but many religions, particularly western religions, argue that man was created superior to animals and thus animals cannot possibly be equal with him. Most interpreters

of the Bible assume that man’s likeness to God, and animals’ subservience to man implies that they have the breath of life but not an immortal soul in the same sense as humans. How did this divide between east and western philosophy begin? ROBERT THURMAN: Well, I’m not sure historically, but one thing that I would mention first is Albert Schweitzer who was a very pious Christian and a very deep believer in Jesus. One aspect of Christian doctrine that he refused to accept was that animals have no souls and were just there to be cannon fodder and food for humans. He was very against that on principle. I never read in any of his works an analysis of a moment in history when westerners and the Christian church adopted that official doctrine. Certainly, Jesus never mentioned that animals didn’t have a soul, at least in the Gospels that we have. The majority of people in

the world do feel a kinship with animals. In the Buddhist sense, there is a little bit of anthropocentric world view. In the sense when a living being rises above the animal life form – and by above, I mean to a greater degree of independence, intelligence, ability to not react instinctively to things. To think things through and restrain instincts, and so on – moreover, that makes the human being more powerful than the animal and more gentle than predatory animals, though humans can be even more predatory than animals. Then there is a range above humans where you have what is called Titans and Divinities and things like that in the Buddhist world view. These are just life forms that people cycle through, and none of them are perfect. Then there are the gods, but the idea that one of them created everybody is not even. I mean, look, even in the Jewish Bible the snake talks and seduces or waylays Adam and Eve and gets

them kicked out, then is condemned by God to have no legs and has to crawl on the ground, but before that he’s talking. So, even in ancient times before various authorities formalized all these things, it would seem that humans were aware of the sentience of animals. It’s like a normal thing to be aware of that, and it doesn’t mean that they are necessarily equal to you in abilities or you can’t talk to them unless you have a special psychic ability, but the point is they are sentient creatures. Then Darwin, poor Darwin, is so belabored by canonic monotheists for showing the chain of connection between humans and monkeys, and some people are still freaking out about it in Arkansas in America, when they try to teach creationism in school, or teach Darwin, because it gets them to not believe in the bible. I mean, that is so silly. The Buddhists, long before Darwin, realized this

connection with the animals, but they also have a spiritual connection because they’ve been animals. It isn’t just your genes; they’re the same genes as 98% of something in a chimpanzee. You were personally a chimpanzee, and that’s an even stronger sense of linkage to the natural world, and the different biological life forms than the Darwinian idea gives you through the materialism of genetic evolution. I think at first it seems very weird to us in the west because we’re used to this idea that we have this spark of God, and we do, and God has the spark of humans. We also have the spark of chimpanzees, and we have the spark of crocodiles, and whatever. However, one thing good about it is that it did help our scientists to escape from the church, the inquisition and the domination of their intelligence by some sort of ridiculous conformity that the church was imposing

on people. However, they should overcome the dogma that there’s no subtle energy of the soul or the spirit. They have their long conversation about thermodynamic law that no energy is ever destroyed but can become dissipated in entropy, but it’s never destroyed. Somehow the mind is not energy? They won’t acknowledge the subtle energy of the mind even after the quantum discovery that there’s a plane of super-micro, subparticle reality that you can’t reach into with course measurement and the uncertainty principle. Moreover, even after that they still are denying that the mind has the energy or is energy. That’s very irrational of them is all I can say. SANDIE SEDGBEER: I have read that Buddhists believe that we could be reborn as an animal, but it’s usually considered to be an unhappy rebirth. Why would that be unhappy? If we regard animals as equals to us why would anyone be unhappy about being reborn as one?

ROBERT THURMAN: It would be very stupid to be reborn as an animal because an animal can’t speak, but unfortunately some humans get debased. They debase themselves. They live too much as a predator of themselves. They might idealize panthers and tigers and things and then, if they die violently, say in war or something like that, and therefore they die in a state of heightened aggression and fear they might be attracted to a life form that was more like a crystallization of aggression and fear; like a tiger or lion or a crocodile or reptile of some kind. One of the reasons human beings are great is that humans can shift their sense of identification. We’re not stuck with identifying ourselves in this or that way. Human beings behave horribly within mobs, because they subtly identify with the mob, and they lose their normal individual selfrestraint in certain ways.

We identify with others in love situations. We identify with the beloved. We identify with the child in birth situations, in parental situations, or with a nation or religion. A human being can expand this sense of identification, and if they became paranoid and freaked out about others, they will become a more aggressive animal. SANDIE SEDGBEER: Have you ever felt that deep sense of recognition or connection with a dog that Elena Mannes writes about in Soul Dog? ROBERT THURMAN: Yes, I certainly have. We have two Pekinese dogs, and I do feel that sense of connection with one of them, Ashley. We had Tibetan dogs over the years, and I think there was one dog who took rebirth two or three times and somehow arranged to be in the right store, in the right place, in the right household to be adopted by us. It was the same dog, we think so, both of us. In our 51 years of

marriage, we’ve had maybe 10 or 11 dogs. My wife and I had a wonderful dog. It was originally her dog, and she brought us together. She went out and found me in a group and dragged me off to meet my wife and that was a major thing with us, and then she unusually left us. We still don’t know for sure what it was, but she somehow disappeared, and we conceived our first child shortly after that. It was very interesting. So, we had a very deep relationship with her. Since I met my wife, we have always had dogs. Dogs and kids, we would always mix them up. SANDIE SEDGBEER: Elena Mannes says that as a result of her experience she came to believe without a shadow of a doubt that inter-species communication is possible. Do you share that belief? ROBERT THURMAN: Yes, I think that’s possible. There are many stories. The Buddha taught many

what are called Jataka tales, or formalized tales, where he’s always some remarkable animal, like the king of the monkeys, or the deer, or the king of the turtles. Just like a Walt Disney Old Yeller or Lassie type of story, but where the Buddha is the Lassie figure doing kind things and helping people and sometimes wild animals, too. In India, there are many stories of movement between different species, and that different species can communicate with the human species. Moreover, there are many accounts, even in modern times, of great Indian Yogis who live in the mountains, and snakes won’t bite them, tigers are peaceful and sit around and won’t attack them in the jungle there because they have such a strong, friendly vibration and their energy is so good they are never molested by even the fiercest animals. I think anyone like jockeys or animal trainers who work in zoos, horsemen, and cowboys, and so on, get a

sense of communing with their animals. Of course, in our culture, you have all those prejudices against telepathy and clairvoyance. We think that’s weird. We have to watch TV, or we want to look at our iPhone, and we think that any kind of intelligence or sensitivity is supernatural and, therefore, woo-woo. It’s not supernatural; it’s just supernormal. People get messages from each other all the time. People know when somebody’s died 500 miles away. It’s just normal, but it’s not acceptable. It challenges the orthodoxy, which is nothing but an anti-religious orthodoxy that everything is material, and since we don’t count the mind as the material it can’t exist; it doesn’t matter. That’s dogma. It’s not scientific. Science is supposed to make hypotheses and look at the evidence. It’s not supposed to be dogmatic and make a rule that is more important than experience. Science is experience first and theory second, but not those

materialists, they’re theory first and experience second. So, they won’t pay any attention to however much experience you have. SANDIE SEDGBEER: The Dalai Lama ordained you as a Buddhist monk in 1965, and you’re still close friends with him. You’ve said that he is the most practical leader of world leaders with principles that must be heeded by them to avert the worst outcomes of our present global crisis. Realistically, what hope do

you have that the current world leaders will heed what the Dalai Lama has to say and what we can learn from him? ROBERT THURMAN: Realistically what I think is that people are sick of most of these lunatic leaders and the leaders have not caught up with the sensibility of the people. Facebook is now, what, 2.7 billion or something? People kind of know everything about each other, but the leaders are still operating in a militaristic,

domination game that they play. You know Mr. Putin, and the KGB’s still there making problems, like with Assad, and now they’re not even hiding behind any facade of serving any people. They’re just ordering them around, and people en masse are getting killed, so I think the oldfashioned, male-dominated, militaristic last few thousand years is coming to an end and it cannot go on any longer like this. It’s propped up by the Petroleum Industry with trillions of dollars going into it every year, burning fossil fuels that are then wrecking the life base that life is produced by, and the people in control of that pretend that nobody notices, so they’re reckless. They say they care about their children, but their actions belie what they say. So, the point is that people are fed up with it. There’s a young, 15-year-old Swedish, a girl who is suing the older generation in her country for not changing radically and drastically the way in which they’re living

and wrecking the planet for the future when the young girl’s children will be living in a polluted, toxic world. So, I think that the two trends, which are greed and hatred, greed and aggression, blown up to a level of militarism and consumerism are just unsustainable. The leadership is still charging ahead in those directions, and people are feeling betrayed by those leaders. The leaders are being more and more autocratic and shooting people, destroying or imprisoning them, and brainwashing them with fake propaganda like Fox News and other such outlets like that. However, it can’t go on like this. So, what’s unrealistic to me is the idea that it will go on - that the 21st century will be like the 20th century with a bunch of warmongers running around and driving everything off a cliff. So, democracies are not working. We have a lunatic in the United States. Brexit is ridiculous, in England. The nonsense that they’re going to fix it or they’re

going to try without cutting off the connection with the rest of the world, is ridiculous. What’s realistic is that this is the only planet we have. Nonviolence is where we’re going. We dialogue it out when we have conflict. We talk it through. We don’t kill each other. We don’t need excess, objects, and we don’t need to keep reproducing the same car, again and again, every year. We can drive one quietly, maybe electric, or we can hire a horse. In other words, we can live at a minimal level. We’re not going to go back to living in tents or caves, of course not. We’re going to live at a middle level and come to a kind of reasonable way of managing the materials of the world. The more spiritual kind of scientist is totally into the fact that the planet is manageable if the leadership would behave, and would listen to facts and science. Buckminster Fuller once said, “Send all the politicians to Mars and leave the engineers till I figure out how I can make everything properly,” which can be done. So, this whole

money and military game business is just ridiculous and unrealistic, and human beings are going to move against it, but peacefully. I’m not predicting more violent revolutions, because they don’t work. When people get to the top with more violence, they do more violence when they’re on the top. The women’s revolution is really important, here, because women are the ones who know when the dog is hungry, and the cat needs to be let out. The women know that you can talk things through. They deal with the Father and Son battles, the Brother and Brother battles in the household, and they try to calm them down. They often get caught in the middle. They know about connection. They release Oxytocin in a crisis, not Cortisol. They make connections with people and see things from another perspective more easily than the men who want to charge ahead and break the wall down or something. So, this is necessary.

Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Aromatherapy for Emotional Wounds By Humanity Healing

AROMATHERAPY TO DEAL WITH EMOTIONAL CHALLENGES Did you know that aromas can heal? See below how aromatherapy treats

emotional problems and emotional wounds. Essential oils help reduce states of insomnia, anxiety, and stress. Our day-to-day challenges, our goals settings at work, and even disagreements in relationships can trigger emotional imbalances. We can suffer from insomnia, stress, and anxiety at an alarming rate. But we can reduce emotional discomforts by using essential oils. Aromatherapy can be a natural and straightforward option to add to your routine. Learn how to use Aromatherapy to deal with emotional challenges, to gain peace of mind, and restorative sleep.

AROMAS TO HEAL EMOTIONAL WOUNDS When we inhale an essential oil, the scent trails into our brain through our limbic system, which handles many aspects of our behaviors and emotions.

The limbic system supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, and long-term memory. We find that all the discomfort in the face of life challenges has emotional roots. Aromatherapy has the power to soften them, harmonizing what is an imbalance, and restoring the sense of equilibrium and peace. To use the essential oils listed below, drip a drop (or use combinations that I explain below) into the personal diffuser and use daily 2 to 3 hours. If you do not have your own diffuser, you can drip 1 drop of the oil into a cloth or paper wipe and keep it close to you, also for 2 to 3 hours.

ESSENTIAL OILS TO COMBAT STRESS If your daily challenges have increased your level of stress, citrus oils are a good solution, such as sweet orange and Bergamot. Sweet orange helps to

organize your thoughts, decrease anxiety levels and gives the command “do one thing at a time.”

Aromatherapy, relieves states of fear and depression and can help release repressed emotions.

Carry a tissue with a drop of citrus of your choice and use it on a daily basis, or drip two drops on your aromatic necklace.

• Ylang Ylang: soothing, promotes relaxation and balances emotions. Suitable for controlling negative feelings of fear, frustration, and anger, helping the person to focus, and open more to understand their feelings.

It is important to note: some citrus essential oils are photosensitive and can stain the skin. Avoid direct exposure to the sun.

ESSENTIAL OILS TO CONTROL ANXIETY In the case of anxiety, a complaint prevalent these days, use some of these oils: • Cedar: heater and protector, helps in the transformation of negative emotions, promoting balance and relaxation. Excellent for increasing mental focus and selfconfidence. • Neroli: One of the best anxiolytic oils in

• Lavender: soothing and relaxing. It helps in all states of anxiety, balances the body and mind and deflates high emotions. Carry a tissue with a drop of citrus of your choice and use it daily, or drip two drops on your aromatic necklace.

AROMATHERAPY FOR SLEEPLESSNESS The lavender essential oil helps bring relief to insomnia and is easy to find. It helps to relax and calm the mind. Place an oil drop onto your

pillow or tissue and leave it close to you. Another tip is to do a scalding foot with warm water and two drops of lavender before bed. Remember that some essential oils have contra-indications, and some have side effects. We recommend you consult with an aromatherapist, to help you choose the best oils and state the form of use most appropriate to your life moment.

AROMAS THAT TREAT EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS The fragrances can reach the deepest regions of our brain in hundredths of a second and evoke memories of the past or arouse immediate emotions. This is because olfaction is the sense that is closest to the region of the brain linked to the feelings: the limbic system. The aromas activate our hypothalamus, resulting in a production of hormones that control the functions of our body, such as behavior,

appetite, mood and good mood. Another region of the brain, the hippocampus, handles our olfactory memory and it manages the unleashing memories in our minds linked to an aroma. These olfactory memories are permanent, through aromatherapy, we can rescue or soften emotional states attached to these memories.

HOW AROMAS WORK IN TREATMENT There are essential oils in aromatherapy that can clear old feelings attached in our olfactory memory. Some of these feelings may be contaminating our life with uncertainty and fear. Most diseases originate in our deepest emotions: anger, imbalance, anguish, heartache, resentment, traumas, and many others. Aromatherapy puts us in touch with these emotional problems so that we can understand where it

comes from, softening and healing them. As you can see, it is not a simple treatment, it is something that is as effective as a therapy, for example. Aromatherapy will make you revisit difficult situations of your life that had caused you the emotional problems to understand them and heal them (or at least soften them). Usually, aromatherapy is as an auxiliary therapy to help the understanding of emotions and treatment of emotional problems. How to use: Put 2 drops of one of the essential oils into your personal essential oil diffuser daily. You can also dribble the same amount on your pillow or sheet 30 minutes before bedtime.

AROMAS THAT RELATE TO ANGER During our life, we may accumulate anger over someone, some subject, or

some past situation. This accumulated anger is going to become bitterness, and when we come across problems involving that person or circumstance, we lose control, we explode in rage, and we do not know how to control it. If anger is a normal emotion in your life, you may want to use the following emotional oils: Lavender essential oil: Balances the emotions and provides a state of immediate calm. Mint Essential Oil: Controls emotions, increases patience, tolerance and decreases irritability. Chamomile essential oil: Powerful soothing, relieves the anguish, bitterness, constant irritation, deep sadness, and depression.


wounds, which can happen at any time and leave traces that are often triggered in our daily lives. To reduce emotional or physical injury, please use: Vetiver essential oil: it is an oil that increases selfconfidence, self-esteem, and determination. It brings the courage to face challenges, removes blocks, puts our feet on the ground, giving us better structure and flexibility. Benzoin essential oil: this oil brings a welcoming feeling to the moments of desperation caused by the trauma. It helps restore calm, leads back to the axis, relieving pains and emotional wounds.

AROMAS THAT HELP RELEASE FEELINGS Many people find it difficult to say what they think, to expose their feelings and to get choked up, which is very bad for their emotional health. When we cannot reveal our feelings, we are

able to develop problems of the digestive system, such as gastritis, heartburn, burning, and reflux, for example. See the aromas indicated for relief and treatment of this problem. Lemongrass essential oil: this oil helps control emotions when we face situations that suffocate us, it helps to be calm to express ourselves, to get the emotions out, makes us not “swallow a frog,” and helps us express anger and irritability in a weighted way. Pine essential oil: it is an oil that favors communication, open dialogue, respect, and understanding between people. Patchouli’s essential oil: this oil helps to break the stiffness of thought, breaking the stubbornness of obsessive thoughts patterns. Helps avoid repetitive forms of behavior that lead to difficulty in expressing yourself.

Dealing with SorrowGrieving in Pieces By Lisa Shaw

When we mourn, and we do so only because we love; the dimensions of that grief differ for each death without one being greater or lesser than another; we grieve from different parts of our heart for different reasons. The heart is not a cliché. People experiencing grief can distinguish its impact from momentary sadness. True sorrow brings with it a physical tension gnaws at us from the heart center. At various times of day when different sensations trigger memories, none of them predictable. We experience an emotional pain with an identifiable physical center.

Those who have lost loved ones be they human or animal, consider them and recognize the different pallets of grief you carry. If you Just as we don’t love each person or animal in our lives the say way, we don’t grieve for them from the same place. That doesn’t mean we grieve in different measure; we grieve from different places, regardless of how long we’ve been in a relationship or how challenging that relationship may have been. One parent may have carried us through our early years with great devotion, only to succumb in mid-life to financial strains and workloads

that put us at a greater distance. Alternatively, our living demands may have moved us farther away physically and correspondingly emotionally. The fact that we were needier in our earlier years, the love and therefore the grief we experience for our parents emanates from a more primal place. Was it dad who taught you to fly a kite or a ride a twowheeler? Did Mom take you clothes shopping and make festive birthday parties when you were four, five, six? The grief we feel in parental loss will sweep us back to those images; their love resides in the oldest and most formative places in the part of our consciousness. Grief over parents, grandparents, and siblings can be framed in flickering sequences of childhood images, much like an early 20th century silent film. Here we are at Christmas. Here we are at the beach. Here were are at graduation. If we were blessed enough to be present at the passing of a loved one, we might retain images and sensations of their last breath, their last word, their last gesture, squeezing our hand in the final moments of life. They seem to erupt unannounced as we progress through our mundane days.

Some losses, particularly those of our animal companions, they equate to the loss of a cherished best friend or partner. The grief over the death of the stalwart, elderly faithful dog or cat flows from a deep and serious center. We were both protectors and protected, a role we did not play with our parents. The loss of a rescue dog is a sorrow connected to the loss of a sweet child seeking refuge. We wrapped them in the blanket of our love, and now they’re gone; now our hands are empty. As humans, we find discomfort in voids. Moreover, grief over the loss of a child? This is the unspeakable grief. It may be the hole in our center that never fills. Although we experience different forms of grief from different origins, each is in some way the same as the next. We have to plow through it (but we never “get over” it) It would be easier if we were not such emotionally driven beings. However, there are lessons and opportunities for us in the loss of those we love. We don’t always understand them until much later.

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

The Chrysalis of Change The Evolution of Our Self-Identity By Judi Lynch

We are often reminded to love ourselves before we can love others. This is not always so easy for those who might not remember how to define themselves beyond outside perceptions, judgments,

and opinions. In a society distracted by filter enhanced selfies, oversharing of personal information and public shaming we can lose the very heart of who we really are. Our identity is ever changing as we mature and grow. A picture might be worth a thousand words, but it can also hide the truth in a soul. Our beauty lives inside us with many emotions and life lessons. It lives in every heartbreak, moments of joy, defeats, and sorrows we have ever experienced since the day we were born. Our identity is wrapped up in memories shared with others and dreams of what we can become. How we see ourselves as a soul is beyond how we look, dress and act, it helps define our courage and strength when life gets real. When someone or something comes along, and we feel unfairly attacked or judged, it is an opportunity to take notice of our feelings. Is it true, is it fair, and is it right? Are we too sensitive? We have to ask ourselves if this situation can be changed for the good of everyone involved and if so, we take the steps we

need to evolve it. Emotional abuse has caused so many to lose their will in life when their loving contributions would have benefited humanity. Rising above and reclaiming our right to heal, learn and live a happy life is possible if we take control of our own identity. A sensitive child can be hurt by older siblings and classmates who tease, bully and aggravate making them feel vulnerable and weak. It can take decades of living and counseling to understand we have a role in defining our self-worth and our purpose in the world. No one has the right to tell us who and what we are, how to become our best self. Competition, greed, jealousy, and power can overshadow hard work, accomplishment and the will to thrive when we feel less than who we really are. There is a popular meme going around that says, “Your opinion of me does not define me.� Yet there are thousands of posts of pouty lips and sexy outfits online just begging for likes and loves. The messages

can be contradictory and confusing. Do we like the person or the outfit? The hair or the hairstyle? The creativity of the make-up or the beauty of being natural? We all have different preferences. We are all like puzzle pieces that were meant to fit and work together in our individual styles. If we seek out others who are supportive, understanding and like-minded, we become more able to grow into our purposes here. We can witness examples of behavior, lifestyle, and community that appeal to us but also help us keep our uniqueness to each other. As they say, it takes all kinds of people to make the Earth a better place. If we can learn acceptance and tolerance plus polish the skills of curiosity, we welcome new ideas, art, technology, and people into our lives with confidence instead of skepticism and competition. We can seek out the freedom to celebrate our brand of specialness. This world has incredible cultures, history, and beauty to explore. There are so many

possibilities and scenarios that can play out in life. Our goals can be limitless if we let them. Taking control of our destiny means remaining in charge of our personal decisions as much as possible. Defining our lives becomes more plausible when we feel secure in our intentions and integrity with others as well. Treating others how we want to be treated brings in much more peace than being cold and insensitive. We can learn to love ourselves through our need to love others. We can learn to forgive others because we can forgive ourselves for being human, paradoxes and beautiful in our evolution. Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

Need Some Healing Light? By John Holland

Every evening for many years, I continue with this little ritual that I’d like to share. Although it’s quite simple, I find it’s powerful to have an intended thought powered by light. The simple act of lighting a candle every night for me reminds me that all thought has power. Also, keeping a candle lit for a while, helps me to send and keep positive thoughts on the desired intention. Candles have been used since the dawn of time for meditations, blessings, spiritual and religious ceremonies, healings, prayers, celebrations, psychic development, to feel comforted and protected,

to hold the memory of a loved one, and yes- even romance! The uses are endless. Many people choose candles by scent, some choose by color, while others are fine with a plain candle, or even a tea light in a votive purchased from a dollar store. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. No matter what you choose, it’s the positive use of the candle that makes it special. Every day people positively use candles without even knowing it. Ask yourself: “How many times have you blown out a candle on a birthday cake?” What you’re

actually doing is that when you close your eyes to make a wish (holding that special thought) and then blowing out the candle, is that you’re actually sending off the wish while bringing your desires to light. When my mom was ill, every night I would light a white candle and would take a moment to focus on my mom. I’d use the energy of light to send her healing and peace. It was a reminder to place a positive thought on her health as opposed to envisioning her being sickly. I’m not sure if it was the candle, the light, prayers, or the thoughts, but she did have many good days before she passed. I find that candles keep me connected to my soul and to the Divine, as a special reminder that we’re never alone. That’s why if I can, no matter whether I’m demonstrating mediumship, I’ll always have a candle burning to remind me that Spirit is there! JOHN’S TIPS on the Power of Intention If you’ve never used candles for the power of intention, how about trying it for a week or two? Maybe it will become an

everyday ritual for the rest of your life that you’ll enjoy, enjoy the benefits. Many people start off by using a specific color: White for Spirit or protection, red for strength, pink for romance, and green for plenty. It doesn’t matter what color you choose as long as it has a special meaning for you. If you’ve never used a candle for meditation, then I encourage you to try it. By focusing on a candle flame, it can take you deep within yourself. If your mind begins to wonder, then focus once again on the flame to bring you back to your meditation. “Some people are drawn to light, while others emanate it.” If you know someone who could use healing and light in their life right now, light a candle for them as you send them your thoughts. Light can illuminate even the darkest of places or situations. So give it a try, and keep the faith and knowledge, not how powerful light and positive intention is, but how magnificent and special you are! Live a Soul-filled life!

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A Checklist for Forgiveness (An excerpt from, Lead Us To A Place ~ your spiritual journey through life’s seasons - Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac)

“Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another.” It is our choice to learn to let go of a past wrong, and it is our choice to no longer allow ourselves to be hurt by it.

Remove your ego from the equation. Now, look at the situation. Does it appear differently? Understanding how to forgive is a well-learned lesson, which will only make you stronger. So why should we forgive? “We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.” –Martin Luther King, Jr. In his article, “Forgiveness, What Its For?”, Adapted from Larry James’s books, he writes: “Forgiveness works! It is often difficult, AND it works! “Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It is not something you do FOR someone else. It is not complicated. It is simple. Simply identify the situation to be forgiven and ask yourself: “Am I willing to waste my energy further on this matter?” If the answer is “No,” then that’s it! All is forgiven.”

“If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.” –Mother Theresa Gemstone: Forgiveness “I ask for clarity to see and bless those persecuting me. Allow me to forgive myself, for holding on, release the past So I can move on forward to that which keeps me strong and true.” –Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac A Checklist for Forgiveness Forgiveness is for YOUR peace of mind. √ Forgiveness helps to heal our emotional wound.√ We are not perfect. √ By holding on to this, we continue to be the victim of this circumstance. √ Those who are weak can never forgive. √ When you forgive, you change your future. √ Forgiveness offers you another chance for a new start.√ If perfection were possible,

there would be no need for love or forgiveness. √ The final acceptance of your life is forgiveness. √ Why are you losing sleep over transgressions, that another may not even know they committed? Forgiveness is making peace with yourself, as much as it is releasing the offense against you. √

Create A Forgiveness Workbook This Forgiveness Worksheet or Life Workbook is a great way to bring the power of your thoughts, good energy and a generous way to express your true feelings on paper. Use this journal for writing down situations and how you have experienced them. These journals are right places to record your positive outlook, your goals for achieving a path to your truths and your daily affirmation. It can allow you to look at that information later for understanding inspiration

and guidance.

20 Ways for Understanding Forgiveness 1. Upon waking, write down the name of the person you are forgiving. Write down what it is you are forgiving them for. 2. It is a good idea to write words such as I am, I can, I will. 3. Write down your perception of the misunderstanding. 4. Jot down significant words/ phrases, that signify your mindfulness, today. “My partner,” “my great career,” “my respect for myself.” 5. List what negative feelings you are still holding on to. Explain in your journal. 6. Now learn about the power of letting go of these feelings. Write down each day, something new that you find forgiveness in doing, seeing, saying, hearing... 7. Understand, it is now time to let go, which you do by____________________... (write them down). Look at it

periodically. What impact does it have on your thoughts? 8. Do you see failure as a stumbling block or a stepping stone to forgiveness? Find three things in forgiving that make it a stepping stone to the next level! List them now. 9.Be sure and write the time and day on the top of the page. 10. Make this journal your own! Buy or make a book that you are eager to go to each day. Use stickers, color, doodles that all express your journey to forgiving yourself and others. 11. Our ability to forgive is in direct proportion to our ability to receive forgiveness. 12. When we are able to forgive all parts of ourselves, this allows us to be that much more perfect and whole. This, in turn, helps us to forgive others for any past mistakes. 13. Remember: mistakes come from good people who from time to time made some bad choices. 14. Judgments, resentments,

and grudges are destructive emotions. When left unchecked, unresolved or not under control, they can wash away the foundation of any relationship. 15. A wake-up call is in order! Talk it out. Resolve issues, disputes, and misunderstanding by expressing your feelings in a calm, well thought out, civil conversation. Preferably in person. 16. When we hurt ourselves, we hurt each other? Learn to forgive yourself by releasing your guilt. Learn to forgive others by letting go of your ego. 17. Remind yourself that we live in each other’s hearts and when we look at ourselves, we see each other. When we love each other, we love ourselves more. 18. Learn to understand the relief you gain from forgiveness. 19. Step up to the plate and speak your peace. 20. Forgiving is the ultimate in acceptance of yourself and others. It reveals a path to our true selves.

A Simple Practice In Being Present By Jim Dreaver

The beauty of a simple practice in being is that there are no special eyesclosed meditation, yoga or other exotic body movements, restrictive diet,

chanting, sacred rituals, or esoteric rites. It is just a matter of whenever we find ourselves lost in or getting distracted by a thought or “story,” or are having an emotional reaction to someone or something, that we can remember to come down out of our heads and back to the present moment. We come back to experiencing life without a “story” in the way, interfering with our clear perception of what “is” at this moment. To help us embody this, make it real in our lives, we can affirm the liberation mantra: “We are a pure presence.” Then we take a few deep, slow breaths down into our belly, unlock our knees if we are standing, and feel our feet on the ground. Be alert, yet relaxed, and feel the living presence in our body, the fact that we exist, here, now.

Do the stepping-back practice if it helps. Step back a few inches above and behind our heads, which is more the real us that is pure awareness. Then notice how everything in our awareness, thoughts and stories, the “I” with its endless worries and concerns, and our feelings and emotions comes and goes yet we are always here. We become aware of our true nature as awareness itself, the conscious existence in which all sounds, sights, sensations, thoughts, stories, even the most personal of stories, come and go, arise and disappear. We realize and feel ourselves to be the awareness in which everything happens, in which everything comes and goes, shifts and changes. This includes all our thoughts, beliefs, stories, the “I” and ego related thoughts, as well as our emotional reactions.

If the ego “I” is especially persistent in our awareness with its judgments, criticisms, expectations, and negative self-talk, it is easy enough just to step back and love it as opposed to resisting or struggling with it, which only makes it stronger. Then see how it comes and goes, and let it fade into the background. After all, it’s not the real “us,” the beautiful, powerful people we are. It’s just our reactive ego doing what it does. If we do this practice enough throughout the day, then eventually we will have the big “ah ha!” We will know ourselves as a pure existence, an awareness in which everything comes goes. We will be awake, at least at this moment, to the love and freedom of our true nature.

Remember too, the more we see how our thoughts and stories come and go, and realize that we are always present, the easier it is to let go of them. The more present we are, the more our thoughts and stories drop away, dissolve, on their own. We don’t even have to let go. As we learn to see every situation, we find ourselves throughout the day without projecting any story or belief upon it. Any problems or challenges we may face will reveal themselves to us as they are. We will see them with more clarity and insight and will intuitively know what to do about it. At the least, we will have a better idea of the next step we need to take. We are seeing with the eyes of the universe, and this, above all, is the source

of our supreme confidence and trust in life, and our ability to handle whatever challenge may arise. It is just as William Blake, the 18th Century British poet and mystic said: “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” A good reality check is to ask ourselves a specific question at the end of our day. “How present was I today? Did I see things essentially without any story, or was I in my head, identified with and obsessing about this or that?” As we look back on our day, we will notice times when we were present, living in awakened consciousness, versus those when we were lost in thought, in our story when the voice of judgment, expectation, or some other

distracting thought was taking over. Acknowledge what was so, and then come back to just being present, open, and loving at this moment now. Just this moment now. We are either present, or we are lost in a story. BIO Jim Dreaver, a native of New Zealand, teaches the art of awakening to the ease, harmony, and flow of our true spiritual nature. He is the author of End Your Story, Begin Your Life, and has taught at Esalen Institute and elsewhere for many years. His own awakening happened in 1995 after a 20-year search, and his guide was European nondual master, Jean Klein. Visit

Cleanse Your home with Feng Shui By Shakti World

Have you thought about clean the house not only to have a spotless and orderly environment but also with good energy? Learn more about cleaning with Feng Shui. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art widely used to help balance the energy flow of spaces, seeking a greater harmonization of environments. According to experts, this technique leaves the space with more positive and light energy. It is a resource for people who are relocating or opening a new office and want an area free of negative influences when occupying the place.

Fundamental to many people in various countries, the Feng Shui technique has some aspects of organizing and purifying environments. Learn how to clean and cleanse your home with these factors in mind.

What is Feng Shui? Feng Shui is an ancient technique that has emerged in China and it teaches how to have a better balance of energy flow in an environment. The method considers that the adequate flow of energy is directly linked to prosperity and happiness. It can be used from the beginning of the construction of a property, to know its correct positioning in the field, to the internal harmonization of the houses or commercial places. In the organization of environments, this technique takes into account the best way to dispose of objects and furniture to contribute to the correct flow of energy. You can also use Feng Shui techniques when cleaning your home. The important thing is to let go of everything that prevents the increase of positive energy and allows the dissipation of negative energy.

1) Water Care In Feng Shui, the bathroom has great importance for the energy balance, because it is the environment of the house where we wash our body to cut the impurities. It is also related to water, an element considered as a sign of prosperity for this millennial technique. For wealth and Wellbeing to have an adequate flow in the lives of the residents, the water of the home also needs to circulate. Avoid letting the drains and outlets of water-clogged or discharged and damaged pipes, as this represents the difficulty of energy flow, and can cause irritability to the residents of the house. It is important to leave the doors of the bathrooms closed, especially when they are close to the dining and living rooms, kitchen or entrance doors. The toilet lid should also be kept lower. 1.A) Aquariums Feng Shui aquariums and the positive energies for your home. Having an aquarium at your house is having an important element of the present Feng Shui: water. It is very different from the running

water that comes out of the taps and the water shower present in the aquariums, pools and fountains. The continuous water present in the environment helps to attract the energy of wealth and prosperity to the place.

The energies flow positively through the flow of the universe. It should not be installed in the south part of the room, in the kitchen or bedroom. It is best not to put in the southeast of the living room.

They were already very fashionable in the houses, but the reasons for them never ceased to exist. So, and you will now know why. It is with no wonder that various clinics and practices set up aquariums at their receptions. Aquariums not only embellish the environment, but bring energies of calm, placidness and harmony. The Chinese doctrine of Feng Shui says aquarium fish bring prosperity energies. In Chinese, the word “fish” and “abundance” speak of the same characters. So, in China they are a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Choice of fish: in the Far East the fish that attract happiness are carp, arowana and goldfish.

Some Guidelines to observe Quantity of fish: the ideal is to have from three onwards, always in divisible number. Location: It is good to have an aquarium near the door, in the corner of the room, in the hallway.

To have an aquarium and practice the teachings of Feng Shui, you must remember that you need to like it, not only as an ornament, but as an unparalleled opportunity to take care of a micro-environment filled with circulating energy and living things. Anyway, it is worth having an aquarium. 2) Keep everything running For Feng Shui, when something is not used, it accumulates stagnant and stationary energy. Thus, get rid of broken or unused objects and make constant maintenance on the equipment and appliances. Repair buzzers and intercoms and replace burned out bulbs.

3) Organization Arrange your belongings in the closets and donate the clothes you no longer use. Leave office paperwork in order and let go of books that will not be most useful. In the kitchen, do the same thing, keeping only the utensils that are useful. Thus, energy will flow more in a adequate way. 4) Ventilation For Feng Shui, the habit of keeping doors and windows open for air circulation is essential. If an environment is closed, the energy stays too, causing imbalances in several areas of a person’s life. The ideal would be to open the doors and windows daily, for one hour in the morning and another in the afternoon. Also, avoid messing up environments with lots of furniture or decorating objects. Air must flow throughout the location so that negative energy leaves. This way Good energy replaces by bad ones. 5) Mirrors Keep mirrors always clean. Otherwise they can attract more energy. Also avoid hanging mirrors on opposing walls because, for Feng Shui, the duplicate image can attract instability into the lives

of the residents. 6) Special cleaning products One of the unique products that you can use to clean your home energetically and dissipate the negative energies is the liquid Blue Anil mixed in the water. Use it to clean the floor and door stops, the first week of each month. 7) Plants For an adequate energy balance of your home, try to invest more in plants as decorative objects. Yet, they must always be well cared for, to attract good energies. 8) Fireplace: If you have a fireplace in your home, know that this is not only a decorative element, or to keep the house warm during the winter. Also, when lighting a fireplace, you will be activating the element of fire. Fire is very important in Feng Shui, because it purifies the energies and also represents prosperity. If you do not have a fireplace built in your home, but want to perform this energy cleansing, you can opt for a portable model.

Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Love Rituals to Raise Passion in Your Marriage By Ascending hearts

There are 3 things couples can do to keep the flame burning and love always progressing in marriage. Find out what they are and start today!

Routine can be a family ally when we use it for our benefit. Day-to-day stress, however, can make the most important things overlooked. If we are not careful, after some time immersed in the madness of daily life, we forget that love is the most important, because, after all, it was love that made us into a couple, into a family. There love rituals that can help couples build a healthy marriage where the flame increases over time and does not go out: 1. Greet and say goodbye to your spouse with a kiss and a hug First of all, give them a tight hug and a kiss before they say goodbye to work, and the time they see each other after a tiring day. Don’t be afraid to say, “I love you. You are important to me. Please take care. I will miss you so much until you come back. “And

your actions of kissing and embracing your love make you feel loved, confident and make you want to go home or stay as long as you can. Read: 8 little things that happy couples do every day 2. Dedicate 20 minutes to each other at night before bedtime After a relaxing bath, talk about your day, children’s day, the agenda of the next day and other necessary and/ or important things or not. Make sure they look into each other’s eyes. Kiss, hug, make sure you’re both in tune. Pray together. Give up your hands. Find ways to say “I chose you to share my life, to grow and together to build our love and our family. You are important to me. “The constancy of these moments, even in the problematic, tiresome days, moments of despair and sadness, will

make a difference in the progress of your marriage. Read: 10 certain ways to rekindle the flame in marriage 3. Pick one night a week to date Although this is a weekly ritual, the expectation and preparation for this day are daily. One is expected to see the other on this particular day alone. Friday night after a week of work, for example. There are moments reserved for family, leisure, and work, and there must also be, in every healthy marriage, at least one night where husband and wife take care of what is most important in their lives: their relationships as a couple. We need to take care of our marriage and love to be strong and to be able to set an example for our children than to seek one day for their own lives. “Believe me, one day children grow

up, friends move, family members leave. The person next to you right now is the one who will be at all times. Build this love with dedication. These daily rites are wonderful stress-relieving remedies. Listening and feeling that you are loved and recognized not only contributes to be a better spouse but a better parent, a child, friend and even a better professional. Validation of one another through these practices is the best way to prepare the marriage and family for the real problems if and when they arise, such as loss of a job, the health of a family member or problem with a child or others. Begin today to implement these rituals into your relationship routine and be prepared to tell the many smiles you will encounter as you discover best friends, lovers, and life partners.

Love is Real


Releasing the Continuity of War By Crystal Presence

As we stand in awe and appreciation for our lives, we also find ourselves wrestling with the fear of war. Some of the greatest minds continue to ponder over the cause of

war, the battles over personal power, resources, economic gain, safety, rebellion, and revenge. Many scholars see conflict as a universal and ancestral aspect of human nature resulting from sociocultural and environmental circumstances. Meanwhile, many feel it is part of the human condition. Studies show that most men do not want to go to war as it goes against their deepseated human morality. What if we embrace the possibility of ending the war? What if we take 100% responsibility for releasing our internal battle and tug of war? What if we make reconnecting with ourselves and our source our highest priority? What if we stop using war as an excuse to live in fear, stress, guilt and holding back? What if we open ourselves to a new kind of peace and wellness that radiates from our inside out? We know that what we resist persists as we witness war continuing to grow more and more destructive. While some believe that ending the

war is hopeless, many are rising to bring forth a new context of living. With the understanding that beliefs are thoughts that we think repeatedly, we know that we can re-think, feel and change the continuity of how we act in our world. We know that that leaving the responsibility to others is not the answer. Meanwhile, we struggle with questions like how can we find peace while holding onto guilt, shame, addiction and living in a world with so much violence? How can we make a change before the war keeps growing into an even bigger crisis? The following are some of the things we can do to release the addictive continuity of war. • Stay connected and honest with ourselves. Sit on a pillow and place three others in front. Let each pillow represent a different aspect of ourselves, one as our spirit and the others representing our body, emotions, and heart. For example, begin

a conversation with our emotional body. Allow our feelings to interact and respond with us. Go back and forth letting each aspect speak. Encourage them to express how they feel. Create plenty of time and space for each element to come to closure. Enjoy the love that arises as the truth is being revealed and integrated. Appreciate how insights for a resolution to war keep spontaneously arising! • Stay connected to the greater intelligence of our loving source, the source that connects us all and is always available to guide us to the peace we want. • Ask the structural question; what is the nature of experiencing a context and world of peace, freedom, and well-being for all? • Acknowledge any rage, fear, and sadness we feel around the conditions in our world. Be willing to let these emotions move and

express in safe and healthy ways. Open the space to change beliefs and release whatever control and contraction are holding us back. • Release the habit of being reactive. Notice what triggers us and how we respond. Think of new choices we can make to create the outcomes we want. Remember that changing any habit such as reactivity takes practice. • Inspire the momentum of peace. Release reactivity to things such as rallies that are hateful, violent and resistant. • Meditate with the intent to connect with self and Source while letting go of tension and control. • Spend time in nature, bathing in the peaceful emanations and aligning with the healing powers of the Earth. • Stay in movement, dance,

walk, swim and whatever opens us up to allowing new possibilities. • Release all verbal cultural expressions (i.e. “the war on drugs” and “ the warpath.” • Change these common beliefs. –– War is part of life. –– We must fight for our freedom. –– There is not enough for everybody, so we must fight for resources. –– We need to get rid of the people we think are wrong. –– Conditions must be perfect, right and done before we can have peace. –– Peace is not possible, and history proves it. –– Letting go of war and resistance is dangerous because it could set us up to be at risk for being vulnerable.

–– We must control and ourselves and others to have the resolutions we want. Embrace the fact that war requires cultivating peace wherever we are right now. Knowing that everything is alright and, all right. Appreciating where we are now, standing in the chaos and knowing each moment will pass as we focus on the resolution. We can do it! About the author: Crystal is a certified expansion guide with the Total Integration Institute, author, multidimensional coach and facilitator for the live event called Freedom at the Core. She is the instructor and coach for her online course called Freedom From the Inside Out. Crystal is known for the fun and empowering way she supports people in bringing forth the experiences they want in their lives.


Live Your Souls’ Purpose In The New Paradigm Through The Divine Guidance Of The Akashic Records By Jennifer Longmore

Have you truly shifted from knowing your purpose to living purposefully? There’s more to this process of alignment than meets your third eye!

“What is my soul’s purpose?” is THE most popular question asked in the Akashic Records. Once people learn the answer to this question, it typically brings in the sense of homecoming, lightness, clarity, freedom and so much more. Then, reality strikes and people became aware of what it might require of them to shift from knowing their purpose to living it. Patterns of avoidance, distraction, deflection, or contraction may appear because fear often kicks us in the root chakra! When working in your Akashic Records to access information about the next level of your purpose, there is always a question behind the question. Here are some of those hidden questions you may truly want answers to: • Will I be supported by God/ Creator/Source while living my purpose? • Will I be supported by my

partner/friends/loved ones while living my purpose? • Will I be able to handle the responsibility of living my purpose? • Can I be trusted to live my purpose “right?” • How much will I have to change if I live a purposefilled life? • What if I fail at living my purpose? • And this list goes on and on! So, here’s the truth: You are loved. You are supported. You are trusted. You have not called anything to yourself that you cannot handle. You already have everything that you need.

You are already perfect, whole and complete. Your purpose is intended to be joyful, not burdensome. There is no such thing as failure. Moreover, there is ONLY one of you! Take a moment to breathe that in! To support you in moving forward, here are some questions and activities that you can do to help you shift from knowing to living (and even thriving) in your purpose before accessing your Akashic Records: a) Write out all of the reasons why you can’t live your purpose. b) Review that list and respond to these reasons with at least five reasons why you can live your purpose.

c) Research people whom you feel are living their purpose and study how they show up in their lives to provide you with insight about how you may choose to show up in your life differently. d) Seek support whether it is a friend, trusted advisor, sacred circle, or healer. We all need someone to hold space for us while we grow and evolve, particularly in areas where we have created the most struggle. Then, when you are ready, create sacred space to go into your Akashic Records, your soul’s blueprint for this lifetime, and follow this process to gain even more loving clarity: a) Begin by setting the intention for how you wish to feel and what you would like answered. b) Be sure to enter from a space of neutrality (vs.

anger, worry, or overattachment to the answers.) c) Create sacred space and bring a journal to jot down any insights. d) Call forward your Akashic Record Keepers by simply stating or intending: “I would like to access my Akashic Records for my highest good and healing today. Please open them for me now!” e) Allow the information to come without trying to force it. You may see, hear, sense or ‘know’ the information. Each person is different, and there is no right or wrong. When you allow yourself to trust, rather than a question, it will allow this relationship to blossom. f) Practice daily to become familiar with how it feels to be in your Records, and feel a greater sense of clarity and trust each time.

If you follow this practice each day, your clarity and connection with your soul’s purpose and how to navigate it in the new paradigm will become more and more evolved each day! Find time to build this into your daily sacred rituals and enjoy the magic that will unfold for you! Jennifer Longmore is the founder of the world’s largest Akashic Record Training School and has taught more than 100,000 students in 100+ countries how to access this ancient tool for clarity, healing, and manifestation. She has conducted more than 30,000 Soul Purpose Sessions for people from all walks of life, including the who’s who of the entertainment industry, c-suite executives, influential leaders, politicians! Through her life’s work, she has pulled together all of the wisdom gleaned from the Akashic Records in her life-changing book: Divine Guidance from the Akashic Records.


Kabbalistic Astrology: Your Spiritual DNA By Monica Berg

Astrology is more than just horoscopes, according to Kabbalah it is an energetic key to all areas of life. It can help us to understand and relate to the people in our

lives in entirely new ways, give us deeper insight into ourselves, and it offers us monthly opportunities for transformation. Based on ancient writings that date back 4,000 years, Kabbalistic astrology paints a picture of our spiritual DNA and offers clues to our soul’s unique destiny.

A Guide to Everyday Life One aspect of Kabbalah that many might not readily know about is the major role that astrology plays in its concepts and teachings. The Kabbalists’ view of astrology is incredibly interactive and supportive and, while it differs slightly from mainstream or Western astrology, it is a tool that anyone can apply to his or her life. Kabbalistic Astrology is essential in navigating all of the different interpersonal relationships we have in our lives; from professional to romantic to parenting to friendships. Because each

sign carries with its certain characteristics, we are given information on how best to communicate, give, and receive from each person depending on their sign. For instance, knowing that Cancers are inherently sensitive and come with enormous emotional depth, approaching a difficult conversation with gentleness is something that you can make a priority when communicating with them. Conversely, a more forceful and straightforward approach might be required to get through to an actionoriented sign like Aries. Beyond these interpersonal tools, Kabbalistic astrology can be just an invaluable for self-knowledge. Knowing that certain challenges are endemic to our sign can bring them to our attention and help us to transform their less-supportive energies. For instance, a Virgo might experience a tendency toward being overly-critical

and a perfectionist; traits that don’t lead to a fulfilling and happy life! Understanding this, the Virgo will now be able to work against this aspect of their nature and transcend a need for perfectionism without selfjudgment (another trait unique to Virgo.) While many other factors contribute to our character, astrology can provide insights, almost like helpful clues, to further support us in our growth.

The Kabbalistic Calendar When we think about Kabbalistic astrology, it’s important to know the ways that it differs from the astrology behind magazine horoscopes. Firstly, the Kabbalistic calendar is a lunisolar calendar, meaning that the months are based on lunar cycles and the years on solar cycles. For example, each month begins with the New Moon making the Kabbalistic months different

from year to year. (A Scorpio in traditional astrology might be a Libra or Sagittarius in Kabbalistic astrology.) Each lunar month corresponds to one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, and as such, each month affects us in different ways offering unique gifts. At each New Moon or Rosh Chodesh (Hebrew for “head of the month”), we have the opportunity to connect with and harness the energy that that month provides. Kabbalists teach that at the beginning of any month, on the New Moon, all the blessings that we want to manifest for that month can be awakened. Just as a seed contains the DNA of the entire tree, the first day of the new month contains the DNA of what will be revealed that month. With each New Moon, we are given a one-day window in which to “plant the seeds” of what we hope to create for the month ahead. While each month brings an

opportunity to draw upon positive aspects; it also offers us a gift through challenging aspects. For example, Gemini brings with it fast-paced thinking and mental activity. Those born under this sign are quick to change their minds and have trouble sticking to something and seeing it through. During the month of Gemini, all of us are subject to this tendency — no matter what sign we were born under. Therefore, by connecting to the powerful energy of a Gemini New Moon, we can take advantage of the burst in mental power while remembering to stay the course.

Powerful Origins Behind these useful concepts, Kabbalistic astrology also offers us a powerful and potent map to ourselves and the universe. The Kabbalists’ study of planets and star formations tells us that we are each born at the precise instant that is best suited to what our soul

needs to fulfill our purpose in this world. Moreover, this is not an airy-fairy, new-age spiritual practice. It is ancient wisdom, finding its source in the writings of Abraham, some 4,000 years ago, as set down in the Sefer Yetzirah, The Book of Formation. According to Abraham, the spiritual DNA in our souls is transferred to each of us through the planets of our solar system. Our nature is determined by the exact time of birth, location, and the position of those planets and stars. It’s no wonder the planets have such an effect on us. Monica Berg is a teacher and writer who specializes in assisting people in living their most fulfilled lives through the wisdom of Kabbalah. She is the author of Fear Is Not an Option and serves as Chief Communications Officer for Kabbalah Centre International. Follow her weekly blog at and stay in touch via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

What Does it Mean to Be an Aquarius

AQUARIUS Aquarius men and women truly treasure independence in all things. They are averse to all manner of limitations and restrictions, not out of a desire to be rebellious but simply to strike their own path.

They are well known for their warm compassion and humorous natures that appear almost in conflict with their tendency to avoid emotional investment and attachment. Aquarius has a fixed quality, as they are truly set in their ways in their fight for freedom. As a water-bearer, you likely can attest that no one can force a compromise from you, especially if it involves any manner of restriction.


You are one of the signs that lean more Mythology And Facts About The towards your intelligence than how you feel N Still, O youPputLit to Agood C use E I SEnigmatic E VAquarius ER about situations. often in humanitarian pursuits and solving dates that fall between Sothers. B A D A S All T HEY problems that willA help January 20th to February 18th Like two sides of a coin, you have your in the realm of the AquariusTE L energetic L Y O U lie I T’S moments where you are wildly born. You are blessed to be and engaging and others where your shy and the ranks of some G you. O IYouNareGan T O among B E . thoughtful persona rules amazing people who also share enigma and there is no one phrase that can your sign: Abraham Lincoln, describe you to perfection and that is the way Rosa Parks, and Thomas you like it. Intellectual, elusive and Edison. compassionate; that is what it means to be an Aquarius. OMTIMES.COM


They have all accomplished great things with famous Aquarius traits, including high intelligence, progressive thinking, problem-solving, and a desire to fight for what is right. The Greek origin myth of Aquarius is on the shorter side but gives a glimpse into the many traits Aquarius men and women are said to have. It begins with Zeus desiring a new cupbearer and choosing the most handsome young man who existed on earth at the time, a man named Ganymede. Ganymede was the son of the king of Troy, and thus a prince in his own right and very qualified for the position. The issue was that the daughter of Zeus' wife Hera already held the position of cup-bearer and was being replaced. This infuriated Hera and she sought to take her anger out on Ganymede, but he was simply always doing his duty and accompanied by gods and thus never gave her an opportunity.


One day, Ganymede made a request to be allowed to help those on earth who were suffering from lack of water.

Zeus agreed and gave the prince the permission and ability to send down rain. The adoration and respect Zeus had for the kind and thoughtful prince only increased and so did Hera's wrath. Eventually, to staunch the endless fighting and jealousy, Zeus glorified Ganymede as Aquarius, the god of rainwater, and placed him in the sky as the constellation we know today. The kindness, empathy, and humanitarian nature of Aquarius seemingly stem from this famed story.




Aquarius men and women tend to be mentally focused individuals and don't forge emotional connections as easily as other signs do. If there is a problem to be solved, a theory to be conceived, or thinking out of the box required, then Aquarius-born are the right people for the job. Their emotional distance is often misconstrued as them lacking the ability. In fact, an Aquarian’s ability to form close and lifelong bonds exists; it is simply guarded well from most. The journey to the heart of a water-bearer is a long one and they do not toss themselves into endless relationships and hope for the best. As an Aquarius, you absolutely enjoy your alone time and space to organize your thoughts but you do not like being lonely. You prefer relaxed moments to chaotic ones, but endless routine and predictably only serve to bore you. It’s an Aquarius thing.

To your friends, you are a fantastic listener and can become absorbed in conversation very easily. You stand out as you tend to talk about things and ideas as opposed to people and more drama-related subjects. Your calm and mysterious nature draws people in, and they are almost immediately impressed by your innate charm and humor.






Helping people is something that is extremely important to you, and you simply cannot ignore the plight of others. You will, however, opt to brainstorm longterm solutions as opposed to quick and immediate fixes. You have your weaknesses, including a habit of fleeing from commitment and not understanding those who have deeper emotional needs than you possess. Your constant desire to engage with the new and interesting can leave many friends in the dust, feeling inadequate or forgotten. Finally, you may fall into the habit of viewing every reasonable request as a battleground and refuse to compromise or consider other views. Aquarius Guidance And Needs The best advice for an Aquarius is to stop running from emotional connections. Spending a lifetime elusively dodging even the slightest commitment will make things all the more difficult when you finally find your soulmate. You are endlessly compassionate, but that behavioral compassion may not feel as sweet when coming from someone who is as emotionally close and comforting as a dead fish. Pick your battles; not everything is a fight worth digging in your heels for. Don't forsake those friends of yours whose busy lives have shifted them to a category of boredom for you. There is far more to friendship than being exciting and fun all the time. Make your boundaries clear but not unreasonable and you can avoid a great many conflicts within relationships.


The Leo man or woman is your karmic partner. Their raw and exciting passion for life excites you. The optimism matches yours, and together you will never allow the other to frown. Leo women and men are very likely to allow you the freedom and alone time you crave, as they are often busy being the stars of their own life's show. They have loyalty and devotion to loved ones that matches yours, along with a generous spirit that often doubles yours. Sagittarius and Gemini can also make fantastic partners for an Aquarius-born, but truly there are no limits as long as they make you happy. Aquarius men and women are gifted with a uniqueness that makes every individual independent and special in their own way. Your humanitarian nature drives you to help others and enlist in meaningful activism to make sure your voice is heard. You are not a follower and would rather stand still than step in the footprints of another.


We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course

Personal Growth & Development

How to Keep Your 2019 Resolutions We can keep our New Year’s resolutions if we shift from “shoulds” to wants, and we can access our will-power when we understand how it can be used. By Marcia Sirota Author, speaker, coach, and MD

We all do it: we make our New Year’s resolutions and mean to keep them, but half-way through January we’ve already broken almost everyone. For

example, we’ve vowed to go off sugar, but suddenly we find ourselves biting into a jelly doughnut.

“shoulds” to wants, and we can access our will-power when we understand how it can be used.

Or, we’ve pledged to quit smoking, and yet here we are on January 5, lighting up a cigarette. Or, we’ve resolved to be more responsible with money, but somehow find ourselves at the mall one week after New Year’s, purchasing another unneeded item.

A major problem with our New Year’s resolutions is that they’re impositions. We tell ourselves that we “should” make these changes and then wonder why we can’t stick to our plans.

Are we so weak and helpless in the face of our bad habits? Do we have no will-power? Is it impossible for us to keep any of our New Year’s resolutions? The answer to all of these questions is no. We can become more empowered about our bad habits if we understand what’s driving these behaviors. We can keep our New Year’s resolutions if we shift from

No-one likes to be forced into doing things. There’s a big difference between making the changes that we really want and trying to do what we think we “should” do. When “shoulds” are at the root of our choices, it’s very common to experience resistance. If we want our changes to stick, we need to tune in to our authentic wants and have our resolutions spring from these. For example, maybe the reason we’ve

decided to give up sugar is that there’s a history of diabetes in our family and we want to be more proactive about our health. Maybe we decided to give up smoking because we watched a relative suffer from a smoking-related lung disease and the last thing we want is to go through what they did. All of our bad habits arise out of an unconscious belief that they’ll meet our deep inner needs. Maybe the reason behind our resolution to spend more wisely is that someone we know had to declare bankruptcy due to excessive spending and we don’t want to follow in their footsteps. If we connect to our real wants, we might end up making identical resolutions,

but they’ll be coming from a very different place, and we won’t have to force ourselves to keep them. Another thing we need to understand is that all of our bad habits arise out of an unconscious belief that they’ll meet our deep inner needs. Whether we’re engaging in overeating, drinking alcohol, abusing drugs, gambling or overspending, what we’re actually doing is pursuing external solutions to our internal needs. Hurtful or traumatic childhood experiences have left us with emotional wounds and unmet emotional needs. Today, within our psyche, we long to heal these wounds and meet these needs, but we don’t know how to do this for ourselves. Often, we see our bad habits as our only possible source of soothing

and nurturing. We don’t have to be helpless in the face of our bad habits Each one of our bad habits provides us with some degree of numbing, distraction or stimulation that feels kind of like soothing or nurturing, but it’s all a false fix. No amount of sugar, alcohol, spending or gambling can do the trick. What we actually need is self-nurturing and self-soothing. When we validate ourselves through positive affirmations, and when we practice self-healing and self-compassion, the urge to engage in our bad habits diminishes, and it becomes easier to keep our resolutions. We don’t have to be helpless in the face of our

bad habits if we become empowered by recognizing the truth about them. We can see that these behaviors will never meet our real needs. If we take responsibility for giving ourselves the soothing and nurturing we need, whether on our own or by finding a counselor or therapist to help us, keeping our New Year’s resolutions will be a breeze. Knowing all of the above, you can feel confident in making your New Year’s resolutions for 2019, knowing that the likelihood of keeping them will be the highest it’s ever been. Sign up for my free monthly wellness newsletter. February 2019 is all about different ways to look at love.

Kicking The Habit Of Toxic People By Leigh Burton

Whether a person is toxic or not is a matter of opinion. However, our individual opinions are the ones that matter the most. People can easily have a negative

impact on our mood, space, health and well-being unless we recognize who they are and what we can do to remove ourselves from the circumstance compassionately. Toxicity will show up in our lives through friends, colleagues, family, random acquaintances and so much more. They are everywhere! To recognize them and head them off before they cause any damage or drain us of our well-being, we need to know who they are, where they come from, how they show up and how to avoid the suffering that accompanies their lifestyle choices. Toxic people are categorized in many different ways, but, they come down to three specific types, Controllers, Drama Queens and Narcissism. All of them have individual traits. However, they all have the same impact on us. Interacting with them is draining as

they suck the well-being out of people for their benefit. At the end of the day, it is overwhelming and exhausting. It can leave us to feel anger for being taken advantage of, shame for having been involved, resentment for the effect they have and, depending on the severity of the circumstance, fear of engaging other people in protecting ourselves. This is no way to live a life that is conducive to happiness, peace and freedom. The toxic people that we struggle with are conditioned to be who they are, and for the most part, are trapped in a vortex that continually whirls them around in a space that justifies their motives and behaviors. They are victims. This conditioning started through teaching received from family, friends, teachers and any other source that would have been something that had power over them or that they looked up to. The

pattern continues as they age in that they maintain the habit of conditioning themselves. Toxic people genuinely believe that they are right in what they choose to think, say or do. They are feeding their own beliefs and fueling the ongoing path of destruction that they are permitted. Deep inside, even if unaware, they know that they are taking something from others in a manipulative manner. However, they show up in our lives as someone we want and eventually need to connect with. With time, it isn’t difficult to determine what we need to compliment our lives and this knowledge is a powerful tool. Once they have that knowledge, they can dangle our desires an inch too far from our reach, and we can easily become trapped. There is a way to rid ourselves of the toxicity that shows up in our lives

through others and, while we can be caught in varying degrees of intensity, the same method applies. We must consider two things. The first being that we need to put a stop to the circumstance. That doesn’t mean that we have to rid ourselves of a person. Jumping to conclusions and running from every aspect of negativity is toxic. To stop the impact of toxic people, we have to handle each one individually with boundaries. Knowing our core values, we can utilize them to draw a line that we are not willing to cross or allow others to step over. This takes courage that stems from owning how we want to experience life. The second is recognizing that the same toxicity shows up in different ways for a good reason. We cannot grow if we don’t face a new challenge and overcome limiting beliefs. Like a bee to honey, toxic people will continue to show up in our

lives because we let them. They are attracted to us, and we are drawn to them. We may not even be aware that there is a pattern but, it is there. If we don’t recognize the issue that is our own, these people will continue to show up and reap havoc on our well-being. To recognize the pattern and limiting belief we must look at two things. What is it about these people that we are running from and what is it that we are running to? If we are tired of being taken advantage of, we may move towards people who are generous. That means that we are still in the same pattern as what we are doing is taking from others and allowing the toxic energy to exist still. Taking a more in-depth look, we can identify that this example can indicate the limiting belief that we are unable to provide for ourselves. Whether it be concerning love, attention, resources or any other form of a symbol

that includes fulfillment, to overcome the toxicity that continually shows up with the pattern is to determine why we can’t provide fulfillment autonomously. Being involved with toxic people is a choice. There is no reason to believe that we are bad people because we choose not to engage someone that clearly isn’t good for us. However, we need to own our part in every aspect of the circumstance, allow space for forgiveness and stand up for the quality we want in our lives. Otherwise, we are mere victims of the times we call a part of life. Leigh Burton is an Author, International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Emotional Health Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapist, an expert in letting go, and a lover of life.

When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.

World Vision

Gentleness and Kindness Can Change the World By Cathedral of the Soul

Gentleness and Kindness can do more for you than for others around you. When we think of being gentle and kind, we think of doing good to someone, don’t we? That someone includes you! According to the dictionary, gentleness is a noble, distinct action, it expresses grace,

elegance, education, value. Although the University of Buffalo has done some research that suggests gentleness and kindness are part of our DNA. Their study states that “some people can be born with certain genes that give them specific receptors for oxytocin and vasopressin. These two hormones in their bodies are associated with feelings of love and generosity, but “we all can strive to develop such a good habit. “Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.” –Ralph W. Sockman Kindness makes us be a polite, courteous person, doesn’t it? But being kind is much more than that, it’s being different, it’s continually looking for ways to help someone, it’s loving all people like yourself, it’s not getting hurt with ease, but seeking to soothe and do good. Infect the World with Kindness Besides doing for others around you, being kind does much

for you. Doing good brings satisfaction to those who practice it, brings peace to the heart and relief to the soul. Kindness is a contagious action, for those who receive a gentle gesture, feel motivated to give it back. Imagine if everyone acted kindly? We would live in a much-balanced world. Unfortunately, we can’t change the world, but we can improve our home, our community, change our workplace, study group, and everywhere we meet one another with kindly little actions. To Be Gentle is To Be Elegant To be gentle is a gesture of love towards our neighbor. Being kind is a condition and thus a way of life. We can always choose to act in this way because we are sure that simple, gentle attitudes are worth more than a thousand words. Be gentle with yourself. Be gentle, despite of anything. Being kind to people we meet is very easy, but surprising a stranger with our kindness is something spectacular. The novelty is that’s because it, it

may be surprising for us and for the other: We may have the surprise of seeing the wonder in the face of the other and the other the surprise of seeing in us that the world still has its daily charms: a smile, a help, a dose of real humanity. Good Mood The Intention to be Gentle and kind is an initiative that influences our mood. Have you ever felt sad after hugging someone? You may have felt a situation that made you feel inspired to embrace, but the point is that we are happy when we could touch and improve someone’s life. Besides, happiness has a lot to do with kindness. Generally, people who take part in volunteering activities are pleasing and very self-motivated. In the professional area, things can improve as well because gentle-kind people seem to be more honest, that is, more trustworthy and loyal. In this way, great responsibilities can be given to you, and the people you work with feel comfortable having a conversation and sharing their experiences and knowledge with you.

Healthy Attitude “Humility, it is an attribute of the gentle. Because it takes someone who is really gentle to be humble.” –Nurudeen Ushawu To be kind and gentle is to know how to give: giving time, skill, care, attention and help. We know that helping others is good for our health in combating depression, and stress relief. Also, when we cause joy in someone’s life, our brain releases endorphin, and we have the feeling of wellbeing, and the chances of getting sick also diminish. Joseph B. Wirthlin, a religious leader, said that “gentle words not only elevate our spirits the moment they are uttered but also endure with us through the years.” And that’s true, we all know it’s true. How about today to do good for someone and so do good for oneself? Cathedral of the Soul is the Esoteric Church of Humanity Healing. It provides seminary courses and Chaplaincy for Animals, Prayer Ministries and Prison Ministries. Learn more at


Soul Dog

A Journey into the Spiritual Life of Animals “What a wondrous journey of discovery and fulfillment Elena Mannes tells us in this deeply moving tale of her relationship with the brilliant, elegant, wise and loving Brio, her soul dog!” ~ Robert A. F. Thurman, Jey Tsong Khapa Professor of Buddhology, Columbia University

Looking for companionship after a near-fatal car crash, Elena Mannes, an award-winning television journalist and producer, decided to get her first dog. But what she found with her dog Brio shook the foundations of her physical and spiritual worlds, sending her on a quest to discover the nature of his spiritual origins and to contemplate and seek out the possibility of interspecies communication—even after death. Soul Dog: A Journey into the Spiritual Life of Animals explores Mannes’ investigations into the spiritual life of animals, offering a new understanding of the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. Mannes shares her life and afterlife of Brio, including his last days and his messages to her after he passed on. Soul Dog invites readers to move beyond the owner-pet relationship and shows us how to see animals as thinking, feeling, spiritual beings whose connections with us extend far beyond life and death.

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:










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