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Ancestralhealingcanbeapowerfultoolforpersonal growth and transformation. By acknowledging and addressingunresolvedissuesinourfamilyhistories, we can break cycles of dysfunction and create new patternsofhealthandwholeness.Itcanalsohelpus feel more connected to our roots and to understand ourplaceintheworld.
However, it is important to approach ancestral healingwithcareandrespect.Itisnotaquickfixor a substitute for professional therapy or medical treatment. It also requires a willingness to confront difficult emotions and be open to our ancestors' guidanceandwisdom.
Overall, ancestral healing can be a powerful and transformative practice for those who are called to it.
Still, it is important to approach it with humility, respect, and a willingness to do the inner work necessaryfortruehealingtooccur.
Many cultures worldwide have practices involving ancestral healing, such as Native American sweat lodges, African ancestor altars, and Chinese ancestralveneration.
These practices typically involve connecting with ancestors through prayer, meditation, or other rituals to gain insight into family patterns and to seekhealingforpastwounds.
Anuradha Gulati's new book "Healing Your Ancestral Roots" brings a new perspective on connecting with and healing past traumas or unresolvedissuespasseddownthroughgenerationsof afamilyorcommunity.
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Anuradha Dayal-Gulati is an energy practitioner and transformational coach with a Ph.D. in economics. After fifteen years in finance and academia, she began a new path of helping people release the past and reclaim their power. Trained in flower essence therapy and family constellation therapy, she lives in Boston, Massachusetts. https://floweressencehealing.com/
Let us be the ancestors our descendants will thank.
OMTIMES: You were an economist before becoming a healer. How did this dramatic change come about?
Anuradha Gulati: It wasn't a linear journey, and perhaps at some level, it was meant to happen, but when it did, it happened in a very traumatic way.
I had a health problem and had to go into the ER, and I came out thinking I'd got to pick myself up and get back to life as usual. But, soon after that, one night out of nowhere, I had to go back in.
This time I started to get a little scared and was beginning to wonder, "What is happening to me?" but I did come out. When I had to go into the ER a third time, I started feeling really scared. I could tell the doctors didn't know what was happening. And I could feel this sense of despair and hopelessness starting to sweep over me.
But I had a very dear friend who was into alternative healing, and she came to see me in the hospital. She held my hand, looked me in the eye, and said, "Anu, how many times are you going to go through this? What is it going to take for you to change?" Her words really hit home. I can still feel them within me today!
So I literally willed myself out of the hospital and began exploring alternative healing methods. I found this amazing Chinese medicine doctor and discovered flower essences. Those two things together not only saved my health but also changed the trajectory of my life! As I look back, I feel that the most valuable thing this experience taught me is the importance of hope in our life. And to recognize that no matter what the circumstances of your life are, you are never powerless and can create change!
OMTIMES: What is your book Heal Your Ancestral Roots about, and who is it for?
Anuradha Gulati: Have you ever felt that you really want something in your life—perhaps a relationship, personal or professional success, or even a career goal? Yet, despite your best efforts, it feels as if something is stuck. What you want seems to elude you! What if this problem that you're struggling with did not originate with you? In my book, I point out how this struggle may be an ancestral burden that you are dealing with, and I offer a road map or guide to releasing the burden of transgenerational legacies and reclaiming your power to create the life you want.
I outline the energetic principles that govern your family lineage, the many ways your ancestral field can support you, and how it can hold you captive.
OMTIMES: What are your ancestral roots? Did your own experiences in life influence your writing this book?
Anuradha Gulati: In many Eastern traditions, including Native American traditions, your ancestors include not just your parents and grandparents but also those who came up seven generations before you. If you think about it, 252 mothers and fathers needed to have existed for you to be here today on earth! Our ancestors need to be acknowledged and honored so that they can ascend to higher realms and be helpful to us. Otherwise, they are stuck in lower-earth planes, and their energy hangs around us, keeping us stuck.
Many things were different when I moved from India to the US and started living here. While there was drive, individuality, possibility, and hard work, India was rich in color, warmth, and respect. Faith, family, culture, and tradition were what nourished me.
Suddenly, I was cut off from what deeply nourished me, yet I didn't have the language or framework to understand what that really was. Only when I started to train in ancestral healing work could I put the pieces of my life together? It's as if the gears started clicking together in my brain, and I knew I wanted my clients to understand their journey. This led to the book because, at some level, our stories and experiences are individual and universal.
OMTIMES: What sort of generational pain or patterns show up in families?
Anuradha Gulati: So much research today shows that the quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships. You are happier, healthier, and more contented and fulfilled when you have satisfying relationships. When people come to see me, even if it's about something else, at the heart of the problem is relationships—maybe with bosses, co-workers, children, parents, or partners. And underlying this is our disconnection from ourselves, which manifests as struggles in our relationships.
Trauma is a word that is becoming more widely used today. And trauma can be with a big t or a little t. Trauma is inevitable and a part of life.
We are not immune to it and cannot protect our children from it. But when trauma is passed down the lineage, it affects the way love is expressed in the family.
There are many kinds of transgenerational patterns, but transgenerational pain has to do with relationships that are not working, unmet expectations, and the feeling of not being loved.
OMTIMES: What are transgenerational patterns? Why is understanding how they show up in our lives important to our healing?
Anuradha Gulati: We often know instinctively that we share traits, characteristics, or habits of our parents. Yet, transgenerational patterns are more than that. It is the energy of what is unresolved in the lineage before you. It is the energy of loss, unresolved emotions, and wanting to make amends.
This ancestral karma shows up as repetitive patterns in your life, as themes in your family, as events and experiences that repeat across generations, such as a ceiling on your professional life, patterns of business failure, or failed relationships.
You might have casually noticed or thought of it but never paid attention to it. But when you start to look for patterns, you might see that they are present. At the same time, you may also find positive patterns, which you often take for granted, which can be considered family blessings.
As we are part of our ancestors that lives on, we take on the task of healing a piece of what was unresolved in the lineage before us.
When we heal ourselves, we heal those that came before us as well as those that come after us.
After all, we too will one day be the ancestors of those to come, and our actions on this earth plane will affect seven generations below us. When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. It's as if there's a sacred task that we came to accomplish, and when we embark on the journey of self-healing, we fill the void that we came here to fill.
Anuradha Gulati: Healing your roots, or ancestral healing, is to release the feeling of being a victim of your lineage. Of being a victim of what came before you! It is to release the need for acknowledgment, to be seen, and to expect something others may not be capable of giving.
A beautiful African proverb says, "When you cut your chains, you free yourself! When you cut your roots, you die!"
We can start the healing process by honoring our ancestors for the gifts we have received from the lineage and the challenges we face. Honoring is simply accepting that you cannot change or rewrite the script of the 252 acts that came before you.
You can only start with the scene you're in now. One way to honor your ancestors is to create an ancestral altar with images of your ancestors if you have them or something that might be part of your heritage. If you don't have anything, then just use objects from nature.
You can use a shelf or small table for your altar, place a piece of fabric on it and then place objects that call to you on it. This altar becomes a place to anchor the ancestral energy around you. You can shift and raise the vibrational energy of your altar by including elements like water, incense, essential oils, flowers, or a candle or tealight. You can then pray for your ancestors to move to peace and harmony. You can place your altar in the hallway or living room, as it's better not to have your ancestral altar in the bedroom as it's a place to attract certain energies.
OMTimes: Why is it important to honor our ancestors?
Anuradha Gulati: In the Western tradition, it is believed that in most indigenous traditions, people were praying to their ancestors. The act of honoring them is to pray for them—to express gratitude for what you have received and pray for their well-being, allowing them to ascend to higher realms from which they can guide and bless you rather than keep you stuck, picking up on their unresolved energies. Traditions to honor the ancestors are present in many parts of the world, where people offer prayers and food and perform acts of charity.
Many of my clients report that when they start honoring their ancestors, they experience a sense of peace and connection to their family of origin.
OMTIMES: What are flower essences, and how do you use them to help your clients heal?
Anuradha Gulati: The longest healing journey is from the head to the heart! You might recognize that you need to shift intellectually, but ingrained instinctual reactions make it difficult to shift. Flower essences make that shift possible very gently and gradually.
We can think of flower essences as medicine directly from Mother Nature. In many ancient cultures, dew was considered sacred, but it is challenging to collect enough dew!
Dew is the alchemy that results from the night's coolness and the morning sun's warmth and captures a flower's energetic healing quality. In the 1930s, Dr. Bach, a British surgeon, found a way to recreate the healing properties of dew and stabilize them. This is how we get flower essences. They are the unique healing property of wildflowers captured in spring water and preserved with brandy.
Dr. Bach identified 38 such flowers almost a hundred years ago, and their essences are still created the same way today as they were then! Moreover, he identified the nuances of different emotions and mapped them onto different flowers. So, for instance, there are several different essences for fear based on the kind of fear you might be experiencing.
When I'm listening to my client, I'm listening for the emotions that are being expressed—or not— the patterns that are coming up. Based on how they show up in my client's life, I create a custom blend of flower essences that will allow my client to shift the burden of these emotions. For instance, Willow will release bitterness; Holly will release anger and jealousy, Pine will release guilt, and so on.
This customized blend of essences is taken internally—4 drops, four times a day, and in a few weeks, clients report feeling calmer and experiencing a shift.
Negative emotions are an invitation to restore the connection to yourself where it might have been lost, and the essences facilitate that connection. Emotions like peace, gratitude, or contentment can be viewed as the positive outcome of restoring a connection to yourself.
OMTIMES: In your book, you talk about giving the reader a "glimpse into the invisible world." What do you mean by that?
Anuradha Gulati: We are surrounded by the invisible world—the energy of our ancestors, the subconscious triggers that lead us to react instinctively, and the energy of the Universe that supports us. I want readers to understand that you can harness these energies to support you. You can connect with the healing energy of your ancestors, the power of your emotions, the grace of the Universe that guides you, and the energy of Mother Earth that nurtures you. When you connect with each of these energies, you start the journey back home to yourself!
OMTImes: Why should people read your book?
Anuradha Gulati: If you'd like to release the past and get unstuck, this book shows you how to start the journey to reclaim your power. Doing that allows you to create fulfilling relationships, have healthy boundaries, and find the inner confidence to create the life you want!
Everyone experiences sadness, anxiety, and other unpleasant thoughts and emotions at certain points, but these mental health challenges can become overwhelming for some
people. Suppose you’re struggling with your mental health. In that case, it’s important to recognize the signs that you should see a therapist so that you can get the help you need to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
Suppose your mental anguish has caused you to eat or sleep more or less than what is considered to be healthy. In that case, a therapist can help you adopt better habits so that your mental health struggles don’t continue negatively affecting your physical well-being. Changes in how you eat or sleep could result from anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions that are often treatable with counseling,
medications, and other treatment methods. On the other hand, suppose you notice that your eating and sleeping habits seem unhealthy or that they have changed dramatically. In that case, you should consider reaching out to a therapist.
You might experience extreme anxiety in social situations or during other times when you need to speak to other people. Social phobia is a
real mental disorder that can majorly impact personal and professional relationships and cause extreme loneliness and depression. Whether your communication challenges result from past traumatic events or an undiagnosed anxiety disorder, a therapist will try to get to the root of the problem to find the best solution. When you’re comfortable, your therapist may even recommend that you attend group therapy sessions to start communicating with more people in a safe and supportive environment.
Find yourself going from one bad relationship to the next. A therapist can try to help you realize why you’ve adopted this pattern in your life. For example, you might find yourself more inclined to associate with negative people in your friendships, romantic relationships, and even professional relationships. Your therapist will work with you to identify the cause of why you continuously seek these types of
people. You should definitely meet with a therapist if you have a pattern of getting into physically or mentally abusive relationships.
Any thoughts of self-harm should be taken seriously, and you shouldn’t hesitate to see a therapist if you’re having these episodes. Thoughts of self-harm may even progress to suicidal thoughts that a qualified therapist should analyze so that an appropriate treatment plan can
be rendered. Harming yourself or ending your life isn’t a solution to your problems, and a therapist will try to help you address the real issues that are causing you to have these negative thoughts so that you can start working toward a true solution.
Meeting with a therapist may offer the best chance to resolve your mental health obstacles. You can schedule an appointment with a local therapist who will do everything possible to bring more positivity to your life.
Undoubtedly, getting a flu shot is the only way to keep your immunity and health in check yearly. However, flu shots may cause side effects, including headaches, muscle aches, pain, nausea or vomiting, sore throat, and fever. So many people have taken an alternative approach to help their immunity: taking certain food ingredients that can naturally boost their immune system.
Here are key ingredients you can add to your diet to help with immunity naturally:
To boost your immune system, you need an interferon substance, which is made by the body when faced with an external agent that seeks to harm it. Vitamin C is essential for interferon production. This substance can be found in oranges and lemons, but if you take a supplement for better results, take a dose of 500 milligrams daily. Vitamin C is also a large contributor to improving mental health. Studies have shown
that those who have been diagnosed with depression often have low levels of vitamin C. However, they found that their mood improved after they received vitamin C.
Your body needs protein to produce interferon. Proteins found in most foods are the ones you should be taking, such as chicken, eggs, red meat, and fish. Better Brand protein powder is a random option to add to your diet if you don't want to take the time to cook. It contains over 23 grams of protein and only has 1 to 2 grams of carbs, which makes it an alternative to other protein powders that are lower in protein but higher in carbs. Having a high-protein diet has been linked to mental health as well. Foods rich in protein produce key neurotransmitters that help prevent anxiety and depression.
Folate is a substance your body produces that helps with many functions, such as cell division, making red blood cells, and healthy brain function. If you are taking folic acid in supplement form, it is important to
take it if you have high blood pressure or kidney issues. Standard doses of 1,000 micrograms per day can help boost your immune system naturally by helping to get rid of bacteria that get into your bloodstream.
Iron is an essential part of human blood. Iron deficiency can happen if you have anemia, making you more prone to sickness and infection. To avoid becoming anemic, try taking
a daily multivitamin or eating foods rich in iron. The liver is one such food. Other sources include red meat and enriched rice.
Zinc is important for your immune system and helps fight off infection. Zinc helps to support your immune system in fighting a cold or flu virus, so it shouldn't be taken too close to when you think you may already be sick because it can cause damage
to other organs. Taking zinc in supplement form will help increase your immune system's production of white blood cells and antibodies. Oysters have the highest zinc content, followed by red meat, fish, poultry, and beans.
Many things these days can compromise your health and make you ill, but the benefits of having a healthy immune system far outweigh the risk of getting sick. The better you care for yourself,
the less susceptible you will be to diseases. By taking care of yourself daily, you are taking care of your immune system. Taking good care of yourself will also help fight off whatever illness you think has come along to attack your body and throw off your health. Boosting your immunity can keep you from getting sick so that you can do what you want to and enjoy a happier life. Take steps to care for your body and health by eating well and taking time to de-stress.
You can stay healthy when you have good immunity as those around you get sick. There are ways to care for your body and boost your immunity.
When you are not getting enough sleep, your body can become susceptible to illnesses that are going around. Getting quality sleep at night and ensuring enough time for rest each day can help you keep from getting sick.
Stress can wear out your body and make you more likely to get sick. When you deal with your stress as soon as it comes up and practice habits like mindfulness, you help your body stay at its best.
Certain things like drinking alcohol and smoking can harm your immunity and your body's chance of fighting off sicknesses. Cut out smoking if you want your body to be at its best, and consider limiting the amount you allow yourself to drink.
Vitamins can boost your immunity. Simply swallowing down a couple of supplements can help you stay well. Buy immunity health supplements and use those to protect yourself from getting sick.
Your food can provide you with nutrients to be at your best. Some foods are full of immunity-boosting vitamins and minerals, and you should consume those foods in abundance. Other foods can make you more likely to get sick, and you should limit the
amount you eat when it comes to those foods. Consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables in order to stay healthy.
Getting fresh air can make you feel good and help build up your body's immunity. Spending time in nature can be good for destressing and helping your mood, which can also help keep you from getting sick. Make it a point to spend some time outside every day. Consider going to get-togethers and events that are held outside versus those that are held inside.
As more has been learned about eating disorders over the years, various types of treatments have come to be used to treat those
dealing with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and other related eating disorders. If you are dealing with this issue or have a loved one who has
an eating disorder, here are some of the most common treatment options available today.
A treatment option growing in popularity, a community treatment plan means you would still be able to live at your home while undergoing treatment on an outpatient basis. Under this treatment plan, you would have regular visits with your primary care doctor, have teletherapy sessions with a therapist or psychiatrist, and perhaps attend support group meetings.
Residential treatment is often recommended if you or a loved one have an eating disorder that has progressed to a very serious point. In this situation, you would live in a residential treatment facility for a period of time, perhaps 60-90 days or more if needed. While there, you would receive not only medical treatment from doctors but also benefit from psychiatric and therapeutic support as well. One
of the most popular treatment options for eating disorders, this often proves to be very effective with patients.
Suppose your eating disorder has progressed to the point where it has significantly impacted your health. In that case, you may benefit by using a partial hospitalization treatment option. Though you will be considered to be stable both medically and psychologically, this would involve visiting a hospital several times per week to have your vital signs monitored, ensure any medications you are taking are working as intended, and let you ask questions and express any concerns you may have regarding your treatment program. Allowing you to still live at home is essentially a combination of inpatient and outpatient treatment.
Should you need to be able to continue to work at your job or attend school while undergoing treatment for your eating disorder,
you can opt for intensive outpatient treatment. By visiting a clinic or treatment facility multiple times per week, you would meet with your therapist one-on-one, attend group counseling sessions involving cognitive-behavioral therapy, and perhaps even find yourself using physical, occupational,
and nutritional therapy to help you overcome your eating disorder.
Though eating disorders are technically never "cured," using these treatment options can help you learn how to cope with the disorder and avoid relapsing in the future.
By choosing a treatment option that works best for you and trusting your treatment team, the days ahead can be filled with hope and happiness.
Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University
with her bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook:
To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
ntil now, the scientific paradigm of reductionist materialism has maintained that the mind somehow arises from matter, that reality is solely physical and that its appearance of separation is real. Instead, growing evidence is now revealing that the reality of our Universe emerges from more fundamental realms of unified reality and that separation is an illusion.
Reverting to the primacy of mind and consciousness, as espoused by Max Planck, David Bohm, and many other pioneering scientists, it is showing that the universal mind, articulated as digitized information and represented as dynamic and relational patterns and processes of vitally semiotic in-formation, literally and meaningfully informs the formation of our Universe.
In addition to increasing indications at all scales of existence and across numerous fields of research that our Universe is innately in-formed, evidence that its appearance is also holographically manifested is mounting.
standing of the fundamental role of information – crucially meaningful in-formation - and the holographic principle, an integral model, can be developed in which the ‘Big Breath’ of space expanding and time flowing embodies ever-increasing entropic information and individuated evolutionary complexity and diversity through the finite life-cycle of our Universe.
Contextualised by this perspective, this paper focuses on a new INSCIght of IN- formational SCIence.
When key cosmological attributes are allied with this emerging under-
Restating two laws of thermodynamics in terms of information (infodynamics) thereby provides general statements of Quantum and Relativity Theories and points to their consequential reconciliation, with emergent energy-matter and space-time being complementary informational expressions, conserved and entropic respectively, and so enabling our Universe to exist and evolve as a unified entity – a finite ‘thought form’ and likely one of many, in the infinite and eternal mind and consciousness of the Cosmos. In so doing, it explains how the dualistic appearance of our Universe arises from its nondual ground of being.
A correlate to this approach is that acceleration is informationally entropic, and three key predictions are:
• Expansion of space is through acceleration or decelerationnever at constant velocity
• All forces (including gravity) are informationally entropic
• Gravity is not quantized
This paper deliberately excludes any mathematical notation as the mathematical formalism of the laws of physics are already articulated. The new IN-SCIght of IN- formational SCIence, the restatement of thermodynamics
to infodynamics and the consequential opportunity to reconcile Quantum and Relativity Theories as Marcel Proust describes the process of discovery is rather to ‘see with new eyes’.
Scientific evidence at all scales of existence and across numerous fields of research is discovering that our Universe is fundamentally interconnected, interdependent and ultimately unified 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Whilst apparently solid, physicists have realised for many years that the
physical world is incredibly ephemeral. And an experiment reported in 2012 demonstrated the fundamental nature of information by showing that deleting one digitised bit, releases actual physical heat and in line with theoretical predictions7.
This and many other examples of increasingly compelling evidence1 are showing that such digitised information, the basis for all our technologies, is exactly the same as universal information, also articulated as digitised bits, that underpins and literally makes up all physical reality.
The following key attributes of our Universe's physical reality are progressively supported by cosmological and other evidence.
Spatially, it is geometrically flat8; otherwise, mathematically, the equivalence of energy and matter would be violated 9 .
It is finite10. Beginning as a finite event 13.8 billion years ago, the WMAP analysis of CMB wavelength distribution has a finite cutoff 11. On a logical basis there are no infinite
physical quantities within spacetime. In addition, the great majority of hydrogen in our Universe has already been processed into stellar nucleosynthesis12. The reducing temperature of ambient space (currently at 2.7° K) suggests a finite end.
It is contained/isolated in space-time otherwise universal conservation of quantised energy-matter would be violated.
Space expands and time flows from their finite origin.
It is nonlocally integrated. Bell’s Theorem requires this for Quantum Mechanics to work and nonlocal entanglement has been experimentally demonstrated to 12.2 billion light years from Earth13
Supported by a theoretical framework14 and evidence at all scales of existence and across numerous fields of research1 with digitized information pixelated at the Planck scale area15 of the two-dimensional (2D) holograph-
ic boundary/brane of space-time, the reality of our Universe is manifested holographically. The first direct cosmological evidence for this was demonstrated in 2017 16
The latest scientific evidence is revealing that our Universe is a ‘cosmic hologram’ that exists and evolves as a unified and finite thought form in the infinite mind of the Cosmos.
Whereas a hologram captures information about an object onto a 2D film, then projects it to create the holographic appearance of the 3D object – cosmologists realize that our entire Universe takes information held on its 2D boundary and holographically projects it to create the 3D appearance of reality.
Based on these key attributes and premise, the laws of thermodynamics can be restated and expanded as laws of information (infodynamics):
Restating the 1st Law of Thermodynamics to the 1st Law of Infodynamics
The 1 st Law of Thermodynamics states that the total energy of a contained system is conserved.
• Our Universe is a contained system
• Energy and matter are equivalents – E=mc2.
Therefore, the total energy-matter of our Universe is conserved.
As Quantum Theory is a description of universal and quantized energy-matter, this is its most simple and generalized statement.
• Information is physically real and can be expressed as energy-matter. Thus, information expressed as the energy-matter of our Universe is universally conserved.
The 1 st Law of Infodynamics states that information expressed as the total and quantized energy-matter of our Universe is conserved.
Restating the 2 nd Law of Thermodynamics to the 2 nd Law of Infodynamics
The 2 nd Law of Thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed (contained) system always increases over time.
The entropy of a closed (contained) system is a measure of its energetic microstates. To reflect the expanded concept of entropy from this initial thermodynamic association to a measure of the infor-
mational content of a system2, it is suggested that this new understanding is accordingly differentiated as intropy.
• Our Universe is a contained system
• Relative time and space are combined as invariant space-time
• Space-time began in a state of lowest intropy17
The total intropy of our Universe always increases over space-time.
As Relativity Theory is a description of space-time, this is its most simple and generalized statement.
• Our Universe is manifested holographically with digitized information pixelated at the Planck scale and encoded on its 2D boundary/brane
Thus, time flows and space expands to intropically express more informational content within space-time. The flow of time itself is thus the intropic accumulation of the informational content of our Universe.
This leads to the 2 nd Law of Infodynamics, which states that our Universe's informational content/ intropy is expressed as space-time always increases.
As for their thermodynamic subset, the two laws of infodynamics are required to describe the fundamental nature of our Universe and show how Quantum and Relativity Theories are complementary and can be reconciled with each other.
Mind and consciousness are primary and all-pervasive – a New INSCIGHT to a New IN-SCIght and intropy to in-tropy
In recognising the evidential physicality of information, cosmological attributes, and holographic premise, restating the two laws of thermodynamics to two laws of infodynamics posits how the appearance of our Universe manifests.
Foundationally though, such a framework is only able to account for meaningful in- formation, literally in-forming the emergence of energy-matter and space-time, if cosmic mind, intelligence, and consciousness are primary to and all-pervasive throughout their universal expression.
The universal ‘alphabet’ of 1s and 0s is combined at all scales of existence to meaningfully in-form the existence and evolution of our Universe.
Whilst the 1st Law of Infodynamics enables our Universe to exist, without such primacy and all-pervasiveness, the 2nd Law would only increase the informational content of our Universe. Instead it is in-formationally enabled and guided to meaningfully and purposefully evolve – from simplicity to complexity.
Such innate meaning further expands the understanding of universal informational content or intropy to in-tropy.
A correlate to this new IN-SCIght of IN-formational SCIence, and info dynamics approach is that acceleration and all forces are innately intropic.
The expansion of space and the flow of time enables ever greater informational content to be manifested within our Universe.
Given the intropic nature of spacetime, a key prediction is that the expansion of space is thus through acceleration or deceleration - never at constant velocity.
This approach also predicts that as gravity is identical with acceleration that whilst intropic, it is not equivalent to energy-matter and thus not quantized.
1. Currivan, J. The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation (Inner Traditions, 2017). Winner of silver Nautilus book award 2017 for science and cosmology
2. Vedral, V. Decoding Reality - the Universe as quantum information (Oxford University Press, 2010)
3. Radin, D. Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe (Harmony, 2018)
4. Gober, M. An End to Upside Down Thinking (Waterside, 2018)
5. Elgin, D. The Living Universe
6. (Berrett-Koehler, 2009)
7. Talbot, M. The Holographic Universe (HarperCollins, 1996)
8. Bérut , A., Arakelyan, A., Petrosyan, A., Ciliberto, S., Dillenschneider, R. and Lutz, E. Experimental verification of Landauer’s principle linking information and thermodynamics.
9. Nature, 483, 187-189 (2012). Science. 334(6060):12536. doi: 10.1126/science.1211914 (2011)
10. https://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/universe/ uni_shape.html
11. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Why-Doesmc2-Should- Care/dp/0306819112/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1525351201&sr=81&keywords=why+e+mc2
12. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007 %2FJHEP04%282018%29147
13. https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9804041
14. D. Sobral, I. Smail, P. N. Best, J. E. Geach, Y. Matsuda, J. P. Stott, M. Cirasuolo, J. Kurk. A large H α survey at z=2.23, 1.47, 0.84 & 0.40: the 11 Gyr evolution of star-forming galaxies from HiZELS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
15. http://news.mit.edu/2018/light-ancientquasars-helps-confirm-quantum- entanglement-0820
16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle
17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bekenstein_bound
18. Afsh ordi, N., Corianò, C., Delle Rose, L., Gould, E. and Skenderis, K. From Planck Data to Planck Era: Observational Tests of Holographic Cosmology. Physical Review Letters, 2017; 118.041301
19. Greene, B. The Hidden Reality (Penguin, 2011
Are you still filled with questions about why things happen in your life and which path is best for you? You needn't look any further than within your soul. When you begin living and viewing the world from a soul level, you'll start to understand the expansive spiritual
power of your soul. You'll also gain a higher perspective and deeper understanding of your life's purpose, the world’s nature, and fellow mankind.
As much as I love being a medium and helping people sharpen their intuitive abilities, I feel I'm also meant
to teach people how to understand their souls. There's so much for you to learn about how to use and trust your soul's sense of intuition and how the power and energy of love are vital to your soul's well-being.
As you tap into this amazing source, you'll learn how to heal yourself as well as others and find the tools to break free from the limitations of the past so that your soul can continue to expand and evolve.
We're all uniquely different, and so are our spiritual practices and daily habits. They reflect our individualism and ultimately lead us to connect and embrace our souls. It's a highly personal and private relationship.
Once we realize that we can access the wisdom of this phenomenal internal database that we call the wisdom of the soul anytime we wish, it becomes an empowering motivator to start living the life we
were meant to live and creating the future we desire.
When we focus on what lies within rather than what's on the outside, we become more aware of the forces that draw us together—the spiritual power of the soul.
Right now, as you read this edition of Soul Inspirations, this is your chance to own your power and live life as the Divine Soul you are. You don't want to
put this off until tomorrow or when you have time. Today is the day! Now is the moment!
This week, acknowledge your soul. Repeat this affirmation as often as you can: I Am Soul! When I do this for myself, I like to place both palms over my heart. Feel the energy, love, and confidence when you align with your soul. This is wonderful when you want to step back from the outside world to assist you in getting centered and grounding.
As a soul, you always have a piece of God, the Divine Source, inside you. It's a package deal. As a human, you have a soul; as a soul, you have all the power that goes with it. It doesn't discriminate, exclude or condemn. No matter how much you ignore it or, at times, even try to abandon it, your soul will never leave you. It's a partnership for keeps!
All your soul asks is that you turn to it and be open and receptive to its Divine wisdom. It only wants what's
best for you and your highest good.
If you like to delve in and understand more about the soul and how to live a soul-led life, then you might want to look at my book: Power of the Soul – Inside Wisdom for an Outside World.
If you know someone who may like to get this message, feel free to share or recommend they join my newsletter list . Equally, I'd love to hear your personal stories, so do share them on my Facebook and Instagram pages.
Your family members, alive or departed, immediate and extended, and their emotions and experiences create your family energy field. Likewise, repeating events and their attendant emotions often serve as messengers from our family energy fields, calling us to heal the pain we carry.
Carol came to me to help her with the emotional challenges she was facing. In our sessions, she would talk about whatever she was grappling with and often shared news about her daughter, Marianna. Now, as she sat across from me, she said, "Marianna has just been fired." I was stunned. Carol's soft brown eyes welled up with tears, and I handed her a tissue from the box on my desk. From what I could gather, Marianna was a bold, outside-of-the-box thinker.
However, her newest project at the nonprofit where she worked was controversial, Carol said, and some of Marianna's bosses and coworkers pushed back against her initiatives. "But she didn't give up, and her project is going forward!" Carol had said the last time I saw her. I could sense her pride in her daughter and their determination. Marianna and Carol were both creative women who weren't afraid to put their ideas out there into the world and take risks professionally.
Carol had headed up a department at a local hospital until she pressured physicians and administrators to introduce what she felt were much-needed changes, leading to her being passed over for promotion.
Carol had switched jobs, taking a cut in salary, because she recognized that salvaging her position would be a massive uphill battle. The stress of it all had caused her to feel very anxious and even have some panic attacks. That, in turn, had started her on a journey of healing that led her to find me.
"Do you think Marianna's situation is similar to what happened to you at the hospital? Do you feel she pushed too hard for change, putting people out of their comfort zone?" Carol thought for a moment.
"I didn't make that connection, but you're right. She learned that from me, I guess." I had heard enough stories about her extended family to have spotted a pattern. Would she see it too?
"Where did you learn it from, Carol? Who in your family—your parents or grandparents—tried to change existing norms?" Carol paused.
"My father's business partners pushed him out of the business he started because they didn't want to take it in the direction he wanted to go. He was too forward-thinking for them. I guess that part of his personality got handed down to Marianna and me," she said finally.
As our conversation continued, I listened to Carol explain how her father's plans for change had been thwarted and how his bitterness at his perceived failure colored her childhood and early years. He had carried this sadness with him to the very end until he died at a relatively young age of heart failure, or—as Carol described it —of a broken heart. Even so, his daughter and granddaughter were repeating his pattern of pressuring people too much to get them to change, causing a family pattern of suffering.
"I was just thinking about my dad the other day," Carol said.
"It was his birthday, and Marianna happened to call. I could hear in her voice that she was upset. Then she broke the bad news."
It was his birthday. Was it a coincidence that Marianna lost her job for being too forceful about change on her grandfather's birthday, who had experienced the same loss?
The Universe tries to get your attention in multiple ways, including through coincidences and patterns.
In 1960, psychologist Carl Jung wrote in Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting.
The principle is that synchronicity is a "meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than the probability of chance is involved." In other words, while they might seem to be the result of random chance, they have greater meaning on closer examination.
I've found that "mere coincidences" are worth paying attention to because they are one way the Universe can get its point across to us. Patterns of events repeating in your life or the lives of your family members are often subtle and might alert you to how your family energy fields are influencing you.
These fields exist within the energy matrix human beings share with each other, the planet, and all life on Earth, and they carry the memories and emotions of family members past and present.
Ancestral energy patterns come in many forms and play out in different ways. For instance, behavioral patterns may be easily visible. As much as you don't like to admit this, your behaviors do mirror those of your parents and generations prior. So, for example, some of us are frugal, others get angry quickly, and a few are overly suspicious.
What if your emotional response system is a window intosomeunderstanding of these patterns you are trapped in? .
You may also have patterns of being generous or feeling passionate about issues. Sometimes, themes remain the same in relationship after relationship. And in families, the themes reappear several generations in a row.
A "family curse" is real: it's a repetition of an old energetic pattern passed down the family tree. Maybe you have known someone who vowed they would never again get involved with a certain type of romantic partner. Then you saw that, despite their falling for someone who, on the surface, was very different from their previous partner, the same old dynamic was at play in this person's new relationship.
Maybe you have experienced this yourself. For example, you might say you will never again become involved with someone who is hypercritical, only to end up with a partner who doesn't openly criticize you but shows you through their actions that they disapprove of you. Or maybe you're in a relationship with someone who respects and supports you but complains that you're very critical of them. It's as if you're in the same relationship you were before, only with the roles reversed. There is another kind of pattern that I call "experiential patterns." These are instances where you see the same kinds of experiences recurring across generations.
For example, a grandfather was betrayed by his business partner, and the same type of thing happens again to his son and to his grandson. Or someone faces constant setbacks in their professional pursuits, and this pattern repeats itself. While it's possible to call this a "family curse," if there are positive patterns, you call them "family blessings." Or, more broadly, you may even call this "family karma."
Many of us accept these patterns as karmic —something you have to accept and live with. But what if there is more to this than meets the eye? What if there is a message behind these patterns? I call this what it is that is wanting to be seen. What if you need to unlock something to release yourself and also those who may come after you from repeating these patterns?
As decades of research on the psychology of emotion have shown that each of us has a response system activated by a range of triggers. What if your emotional response system is a window into understanding some of these patterns you are trapped in? And what if, by developing an understanding of this system and these underlying family patterns, you can start to unlock the cycles of behavior and experiences you may have found yourself in?
Does your frugality come from honoring the Earth or due to a fear of lack? Does your worry about not having enough manifest in you, holding yourself back, and not taking some risk, thus putting a ceiling on your professional life? Or does this emotion and behavior make its presence felt by having too many possessions that clutter your home (hoarding) or by your demanding financial control of your partner?
Do you feel that you are not enough? Who else in your family has felt this way? What is the origin of this story you tell yourself?
I encourage you to begin to journal some of the answers to these questions.
If you stop to notice how your family's energy field influences your life, you can be more conscious of any decisions you make in that moment of choice. For example, will you do what you've always tended to do, or will you pivot, breaking out of an old pattern of action and reaction?
My own experience has shown me that letting go of old habits and establishing new ones can be very difficult. If you don't consciously choose a new way of thinking, feeling, or acting, your unconscious chooses the familiar path.
For example, when I started noticing and working with patterns, I wasn't aware that I resisted making plans far out into the future. Planning vacations or social events too far ahead of time was fraught with anxiety for me.
My parents didn't like to plan too far ahead either, perhaps because of my father's unpredictable travel schedule, but as an adult with my own children, I didn't have to deal with this when making plans.
Likewise, my unease about looking at hotel websites to compare and contrast lodgings could have been clearer. It took me a long while to realize that I was repeating an old family pattern.
Author Bio: Anuradha Dayal-Gulati is an energy practitioner and transformational coach with a Ph.D. in economics.
After fifteen years in finance and academia, she began a new path of helping people release the past and reclaim their power. Trained in flower essence therapy and family constellation therapy, she lives in Boston, Massachusetts.
Planning a wedding can be overwhelming, but choosing flowers is one of the most exciting parts. Flowers bring beauty and life to your special day, from statementmaking bouquets to eye-catching centerpieces. However, selecting
just the right combination that complements your gown and venue while staying on budget can be challenging. To help make this process easier, we’ve put together 6 tips for choosing wedding flowers to ensure you get all of these things right!
When selecting your wedding flowers, think about the colors you have chosen for your decorations. The flowers should complement each other and enhance the colors of your overall design aesthetic. In addition, consider choosing accent colors such as whites, ivories, or soft pastels that will give a subtle but beautiful glow to your bouquets and arrangements.
It is always best to pick seasonal blooms when planning your floral arrangements. Not only will they be more readily available, but they will also last longer since they are accustomed to the current climate conditions in which they are being grown. In addition, seasonal flowers tend to be less expensive than seasonal varieties, allowing you to stretch your budget further while still having gorgeous flower arrangements at your wedding ceremony and reception venues.
The venue where you plan on hosting your wedding celebration can influence which type of flowers will work best with the rest of your décor and ambiance. For example, tropical blooms like hibiscus or protea would be ideal if you plan on having a beach-themed wedding. In contrast, garden weddings might benefit from lush roses or peonies with plenty of greenery incorporated into each arrangement or bouquet.
Don’t limit yourself when selecting wedding flowers! Taking time before deciding on any specific types can help you find unique ideas and selections from florists worldwide that may have just what you need for a stunning display at an affordable price point too! Doing research online about different species can open up quite a few interesting possibilities that may even surprise you and guests at how creative and beautiful they turn out on the day of!
Think outside of traditional floral displays by creating something unexpected yet still glamorous at the same time! Suppose there’s one thing we’ve learned from attending countless weddings over the years. In that case, it
is that couples who get creative with their florals end up having something truly unique that helps make their special day stand out amongst all others! Consider using floating candles suspended over tall centerpieces filled with colorful petals instead of large vases filled with stems; this gives off an ethereal element while still being visually stunning too!
While there are many aesthetically pleasing flower choices, the available smell is often forgotten as one factor in choosing them. Still, it can make all the difference once your bouquets arrive! Whether it be lilies or lavender, be sure to bring some sprigs along when visiting florists so that you know
what scent each selection brings and if it matches up well against other fragrances already existing within the theme or color palette chosen (like cake icing!) Overall though-don’t forget about fragrance when picking out wedding blooms because it really does add another layer of delight for everyone involved on such a memorable occasion!
People of all ages find times when they need to study or learn something new. There can be several areas of a home to address when the topic is studied, and the goal is to do well academically.
We can look to the bedroom and literally sleep in a good direction (for sound sleep), which can aid the overall learning process, comprehension, memory, and retaining information.
When people study, they may also find themselves distracted if their study area is too stimulating. And yet, mothers sometimes plink their children down at the kitchen table so that they can keep an eye on their children. At the same time, they do homework or monitor their internet choices.
Kids often have a desk in their bedroom for homework and study. Still, it is not necessarily the best
place for them to study, as Feng Shui often reveals. Each person has an ideal location and direction for studying, based on their birth year, which could land in another part of the home.
Going way back in Chinese culture, young people needed to do well on their exams so that they could get a secure job or a bureaucratic position and not have to remain a peasant. Unfortunately, this high-achieving,
ingrained motivation has actually become a noticeable stereotype among Chinese Americans, who usually do quite well in school and are disciplined and excelling, above and beyond their fellow students.
It may seem strange that a birth year can determine a good study location for a person. Still, we are so much influenced by nature and time cycles that we need not
be so suspicious. We also get conditioned over time to expect things to happen at regular intervals. For example, those of us who have not been in school for decades may still feel the energy of autumn (in the Northern hemisphere), where September begins the “back to school”
season. With summer concluding and all the outdoor activities less enticing, the cool down in weather can help people focus on
more intellectual activities and not resent spending more time indoors. Studies have also shown that people born in winter, spring, summer, or fall tend to have predictable personalities.
Consciously or not, many of us are more apt to “take a course” and learn something new in the fall, just as we may also feel motivated or programmed to embark on big cleaning projects in
the springtime. With Feng Shui in mind, there are times when I can recommend a Good Study Habits location for an adult or child. It requires using a to-scale floor plan and an accurate compass reading to know where these locations happen to land in your home. Historically, this “Wen Chang” location was used to help students when taking their Imperial exam. Still, it could be used now for any leg up in studying.
The birth year determination rests with the last digit of the year. It is not based on the Chinese zodiac Branch sign, which repeats every 12 years. Rather, it is based on the “stem” system, which repeats every 10 years for birth years ending in 0-9. What follows are the Best Study Directions based on year of birth. Remember that the Year of Birth is based on a Solar calendar for these purposes, not the lunar calendar.
The Solar calendar begins on February 3 RD or 4 th each year,
in contrast to the lunar calendar, which vacillates much more, sometimes starting in January or February. If a person was born in January 1970, their birth year is 1969, and “9” would be the last digit to pay attention to.
• Bir th Year ending in 0= Hai (Pig) position of NW-3
• Bir th year ending in 1= Zi (Rat) position of North-2
• Bir th year ending in 2=Yin (Tiger) position of NE-3
• Bir th Year ending in 3= Mao (Rabbit) position of East-2
• Bir th Year ending in 4=Si (Snake) position of SE-3
• Bir th year ending in 5= Wu (Horse) position of South-2
• Bir th year ending in 6=Shen
(Monkey) position of SW-3
• Bir th year ending in 7= You
(Rooster) position of West-2
• Bir th year ending in 8=Shen (Monkey) position of SW-3
• Bir th year ending in 9=You (Rooster) position of West-2
Please note that birth years ending in 6 or 8 have the same Wen Chang direction and birth years ending in 7
or 9 also have the same Wen Chang direction.
The way to use this information for studying is to sit in this location of the home when studying and/or face that direction (no matter your location) when studying or taking an exam, if possible.
For example, a person born in 2015 would try to position themselves to study in the Horse sector of their home (dead-on South) or at least face directly south when studying or taking an exam.
Science and Religion are competing and seem to have won the day. But problems have arisen as Science delves into a new area called Quantum Physics. The old rules prove not to apply as Science learns the observer influences the observed,
something which our old hard solid World of Newtonian Science cannot reconcile.
Two contrary schools of thought dominate the World today; Eastern
Religion generally proclaims "Mind" as the foundation of everything, whereas Western Science takes the position of a world being an evolution of solid physical objects, the Mind rising from living organisms within the solid physical World. The Science of Quantum Physics is learning through study and experimentation that a solid physical world does not really exist, yet Science is not ready to make a plunge into the spiritual and physical mindset that everything is Mind.
Mind and a solid physical world cannot reside together. Everything must be Mind or is not mind. To place solid objects within the Mind would be like dropping pebbles or gravel into a living mind. The two are not compatible. We might compare it to an argument made that water is not always wet. But water is wet, or it otherwise is not water. Frozen ice is composed of water but is not water. It is ice or snow. Water is always wet, or it is ice or snow, or gas when heated.
Like water changing characteristics within temperature changes, solid physical objects also do. Pebbles may become molten metal, become "wet" like water, or enter a gaseous state. Here we can see the natural fluidity of physical objects, their hard solid nature being a product of outer world environment qualities, namely temperature, but pressure too can alter the state of seemly solid physical things. The physical World thus potentially changes in nature with the introduction of some particular outside characteristic such as temperature changes. There is just one thing of which remains constant in nature — it is the Mind.
Science doesn't know what the Mind is. It is outside of the boundaries of observable Science. Science thus generally ignores the Mind and refuses to recognize the Mind as the necessary observer in any scientific study and experiment. There being no observer, it is unknown whether there exists anything which can be observed. If the scientist is not living, he neither observes nor proves anything. He can imagine that at his death, other scientists will continue observing things of the World, but such cannot be replicated, and
"replication" is the necessary element separating Science from what is unprovable.
The World as it exists is entirely dependent upon outer qualities like temperature and on there being a mind to observe this supposed solid physical reality. The Mind entirely controls the situation, objects cannot be proven to exist without there being a mind, yet the Mind has no such limitations, for the Mind exists even when we close our eyes and put our physical body in a rest state where our Mind refocuses on other so-called physical realities, and we call this "dreaming." Outer
qualities like temperature are entirely within the control of the Mind, for otherwise, we could not habitually experience the places we visit in dreams. We essentially dial in the perfect temperature for providing the familiar images of pebbles, water, and air necessary for our nighttime dream experiences.
Today's Science so far fails to provide an authoritative answer to the puzzling questions about life and reality that it lays claim to answer. It is a religion in infancy blindly finding its way from a "flat-world" experience that was obvious in nature until disproven by the present "round-
world" philosophy, which is giving way now to a new Quantum Science recognizing the observer necessary to the equation and finding the old rules do not universally apply.
In our physical World, two apples + two apples will always equal four apples, yet a magician can easily produce an outcome of five apples by fooling his audience, the observer. A nighttime dream can bring the same result where there is no trickery, for dreams are germane to magic by nature. Medical, scientific
breakthroughs through vaccines and pills appear to be obvious, impossible to dispute, yet if there are no solid physical objects and everything is thus minded, then the medical establishment is merely performing rituals — magic — that fools the Mind into changing its thoughts from a negative outcome to one that is positive. Religions do the same through prayer, flooding the sick personality with positive healing thoughts.
Regarding the Science of modern medicine and religious prayer, a kind of ritual we may call "dogma" accomplishes the same result,
the patient's belief that he will not become well changes to thoughts of hope. Healthy, positive thoughts replace the formerly negative thoughts of despair and hopelessness. With the Mind the foundation of everything, scientific advancements are religious dogma, for the Mind alone accomplishes the "magic" that happens. As with the magician creating an illusion that 2 + 2 = 5, the Mind will go wherever the personality guides it, with or without the outside influence we call Religion, magic, miracle, or Science.
Arthur Telling has written numerous stories and articles
on Religion, philosophy, and metaphysics. Telling is the author of "Johann's Awakening, "a parody of Jonathon Livingston Seagull, and various novels, including "The Incarnation: Cleopatra's Story of Jesus," exploring the true history of Christianity. Telling's non-fiction books include "What Did Jesus Really Say?" His first published article, "A Different Jesus Message," appeared in the November 2011 AMORC Rosicrucian Digest. His ongoing Amazon Vella stories include "Cleopatra in Ixtlan." Website: www.arthurtelling.com and www.facebook.com/philo30
Shamanism is, in fact, a set of ancestral beliefs. It encompasses magical practices (and evocations) to establish a deeper contact with the spiritual world.
Shamanism is a form of religious expression that allows the shaman to enter a trance, connecting with the spiritual world. From this connection, he can deal with many things, influencing nature, treating
diseases, predicting the future, and warding off evil, typical functions of a High Priest.
The shaman can go into another state of mind through the reception of a transcendental nature or transformation. This type of manifestation is generally very characteristic of ancient peoples worldwide. Whether in America, Europe, or Asia, Shamanism is an intrinsic part of the history of each of these continents.
Shamanism's basic concept of healing is that "No one heals another. The cure is within each one". Therefore, to enhance the improvement, rituals were created. These interventions elevate the vital energy and connect the practitioner to what he desires. It can be an entity, transformation, restoration of health, power, prosperity, love, and compassion, among others.
Held in Peru, it connects people with their Spirit and Pachamama (Mother Earth). The individual also receives the energy of the condor,
the eagle of the Andes. For the Incas, this ritual frees the person from their limitations, ties, and everything that no longer has value in their life.
Created in India, the Shiva Ritual is celebrated every New Moon worldwide, where there are devotees of this entity. Shiva is a Hindu God known to be the Destroyer or the Transformer. This is because tradition states that he is responsible for destroying to be born something new. This stage of change converges with that of the New Moon. The lunar phase has the ability to initiate the generation cycle of everything that happens in our lives. Soon, when going through this ritual, you will have physical, mental, and emotional transformations.
This ritual was developed by Count de Saint-Germain. He was born in 1696 in Transylvania, Romania. Known as the "Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray," he created the most powerful spiritual force on the planet. The Violet Flame is an energy of clearing that burns away karma
to purify and bring about personal redemption.
The shaman prepares a sacred drink. Then, gives the patient and conducts energetic passes. The energy emanated by the passes comes from the astral and physical planes. The positive charge scares away negative energies, cures the individual of any illness, and restores balance to the body and Spirit.
In Shamanism, the Full Moon symbolizes fertility, power, and sensuality. In the ritual, the person achieves everything he wants. The Full Moon's energy shows the practitioner how he can deal with emotions and helps him remember past lives. It is one of the preferred energies for performing magical cults. The ritual arose many years ago. The shamans of the time worshiped the Sun and Moon gods
as they were supreme energy sources that flowed to Mother Earth.
Shamanism encompasses diverse ancestral beliefs and magical practices to establish contact with spirits and the entire spiritual world. Know here the powerful Prayer of Shamanism.
Because it is spirituality and religiosity, there are several prayers
of Shamanism for different moments of life. The prayer of Shamanism is no different from other prayers. They are prayers and praises to the beings of the spiritual world that are done with an open heart and mind. When doing the shamanic prayer, it is necessary to believe in the words and concentrate deeply on what is being uttered. The prayer of Shamanism is a supplication, a thank you, and an act of recognition of the weakness of human beings and the great power of these spiritual beings.
Oh! Great Spirit of the North, who gives wings to the eagles of the air and rolls the thick snowstorm before You. You cover the Earth with a shining carpet
of crystal, especially where the deep tranquility of every sound is wonderful. Temper us with the strength to remain a part of the blizzard; yea, make us thankful for the beauty that flows and deepens over the warm Earth in her awakening.
Oh! Great Spirit of the East, the Land of the Rising Sun. You who hold in Your right hand the years of our lives and in Your left hand the opportunities of each day. Support us so that we do not forget our opportunities nor lose the hope of each day and all years in laziness.
Oh! Great Spirit of the South, whose warm breath of compassion melts the ice that surrounds our hearts, whose fragrance speaks of distant spring and summer days, dissolves our fears, transmutes our aversions, and ignites our love into flames of truth and existing realities. Teach us that he who is strong is also kind; he who is wise tempers justice with mercy; and he who is a true warrior combines courage with compassion.
Oh! Great Spirit of the West, the Land of the Setting Sun, with Thy mountains high and free, prairies deep and wide, bless us with the wisdom of peace that follows restraint and freedom who lives like a flowing tunic on the wings of the good life – disciplined.
Teach us that the end is better than the beginning and that the sunset does not glorify anything in vain.
Oh! Great Spirit of the Heavens, on days of infinite blue and mixed with the endless stars of the night of each season, remind us how immense and beautiful and majestic you are beyond all our knowledge or knowledge, but that you are not so far from us either., the highest of our heads or the lowest of our eyes.
Oh! Great Spirit of Mother Earth under our feet; Master of Metals; Germinator of the seeds and Granary of Earth's hidden resources, help us to give thanks unceasingly for Your present bounty.
Oh! Great Spirit of our souls, who have long burned in our hearts and in our deep aspirations, tell us now and always of all that we need to know of the greatness and goodness of Thy gifts to life, that we may be proud of the inestimable privilege of living.
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
The tendency to criticize, judge, oppose and condemn someone else's thinking and action is becoming like a virulent poison infecting the political arena of certain
countries, especially the United States. It is as if some members of society can only see their own point of view and assume it's the only correct way of analyzing a situation. In reality, one can always only
perceive outside what exists within one's own awareness. The World Is as We Are.
There is a beautiful saying by Lao Tzu:
A sound man's heart is not shut within itself But is open to other people's hearts;
I find good people, good And I find bad people good
If I am good enough;
I trust men of their word, And I trust liars
If I am true enough;
I feel the heart-beats of others
Above my own
If I am enough of a father
Enough of a son.
One's point of view is limited to the type of glasses one is wearing. If one is wearing red glasses, the world always appears as if tinted red, whereas if one is wearing green glasses, the world appears to have a green hue. There is no absolute truth to anyone's point of view because no one is privy to the
full comprehension of any situation. One sees only a fragment and the rest of the picture remains hidden. Perception and knowledge differ in different levels of awareness. If we view a river from the summit of a mountain and view the same river from a plateau, our vision of the river will be different.
It is better to look for the good in people rather than denouncing them for their shortcomings. What we see, we become. The more we see bad in
others, the more the bad increases in ourselves because what we put our attention on grows stronger in our lives.
In this regard, in his book, Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi says:
"Individuals hardly realize that they are contributing to an influence that disrupts and destroys the world's peace through ill feeling, malice, bad behavior, harsh words and suffering they are creating... All international
conflicts are caused by the collection of great tensions in the atmosphere that have been released by the individuals."
Everyone is responsible for the current state of affairs in their community and in the family of nations. We have the choice to tip the scales in favor of more light, positivity, more harmony, peace, and love. We have the strength to fashion a new world order through our thinking and evolutionary actions.
We cannot alter the events in the world, but we can change the way we respond to those events. For example, we can respond in ways that add to the world's fear, anxiety, and sadness, or we can respond with love, compassion, and forgiveness. In this way, through empathetic thinking and action, we paint a brighter future picture of our world.
When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see.
You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.
In the Vedic tradition of India, the feminine side of creation is given equal importance to the masculine. The Divine Mother, Mahashakti, is revered as the primal creative energy that manifests the deities and the physical universe and
then sustains all dynamic activity. When portrayed together, the deity pairs – Brahma and Sarasvati, Vishnu and Lakshmi, Shiva and Parvati – are often androgynous and almost identical to show they are fundamentally beyond gender.
Unfortunately, centuries of colonial domination have made Indian society as male-dominated as the West is. Fortunately, women in India are now developing a strong feminist movement to change this.
A sign of this change is a new commentary on The Crest Jewel of Discrimination, a major work by Adi Shankaracharya, India’s 8th-century reviver of Vedic knowledge. Spiritual teacher, Shiva Rudra Balayogi’s commentary makes this ancient philosophical discourse relevant to us
today. Moreover, it speaks to us more directly than the others because it refutes the gender and caste biases that have accrued with time.
He corrects several mistranslations from Sanskrit. For instance, the second verse lists the qualities necessary to achieve enlightenment, prominent among them Purasattvam and Bramanattmana. The first is usually translated as “being a man,” and the second as “being a Brahmin.” He convincingly explains that a more accurate translation is “a person
who has a strong body and will to achieve things that can inspire the world” and “a person who has mental purity.” These qualities are possessed by both women and men. Shiva Rudra Balayogi shows us that enlightenment is not the exclusive province of male Brahmins.
Adi Shankaracharya revered Shakti, the female life force, but that was only after a woman saint bested him in a debate on the topic, and he had to admit she was right.
Shiva Rudra Balayogi’s spiritual name also reflects this change. “Bala” is
one of the names of Goddess Parvati, indicating he incorporates both the masculine and the feminine.
The Crest Jewel of Discrimination, or Viveka Choodamani, is a concise explication of Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy of unity and nonduality. “Discrimination” in this context means the ability to distinguish between truth and illusion, between what supports and what hinders our enlightenment.
Meditation is one of the chief supports. As Shiva Rudra Balayogi writes: “The mature mind, through
the prolonged practice of meditation, merges with Brahman, the Ultimate Supreme Truth and attains Realization of the One, undivided Self of Supreme Bliss. … By this Realization, the mind’s illusory imaginations, which come from the darkness of ignorance, are destroyed. One lives in Bliss, free from all imaginations of the mind.”
This commentary is profoundly written, easy to understand, and abstract but never abstruse. It inspires us to seek unity consciousness and points the way to it. For more information: www.shivarudrabalayogi.org
Shiva Rudra Balayogi also offers an easy and effective technique of Vedic meditation, Jangama Dhyana, and the opportunity to meditate with him online and ask him questions – all of it free: www.jangama.org .
William T. Hathaway’s books won him a Rinehart Foundation Award and a Fulbright professorship in creative writing. His peace novel, Summer Snow, is the story of an American warrior falling in love with a Sufi Muslim and learning from her that higher consciousness is more effective than violence.
Many people find themselves feeling stuck, unable to reach their goals. The same problems keep showing up in jobs and relationships no matter how much they try to make changes and overcome obstacles. What if the patterns that repeat in your life and relationships didn’t originate with you? The source of your challenges could be rooted in ancestral trauma calling out to be healed. Experiences and wounds of your parents or grandparents as well as more distant ancestors can affect you; sometimes themes reappear in a family for several generations in a row–patterns of financial distress, sibling rivalry, divorce, or conversely long happy marriages, good health, and good humor.
An energy practitioner specializing in ancestral and emotional healing, Anuradha Dayal-Gulati provides exercises and tools–such as journal practices, visualizations, mind mapping, and the Vedic ritual of Tarpanam–that can help you recognize and release negative family patterns and enhance positive ones. She shares her own healing journey and her experience with family constellation therapy, explains how to honor your ancestors, and explores in depth the use of flower essences to transform emotions and release generational trauma.
Teaching you how to recognize the patterns that manifest in your daily experiences, Heal Your Ancestral Roots shows how you can lift the unconscious, invisible barriers that keep you from creating the life you want.
•Explores the principles that govern your family energy field and the many ways this ancestral field can support you as well as how it can hold you captive
•Provides exercises and tools to help you recognize and release negative family patterns and heal ancestral trauma
•Discusses the importance of honoring your ancestors, sharing suggestions about altar creation, prayers, and the Vedic ritual of Tarpanam