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In the realm of contemporary spiritual discourse,fewvoicesresonatewiththe clarity and compassionate urgency of John Pavlovitz, a minister and author whose work transcends traditional religious boundaries. Pavlovitz, known for his inclusive approach and unwavering commitment to social justice,hasbecomeabeaconforthose
seeking a faith that embraces diversity and champions the underrepresented. In our feature, we delve into the journey of this influential figure, exploring how his deep convictions and unique perspective have shaped both his writing and ministry. From hishumblebeginningstobecomingawidely recognizedvoiceonissuesoffaith,equality, andempathy,
Pavlovitz's story is one of profound evolutionandsteadfastpurpose.
Hiswritingsandsermons,markedby their accessibility and heartfelt honesty, speak to a wide audience, extending beyond the church walls to touch the lives of people from variouswalksoflife.Aswenavigate the complexities of his journey, we uncover the inspirations and challenges that have fueled his mission to create a more inclusive and loving world. Join us as we explore the life and work of John Pavlovitz, a modern-day minister redefiningwhatitmeanstoleadwith faithinanever-changingworld.
OMTimes:John,throughoutyour writing career, you've woven a rich tapestry of themes, delving into the complexities of religion, politics, race, grief, and the multifaceted realm of social justice. Each book has been a mirror reflecting the times and your deep insights. So, as we stand at the threshold of this latestwork,I'mincrediblycurious: Whatwastheburninginspiration behindthisparticularbook?What confluence of moments and motivations brought it to life in this specific chapter of your journey?
John Pavlovitz: I wrote this book to respond to a profound weariness that I've observed in good-hearted individuals everywhere. As we approach what may be the most crucial election year we've ever witnessed, the fate of the human and civilrightsofavastnumberofpeople hangsprecariouslyinthebalance.
Yet, the need for compassionate and courageous souls has never been greaterinthesechallengingtimes.
In "Worth Fighting For," I explore the myriad battles we face: defending thosewecherish,strivingtorealizethe nationofourdreams,championingthe causes that ignite our passion, and shaping a world that will be a proud legacyforfuturegenerations.
I've seen firsthand and have feltthefatigueofthosewho havebeendeeplyengagedin recent struggles. It's an unnaturalstateofaffairs,this constant state of high alert, this relentless absorption of sorrow.
This book also addresses the oftenoverlooked aspect of these struggles — the toll they take on our relationships and mental and physical well-being. I delve into how we navigatethesetumultuoustimeswhile preserving our humanity and keeping alivethehopethatfuelsourfight.This work is my personal testament to the resilience,dedication,andunwavering spirit needed to face these monumentalchallenges.
OMTimes: In the captivating tapestry of your book, the threadof'fighting'weavesits way through every chapter, binding the narrative with a compelling tenacity. Within this spirited journey, I'm intriguedtoknowwhereyou perceive the battle to be the most intense and challenging. In what arenas oflifedoesthisfighttakethe greatest toll, testing resilience to its limits? And, as readers traverse these pages, embarking on this journey alongside you, what treasuresofinsightorpearls ofwisdomdoyouhopethey will carry with them as they turnthefinalpage?
John Pavlovitz: I've come to understand that our struggles are often perceived as grand battles drawn along political or theological lines. However, through my experiencesandreflections,I'verealizedthe true nature of these conflicts is far more intimateandpersonal.It'sarevelationIdelve deeplyintomywritings.
Everypieceoflegislation,each doctrinal stance, every political argument, and the myriad battles waged on social media ultimately cascade down to a much more human scale. Theseissuesinfiltrateourdaily lives, impacting our families, friendships, workplaces, and communities.
In this book, I explore how these broaderissuesmanifestinourpersonal interactions, making the fight for what we deeply care about both challenging and complex. This is where the true battleground lies – not in the abstract realms of policy and dogma but in the very real context of our day-to-day relationships.Myhopeformyreadersis twofold:thattheyemergewithaclearer understandingofwhatistrulyimportant to them and find strength and encouragement in balancing their convictions with the health and wellbeingoftheirrelationships.Maintaining our beliefs while nurturing our bonds withothersisadelicateequilibrium,but it's crucial for our collective progress and personal fulfillment. This insight is whatIaimtoconveyandexploreinmy work.
OMTimes: The book's subtitle is " Finding Courage and Compassion when Cruelty is Tending." Why are those two values so important right now?
John Pavlovitz: I've often reflected on the "poverty of empathy" that seems to be afflicting our society. This issue transcends political affiliations and religious traditions, leaving many decent peoplehorrifiedattoday'sworld'slackof understanding and compassion. I've observedanexclusionary,predatory,and angry movement gaining traction, acquiring power, and influencing society inwaysthatdeeplyconcernme.
The challenge has been figuring out the right moment and the appropriate manner to respondtothisshift.
In my view, the foundation of an effective countermovement must be compassion. This starts with an unwavering commitment to recognizing and understanding the suffering of others. However, I've realized that merely understanding isn't sufficient. There's an urgent need for us to be bold in articulating our beliefs, to speak with clarity and specificity about our values and the practices werefusetotolerate.
It's not enough to be internally disturbed by the injustices and atrocities we witness. We must stand as a visible and vocal force in the world,advocatingforchange.Thisisacritical timeforournationandourworld.
Now, more than ever, we need individuals who prioritize authenticity, even in the face of the consequences that this authenticity might bring.
It's about being true to our convictions and having the courage to express them, standingfirminourvaluesamid a challenging and often hostile environment. I believe this is the path to creating a more empatheticandjustworld.
OMTimes: Why has abortion become such a pivotal issue for Conservative Christians, seemingly far less important than education, healthcare, or systemic racism, all of which should be "pro-life" concerns?
JohnPavlovitz: AsIreflectonit,I'vecome toseeabortionasapeculiarlysanitizedform of activism. In my observation, opposing abortionallowssomereligiousindividualsto baskinakindofeffortlessmoralsuperiority, a sort of intoxicating self-righteousness. It's an activism that doesn't demand the more challenging aspects of compassion — such as loving or aiding those they might fundamentallydisagreewithordislike.
Thisease,Ibelieve,stemsfromthefactthat embryos are a blank slate, free from the complex traits that might make empathy difficultforsome.
“At the end of your time here, you will either have lived as a table maker or a wall builder.”
In their nascent state, they don't carry the identifiers that often divide us: they're not yet identifiable by their sexuality,religion,politicalbeliefs,race, socioeconomic status, or religious skepticism. This makes them perfect vessels for idealization, uncomplicated symbolsthatdon'tchallengethecomfort zonesofcertaingroups.Theyrepresent acausethatdoesn'trequireconfronting orbridgingthedeepdividesoftribalism thatcharacterizesomuch ofoursocialandpoliticallandscape.
Inthisway,theissueofabortioncanbe seenasalessdemandingformofmoral stance, one that doesn't require engaging with the often messy, challenging reality of human diversity and complexity. It's a form of activism that stays within the safe confines of certain ideological boundaries, avoiding the hard work of broader social and personalunderstandingandempathy.
OMTimes:Inaworldwherereligionis often envisioned as a beacon of love, compassion,andequity,it'sintriguing, yet perplexing, to observe the emergence of movements within religious spheres that paradoxically seemtostrayfromthesecorevalues. What do you think drives this contradiction?Whydoesadomainthat should theoretically epitomize the highest ideals of humanity sometimes give rise to ideologies and practices thatappeartostandinstarkopposition tothem?
John Pavlovitz: In my experience and observation, I've noticed a troubling trend:Numerouschurchesandministers rely heavily on fear to motivate their congregations.Thisapproachcultivates a mindset among the faithful that they are perpetually under siege, always facing some adversary, always bracing for a new threat, and always preparing for some metaphorical war. Such a theology thrives on creating a sense of urgency,constantlypressingonpeople's fearsandprejudices.
This kind of religious narrative often paintstheworldoutsidetheircommunity as harboring an ever-encroaching enemy, keeping the believers in a constantstateofcombatreadiness.
By leveraging fear in this way, these religious institutions tap into people's deep-seated anxieties, manipulating them for the sake of cohesion and control.
Moreover, this situation is exacerbated by the innate human need for community and belonging. Many individuals, craving connection and fellowship, compromise their values, beliefs, or well-being to remain part of theirreligiouscommunity.Thiscanlead to spiritually toxic environments where fear and conformity override compassion, understanding, and authenticspiritualgrowth.
It'saphenomenonthatdeeplyconcerns me,asitcandistortthetrueessenceof faithandspirituality,turningwhatshould be sources of hope, love, and community into instruments of control and division. Witnessing and understandingthisdynamichasbeena sobering aspect of my journey and observations.
OMTimes: You've been a pastor for over twenty-five years, now ministering in a virtual context to millions of people. What does organizedChristianitylooklikein50 years? Will the Church still be relevant?
John Pavlovitz: Reflecting on the evolution of spiritual communities, I've cometorealizethatthetraditionalnotion of needing a specific geographic location or a fixed structure for such a community to exist is increasingly becoming outdated. This shift is immenselypositive,asitsymbolizesthe liberationofourconceptofGodfromthe constraints of a physical building, typicallyaccessiblejustforafewhours each week. It's like we're allowing the massive, ineffable idea of the divine to breathe and expand beyond the rigid confines of a church, temple, or mosque.
Thistransformationsignifiesa departurefromthereligious practicesandtraditionsthat manyofusgrewupwith.
We'renowwitnessingtheemergenceofdynamic,open,anddiversecommunities that are not bound by strict adherence to conventional doctrines. Instead, these communitiesareunifiedbyasharedcommitmenttopromotingequity,justice,and healinginavarietyofsettings.
This change excites me because spirituality is being practiced in more relatable, accessible, and immediate ways. It's no longer confined to a particulartimeandplace.Peoplearefindingspiritual connection and expression in everyday settings and interactions. They are less focused on defending rigid beliefs and more invested in actively making a positive impact in the world, wherever they are. This evolution reflects a broader, more inclusive understanding of spirituality—one that embraces a variety of experiences and expressions and recognizesthevalueofbringingcompassionate,just, andhealingactionsintoeveryaspectofourlives.
OMTimes: With all the division,partisanpolitics,and religious tribalism we're experiencing,whatdoyousee as the greatest reason for hope?
John Pavlovitz: At one of my speakingevents,Iposedaquestion to the audience, prompting a particularly memorable response from a gentleman who took the microphone. He shared a profound insight with me and the rest of the audience.
"John," he began, "I navigate between two distinct newsfeeds in my life. One is the stream of information from Twitter, Facebook, and various news outlets, which invariablyhighlightsdivision,hatred, and a constant stream of urgent crises.IfIfocussolelyonthisdigital newsfeed, hopelessness sets in quiteeasily."
Hethenelaboratedonthesecond newsfeedinhislife,onethatwas far more personal and local. "There'sanothernewsfeed,John, found in my own community. Here, I know people by their names,faces,andstories.
Iseepeopleengagedinincredibly compassionateandgenerouswork that doesn't make national headlines or trend on social media." He emphasized, "When I immerse myself in this local newsfeed,hopecomesnaturally."
This gentleman's perspective resonated deeply with me. It underscoredanessentialtruththat I hold dear: the importance of balancing our attention between thelarge,distanteventsoverwhich we have limited influence and the smaller,moreimmediateaspectsof ourliveswhereourimpactcanbe profound. His words serve as a reminder that while it's crucial to stayinformedaboutglobalissues, it's equally important not to overlookthepowerandpotentialof our local communities and personalinteractions.Byengaging with and contributing to our immediate surroundings, we can find a sense of agency and hope that counterbalances the oftenoverwhelmingnatureofthebroader world's challenges. This approach has been instrumental in maintainingmyownsenseofhope and purpose in an increasingly complexworld. OMTIMES| MAGAZINE
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Health and Healing encompass practices and knowledge focused on maintaining, restoring, and enhancing physical and mental well-being through various therapeutic and holistic approaches.
By Ageless WisdomUnveil the lesser-known signs of a spiritual awakening and delve into the depths of your soul's awakening.
When experiencing a spiritual awakening, our body often gives certain signs that many people do not notice. Each person's spiritual awakening is unique; there is no right or wrong sign. They simply indicate that your spirit is awakening in search of fulfillment. Below, we point out the 7 most common signs of a spiritual awakening –have you ever experienced one?
The nature of spiritual awakening is frequently misunderstood. The adoption of spiritual beliefs, seeing visions of God or celestial beings, the ability to channel, heal, and foretell the future, or other paranormal powers - all such phenomena are of value and are not to be dismissed. Still, none of them is in itself indicative of spiritual awakening in a person who experiences them.
A sudden need to sleep more or fewer hours than you are used to – it often happens that someone who sleeps 6 hours a day starts to feel extremely tired and needs to sleep 8 hours, or someone who likes to stay in bed until after 10 am suddenly starts waking up early and can't go back to sleep.
Emotions are on the surface: suddenly, unexplained crying starts or immense joy invades the heart. You become nervous or anxious without knowing why. Advice: Accept your feelings as they arise, bless them, and let them go.
Suddenly, your eating habits and your palate change. You who were not hungry in the morning may start craving breakfast. Someone who didn't like certain foods may start wanting to try them and loving them. Some types of food that you like may seem worse or more nauseating, and you lose the taste for them.
People report having sharper senses: some start to see better or see colors more saturated (the green greener, the sky brighter, etc.). Others report that their hearing becomes so intense that they can hear people's hearts. Others smell scents from a distance, are able to identify a person approaching by their smell, etc.
You are calm somewhere and suddenly feel a wave of energy passing through you, from head to toe. It is a quick, momentary sensation and not very comfortable. Some people feel this wave in the form of temperature, like cold or a heat. Advice: If you feel discomfort, ask your Higher Self to increase or decrease the temperature.
Contrary to the dictates of time, our body rejuvenates instead of aging. You feel younger, more beautiful, with more energy, and people around you notice this. The frequency of our body increases, and it seems to have passed through a fountain of youth.
When we experience a spiritual awakening, we leave behind much of what used to be a part of us. We become different, better people. Things that we used to think and
believe were common to our personality now seem strange to us, and we feel different from the people we used to be around. You have left your old self behind: and that's a good thing! It's a sign of evolution!
Symptoms and Side Effects of Spiritual Awakening To help you identify if what you are experiencing is due to a spiritual awakening, we have listed the six most common symptoms of awakening:
As we have seen, mood and emotional swings are common
symptoms of spiritual awakening. When a person begins the journey of awakening the mind, they start to face an emotional roller coaster, which leads some to think they might even be ill. You may find yourself on the verge of tears more often than usual. The person becomes more emotional, and crying is the way the body expresses this emotion. At the same time, aggression and anger begin to appear more frequently, bringing days that are more depressing and others full of joy. The person experiences the full range of human emotions, even without apparent reasons that trigger these emotions.
"Everything is a matter of awakening your soul." Gabriel García Márquez
Nature is one of the most sublime divine expressions, and our relationship with it undergoes a total transformation when our mind begins to awaken. In addition to appreciating the beauty within it, a person starts to see beyond, feeling a great need to preserve all this magic. One develops an immense appreciation for the natural world and a spiritual connection that makes them feel better when in contact with greenery. Nature transforms from a beautiful
landscape into something much greater and more intense.
One day, you wake up energetic and full of vitality and start the day excited. The next day, you can barely get out of bed, overtaken by an inexplicable lack of enthusiasm. Even your body may ache as if you were starting to get the flu. To alleviate these sensations, practicing yoga and meditation can help a lot in keeping energy levels more controlled.
You feel different. You know something has changed, but you
can't pinpoint what it is. Sometimes, you feel strange. Things that once made sense no longer hold meaning for you. If you are experiencing this symptom, don't worry. Be patient and let things flow, as surely the answers will come.
When our mind changes, the chemistry of our body changes too. As you become more sensitive to energy, your body may start reacting to foods you have always eaten. These sudden intolerances and allergies are not serious or permanent. Try to adapt to your new
condition until everything normalizes again.
This is one of the most painful parts of awakening. Masks fall, and you begin to see the people you relate to in a completely new way. Very old friends to whom you swore eternal love may show their negative side during awakening, making you want to distance yourself.
Spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and transformative journey, often marked by subtle yet profound changes within ourselves. These signs – from shifts in our relationship with nature to variations in our energy levels, from internal transformations to new sensitivities in our physical bodies – are not random occurrences. They are, instead, indicators of a profound shift occurring within the core of our being.
The uniqueness of each person's experience means there is no universal roadmap for a spiritual awakening. What might be a significant sign for one might be entirely different for another.
However, the common thread that binds all these signs is the movement toward a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe.
Therefore, if you recognize any of these signs in your life, it might be worth exploring them further. They could be the gentle nudges of your spirit, guiding you towards a path of greater self-awareness and fulfillment. Whether through meditation, introspection, or connecting with nature, the journey of spiritual awakening is a call to delve deeper into the mysteries of existence and discover the true essence of who we are.
Comedian Russell Brand explains: “The reason I became a drug addict is that throughout my life I felt this sense of irritation, agitation, this emptiness…
I found every progressive drug: cannabis, LSD, crack, heroin. Each of them is greeted as tiny little powdery prophets, solutions to the problem of my inner angst. None of them work.”
Today we have a crisis in drug addiction care: less than one in five Americans with drug abuse problems receive any help. Little do they know, all the rest can get rapid, available, effective and affordable tools to escape these painful, costly and even life-threatening attachments.
According to SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 20.1 million people (7.7 percent of the U.S. population) aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem in 2016. Only 3.8 million (19 percent of those who needed treatment) received any substance use treatment in the same year.
According to US News in December 2016, the Surgeon General reported that in 2015 the United States had a staggering 442 billion dollar loss to its national economy from drug and alcohol abuse.
According to the National Institutes of Health, the average treatment (for veterans) for substance abuse costs $3,754 with a 75.0% chance of being effective.
discomfort; some athletes use drugs to enhance performance; others take up drugs out of curiosity. For whatever reason one tries and becomes addicted to drugs, the addiction is considered a brain disorder that can change the structure of the brain and how it works, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse
If one has been in a traumatic event, drug and alcohol “selfmedication” often accompanies Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It can also be understood as one of the symptoms of PTSD. (For more stories and information on our projects to reduce the pandemic of PTSD across Africa, go to www.ptsdreliefnow.org )
Some people start drugs for a new “high,” others to overcome pain or
Without support, drug addiction often leads to harmful behaviors and mental and physical health debilitation. The Surgeon General explained that “Neighborhoods and communities as a whole are also suffering as a result of alcohol- and drug-related crime and violence, abuse and neglect of children, and the increased costs of health care associated with substance misuse.”
According to the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse the 20% who do get support use a variety of approaches:
• behavioral counseling
• m edication
• m edical devices and applications used to treat withdrawal symptoms or deliver skills training
• evaluation and treatment for cooccurring mental health issues such as depression and anxiety
• lon g-term follow-up to prevent relapse
The goals of these approaches are first to become drug-free, then stay
drug-free, and over the long-run be a happy and productive member of family and society.
There are many complementary and alternative (CAM) approaches that with help change the quality of life and achieve the above goals… including exercise, diet, and better patterns of sleep. Other common approaches are special diets, probiotics, and mineral and vitamin supplements, breathing exercises, and acupuncture.
However, what is first needed, before standard treatments or CAM, is a tool that directly allows
the addict to experience clearer thinking, discriminating and feeling. This process gives control back to the addict to then be able to take control over his or her life and act in a way that leaves him or her not only “feeling” in control of his or her life, but actually creating a life that then works for them to create a more powerful and productive future. It gives him or her greater purpose in life and a direction to start living a more fulfilling life.
Transcendental Meditation is one such evidence-based way to do this. Having gained more control,
the individual can choose useful tools to change his or her lifestyle to substitute positive activities for drug or alcohol addiction habits. He or she may also choose to receive psychological counseling and pharmacology to support this change in patterns of behavior.
A 2007 study showed that the most commonly used CAM approaches were natural products, breathing exercises and meditation, according to the NIH Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
One effective, evidence-based meditation for drug abuse reduction
is Transcendental Meditation. ( www.TM.org )
Transcendental Meditation (TM), has been taught the same systematic way over the past 60 years and is now practiced by over 7 million people in every country around the world. TM is a simple, effortless mental technique that employs the principle of rest and release of stress. The meditator experiences quieter, more silent and more restful levels of thinking, and
the body gains profound rest and release of fatigue and stress. With increasing coherence of mind due to more silent and orderly thinking gained in meditation, after meditation, the practitioner has more freedom from the influence of past decisions, and he or she can then more easily choose to stop the destructive behaviors of drug and alcohol abuse.
Over ten peer-reviewed studies (TM.org and then go to addictions link) show that TM produces a very
significant reduction in drug and alcohol abuse. For example, one meta-analysis of 70 drug rehab study results (Alcohol Treatment Quarterly, 11: 13-88) showed that TM was significantly more effective than either peer support or prevention education.
Russell Brand comments:
“The thing is that what I have learned, what I was looking for all the time, was a sense of union, a sense of connection.
Why for us is there the subsequent misery? Because for us these flimsy scraps are never going to be enough. We want the real connection. We want the absolute connection. Moreover, the thing is that connection exists. And, it’s possible to find it. Moreover, it’s possible that you could find it now. First, you have to remove the chemicals and the substances. You have to get rid of them. I believe in abstinencebased recovery. I believe in harm reduction when necessary to get you to abstinence-based recovery,
but I believe that if you are a drug addict of the nature that I am, you have to remove drugs from your life.
Transcendental Meditation (TM) will give you access to peace. It will give you access to a (new) consciousness that is not entirely defined by yourself and your conditions as you understand them. It will give you sanctuary and
serenity. That is what it’s done for me. An integral part of my life as a recovering drug addict is TM.”
Russell Brand risked his career and his life with drug dependence and addiction. Twenty-three million Americans suffer each year from drug and alcohol abuse. Only one in five gets treatment. Here are available, affordable, and effective tools to help
people around the world suffering from drug and alcohol dependence and addiction take control of their drug and alcohol intake for a clearer, more effective and happier life.
As Russell Brand said: “Through TM I felt this beautiful serenity and selfless connection. There are those with great privilege and luxuries that can have access through TM, but there are people who are in extreme states of suffering who can benefit from it too.”
About the authors:
Dr. Scott F. Terry, Ed.D., M.A., IL.-L.M.F.T., IL.-L.C.P.C., IA.-L.M.F.T., IA.-L.M.H.C., Ch.T., and AAMFT
approved supervisor. With 25 years of practice as a doctoral level clinician, supervisor, professor, clinical and executive director of five large mental health organization practices, including the Ardent Counseling Center, and a radio show.
David Shapiro, B.A. cum laude chemistry, M.A., is an author of two articles published in Journal of Traumatic Stress on Transcendental Meditation and PTSD. David is a founding President
of PTSD Relief Now and its African PTSD Relief projects and Alliance for PTSD Recovery (both are 501C3 charities); author of a third article, in submission, on rapid reductions in PTSD in South African college students; and an author of numerous popular articles on PTSD published throughout the world.. To get updates on research and projects, sign up here
Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.
Discover the ancient traditions and scientific theories that delve into the fascinating world of Synchronicity
Dr. Carl Jung coined the word Synchronicity, but it is also a concept present in ancient traditions, where since the Greco-Roman era, there were men interested in coincidences and considered them as omens that hid a connection between the observed signs and future events.
Astrology is also a great example, where the position of the planets at the moment of a child's birth reveals their destiny and some of their psychic characteristics.
Synchronicity is an ever-present reality for those who have eyes to see.
Carl Jung
Synchronicity differs from the term serendipity because the latter reveals more the strength of chance and the work of the forces of providence. At the same time, Synchronicity is a term that implies the relationship between different elements and how they work together because of the energy of attraction and similar meanings.
How many times in life do we experience astonishing coincidences that surprise us with the meaning they carry? There are numerous situations where we think "it can't just be a coincidence," and this also occurs in science, especially in physics and microbiology, where scholars notice so many "coincidences" that they often wonder if there isn't, in fact, an intelligent architect behind everything that exists.
Carl Gustav Jung is the creator of the term and used it to define events that have a meaningful relationship linking them, referring to events that escape chance and randomness and carry meaning.
In his work "Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle," he proposes a differentiated evaluation of coincidences: Synchronicity is the experience of events that coincide in a significant way and hide an underlying pattern of synchronism and simultaneity.
Rupert Sheldrake is an English biologist, biochemist, parapsychologist, writer, and speaker who developed the thesis of the morphogenetic field, a field that explains the simultaneous emergence of the same adaptive function in biological populations located in different places. These morphogenetic fields are the collective memory to which each
member of the species resorts and to which each contributes structures that extend in space-time and shape the form and behavior of all systems in the material world.
The same species of monkeys lived on two different islands without any perceptible contact between them. At a certain point, one of them, on an island, "A," discovers an ingenious way of breaking coconuts, allowing
better use of the water and pulp. Through imitation, the procedure is replicated among the other monkeys, and soon, a population of 99 monkeys masters the new methodology. When the hundredth monkey on island "A" learns the technique, the monkeys on island "B" spontaneously begin to break coconuts in the same way, without any conventional communication between the two populations: the knowledge simply becomes incorporated into the species' habits.
For Sheldrake, subjective communication far beyond the visual and instinctive is evident, and it is easy to draw a parallel between this theory and how we vibrate and connect with the whole.
Deepak Chopra graduated in medicine from the University of New Delhi and is a writer, teacher of Ayurveda, and a spiritual guide for body and mind. In his work "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire," he shows how we can be favored by the universe's signs and use the power of coincidence to fulfill our desires.
Dr. Chopra believes we are immersed in three levels of existence: the physical sphere, the quantum sphere, and the non-local sphere. The physical sphere is the first level, the material universe, and the Law of Cause and Effect. The second level is quantum, energetic, not perceivable by the senses. Deepak Chopra calls the virtual sphere, universal being,
or non-local intelligence, the third level. This last level of reality operates beyond the dimensions of space and time and is the source of synchronicities.
According to the author, absolutely nothing would be possible to exist if it were not for an extraordinary set of coincidences, exactly the analysis that we can make, for example, of the scientific explanation for life on Earth, but which is naively attributed to chance.
Everything that exists in the universe is synchronically connected, and all actions of the parts have an effect on the whole.
Relationships are very important for our spiritual evolution, as they connect us with our true selves through the emotions they awaken.
Our energy pattern is formed through the feelings and thoughts we cultivate, which are also our connection with the divine force.
According to Chopra, intention is the force that moves the universe, and all events are interconnected with individual or group intention.
The tribulations make us question things and often evolve as a result. What happens in the world today
is a consequence of the patterns of consciousness of humanity. The same applies to what happens around us: our experiences reflect the emanation of our own energy. Self-awareness liberates us.
We are an emanation of the divine being itself. Therefore, we are it. Awakening these divine powers in us can operate miraculous transformations in our lives.
Paying attention to the signs and interpreting coincidences
can greatly facilitate our journey, helping to achieve goals or protect us. The more attention we pay to coincidences, the more they appear, and we have more access to the universe's messages.
Synchronicity is a natural and universal law that is closely related to consciousness. All creation is synchronized, and there are many levels of synchrony, ranging from the appearance of certain diseases as a result of cultivating dense feelings to telepathy, a common phenomenon we observe when we think of
a person. They call us, or we meet them unexpectedly.
In a connected and vibrant universe, our actions are also a kind of universal synchrony to balance creation. Karma fits here, where even decisions made and past existences are reflected in our current incarnation. In other words, synchrony attracts to our life what is in our consciousness,
and the higher the level of consciousness, the more capacity we have to create our reality.
Synchronicity is also considered a symptom of awakening. It intensifies when we begin to awaken our spirit and seek connection with the spiritual universe, indicating that we are on the correct spiritual path. The more we align our vibration with
the subtler spheres, the more we begin to observe various coincidences with an almost zero probability of happening by chance. When emotions, thoughts, and energy expand, the universe begins to act in our favor and send tips, information, and answers.
Noticing the network of synchronicities in our lives is a path of development that is part
of spiritual evolution. They are divine messages that can guide us and bring much learning and comfort.
There are many possible synchronicities, but some happen quite commonly, and many have already experienced some. Has any of these have happened to you?
Looking at the clock and seeing 11:11, 12:12, 02:02 happens a lot to some people.
In these occurrences, we should observe what is happening at that
moment and how we are feeling. For example, you have an idea but are not sure whether This happens to many people and is an incredible spiritual synchronicity that, if we analyze more carefully, we might even suppose that perhaps these people were together in some cosmic dimension and interpreted this experience in the form of a dream.
We have a question or doubt about a situation or how we should act in a certain situation, and suddenly, the answer arrives. It could be a movie, an advertisement, a word we see repeatedly, a song, or a book that answers us to what we seek within ourselves.
Have you ever needed a certain amount of money, and it appeared magically? For example, finding a lost bill in a coat pocket, an envelope with foreign currency from that lost trip to the office, an extra job that appears, or someone who pays a debt you had even forgotten about.
Or when the car breaks down in a dangerous area and just then, the police happen to pass by, or a friend or acquaintance who was nearby can help. All these situations are perfect synchronicities of the divine, which has millions of ways to act.
Bad luck is also a synchronicity, but it seems unfortunate to us. Even so,
it has a purpose and often can even be salvation. How many people have had setbacks and missed an important flight? Not always, fortunately, but some of them found out later that that plane crashed. There are also many reports of passengers who couldn't find their bus ticket and couldn't board, only to find out later that the vehicle had had an accident.
Many of us need a reminder now and then to slow down and recharge ourselves in body, mind, and soul. We get so caught up in everything and everyone
else around us that we forget how to nourish ourselves with extra selfcare. Our energy frequencies govern our abilities to heal ourselves in many ways. When we become run down in thought, our bodies eventually pick
up the signals, and we can become depressed or physically ill. Here are several methods to help pull us up from our anxieties and life challenges. Apply them as needed.
1. Visualize Solutions. Focusing on creative solutions with future scenarios can make it less stressful to visualize the outcome you would like to manifest when facing life-changing issues. Instead of concentrating all your energy on the drama of the challenge, take charge of how it makes you feel. Are you empowered to find a solution or defeated by the thought? Solving your problems creates positive, productive energies upon which your soul thrives.
2. Take a nature break. With no electronics, walk, run, hike, or bike outside! Being among the trees, grass, dirt, and animal life can make an incredible difference in our mood. The Earth has healing powers and properties that are magical and mystical. Sitting by a stream of clear water washing over rocks and feeling a cool breeze can be an amazing experience. The realization of the power that
this connection has to our soul self and the inner thoughts of being brings a spiritual clarity that can lie hidden in primal thoughts.
3. Forgive Ourselves for all the things we didn’t understand when we were younger and more naïve. For all the things we didn’t say or do out of fear or anxiety. For any chances, we may have missed or people we might have hurt. For all the times we didn’t listen to our soul guidance and steered off course. Everything we do here is to learn something. We test ourselves to evolve and grow into the ideal of humanity at its best. In those tests, we or someone else knows to move on. To let go of our hurt or shame, we rise above our need to be right or perfect and appreciate the lesson.
4. Forgive Others. One of the hardest things to do is to forgive others when they have hurt us. Everyone has unique experiences, reasons, and life themes to work on to reach an understanding. It is a personal journey for each of us to learn how to forgive in different ways. Forgiveness releases the soul and creates a higher energy of
compassion, understanding, and tolerance for those who act against another. It does not excuse the behavior but liberates the victim from the negative, destructive emotions created.
It’s no secret that what we feed our bodies affects us in every way. To stay physically healthy and for mental sharpness, we need nutrients from the food we eat and the liquids we drink. We literally are what we eat. A brain
on healthy food helps elevate our mood and is far-reaching in every aspect of our lives.
When we make time to focus our energy on our creative talents, we bring in connection to the Source, which overpowers anxieties with new ideas. New ideas help our brains create new, healthy cells. Knowing the possibility, we use the amazing power of our minds to visualize things we have yet to manifest.
7. Practicing Meditation. Meditation helps us connect to the higher knowledge available during quiet solitude when we are mindful and listening. Research and practice your style of meditation to call in healing frequencies that we physically feel, audibly hear, and intuitively know. These loving, guided energies can help us calm our souls and free our minds from stress and worry.
8. Gratitude. We live in a world filled with competition and judgment.
When we rise above the noise of compliance and list all the good things in our lives, we can practice being grateful. Every person, place, and thing that has helped us in our lives is a gift. We can send out a thank you note to the Universe! Let someone else know how thankful we are for their assistance.
9. Take Time to Play. A great way to avoid emotional or physical burnout is to have time to take part in the things we love to do. When our work and personal
issues replace our need to express ourselves as individuals, we lose our sense of wonder and imagination. Playing games, listening to music, dancing, and appreciating art can revive our souls.
10. Take a mini-vacation. When life gets busy or too mundane, it might be time for a trip somewhere close by that inspires us to breathe and remember to take good care of ourselves. A day trip to the spa or a weekend in a cabin (or a tent)
at the nearest state park can have miraculous results.
11. Volunteer. When we give our time and resources to others, we create an energy of unconditional love and compassion. Assisting people experiencing homelessness, rescuing animals, or taking care of older people in our “off work” time are all ways in which we can show our gratitude for life. We can help bring more light into the world in countless ways.
12. Humor. One of the best ways to lift our spirits is to remember the absurdity of life here on Earth. We know humans make mistakes when we can see the humor in our situations and others. We say and do things that make us laugh. Watching a comedy or listening to jokes makes us lighter inside. We don’t take ourselves so seriously. Therefore, life becomes better. We create an energy of laughter, which in turn evolves into hope and the evolution of spirit.
About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com
(Dedicated to the late Andy Rooney from 60 Minutes)
When the title of this article popped into my head, it seemed to come from a part of me, which believes that a positive activity, like organizing, could also feed compulsive behavior. Obsessive
organizing can also nurture the unhealthy mentality of “keeping up with the Joneses.” I say that sincerely, as a rebellious type, who also acknowledges that creative people are often messy people. And yet, in reflecting on just one aspect of our
modern lives, it seems like being organized is one of the most solid tools a person can have, to meet the demands of a high-paced life and all the real or imagined expectations on our time.
When I was a small child in the 1960’s, there were no answering machines for telephones. You called someone and they were either not home or just choosing not to answer. The phone would ring and ring and we’d hang up after 30 rings. If your call got a “busy” signal, you knew you had to try again later, as the person you were calling had no idea you were trying to reach them. What a concept!
This was also my mother’s era, where people used to write wellcrafted letters to each other and then wait weeks or longer for a response. The old-fashioned letter was really just a prelude to emailing, as it gave the writer a chance to express themselves without interruptions, in contrast to a faceto-face conversation. Fast-forward to the invention of email and all of a sudden, I personally felt a need to respond IMMEDIATELY to this new form of communication,
in part because the ability to send a message was so instantaneous. It took a while for it to register within me that receiving an email was just “digital” letter writing and that I could wait until the end of the day, or even into the wee hours of the night, to “sort through” my email.
Even to this day, I have Baby Boomer clients and retirees who take days or longer to respond to what I think is a fairly, time-sensitive email. I’m a little envious of their laissez faire attitude, to respond whenever they
get around to it. Or, perhaps they have hundreds of emails to attend to, and I am just lower on the totem pole of their priorities. For many of us, emailing has fed our compulsive side. Then came tweeting and texting, even more instantaneous ways to communicate, often with disastrous results. I don’t need to elaborate how most of us have fired off a text or tweet that we regretted. And for some, it has literally been a careerending or friendship-ending mistake. With these speedy forms of communication and even the use of
acronyms, LOL, time itself seems to be accelerating, putting more pressure on people to “perform” and stay on track with everyone else. Social media has taken us to a whole other stratosphere as well. Now we even have A.I. completing our sentences. Yet the pendulum has swung the other way, where people are taking vacations from their technology in order to regain their personal equilibrium and reduce stress.
I could elaborate further on how harmful things are getting with
technology ruling our lives, but there is also that saying, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” If our lives are going to continue to be fast—paced, whether we signed the consent form or not, then being organized in your own life can at least give you practical ways to cope and function. Being organized, personally and professionally, at home and at work, can help you manage the extra, unavoidable stress. Organization can even help you be more creative, thus better able to stand out and be noticed, and appreciated, in such an automated and impersonal world.
It’s no coincidence that I became a professional Feng Shui consultant, because a portion of what I do is guide and inspire people to have a more peaceful, productive existence, through both metaphysical means, as well as through very mundane approaches–like organizing. Use any and all tools, at your disposal and check out my other Tao of Organizing articles for topicspecific ways to excel.
Author: Kartar Diamond Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®From the Tao of Organizing Blog Series
By Cathedral of the SoulI've argued that many of what philosophers call moral sentiments can be seen in other species. In chimpanzees and other animals, you see examples of sympathy, empathy, reciprocity, a willingness
to follow social rules. Dogs are a good example of a species that have and obey social rules; that's why we like them so much, even though they're large carnivores. Frans de Waal
The Ethics of Reciprocity, often encapsulated in the phrase "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is a fundamental moral principle across diverse cultures and religious traditions. It advocates for mutual respect and treating others with the same kindness and fairness one would wish to receive. This ethical stance emphasizes empathy and understanding, urging individuals to consider the feelings and needs of others in their actions. By promoting equitable and compassionate behavior, the Ethics of Reciprocity fosters harmonious interpersonal relationships and contributes to creating a just and empathetic society.
Without the awareness that we live in a group, that is, we are interdependent and dependent on each other, life can become chaotic. Individuals often feel entitled to live as they please, disrespecting others. Living in interdependence or dependence is known as mutuality. Yes, mutual life is about learning individual rights and duties while also considering the collective actions in the environment we inhabit.
But when should we apply mutuality? When should we live in interdependence and dependence? This is achieved by respecting laws and practicing the awareness that we do not live alone in the world and the environments we frequent.
Blaming leaders, politicians, or others is often the escape route we use when we don't want to live life within what we call mutuality. We have a tendency to say that "society" is to blame, but what is society? Society is the gathering of individuals, meaning it's us. It's like when we blame the "system," as in "the system has crashed." What does that mean? Behind every system, society, or authority, there's a person. There's always someone taking care of this or that. Nothing happens without a person being involved, for better or for worse.
Reciprocity is living the principle: Kindness begets kindness, or Malice begets malice. Everything depends and will always depend on individual actions that will change collective decisions. The individual comes before the collective, not the other way around. Thinking collectively is
thinking about the individual. In this context, we must understand the difference between individuation, being individualistic, and individualization. The first is about seeking the inner self and self-knowledge. The second is about thinking only of oneself. The third is a process of people
who are governed more by fears and weaknesses, leading to isolation.
I believe that to answer this question, it is very important to emphasize that
within my worldview, everything has a solution and an appropriate way out.
Everything we experience or feel or live through has at its essence a desire for learning and development, which we call Unconditional Love – the institution
of a new kingdom, as mentioned earlier.
The quest, then, is to learn and develop this Unconditional Love. Yes! A love that endures all, a love that accepts all, a love without prejudice, a love that is different from the model of love we know,
a love that seeks nothing in return, a love without bargaining, a love without the crisis of being loved, a love that seeks the good of others, a love that makes us reflect before any action, a love that renews energy for living, a love that leads us to a deep search for the Self, a love that connects
us with God Himself, a unique love, unlike anything else, a love that arises unknowingly, a love that is satisfied in itself, a love that enables us to travel within (to the past) and outward (to the future), bringing joy in the present, a love where our mental faculties are clarified through simple actions
and gestures, a diffuse love, in which everyone and everything can participate, a love that is traditional and modern, an unconditional love.
I believe that with simple actions, we can live what is mentioned above:
Learn to forgive the people around you.
Exercise patience with yourself and others.
Believe in changes, whatever they may be.
Seek sensitivity between yourself, nature, and other people.
Create a healthy environment wherever you are.
Be yourself, as long as it does not hinder others.
The Ethics of Reciprocity is a universal guideline for human interactions, encapsulating the essence of empathy and mutual respect. It's a reminder that our actions towards others should reflect the treatment we desire for ourselves, fostering a world grounded in fairness and kindness. This principle transcends cultural, religious, and social boundaries,
offering a simple yet profound rule for ethical conduct. By embracing and practicing this ethos, we contribute to building a more compassionate and understanding world where the respect and dignity of every individual are upheld, and harmonious coexistence is not just an ideal but a lived reality.
Animal spirituality explores the deep, mystical connections between humans andanimals,recognizinganimals'souls, their roles in spiritual practices, and their contributions to our holistic wellbeing.
Have you ever stopped to think about how dogs communicate with each other? Understanding dog language makes a big difference in the daily life of a family with pets. Communication is essential for a good relationship between animals, pets, and humans.
Owners can often misinterpret the dog's bodily signals. Although it sounds simple, canine communication can be pretty complex, as they express themselves differently.
The primary forms of canine language are through olfactory, auditory, and visual communication. So that you understand all about this, we've gathered some information that will make you understand everything your little dog wants to say to the other dogs you meet.
Olfactory communication is one of the main forms of language among dogs. Possibly, this is one of the most difficult forms of communication for us humans to unravel, mainly because we don't have the same ability to smell as they do. But it is with the exhaled smells that dogs can transmit information such as age, sex, disease, and even if the female is in heat or not.
This form of communication is only possible because of pheromones, which are chemical substances in different areas of the dog's body.
These substances can be captured by them thanks to Jacobson's organ, which is in the nasal cavity and is responsible for passing it to the brain.
In addition to direct olfactory communication, when a puppy approaches another and sniffs their buttocks or cheeks, canine language through smell can also occur indirectly, as information can also be conveyed through the smell of urine and saliva doggy. In this way, a dog does not need to be in direct
contact with the other to transmit information. This explains why dogs spend the entire walk sniffing every corner of the street.
Dog bark: how does furry auditory communication work?
The ability to emit sounds is one of the great pillars of canine language. As a result, your Furbaby has a large repertoire of vocalizations that can be repeated in different contexts.
Therefore, it is also important to pay attention to the dog's bodily signals to understand what he is trying to convey.
The visual language of dogs is all gestures, postures.
See below for the most common vocalizations and their meanings:
Dog barking: It can occur for different reasons, and body language must be associated with contextualizing the meaning of the action.
The dog can bark either to show euphoria in a game or to warn someone else not to invade its territory.
Dog howl:
This vocalization is instinctive and comes from the wolves' heritage, which uses the howl to locate other members of the pack, coordinate hunting, and individual recognition. The howling can also be used if the dog is lost or the tutor is away from it.
Because of domestication, not all dogs are capable of howling.
It indicates that the puppy is bothered by something or is feeling threatened.
Whimpering: is a vocalization that works as a request for help, very common in puppies.
Used when the dog is frightened or when it is in great pain.
The puppy tends to sigh to relax after a situation of great stress or disappointment, after not getting something they expected.
Panting: This happens when a dog is very tired, hot, or stressed.
Visual Language: What is the Meaning of Dog Body Signs?
The visual language of dogs is all gestures, postures, and body movements that express their intention. Often, to distinguish what the dog's bodily signals mean, we need to associate them with other senses, such as vocalization. Check out the meaning of some common body movements:
The ears are up (but not pointing forward), mouth slightly open, tail down and motionless.
The tail between legs, ears down and head and whole body tilted down.
The aggressiveness with intent to threaten or attack:
Notice the hair on the back, tail up, ears erect, pupils dilated, teeth bared, body rigid and leaning forward.
Defensive aggression:
There will be legs slightly back with tail between, ears back, and dilated pupils, mouth wide open, nose wrinkled, body tilted slightly down and back.
Dog language: do dogs really understand each other?
Despite the instinctive aspect of canine language, the way dogs communicate is influenced by their experiences throughout their lives.
In this case, a puppy that has not had contact with other dogs since a puppy tends not to fully understand the communication
of other dogs, opening up more conflicts and misunderstandings.
Therefore, for better results in the socialization of dogs, it should start early. This way, it is easier for the pet to understand the proper form of communication with other animals and not present problems during interactions.
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Explore the dark realm of obsessing spirits and the signs that indicate their presence in your life.
At certain moments in our lives, we face difficulties and problems that lead us to ask questions like:
"Will I be able to get out of this?"
"What did I do so wrong to deserve this?"
"Am I paying for mistakes I made in the past, and what can I do to free myself from this?"
"It feels insurmountable; I can't get my life back on track; what should I do?"
When we encounter difficult situations that seem insurmountable, we tend to become weak, incredulous, and even obsessive.
According to Spiritism, based on the studies of Allan Kardec, obsession is an influence caused by a disembodied spirit. Capable of exerting strong influences on certain people, these spirits are almost always laden with malicious thoughts and very negative energies.
Knowing the truth concerning the deep workings of the evil spirit helps the individual not only to overcome sins but to eliminate unnecessary afflictions as well. Watchman Nee
They are disembodied entities, invisible to the eyes. These spirits are in a stage of limited moral development and, because of this, they remain strongly attuned to the physical world.
This connection to the physical world is very detrimental to the spirit and, in many cases, can generate energy responsible for many negative influences. These energies and vibrations bring about very harmful impacts on some people, potentially leading those affected to develop deep sadness, resentment, obsession, feelings of persecution, and even severe depression.
Many of these entities find themselves in this situation because they are trying to escape the suffering of hell and other negative things that surround them.
Obsessing spirits tend to be selfish and "drain" the person they desire at all costs, causing constant and intense suffering.
When haunted by obsessing spirits, we adopt behaviors different from our usual ones. We develop characteristics different from our personality and are responsible for sudden and intense changes in mood and behavior.
Here are some signs that may indicate an obsessing spirit is haunting you:
Lack of Patience: exploding easily and being unable to control oneself can be a strong sign of emotional instability.
Constant Irritation: being intensely irritated by small things should be noted.
Emotional Fragility: many people experience crying, anguish, and sadness, even without reason.
Physical Pains: back pains and stomach region pains without any
physical problem might be associated with the presence of 'obsessors.' These spirits' actions can cause pressure in the head and heaviness in the shoulders and neck. If you have symptoms like these and cannot associate them with any health problem, these symptoms may be related to the presence of strong obsessing vibrations.
When the influence of obsessive spirits is very strong, it's common to be unable to concentrate on any thought or idea other than
negative ones or those related to tragedies and bad things that might happen.
Constant Yawning: Yawning is an important indicator of adjusting your energetic field. Constant Yawning may indicate that the person urgently needs spiritual cleansing and purification.
common physical fatigue is almost always associated with physical activities or tiring tasks. Some people
develop constant physical fatigue and wake up exhausted, without the strength and energy to perform any action, no matter how small, simple, and necessary it may be.
After identifying the presence of an obsessive spirit in your life, it's important to dedicate yourself to scaring away this spirit and reclaiming your days with fullness and tranquility.
Here are some tips that can help you scare away any spiritual obsession.
Be Grateful: being thankful for daily achievements is essential. Gratitude is an important nourishment for the soul.
Don't Judge: the habit of judging people is very common in our routine, but we fail to notice that this act can bring negative thoughts and vibrations to our being. Pointing out others' faults and mistakes is
one of the characteristics that deeply enchant and attract obsessing spirits.
Learning to Forgive: learning to overcome crises and forgive with the heart, not just superficially, is undoubtedly one of humans' best and most complex activities.
Pray with Faith: whatever your belief, it's important to pray with an open heart and full of humility. When you pray with devotion and dedication, your message is transmitted with much more love, purity, strength, and vitality.
PersonalGrowthencompasses self-improvementandemotional, mental, andspiritualdevelopment, focusingonenhancingselfawareness,skills,health, andoverallwell-being.
Enhance Your Body Language: Master the Art of Nonverbal Communication and effortlessly convey the right message to others.
Have you ever felt misunderstood? No matter how well you speak, your body
language often sends a message to others. In fact, since it works with the unconscious mind, it communicates far more than your words do.
Therefore, improving your body language can greatly help enhance your relationships with others in various situations. For example, when speaking with your boss, you should adopt a different body language than when talking with your girlfriend. These are details that can significantly aid in your daily life. This happens because the mind and body work together. And, if your body says something, your mind will understand the message. Similarly, if you are aware of what you want, you can make your mind command your body to obey and convey the right message.
Your body acts according to what you think of yourself. In this way, you cannot feel weak but react strongly.
Therefore, it is essential that you cultivate self-confidence. As a result, your body will act this way as you wish to achieve success in your communication, attracting more people to talk to you.
Moreover, there is no point in improving body language if you do not care about your self-esteem and the way you think of yourself first.
Therefore, with these body language techniques, you will likely project a great image of yourself and be successful in your communication.
We've compiled some tips to help you improve your body language.
A slumped or hunched-over professional tends to attract negative attention from the talker. This can lead to a loss of credibility in the conversation.
To avoid this, always maintain an upright body posture. This way, you will project an image of security and reliability. It's important to have this posture while walking and when sitting.
A tip to improve your posture, if you find it difficult, is to do exercises. You can look for a gym to help you. Besides, this will also bring benefits to your health.
In a conversation or presentation, a person with crossed arms signals that they are not interested in social interaction and demonstrates that they are a closed or reserved person. This will make it difficult for you in your general relationships.
Keep your arms free, as this will show you are interactive and communicative. Additionally, join your two hands at specific
moments to find a balance in the posture. This way, people will feel much more comfortable talking to you.
Everything depends a lot on the context you are in. Unconsciously, people perceive this and may react by distancing themselves from you because you don't seem open. Practice speaking to people with a relaxed posture. Open your arms and legs, and your mind will be more open to what others have to say to you.
A professional who does not look into the eyes of the person they speak with will not achieve their desired outcome. This can even suggest dishonesty about the subject, as such posture is entirely inappropriate. Often, a lie can be detected in the gaze. For example, imagine a man telling his partner that he loves her and did not deceive her when he couldn't go to the mall with her, but he says all this without looking into
her eyes. Likely, the girlfriend will not believe him. Similarly, maintain eye contact with your talker to avoid giving off such an impression. This is good for demonstrating your interest in what is being said. It also shows that you are serious during the conversation.
A wandering gaze can give the impression that you are insecure or uninterested in the person in front of you. Therefore, make it a habit to look people in the eyes when talking to them. You don't need to stare
unblinkingly so as not to appear psychopathic but show with your eyes that you are interested in the person in front of you.
One of the things people struggle with the most today is listening to what others have to say. However, the person speaking also notices when you are not attentive to what they are saying. Therefore, one way to use body language to your advantage is to listen attentively to what the other person is saying. This will demonstrate that you
are a confident and calm person, as you know how to wait for your turn to speak. Furthermore, it is important to remember that listening with attention will prevent you from interrupting the person communicating with you, allowing them more freedom to express themselves.
When feeling insecure, some professionals raise their voices, thinking they will dominate the discourse. In reality, the effect is the
opposite. This demonstrates a lack of preparation and disrespect for the person you are speaking to.
Therefore, maintain a natural tone of voice. Not too loud nor too soft. When you speak in a stable tone, your interlocutor trusts you and your arguments more.
Similarly, try to speak slowly so that the person conversing with you can easily understand you. Remember that a person's voice is highly evaluated; therefore, you should avoid any carelessness as much as possible.
Using your arms and legs to increase your personal Space can be a good idea, depending on the situation. If you need to assert yourself somewhere, try to be more expansive without bothering others. This is a good strategy when you feel intimidated by others around you.
Show that you also have your Space guaranteed there.
Shoulders: When feeling stressed or overwhelmed, try to release the weight from your shoulders. Do some
arm stretching and try to relieve shoulder tension. If the tension is very strong, even a massage might be worthwhile.
Another way to show interest in the person speaking to you is by slightly leaning your body towards them. Please don't overdo it to avoid appearing desperate. When speaking, you can lean back a bit to show more confidence in what you are saying, but always without exaggerating.
When talking to someone, avoid touching your face. This can make you appear nervous, making the other person uncomfortable.
Smiling is very important in all contexts of life. A smiling person transmits joy to the environment and However, remember to do everything in moderation. Excessive Smiling is unnecessary, as this can also disqualify you. It is very important
to maintain balance. Nod Your Head
When someone is speaking to you, occasionally nod your head to show that you are paying attention. Please don't overdo it. But it's important to demonstrate this so the other person doesn't think you are disinterested.
Looking at the ground makes you seem insecure and lost. Therefore, keep your head up so your mind understands your body is confident and will feel the same way.
If you are having a stressful day, slow down your movements. Walking slower and breathing more slowly will help you stay calmer and not panic in a moment of anxiety.
In Other words, cultivating selfconfidence is not just a mental or emotional exercise but manifests physically through your body language.
By mastering the subtle art of body language, you enhance your communication skills and increase your ability to influence and engage
with those around you positively. Remember, your body speaks volumes even before you utter a single word. So, let your posture, gaze, and gestures align with the confidence you seek to embody. This harmony between your internal state and external expression is key to successful interactions and will open doors to new opportunities and connections. Keep practicing, stay aware, and watch as your confident body language transforms how others perceive you and how you perceive and carry yourself in the world.
Learn how to enhance your energy levels and protect yourself from the challenges of everyday life.
It is during sleep that we can attain energetic protection. However, to do this, we need to sleep better.
Do you often have trouble sleeping? Many people struggle with sleep problems, whether it's due to insomnia or medication use.
In any case, the common feeling in all these situations is waking up tired, lacking energy, as if we haven't slept for a minute. On other occasions, we may sleep soundly and wake up feeling good, full of joy and energy. Or we might sleep well but wake up in a bad mood. Do you know why this happens? It's all about your energy.
Sleep is the best cure for waking troubles.
Miguelde Cervantes
The experiences of the spirit during life are stored in the subconscious. The conscious mind is focused on the present and what we are currently experiencing, and it's the most important phase. Our aspirations for the future, which may or may not be realized, reside in the superconscious mind. It depends on each person to manifest the ideals they hold. Our subconscious controls our vital activities. In truth, we are never truly asleep because it is always at work. The healing process, especially when sick, is more effective during
sleep. We cannot assume that we rest while sleeping because all our organs work during slumber.
Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.
Mahatma Gandhi
Some tips can help you achieve more efficient sleep, which is ideal for mental and physical health. Here are some steps:
Meditation: Those who habitually go to sleep stressed know the value of a relaxed mind. Meditation helps you fall asleep better.
Eat magnesium-rich foods: Eating well and sleeping well go hand in hand. Before bedtime, opt for light foods with a good amount of magnesium.
The power of lavender: Lavender calms and reduces heart rate. Inhaling lavender promotes calmer sleep.
Warm baths: A simple bath before bedtime or upon arriving home helps
increase body temperature and relax, leading to a deep sleep.
Turn off the TV and phone: The light from electronic devices disrupts sleep by interrupting melatonin production. Avoid sleeping with the TV on or using your phone.
Read a book: Reading is a good way to induce sleep. It helps you avoid technology and finish that book you love.
Stretching: Calming yoga poses and practices can help you relax before sleep. Your body and sleep will thank you.
The set of ancient techniques developed to balance our energies, known as Feng Shui, can be applied in various ways to attract, focus, and organize our energies in our living spaces. Learn more about applying Feng Shui in the bedroom.
Those who seek to apply Feng Shui teachings to bring more joy and fulfillment into their lives often focus on common, shared spaces in the house, such as the living room, kitchen, or even an office. However,
one often-overlooked room of great importance is the bedroom.
The bedroom is a space that should receive the same attention as all other rooms in the house when applying Feng Shui. It is where we should find the peace and relaxation needed for a good night's sleep, restoring our physical and mental energies. To achieve this, we must keep negative energy away and ensure a good flow of Chi (life force energy) in the room, which should not be cluttered or overly strong –
excessive energy can make occupants restless and disrupt sleep. Here are some techniques to help harmonize the Feng Shui energies in the master bedroom.
When we enter our sleep state, our bodies undergo various levels of energetic repair. Feng Shui teaches that, for this process to be maximally effective and for the body to feel secure during it, we need solid support for our heads. Invest in a firm headboard, preferably made of wood.
Beds with drawers or other storage systems have become popular for those seeking extra space in the bedroom. However, although not strictly forbidden, Feng Shui does not recommend them. Most of these beds are almost entirely supported by the floor, preventing energy flow underneath the person sleeping. Energy needs to circulate around our bodies during sleep for proper healing and restoration.
Having the headboard facing a solid surface (not under a window) is also
recommended to ensure that personal energy does not weaken over time.
Having two nightstands (or bedside tables) on each side of the bed helps balance energy during sleep. They act as grounding mechanisms and provide balance to both sides of the bed, promoting equality in the relationship for couples. It's ideal that the furniture has rounded shapes, offering better protection against harmful sleep energies.
Electronic devices emit an electromagnetic field that can be detrimental to your sleep. Moreover, they serve as distractions and detract from the essence of the bedroom as a place of rest and relaxation. Mirrors should be avoided in the bedroom, especially facing the bed or on doors, as they can act as blockers of the energy flow.
If it's impossible to avoid this (for example, if your mirror is fixed to the wardrobe door), you can open
the wardrobe doors when you go to sleep to minimize the reflection.
In the bedroom, like in other spaces, Feng Shui recommends that the environment remain clean and organized because clutter and dirt serve as channels for accumulating negative and harmful energies. Objects and scattered clothes also hinder the proper circulation of Chi (life force energy) in the room, especially around the bed, where there should be space for energy to envelop the body during sleep.
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Experience the transformative effects of honoring our bliss. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and positive change for a better world.
Understanding how honoring our bliss can truly change life on Earth is important. If we feel
blissful and full of energy and spirit, we help to inspire others to seek their own methods of connection. When we evolve and honor each other, we heal the past, the now, and the future.
Without a doubt, we are living in incredible times. The Earth is
experiencing great changes and challenges. More than ever, many of us seek deeper spiritual connections to assist us in this extreme process of evolution. For some people, life is business as usual as they go along with the flow: distractions from work, enjoying vacations, caring for children. Just not letting their thoughts get too deep. For those seeking to make the world safer, more peaceful, and more compassionate, it’s much more difficult to assume that everything will work out without our collective assistance. Honoring the bliss that still lives inside us becomes imperative to our goals.
Our lives are filled with events, great and small. Births, deaths, physical and mental challenges, family issues, and many other experiences. Our paths can be simple, complex, exciting, or dull, depending on where we are on our life timeline. Our beliefs help determine how we process ongoing life changes. Our views on the afterlife, reincarnation, religion, politics, social issues, and many other things influence us. We learn, grow, and evolve at our own pace.
Along the way, we can gain empathy and compassion for others instead of judging their journey. Looking inward to find comfort and insight without outside noise and conflict may be difficult. Empaths have special challenges overcoming the fear and anxieties of negative actions and events. The journey to remember our inner joy helps us acknowledge its very existence. A great question to ask ourselves is what brings in positive memories of feeling extreme happiness inside. Returning to our childhood, thinking about our innocence, and wondering about discovering and experiencing new adventures. Just feeling good without worrying about financial obligations or dramatic situations. Being in the moment while riding a bike downhill with the wind in our faces. Jumping into a pool or sailing down a waterslide for the first time.
As adults, we learn to be more responsible and accountable. We also realize that not everyone had a happy childhood with loving and supportive parents. Some of us are wired positively, making us feel joyful at the little things in life, smiling at others because we love just being alive.
Some of us are more dramatic and cautious by nature, having to learn the skills we need to see the brighter side of life. It can take some time and practice to harness the power to feel from the inside out instead of letting the outside determine our focus and mood. Learning how to shield and protect our inner light from absorbing negative energies by setting boundaries becomes necessary. Owning our thoughts,
taking control of our choices and decisions without judging who we were or how we existed in our past. The practice of forgiving ourselves as we learn helps us to thrive by letting in new ideas and possibilities.
We may be uplifted through our spiritual practices, creative endeavors, and connections with others. All of these might apply at once. Meditation, prayer, art, music,
assisting others, travel, writing, sports, and several other activities can help us realize that life can be amazing. Understanding how honoring our bliss can truly change life on Earth is important. If we feel blissful and full of energy and spirit, we help to inspire others to seek their own methods of connection. When we evolve and honor each other, we heal the past, the now, and the future.
About the Author:
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com
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