OMTimes Magazine March A 2019 Edition

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November A Issue

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Table of Content 46 24



William Keepin - The Inner Science of Divine Love


3 Sure-Fire Ways To Permanently Beat Food Cravings

48 52 58

How to Rise above Past Abuse and Violence in Life Is the World Over-Whelming You? Transcendental Meditation and the Opioid Epidemic

52 48



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90 114

80 98


104 116

Table of Contents OMTIMES | MARCH A

Past Going To Determine 64 IsOurTheFuture? 68 Glassmasters' OM Symbol Your Creative Block and 70 Identify Thrive 74 Fear is Liar 78 4 Steps to Transform your Life News, Scary News If You Use 80 Good Olive Oil To Deal With Uncertainty 90 How And Insecurity In A Relationship the Signs from the 98 Recognizing Other Side 5 Healthy Steps to Process Critical 106 Comments 110 Writing About a Secret 114 Four Tips For A Happier Life Embracing Politics as Part of the 120 Resolution Gender Equity and 124 The Reconciliation International Project Our Neighbor -- There Is No 128 Love Choice Spotlight - Signs From The 134 Book Other Side

Publisher: Christopher Buck Editor in Chief: Liane Buck Executive Editor: Lisa Shaw Editor at Large: Leigh Burton Social Media: Iryn Fernando Greek Edition: Christos Archos Cover Design: Ilana Tschiptschin Article Layout: Sean Keenan OMTimes Magazine is a Bi-Weekly Publication from OMTimes Media, INC OMTimes Media Inc is A 502 A company fully Owned by Humanity Healing International, a 501-C (3), an IRS Registered Charity.

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The Inner Science of Divine Love Interview with William Keepin, PhD, Author of Belonging to God: Spirituality, Science & a Universal Path of Divine Love

The fire of divine love burns on every level of existence— from the heart of the sun, to the human heart, to each tiny cell in the human body, to the subatomic particles and the core of every star across all galaxies. It is a grand fractal fire of divine love! There is no force in the cosmos more powerful,

and nothing propels spiritual evolution as swiftly as love. Ultimately, love is a transforming fire that burns away everything that is not love. – William Keepin, Belonging to God William Keepin, PhD, is cofounder of the Satyana Institute and the Gender Equity & Reconciliation International project. Keepin has studied and practiced intensively in Eastern and Western spiritual disciplines for 35 years, immersing himself in contemplative practices from the Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Sufi traditions, and he trained with psychiatrist Stanislav Grof. His spiritual mentors include Father Thomas Keating (Christian), Swami Ambikananda (Hindu), Jestunma Tenzin Palmo (Buddhist), Llewellyn Vaughan Lee (Sufi), Ravi Ravindra (Hindu/interfaith) and Sr. Lucy Kurien (Christian). William Keepin is also a mathematical physicist, social activist, and environmental scientist whose research on sustainable energy and global warming influenced international environmental policy. He was a whistleblower

in nuclear science policy and presented testimony to the US House of Representatives and the parliaments of Australia and several European countries. He holds a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, M.S. in mathematical physics, M.A. in East-West psychology, and an honorary doctorate in Spirituality and Social Change (from the California Institute of Integral Studies). Keepin has over 40 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, and his books include: Divine Duality: The Power of Reconciliation between Women and Men (Hohm Press, 2007), co-author of Women Healing Women (Hohm Press, 2009), and coeditor of Song of the Earth: A Synthesis of the Scientific and Spiritual Worldviews (Permanent Publications, UK, 2012). In his most recent book, Belonging to God: Science, Spirituality, & a Universal Path of Divine Love (2016), William Keepin sought to recover the esoteric heart of spirituality, which has the potential to create peace and respect between religious traditions and between science and religion. Identifying the “path of divine

love” as a kind of universal spirituality that leads to mystical mergence into the very essence of God, Keepin traces this invisible doorway, deep within the heart, both as it is described in spiritual texts and as it is symbolized in ways observable to contemporary science. OMTimes talked with William Keepin about his journey and how he found his way from being a scientist to a seeker in search of the divine to now, where he lives a life that integrates science, spirit and helping humanity heal and embrace our unity. OMTimes: What initiated your shift away from a career in science and toward spiritual inquiry? William Keepin: As a young mathematical physicist thirtyfive years ago, I was researching quantum physics of diatomic molecules, chaos theory, and global energy systems. I had begun practicing silent meditation, and one day I meditated intensively on the question, “Who am I?” At that time, I had never heard of Ramana Maharshi or his practice

of self-enquiry. As I settled into deep stillness within the heart, I let go of the words, and simply focused on the question as a sustained yearning in my heart. After a couple hours, I suddenly became aware that “I” was somehow “floating” about three meters above my body, near the high ceiling of the meditation room. I was startled at first, and briefly alarmed, but then noticed a remarkable luminous silver cord that flowed from me downward to my body below. I quickly discovered I could move freely up and down this cord at will, and realized that I was perfectly fine, and could get back into my body. I spent the next half hour entirely outside of my body, and the experience was astonishing, exhilarating, and profound beyond measure. I could move around in any direction at will, with no resistance and no physical form whatsoever. Amazingly, I could see everything vividly in the room around me, down to minor details like reading the clock on the far wall, even though my physical eyes “down there” in my head were shut tight. My body below me felt like a very heavy,

lifeless, stone statue, but “up here” I was sheer consciousness, thinner than air, utterly free, and suffused with an ecstatic sense of refined intimacy. I could also think perfectly clearly. Ever the scientist, I performed some mathematical calculations, just to test out that I was all “up here”, along with all my faculties and memories. Finally, I reluctantly and gently slid down the silver cord, and slowly reinhabited my body. My entire view of reality and life was forever changed by this and other mystical experiences. The orthodox materialist scientific worldview, in which I had been deeply trained for decades, basically had to be jettisoned because I had directly experienced an aspect of the ‘soul’ and its non-material nature as pure consciousness, distinct from the physical corpus. I later learned about etheric bodies and the ‘silver cord’ I had seen, which is severed at death. I also learned of Ramana Maharshi’s self-enquiry practice and subsequently spent significant time at his ashram in south India. I became a research scientist

at Princeton’s Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, where I studied all manner of ‘paranormal’ phenomena. I also began attending meditation retreats, in Vipassana and Vajrayana initially, and then in heart-centered silent meditation and contemplative prayer which remains a core practice for me today. One auspicious day in the mid1990s, a spiritual teacher appeared mysteriously in my life, who led me more deeply inward than I had ever imagined possible. I was fortunate to be initiated into a path of divine love, and my inner psychospiritual structures were radically transmuted, as my teacher (who wishes to remain anonymous) ignited an invisible flame in my heart, and taught that the opposite of ignorance is not knowledge, but rather ‘knowledgelessness’—a placeless place, beyond all knowing, where the soul merges into the divine. OMTimes: What is meant by the term “interspirituality”? William Keepin: Interspirituality goes beyond traditional ‘interfaith’ dialogue

and invites a deeper conversation and exchange of spiritual practices that relate directly to the soul’s transformative journey within the various religious traditions. The major world religions—far from being polarized in endless conflicts from which they can never recover—are, in fact, mutually complementary aspects of a larger, unified spiritual reality. This is the central insight of “interspirituality,” a term coined by the late Brother Wayne Teasdale to underscore the systematic metamorphosis that is rapidly emerging at the intersections of the major religions. OMTimes: What is the fire of divine love, and what teachings on the path of divine love are shared across the scriptures? William Keepin: The ‘fire of divine love’ is the universal energy of love that flows in and through all things at every level of existence. In physics, the four fundamental forces—the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity— are all regarded as a single, unified force. This unitary force is actually Love, a creative energy

and transforming ‘fire’ that ignites, incinerates, purifies, and burns at the core of everything and being. In different ways yet with one voice, scriptures and mystics down through the ages proclaim the ineffable mystery of the soul’s intrinsic oneness with this divine love. The core teaching across the religions is this: the inmost essence of the human being is none other than the very essence of God. OMTimes: How are the similarities across religions more profound and illuminating than the differences? William Keepin: The soul’s journey across the faith traditions entails a deep alchemical process of radical purification and transmutation that is fundamentally alike across the traditions, despite outward theological disparities. In Christianity, for example, a saying attributed to St. Teresa of Avila describes the fruit of mystical realization in the devotee: “Christ has no body on earth now but yours, no mouth but yours, no feet but yours.” This process is essentially no different from the Islamic Hadith in which Allah proclaims,

“I become the eyes with which he sees, the mouth with which he speaks, the feet with which he walks.” Both accounts illuminate the transformative process in the human soul, and both lead to the same result: the human being is emptied of separate personal selfhood, and ‘divinized’ into a living instrument of divine love and will. As Fr. Thomas Keating expressed it, “the entire purpose of Christianity is transformation into Christ, nothing else.” Similarly, the entire purpose of Buddhism is transformation into Buddha; the entire purpose of (Vaishnavaite) Hinduism is transformation into Krishna— nothing else. This points to a universal inner science of the heart. Our culture is enamored with the love of science, yet we have failed to develop a genuine science of love. The hidden currents of divine love that flow ceaselessly in the depths of the heart are largely lost upon us, due to excessive emphasis on outer physical forms and the conceptual structures of the mind. For this we pay a devastating price! The mind has rightly been called “the slayer of the Real,” and we are left bereft of inner practices and treasures

of the heart, which facilitate the true inner journey and transformation. OMTimes: What are some of these inner disciplines and spiritual practices? William Keepin: Inwardly to dwell in the heart, and outwardly to serve others—this is the bottom line. We strive to give ourselves utterly to this path of divine love. Silent meditation and contemplative prayer are essential practices for plumbing the depths of the heart, and for offering oneself without conditions to the ineffable transformation. Remembrance practices for invocation of the Divine throughout the day are crucial. Heart-centered meditation is indispensable; it is the gateway to the infinite. Other practices are also extremely valuable, such as experiential breathwork, dream work, contemplative walking, and spiritual inquiry and dialogue practices. Outwardly, to give oneself in service to others, putting others first, and staying connected to the inner promptings of the heart, which are often given

only as subtle hints or fleeting glimpses. So one must stay ever attuned for them, and watch for the overriding tendencies of the egoic mind. We delve into all these practices in our retreats and trainings. OMTimes: What about ‘divine love’ in the non-theistic traditions, such as Buddhism, which doesn’t have a God? William Keepin: There are important differences in the non-theistic traditions, to be sure, and one must not posit a facile equivalence with theistic traditions. Nevertheless, the similarities are deep and farreaching, particularly on ultimate levels, pointing to a possible underlying unity that scholar Raimundo Panikkar terms ‘homeomorphic equivalence.’ For example, recent interfaith scholarship unveils remarkably close correlations between what is called ‘Dharamakaya’ in Buddhism and God in theistic religions. Buddhist scholar B. Alan Wallace says that the cosmogonies of Vajrayana Buddhism, Hindu Vedanta, and Neoplatonic Christianity have so much in common that they

can be regarded as different interpretations of a single theory. Similarly, Islamic scholar Reza Shah-Kazemi’s recent book Common Ground Between Islam and Buddhism, highly praised in the forward by the Dalai Lama, makes a strong case that the ultimate reality affirmed in Buddhism is none other than what monotheists call the essence of God. As Thich Nhat Hanh puts it, “once the ultimate is touched, God and nirvana as concepts have been transcended.” OMTimes: How does modern science illuminate the fundamental unity of the world religions? William Keepin: The oneness of all existence, long proclaimed by sages from many wisdom traditions, is illuminated by new discoveries in science that reveal matter, energy, and consciousness to be an integral whole. Quantum physicist David Bohm, a close colleague of Einstein’s, proposed that “the cosmos is a single unbroken wholeness in flowing movement,” in which each part of the flow contains the entire flow. His insight is based

on breakthroughs in modern physics and mathematics, and is enjoying a major revival in recent years. Science is evolving, and slowly coming to recognize that there exist invisible dimensions of reality that shape what we observe and experience, yet which are difficult to measure in a laboratory. The material dimension of existence is not the whole truth of reality—not by a longshot! For example, sometime in this century, probably in the next decade or two, I anticipate that science will finally acknowledge that human consciousness survives physical death. This discovery is rapidly approaching, as the empirical data supporting it become overwhelmingly compelling and are replicated across the globe in multiple research and clinical studies, such as the work of cardiologist Pim van Lommel. The longstanding materialistic bias endemic in scientific and clinical research, which adamantly refuses to acknowledge these remarkable data and their full implications, is steadily eroding. Recent reviews of the evidence by people like Erwin Laszlo and

Chris Carter conclude that: “Our consciousness does not end with the demise of the body; it continues to exist in another dimension of the cosmos.” In short, science will soon discover the ‘soul’ or the Atman, or something akin to this. In so doing, science will finally catch up with the basic spiritual teaching, known to mystics for millennia, that the person does not die when the body dies. This is the first spiritual teaching in Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, for example, and so we could say that in terms of understanding human consciousness, science is currently about 2,500 years behind mysticism. OMTimes: How is the universe structured? William Keepin: Everything is connected to everything else, and love is the force that holds it all together. Nothing exists in objective isolation from the rest of the universe. This interconnectivity is not just a metaphor; it is confirmed by quantum physics, which reveals the universe as exhibiting vast

networks of ‘nonlocal’ interconnections that transcend spatial separation. Even a tiny electron has an awareness of the rest of the universe and behaves in response to the larger environment. Indeed, systems of coupled electrons or photons exhibit “quantum entanglement”, in that our measurement of the state of one immediately determines the state of the other, even if they are on opposite sides of the universe. Such discoveries point toward fundamental interconnections, between matter and consciousness, that transcend time and space. These interconnections relate to another key feature of the universe: self-similarity across vastly different scales. For example, neural networks in the brain exhibit a similar structure to galaxies in outer space. A recent study on “network cosmology” showed virtually identical patterns of growth in complex networks, ranging from the intergalactic scale in solutions to Einstein’s general relativity equations, right down to the ‘local’ scale in the growth of the internet and social and biological networks. Fractal

patterns in mathematics and in nature are a modern re-discovery of ancient mystical wisdom. OMTimes: What is a “fractal” and how do fractal geometry and holography relate to ancient wisdom, alchemy, and spirituality? William Keepin: A fractal is a mathematical geometric structure that contains mirror images or replicas of itself on smaller scales. It’s a bit like a set of Russian dolls, except that the smaller dolls inside just keep going forever. Fractals are not a human invention, they are a logical necessity of numbers which existed long before the Earth and humanity came into being. The remarkably intricate fractal patterns on a computer screen are not generated by the computer, but inherent in numbers themselves. Only discovered in the past 30+ years, fractals are applied widely today to model natural systems. Fractal patterns are found throughout nature; simple examples include the structure of tree branches, lightning, coastlines, galaxies, ferns, and Romanesco broccoli, to name just a few. Fractal structures appear

throughout the human body as well, including the respiratory system, circulatory system, and nervous system—all of which exhibit branches that divide and subdivide again and again. Fractal geometry and holography are modern scientific rediscoveries of a more profound ancient alchemical principle called “the Correspondence Principle.” Articulated in The Corpus Hermeticum, this principle of “as above, so below” affirms that the microcosm replicates the macrocosm, and is a fundamental key to spiritual wisdom across the traditions. For example, it appears in the well-known saying, attributed to Hermes (Trismegistus), that “God is an infinite circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.” Another vivid example is the concept of Indra’s Net, found in Buddhist and Hindu mysticism, which portrays reality as a vast array of exquisite shining jewels, and in each facet of each jewel, all the other jewels are reflected. So each jewel contains, in a sense, the entire universe of jewels. I propose that consciousness itself has a fractal structure

– that the human heart and mind are a microcosm of a much larger cosmic intelligence which can be regarded as the consciousness of ‘God’. Mystics across the religions report profound experiences of realizing the full infinity of God within the heart. The fractal structure of consciousness shows how such experiences are possible, for just as the mathematical infinite can be contained within the finite fractal geometric form, so too the infinite consciousness of God can be contained within the seemingly finite heart of the human being. OMTimes: You speak of an emerging revolution in religion that parallels recent scientific revolutions. How might this happen? William Keepin: Let’s take the example of Einstein’s relativity theory, which revolutionized classical scientific understanding that had stood for centuries. Einstein showed that space and time are not absolutes, as we had earlier believed them to be. Einstein derived his special theory of relativity from just two postulates: 1) The laws of

physics must be the same in all reference frames, and 2) The speed of light is a universal constant across all reference frames. If we apply these same postulates metaphysically to spirituality, we have: 1) The “laws of spirituality” must be the same in all religions, and 2) The divine light is universal across all religions. These postulates prompt a parallel spiritual revolution in religion: there is one ultimate spiritual Reality, which is infused with a universal divine light. This observation reveals the world religions to be mutually complementary, rather than contradictory. Different religions constitute distinct rays of this universal light, refracted through the ‘prism’ of divinity, and each religion constitutes a valid pathway to realizing God, or ultimate truth, or supreme reality. OMTimes: What do you mean by the ‘epistemology of the heart’? William Keepin: This refers to subtle ways of knowing that are revealed through the invisible doorway of the heart. It is a revelatory knowing, in contrast to the rational epistemology of

science that utilizes empirical data and mental reasoning. The epistemology of the heart entails illuminative disclosures, or layers of subtle realities unveiled. Like science, the process is equally ‘evidence-based’ and follows where the data lead, but draws upon qualitatively different kinds of evidence, and therefore produces an altogether different kind and quality of knowing. For example, the outof-body experience recounted earlier is ‘data’ gathered from an inner research ‘experiment’ on the question, Who am I? It has been replicated by many other ‘researchers.’ Two keys to this inner epistemology of the heart are the intricate mysteries of the breath, and the Hermetic axiom “as Above, so Below,” which is the Correspondence principle mentioned earlier. “Whatever is Beyond, is also here; whatever is here, is also Beyond,” says the Katha Upanishad. Or in the noncanonical Gospel of Philip, “That which is above opens Itself to us who are below, so that we, too, enter the secret of the truth.” As my spiritual teacher told me one day, “This is something so sacred and so secret, it cannot

even be whispered!” Simple though it may sound, the breath provides a profound bridge across these dimensions. “The Breath is a double name, for it is everywhere: above, below, visible, in the invisible,” says the non-canonical Gospel of Philip. “The same breath lights and extinguishes the Fire. If you know the Breath, you are the Breath. If you know the Christ, you become the Christ.” OMTimes: What is the relationship between your interspirituality work and your Gender Equity and Reconciliation International project? William Keepin: There are several key parallels between these two projects. They both work to bridge divisions in the human family by working with the power of love through the collective alchemy of the human heart. This alchemy can transcend differences and boundaries, whether genderbased or religious, and leads to a conscious realization of our inherent oneness. Another connection is that

gender inequality is ultimately a spiritual crisis. Social, political, and psychological reform on their own are not enough to transform and heal this massive structural injustice; a ‘higher’ wisdom and universal love are required. In virtually all cultures, women have been systematically regarded as intrinsically inferior, even in religious communities where one might have expected far better. The female prophetic voice has been repressed in all religions, and a strong masculine bias has marginalized women’s spiritual experience, which differs from men’s in many ways. A plethora of sex scandals involving religious leadership has afflicted many faith traditions, betraying their cherished scriptures and highest ideals of relational and spiritual integrity. All these travesties cry out for systematic implementation of gender equity and reconciliation in religion, and in society as a whole. Related Links: Path of Divine Love Webpage: http://www.pathofdivinelove. org/wp1/ Dawn of Interspirituality Website: http://

Health & Wellness

Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

3 Sure-Fire Ways To Permanently Beat Food Cravings By Marcia Sirota Author, speaker, coach, and MD

There are lots of things that people say about how to overcome food cravings, but I have a sure-fire way that anyone can use, with guaranteed results.

There are three steps to overcoming your food cravings, and you’ll need to do all three if you want to succeed. Step one: stabilize your blood sugar. Swings in your

blood sugar are responsible for a lot of your food cravings, so if you keep your levels steady, you’ll be able to reduce a significant proportion of our food cravings. You can do this by avoiding foods that spike your blood sugar, like simple carbs- highfructose corn syrup, white sugar and white flour -and by eating foods that will stabilize your

blood sugar- dried beans and peas are an excellent example of this. Also, making sure that you always have a bit of protein to eat will help reduce your food cravings. A lot of the time, you think that you want sweets, but it’s really just a need for protein. Having regular amounts of good quality protein-fish, nuts and seeds and eggs, for example- will do the trick. Step two: cut out the foods that you crave. Usually, when you crave a food, you binge on the food, and this creates a vicious circle in your brain. The Dopamine system is activated whenever you eat this “trigger food” and it paradoxically produces more cravings, the more you eat. The only way to eliminate the craving is to go “cold turkey” on this food. Initially, you’ll crave it even more, as your Dopamine system is screaming for the food it craves, but within one or two months, sometimes shorter, you’ll have fewer and fewer cravings, until they’re completely gone. Of course, if you re-introduce the food, the cravings will come back in full force.

Step three: look at what the cravings mean to you, psychologically. People tend to eat compulsively when they›re using food to deal with some emotional hurt or need. When you look inside and see why you›re craving this food, then you can begin to give yourself what you really need; for example, love, nurturing and comfort. Once you have what you truly need, the cravings for food can disappear. There are lots and lots of things written about overcoming food cravings but the three steps above are the only real way to get rid of food cravings simply, effectively and permanently. My book, Emotional Overeating, goes through all the psychological issues involved with overeating, and gives simple and effective tools for freeing yourself from compulsive eating, forever. My book, Loving Heart, Quiet Mind, Healthy Body, gives affirmations and visualizations to help you quickly and easily overcome your addiction to food. Please sign up here for my free monthly wellness newsletter. June is all about love and relationships.

How to Rise above Past Abuse and Violence in Life by Rachelle Wilber

Dealing with a traumatic past can be one of the hardest things possible. If you’re committed to leading a life that’s enriching and happy, however, there are things you can do to leave your past behind. Recovery is a process that calls for a lot of devotion, care and time.

to people who are looking to process difficult emotions. Look for a therapist who has the perfect credentials and background. Find a professional who gives you a good vibe. Letting go of feelings that are bottled up inside can be one of the most liberating things on the planet.

Seek Therapy

Talk to Friends

Therapy sessions can be helpful

Opening up to friends can help

you feel like you’re not alone. It can be especially effective to communicate with friends who have been in similarly difficult situations in life. It’s always nice to get a reminder that you’re not an anomaly and that there are others who essentially understand how you feel. Communicating with a friend can help you relieve your burden. It can make you feel like you’re connecting with another soul, too. Talk to an Attorney A consultation with an attorney can be helpful to survivors who feel like they may need to pursue legal action. If you’ve experienced harrowing domestic violence in a marriage, you should look for a lawyer who understands your situation in vivid detail. Search for a highly regarded domestic violence attorney. Explain your situation to this professional in significant detail, too. You may have a case on your hands. Be Kind to Yourself Being kind to yourself can help you move on in life. Don’t beat yourself up over your tough past. Remember that nothing is your fault. Things were out of your control. All you can do is concentrate on being a good

person. You can concentrate on self-improvement for the future, too. You can be kind to yourself by taking up enriching hobbies, relaxing on a regular basis, and simply by smiling. Violence isn’t something that people can ever easily forget. That doesn’t mean that it has to consume you for the rest of your life though. Abuse doesn’t have to define you. If you want to get past a tough situation, you have to have a lot of determination. A terrific support network can also work. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and relatives who care about you. Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @RachelleWilber; https:// php?id=100009221637700

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Is the World OverWhelming You? By John Holland

Is the world around us getting to be too much to handle? You only have to watch television or read the many feeds on social media to see that there’s so much going on around the world. Extreme weather conditions, drama in politics, people losing their lives from many different reasons, homes being destroyed by fires or nature taking a turn for the worse. It seems to be getting too much to bring in, and for some, people are scared and nervous. Overwhelmed? What to do. When this happens, I always advise people to pull away from the news and social media, at least for a while. By doing so, you’re not pretending nothing is happening or choosing to ignore

it! What you’re doing by pulling back is: you’re remembering who and what you are and acknowledging that you’re made of soul energy. You’re a soul that comes with a body ... not a body that comes with a soul. You are a soul first, and stronger than you could ever imagine! And yes! One person can make a difference! When you want to pull back and experience the sensation of being with your soul, or when you feel that you need to slow the pace down when life gets chaotic, close your eyes, put your hands over your heart, breathe, and say to yourself: “Find your center.” By doing so, you’ll connect with your soul, where you’ll discover that you’re able to let go and relax into the present. Once you

center yourself, you can send out that peaceful healing energy and thoughts to others. We often forget that we’re all made up of energy, and we’re all quite powerful. How often do you get out of bed in a bad mood, only to find out that the car won’t start, an electrical appliance in your home won’t work, and then some other calamity happens? One thing leads to another, and by the end of the day, you find yourself saying: “What a day I had, and I want to forget it ever happened!” Our energy and the energy of those around us can affect us positively or negatively. I want you to be aware of what you’re sending out and what you to let in. The choice is and always will be yours. Now, how about trying to send out good thoughts to others? JOHN’S LESSON Just for today, how about sending out a positive thought or blessing to everyone you encounter – no matter who it is or whether you know them or not. You never know whether this could create a ripple effect that will reach many people in their lives and beyond. You can do this anywhere and at any time. The person does not

have to be in front of you. Here are a few scenarios to consider: If you hear an ambulance in the distance, stop for a moment and send them energy. If you hear about a family in need, stop for a moment and send them energy. If you find out a neighbor is about to pass, stop for a moment and send them energy to make it a peaceful passing. If there’s trouble in another country due to a disaster, you can send those who live their energy to help their suffering. It doesn’t have to be an illness, an accident, or a disaster for you to send healing energy. You can even send healing energy to a difficult situation. If a friend of yours is separating from their spouse, or there’s a bad work environment, they could enjoy a little healing thought or intention. There are no limits once you develop a healing consciousness. As you’ve heard me say all too often: “We are all connected. You can make a difference!” Live a Soul-filled life!

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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

Transcendental Meditation and the Opioid Epidemic Comedian Russell Brand explains: “The reason I became a drug addict is that throughout my life I felt this sense of irritation, agitation, this emptiness‌

I found every progressive drug: cannabis, LSD, crack, heroin. Each of them is greeted as tiny little powdery prophets, solutions to the problem of my inner angst.

in December 2016, the Surgeon General reported that in 2015 the United States had a staggering 442 billion dollar loss to its national economy from drug and alcohol abuse.

None of them work.”

According to the National Institutes of Health, the average treatment (for veterans) for substance abuse costs $3,754 with a 75.0% chance of being effective.

Today we have a crisis in drug addiction care: less than one in five Americans with drug abuse problems receive any help. Little do they know, all the rest can get rapid, available, effective and affordable tools to escape these painful, costly and even lifethreatening attachments. According to SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 20.1 million people (7.7 percent of the U.S. population) aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem in 2016. Only 3.8 million (19 percent of those who needed treatment) received any substance use treatment in the same year. According to US News

Some people start drugs for a new “high,” others to overcome pain or discomfort; some athletes use drugs to enhance performance; others take up drugs out of curiosity. For whatever reason one tries and becomes addicted to drugs, the addiction is considered a brain disorder that can change the structure of the brain and how it works, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse ( publications/drugs-brainsbehavior-science ).

If one has been in a traumatic event, drug and alcohol “self-medication” often accompanies PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It can also be understood as one of the symptoms of PTSD. (For more stories and information on our projects to reduce the pandemic of PTSD across Africa, go to ) Without support, drug addiction often leads to harmful behaviors and mental and physical health debilitation. The Surgeon General explained that “Neighborhoods and communities as a whole are also suffering as a result of alcohol- and drug-related crime and violence, abuse and neglect of children, and the increased costs of health care associated with substance misuse.” According to the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse

the 20% who do get support use a variety of approaches: • behavioral counseling • medication • medical devices and applications used to treat withdrawal symptoms or deliver skills training • evaluation and treatment for co-occurring mental health issues such as depression and anxiety • long-term follow-up to prevent relapse The goals of these approaches are first to become drug-free, then stay drug-free, and over the long-run be a happy and productive member of family and society. There are many complementary and alternative (CAM) approaches that with help change the quality of life and achieve the above

goals… including exercise, diet, and better patterns of sleep. Other common approaches are special diets, probiotics, and mineral and vitamin supplements, breathing exercises, and acupuncture. However, what is first needed, before standard treatments or CAM, is a tool that directly allows the addict to experience clearer thinking, discriminating and feeling. This process gives control back to the addict to then be able to take control over his or her life and act in a way that leaves him or her not only “feeling” in control of his or her life, but actually creating a life that then works for them to create a more powerful and productive future. It gives him or her greater purpose in life and a direction to start living a more fulfilling life. Transcendental Meditation is one such evidence-based

way to do this. Having gained more control, the individual can choose useful tools to change his or her lifestyle to substitute positive activities for drug or alcohol addiction habits. He or she may also choose to receive psychological counseling and pharmacology to support this change in patterns of behavior. A 2007 study showed that the most commonly used CAM approaches were natural products, breathing exercises and meditation, according to the NIH Center for Complementary and Integrative Health One effective, evidencebased meditation for drug abuse reduction is Transcendental Meditation. ( ) Transcendental Meditation (TM), has been taught the same systematic way over the past 60 years and is now practiced by over 7 million

people in every country around the world. TM is a simple, effortless mental technique that employs the principle of rest and release of stress. The meditator experiences quieter, more silent and more restful levels of thinking, and the body gains profound rest and release of fatigue and stress. With increasing coherence of mind due to more silent and orderly thinking gained in meditation, after meditation, the practitioner has more freedom from the influence of past decisions, and he or she can then more easily choose to stop the destructive behaviors of drug and alcohol abuse. Over ten peer-reviewed studies ( and then go to addictions link) show that TM produces a very significant reduction in drug and alcohol abuse. For example, one meta-analysis of 70 drug rehab study results (Alcohol Treatment Quarterly, 11: 13-88) showed that TM was significantly

more effective than either peer support or prevention education. Russell Brand comments: “The thing is that what I have learned, what I was looking for all the time, was a sense of union, a sense of connection. Why for us is there the subsequent misery? Because for us these flimsy scraps are never going to be enough. We want the real connection. We want the absolute connection. Moreover, the thing is that connection exists. And, it’s possible to find it. Moreover, it’s possible that you could find it now. First, you have that is not entirely defined by yourself and your conditions as you understand them. It will give you sanctuary and serenity. That is what it’s done for me. An integral part of my life as a recovering drug addict is TM.”

Russell Brand risked his career and his life with drug dependence and addiction. Twenty-three million Americans suffer each year from drug and alcohol abuse. Only one in five gets treatment. Here are available, affordable, and effective tools to help people around the world suffering from drug and alcohol dependence and addiction take control of their drug and alcohol intake for a clearer, more effective and happier life. As Russell Brand said: “Through TM I felt this beautiful serenity and selfless connection. There are those with great privilege and luxuries that can have access through TM, but there are people who are in extreme states of suffering who can benefit from it too.” About the authors: Dr. Scott F. Terry, Ed.D., M.A., IL.-L.M.F.T., IL.-L.C.P.C., IA.L.M.F.T., IA.-L.M.H.C., Ch.T., and AAMFT approved supervisor.

With 25 years of practice as a doctoral level clinician, supervisor, professor, clinical and executive director of five large mental health organization practices, including the Ardent Counseling Center, and a radio show. David Shapiro, B.A. cum laude chemistry, M.A., is an author of two articles published in Journal of Traumatic Stress on Transcendental Meditation and PTSD. David is a founding President of PTSD Relief Now and its African PTSD Relief projects and Alliance for PTSD Recovery (both are 501C3 charities); author of a third article, in submission, on rapid reductions in PTSD in South African college students; and an author of numerous popular articles on PTSD published throughout the world.. To get updates on research and projects, sign up here

Is The Past Going To Determine Our Future?

Abstract: We tend to live in the past or in the future. If we don’t commit to the present moment we rob ourselves of the respect that our dreams deserve. We all have hopes and dreams that the future will hold a place for us to be happy and free from that

which we know makes us uncomfortable. We have hope for our children to experience life with every opportunity to have greatness and love in everything they have and do. We dream that we will make it to a later stage in life where we will know peace and that what we had accomplished along the way will have been enough to leave a meaningful legacy. That’s what we do...DREAM. Dreams are healthy in that they give us something to look forward to, something to work towards and, every step of the way we analyze our position so that we can feel our efforts are fruitful. This lends to our desire to inspire others to do the same and is an integral part of continually moving forward. However, we all have a past. While there are pleasant memories for all of us, there are those that muster shame and the knowledge of what we are sure we don’t want in our future. These are

experiences that show us who we don’t want to be and what we don’t want to witness others experience. These are the moments that remain integral in who each of has become, in that they were a part in shaping what we desire. The past is filled with memories that we may fear letting go of. If we aren’t the person, who survived a situation or circumstance then who are we? If we are not the person who grew through a shameful experience, then who are we? The alternative is to be a person with a fresh start among all of the resources we have collected through the past. We all have the freedom to be who we dream of, free of the chains that keep us in moments gone by. While we can’t rid ourselves of where we have been, we can respect it for what it is. A memory. By standing on top of the circumstances that have fueled the dreams we have for an alternative life, we permit ourselves to be free of the suffering our past has allowed.

That’s what we want... PEACE and FREEDOM. The only moment that will ever impact our future is the one we are in right now. With a blink of an eye, it too becomes a moment gone by and is filed in the cabinet of the past. Each moment will come upon us with the opportunity to understand that it is the past moments future and if we do not choose to embrace it with the gratitude of moving past another segment of the story that once was, we will forever be using our past to define who we are instead of who we want to become. We must offer respect for the lessons and blessings but, we need to close the cabinet door with faith in what we dream. This is the ultimate sacrifice and offering to not just ourselves but those we share our lives with. To witness a person standing on their story, rather than in it, is nothing short of inspiring. To see the riches that come as a result is

motivation to do the same. We can teach each other to have peace with the past and the freedom to dream of the future. A continuous practice of allowing a deep connection to the present moment offers the respect that our dreams in the past deserve. To honor the dream is to permit the freedom to continue through life without it being an argument with ourselves. That is what we should do... LOVE LIFE. We are all entitled to an opinion and a desire but, to allow it to define who we are in this moment will only rob us of the greatness that our dreams would otherwise allow. Leigh Burton is an Author, International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Emotional Health Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapist, an expert in letting go, and a lover of life. www.

Identify your creative block and thrive! By Lien PotgieterÂ

Untapped creativity is detrimental to your life, relationships, business, and career. If you believe that you are not creative or that there is no need for creativity, you could even become obsolete.

According to the World Economic Forum, the Future of Jobs report creativity will be third on the list of the top ten critical skills by 2020. In the short space of just five years, creativity has moved up seven places from ten to number three. You can increase your creative intelligence (CQ) despite the outdated notion that people are either right- or left-brain dominant. New research shows that we need to use both sides of the brain to be successful. Unconventional paths often lead to brilliant solutions. Color, which you find all around you, could act as a catalyst to identify what exactly is causing you to feel, think or believe that you can’t connect the dots. Many problems can be solved, and challenges overcome with the help of these vibrational energies. How can color help? By becoming aware of the colors in your environment, you can pinpoint your

creative block. It is a simple yet powerful method. Your color attractions and rejections demonstrate where you are stuck: Physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Only when we know what the heart of the matter is can you take action, unblock your creativity, and live a life of success and happiness. Tell-tale signs of a creative block and how to overcome it How do you know where the block is? Here are a few signs to look out for. Body: If your block has a physical nature, you come up with great ideas, but nothing ever materializes. You don’t act on your ideas to make them real, or when you do, you don’t finish a project. You have too many fingers in too many pies. How to fix it: You know the old saying, “A change is a good as a holiday?” That’s what you need: a vacation or at least a change of scenery. Feelings: Have you been taking

on others’ stuff lately? Do you get too involved in the lives of other people? Have you become too dependent on the opinions and advice of friends and family? If you have been spending too much time with negative people or people whom Dr. Christiane Northrup describes as energy vampires, you must take stock. Remember, these drainers are all around, and creative people are more susceptible to negative vibes.

How to fix it: Stop planning your day to the last minute. Stop taking yourself and life so seriously. Do you know that we are not getting out of it alive anyway? Watch a standup comedian and laugh your heart out.

How to fix it: Pick your battles and choose your friends. Let people sort out their problems. Spend time with positive, uplifting people only.

How to fix it: Perhaps the Universe is taking you gently by the shoulders and trying to shake you awake. You are done with this part of your story. It is time to write the next chapter. Give thanks and say goodbye. Now take on that new creative challenge!

Thoughts: You over-analyze every single thing. You have become a perfectionist of note. Nothing or no one is ever good enough. You are critical and filled with self-doubt, yet you arrogantly and stubbornly believe that you know best and will solve the problem.

Spirit: You do things automatically and robotically, but there is no real joy. You don’t daydream any longer. Everything feels like a huge uphill battle.

Are you ready to increase your creative intelligence even if you think that you don’t need to be creative or that you don’t have a creative bone in your body?








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Fear is the Liar

I recently watched a touching documentary, Tea with the Dames, an intimate chat between four legendary British actresses, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith,

Joan Plowright, and Eileen Atkins, all of whom have been knighted. I found it a treat to momentarily peek into the lives of four esteemed thespians. At one point the subject of fear came up. Judi Dench admitted, “I still feel quite anxious when I have to act in a film.” I was stunned! Here one of the world’s finest actresses, who has often been cast as the Queen of England, and exudes utter confidence in her roles, now 85 years of age, is still plagued by fear! To my further surprise, her peers, also among the most respected actresses in the world, confessed that they, too, are camera shy. This shocking revelation confirmed to me a phenomenon I see in many successful professionals: Even while the voice of fear pursues us, we can go on to create huge success. That voice often disguises itself as

“fraud guilt”—the idea that “I am a phony and if people knew the truth about me, they would not pay me, like me, or want me.” A survey of top Hollywood movie studio CEO’s asked, “What do you fear most?” The most common answer was, “I am afraid that people will find out I don’t really know what I am doing.” Meanwhile, these execs were turning our fabulous movies, earning many millions of dollars for their studios. Success is not the liar. Fear is. Don Juan, the mentor in Carlos Castaneda’s classic series of books of conversations with his Yaqui shaman teacher, told Castaneda, “Fear never really goes away. It sits on your shoulder and whispers in your ear, trying to frighten and belittle you. The spiritual warrior hears the voice of fear, but does not give in to it.”

Phil Alden Robinson, writer, and director of one of my favorite films, Field of Dreams, recounts that during filming, “Every night I went back to my room and thought I had failed.” Meanwhile, Robinson was turning out a blockbuster film that was nominated for three Academy Awards and has become a classic. A Course in Miracles tells us that there are only two emotions, and thus only two voices we might listen to love and fear. We all have a fear voice that chides us with all kinds of threats. At some point, we must stop running from the fear voice and confront it. The question is not, “Does fear taunt you?” The question is, “Are you willing to move ahead anyway?” My mentor Hilda Charlton used to say, “The dog’s bark and the caravan moves on.” The deepest purpose of our

life is to rip the mask off of fear to reveal the love it hides. We must cease to live as if we are small, and claim our authentic magnificence. Even while scary newscasts and prophecies bite at our heels, we must move on. At the height of the Beatles’ illustrious career, Ringo Starr decided he wasn’t fit to be in a band as talented as the Beatles. He went to John Lennon and told him, “I’m leaving the group because I’m not playing well and I feel unloved and out of it, and you three are really close.” John replied, “I thought it was you three!” Then Ringo told Paul McCartney he felt like an outsider. Paul replied, “I thought it was you three!” Ringo’s didn’t bother going to George Harrison, who might have given a similar reply. The idea that any of these four—Ringo, John, Paul, or George—was not a “real” Beatle seems laughable and

ludicrous since each of those musicians was talented in his own way, and their unique synergy made the Beatles the most successful entertainers in history. But each of them had to face and deal with his own demons. If even the Beatles suffered fraud guilt, you can see what a liar that voice is, and why you should give it no credence and not let it stop you on your own path to success. A Course in Miracles also tells us, “fear is never justified in any form,” and asks us to remember, “I am at home. Fear is the stranger here.” Emerson boldly suggested, “Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.” Consider all the things you have feared, and how many of them have come true. And of the very small percentage that has come true, you have continued to move ahead, and even learned valuable lessons from experience.

In the human experience, we all feel fear at some time. How you deal with it determines whether or it has power over your life, or you claim dominion over it. Fear and love cannot coexist in the same mind or place. The more we choose to love, the more that becomes our prevalent experience. We have been taught by word or example that fear is real and love is the illusion. But the world is often inside out and upside down. Only love speaks the truth. Alan Cohen is the bestselling author of the newly-released Spirit Means Business, illuminating how you can succeed with money and career without selling your soul. Become a certified professional life coach through Alan’s transformational Life Coach Training beginning September 1. For more information about this program, Alan’s books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly radio show, visit www.

4 Steps to Transform your life By Sivarama Swami

We all know nothing comes easy in life. Warren Buffet said, “We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest.” And with so many distractions like internet, social media, smartphones, fashion, and so on, discipline is usually the last thing on our minds. But self-discipline is the foundation upon which skills, professions, and life-choices are built. Think of where you would be now if you didn’t go through the discipline of driving lessons

and learning the rules of the road. Probably six feet under. Similarly, self-discipline is necessary in all other aspects of life, whether it’s education, health, marriage, business, or raising children. The result of all activities depends on how committed we are to be practicing the disciplines that come with that activity. In other words, in any endeavor the rule of thumb is that as much as you put into it, that much you get out of it. You can’t withdraw

money from a bank account you haven’t put money into. But we often face obstacles to discipline like a lack of motivation or just plain procrastination. So here are 4 tips to help you on your path — tips you can add to your life right now.

knowing your nature, and not knowing your purpose. Don’t get swayed by details, distracted by fads, or derailed by peer pressure. Instead, do things that are in line with who you are. And keep life simple! Stick to what is fulfilling to you and use that as your anchor.

2. Add a spiritual dimension to the day. This is a must to reinforce your foundation. Every day of those 50 years as a monk, I’ve been practicing mantra meditation. Chanting a sacred sound vibration for two hours every morning brings me to a space free of anxiety and stress and connects me with a deeper dimension — my innermost self. Start with just 10 minutes a day, but just start.

4. Self-Control: You need to remove the temptations in life. For example, if you’re trying to cut out alcohol, you stay away from bars, right? Similarly, if you want to be a better person, then priorities whatever it takes to get there. That means to detach from things that get in your way. Those things may be bad habits, or an unfavorable social circle, or a challenging environment. Identify those barriers and eliminate them. And that’s it. Or at least, it’s the beginning. Implement these 4 steps and see how regulation can transform your life. As you start to experience the results, then you can build on it further. And sure, it may be hard to change or establish new processes in life. But here’s the thing: avoiding pain or suffering is a myth, it’s pie in the sky.

3. Stick to your path. A lack of discipline can be due to not knowing where you’re going, not

So, we either suffer the pain of discipline, or we suffer the pain of regret. The choice is yours.

1. Wake up early! Benjamin Franklin said, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise!” As a practicing monk for 50 years, it is my habit to rise before 4am. Rising early may require adjustments and rescheduling, but the benefits of being more focused and more “ready to go” are extraordinary.

Good News, Scary News If You Use Olive Oil By Kim Moody

First, the Good News Olive oil is one of the most popular superfoods in the world. And for good reasons. It’s delicious, all-natural, with zero carbs. It makes countless recipes more flavorful. As one of the healthiest fats, it keeps you full and satisfied long after your meals, so you’re not so tempted to snack on “carbage.” Olive oil is a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, perhaps the healthiest in the world. Studies have shown that olive oil lowers “bad” cholesterol and cuts your risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer of the breast, prostate, and colon. It eases joint pain without side effects. Moreover, according to The New York Times best-selling book Genius Foods, extra virgin olive oil “has been shown in large, long-term trials to protect the brain against decline and even improve cognitive function.” And, as reported in USA Today, “Temple University research shows extra virgin olive oil protects against memory loss, preserves the ability to learn and reduces conditions associated with Alzheimer’s disease.”

The Scary News But there’s a dark side. Thanks to the many health benefits of authentic olive oil, demand is skyrocketing. And crooks have moved in. Crime syndicates in Italy and elsewhere have been flooding U.S. stores with counterfeit extra virgin olive oils that look just like the real deal. Just as these crime families produce cheap knockoffs of designer clothing and handbags, they palm off fake olive oil in fancy bottles and cans as extra virgin. NBC News has reported that “fake olive oil is rampant.” The Wall Street Journal adds, “American grocery stores are awash in cheap, fake ‘extra virgins.’” 60 Minutes has cautioned that you face a “sea of fakes” when you shop for olive oil in stores.

Cancer-Causing Agents in Fake Olive Oils?

The Olive Oil Hunter to the Rescue

How harmful can fake olive oil be? In his New York Times best-selling book, Extra Virginity, olive oil expert Tom Mueller warns of contaminants and even cancercausing agents in fake olive oils.

T. J. Robinson, aka the Olive Oil Hunter, is a widely respected olive oil expert and the founder the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club. His club’s mission is to bring members the most delicious artisanal olive oils. Every one of his olive oils is chemically tested by an accredited third-party laboratory and independently certified to be 100% pure extra virgin.

He writes, “Italian investigators have found hydrocarbon residues, pesticides, and other contaminants in fake oils, and pomace oil, a common adulterant, sometimes contains mineral oil as well as PAHs, proven carcinogens that can also damage DNA and the immune system. Then there’s the 1981 case of toxic oil syndrome in Spain, when rapeseed oil adulterated with an industrial additive, sold as olive oil, killed eight hundred people and seriously injured thousands more.”

How to Avoid Counterfeit Olive Oils As the experts in the 60 Minutes exposé recommend, you can avoid criminally produced olive oils by doing your homework online. Located around the world are outstanding artisanal farmers who bypass the counterfeiting factories and sell their olive oils directly to consumers. But if you’d like to save yourself the time and hassle of researching dozens of online olive oil producers, having to decipher websites in foreign languages, and arranging international shipping on your own, there is now a trustworthy and convenient solution.

What’s more, his club ships you these best-of-the-best olive oils direct from award-winning artisanal farms right after the latest harvest. That’s when these olive oils are at their zenith of freshness, flavor, and nutritional potency. The first time I tasted one of Robinson’s oils, it blew me away. It was like a garden in a bottle, so alive with fresh, delicious flavor, just as if I had bought it from a local family farm stand at harvest time. Store-bought olive oils that sit on the shelf for many months or even years can’t compare in flavor or nutritional potency.

A Hit with Foodies, Chefs, and Critics Because these oils offer harvestfresh flavor and independent certification of 100% purity, they are a runaway success story among foodies, chefs, home cooks, and health seekers across America. Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, the Paleo Mom, writes...

“High-quality olive oil is an antioxidant-rich superfood. It lowers inflammation, is cardioprotective, and improves gut health. But that’s ONLY true of high-quality olive oil, and sadly, the struggle to find superior olive oil was tough–until Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club came along. Now I know that every bottle I receive is carefully curated by T.J. the Olive Oil Hunter. Plus, it’s conveniently delivered to my door quarterly so I never go without my favorite oil.” In his New York Times best-selling book, Real Food/Fake Food, Larry Olmsted, the renowned food and travel journalist, adds:

shipping and no obligation to buy anything? “Good question,” he replied. “The only reason we’re thriving is because once people try olive oil that’s 100% pure and also fresh from the latest harvest at the peak of flavor and nutrition, they never again want to settle for storebought olive oil. Most decide they can’t live without such divine olive oil and continue as our valued club members. All I ask is a fair chance to prove it for just $1. And there’s no obligation to buy anything, ever.”

“I now get most of my oil from T.J. Robinson’s Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, and every time I open a bottle, my kitchen literally fills up with the smell of fresh crushed olives–the scent explodes out of the bottle. Just breaking the seal transports me to Italy or Spain or Chile.”

I know that I was a bit skeptical at first, but it turned out to be one of the best tasting experiences of my life, and now I’m an ardent fan. I also like that I’m feeding my family olive oil that’s independently certified to be 100% pure. For just $1, you can discover for yourself how delicious extra virgin olive oil tastes when it’s pure and direct from the harvest at the peak of flavor and nutritional potency.

Try a $39 Bottle for Just a Buck?

For More Information...

Another secret of the club’s success is Robinson’s generous getacquainted offer, which many olive oil lovers find irresistible. Here’s the deal: he invites you to sample his finest artisanal olive oil, normally $39 retail, for just $1 to help him cover shipping, with no commitment to buy anything, now or ever. When I interviewed Robinson for this piece, I asked, “How can you stay in business giving away a $39 bottle of one of the world’s top artisanal olive oils for just $1

If you’d like more information about Robinson’s Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, and to claim a $39 bottle for just $1 shipping with no commitment to buy anything, you can click on the link below. However, he asks that you do so soon, as his quantities from the new harvest are strictly limited. T.J. Robinson’s Guide to the World’s Finest Olive Oils– Independently Lab-Certified to Be 100% Pure Extra Virgin–and How to Receive a $39 Bottle for Just a $1 Shipping Charge


The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

How To Deal With Uncertainty And Insecurity In A Relationship By Syliva SmithÂ

This purpose of this article is to show couples how to deal with uncertainties and insecurities in their romantic relationship.

Methods: This piece considers research studies that talk about how insecurities can trigger problems in an otherwise healthy relationship. Further cited research shows couples how to build trust and the important role that oxytocin plays in increasing trust between partners. Communication, comparisons to past relationships, and changing one’s perspective are also touched on in this article.

to spend the rest of their life with, insecurities can trigger doubt and create problems in a once healthy relationship Entering a new relationship should be an exciting, happy time in a person’s life. But for those who have had bad romantic experiences in the past, starting over can be a stressful experience. How Uncertainty Ruins Healthy Relationships

Relationship uncertainty is an unpleasant feeling to have when trying to pursue something serious with a partner.

When an individual is experiencing uncertainty or insecurity in their relationship it can quickly create disharmony between partners.

If an individual is feeling uncertain or insecure about their partner, it could mean they don’t fully trust their spouse. It may also be a sign that they are feeling anxious about where the relationship is going. Or it could mean nothing at all.

To begin with, not knowing where the relationship is going creates a lack of accountability between spouses. Can they trust that their partner is being faithful? If one were to lose their job, could they rely on their spouse to help carry the load?

Insecurity can spring from past relationships or from seemingly nowhere at all. Even if a person believes they’ve found the person they want

Without knowing how each partner feels about the other it will be impossible to move forward with a serious relationship.

Having toxic thoughts about oneself and their relationship may also lower self-esteem. One partner may begin to blame themselves for any problems or doubts they’re having regarding their relationship. This can create a downward spiral of depression.

Here are 7 ways to uncertainty and insecurity from ruining a good thing. 1. Couples Must Communicate Communication is the key to feeling comfortable in a relationship. If something from one’s past is bothering them or bringing up old insecurities, this person should speak openly with their spouse about it. They won’t be able to move forward with a healthy, happy partnership unless they share what is truly bothering them.

2. Talk About Relationship Goals Partners who are feeling uncertain about the future of their once healthy relationship should sit down and have an

depth talk about where things are going. This conversation need not be scary or nervewracking. Couples should ask each other how they feel about the relationship. Do they have long-term goals of marriage or starting a family? How serious are they about being monogamous? Are they comfortable if either person in the relationship is still in communication with a past love? These are important questions to ask. One can either sit around worrying about the relationship or they can do something about how they’re feeling. By talking it out, couples will be able to comfort one another and get a clear understanding of where the relationship is going.

3. Stop Comparing The best relationship advice for doing away with insecurity in relationships is to stop comparing. A comparison is the thief of joy. A jealous or insecure partner can drive themselves crazy

thinking about their current partner’s past relationships. Such thoughts can cause stress and anxiety to build and can lower self-esteem. If one compares their current partner to their ex or compares themselves to their spouse’s last relationship, they’ll soon become miserable. Partners should enjoy each other for who they are, not who they wish they would be.

4. Work on Building Trust Trust is essential for a healthy relationship. Partners who trust one another experience less stress and anxiety in their lives because they don’t have to worry about how they feel for one another. Couples can work on building trust is by enhancing their physical intimacy. Studies show that oxytocin increases trust between partners. This bonding agent is released during skin to skin contact with a loved one and is highly beneficial for a marriage.

5. Narrowing Down the Problem If one spouse is feeling uncertain about their

relationship, doubt and fear can make it difficult to ask the important questions that could resolve the issue. In order to build a healthy relationship, partners must each do some personal reflection and find out what is truly bothering them. Here are just some of the reasons why individuals grow uncertain about their romantic relationships: • One partner wants to start a family but isn’t sure how serious their significant other is about marriage and settling down • Past romantic experiences are triggering a negative outlook on a current relationship • One partner does not treat the other well • Anxiety blooms when one spouse realized they are not in love with their partner anymore • There is no trust in the relationship

6. Embrace Independence If some is focusing

so intensely on their relationship that they’re making themselves feel insecure or anxious, a shift in focus becomes necessary. The best relationship advice for embracing independence is to maintaining hobbies and friendships away from one’s spouse. Doing so will help foster healthy independence. When individuals take time to focus on their own hobbies and interests away from their spouse, it transforms them into a more well-rounded person. This independence is an attractive quality that will be good for both their relationship and mental health. 7. A Change in Attitude Who doesn’t enjoy hearing how special, attractive, and worthy they are? Reassurance is lovely to hear but relying on constant reassurance from a spouse in order to feel comfortable in that relationship can be exhausting for both parties. Changing one’s attitude

can go a long way toward developing a healthy relationship. Whenever When moments of insecurities arise, many find it helpful to make a list of their positive qualities. This paper will serve as a reminder that they are worthy of love and admiration from a partner. The best relationship advice to avoid uncertainty and insecurity in a relationship is for couples to learn to enjoy each other. They should also strive to keep honest lines of communication open. Doing so will keep both partners on the same page about the relationship. Sylvia Smith is a relationship expert with years of experience in training and helping couples. She has helped countless individuals and organizations around the world, offering effective and efficient solutions for healthy and successful relationships. Her mission is to provide inspiration, support and empowerment to everyone on their journey to a great marriage.

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RECOGNIZING SIGNS AN EXCERPT FROM SIGNS FROM THE OTHER SIDE BY BILL PHILIPPS How beautiful it would be to be able to say to your deceased mother, “Mom, I really need to know you’re with me right now; will you please appear before me so that I can see you?” — and then watch as she appears. Unfortunately, that’s not how spirits operate. Any signs you receive from the other side likely will not be presented in the most obvious ways. But they won’t necessarily be as subtle as you may think.

It depends primarily on your mindset and whether you are looking for them. If you surrender your expectations of how the signs may be presented and are vigilant about paying attention to your surroundings, you will recognize them. When you are on the lookout, your psychic senses will kick in, because that is where your energy is being directed.

THE OTHER SIDE Spirits will also try to send signs that you will relate to and avoid sending ones that you won’t. The reason, of course, is because they want you to recognize them. For example, if you are a construction worker or a sports fanatic, they may send signs that relate to either of those things.

If you are not into sports and aren’t familiar with, say, basketball star LeBron James, your deceased mom will likely not send you something that has to do with LeBron. I am not into sports much at all, so when I give readings, it is rare for me to receive a detailed sports symbol as validation.

There really are no limits concerning how signs will be presented to you, but here are just a few examples from my new book Signs from the Other Side of the most common ways: Dreams: When we sleep, our souls are working on the other side — taking a “time-out,” of sorts, from this world — to help us focus on soul lessons that will need our attention when we awaken. Our dreams are rarely literal — a dream of a plane crash doesn’t mean we will be in a plane crash or witness one.


ANY SIGNS YOU RECEIVE FROM THE OTHER SIDE LIKELY WILL NOT BE PRESENTED IN THE MOST OBVIOUS WAYS Those on the other side know I’d get frustrated if I did. That doesn’t mean they won’t show me a particular sports object or something generically sports-related; it’s all relative to you and your knowledge base. IN A READING I recently gave, the client’s friend who came through had been a professional basketball player, and he kept showing me a basketball to validate that. But if he had shown me the logo of his former team, I’d have been lost.

But we may need to decipher the meaning behind it, just like any other sign from the spirit world. If you have an actual visitation from a loved one in a dream, you will know it. It will leave you feeling uplifted, loved, and supported. Sometimes they have no words at all and just smile at you, while other times they may tell you they are okay and not to worry. I’ve heard reports of full dialogues from clients, but typically these visitations are short and sweet.




The doppelgänger spirit:


Coins: It is very common for our loved ones on the other side to use coins to let us know that they are around us. I find that pennies seem to be the coin of choice most often, but any coin is possible. Also, the year can be significant. If it is the year when your loved one was born or died, or if it has a correlation to something you are worried about in your life (maybe you are worried about your son, and the coin you find is from the year of his birth), that is likely a sign from the other side that you aren’t alone. The doppelgänger spirit:


This fascinating occurrence is when a spirit superimposes itself over a living person to give us the feeling of recognizing them. Spirits usually do this when we’re in line or a social situation. If you have never experienced this phenomenon, you may be surprised to learn how often others have. A person who is asking for a sign from her father might be walking down a busy street and pass by a person who looks just like her dad. When she turns around to get a better look, either that person is gone or, upon closer inspection, his appearance isn’t what she has just seen. In my experience, spirits will often take the appearance of a similar form, overlaying themselves on that person to catch your attention.

Electricity: Electricity is a very popular way in which spirits send us signs, because of the energy connection and, I believe, because it is difficult for anyone to deny. When we cross over, we are in pure energy form, and we have the ability to blend with the electrical currents and manipulate the flow. This is why we see lights dim or switch off, see televisions turn on or off for no apparent reason, and hear phones ring with no physical caller on the other end. Psychic Medium Bill Philipps is the author of Signs from the Other Side and Expect the Unexpected. His life’s mission is to help people deal with the grief of losing loved ones by bringing through validations, evidential information, and beautiful messages from Spirit, which heal and bring a sense of peace. Visit him online at

It is excerpted from the book Signs from the Other Side. Copyright ©2019 by Bill Philipps, printed with permission from New World Library —




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Personal Growth & Development

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

5 Healthy Steps to Process Critical Comments By Karen Ulvestad

Words carry power and affect our day-to-day life. The challenge lies in acknowledging the words without internalizing them. Often, harsh and critical words are behavior related as observed by another person. It’s

our job to know the difference and grow from the experience. It’s easy to internalize comments made by other people and think it’s about our personality. There is a difference between behavior and the self. The self is our true essence. All the lessons from the behavior we have experienced in our lives, and other people’s issues we hang onto. The truth is that it is a challenge to recognize the difference between a behavior related issue or “self” issues when we don’t know any difference between the two. The more self-aware we become, the easier this is to see in an interaction with another person.

Several steps can be used to differentiate between behavior issues and self. Knowing Self Knowing one’s self is the best way to change the effects of critical or harsh words. It’s the process of knowing our true essence is not what other people see. They see us through their filters and biases. The words are a reflection of what they feel

about themselves, not us. When we know our self, we tap into the Universal Life force energies and know that we are part of everything. Our view changes, hence we change our “reaction” to the words of others. We see others as their entities, it becomes easier to look at their words, and we internalize less of the negativity. Personal Boundaries A personal boundary knows where one ends, and another begins. It is easy in theory, but many find it difficult to differentiate between themselves and others. This step is part of knowing one’s self. The deeper we understand ourselves, the easier it is to disconnect from the words and opinions of others. It is their opinion and viewpoint. It only reflects who they are, and the level of their self is knowing. It is a life-long lesson. Disconnecting From The Words It can be difficult to disconnect from harsh or critical words, especially if someone close to we speaks them. The words

may feel like they cut, no matter how well we know ourselves or honor our boundaries. One useful technique is to create a personal mantra that disconnects the words from a personal level and makes the comments “just” words. This mantra can be repeated in mind as many times as necessary to disconnect the emotional reaction to the words. Does It Ring True? If the words cause a reaction, it is possible the other individual “pushed” a button on an unhealed wound. It is advisable to look at the words and see if they “ring” true. Does the speaker make a valid point? Is it something that is an issue? Emotions Involved The most difficult part of this process is the emotions evoked by the comments. We are emotional beings, and it is natural to react to painful events. Words can be very painful to hear and feel like they cut the heart. The bigger the emotional reaction indicates the power of the words or the individual delivering the comments. Often,

these are unresolved issues within us or our relationship with the other person. It is important to remember that we can only change ourselves. Hence we can change our reaction to the words. Remember. Each of us is at different stages in our evolution to become enlightened beings. It is the strong person who walks away from the situation. It takes wisdom to know when to know when to stay or walk away. It takes courage to confront a conflict of ideas in a peaceful and introspective way. Karen Ulvestad is a Reiki Master/ Teacher, intuitive, writer and Aroma Therapy student. She has been on this path for most of her life. Through the process of learning, she has concluded that all things are related. She strives to come from a place of balance, peace, and calmness. Her book “Whisperings of the Spirit” is available at www.Blurb. com. Her blog is Mind + Body + Spirit = Fitness.








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Writing About a Secret: Confessional Writing By Diana Raab

Abstract: We all have secrets. Writing about a secret is a form of confessional writing. This type of writing can be healing and cathartic. Why not take a few minutes to think

about a secret and consider writing about it? You might be surprised what emerges!

is particularly important in confessional writing, as it is in any personal writing.

Confessional writing or writing about a secret is writing written in the first person who describes someone’s deepest and most inner feelings. It can be in the form of an essay, letter, poem, book, essay or jottings in a journal. Most times, confessional writing is a healing way of expressing sentiments on the page. It can make a person make sense of events and circumstances in their lives. Confessional writing can provide relief from hiding behind a veil of secrets.

In Phillip Lopate’s classic anthology, The Art of the Personal Essay, he says, “the struggle for honesty is central to the ethos of the personal essay,” and I would say this is also relevant to confessional writing. Many examples of such are included in this wonderful collection. Lopate continues by saying that the “personal essayist [and I add the confessional writer] must above all be a reliable narrator; we must trust his or her core of sincerity.” He continues to say that part of this trust relates to the writer’s exposure of betrayals, uncertainties, and self-mistrust.

Those who do confessional writing can help others navigate their journey, especially if they’ve gone through a through similar life experiences. A great book about confessional writing is Fearless Confessions by Sue William Silverman. She claims that confessional writers serve as emotional guides for others. Honesty

Many people consider memoir the most popular form of confessional writing, but really, any personal writing that uses “I” could be a form of confessional writing. It’s written in the first person and shares a secret or revelation. Confessions usually touch on

the darker or more repressed parts of life. St. Augustine’s Confessions are amongst the first published confessions, written in the 4thand 5thcenturies. It consists of 13 volumes where he discusses his conversion to Christianity as a result of sins committed as a child such as theft and lust. When considering the idea of doing confessional writing, the writer should ask themselves: “What am I carrying?” Some of the most powerful writing is when the writer holds on to and connects to a universal theme that applies to anyone, regardless of their orientation or culture. It’s a subject that others can relate. In other words, if the writer is writing about a secret about an abusive relationship, then it’s a theme many people can relate. When writing a confession, the writer is prompted to dive deep and then surface and look beyond themselves. Confessional writing should not be confused with writing

about trauma, although sometimes the subjects overlap. Confessions are secrets that may not be connected to trauma; they could be secrets, passions or dreams. For example, here are some confessions: I forged a legal letter I am bisexual I cannot stop thinking about sex I want to kill my mother I fantasize about running away with my professor I hire only sexy personal assistants I never answer the phone when it rings I secretly love my job but just to fit in, tell everyone I hate it I am 50 and have no idea what I want to do when I grow up Before beginning to confessional writing, it’s good to start by writing the word, BREATHE across the top of

the page. Then take some deep breaths in and out. Like journal writing, rituals are important before beginning to write. Some rituals might include: meditating, lighting a candle, having a cup of tea or stretching. Here is some possible writing prompts: Write for a few minutes about some obsessions, whether it is sex, books, clothes, cars, or nature. Write a little about the history of this obsession and how it thinks it originated or whether it’s connected to a particular person? Think of someone who deserves gratitude—a relative, a friend, a mentor, a loved one. Now write this person a letter to them expressing gratitude. Think of a person or situation that instills anger. Write another letter describing the feelings that erupt from that anger. You don’t need to send the letter.

Think about something like a mistake made. Write about how you dealt with at the time, and how it could be done differently now. Diana Raab, Ph.D., MFA, is an award-winner memoirist, poet, speaker, and workshop facilitator. She is the author of nine books including, her latest, Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life. Her most recent poetry book is called, Lust. In her 40-year career, she is an advocate for personal writing. Dr. Raab facilitates workshops in writing for transformation and empowerment, focusing on journaling, poetry, and memoir writing. She believes in the importance of writing to achieve wholeness and interconnectedness, which encourages the ability to unleash the true voice of your inner self. Raab blogs for numerous blogs, including Psychology Today, Elephant Journal, and Thrive Global. Visit her at

Four Tips For A Happier Life By Alice DaviesÂ

With the rate in which technology is fast developing, speeding up the pace at which life moves and making the world a global village, it is really necessary for us

to take out time to review our lives to find out which areas need improvement. Although these new and improved technologies offer us numerous luxuries and comforts, in the real sense, studies conducted on the impact of technologies on human lives have discovered that they do not make us happier. Instead, people have become less sociable and more disconnected from life. Below are some suggestions that can be of help in case you ever make the conscious choice of improving yourself and increasing your chances of manifesting a happy life.

1. Organize Your House Many may think that this tip only applies to people who love to accumulate personal properties, but that is not correct. People get so caught up in different activities in their daily lives that they allow things to accumulate,

cluttering their home and allowing it to get messy. They may either forget to do the dishes and allow them to pile up or forget to throw away things that are of no use. It is highly important for people to try to create time to clean and organize their homes as this has a direct effect on your ability to feel good.

2. Find A Coach Or Mentor Life at its current state is moving so fast that we can hardly keep track of time. People get stuck in a loop of routines until they discovered that this had become their life, which leaves them dissatisfied and disappointed about how their life turned out to be. Due to their inability to get their situation in order and take the steps required to implement changes in their life, these individuals will spend most of their existence working

at a job with no future, consume unhealthy foods and gain weight. It causes them to lose sight of their values, and they end up giving up on their goals or desires. Life coaches are professionals that can work with people to help them list out the things they want to achieve and the necessary steps they have to take to put their lives back in order and attain better personal well-being.

3. Limit Technology Usage According to reports, there is a high rate of smartphone addiction among people, and this has begun to alter the manner in which their brain acts. It is because the behaviors that these devices create in people can induce dopamine, and if care is not taken, it could result in addiction. It is the reason why it is necessary to take time out from using your devices to

relax the brain and turn your attention to the surrounding natural environment.

4. Connect To The Earth An activity that is proven to help improve sleep and alleviate stress is barefoot walking which is otherwise known as “Earthing.” The majority of us have become so hyper and over exhausted by taking large doses of caffeinated beverages, and our stress level has increased due to busy schedules and having a heavy workload. It makes it highly important for us to connect with nature by walking on loose soil barefooted and grounding our feet into it. It is so easy to lose oneself at the pace in which the world is moving, but it is highly important to create time and invest money for your well-being to achieve a harmonized life and not end up unwell and unhealthy.

When a Household Breaks, Many lives are changed, and others just End.

DOMESTIC ABUSE There are Many Forgotten Victims

When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.

World Vision

Embracing Politics as Part of the Resolution by Crystal Presence

As politics takes center stage, we wonder how to get clarity with so much chaos happening in our world today. Embracing this time of history as a doorway to bringing forth a new context of living. Asking ourselves to

stand fast, trust and focus on the divine intention and purpose of our country, in living freedom and wellbeing for all. Things we can do and focus on to be part of embracing politics and being part of the resolution. “All politics are personal and depend on trustâ€? Joe Biden As the very fabric of our society is being rewoven, we ponder the issues of how to bring forth a free, safe and abundant world for all. As politics takes center stage, we wonder how to get clarity with so much chaos, fear, distraction, and polarization happening in our world today. Politics is the means of connection, interaction, and decision making for acting on this extraordinary task. What if we embrace this time of perturbation as a doorway to bringing forth a new context of living? What if we stand fast to trust and focus on the divine intention and purpose of our country, in living freedom and wellbeing for all. As we ask ourselves these questions, we can focus on‌ Envisioning new possibilities.

Changing beliefs and perspectives about the nature of politics. Shifting our thinking that politics is about competing for power, over-coming or succumbing. Asking the question what the nature of experiencing politics as a beneficial, dynamic and empowering way to serve our world is? Creating a new story. Barbara Mark Hubbard, the author of Conscious Evolution, refers to this time in history as a birthing of a new humanity. A time of homo sapiens emerging into a new species called homo universalis, a higher conception of humanity that co-evolves with nature, co-exists with high-tech genius, co-creates with spirit and leads with love. Vibrating and circulating our energy through meditation, yoga, dancing, walking and other energetic practices to support us in experiencing our interconnectedness with ourselves, our world and our source. Opening the space to receive all the information, insights and ways to take action for resolution.

Being curious about the politics of own country and others around the world. Re-educating ourselves about our own Bill of Rights and Constitution. Embracing our politicians. Focusing on all the beneficial aspects of them. Appreciating their willingness to pursue their education, experience and serve our country. Remembering that every day they are faced with making important decisions about the dilemmas of humanity. Embracing the personalities, backgrounds and cultural beliefs that influence their choices. Envision them acting out of trust and knowing that the world contains sufficient resources for everyone. Supporting them in making the choices by inspiring them with the freedom we stand for. Visualizing them with obstacles dissolving as we remember that there is always a path with no resistance even in the halls of Congress! Reminding ourselves us that freedom starts within each of us. Taking full responsibility for our internal politics. Freeing ourselves from whining,

shaming, blaming and resisting as ways to get what we want. Asking ourselves how the politics on our outside are reflecting back the politics we have on our inside? How are we treating our spirituality as separate from our inner state of being? How are we polarizing the different aspects of ourselves by trying to control and manipulate what we think is right or wrong? Over-riding and stressing our bodies and emotions? Deceiving ourselves and others? Embracing our toxic anger. Taking responsibility for embracing our healthy anger while freeing ourselves of judgment and held resentment. Having compassion for ourselves and others. Remembering that we become what we resist, changing our focus from revolution to conscious evolution. Remembering we were born with a propensity to trust. In Its highly respected book, The Speed of Trust, Stephen Covey reminds us that trust is the one thing that is common to every individual, relationship, team, family organization, nation,

economy and civilization throughout the world. “Trust is the one thing which, if removed, will destroy the most powerful government, the most successful business, the most thriving economy, the most influential leadership, the greatest friendship, the strongest character, and the deepest love.� Low trust creates hidden agendas, interpersonal conflict, interdepartmental rivalries, win-lose thinking, defensive and protective communication all which reduce the speed of trust in every decision, every communication and every relationship. On the other hand, trust can be cultivated, developed and leveraged, and is that one thing that has the potential to create unparalleled success and prosperity in every dimension of life. Many of the most meaningful events in business, history, literature, and life have hinged on profound moments of trust, on people who were willing to extend trust in amazing ways! Acknowledging that things are in the world are getting better, not worse. Steven Pickner, author-speaker, reminds us that we are living longer, suffering

less, learning more and fewer are repressed. As humans, we can think about our thinking, shift our emotions and use all the other abundant resources and extraordinary capacities we have to make life-enhancing choices. We can do it! About the author: Crystal is a certified expansion guide with the Total Integration Institute, author, multidimensional coach and facilitator for the live event called Freedom at the Core. She is the instructor and coach for her online course called Freedom From the Inside Out. She draws from her own experience and the experience of the thousands of people she has worked with over the past 35 years. Crystal is known for the fun and empowering way she supports people in bringing forth the experiences they want in their lives. www.crystalpresenceonline. com presence/ crystalpresenceonline emotionalparadigmshift







Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI), founded by William Keepin and Cynthia Brix, has convened hundreds of intensive workshops and trainings for transforming gender relations between women and men in nine countries over the past 27 years. Thousands of women and men have jointly confronted gender oppression and sexual violation in GERI's programs, and moved through the ensuing challenges together—to reach a rare place of mutual healing on intergender and community levels. GERI offers multiple programs including the #MeToo to #WeToo training that focuses on transforming gender relations between women and men, as a co-gender response to the #MeToo movement. Other GERI programs include dedicated trainings for LGBTQI populations and pilot trainings for People of Color. Guided by the twin powers of truth and compassion, GERI programs entail a process of collective healing and reconciliation, supported by skillful facilitation and post-workshop follow-up groups. The methodology is summarized in Martin Luther King, Jr.’s declaration that “Injustice and corruption will never be transformed by keeping them hidden, but only by bringing them out into the light, and confronting them with the power of love.”




GERI’s versatile and resilient methodology has enabled its successful implementation in highly diverse cultural contexts ranging from the United States, Canada, U.K., and Australia, to India, South Africa, Kenya, and Colombia. GERI has shown that, contrary to popular fears or misconceptions, when mixed-gender forums are skillfully convened and facilitated, they can become powerful crucibles in which men and women confront and dissolve old patterns of destructive gender dynamics, move through the pain and tribulation, and collaboratively forge a new culture of gender relations. The GERI process consistently produces remarkable experiences of healing, reconciliation, and forgiveness between the sexes. Participants move beyond habitual ways of relating and cultivate not only genuine compassion, but also mutual reverence between women and men. Follow-up groups over time develop into on-going communities of practice that function like incubators for cultivating a “beloved community” in which women and men learn to reclaim our collective human birthright to dwell together in harmony and creative partnership. As the former Deputy Speaker of Parliament in South Africa, Nozizwe Madlala Routledge, expressed it, “I have been looking for a long time for a way to bring healing and reconciliation between women and men. This work is the answer.” Key components of GERI programs include bearing witness and deep truth-telling in shared community spaces; freeing ourselves from harmful gender stereotypes and conditioning; healing gender relations and emotional and sexual trauma; honoring and reclaiming the sacred alchemy of the masculine and the feminine; and interactive group work to support authentic empowerment and cultivate renewed gender relations. Working through the ravages of gender injustice with integrity, courage, and compassion, ordinary men and women discover a mutual liberation that enables them to begin anew, and jointly reinvent inter-gender relations in a joyous, collaborative partnership. In the GERI transformational process, the shackles of patriarchal conditioning begin to crumble, and profound possibilities of Beloved Community are revealed.

A video is available here, and for more information, please visit our website (

Love Our Neighbor– There Is No Choice! by Nickolas Martin

One of the simplest, most familiar, and important messages we receive is to love our neighbor. Unfortunately, this is a difficult message for many to manifest consistently in their daily lives. A difficulty reflected in the lack of civility often seen between neighbors near and

far. The roots of this difficulty begin with the notion that loving our neighbor is a choice. A choice built upon ego illusions of separation, inequality, and unworthiness with which we come to know some of our neighbors and they, us. It is when loving our neighbor has become a choice that the message is rendered

meaningless. The Love—God Is, within each of us is connective, unconditional, unburdened, and unlimited. It does not allow for a choice. Love Our Neighbor— There is No Choice! The message has been sent throughout the world for thousands of years. It is a central tenet of every religion or belief system seeking to promote connection to each other and God. A foundation for human and spiritual wellness and a game plan for the best life has to offer. This is a particularly important message in a world where technology and telecommunications have brought us into a more immediate and intimate level of contact with our neighbors, near and far, in ways that did not exist only a generation ago. Distance, geography, and primitive technology no longer stand in the way of seeing our neighbor or they us—for better or worse. Yet, despite its simplicity, familiarity, and significance, it is a message that is always often not fully embraced, in all places, and

with all people. This message often gets diluted, lost, or forgotten when we encounter the differences that exist between our neighbors and us. Then loving our neighbor starts to become a choice for many, if it isn’t one, we are already making. The weakening, meaninglessness, and absence of the message begin with the notion that loving our neighbor is a choice. It is a choice we may or may not realize we are making—but many are often making it. This choice is being made when we start to look negatively upon neighbors who differ from us in the race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious affiliation, income level, intellectual ability, physical ability, or emotional stability. Placing conditions or requirements on which neighbors we will love or how much is a violation of the simple, brilliant, and beautiful message to love our neighbors—all of them and always! When we fail to do so, we don’t understand the message at all and believing we do is only an illusion.

Also, loving our neighbor isn’t something we can only think. It’s not just a good and wholesome idea. We must live it for the message to be real and not just an illusion in which we are only fooling ourselves. Some may think that loving our neighbor is a choice and even resent the suggestion that there can be no choice. It only becomes a choice when we are losing contact with our Divinity and falling deeply into our humanity. Humanity which often embraces the notion that we are not our brother’s and sister’s keepers and do not need to serve them in their time of need. Humanity which allows us to stop loving our neighbor based on any of the differences they may have from our likeness. A humanity that allows fear and anger, rather than love, to guide one’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior toward our neighbor, particularly when they are a lesser version of themselves. Loving our neighbor becomes a choice when ego illusions of separation, inequality, and unworthiness become the

filters through which we view our neighbors and loving them becomes more conditional. Loving our neighbor becomes attached to prerequisites involving the right beliefs and values, the right demographics, or the right physical, mental, or emotional characteristics. The notion of loving our neighbor is lost, and the message has been rendered meaningless when a choice has become a part of it. The Love— God Is, which exists within our Divinity is connective, unconditional, unburdened, and unlimited. It involves a Divine standard rather than a human one to be the source of one’s guidance. It does not allow for a choice where none can exist to be the essence of this love. Only an imbalanced ego in which power, flexibility, or vulnerability issues are impacting on our human energy and humanity can bring this about—making love a choice. The good news is we can become more connected to our Divinity if need be. When we awaken to the illusion of separation operating in our lives and realize we are truly

connected to all others, the wall of separation can come down. When we awaken to the illusion of inequality operating in our lives and realize we can only be equal and that any differences are not the making of deficiency or inequality, this wall can come down. When we awaken to the illusion of unworthiness operating in our lives and realize that we and others can only be worthy, because God dwells within each of us, this wall can come down. The removal of each of these illusions will lead to the removal of the notion that loving our neighbor is a choice. With the true meaning of the message “love our neighbor” being fully known and lived. Again, the Love—God Is, is connective, unconditional, unburdened, and unlimited. When we sign on to loving our neighbor that is the love we are being. That is the love in which there can be no choice. That is the love in which we would want no choice. It is the love in which ego illusions involving separation, inequality, and unworthiness, attached to ourselves, others,

or God can’t and don’t exist. Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” To the degree that loving our neighbor is a choice, we must seek to be that change. Love Our Neighbor— There is No Choice! Dr. Nickolas Martin is a licensed psychologist who has worked in clinical, university, public school and private practice settings as a therapist, diagnostician, educator, and consultant for 35 years. He authored Ego Therapy: A Method for Healing Your Whole Self and It’s Your Ego—Stupid! Fix It to Fix Your Life and has co-authored with Rev. Linda M. Martin, EgoSpiritualism: Awakening to Your Human and Divine Self and The Two Voices Within Balancing the Energies of Ego and Spirit to Enhance Your Life. egoandspirit/ egoandspirit


Signs From The Other Side Opening To The Spirit World Who hasn’t wished they could ask a departed loved one for advice, heal an unresolved rift, or even just ask where their grandmother’s strand of pearls is hidden? The best psychic mediums know what solace such messages can provide. They also know that communication with those on the other side can be cultivated by anyone with a sincere and open heart. In Signs from the Other Side: Opening to the Spirit World, beloved psychic medium Bill Philipps illuminates all of this for readers by demystifying what he does, providing stepby-step guidance that allows readers to receive afterlife communications themselves, and sharing more than twenty inspiring examples of everyday people who have received messages from the other side. “What we often fail to realize is that even though a dead person’s body is gone, their spirit is not. Their soul lives, not just in heaven but on earth,” writes Philipps. “Sure, we may comfort ourselves by saying that we know they are around us or that we feel their energy, but do we truly believe they are present in our lives to the extent that they can communicate directly with us from the beyond at any moment? They are, and they can.”

Signs from the Other Side offers techniques for listening to

intuition and asking questions, as well as ways of using prayer, meditation, and affirmations to help readers connect with the other side. Most importantly, the book explores the nature of signs – which may come in unexpected ways – so that readers can feel, see, and hear them, judge their veracity, and experience the comfort and peace they provide.

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:

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