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With climate change, Covid, geopolitical upheaval, and war causing stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and ill health across the globe, there's never been a more important time to discover that regardless of what is happening around us or to us, we all have the power to create miracles that can transform our health, our lives, and the future of humanity. If you find that hard to believe, then check out the ground-breaking, multi-award-winning film, The Way of Miracles, which follows the work of holistic practitioner, quantum energy healer, and nutritional therapist Dr. Mark Mincolla. Along with compelling interviews from celebrated luminaries in the field, including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Rupert Sheldrake, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. among others, plus true stories of people who have created miracle healings in their lives, the movie takes us on a transformative journey into miracle healings, which, in the words of Deepak Chopra "should convince you that life and existence are miracles, and healing is a return to our original state of true awareness and bliss.”
The following interview was conducted by Sandie Sedgbeer with renowned new thought teacher and best-selling author, Dr. Deepak Chopra: Chopra, Quantum energy healer and nutritional therapist, Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., and awardwinning producer and director, Christina Vircillo Bresson.
That's how the whole thing came together. Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, you've been writing about quantum healing, infinite potential, super genes, reinventing the body, and resurrecting the soul for many years. You've created your documentaries and appeared in many others, so none of this was new to you. What excited you about getting involved with this particular project?
Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, if I could start with you, the timing of this documentary couldn't be more perfect. The world badly needs miracles, so tell us how it came about, whose idea it was, and how the three of you came together in its production. Christina V. Bresson: I'd been working with Deepak for years in this field, and Mark was brought to my attention. I started to look him up and saw he'd dedicated his life to healing others and the 60,000+ patients that he's seen. The results were incredible, and I thought, this is a story that must be told.
I wanted to bring a lot of the work that Deepak and I had been doing and threading it throughout the film through Mark's stories and these patients' stories, which are incredible, and thread the science through it.
Dr. Deepak Chopra: I've always been interested in healing. I've always had this insight that there is no biological explanation for any experience right now. All that's happening in the nervous system is electrochemistry. When you're looking at me, you hear sound. There's no sound in your brain. No images. No colors. We experience the universe. So, in my view, existence is a miracle, and if existence is a miracle, then every moment is a miracle. The word miracle means to be filled with wonder, so if you're not filled with wonder every second of your existence, then your humanity is incomplete. I wanted to make this point that anyone who thinks that every moment, including disease, birth, and death, we don't know why we have experience. Consciousness is a miracle. After that, everything is a miracle. That's why I wanted to make this point. It's the return of the memory of wholeness. That's it.
Sandie Sedgbeer: That's true, but I think, as Mark's book proves, people do need a bit of science to give credibility to the idea. I think this is something that everybody, everybody in the world, needs to understand. So, Mark, your latest book is The Way of Miracles, Accessing Your Super Consciousness. Did you write the book before or after the movie? Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: From the beginning, I started writing the book as Tina and I were mapping everything out for the film. So, I wrote it in parallel with the filming. Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, Mark has seen many in the people he's worked with. How did you choose which stories to share in the film? Christina V. Bresson: I wanted to make sure that we had different healing stories in the film, so there would be something for everybody because depending on where you are in your awareness in this space, you have a different perspective, so we wanted to have healing stories that were associated with around food as medicine, the effects of your emotional health and your thoughts on your physicality, and go deeper into the spiritual nature and then go all the way into the soul.
So, I wanted to span across the various patient's stories so that as a viewer, there's something for you when you come to the film. Ultimately, it spans this whole-person medicine. Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, the movie, and Mark's book address super consciousness. What is super consciousness, and how does it relate to healing and miracle-making? Dr. Deepak Chopra: In wisdom traditions, super consciousness is pure consciousness without being modified in the conditioned mind. When the mind is conditioned through economics, history, race, and everything we call experience, it never gives us access to the truth because your mind tells you your body's a 3-dimensional, physical entity. That's not true either.
So, what is consciousness? Consciousness modifies itself with experience and mind, the body, emotions, words, perceptions, and any sensation, image, feeling, and thought. That's what consciousness modifies itself into. Before it changes itself into that experience, it has certain qualities: 1. it's a field of infinite possibilities, it's formless, it's self-organizing, 2. it's self-regulating, and it's creative. So left alone, pure consciousness is all you need for self-regulation— homeostasis, which we call healing.
"The miracle or the power that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance under the promptings of a brave, determined spirit." MARK TWAIN
Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, you've been practicing as a nutritional therapist and quantum energy healer for many years, and you've witnessed countless miracles. You led a relatively healthy life, yet you also had your own experience of lifethreatening illness from which you cured yourself. How did you do that? Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: Well, right in the middle of the film, as we were getting ready to create an opportunity for those patients to tell their unique, remarkable miracle stories, I was bitten by a Lyme tick, and I got very sick with Lyme disease, and essentially was paralyzed for the better part of two weeks. The physicians that I work with, many friends of mine in different hospitals, were not convinced I would be able to walk again. I did some very serious soul searching during that period, and I decided that I wanted to confront myself. I'd fallen on a hard tile bathroom floor and spent 14 hours on the floor, and during that time, I had some very serious questions about my life.
I confronted myself deeply about how I felt about living if I couldn't move my body anymore. If I was in a wheelchair, if I was crippled, if I was disadvantaged to that extent, would I still be able to muster up the spirit to do what I've always wanted to do, what I was planning on doing in this case, and I didn't have an answer? OMTIMES.COM
So about 25 minutes go by in the middle of this question — do I want to continue to live and do what I'm doing if I'm profoundly compromised? – and I didn't have an answer. Then suddenly, out of the blue, I started screaming for help, which showed me that I wanted to live. That's how I knew how I wanted to continue regardless, unconditionally. I was alarmed and shocked by the fact that I was so driven to call for help, and that's what awakened me to that possibility. From that point on, I started putting the pieces of a different vision together for myself. Visualizing myself well, capable, fully engaged physically, healed, and whole, and more than capable of doing the work I so dreamed of doing. My life changed. My body changed; my cells changed. I'm convinced that the supplements I took, the nutrition plan I was on, and the different therapeutic adjuncts were very important in the healing process. But the single most important thing that brought me through that and took me to the next level of my work was that my deeper mind was determined to do stuff. I was fully dedicated to seeing it through and being well. And then it happened. I became whole again, and I've been fine ever since. Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, several luminaries that appear in The Way of Miracles. Tell us who they are and why you chose them. Christina V. Bresson: Obviously, Deepak is in the film, and we know all about his work. Dr. Shamini Jain talks about the science of the biofield. So that's the bridge between the mind and the body and is governed by consciousness.
So, when Mark's doing work, tapping into people, he's tapping into this conscious living space. We have Dr. Paul Mills, who's done much work with Deepak at the Chopra center, research on the importance of gratitude and an open heart and just the biological effects on inflammation. Self-love is also an important part of this film, so Rollin McCraty from Heart Math Institute. Bruce Lipton talks about epigenetics. Menas Kafatos speaks about understanding reality's deeper nature, which is very exciting for me to share in this film. And Rupert Sheldrake. I was so fortunate to have them all and thread them throughout the film. Throughout the patients' healing stories and Beverly Rubik, who coined the word biofield – it's an incredible line-up.
Dr. Deepak Chopra: Science is a methodology that involves three things: observation, experiment, and validation or falsification. Science is very limited in its ability to know fundamental truth. So, we should be very careful in differentiating science from scientism. Scientism is a religion, and science is a methodology. Science deals with less than 1% of human experience.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, tell us what science reveals about the connection between the heart or the unconsciousness and the neuroscience of miracles.
Nevertheless, from a scientific perspective, when you look at concepts like biofield, energy, and modalities like Reiki and nutrition, we're beginning to understand that less than 5% of disease-related gene mutations are fully penetrant. So, somebody has a gene, as Angelina Jolie had. She had a mastectomy to prevent her from getting cancer, which was the right thing to do because few genes are fully penetrant in cancer, autoimmune, etc. Fully penetrant means they guarantee the disease.
I'm in conversation with people who are creating Crispr. In the next few years, you'll be able to cut and paste genes the same way you cut and paste emails to remove the affected gene and insert the normal gene, and you should cure the disease. We are again, having said that only 5% or less will be affected by that. So, the rest of what we call healing is based on sleep, stress management, mind-body coordination, emotions, biological rhythms, connection to nature, transcendence, and directing attention and intention. True consciousness is modifying our experiences of sensation, which is feeling thought, a fundamental experience. The rest is a human story. Even science is a human construct. Right now, all the people who are fossils of scientism like Richard Hawkins and many others don't know the difference between scientific methodology and scientism, which is a religion. Science itself is an activity in consciousness. Science does not explain consciousness. Quantum mechanics does not explain consciousness. It's the other way around. Consciousness explains science! All these different modalities work synergistically to bring about the infinite.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, you say that as much as we may be reluctant to admit it, we are divine. We can't be any less divine or any more human than we are. We are a perfectly imperfect dichotomy. Say more about that. Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: I think of a metaphor like the Tai Chi circle (Ying Yang). I look at the Tai Chi circle and see a perfect circular whole: it's made up of two mutually compatible opposites. There's the dark with the light and the light with the dark. They're representatives of the metaphor of who we are. We are light. We are dark. We are whole if we perceive ourselves as such.
We tend to separate ourselves from this in this culture. We're raised to see ourselves with religious distortions, with the idea that we're sinners, that we should be guilt-ridden, we did this wrong, we do that wrong, we make mistakes. We tend to focus on a judgmental spirit within ourselves. I think it's important to utilize the concept of the Tai Chi circle, for example, and see the beautiful part of our higher self and lower self, the beautiful part of our divine self and our broken child, our wounded child self, and see that there is a complete whole there.
There's no greater beauty in our life than to embrace the wholeness of what we are. I've seen so many miracles healing over the years, remarkable healings, endstage cancer. Many patients I work with have done miracles. But many don't see it that way. They don't know their healing came about from themselves. They see that I did it, or that medicine did it, or that their family doctor or medical team did it. They just don't know they did it. So, I think there's a self-contempt fact in there that we need to evolve beyond into a place of unconditional self-love. One of the things I often say to my patients goes home and check out your scrapbooks, your family photos. Find a picture of yourself at five years old and look at yourself as a five-year-old and see two things: innocence and deservedness. There's a purity there that we forget as we age. In many cases, we don't do well moving from that earlier phase of our lives with innocence and deservedness into an adult phase where we see ourselves more critically. It's important to realize that innocence and deservedness are never gone. They're always there, for all eternity. It's who we are and what we're made of.
DR. MARK MINCOLLA, PH.D It's conceptually representative of our whole total self. So, it's important to create little exercises for people to tap into their innocence and deservedness. Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, you were already very aware of many things that the movie covers, but was there anything you learned that changed your perspective?
Christina V. Bresson: Absolutely. The film worked on me while I worked on it. Many of the wisdom that Mark or the luminaries were sharing had me going, 'Oh my gosh. I do that.' I was able to do a lot of inner alchemy work while I worked on the film, so that was eyeopening. When you see your issues, control or self-judgment or things so of course, it had a transformative effect on me, I came to the film mentally knowing a lot.
Still, when you get into a practice, an embodiment practice, you really can have some inner transformation and build a deeper connection with yourself. Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, you said we need to know ourselves in a new way, and your latest book, Meta-Human, unlocks the secret to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. Meta-Human, what does that mean? Dr. Deepak Chopra: Meta-Human means knowing yourself as not a person. There's no such thing as a person. A person is a process in awareness, and awareness is formless and infinite, and that's our true identity. As soon as you recognize that, you recognize that you as a person do not exist.
That's when you go beyond human to MetaHuman, where you know yourself as infinite, formless, fundamental without cause, non-local. The pure potential of all that was, all that is, and all that will ever be. If you can ground your identity from human to Metahuman, then you consciously create your reality. Otherwise, you're creating it anyway—everything that you see, touch, taste, smell, think about, enact with feeling is a direct reflection, every moment of your space of awareness because when you go to fundamental awareness, then you realize that everything from the physical world reflects your consciousness and your conditioned mind. The Metahuman is what traditional wisdom traditions call liberation from suffering, enlightenment. But again, so long as you're a person, you will not be liberated from suffering because your mind jumped from pleasure to pain, and extreme pleasure and extreme pain are the same. You have to transcend that. I make a difference personally between belief and faith. I think that belief usually ends up in a cover-up for insecurity. If I ask, 'Do you believe in electricity?' You say, 'I can experience it. It's on my phone. It's on my computer.' So, we tend to believe in things we want to believe in, and we are insecure about it. On the other hand, faith is a direct experience of your invisible self and the certainty of your invisible self without needing anything visible, and that's a certain experience. It's nothing to do with belief.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, in your book, you said there's always been a shadow of darkness lurking in the backdrop of life, and like the 600-pound gorilla in the corner of the room, it's impossible to ignore. What is that darkness? Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: The darkness is a separation—the illusion of separation—there's no such thing as separation, but it's embracing the illusion unconsciously. I don't love myself; I don't know myself, and I trust the world. I think there's a darkness that is part of our experience that has to teach us, to inspire us, bring us to a place of spirit, a place of consciousness that's more inclined to accept and embrace the love of self, the wholeness, and lack of separation that is in the universe.
The universe is unified; everything is unified in the universe, and I think the darkness is the fear to embrace that, the inability to connect with all that and merge with the unification, the unwillingness or incapability or the fear that everything is one, everything is whole, everything is perfectly imperfect the way it is and to simply embrace that with a sense of deep, hopeful trust. Without that, there's the illusion of darkness. I think the darkness is an illusion. Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, Mark says that accessing our miracle-making self is quite simple. What suggestions would you offer to people to help them access their new miracle-making self?
Dr. Deepak Chopra: Instead of identifying situations, circumstances, and events as the cause of how you feel, how you feel orchestrates situations, circumstances, events, and relationships. The feeling is the most fundamental activity of pure consciousness; even organisms without brains feel their way. The feeling that you're connected. If you happen to experience the connectedness, the feeling is empathy, compassion, joy, equanimity, love, and service. That's how you access the source of all experiences. You connect with the source of the experience. Instead of identifying with objects, you identify with the sound in which those objects are a perceptual activity. So anytime you are overshadowed by experience, you turn back to the self.
I ask you right now as you are listening to me. Just be aware of who is listening, and you'll feel the still presence. Any time you can turn from the objects of experience to the source of the experience called self-report? instead of object experience, it's called self-refer instead of an object reference. Or, of course, you can observe the space between perceptions, the space between sounds, the space between thoughts. It's all the same space, infinite, formless, fundamental, consciousness, before space and time.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, what would you advise people if they're looking to know their miracle-making self? Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: I think Deepak hit the word – 'source.' I think that to realize that you don't have a source, you are the source stemming from that place, and you choose to project your beingness through that source consciously and to make the connection that consciousness isn't something you have, it's something that you are, something that you never lose. I think that's the key. I think the source is what enlightens us in that process. Sandie Sedgbeer: Yeah, I get that. Mark, what does nutrition have to do with miracle-making? You say that there are four states of awareness that present very many manifestations of consciousness. What are they? Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: I bring those into the miracle equation as well. I say that it distills down to our relationship with miracles. Miracles can be rejected, they can be accepted, they can be expected, and they can be created. When we can evolve from rejecting through the evolutionary process to creation, I think when we have the states occupying the source, coming from the source, knowing that you are a source. Then, you could emanate your energy through that source.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Disease. You talk about disease germinates at the soul level. Deepak, could you speak to that. Dr. Deepak Chopra: Dis-ease. Just the word tells you it begins with dis-ease. You lose your lightness of being. So, the fundamental state of a biological organism, not just humans, any biological organism, should be joyful. But as we grow into mammals and humans and primates, we experience emotions so love, compassion.
As humans, we also desire to have a clear, reflective, alert mind and lightness of being. These are the four aspects of what I call wholeness or healing: 1.a joyful, energetic body, 2.a loving, compassionate heart, 3.the reflective, creative mind, 4. a lightness of being. But the lightness of being can only occur if your fundamental identity is formless. So ultimate healing is transcendence, number one, the emergence of platonic values like truth, goodness, beauty, harmony, number 2, and loss of the fear of death. Death happens to mental constructs, not you. Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, in your book, The Way of Miracles, you offer a simple exercise to balance our heart state. Can you share that with us? Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: There are several exercises in the book that are interchangeable Issue 27 | 234
The most important exercise, to me, is one where I ask the reader to go to a mirror and look into the core of your eyes, eyeball to eyeball, and spend ten minutes undistracted, looking into the core of your eyes and open yourself up to feel what you feel, to be clear about the fact that there's an essence. You feel the essence that is you, not the essence that is yours, but the essence that is you, and to feel a warmth, a love, an is-ness, a connection, and a conscious blanketing of energy to that essence that is you and feel that essence. There are also different heart exercises where I talk about putting the hands over the heart, engaging in deep breathing. As you deep breathe, you feel the chi, the energy in your hands draw the energy of your breath into your heart chakra and to release it as love, to breathe it in like energy, as life force, and to breathe it out as love. There are many different exercises that are centrally focused on connecting us with source, with essence, with love, with the vibration, the energy of love. To make "love" to a whole different level of understanding. To take it away from the material properties, from the physicality, from a perspective of isness, just a pure state of warmth, and to feel that exchange between self and source is what I'm trying to accomplish with those exercises in the book. So, I think it's important that we take the time to know and love the self-source.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, the book contains so much information that obviously could not be part of the movie. If you were to make a sequel, is there anything you want to expand on or include? Christina V. Bresson: There was a lot I wanted to include in terms of different science, more on heart rate variability, neuroplasticity, the vagus nerve, but maybe if there's a part 2.But there are also many practical tools in the book; that's why they work so well together. People see the film and want to know what the next steps are? What can I do? They can go right to the book and work with the practical tools and things to empower themselves and have your transformation. So, they work in tandem together. Dr. Deepak Chopra: Yes. Christina is the executive producer, and she's very involved in where we are and in the next evolution of AI and Digital Deepak. She and I have worked together for three years on this, and it's still a work in progress. Sandie Sedgbeer: But you've also said that while AI is touted as a huge advance, the irony is that the direct perils of AI are already here in the form of our human intelligence. Say a little bit more about that.
Dr. Deepak Chopra: Well, unless we evolve beyond our tribal mindset—we're still living in medieval minds and modern capacities – that's a sure route for extinction, so unless our emotional and spiritual evolution keeps pace with our amazing creativity and technology, we could be doomed. It's about time for us to wake up to our fundamental nature. Then we can use all these technologies to help create a critical mass for more peaceful justice and the world's health. Otherwise, I think we're sleepwalking ourselves to extinction. Sandie Sedgbeer: You have been teaching about spirituality and wellness for many, many years. Looking at where the world is at today, do you feel that it's devolving rather than evolving? Dr. Deepak Chopra: It's doing both. For every step forward, there's half a step backward, and that's the nature of evolution. If there were only creativity, we wouldn't have any brakes on it. If there were only entropy, that would also be a problem. So, I think we're just evolving as a species and learning that we evolve not just as biological organisms but as sentient ecosystems.
And once we understand that we already have the technologies for reversing climate change, but fixing the ecosystem, for creating a biosphere that's nurturing to all of life. But we don't have the right story right now. We don't have the emotional and spiritual connection with what we call the environment of the biosphere. That's another problem with the word 'environment.' It's our extended body, so the atmosphere is our breath, the universe is our circulation, the earth is the recycling of our body. OMTIMES MAGAZINE
The stars make the atoms circulating in our bodies right now, and they all share the same breath, so we are personal and universal bodies. If you put a rabbit in a vacuum, it dies. If you put a plant in a vacuum, it dies. You put them both together; they thrive. So, unless we change our vocabulary and the current idea that science treats us as biological organisms in an environment where we are the universe itself, we are the source of all experience. And that's why transcendence from mental construct is the fundamental key to our evolution and using technology humanely and divinely instead of diabolical. Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, in directing and producing the movie, what element made you especially proud? Christina V. Bresson: I think that bringing awareness to the very powerful inner world we all have. And hopefully, through that awareness, people will be empowered to evolve consciously and become the miracle makers they are. So that was important to me. Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark?
Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: I think the single most important thought that I brought into this film, and to the book as well, was that if there's anybody in the world, anybody in the universe that I could open up a little bit of light for, out of love, I'd be happy. That they are miracles. And they are miracle makers, after that fact. But they must first connect with that, to know that they are a source that's eternal, limitless, full of light and love, and has no limitation. That is what they are. That is the source of their being. So, the miracles they are, are here to create several resounding, loving miracles. At the same time, they're conscious of the fact, to make them more aware that they can make miracles that are limitless, endless, and resplendent. That's the most important thing I wanted to awaken in people—and inspire. To watch The Way of Miracles, visit https://www.thewayofmiracles.com / The Way of Miracles, Accessing Your Super Consciousness book by Mark Mincolla Ph.D. is published by Beyond Words and available online and in bookstores worldwide.
Health & Wellness
Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
The Power of Binaural Beat Music for Healing by Dr. Paul Haider
OM TIMES | November 2021
ith the advent of
Even pain can be controlled and
new technology
dialed down during this state of
and Binaural Beat
entrainment. And depending upon
Music, we have
the frequency used, a proportionate
the opportunity to go deeper into a
change in the frequency of the brain
meditative state quicker and easier
waves can be created. With specific
than ever before. Plus, we can have
tones, Beta Waves can be entrained
the same deep healing abilities that
in mind for busy, active days at work.
meditation brings to the mind, body,
At other times Alpha Waves which
and spirit. Here is a quick overview of
are relaxing, can be created which
the healing abilities of Binaural Beat
help a person feel at ease and help
with stress. Still, at different times, Theta Waves can be created: dream
Here is an overly simplistic view of how
state waves that allow a person to
Binaural Beat Music works. Basically,
be more creative and feel relaxed.
breakthroughs in music have shown
And during the evening, Delta brain
that if we use stereo headphones
waves can make deep recuperative
and place a specific tone in one ear,
sleep; thus, we wake up refreshed
which corresponds to one side of the
and ready for another day.
brain. And set another particular tone in the other ear, which corresponds
Here are my normal Beta
to the other side of the brain. With
brainwaves and my brain waves
those two frequencies being just a few
during meditation.
hertz apart, a third tone is created in the middle, which harmonizes both
And there are also Gama Brain
hemispheres of the brain. This also
Waves. Gamma Brain Waves bring
takes us from a regularly active brain
about a powerful connection of
wave on EEGs to a profound state of
all the different brain areas, thus
meditation. Thus, slowing our brain
helping the brain be more flexible.
down, moving us into a different form
Gamma Brain Waves are high-
of consciousness, a healing state.
frequency brain waves even higher than regular Beta Waves. They can
This causes the brain to enter a state
help with problem-solving, healing
of entrainment, which is powerful.
fear… and sometimes they can
OM TIMES | November 2021
take a person into higher states of
with sound and music. The Monroe
Institute has hundreds of healing recordings under the company
There have been lots of studies done
“Hemi-Sync,” which are healing. And
on Binaural Beat Music. In fact, Dr.
the Monroe Institute (A nonprofit
Robert Monroe did many years of
organization) has an exciting
research on Binaural Beat Music.
program that takes people through
He started the famous Monroe
26 levels of higher consciousness. As
Institute, which specializes in healing
far as I can tell, no one has done as
OM TIMES | November 2021
much research into consciousness
for those getting started with
levels using vibrational frequencies
meditation or needing a helping
as the Monroe Institute.
hand to relax. They can help you feel better about life and get rid
But there are also inexpensive ways
of anxiety, lower stress and blood
to start using Binaural Beat Music.
pressure. It can help with addictions,
Even on iTunes and all the rest of the
get along better at work and at
online music download companies,
home, balance hormones, keep
lots of Binaural Beat Music can be
stress from causing heart attacks,
found. Music that can be purchased
and many more powerful processes.
and download to phones and other
Binaural Beat Music can work
devices for as little as 99 cents, and
wonders, just like meditation.
they work. This information is meant to get you In one double-blind study, it was
started, dig a little deeper and find
found that using Binaural Beat
what works for you. This article is for
Music had positive effects like
educational purposes only. I strongly
meditation. In another study, it was
recommend that you seek advice
found that those using Binaural
from your medical practitioner, a
Beat Music lowered their anxiety
GP, a private doctor, or a medical
levels, balanced their hormones,
specialist for any ailment, illness, or
and improved their quality of life.
medical condition. This article is not
Plus, in other studies, Binaural Beat
meant to be a scientific analysis in
Music reduced postoperative pain.
any way, shape, or form.
In fact, some insurance companies recommend are using certain types
Dr. Paul Haider – Master
of music to prevent postoperative
Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher
pain and for faster recovery.
for over 25 years, helps people recover and feel healthy. You can
I like good old fashion meditation
also find Dr. Haider on FB under
because no matter where I go and
Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs,
what I do, I can always meditate
and at www.paulhaider.com –
anywhere, without the aid of
feel free to connect with him
technology. But the beats are
any time.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
The Pursuit of Love, Peace, and Security
By Judi Lynch
he happiness, love, and
Human beings can tend to feel
peace that we seek,
anxious and fearful when untethered
live inside us. Instead of
from their inner source of existence.
constant pursuit, we are
We are only here in the flesh for
learning how to allow it to blossom
a short time to help cope with
from within.
the knowledge that humanity OM TIMES | November 2021
has filled up that time with
better quality of life. We don't always
constant distractions. Materialism,
have to be correct. We don't have to
competition, domination, control
have the last word, and sometimes
dramas, and judgment are all signs
we don't get to tell our side of the
of energy competition. Pursuing
story. That's okay!
the finer things in life can dim the spiritual connections that offer
Naturally tranquil people seem
the love, peace, and security we
to have a unique soul connection
genuinely crave.
to the higher frequencies. They
When we can grasp the concept
can remain calm when others
that we really do have the power to
have lost control. They think more
open up the energies within us, we
clearly in crisis situations as they
can let go of gaining power from
navigate life's challenges. Every
anyone else. Through our mystical
time they decide to seek peaceful
practices in meditation, prayer,
solutions, they send out a ripple of
and spiritual beliefs, we set the
calm and hope to others involved.
tones and sounds in our lives. The
Their actions can bring light to
universal love around us, inside us
many situations, allowing the flow
and in every living thing, will always
of interaction to remain fluid and
be there in abundance. It is a matter
positive to help heal conflicts.
of acknowledgment and respect to this love energy that keeps it strong
Right now, many are seeking
and flowing.
comfort and connection to the higher powers of universal energies
As we go deeper into the purposes
to balance their feelings and
and meanings of our lives and
ideas about themselves and the
others' lives in relation, we can
world. There are countless new
develop the skills we need to let go
websites, applications, and online
of control dramas. We seek out the
memberships for meditations and
higher frequencies through our own
spiritual practices to help relieve
personal lifestyles and practices,
stress and anxiety. A need to find
which help us maintain healthy
the inner peace inside instead
relationships with others. This, in
of looking outward is part of the
turn, sets the stage for a much
shift we are making in humanity
OM TIMES | November 2021
to help us remember our spiritual
letting spiritual connections in to
It takes practice and discipline
In time, our awareness grows, and
to add and maintain our spiritual
our understanding evolves into
practices. This helps maintain our
an even deeper and profound
energy centers. When it becomes
realization of how powerful our
a part of our daily life, we physically
thoughts are. We can easier
and emotionally can feel the love,
manifest the feeling of calm
insight, and peaceful bliss it brings
support, sending our guidance
in. We want to keep it flowing.
with more clarity and kindness for
Anytime we do feel the weight of
ourselves and others. We learn the
life heavy on our shoulders, we have
skills to help keep our lives flowing
the tools to help us through it by
with information and solutions.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Synchronicity, messages, likeminded people, and answers to our questions all begin to accelerate when we are open to receive. The happiness, love, and peace that we seek live inside us. Instead of constant pursuit, we are learning how to allow it to blossom from within. The ability to love ourselves and accept our challenges help keep us in constant soul evolution for a better quality of our lives and those around us.
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact for a session, see judilynch.com.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Forgiveness The F-Word That Sets You Free by Melvin D. Nix
OM TIMES | November 2021
may try to take the credit for your
hard work and attempt to tarnish your character to take your place. Trust me
Have any of you ever
struggled to forgive someone? I know
when I tell you that I've gone through these things and worse.
I have! When a person has done us wrong, it seems to violate every aspect
Situations like these are typically
of our nature to forgive and forget.
the ones that hit us the hardest and
Usually, when someone crosses us, our
trouble us the longest, especially if
first instinct may be to attack them
it seems like the person got away
back in the same fashion, especially if
with what they've done. Forgiveness
we believe the offense was intentional.
is a subject that really requires
We have all heard concepts such as,
an understanding heart and a
"Do unto others as you would have
development of self-love that puts
them do unto you..." or "be a bigger
your well-being above anything that
person and don't stoop to their level."
someone has done to you. After all,
This all sounds great and goes well on
forgiveness is about YOU and not the
embroidered plaques, but the practical
other person or situation.
application of forgiving someone usually isn't as simple as these
statements convey.
Let's face it, we all have family
Take a moment and reflect on
members, friends, or co-workers who
a situation that was hurtful or
make us want to lose our cool from
disappointing to you. Notice how
time to time. For example, when
your body feels after you begin to
you discover that someone has told
remember the details of the event.
a lie about you, the first thing you
Emotions such as anger, frustration,
may want to do is to defend yourself.
fear, or disappointment may be
Sometimes it works, but most of
kindling inside of you right now. This
the time, it becomes an exhausting
is occurring because our brain doesn't
situation that never really clears your
know the difference between an
name. What about when people
imagined experience or an experience
become envious of your success? They
occurring in real-time.
OM TIMES | November 2021
When you remembered the
your mood, energy, and current
situation biochemically, you
disposition. You may be having an
rebuilt the situation and all of the
amazing day, then you see a person
associated emotions as if they
who offended you, or something
occurred in the present moment.
triggered a memory of the offense,
Think of how many times in a given
and it turns your day upside down.
day where you may have had similar
Making a choice to forgive will set
thoughts that triggered the same
you free and allow the scars from the
emotional response. You literally
thing that hurt you to begin to heal.
re-experienced the past hurt and trauma. When you don't forgive,
you become trapped in a prison of your memories. This prison follows
Deciding to forgive can be a
you wherever you go and will affect
challenging and humbling thing
OM TIMES | November 2021
to do. People don't make it easy.
you bound and held prisoner. You
Sometimes they refuse to hear you
deserve to live a better life than one
or have no desire to communicate.
of being a captive to hurt, pain, strife,
Other times they may not even care
and confusion.
to acknowledge the wrong that they did, and sometimes those people will
die without ever making amends. Often, the offender gets better sleep,
I'm going, being honest. Making
does better in life, and seems to not
the decision to forgive isn't going
skip a beat. When we observe them
to feel good initially. Our ego has
from a state of unforgiveness, it only
the hardest time allowing us to
keeps us, prisoner, to what happened,
walk a spiritually-minded way
not them. Think of how holding on to
path. It desires for us to constantly
those feelings and emotions can keep
subjugate ourselves to our lower
OM TIMES | November 2021
OM TIMES | November 2021
nature and strives to keep us from
you've allowed the offender to get
growing and evolving. Choosing to
away with hurting you.
forgive will make you better and allow you to set yourself free from
Ignore - Choose to not focus on what
the prison and poison of others.
was done.
Below are a few steps that have helped me to embrace forgiveness as
Vindicate - Clear them of the blame.
a way of life. Empathize - If you and the person Free - the person who committed
decide to talk about the situation,
the offense against you and freed
listen to them and decide to
yourself from the situation by
understand and share their feelings.
mentally acknowledging the issue
Frequently, miscommunication,
but then decide to let it go so that
misunderstanding, and poor
you may heal.
decision-making are what creates an offensive situation. Being empathetic
Overlook - Make a decision to notice
may allow healing to occur as well
the thoughts that come to mind
as mend a relationship before it gets
when you reflect on the situation.
When the bad memories resurface, don't focus on the negative emotions
that get triggered. Instead, choose to
focus on the decision you've made to There is a misunderstanding regarding
let it go.
forgiveness that I want to address. Release - Choose to release the
It's the notion that if you've forgiven
someone, that they should be allowed to continue to occupy space in your
Gift grace - Even though it's not
life as if nothing has happened. In my
deserved, give the gift of grace to the
opinion, you get to make that decision
person or situation that caused you
and not the offender. Typically, nothing
harm. Grace is a decision to extend
in nature intentionally puts itself in
goodwill. It's about honoring your
harm's way. Instinctively we avoid
choice to heal rather than thinking
harmful things at all costs to preserve
OM TIMES | November 2021
our quality of life. When someone
serving. Given that we can't honestly
hurts you, they may apologize and
know what's in a person's heart, I
ask for forgiveness; however, we don't
believe we must protect ourselves
know if they are genuine.
and others from those who continue to choose toxic behavior rather than
There have been many times in
genuinely changing their character.
my life where I forgave someone, allowed them back into my life, and
Boundaries act as a protective shield
repeatedly hurt me. They may have
that keeps us from harm. Healthy
had the best intentions, but they still
boundaries are a means by which
chose to do something they knew
we can protect ourselves from
would cause me pain. Usually, people
harmful people and situations while
who operate this way have a habit
maintaining our ability to walk in
of taking advantage of good people,
forgiveness. Apologies and corrected
and their motives are selfish and self-
action are definitely ways in which the
OM TIMES | November 2021
process of forgiveness can be made
in their lives that will make it easy to
easier. However, you may still need to
consider if they are worthy of your
consider if the person who committed
company. Love yourself and let go!
the offense should be allowed back into your life or on the same level as
Melvin D Nix is a spiritual teacher,
they were before the situation that
author, and motivational speaker.
created the offense.
He currently hosts a weekly broadcast called "Putting On The
Always remember forgiveness
Pneu You" (pronounced New You),
doesn't give a person a license to
where he teaches how to apply
continue bad behavior. Those who
universal spiritual concepts and
genuinely love and respect you will
principles in an easy-to-understand
always prioritize considering you,
format so that anyone can apply
your boundaries, and making a
them and see tangible results in
conscientious effort to make a change
their daily lives. pneuyou.com
OM TIMES | November 2021
Relax… Let your worries drift away into the moment… OMTimes is a free publication and can be delivered right to your inbox… Subscribe at: Free OMTimes Subscription Visit our website at: www.omtimes.com
OMTimes Magazine
OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
Feng Shui and The Divination Arts
by Kartar Diamond
any people are now
other regarding how we organize the
familiar with at least
information and interpret it.
the concept that Feng Shui is studying how
For example, in Chinese Face Reading,
we are influenced by our natural and
we can look at the face like a map,
man-made environment. There are
where the chin represents North
also complementary fields in Chinese
and the forehead South. Like a floor
metaphysics that borrow from each
plan, your right cheek area would be
OM TIMES | November 2021
associated with East, and your left
what was going on emotionally with
check would be West. In Feng Shui
this popular actor.
theory, each direction is associated with certain parts of the body. The
In Chinese Palm Reading, we can
North direction is related to the
also look at the palm of the hand
kidneys and the water element. So,
like a floor plan, where markings in
suppose a person had something
certain directions may yield some vital
wrong (visually, structurally) with
information about a consistent person
their chin area. In that case, we might
with some of the theories used in a
interpret in Chinese Face Reading that
Feng Shui analysis.
the person could have some kidney dysfunction or fluid-related problems.
In Chinese “4 Pillars” astrology,
Chinese Facing reading is quite
each person is a combination of
detailed. Every line and mole on the
elements (water, wood, fire, earth,
face can be significant. The location
metal): pairings assigned to the year,
can predict when a person might have
month, day and hour of birth. These
a health crisis or some other event
elements either nurture each other
in their life related to their personal
or they dominate each other. When
relationships or career.
one element dominates another in Feng Shui theory, we usually apply
I once attended a Face reading class
the reductive element to correct the
and pulled up a picture of Owen
imbalance and the predictable real
Wilson's actor on my lap top for the
life problem. For instance, if we have a
teacher to see. Owen Wilson has a very
combination of earth blocking water
unusual nose that is almost distracting
in the unseen influences of someone’s
for me when I see him on the big
house, this could cause kidney, blood
screen. Master Sang is not a big
or circulation problems. The reductive
follower of Western culture celebrities,
or remedying element would be to
so he did not know when he saw the
add literal metal to the area.
picture of Owen Wilson that he had been in the News right around that
In the personal astrology chart, we
time regarding a suicide attempt. And
can look at which “pillar” a domination
yet, Master Sang was able to tell at a
cycle exists to predict what kinds
glance in his Face Reading mastery
of problems or challenges a person
OM TIMES | November 2021
might have. The year of birth is related
pervades these systems. Yin Yang
to the grandparents. The month of
theory explores the influence of
birth can express the influence of the
opposites. It does also on extremes,
parents and the day of birth can relate
such as with a house being too dark
to the person and their spouse. Hour of
or too bright, too dry, or too damp,
birth is related to children and career.
too big or too small.
Suppose there is a domination of the elements symbolically in a person’s
In personal compatibility in
parent pillar. In that case, it could
relationships, we often look for an
even be interpreted which parent
ideal pairing of yin and yang, the old-
might have a dominating or harmful
age version of “you complete me.” In
relationship with the child.
Chinese medicine, we are noting the relationship of the internal organs as
In addition to these various systems all
representative of the elements and
using Five Element Theory and Eight
yin/yang features qualifying certain
Trigram theory, Yin Yang Theory also
health scenarios.
OM TIMES | November 2021
In the I-Ching (also written Yi
environment all have
Jing), we look at some very subtle
a relationship with each other and
interpretations of the symbolic
an influence on the individual as
Trigrams, paired up into Hexagrams.
well as the greater community,
We can interpret the readings
country and continent one
concerning many aspects of our
lives on. We can compare the
life and see another display of Five
microcosm about what we
Element Theory at work:
understand about our macrocosm. And the more one studies Chinese
The air you breathe, the food you
metaphysics, the more we can
eat, the thoughts you think, the
understand the complementary
meditation you practice, the way
relationship between science and
you make money.
The house you live in and
Feng Shui Solutions ® From the
the greater outside natural
Feng Shui Theory Series OM TIMES | November 2021
Shifting to Positive Perspective Learning how to shift to a positive perspective while enhancing our minds and bodies for better living. by Ginger McBride
OM TIMES | November 2021
e exist in a world
think positively but also acknowledge
where there always
when things need to be addressed
seems to be a
as well. Differentiating between the
new obstacle or
two is absolutely essential. Shifting
challenge set in our path. While it
our perspective positively should
most certainly is easier to be upset
enhance our overall well-being.
or frustrated, we must rise to the
Thinking positively may have certain
challenge and shift our perspective
health benefits. Negative emotions
instead. We know this isn't a small
can stress our immune system, and
task to ask of ourselves. We know it's
in doing so, can make our bodies
going to take time and dedication.
fight harder than they need to. If
We also know things worth fighting
we think more positively, we may
for tend to be worth it in the end.
see a decrease in our inflammatory
Perspective is everything. Perspective
responses. We could even think
is the key!
clearly and strive for our long-term goals instead of our short ones.
The truth is we can view the truth in
Showing kindness and affection can
both positive and negative light. We
also be linked to oxytocin, also known
have the power to choose which way
as the cuddle hormone.
we shall see things in. Are we a glasshalf-full or half-empty kind of person?
There are simple ways we can begin
Whichever we choose to focus on will
shifting. Starting our day with a
only get bigger in return. Let's choose
positive outlook is important. It sets
to focus on the light. There is always
a precedent for the rest of the day.
a silver lining in every situation. Even
We should start with gratitude from
if we have to really look at certain
the first moment we wake up. Be
times. By doing this, we are training
grateful that we have an opportunity
our minds to view the best. It is
for another day. Try to include things
like learning to tie our shoes. One
in our day that brings us joy and
moment we are concentrating, and
inspiration. We must try to smile
the next, it is second nature.
and laugh when we can. There are outlets out there when we need
We've heard time and time again to
to find inspiration in a challenging
be positive. It is important to both
moment. Choose to see the silver
OM TIMES | November 2021
lining in those times that challenge
compassionate to ourselves. Find
us. Tell our agitations and anxiety
time in the day to practice self-
that we don't have time for them. We
care. Trying to pour from an empty
only have time to be happy. Begin
cup just isn't good for our minds
accepting that life is uncontrollable.
or bodies. Last but not least, make
Just because something went wrong
sure we sleep well at night. It is
doesn't make it our fault. Doesn't
hard to start a joyous day on a bad
make us less of a person in any way.
night's rest.
Focus on the solution instead of the problem. Be compassionate to others,
When we shift our perspective to
but also we must remember to be
a world of positivity rather than
OM TIMES | November 2021
one of negativity, our minds begin
tools at our disposal to help us on
to change. What once seemed like
this mission if we only seek them out
a daunting task has become second
when we need to!
nature to us. We have learned that it really is our choice. A choice that
Ginger McBride is a certified
we have to keep choosing every day
health coach, wellness expert,
until it becomes a new normal. By
and entrepreneur. She is
shifting our perspective into a new
passionate about helping others
light, we can enhance our minds
with their health, inspiring them
and bodies and begin to feel lighter,
to reach their goals through
healthier, and happier. We have many
motivation and education!
OM TIMES | November 2021
What if We Could Make Parenting Easier?
by Crystal Presence
bout Parenting: Ready or
teach ourselves! What if we could
not, our kids are going to
parent from a different perspective?
change our lives A LOT!
What if we knew that we already
As we strive to guide and
have all we need to be good parents?
teach our kids the best we can, we
Tips on making parenting more
focus on our own need to guide and
manageable and more enjoyable.
OM TIMES | November 2021
"When you get really clear and honest
parenting is as likely as predicting
with yourself about what you want,
the course of a hurricane." Science is
everything in the universe conspires
confirming that parenting is not the
with you to help you get it. There is a
leading force in shaping who our kids
catch. You are going to have to let it
become. As we change our thinking,
be easier than you think, faster than
we acknowledge that every child
that you expect, and more fun than
in the world is different. They each
you can imagine." Michael Neill
have their own innate abilities and paths to find their way, discovering
As we welcome children into the
who they are and what they want in
world, we stand in awe of the journey
their lives. We can support our kids
we embark on. Ready or not, these
by stopping any judging or shaming
kids will change our lives A LOT! As
of ourselves for not controlling their
we strive to guide and teach our kids
lives. We definitely influence our
the best we can, we bring to focus
kids while letting go of being the
our own need to guide and teach
most significant force in the process.
ourselves! If we look outside to find
Having this understanding makes our
our way, we often find ourselves
journey of parenthood a lot easier and
confused, stressed, and tired of
supports our kids in feeling free to be
trying to live up to how we think we
who they are!
"should be" parenting our kids. What if we could parent from a different
We can support ourselves in making
perspective? What if we knew that
parenting more accessible and more
we already have all we need to be
enjoyable when we…
good parents? What if we could make parenting easier than most people
Ask the question, "What is the nature
of experiencing the most beneficial, loving, nurturing, and empowering
Yoko Munakata, professor of
journey of parenting our kids?"
developmental psychology and neuroscience, tells a new story about
Embrace the science showing that
parents' role in their children's future.
we are all one and connected with
One of her comments is, "predicting
the same loving source and universal
how our kids turn out based on our
intelligence. As paradigm-shifting is
OM TIMES | November 2021
changing our lives, we become more
universal intelligence that created
aware of the co-creative interplay
us! Does it make sense to us that
we have with our source and its
they still had access to that same
universal intelligence. We expand
intelligence and guidance when
our consciousness as we discover
they emerged into the world? Does
better ways of using our thinking
it also make sense that, we too, still
and feeling. As we fully grasp the
have the same universal intelligence
ramification, we wake ourselves up to
and guidance available to us?
making the journey of parenthood life
What if we relax into knowing that
easier and more enjoyable.
we both have access to that same intelligence and guidance?
Acknowledge that our children's bodies and souls have been shaped
Look inside to find the answers that
and guided by the same source and
we need. Instead of looking outside
OM TIMES | November 2021
for techniques, opinions, and rules
says, "parenting this way makes
on the "right way" to parent, we
parenting a true pleasure instead
can draw from what we already
of a battle."
have inside of us. We can explore, discover and experience what it
Move! Movement is a fun and
means to guide our kids from our
important part of our lives. Breathe,
inside out. Understanding that we
dance, walk, swim, express, shake
have all the guidance we need,
and vibrate! Breathe, allow oxygen
we can trust ourselves to grow
to flow through our veins, and
loving, trusting, and harmonious
release where we have been
connections with our kids. We
holding back. The movement
make our lives (and theirs!) so much
opens us up to shift our energy,
easier. As Jack Pransky, well-known
creating uplifting moods that kids
author of Parenting from the Heart,
love…and want to join in with!
OM TIMES | November 2021
OM TIMES | November 2021
Appreciate our miraculous ability to
Schaef, author of "When Society
experience that we exist, the ability
Becomes an Addict," reminds us
to taste, see, hear, touch and feel.
that "not only does our society
The gift of intuition and guidance
invite addiction, it requires
supports us in staying on track. Also,
addiction to tolerate the society
alerting us when we start veering
we have created." Change happens
off. The gift of knowing when our
in miraculous ways if we let it.
channels are open, receiving, and
We sometimes become part of
enjoying our lives. Letting us know
the problem with all our good
when we are stagnant, stuck, and
intentions, engaging in our old
in need of an auto-correction back
controlling and addictive ways of
to our innate sense of wellness, love,
thinking, feeling, and behaving.
creativity, and ease. The gift of being
What if we get honest with
able to experience who we truly are
ourselves and listen to the voice
and the unlimited possibilities that
inside that is telling us that we
are always available to us and our kids.
are lying to ourselves as a way to tolerate our lives, control our kids
Notice and embrace our ways of
and keep up with cultural ways of
thinking. Explore and discover the
dealing with our feelings of stress
true nature of our thinking. Are we
and powerlessness."
using our thinking for co-creating the experiences we want for ourselves and
Bring forth a new way of living.
our kids? Or are we filling our minds
Explore and discover new ways of
with cluttered thinking that draws us
living. Cultivate relationships and
into shallow breathing, contraction,
communities based on connection
stress, and uncomfortable moods.
and remembering that well-
What if we clear our minds of
being is not something we can
obsessive thinking? What if we open
get or lose, nor is it something
the space for having wonderful
that comes and goes. Create
insights, guidance, and lighthearted
compassionate space for ourselves
moods! We can do it!
and others to have fulfilling lives, knowing that all the support we
Withdraw from the need to control
need is always there. Guide and
ourselves and our kids. Ann Wilson
teach our kids in understanding
OM TIMES | November 2021
OM TIMES | November 2021
the nature of their innate creativity,
are not far behind. Remember that
wellness, and ability to bring forth
movement and compassion make
new possibilities…focusing on their
the process go faster!
strengths and what they love to do. Bring understanding to them that
"Our consciousness is
they are never alone and always
always making new forms of
have access to love and guidance.
manifestation. As one sensation
Enhance their understanding with
and manifestation leaves, a new
experiences such as pointing out
one arises."- Steven Handel.
that the sun is always there for us day and night…and when the
Crystal is an author,
clouds pass by, and the morning
multidimensional coach, and
comes… they see that the sun is
facilitator for the live event called
always there for them…just as their
Freedom at the Core. She is the
source. Is always there! We can
instructor and coach for her online
point out how the cuts and scrapes
course, Freedom from the Inside
they clean and put band-aids on
Out. She draws from her own
miraculously heal. How seeds turn
experience and the experience
into flowers, eggs into birds, and all
of the thousands of people she
the other amazing creations that
has worked with over the past
life keeps giving us.
35 years. Crystal is known for the fun and empowering way
Embrace our journey of parenthood
she supports people in bringing
with all its highs, lows, and
forth the experiences they want
everything between. Release
in their lives. Currently, she is
ourselves from the thinking that
coaching parents and kids while
our experiences with our kids are
writing a series of children's books
either good, bad, right, or wrong.
that embrace the principles of
Embrace our experiences, knowing
Freedom at the Core/Freedom
that some feel good…and some may
From the Inside Out.
be laden with misunderstanding, frustration, and chaos! Let these
experiences pass by, knowing that better ideas and experiences
OM TIMES | November 2021
Rainbow Children and The Empathic Revolution
By Humanity Healing
ainbow children are
Our world is now blessed with
sensitive and highly
rainbow children, children, teenagers,
intuitive children. A
youth, and adults, intuitively talented
rainbow child is an
and extremely loving individuals.
individual who is born with infinite wisdom and the ability to change
Our ancestors have long waited in
the world around them. They bring
the world for these children called
the world the gifts of infinite love,
rainbows. They have the ability to cross
compassion, tolerance, and patience.
the shadow of the world and dispel it
OM TIMES | November 2021
through their presence, brightness
One can achieve this transformation
and joy. Unlike indigo children, they
through becoming adaptable,
do not absorb negativity or carry
accepting, becoming extremely
inadequacy and lack of belonging.
affectionate, remembering, and
They are souls devoid of heavy Karma
calling into existence (with the
but full of compassion.
memories of other times) and places the skills they already have.
They are called Rainbow children because they come to many races, different walks of life and help shift consciousness.
EMPATHY, SENSITIVITY AND HEALING POWERS Usually, rainbow children have gifts of
A rainbow child has an extraordinary "knowledge" of right and wrong and
healing and mediumistic sensitivity that are much more developed than
how to change and transform energy.
average and a deep connection with
they are people with the natural
nature and animals precisely because condition to exchange energies with the environment. They bring
An indigo child is a child who ushered
with them records of wisdom and
in a new era and, although he has
knowledge of healing therapies.
an extraordinary intuition, and this is wonderful, he can be influenced by
Every human being is born with
the negativity around him. In contrast,
empathic abilities (feeling), capturing
a rainbow child changes the energy
in his subconscious human thoughts
around them to meet the greatest
and feelings of others since the
needs of humanity.
beginning of his life.
Indigo children are evolving to
The rainbow colors are associated
become rainbow children. With
with smiles and happiness because
practice and using their intuition,
the human body is designed to
adults can also become rainbow
absorb and assimilate the energy of
humans by transforming themselves
the rainbow through sunlight. We
have a rainbow within each of us, OM TIMES | November 2021
the chakras, which are our natural
on Earth. As rainbow children mature
connection to the Divine Light and
and populate the planet, we live a
the physical light of the Sun. With a
time of great peace, cooperation,
sufficient and balanced absorption
and healing, where the Earth will be
of rainbow light, we feel much
enveloped again by rainbow energy.
happier and more alive at every single moment of our existence. Rainbow children have a completely open heart, love unconditionally, and heal with their immense heart chakras, enveloping everyone with their blankets of rainbow energy that
THE CRYSTAL AND INDIGO CHILDREN Have you ever heard of indigo and crystal children? If your answer is "no," then know that this topic can be exciting and even a wake-up
the world so desperately needs.
call. Firstly, indigo children were the
They are angels on Earth. We are
1970s. It doesn't mean we didn't have
first to arrive in groups around the
heading towards fascinating times OM TIMES | November 2021
indigo souls before, but we speak as a
Indigos were named in this way
collective arrival.
because of their indigo-blue auras. They are considered rebellious,
At that time, many psychologists and
intelligent, hyperactive, and artistic.
psychotherapists observed the arrival
They are often the most complicated
of a large number of peculiar children.
children in the eyes of their parents,
Then, around the 1980s, some crystal
the ones who question most of all.
children began to reincarnate. But it was certainly around the year 2000
But something spiritually great is
that they started to arrive in large
behind all these characteristics. The
Indigos came to help the planet to
go through a significant phase of atonements and trials.
The indigo and crystal children came
They arrived to bring about the
to our planet with a great purpose.
spiritual revolution and to lead the
OM TIMES | November 2021
planet to energy regeneration, which
and spiritual wisdom. They feel
the crystals have as their purpose.
uncomfortable with pollution, lack of empathy, and malice.
On the other hand, crystal children are those who have bright white
As stated before, they are
auras. They are mighty, have
responsible for changing the
telepathic capacity, and, therefore,
planet's energy vibration. Therefore,
begin to speak later than other
its mission is to assist in energy
children. The world of crystal children
regeneration to put love and
is more straightforward, full of love
kindness in their intended power.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Indigo and crystal children are often
propose the solution upon research.
those with attention deficit and
With that, the world only manages
anxiety, according to traditional
to get better and better.
medicine diagnoses. Because of this, many of them are or have been medicated to treat these diseases. However, nothing changes, as these characteristics are in their cosmic DNA and have nothing to do with
THE IDEAL WORLD OF INDIGOS AND CRYSTALS These souls have already come free because they have become much
these diseases.
more evolved than the others.
children to feel entirely at ease, their
Therefore, for indigo and crystal world must be filled with freedom as well.
For indigo and crystal children, the ideal world is full of freedom and love.
The fresh air and the morning sun's
Both have very similar feelings and
rays bring happiness, creativity
wants. These wills change the world,
gives strength to the construction
and they have them unconsciously,
of a better world, etc. For them,
which is why they work so well.
everything is quite simple and easy. Just ask a crystal what he thinks of
The indigo's questions are healthy and
animals to understand how his mind
go hand in hand with the answers
is full of love and empathy.
that the small crystals already have inside them. The revolt that exists
Just ask an indigo child what
within the indigo is ended with the
he thinks of the world, and then
attitude of the crystals since they are
you will see how intelligent and
souls who understand the anger of
revolutionary their vision is. Finally,
the indigo.
indigo and crystal children are what we call revolutionaries through
That is why the alliance between
wisdom and love. They are really
indigo and crystal children is what
the manifestation of peace and
tends to change the world. Indigos
goodness, even if they have to fight
perform the analysis, and the crystals
against the whole system.
OM TIMES | November 2021
The Mystical Significance of the Peacock
OM TIMES | November 2021
ho has never caught
In India, the peacock was once
himself admiring
considered a sacred animal, with
the beauty of the
death punishment for anyone who
peacock? They
killed one of them.
are beautiful, especially when a male shows off its vast, colorful, and
In Tibetan Buddhism, the peacock
extravagant tail. We marvel at the
symbolizes the bodhisattva, one
magnificence of the peacock.
that transcends emotional poisons such as anger, jealousy, envy,
We also know that many animals
and can live among "ordinary
carry spiritual energy and have a
people" and help them achieve
divine meaning that guides their
enlightenment. The peacock
existence. And when it comes to the
symbolizes purity of life and good
peacock, we are facing the Bird of
luck, and its feathers represent the
Paradise, the "one hundred eyes"
purification of the soul in Buddhist
animal, a symbol of God's vision.
religious ceremonies.
In China and Vietnam, the peacock is a sign of fertility, abundance, and
During the winter, every year, the
prosperity. Chinese people believed
feathers of this majestic bird fall
that the look of the peacock could
so that new ones are born during
even make a woman pregnant.
the spring. That is why the peacock has become a spiritual symbol
For a strand of Islam, the peacock
of Renewal and rebirth for many
is the first image that the Light
cultures, which attributed very high
manifested in the Self sees when
meanings to the peacock transmits'
looking in the mirror. The peacock's
tail also has special attention: they represent the spiritual virtues
In the past, it was believed that the
radiated by the Eye of the Heart.
peacock was immune to poisonous
For a strand of Islam, the peacock
plants and animals, transforming
is the first image that the Light
the toxins it ingests into the radiant
manifested in the Self sees when
colors of its feathers.
looking in the mirror. OM TIMES | November 2021
In this sense, we see a relationship
represents the stars and the universe,
with theosophical thinking, which
and its six-pointed star-like crown
considers the peacock to be a symbol
symbolizes its magnitude and power.
of intelligence, the bird of wisdom,
It is a symbol of eternity, immortality,
and occult knowledge. The "eye" of
and wholeness.
the peacock feather is also associated with the pineal gland, making it a sacred spiritual symbol related to
mediumship. Melek Taus also spelled Malik Tous, For Christians, the pattern of the
translated in English as Peacock
peacock's tails has acquired a
Angel, is one of the central figures of
meaning of omniscience, the all-
the Yazidi religion. In Yazidi creation
seeing God. The design of its tail
stories, God created the world and
OM TIMES | November 2021
entrusted it to the care of seven
with Jibrail (Gabriel). In one Arabic
Holy Beings, often known as Angels
manuscript, the name "Jabrail" is
or heft sirr ('the Seven Mysteries'),
used in secondary reading instead
preeminent of which is Tawûsê
of "Melek Taus."The title "peacock of
Melek, the Peacock Angel.
paradise" was also applied to Gabriel among Islamic traditions.
The Yazidi consider Tawûsê Melek an emanation of God and a good,
benevolent angel and leader of the archangels, who was entrusted
In Greek mythology, the peacock
to take care of the world after
is also present. According to the
he passed a test and created
literature, Zeus, father of the gods
the cosmos from the Cosmic
and leading authority of the Greek
egg. Yazidis identify Melek Taus
religion, was married to Hera but
OM TIMES | November 2021
decided to meet the nymph, Lo. Hera,
one hundred eyes, to watch over
following an intuition, followed Zeus
and always watch the heifer. Even
and was about to confront him when
asleep, he watched over her with half
the deity perceives and transforms
his eyes open, keeping the heifer
the nymph into a heifer, a young
cow. Suspecting that she was being deceived, Hera asked Zeus to give her
When Zeus heard of the situation in
the heifer as a gift and, in order not to
which the nymph Lo found himself,
generate suspicion, he followed her
he called Hermes and asked him to
request and presented his wife with a
release her. Following Zeus' orders,
nymph transformed into a heifer.
Hermes then goes to the place where the nymph was imprisoned and,
Hera then commissioned his
playing a melody, causes Argos to fall
faithful servant Argos, a giant with
asleep entirely and close all his eyes.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Hermes frees the young woman but
Having at home as a decoration, the
kills Argos while he slept. Hera is
peacock can bring great energy to
immensely saddened by the loss of
your home and you!
her servant, and, to eternalize him, she gathers all eyes and places them
In esoteric terms, the image of
on the tail of her sacred peacock.
the peacock invokes protection, courage, and good luck. The change
in the feathers of the peacock's tail shows us the capacity to transmute our energy, as it teaches that it is
With all this energy of Light projected
necessary to change the vision to
on the peacock, the image of this
transform and leave the density to
animal or even statues and paintings
reach the elevation. It also teaches
convey part of this spiritual greatness.
us to realize that there are times
OM TIMES | November 2021
OM TIMES | November 2021
when we need to expand, spread
its tail represents the stars and
the tail, and shine, presenting the
the universe, and its six-pointed
world with our best parts.
star-like crown symbolizes its magnitude and power. It is a
The peacock is also considered a
symbol of eternity, immortality, and
symbol of beauty, prosperity, royalty,
love, compassion, soul, and peace. They say that finding a peacock feather brings good luck, harmony,
serenity, and peace of mind. If one crosses your path, don't miss this
The peacock represents wisdom
opportunity and take it with you!
and hidden knowledge, according to Helena Blavatsky's Glossary. The
"You are a living magnet: you
"eyes" of the peacock's feathers are
attract people, situations, and
considered a symbol of intuition
circumstances into your life that
and extrasensory abilities.
are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. Anything you focus on at
White Peacock: Symbolizes peace,
a conscious level manifests itself in
neutrality, generosity, and purity.
your experience."
The Order of the White Peacock
Brian Tracy
is an ancient order of shamans, represented by the planet Venus.
To work the energy of the peacock in your home, just have a painting,
In the past, white peacocks were
a printed fabric, a pillow. In short,
used to represent Jesus Christ.
any image of the peacock will
This is because the peacock is
always help you channel that energy
considered a symbol of death,
and make your home even more
resurrection, and longevity of life,
concepts that are directly linked to Christ. The bird also refers to
For Christians, the pattern of
attributes of Christ, such as royalty,
the peacock's tails has acquired
glory, and purity of heart. Its white
a meaning of omniscience, the
color represents the energy of the
all-seeing God. The design of
holy spirit.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Healing Vibrations of Snow by Jill Mattson
deep layer of snow —
Perfect snowflakes are energetic
blankets placed on a
vibrations converted into
pristine winter woods
substance — energy is frozen into
landscape — what
matter — crystallized pure water.
a favorite scene for us all this time of
Energy turns into matter and vice
year. A beautiful and serene wonder
versa in the continuous dance of this
of nature occurs when colorless
universe surrounding us. We have a
water paints the world white with the
vibratory nature as divine beings. We
magical frosting of the first snowfall.
are composed of energy and matter;
We have an innate attraction to such
our energetic components include
natural beauty — giving us peace,
chemical, biochemical, and electrical
security, and joy.
energies, which are well understood. OM TIMES | November 2021
Our spiritual and psychic natures
feelings, thoughts, and music that are
are driven by subtle energy, which
part of us and our world.
remains more elusive. Subtle energy affects our being on all levels.
Dr. Emoto found that water can express itself in an unlimited number
Of course, we know that there is more
of ways. His experiments exposed
to reality, to the infinite Cosmos, than
crystallizing water to beautiful
we can perceive directly. We accept
music — dramatically affecting
this because we have been warned
the crystals that were formed.
since childhood that there is "more
Classical music strongly enhances
to it than you can see"; however, we
snowflakes — or water crystals:
are too rooted to the physical, the
forming delicate crystals with Mozart,
material — to things that we can see
distinct geometries with Beethoven,
with our own eyes... we rely too much
and elegant details with Chopin... it
on our sense of sight. In this spiritual
is as if snow "feels" invisible musical
season — get beyond the physical —
vibrations — and is sculpted by them.
extend your consciousness & your view of the universe. Think of the
Even emotions and positive (or
simple snowflake. At first glance, it is
negative) thoughts can influence
a fluffy white dot, but the snowflake
water crystals per the work of
is a beautiful geometric ornament
Emoto. Positive emotions and words
on closer observation. You may not
corresponded to beautiful symmetrical
have heard that beautiful music or
crystals; negative thoughts produced
strong emotions can affect freezing
malformed, disjointed snowflakes. It is
snow crystals. These phenomena
as if your intentions take physical form
are reflected in the work of Masaru
as they influence the freezing water.
Emoto (The Hidden Messages in
Tap water tainted with chlorine and
Water). Emoto found that the crystal
other waters, polluted with chemical
structure formed when water droplets
contaminants OR with negativity and
freeze could be significantly affected
hate, produced deformed, fragmented
by exposing the water to vibrational
crystals. These shapes are in stark
energy — in the form of music and
contrast to the elegant, symmetrical
emotions. In their nearly infinite
shapes from pure waters and pure
variety, snowflakes reflect the endless
OM TIMES | November 2021
We cannot see the sound vibrations
require water — are made from
or detect the emotional energies, but
water. Our bodies consist of about
they are as natural as the snowflakes
70% water... the first compound
shaped by their influences. Each
searched for on other planets
snowflake is nature's artwork,
for supporting life is water. Mars
displaying a perfect crystalline
excites scientists because water has
shape bound with heavenly music.
been discovered there.
Obviously, a pristine winter scene looks so pure and healthy; harmony
A logical extension of Emoto's work
and resonance from perfect snow
is that a healthy body is reinforced
crystals transform the landscape and
by positive emotions, natural
bathe everything in joyful energy.
beauty, and harmonious music. The beautiful, symmetrical ice crystals
Water is THE element of life! All
formed in these positive influences
living things from the highest (Man)
are clear indicators of strength,
to the lowliest microorganisms
beauty, and health. Better wellness
OM TIMES | November 2021
is possible through vibrational
Jenny systematically investigated
energy. When young children are
the ability of sound vibrations to
presented with scenes of natural
influence and shape fine particles of
beauty and perfect snowflake crystals
matter. Jenny's Cymatics, the science
versus congested urban scenes and
of wave phenomena and vibration,
deformed crystals, they unanimously
demonstrates the vibratory nature
prefer the former scenes.
of matter and the transformational nature of sound. It is cutting-edge
Another well-studied example of
sound science, and its implications
vibration shaping matter comes
are enormous!
from the field of Cymatics. The term (Kymatiks in German) was adapted
Jenny used a wide variety of sounds
from the Greek word Kymatika (matter
to vibrate a metal plate with a thin
pertaining to waves) in the 1960s by
layer of sand or other fine particles.
Swiss medical doctor and natural
Jenny was able to produce a vast
scientist Hans Jenny (1904-1972).
variety of images in the sand. Shapes
OM TIMES | November 2021
from geometrical patterns to living
of the vibratory forces that control
biological forms were created by
our universe on the grandest scale
varying the conditions. Sound
is seen in the origins and destinies
vibrations excited inert masses of sand
of stars and galaxies; tiny ripples
and water into dynamic forms — some
of gravitational energy from the
that replicated living organisms. As
starting nucleus for star creation.
with Emoto's water crystals, we can
Subtle energies — revealed to us
directly perceive the hidden vibrational
individually in defining the shape of
mechanisms that animate our world.
a snowflake — show us the divine in
Solid evidence of the unseen aspects
the everyday world.
of the world at work. Harmony is a state of bliss, AND The concept of vibration-changing
it also is the perfect interplay of
matter-energy defining reality —
vibrations — from a violin or in the
occurs on every level. A manifestation
deepest workings of subatomic
OM TIMES | November 2021
particles. Current scientific thought
of a song and in a snowflake. The
suggests that the material world
universe is one of matter and energy —
is held together by harmony or
inseparable, indivisible, ONE. Nurture
resonance — that mysterious force
and strengthen your spirit. Believe.
determines how subatomic particles relate and bond with one another and
Jill Mattson is a three-time author
controls how oscillations of galactic
and widely recognized expert and
gravitational fields interact. These
composer in the emerging field
very same invisible forces rule in
of Sound Healing! Jill lectures
our subjective worlds, as the music
throughout the United States
changes our moods and dispositions.
on "Ancient Sounds ~ Modern
Once we truly understand these
Healing" — taking followers on
elemental energies, we can apply
an exciting journey revealing the
them to every aspect of our lives —
Healing Power of Vibratory Energy.
elevating our existence.
She unveils secrets from ancient cultures and the latest findings of
Just as no two snowflakes are exactly
the modern scientific community
alike, no two people's energies are
showing the incredible power and
identical. Their beauty is in their
healing capabilities of sound.
variety and endless expressions. Sound vibration influences matter;
Mattson infuses ancient mystical
a microcosm of the universe's vast
techniques — with profound
oneness of matter & energy is the
growth and enlightenment — in
freezing of water into an infinite number
her original music CDs. The CDs
of snowflakes. Energy affects matter...
combine intricate Sound Healing
amazingly subtle, targeted, precise
techniques with intriguing,
energy packets can tune our bodies,
magical tracks that offer deep
grow our minds, harmonize our souls
healing possibilities.
and make perfect beauty in nature. Please visit her websites where you Enjoy the blessed holiday season and
can learn more about her work.
get past the material. Remember
your Holistic nature — you have a
divine element. Enjoy the blessings
OM TIMES | November 2021
Are You Ready to Discover Your Soul Purpose? By John Holland
OM TIMES | November 2021
o you have moments
led to make choices that are more in
when you feel
alignment with your soul.
disconnected from your Look for clues in your life of how your
true purpose?
true purpose is trying to reveal itself
Do you sometimes wonder exactly
to you. Start by asking yourself the
what your purpose in life is all about?
following questions. Jot down your thoughts in your journal.
We've all had that nagging feeling when you know it's time to make a
What do you enjoy doing so much
change and take a new direction in
now that you lose all track of time?
your life. You may have a vague sense
Who inspires you most? What
of what your true path might look like.
qualities do they have that you dream
But if you have no clue at all, that's
of having?
okay. Just follow your intuition. If you could wake up tomorrow with As young children, we tend to express
the ability to do or be anything you
our true nature and are quickly drawn
desire, what would it be?
to what we feel is intrinsically suitable. But as we grow up, life circumstances and expectations of well-meaning loved ones and society as a whole
steer us to what is considered more
Are some of you thinking about
practical and acceptable. No wonder
pursuing a career as a medium? I
we feel such a sense of disconnection
must warn you that this extraordinary
and start questioning our life direction!
life could come with its occupational hazards. People will definitely look
Your life purpose doesn't necessarily
at you a little differently than if you
have to be your regular job or even
worked in any other profession.
something you're paid to do. You'll start feeling it deep in your soul when
I remember when I was doing a
your path is right for you. You'll begin
workshop some years ago in Andover,
to sense a deeper connection with
Massachusetts. As I walked into the
others and become more intuitively
venue, I noticed two lovely, elderly
OM TIMES | November 2021
ladies standing in front of one of the
Sometimes my family and close friends
event billboards looking at my portrait. I
get a little jumpy when I'm around.
felt pretty flattered. At least until I heard
Typically when someone leaves the
the woman say, "Well, he looks normal!"
house, wouldn't you say, "I love you. Stay safe and drive carefully"? But
People do get a little nervous when
when I say it, I get a very different
they meet me and hear that I'm a
reaction. "Why are you telling me to
psychic medium. I'm not sure what a
drive carefully, John!? Are you picking
medium is supposed to look like, but
up something?" Or I'll call one of my
I guess they expect me to be carrying
friends and say, "How are you?" And
a crystal ball or looking a bit more
they'll sound startled and tell: "Why!?
Are you psychically feeling something?" OM TIMES | November 2021
Okay, I'm really joking around
door to your soul and boundless
with you. I love my life as a psychic
medium, and I especially love the part where I get to teach what I've
You may not find the answers
learned about intuition and the soul
overnight, but they will come. Take
and interact with all of you. I have
on the mindset of an adventurer
the most fun sharing stories with
and an explorer. Be open to the
you and helping you to uncover
clues that your soul will place in
all the intuitive tools and abilities
front of you. Discovering your life
you have within you. That's my
purpose is more about the journey
favorite part, in fact. Teaching you
rather than the final destination.
what I know, so you can go out into
Enjoy every precious moment!
the world and share your intuitive abilities with others.
Keep taking good care of yourself, checking in to make sure your
There's nothing to be nervous
body, mind, and soul are getting
about when you're around psychic
everything they need. Keep raising
mediums like me. I've been
your energy by listening to those
doing this work for more than
nudges and those messages that
two decades, and I'm learning
your soul—your true self—is giving
something new every day. I'm just
you daily.
like you, really. I was born intuitive. As a matter of fact, that's the title
Your intuition and mediumship, and
of my first book that I wrote back
inner guidance system will present
in 2003: Born Knowing. Here's what
itself in its own way and in its own
you may not know. We were all born
knowing and intuitive. Be patient, be aware and be ready JOHN'S MESSAGE
for a fantastic ride!
When you let yourself visualize
If you know someone who may like
your ideal life without boundaries
to get this message, please share
and without the fear of criticism or
this Soul inspiration or recommend
judgment, you'll be able to open the
they join my newsletter list.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Personal Growth & Development
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
The Enduring Power of Cultivating Tolerance
By Humanity Healing
he crazy world we live in
was first printed in a monthly
sometimes asks us more
bulletin of the Federal Council
than we are prepared to
of Churches and has become
give. Our main challenge is
enormously popular. It has been
to become flexible and malleable.
circulated in millions of copies. Reinhold Niebuhr
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be
Therefore, it has nothing to do
changed, courage to change the
with submission, not even with a
things which should be changed,
state of indifference to the reality
and the wisdom to distinguish the
of things. In other words, to be
one from the other. This prayer
flexible, to be malleable is to calmly
OM TIMES | November 2021
deal with and accept situations that
If you can recognize these facts, you
we cannot change.
will understand that there needs to be an adaptation in any relationship,
With Yoga, we learn that our ability to
whether to a greater or lesser degree.
be flexible and to be able to adapt to different things with happiness is a
Sometimes we may not live up to the
positive and necessary attitude.
expectations that others have of us. Nor will others always be willing to
From this, we start to forget the idea
adapt to what we like or dislike?
that the world must give us what we want, and thus, we adapt to situations,
The biggest challenges in
to people, to the world as a whole, all
relationships will happen when what
without losing joy, contentment.
we don't like needs to be worked on.
If it is possible to put a distance between this aversion and you, or else, the issue will be resolved if you
When we cultivate this virtue, we
can change something about it.
achieve what would be essential for building healthy, peaceful, long-lasting
However, this is impossible to do
relationships that give us space for
most of the time. It is in this situation
mutual growth. However, to get to
that the attitude of cheerful tolerance
this point, we must first understand
must enter.
what this relationship is like. Because, understanding that we will hardly find
In other words, the solution is to
all the virtues we expect in one person,
accept the other as they are. Don't
after all, all people have many virtues
act like people or things need to
and many other defects. When we
change because that's how you
relate to them, they do not exist ways
want it.
to avoid these characteristics. After all, this is not the reality of life. It And it is also important to note that
is a fact: when we expect someone to
this thought is true for ourselves: no
change, that person may be having
one will accept 100% of what we are.
the same thoughts about us.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Perhaps the solution is to lower our expectations of the people around us.
We do spontaneously, as we do not
Although it can bother us as we walk
expect anything special from them,
down the street, it remains a blessing.
we will not be frustrated. After all, a winter without rain can This thought is true of us: no one will
mean a summer without water and
accept 100% of who we are.
even without electricity. Like the forces of nature, people also have elements that can mean attraction or rejection.
If we extend this attitude to everyone we relate to, then there will be no more disappointments.
It is not possible to understand the rain
They may surprise us, but they will
with something other than what it is
never disappoint us. However, it is
since that would be a foolish thought.
necessary to have people as they are,
Let us appreciate, then, the rain as
just as we can appreciate natural
a blessing, which brings us fertility
and life. In the same way, we must OM TIMES | November 2021
understand people and realize that
Such reactions are contrary to
small changes are complex, both for
wisdom, contrary to what would be
them and for us. There is no other
done if you were more serene.
option if you want to escape suffering: you have to accept people as they are.
Mechanical attitudes correspond to a lack of maturity, which when it
To be able to adapt, it is necessary to
takes over us and makes us forget
respond to the person, basically and
everything we have learned.
not his actions, understanding that every action has a reason. When you
Until you assimilate some values such
can understand this issue, you will also
as non-violence and decency, you
understand how to deal with sadness
should continue to be very careful
or even the fit of anger from someone
and observe yourself, your attitudes,
close to you.
and thoughts. Your "Internal Observer" will be a necessary tool to
Avoid a mechanical reaction to these
deliberately choose your mindsets,
situations. Try to consciously respond
actions, and words through peaceful
to the person you are in conflict
with. Keeping in mind that we are all identical, that we are all humans, and
In this contentment, compassion,
have emotions. In other words, learn
purity, forgiveness, and acceptance
how to respond and not react!
are present. Accepting everyone as they are, accepting ourselves as we
When you complete this
really are, taking things life present
understanding, you will remain calm,
to us as they are, avoiding any kind of
as conflict resolution involves this
lamentation, resentment, or guilt.
understanding and acceptance of the reasons that move each one of us. Use
When you come to this
your free will to learn to be tolerant
understanding, you will also come to
without losing your joy.
a deep reconciliation with the world and with yourself, expanding your
That is, take action after thinking about
heart in such a way that you can
them because mechanical responses
accept any circumstance, the way it
do not correspond to freedom.
presents itself.
OM TIMES | November 2021
Using Gratitude to Change your Life Gratitude as a Toll of Deep and Inner Transformation By Omtimes
f "thanking" was restricted
some of the most renowned leaders
to religious contexts before
in the world.
the act of " thanking, " this is no longer the case. Now it
The theme has come up strongly
has become a recurring theme
in recent years due to the influence
on social networks. We see it in
of Eastern cultures, such as the
articles, books, and on the advice of
teachings of Buddhism. It was clear
OM TIMES | November 2021
that the association of gratitude with
have in life. Thinking of good things
happiness also emerged from there.
reduces your level of anxiety.
The famous Indian guru Osho says that unhappiness is impossible with
2. Keep a gratitude journal - Make it a habit to reflect and write down
your reasons for being grateful. So, gratitude is a way to cultivate
Your perception regarding good
things and your well-being will be amplified.
And the true spirit of gratitude must not be related to what is happening
3. Thank yourself and celebrate
around us. Gratitude is more than a
your achievements - You really
feeling. It is an attitude. It is a Way of
deserve it! Don't minimize your
accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Invest time
Like any other decision, we can
to celebrate each one.
decide to be grateful. 4. Write thank you messages to Having gratitude is a posture that we
family and friends - Make it a habit
may or may not adopt.
to send a random thank you note (per day) to a person who supports
As the Greek philosopher Cicero once
you and is part of your inner circle.
said: "Gratitude is not only the greatest virtue but the mother of all others."
5. Control your tongue! Try to talk
Virtues can and should be cultivated,
about positive things - Avoid
and here I present to you how.
complaining so much. Try to shut up when you are angry or write
We have listed 11 ways to cultivate
down your feelings of frustration
gratitude in yourself and others
on a piece of paper and then
around you.
throw it away.
1. Take time daily to reflect on the
6. Try to quickly forgive those who
good things - Every morning, think
have offended you - We all offend
fondly of all that you are grateful to
and are habitually offended. Make
OM TIMES | November 2021
it a habit to daily forgive those who
(anonymously, if possible)
have offended you. Forgiveness is
regularly. You will be planting
a decision, not a feeling. You will
gratitude in someone's life. That is
release an incredible amount of
energy that has been holding you 9. Share with someone the reasons
you are grateful - Spread positivity 7. Publicly thank your colleagues
by sharing a specific example of
and your work team - In times of
something good for which you are
celebration, don't forget to publicly
grateful but beware of ostentation!
thank the colleagues who supported and helped you in your work.
10. Celebrate the success of others and help those in difficulty -
8. Make donations, give tips
The success and happiness of
and gifts regularly - Try to
the people around you should
cultivate generosity and donate
be cause for celebration. Think
OM TIMES | November 2021
abundance is contagious and avoid
ever stopped to notice, but the
envy. There are so many blessings
happier we are when we involve the
hidden in this attitude!
kindness of being grateful in life. Simple things, like the simple act of
11. In times of crisis, reread your gratitude diary - Everyone suffers
thanking and trusting, can change everything.
from bad times. Gratitude is a feeling! So, feel gratified by the challenges, as they will serve as a lesson and help you
Through the emotion it causes, we
grow. I hope these tips are helpful.
have that immense desire to thank
the other for what he has done to us. Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, we just thank you for
Having gratitude is an act that helps
knowing that it was necessary to
us a lot in life. I don't know if you
happen to us.
OM TIMES | November 2021
OM TIMES | November 2021
Of course, we never want to thank
about how many amazing things you
you for bad things, but sometimes,
have in life?
if the other person didn't act in a certain way, you wouldn't be where you are. However, gratitude is always linked to feelings of fidelity,
friendship, and love. Usually, it is an
How many good things have
action where nothing is expected in
happened to you, and you haven't
return and which does very well.
even thanked? The job that you lost
and soon after you got another one, the love that is gone but left many learnings, etc.
The feeling of gratitude works like a magnet, and everything we thank
There are many situations in which
returns to us purely and honestly.
we can and should be grateful.
So, it doesn't matter if someone hurt you badly. By thanking you for
Always remember that when we
learning from such a situation, you
practice gratitude, we understand
can only gain good things.
that life is full of happiness in simple things. And by doing that, the little
Through that feeling, we can achieve
things can become significant for us.
everything we desire. Thanking for the simple things moves us to a high
Gratitude as in Exercise
frequency. When love, gratitude,
of Transformation.
and happiness vibrate, the Universe faithfully accompanies us, giving us
Can gratitude transform our lives?
back everything we dream of.
Can we change through the practice of Ho'oponopono?
The simple act of giving thanks for the food on the table, for the bed
Some time ago, I read a testimonial
we have to sleep on, and for the
from an acquaintance who
love that surrounds us makes the
questioned the power of gratitude.
Universe give us even better things.
She reflected: to whom or what
So, have you ever stopped to think
should I be grateful if I am the one
OM TIMES | November 2021
OM TIMES | November 2021
which attracts me what I receive in my
Due to the memories, I share with
life? And I still wondered: should I be
my ancestors and the records stored
grateful to myself?
in my subconscious mind, I do not always believe that I am that Source
When using Ho'oponopono, we believe
of Love and that I can always access
that what happens outside of us is only
it and feel who I am (and that you
a reflection of what we have within
are also).
ourselves. Therefore, we are responsible for what we perceive and receive in life.
The exercise of gratitude helps us to achieve this access.
So, why should we be grateful if we are the ones who are "producing" our
Often, I walk through life without an
exact awareness of what I am doing and what is happening. When I feel
To answer that question, I can only
a little lost between an appointment,
speak through my experience and
bills to pay, an unexpected fever from
reflect on my life before and after,
one of my children, appointments,
including daily gratitude in my routine.
and deadlines, I take a deep breath. I thank the Universe for the
I believe that the reality I experience
opportunity to be experiencing that.
reflects what is in me and the memories I share with those around me and with
From my experience, I turn to
the rest of humanity. I also believe in a
different "beings" and "entities," like
Greater Force that I often call God.
my Guardian Angel and Archangels, but I especially thank God.
I believe that this Force is also a Source of Love and that, as I have, like all other
I am grateful for the challenges that I
human beings, a spark of that Force,
face and allow me to access what still
I also have a Source of Love, so I am
needs to be purified. I am grateful
also part of that Source.
for my achievements, gifts that arrive every day, even when I do not wait for
However, knowing this is different from
them, and I am incredibly grateful for
feeling it. I know what I am, but I often
the divine breath that I received and
doubt it.
that allows me to be here today. OM TIMES | November 2021
When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.
World Vision
Universal Individuals Arise!
by Barbara Ann Briggs
he world needs "universal
They don't consider the negative
individuals" who can think
consequences of their actions on
others. The world needs individuals committed to preventing injustice,
Universal individuals naturally pledge
exploitation, and inequality of
their allegiance to the whole world's
opportunities for any human being.
Such individuals are committed to supporting all human beings'
Already some multitudes work to
development irrespective of their race,
advance their own selfish interests.
religion, caste, or political affiliations.
OM TIMES | November 2021
There is an urgent need in the world
which separate human beings from
to expand our vision beyond the
each other. The differences between
narrow boundaries of nationalism
ideologies, cultures, and traditions
so that our individual interests
will not overshadow the awareness
encompass the whole world's
of the common bond shared by the
interests. It is time for us to recognize
whole world family. Such individuals
that the world is one interconnected
will comprehend the indissoluble link
global family. The latest scientific
between their individual progress and
experiments in quantum field theory
the progress of society, the nation,
confirm that the universe is one vast
and the world. Only such people will
interconnected web of pulsating
inspire a lasting transformation in
energy that is constantly being
the dangerous fragmented clash of
influenced by every thought, word,
cultures evident in the world today.
and action of everyone on this planet. The only solution is to work together Our thoughts and feelings are
toward a harmonious, peaceful world
continually sending out ripples into
in which every nation transmits a
the infinitely dynamic vibratory
nourishing influence to every other
ocean of existence. These individual
nation. We have to grow together
ripples oscillate in the scintillating
and prosper together by helping each
fabric of life and interact on a
other in an atmosphere of mutual
subtle level with all beings' lives
trust and benevolence. We can learn to
on the planet. We cannot gauge
integrate those elements from other
the influence we are having or the
cultures that elevate and enhance
far-reaching effects of our actions.
our nation's strength and intelligence
Therefore, we must move in an
and eliminate those influences that
evolutionary direction that serves all
can be potentially harmful. We must
life's interests everywhere.
learn to look beneath the surface differences between cultures, religions,
and nationalities to find the common thread of our humanity.
Such "universal individuals" will spontaneously have the ability to see
The perception of the interconnection
beyond the artificial classifications
of every living being weaves life into
OM TIMES | November 2021
a multi-colored pattern of integrated
all based on ignorance. In the state of
wholeness. This is the vision so
ignorance, the awareness of differences
vital in today's world. Segregation,
predominates, overshadowing the
isolationism, the psychology of "me
awareness of the inherent underlying
and mine" is outdated today; it must
unity of life. By focusing on the
be replaced by the awareness of "our
differences, the mind with narrow
planet, our world, our shared interests,
vision erects artificial barriers between
our global family." Only then can we
people. These barriers actually divide
safeguard the future and ensure that
life from itself. Such an over-emphasis
our children can enjoy an affluent
on differences is caused by deeply
world rich in harmony, happiness,
rooted stresses in the collective
health, and fulfillment.
consciousness of a nation.
The conflicts, disagreements, and
When the mind of the individuals in
disharmony prevalent in the world are
society expands beyond boundaries
OM TIMES | November 2021
and the collective consciousness
propensity to pray for the good of
of a nation is purified, the narrow
all people everywhere is a trait of
limitations of vision are replaced
truly spiritual culture. When the
by the vision of a higher truth, an
priceless wisdom contained in the
awareness of the common thread
Vedic tradition of knowledge is
of life that interconnects all living
fully enlivened in the hearts and
beings everywhere.
minds of the people, India has the potential to become a lighthouse in
The Vedic literature contains
the family of nations.
the exhortation: "Vasudaiva Kutumbakum" – The world is my
Barbara Ann Briggs is
family. Every Vedic ritual contains
a Transcendental Meditation
prayers for the well-being, health,
teacher, a poet, and the author of
and happiness of the whole world.
Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, a
The Kalyan Prathana says: "May all
novel of visionary fiction available
become auspicious; may all attain
on Amazon. For more information
peace; may all achieve perfection;
on her books, visit her website:
may all be blessed." The natural
OM TIMES | November 2021
The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness What powers miracles? You do. According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, miracles don’t just happen on their own. Through the development of our superconscious mind and the recognition of the divine source within each of us, we have the power to create them for ourselves. The Way of Miracles is an adventure for the mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen — we create them! According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, developing our superconscious mind and recognizing the divine source that exists within each of us is what generates miracles. A wholistic physician for more than three decades, Mark used his own techniques and learnings to cure himself of a life-threatening illness. In The Way of Miracles, he shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect. Mark Mincolla provides insight from decades of experiences— including that of his own personal miraculous healing—documented research, and exercises to help you improve your health and wellbeing by becoming your own miracle maker in The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness.
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