OMTimes Magazine November 2022 Edition

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Tamra Oviatt Interview


5 Exercises to Decrease Shoulder Pain and Improve Your Mental Health


Decoding the Cravings


What would You do on Your Final Day? 62 7 Ways to Bring Balance to Your Life

74 Do You Know your Spirit Ancestors Are Waiting to Help You Every Day?


Understanding Telepathy


Self-Sabotage and Manifesting What We Want


Try This Psychic Reading Technique


This One Huge Mistake That Ruins Relationships


Book Spotlight -Answers from the Ancestral Realms

OM Spotlight: Sacred Activations


Loneliness That Lingers: How You Can Stop Post-Pandemic Loneliness


6 Tips for Supercharging Your Friendships Post-Pandemic


Are You Living in Heaven, or Are You Living in Hell?


OMTIMES.COM November 2022


Fall OMTimes Fall November 2022 edition has The healer author Tamra Oviatt in the Spotlight. In an exclusive Interview with Victor Furhman, she discusses deep metaphysical and Spiritual Healing concepts as she also tells us about her amazing journey of Self-discovery. OMTimes also brings many new articles and stories designed to awaken you to a more abundant and Conscious Life.

Looking to connect with the Conscious Community? Let OMTimes point the way!

Tamra Oviatt The Sacred Activations Tamra Oviatt is the founder of Subconscious Metaprogramming Sacred Activations Healing Modality (SA). She was given the spiritual gift of Sacred Activations, a seventh plane modality that she received, quite by surprise from the Source Creator of All That Is, during an eight-month trek through the UK, Italy, and Spain in 2012. In this modality, she now works with many unseen ascended masters, angels, Lords, and light beings to help raise our vibrations to joy and love. She received her first Activation from Lord Metatron in Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel. She has always had the gift of Healing. While Tamra was led through many different training modalities, she was always told, "this is for your learning and not what you're supposed to do." During this time, she also experienced many of her own miracles.

Interview by Victor Fuhrman

As an energy worker, author, professional speaker, and teacher, Tamra trains advanced energy workers to use Sacred Activations in their own professional practice. Her work empowers others to align with their life purpose by clearing hundreds and thousands of cultural, religious, and collective consciousness belief systems. Being a uniquely gifted Lightworker, a Master Healer, and Galactic Channel, Tamra has always been destined to bring permanent Healing, personal growth, and positive transformation to people using the power of the Sacred Activations. She is now a sought-after Master Teacher of 12 transformative Sacred Activations and Akashic Records classes and a best-selling author of 9 books. She also hosts the weekly show, "Living in the Fifth Dimensional Consciousness," on OMTimes TV. Tamra's ultimate mission is to realize world peace by helping individuals unplug from the many negatives, self-defeating collective consciousness belief systems while plugging into the unconditional love of pure Source energy and the activation of the soul's presence. Victor Fuhrman: Tamra Oviatt, your path of discovery was somewhat unconventional. Please share with us your early life before you received your calling. Tamra Oviatt: I always knew things. At 18, I had a sick cat and took her to the doctor.

And she's one of those skinny cats. She was blown up like a football, and the doctor didn't know what was wrong with her. She was lethargic. I thought she was going to die. So, one night, I sat on my bed, put my hands on her, and heard "PRAY" for her. I did. And the following day, when I woke up, she looked like she was never sick. All the swelling was gone. She seemed totally normal, walking around normally. And it really freaked me out because I grew up very Christian, and only Jesus could heal. And so, I never really told anybody about that experience. Victor Fuhrman: Tell us what else happened that led up to what happened in Rosslyn Chapel. Tamra Oviatt: I recently divorced and was selling machine tools and CNC machines. I was doing well. I bought a house. I had a nanny for the kids. The kids had a car, and the nanny had a car. I was doing really well financially and having a lot of fun, but I kept hearing this isn't what you're supposed to be doing in my head. I kept hearing, "You're supposed to be a healer," and I heard it over and repeatedly. So, as a result, I finally said, okay, God, I'll follow...

Rosslyn Chapel -Photo By Johanne McInnis CC BY 3.0

So that was obviously a past life thing, but at that time, I had never discovered past lives. I wasn't interested in any psychic stuff. I wasn't into any of it. And so, one day, I was looking through a local magazine in the south bay, and it was a spiritual magazine, and there was a guy there that does readings charts.

So, I called him, and I had a reading done by him. He was interesting, and he taught hypnosis. So, I said I wanted to learn hypnosis. So, I went out to his house, and he hypnotized me. Then this bird showed up, who said he wasn't a bird at all. He called himself Charlie. And he was, it was really magical.

He was like this really colorful bird with rainbow colors. He wore sunglasses, right. He took me up over the planet. He said, "Come with me." He grabbed my arm, and I flew up in the air, and we were like sitting on this cloud, looking down at the earth, which was really like a ball.

So, it looked like! It seemed like we were really high up. And Charlie told me, "Do you see this?" And I said, yes, he goes, do you see this? And I said yes. He said it's just a game, Tamra. That's all it is. Are you a winner, or are you a loser? And I went, well, let me see, I'm dyslexic and horrible at spelling, but I would love to win Scrabble. So, I love to win. That was my thought process that went on at the time. I learned hypnosis through him. And with my hypnosis script, I gave it to a friend and had her hypnotize me, so I could meet my spirit guide because I heard we have spirit guides. So, this being showed up, a Chinese human being showed up in this gown, this goatee, and this little hat, and he told me his name was Choung and that he was my guide. Right after that, I started teaching angel classes and how to talk to your angels, which was really interesting. So, I went into that and started teaching people how to talk to their angels. I was doing this in a store in Ventura. It was an angel store that was called "Things from Heaven."

The funny thing, and how this led up, was that the store owners worked with a friend of mine in commercials for a local TV station. And she was talking to him, and he said his spirit guide's name was Chung. And she says, that's funny, my friend's name, spirit guide's name is Chung. So, we met, and the next thing I knew, I was teaching angel classes there. So, I taught, um, angel classes. I did it in three different rounds of six-week courses. It was full of people, and I freaked out and changed my phone number. I pulled out; I had a yellow-page ad and everything at that time. And during that time, I was having a tough time paying my rent and, obviously, belief systems that healers can't make money or anything else. So, I had a lot of that going on. And one day, I walked on the beach, and I said, God, if you want me to be a healer, you have to pay my rent, and you have to do it now. Because I was five days late on my rent. And with that, it was like a $75 fee, which to me was just a lot of money.

So, within an hour of me yelling at God on the beach, one of my clients came to me with a check for $1,500 that paid my rent and bought my boys Christmas. At that time, my boys were young. So, um, I ended up going back into the workforce. I was selling sailboats and yachts for a while. That was a lot of fun. Just did different jobs. And then, I ended up doing online marketing, and during that time, I started doing various trainings. I mastered hypnotherapy and mastered NLP as well. I learned about theta healing, which was about when I was done with my job. I left, and I went and spent three months learning theta healing. And while I was there learning, I thought, okay, good. I'm going to become a teacher. This is what I'm going to do. All of this happened over a 10-year time. All of this was happening, and I kept hearing this, isn't what you're supposed to be doing. All of this was for my training. In 2011, I was talking to some guy in England, and I lived in California, and we started talking.

Then we started skyping together, and he wanted to marry me. He wanted me to move to England, and my life was falling apart. I had quit my job. I was trying to be a healer full-time and ended up going into foreclosure in my house. I couldn't get refinanced on the house, and I was in a mess. So, I thought, okay, well, maybe I'm supposed to go to England and marry this guy and start my business there because I had all these different certificates. So, I went over there, and I was just like, there's no way I'm marrying this guy. So, one morning, I went for a walk and yelled at God again. I walked through this graveyard and realized: "What the hell am I doing here?" I am here in England, and my whole life has fallen apart. What am I doing here because I'm not marrying him? And I heard: "Go to the Rosslyn Chapel." So, I went back to his house, and he was on the phone with a spiritual friend named Gaz, a really cool guy. I told him what I heard, and he said: "Oh, the Rosslyn Chapel is really amazing. It has this Stargate underneath it that it's been built on." And it's really incredible! So, I booked a B & B and a train for the next day.

And when I was doing that, I was told to call one of my clients that lived in Scotland to have her meet me at the church. She agreed. We met at the church two days later, and I was sitting in a pew, and I said, okay, God, I'm here. And I heard, go to the Akashic Records. So, I did. When I went into the Akashic records, a being was standing there. I'd never seen anybody in the Akashic records. So I would just go in there and get information, you know, and there's this being standing there, and I said, who are you? And what do you want? And he said he was Lord Metatron, and he was there to assist me. Victor Fuhrman: Let's talk a little bit about Rosslyn Chapel. There are so many wonderful elements to your experience. The chapel was featured in Dan Brown's book and the subsequent movie, the DaVinci Code. What did it feel like when you first saw and entered the Rosslyn Chapel? Tamra Oviatt: It was just absolutely beautiful. It was. It's really a stunning church. I would definitely recommend anybody to go visit that church. I've been back since, and it's just really beautiful.

Vitor Fuhrman: And what's the energy like in there? Tamra Oviatt: Really amazing! It's really incredible energy, depending on what time you're there. I prefer to go to places in the morning, before everybody comes in, and add all of their energy. I love to, um, go to sacred sites first thing in the morning. To me, it is the best time. Victor Fuhrman: Now, through your experience, what is your understanding of God as a Creator Source? Tamra Oviatt: Oh, that's really interesting, and such a question! It's all source energy. I call it God. I used to call it creator. When I was doing Theta healing, I called it creator. Victor Fuhrman: Absolutely. Timing has a lot to do with it because we have to have experience in time to recognize when the time is right. Tamra, one of your many wonderful books is entitled: " Heal yourself, heal the world." What inspired this book, and what message should readers take from it? OMTIMES | 2022

Tamra Oviatt: I got goosebumps when you said that because we are a collective consciousness, and when we heal ourselves, everyone around us starts healing.

Everybody starts changing, and everything around you starts changing. The world starts changing around you because you are the creator of your life. And everybody that shows up in your life is a mirror to you. There are many different roles for something you need to learn, overcome, or support. So, the only thing we truly have to do is work on ourselves, and then the world around us starts shifting. It's really incredible to watch how people treat you differently when you change yourself. Victor Fuhrman: And do each of us have the capacity for selfhealing? Tamra Oviatt: Of course, absolutely. Everybody has the capacity for self-healing. Absolutely! Victor Fuhrman: And how do we embrace that? Tamra Oviatt: Take some time out. Don't focus on the disease or the disorder or focus on the Healing and the health. Because you're talking to your body, your cells are listening to everything you say to yourself. So, if you're having an issue, imagine it being perfect. .

OMTimes November | 2022


See it being healthy, feel it, celebrate it, love it, love your body. Love yourself, honor yourself! Victor Fuhrman: That loving oneself and sensing one's self-worth. That's a real challenge for a lot of folks. Isn't it? Tamra Oviatt: It is. It was certainly a challenge for me. Victor Fuhrman: And how would we overcome that? Tamra Oviatt: Basically, Taking time for yourself. Seriously, take time for yourself. Go inside again, write, and listen to a song.

And, of course, I'm going to say, listen to the Sacred Activations. If you want to do it magically and easily, use the sacred activations. Because for it to be magically and easily done, it starts erasing all those belief systems for you. Still, you don't have to use sacred activations to do it. You can do it yourself. But you've got to focus and allow that stuff to stop repeating and start replacing it with positive thoughts. And, I say this to you, and it's so much easier said than done because, again, 95% of your life is run by your subconscious program. So do meditations, guided meditations, sacred activations, and things to change your subconscious programming. OMTIMES MAGAZINE



Because I've been to many events for a weekend where it's supposed to change your life when you're all excited, you're going to do all these things when you get home. And within a couple of days, you start falling into the same thing. I have changed things in my life through subconscious programming or through guided meditations, but with the Sacred Activations, what happened to me was that they started changing my life instantly and just kept shifting it and shifting it. But take time for yourself.

Go within. You have to meditate, do hypnosis, or use music to help you write. But You need to take time for yourself to do that. Victor Fuhrman: One of the things that I always share is to create healthy boundaries so that the word not once said with compassion is a complete sentence and that you don't have to be a people pleaser and chase after everyone else and neglect yourself at the same time. Tamra Oviatt: Absolutely. That's it. There's an activation for healthy boundaries.


Victor Fuhrman: How may we each recognize and embrace the power? We possess the to create our life and create heaven on earth and share those amazing gifts with others. Tamra Oviatt: Be kind, smile. We all have the power. I mean, we are creating everything that's happening now, aren't we? So, let's focus on peace, focus on love, focus on art, focus on music. And with you just doing that with your happiness inside, it affects everybody. That's how we create heaven on earth. That's how we do that. I've created heaven on earth for myself. I live in Yucatan, Mexico. I live on the beach, and I am happy. This is my heaven on earth right here. It took me a lot of work and a lot of time to do this, but it wasn't really something. It just all started magically falling into place. And, when you're working on yourself and focusing on creating beauty, within being happy, being happy for others, smiling at others. I mean, if you just smile at someone, you can make their whole day or the whole week, or you might have just helped somebody not commit suicide because you smiled at them. I constantly smile at people. I wear a t-shirt around. I'm always in a t-shirt that says: "I am living my best life." Yeah. Because I want to trigger that into people to create that for themselves.



We don't have to be enslaved. We can create anything we desire just by being excited and feeling good about it. It's so important to love yourself and love others. I do know it's easier to love others than it is for yourself. It takes time, but you can do it. Look in the mirror, and say, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you until you can open your eyes, smile, and say, I love you. Yeah, to really embrace that energy and that love for yourself. It's so important. Victor Fuhrman: Absolutely. In one of his moving speeches, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, be the piece you wish to see in the world. How do we embody this? Tamra Oviatt: Same thing! Its peace in the world is an inside job. You don't have to go in march. Do not plug into all the fear-based programming out there to keep you in separation and fear. There's so much fear out there. And it's important to purge all of that. Do not listen to any fear programs of what's happening because it's all division programming. All of It. Focus on good songs, good programming, and good TV. Go and watch a cooking show, a building show, or something that has no drama. Don't watch drama. We don't have to listen to drama songs, angry songs, or anything like that.


Don't do not spend time down the rabbit hole of entertainment overload and fear because no matter what you think, you believe there's a fear-based program to help support you in it. And it's important to let go of all that goes into three days of silence. Oh my God. How empowering is that? That is so empowering to sit alone with no internet, no TV, and nothing for three days to sit in silence, you will learn so much about yourself, and you'll come out of that experience much healthier. Victor Fuhrman: If you can do it, do it in nature. Please tell us about your new show on OMTimes Media and TV. Tamra Oviatt: I'm so excited to be doing this on OMTimes. I saw a vision of me doing a TV show many eons ago.


So, I'm doing it, and I chose OMTimes, which I'm really excited about. I love OMTimes, the energy they're bringing forward, and Christopher, and they're just really incredible beings. So, it's all about Healing. Every week I run activations for and with you. Um, I've had a lot of guests on. I will have fewer guests and more of me talking myself. Victor Fuhrman: Tamra, please tell us about your website and what we can find there.


Tamra Oviatt: On my website, there are about 400 activations and many guided meditations. You would find that I also do practitioner training in Sacred activations. There are five different levels of training. I offer various courses at various levels. It starts with the level of Practitioner, The Master Practitioner, Medical, intuitive, Mastering the Master. I also offer a Course on Earth Mastery, where you will learn and work with the Lay Lines and the collective consciousness and its energy field. I am able to travel to different sacred sites remotely, do Healing there, and activate crystals on the planet. That's an amazing medical intuitive, absolutely incredible course. I also teach Akashic Records. I have five Akashic Records classes I teach. Initially, I wasn't planning on teaching Akashic Records. Still, I was told it was necessary and needed and that it helped the world heal and help people balance out to empower the Earth healers. So, I teach five of those, Akashic records, The masters in Akashic Records, where you're starting to do healings, on healing tables.

Then I've got the Galactic Level, where you're working with aliens' people off the planet. Then I have animals and heaven and hell, where we're taking you into the fourth dimension. The Fourth dimension is the heaven and hell energy field. So, we take you into that. It's really the same energy field. It's, it's your belief systems that put you in either one of those two scenarios. It's really empowering because it releases all those fears and teaches you about that level of consciousness. And also teaches you how not to end up at that level when you pass away, that you actually go beyond it. You're not stuck in that. In the rebirthing line for the planet, you can move beyond that. You don't have to do that. You don't have to reincarnate here. I've decided it's important for me to do this. But I'm always running activations at the end of every show to help you get out, at a minimum of three activations per week. So go, have a listen. I've got it. I do have some absolutely fascinating, incredible, amazing, gifted guests on.

And then also there's some of me sharing stories and helping you break through different areas of your life. And again, I'm always running energy for you to help reprogram your mind so that you can be the best you. Victor Fuhrman: Do you have links to your books on your website? Tamra Oviatt: I do have links to my books. Presently, all nine of them are on Amazon. I've got five more. That's supposed to be coming out very soon. I am expecting them to come out by the end of the year. Victor Fuhrman: No doubt, You're a prolific author. Tamra Oviatt: Well, in all reality, my books are my transcribed training. So, when you read my book, you'll learn about my training, and we're just reading my books, start working on yourself. And then, if you want, you can become a practitioner. But, still, I have a lot of webinars and stuff for people that aren't necessarily interested in becoming a Healing practitioner. I just want to help them to better and heal themselves. Victor Fuhrman: To learn more about Tamra, visit her website: Also, Follow Tamra on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.




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Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

5 Exercises to Decrease Shoulder Pain and Improve Your Mental Health


by Brooke Chaplan

hysical pain, such

shoulders can decrease your stress

as shoulder pain or

and improve your mental health

soreness, can cause

and overall well-being.

stress and affect your

mental health. Those with daily

Your shoulders take a lot of

pain tend to report a lower quality

punishment. Every time you lift,

of life compared to those that don't

tug, push, pull, or perform any other

have daily physical pain. This means

upper bodywork, your shoulders

that minimizing the pain in your

generally bear the brunt of the

OM TIMES | November 2022

labor. With so much work and

equipment; you can do it virtually

activity, it's no small wonder why so


many people experience discomfort or pain in their shoulders. The good

Perform this exercise by leaning over

news is that there are ways to reduce

a table or other stable surface. Allow

and eliminate pain in your shoulders

one arm to hang straight down and

without using painkillers or

draw circles in the air. Start with

medications. Here are four exercises

small circles and gradually make the

that can help reduce pain in your

circles larger. Repeat the exercise


for each arm five to ten times throughout the day.

PENDULUM EXERCISES ACROSS THE CHEST STRETCH The pendulum exercise is a great way to strengthen your shoulders to

To keep shoulder discomfort from

reduce and eliminate shoulder pain.

becoming a chronic condition, you

The great thing about this exercise

must keep your arms and shoulders

is that you don't need any special

healthy and strong. Stretching

OM TIMES | November 2022

exercises are a great way to keep

straight up and slowly tilting your

the muscles, joints, and ligaments in

chin toward your chest until you feel

your shoulders and chest flexible and

the stretch in the back of your neck.

strong. To perform this exercise, you

Next, tilt or lean your head to the

simply hold your right hand in front

right to stretch the left shoulder. Next,

of your body close to your waist and

lean your head to the left to stretch

place your left hand behind your elbow.

the left shoulder. Repeat five to ten

Next, pull your right arm to the left and

times throughout the day.

across your chest. Perform this exercise several times a day with each arm.



The seated twist is an excellent exercise for stretching your shoulders

You do this exercise while sitting

and neck. Sit in a chair with your feet

OM TIMES | November 2022

directly beneath your knees. Twist

for stress management. If you are

your upper body to the right bringing

new to meditation, you may want

the back of your left hand to your

to use guided meditation through

thigh. Hold the position for roughly

videos online or apps you can

30 seconds. Repeat on the right side.

download on your smartphone.


Ignoring shoulder pain can lead to long-term chronic conditions

Stress is a common cause of shoulder

and inhibit your chest, arms,

and neck pain. If you suspect that

and shoulders' range of motion.

your stress is the cause of your

Therefore, you should always

shoulder pain, you may want to try

consult a healthcare professional

meditation to decrease your stress.

before starting any new exercise

Meditation has been recommended


OM TIMES | November 2022

Decode the Cravings


by Ginger McBride

earn how to decode the

of communicating with us. For

cravings, what they mean,

example, what we think of as a

and what changes to make

spontaneous craving may be our

for better health!

body signaling what nutrients we need. However, certain cravings could

Our bodies are tuned into our

signify emotional eating as a coping

needs and have unique ways

mechanism. Whatever the case, it is

OM TIMES | November 2022

important to look at both possibilities

have an emotional bond. Maybe there

for our health and decide which

is comfort food that we received as

changes can benefit us the most.

children when we had a bad day, and now into adulthood, we crave the

A food craving is a particular and

same thing. This is a prime example of

specific type of hunger. Our bodies


need certain nutrients, and when it doesn't have what it needs, it has to

Chocolate is amongst the most

find a way to let us know. Many of us

popular cravings. This could mean we

have experienced these cravings for

need more magnesium, vitamin B,

chocolate, bread, dairy, and protein

or essential fatty acids. However, we

can all be a sign of this. This type of

can find healthier alternatives, such as

hunger is not to be confused with

whole grains, dark, leafy vegetables,

emotional eating, which sometimes

and legumes. Other sugary foods

happens as a coping mechanism.

could mean that we need chromium

When we emotionally eat, our bodies

or carbohydrates. Craving sugar can

can crave salt and sugary foods, or

also be our body's way of balancing

even comfort foods with which we

our blood sugar levels. Other excellent

OM TIMES | November 2022

sources of chromium can be broccoli,

day. A common bread craving could

potatoes, or whole grains as better

potentially mean that we are low in

alternatives. So maybe we can skip our

nitrogen. A better way to balance this

sugar rush this time around.

out is by consuming fruits, nuts, and seeds; if we crave dairy, this can be a

Salt is another popular craving. It

sign of either low iron or calcium levels.

can mean that we are low in sodium

We can try out yogurt and soybeans as

but also that we are dehydrated. So

healthier alternatives to this.

instead of reaching for those salty chips, we can consume vegetable

We must find a way to decode our

juices, olives, and pickles and keep

cravings and find their root causes.

ourselves hydrated throughout the

When we do this, we will be able to

OM TIMES | November 2022

understand our bodies much more. Is

analyze what we need, we become

it more nutrient or emotional? Have

closer to reaching a solution for our

we been craving the same things

better health.

for days or months? Did something happen to trigger this particular

About the Author:

craving? These are excellent

Ginger McBride is a certified

questions to consider as we look into

health coach, wellness expert, and

this. It could be as simple as changing

entrepreneur. She is passionate

our diet to begin to feel better or

about helping others with their

learning new coping techniques

health, inspiring them to reach

when life throws us curve balls. When

their goals through motivation

we find the time to be mindful and

and education!

OM TIMES | November 2022

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

What would You do on Your Final Day?


By William Bezanson

hinking deeply and

important one, your time. The Article

seriously about how

suggests that structuring your final

you would spend your

day around the precious time that

final day of life can be a

remains with family and friends is the

therapeutic, almost like a spiritual

optimum thing to do on your final day.

experience. You could ignore the matters of low and mid importance

If you could somehow know, for

and focus only on the really

certain, that you had only one more OM TIMES | November 2022

day to live, how would you want to

whom to toss out of the boat

spend that day?

because it is capsizing through overcrowding. That would be a

This type of question is sometimes

hypothetical exercise, and you would

posed in classes about ethics, morality,

not need to face the situation in real

philosophy, and so on. Let us consider

life. Knew that you could escape, that

the question for real. We suppose this

no disaster would really happen, or

is a real situation: you are going to die

that you would live for many more

in one day, and you need to decide


how to spend that last day. But, let us consider a situation in Many of us have participated in such

which you do know, with certainty,

exercises as the "lifeboat" moral

that you WILL die after one more

scenario, in which you must decide

day of life. It is not a question of

OM TIMES | November 2022

a university examination but a real

and decided to undergo medically


induced suicide. I talked with him in his final hours, and then he did

Such a situation is close to home

indeed die.

for me, for my brother died at age 73 a few months ago, after a life of

What if that had been me? Would

heavy smoking and neglecting his

I spend my final day?

health. He was five years younger than me. The cause of death was

And what about you? Would you

emphysema and COPD. He chose

spend your final day?

the date and time of his death, about two weeks into the future because he

In my own case, first, I would

suffered greatly in his final months

eliminate the trivial, worldly, time-

OM TIMES | November 2022

wasters. I still have not cleaned up my

And finally, I would focus on the

filing cabinets or my workbench by

really important things: my wife, our

now. Then for certain, on my final day,

children, our extended family, our

I will not find time to try to do them.

friends, and my legacy.

Next, I would eliminate the huge

All I would have left for them

number of tasks and responsibilities

would be my time.

of medium importance. The final lawn mowing could be neglected. That final

Yes, my time is eventually all that

Article or book could be forgotten.

I have left. Would want to use my

Some bills could be left to someone

final day as a devotional tribute

else. That broken fence post could be

to the people in my life. Would, of


course, want to tell each of them OM TIMES | November 2022

OM TIMES | November 2022

that I loved them. I would want to

created it. You may want to let go

reminisce briefly on some of the

and let it all happen as it must do.

important moments we shared. Also, I would want to give them

The majority of OMTimes readers

whatever advice and words of

would likely recognize the

wisdom that seem appropriate

spiritual opportunity here. They

for each of them. I would want to

might typically adapt my ideas in

ensure that the right people know

this Article to their own situations

where to find my obituary and

and use them to create their own

eulogy that I had drafted some

futures. It would be wonderful to

years ago., I would ensure that the

think that some readers might

right people know where to find

think this exercise might be useful

my password file so that they can

to them in preparation for their

finish any business that needs

own final days.

attention. I sincerely hope you get as much And you, Dear Reader? would you

inspiration and enjoyment in

choose to spend your final day? Of

working through this exercise as

course, you would think of some

I did in writing this Article.

things I mentioned above, such as telling people you loved them.

William Bezanson is

If other ideas I mentioned inspire

a regular contributor

you, I am happy to help.

to OMTimes. With his retirement from a career

Ultimately, the design of your last

in electrical engineering,

day is a spiritual exercise. May want

he writes books on systems

to spend a significant amount of

design, spirituality, and world

time in prayer. You may want to

stewardship. Lives with his

create your future life by visualizing

wife in Ottawa, Canada. His

it with great clarity, then releasing

latest book is Bill's Collected

that vision to the universe, and

Wisdom, available from

then not worrying about it

online book retailers. His

because, through your spiritual

website is www3.sympatico.

alchemy, you will have already


OM TIMES | November 2022

Relax… Let your worries drift away into the moment… OMTimes is a free publication and can be delivered right to your inbox… Subscribe at: Free OMTimes Subscription Visit our website at:

OMTimes Magazine

OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

7 Ways to Bring Balance to Your Life


by Maggie Bloom

alancing your obligations

you can use to bring balance into your

and need for personal

life and achieve a greater sense of

time can be a stressful


task to accomplish when

so many things are going on in your life. Fortunately, it can be quite simple

1. Go Outside and Reconnect With Nature

to bring balance back into your life and refocus on the things that matter

People tend to spend most of their

most to you. Following are seven tips

time indoors, whether it's at work or

OM TIMES | November 2022

at home. More so now than ever due

3. Take Up Journaling

to remote work being so common. Being surrounded by Nature has

Journaling is a highly effective way to

many benefits for our physical health.

decrease mental stress and anxiety.

A walk in the park on a warm sunny

The great thing about journaling is

day can invoke a sense of calmness

that all you need to get started is some

and joy within a person. Furthermore,

paper and a pen (or a laptop). There

the sun is an important source of

is no right or wrong way to journal,

vitamin D, which can boost your

as long as you keep writing. Consider

mood and enhance your sense of

setting aside fifteen minutes a day to

wellbeing. Try taking at least fifteen

write down your fears, worries, and

minutes each day to go on a brisk

things you are grateful for. By making

walk outside. You'll be surprised how

journaling a part of your evening

much better you'll feel once it is over.

routine, you'll be able to clear your head and enjoy a good night's sleep.

2. Learn How to Say No 4. Explore New Meaningful Many people struggle with their

Hobbies That Bring You Joy

ability to say no. Whether it's in response to taking on another

One of the most important ways

workplace project or going out with

to stay balanced is to engage in

friends when you really don't want

meaningful activities that bring you

to, declining an invitation or offer can

joy. Explore hobbies that you've always

seem difficult to do. We often feel

been interested in but haven't had the

guilty when we turn someone down,

time to do so. Have you always been

however, accepting every invitation

interested in learning how to use tarot

and project that comes your way

cards? Pick up a deck and learn about

increases your risk of burnout,

tarot card meanings and spreads.

anxiety, and even depression.

You could even use tarot cards as

Bring balance back into your life by

an inspiration for your daily journal

becoming familiar with your social

entries. By exploring new hobbies

and workload thresholds, and saying

and learning new things, you'll enjoy a

"no" to invitations that you aren't

better sense of wellbeing and balance

comfortable with accepting.

in your life.

OM TIMES | November 2022

5. Practice Positive Self-Talk

thoughts and practicing compassion towards yourself, you'll feel more

Sometimes the ways in which we

centered and balanced.

speak to ourselves and our own internal dialogue can have a negative effect on our outlook. When we

6. Get Involved With Your Community by Volunteering

feel overwhelmed, we often ask ourselves why we can't handle the

Connecting with your community

pressure or manage stress as well

is one of the most effective ways to

as others do. When you feel those

bring balance into your life and remind

self-doubts start to creep in, try to

yourself of what truly matters. Get

redirect those negative thoughts and

involved with your own community

remind yourself of all of your positive

and volunteer at a local homeless

attributions. By reframing negative

shelter, hospital, or library. Volunteer

OM TIMES | November 2022

work can provide you with a sense of

staying positive about your situation

purpose and improve your self-esteem,

and your future, you'll increase your

making it an effective way to find

ability to cope and enjoy a more

balance in your busy life.

balanced lifestyle.

7. Keep a Hopeful Outlook and Positive Mindset

Everyone is unique, which means that we all have different thresholds at which we become overwhelmed

When things get stressful, it can

and experience imbalance. By

become easy to feel overwhelmed.

finding your limit, slowing down,

Even in the most difficult of times,

and accepting the help of others

it's important to try to keep a hopeful

around you, you'll enjoy heightened

outlook and see the silver lining in your

inner peace and a greater sense of

situation. By remaining hopeful and

balance in life.

OM TIMES | November 2022

Relationships The interconnectedness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Loneliness That Lingers: How You Can Stop Post-Pandemic Loneliness By Carmen Harra

OM TIMES | November 2022


ow that the pandemic

don’t feel enthusiastic about it,

has subsided and

plan on attending it for an hour

restrictions have

and then excusing yourself. Then,

been lifted, people

for the next event, you can stay

have returned to their typical

a bit longer, and so on. Examine

social ways: we are witnessing

how you feel afterward: did being

an unprecedented amount of

around others help you feel less

traveling, gathering, and overall

alone? Increasing interactions

celebrating. But many of us still

will curb loneliness and slowly

feel alone despite our return

reintegrate you into a strong and

to “normality.” How can we

vibrant social circle.

explain this? Forlorn feelings are signals from your inner self that

Only go where you feel

something is wrong on a deeper

comfortable. Just because

level and that certain aspects of

restrictions have been lifted doesn’t

your life must change.

mean you have to throw yourself out of your front door and join

If you find that feelings of

every party in town. Be selective

loneliness are lingering post-

about the invitations you accept,

pandemic, read on. Here are six

attending only events where

actions you can take today to break

you know your presence will be

out of isolation and reunite with a

appreciated. Take a moment to

supportive group:

think about where you would feel best going, and before leaving

Take it slowly. Returning to a

your house, don’t just check if you

normal social life after extended

have your keys and wallet. Check

lockdowns can be difficult. We

how you’re feeling: are you excited

can feel pressured to go out and

about this gathering, and do you

have fun, though we may not feel

want to go (not just to please

like it. If this thought intimidates

others)? If you find no answers,

you, limit your time with others

remember that it’s okay to decline

and increase your interactions

the invitation; forcing yourself

little by little. For example, if you’ve

to socialize will only exacerbate

been invited to a gathering but

desolation. Your mental and

OM TIMES | November 2022

emotional well-being are more

problem is not always being alone.

important than any temporary

It’s feeling alone because you’re


around the wrong people. If a certain person—whether a partner,

Surround yourself with truly

friend, or family member—makes

good people. The late actor Robin

you feel uncomfortable, insecure,

Williams once said, “I used to

or undervalued, reevaluate your

think the worst thing in life was

relationship with them; it may be

to end up all alone. It’s not. The

time to put some space between

worst thing in life is ending up

you and seek someone genuine

with people who make you feel all

and kindhearted as you are. Some

alone.” True to Williams’ words, the

red flags to watch out for are not

OM TIMES | November 2022

reciprocating the same effort

Evaluate the origin of your

you put into the relationship

emotions. To alleviate isolative

and invalidating your emotions

tendencies, you should begin by

when you explain how you feel.

investigating their source: what is

Relinquish the mentality of solitude

causing you to feel alone? Do you

and the fear that you’ll be hurt

still feel nagging loneliness after

or disappointed; plenty of people

a breakup, loss, trauma, or crisis?

have pure intentions and can make

Do you feel as though something’s

you feel healed, whole and loved.

missing f rom your life like there’s

Otherwise, if you remain in bad

a void inside? It’s helpful to put

company, you’ll feel more alone

your emotions to paper: keep an

than if you were alone.

emotional diary over the course OM TIMES | November 2022

OM TIMES | November 2022

of one month, jotting down your

that runs throughout the human

feelings each day. Try to reach the

race: we’re all here to love and be

core of how a particular person

loved. One small deed, performed

or situation makes you feel. For

with compassion and with no

example, if you’re anxious about

expectation to receive in return,

an upcoming social event, you

can forever change someone’s life

can write, “Not looking forward

while eradicating loneliness in your

to Anne’s party. Being around too

heart and mind.

many people exhausts me.” Or, if you’re down about spending

Seek the Spirit within you. Even

another Saturday night alone, you

if you feel alone, the truth is

can scribble, “I’m tired of being

that you are never really alone:

by myself. I want to find a person

you are permanently connected

to share my life with.” Unearthing

to Spirit, and your ties to your

the origin of your emotions will

higher self can never be severed.

provide not only key insight into

Even if you’ve been betrayed

why you’re feeling alone but

or abandoned by others, know


that you have yourself to rely on. Having a faith-based mindset

Create a positive ripple in the

reassures you that you are

world. Don’t hesitate to take

always accompanied and ever-

an opportunity to do good.

protected by the Divine. Fortifying

Doing good will merge you with

your relationship with the Spirit

a community and allow you

within you will bring you all-

to thrive by cooperating with

encompassing comfort and

others towards a greater cause.


Performing acts of kindness increase feel-good hormones in

Feelings of loneliness are normal,

your brain and creates a sense of

but no one should be made to

reward that reminds you of how

feel alone. We can mitigate empty

much power you have to positively

emotions by introspecting on

impact this world. It connects

their sources and taking the right

you to others more deeply and

actions to become more included

reinforces the common thread

in a greater whole.

OM TIMES | November 2022

6 Tips for Supercharging Your Friendships Post-Pandemic


By Marcia Sirota, MD.

e're all eager to see

past two years, whether we're single

our friends now that

or married, we've missed hanging out

the restrictions are

with our buddies, and we're so excited


to spend time in person with them.

Now that spring has arrived, and the COVID restrictions are being lifted,

Another consequence of the

many of us are emerging from our

pandemic is that many of us have

two-year hibernation, and we're eager

let go of certain friendships after

to reconnect our friendships. Over the

discovering disappointing and

OM TIMES | November 2022

shocking things about our friends.

appalled us during the pandemic. It's

We've dropped those whose views

left us somewhat leery about making

about the pandemic, vaccines, and

new friends because we don't want

COVID restrictions are vastly different

to repeat the mistakes of the past.

from our own or whose opinions

So, how do we make new friends

are informed by conspiracy theories

who will be the right kind of friends,

instead of factual evidence.

and how do we improve our current friendships?

The May 2021 American Perspectives Survey found that Americans report

Good friendships should always make

having fewer close friendships than

you happier and more confident

they did pre-pandemic. In addition, they report talking to their friends less

It doesn't hurt to remember some

often and relying less on their friends

basics about what a good company

for personal support.

should include. In a good friendship, both people should genuinely care

We've walked away from people

about and support each other. The

whose behavior has distressed and

relationship should be reciprocal,

OM TIMES | November 2022

with both parties giving and receiving

need to rethink the friendship if all

equal amounts. There should be love

these things aren't present.

and acceptance without any tolerance No one teaches us how to create and

for unacceptable behavior.

maintain friendships, so we don't You should share similar values and

know what to do when problems

enjoy similar activities. You should

arise. We second-guess ourselves

listen to and treat each other with

and rationalize behaviors that make

kindness and generosity. A good friend

us unhappy because we aren't sure

should make you happy and relaxed

if we're being too fussy or if our

and should always make you feel good

dissatisfaction with the friendship

about yourself. Your life should be

is valid. Sometimes we think that

better for having this person in it. You'll

we might have done something to

OM TIMES | November 2022

deserve the bad behavior on the part

to forgive the occasional instance

of our friends. (Of course, we didn't.)

of not-so-cool behavior. After all, everyone can have a bad day and say

My philosophy of Ruthless Compassion

or do something stupid. But, there's

offers six tips for supercharging your

a real difference between a friend


putting their foot in their mouth on rare occasions and this person

1. Know the difference between a preference and a deal-breaker.

regularly treating us badly. Willful insensitivity is when someone never bothers to consider the impact of

In every friendship, whether

their actions on you, and they keep

established or brand-new, there will

doing things that hurt you. That's

be one or two things about your friend

simply not okay.

that you're not crazy about. You need to decide if these are things you don't necessarily like but can live with or if

3. Stop justifying unacceptable behavior.

these are things that you absolutely can't tolerate. We're all imperfect, and

If your friend is rude, insulting,

part of a good friendship is accepting

contemptuous, dismissive,

one another, including our flaws.

neglectful, undermining, selfish,

However, we shouldn't have to put

insensitive, threatening, crazy-

up with anything that really bothers

making, competitive in a hurtful

us. If there are deal-breakers in the

way, insulting, excluding, mocking,

friendship, feel free to end it and move

or punitive, it is never okay. Suppose

on. Otherwise, you'll never be fully

someone is angry at you over

comfortable or happy with this person.

something you've done. In that case, that's not an excuse to mistreat

2. Know the difference between

you—it's an opportunity for healthy

an honest mistake and willful

(and polite) confrontation. Know


that there's nothing that you could do that would ever justify your friend

Sometimes our friends mess up,

mistreating you. If you've done

but they shouldn't have free rein to

something really awful, your friend

constantly hurt or mistreat us. It's fine

can talk to you about it, or they can

OM TIMES | November 2022

choose to walk away. There's no

attractive, successful, or well-to-do.

justification for them mistreating

They demand all the attention in a

you, ever. Period.

crowd, leaving you with none. They pretend to support you, but their

4. Stop tolerating frenemies.

supposedly helpful remarks are veiled insults. They ruin your self-

Some friends always have to be

confidence and actively interfere

correct, on top, the best, or the

with your joy and success. They

most popular. These insecure

get angry if you do well in any

individuals see your friendships

way. Rather than being happy for

as a competition they have to

you and proud of you, they resent

win. They constantly need to one-

your accomplishments. These are

up you or prove that they're the

frenemies, not friends. Run, do not

most intelligent, knowledgeable,

walk away from them.

OM TIMES | November 2022

5. Stop tolerating unreasonable behavior.

respectful and tolerant of one another, friendships can be positive but beware if your friend is belittling you over

Our friends should be easy to be

your opinions, publicly criticizing you

around and improve our life quality.

for them, or deliberately working

Still, unreasonable people always

against you. Respect and tolerance

make things harder for us. They're

are essential aspects of a positive

difficult, overly touchy, insanely

friendship. If they're not present, the

particular, inflexible, and demanding.

friendship is not a healthy one.

They suck our energy. They're frustrating and exasperating. And

Ruthless Compassion is about seeing

they're like this with everyone, making

the truth about yourself, others,

us cringe and feel embarrassed for

and the world and making reality-

being their friend. They won't listen

informed choices. It's about being

to reason, and they're defensive

kind to yourself and others and never

during disagreements. They refuse to

tolerating or justifying mistreatment.

compromise and make you feel guilty

When you adopt these 6 tips informed

for setting limits or asking for your

by the philosophy of Ruthless

needs to be met. You deserve so much

Compassion, your friendships will

better. Walk away.


6. Know the difference between disagreement and disrespect.

Sign up for my free biweekly wellness newsletter that brings fresh, thought-provoking content.

In our friendships, there will be times when we disagree. We can agree to

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel,

disagree as long as it's not verging

where you'll learn simple tips for

into deal-breaker territory. What's not

taking the best care of yourself and

okay is when the friend tries to coerce

your loved ones.

you into adopting their point of view or when they insult you for seeing

Tune in to my Ruthless Compassion

things your way. We can have different

Podcast, where I go in-depth

types of friends with different opinions

about mental health, trauma, and

on things. As long as everyone is


OM TIMES | November 2022




Our Ancestral Realms

Suppose like most people, you think that ancestors are only from your biological family. In that case, you're missing whole worlds – and even centuries – of guides and ancestors who can help you from the spirit world. Since the word ancestor literally means "one who has gone before," – many people have preceded you and want to help you in many different areas of your life. Of course, there are all your biological predecessors. Then there are those from your cultural lineage – the tribes and the territories of your long-ago histories. I call these your Landcestors. There are also your group forerunners in spirit who had belonged to the same clubs and organizations you embrace – everything from various churches to the Girl Scouts to the Free Masons and so on.



So, be ready to embrace all the different ancestral guides approaching you. The more you work with them, the more you'll discover what a treasure trove they can be for you! Connecting to Your Ancestors Is as Easy as One, Two, or Three. Step One. Invite spirit to be with you. They probably already are, but when you send the invitation, it helps you embrace your intention to connect with spirit absolutely.

And, of course, there are your purpose ancestors who had pursued the same activities and purposes that you hold. So if you're writing a book; composing music; designing a building; or working on spiritual healing and psychic development, your purpose ancestors are with you and are always there to help. And finally, your ancestors who went before in one or more of your past lives. They also come to you to help you with your past life lessons, relationships, and karmic healing. They also allow you recognize your past life, homes, and towns when you stumble across them. That's probably happened to you before – when you've gone to a place you've never been, but suddenly you felt like you knew it somehow, but you didn't know how. NOVEMBER 2022

Step Two. Turn on your Right Brain. The biggest mistake people make when connecting to the spirit is expecting to sense them with their physical eyes and ears. Instead, experiencing your spirit ancestors happens through your Right Brain, the imaging side of the brain. Thinking, analyzing, measuring, and judging are activities of the left brain, the ego's domain. But imaging is how – and where – spirit communicates to you. When you ask a question, your spirit ancestors will drop an image, symbol, or an idea into your right brain, where imaging lies – often even before you finish the question. OMTIMES.COM

But because it happens in the part of the brain that holds the imagination, people feel like they're "only imagining it." It feels like your imagination because spirit uses your imaging. Just let it happen! Step Three. Trust everything you get absolutely. Trust is the coin of the realm in spirit communication. You will not allow anything to happen without it, so trust it all.


MEET YOUR ANCESTORS IN MOMENTS Close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Feel yourself relax as you invite spirit to you now. As your invitation goes forth, your intention to know them grows stronger. And you sense more of them gather around you. Your ancestors help you turn on your right brain now with an image.


And you see or feel spirit handing you a book with blank pages. On one of those pages, spirit puts a word or a picture. Let yourself get a word or picture now, and trust it absolutely. Now think of any question you'd like to ask your ancestors. And see a page in that book with an image or symbol on it. What do you get? Even if you don't know what it means, trust it absolutely. Let yourself wrap that up and say thank you to all these ancestors, still feeling their loving embrace. Why Should We Work with Our Spirit Ancestors? Spirit can help us in so many ways. I once had a student who did this process and asked her ancestors if she should get a job or go to school. NOVEMBER 2022

When she opened the book from spirit, she saw a large letter U and the Empire State Building. So she took steps to go to NYU, and those were her first steps in a great career in law. Spirit can see around the bend of time a little better than we can. So, they can tell us about the trends and opportunities that are coming. We have worlds and centuries of ancestral guides who want to help, and all we have to do is open the door. After all, they are waiting!

You can find out more about all of your guides in the Ancestral Realms and how to speak with them in just moments in Sharon's new book from Hay House: Wisdom from the Ancestral Realms, Getting Psychic Help from Your Spirit Guides Every Day OMTIMES.COM

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Book Spotlight Learn More

Understanding Telepathy


By Judi Lynch

elepathy is the direct

be improved and perfected, it is

communication of

readily accepted as fact by millions

thoughts from one mind

of people who have experienced it

to another. Thought


transference has long been proven to be a part of human existence

Several forms of telepathy have been

through several documented

identified through parapsychology

accounts. Though scientific

studies throughout the years. Latent

methods to prove it needs to

telepathy is described as the transfer

OM TIMES | November 2022

of information with a time lag between

completely accurate a short time

transmission and reception. Retro

later happens more than we realize.

cognitive telepathy has been described

Receiving messages from the future is

as a transfer of information about

also a common occurrence for many,

the past, future, or present state of

even if it is years or more ahead of an

mind to another. Superconsciousness

event happening. Information about

telepathy is described as access to

what occurred in the past is used by

the collective wisdom of humanity to

those who conduct investigations

receive important knowledge. Emotive

concerning cold cases and hauntings.

telepathy has been defined as the

Many unexplained happenings have

emotional transfer of sensations.

been solved by those with the ability to receive and understand this type

Telepathy is possible because of the

of information. Law enforcement has

energy fields accessible around and

sought out those with this type of skill

inside every human being on Earth.

for many years.

This energy is part of our individual make-up as well as in every living

We can be tuned in to certain people

thing. It can be extremely potent and

more than others because of our

run on a high frequency. It can also

history together. Our familiarity can

be blocked because of several factors,

create an energy link that helps bond

which can include poor health, belief

us to their wavelength as a way to

factors, and the environment.

assist each other through life. This tool can be invaluable to others and even

It can happen to us at any time

save lives. Someone who is working

when we aren’t even trying to intuit

as a psychic and/or medium can also

messages. We may be driving, folding

receive messages to relay to a person

laundry, or sitting peacefully in nature

seeking information to help them

when we suddenly see, hear and feel

understand situations and emotions

information coming in. Thinking of

they are feeling. This validation is

someone we haven’t heard from in

possible not only through telepathy

years, and then they will call, write

between the reader and the client but

or text us. Knowing that someone

also through the connections with

needs help or isn’t feeling well and

spirit guides and loved ones who want

then hearing that our message is

to assist.

OM TIMES | November 2022

There are unseen dimensions and

in anything can also receive

energy fields that assist us in our

sporadic and uncontrollable bouts

journey here, whether we are aware

of paranormal occurrences when

or appreciative of their existence.

near locations or people who are

Many people recognize this through

high-frequency channelers. They

their religious and spiritual beliefs.

may attribute this to ‘coincidence,’

They understand how to tune in

but to someone who is aware of

through prayer and meditation. When

the phenomena, it is described as

we strengthen our connections,

synchronicity with Spirt, and there

our ability to receive messages and

is no such thing as coincidence. In

information is incredibly enhanced

many metaphysical studies, there

and validated on a regular basis.

is a reason and intricate design to

Those who don’t necessarily believe


OM TIMES | November 2022

The incredible phenomenon of

Judi Lynch is a psychic

telepathy between souls is a much-

medium, intuitive counselor,

needed tool for the age that we are

healing channel, and author.

currently living in. With all of the

She is president of the Crystal

misleading news, divisive opinions,

Healing Foundation, Inc., a

and confusing mixed messages out

501(c) spiritual charity, and

there, we need all the assistance

writer for OM Times Magazine.

available to us. Our psychic senses

She has authored two books,

can help us to make decisions,

Friends with Lights and

increase our intelligence and form

Conscious Ascension, and has

strong bonds with friends, family,

read to clients all over the world.

and those in need of love and

To learn more or contact us for a


session, see OM TIMES | November 2022

Self-Sabotage and Manifesting What We Want


by Evelyn Ava

t is great excitement when our

on another level, especially when

efforts finally pay off and we get

manifesting what we want.

what we want. However, the height of this excitement can

For example, suppose you secure

also bring up mixed emotions and

an interview for that job or role you

feelings that are valid but detrimental

have longed for. In that case, you

OM TIMES | November 2022

suddenly begin to have a series of

getting something you desire? What

self-limiting thoughts alongside the

was running through your heart and

positive, self-affirming beliefs that


can sometimes feel like a tug of war in your mind and heart complex.

Self-Sabotage, when left

Trying to separate what is real from


illusion can cause a mental and emotional drain. The failure script is


Limits our perception of Self

already in motion before the success

by promoting limiting self-

arrives – and soon enough, the self-

beliefs and patterns. 2. Block our innate truth,

prophesy is fulfilled.

preventing us from realizing our true potential.

Psychology defines self-sabotage as "when we destroy ourselves

3. Prevents honesty to Self by

physically, mentally, or emotionally

presenting a false perception

or deliberately hinder our success

of ourselves.

and wellbeing by undermining

4. As a distractive program,

personal goals and values." (Brenner,

it diverts from our purpose,


values, and goals.

Self-sabotage beliefs are elusive.

5. Inhibits progress toward

They are not readily available for

complete healing and

healing unless they are brought


to light using techniques such

6. Over time, imbalance in

as journaling or when there is a

the mental and emotional

perceived threat in and around our

energy bodies may result in

comfort zones. Unfortunately, they

psychosomatic issues and

often show up when we least expect

physical illness if not addressed.

them. When we desire something, we decide to get what we want (i.e.,

Self-sabotage may look, sound, or

during manifestation or at the cusp

feel like this or something similar:

of manifesting what we want).


This is too good to be true

2. can't allow myself to be happy. I will get a slap in the face

Have you ever wondered or experienced yourself on the verge of

3. If I get it, I will mess it up

OM TIMES | November 2022

4. An unexplainable fear and

12. Feeling like you are cursed or being punished by a superior

phobia 5. An unpleasant sensation or feeling in the heart or gut area 6. I am not good enough to be it or

being 13. Fear of acting towards achieving the goal due to the perception of failure

to have this 7. I am not deserving of it

Addressing Self-sabotage

8. It's impossible 9. It's too hard 10. I am not very good at this

If not addressed, self-sabotage can

11. Hope it happens soon

be distractive to manifesting what OM TIMES | November 2022

we want, especially when they are

2. Visualize a dream come true,

contrary, and limit our ability to make

taking note of any triggered

continuous progress on our personal

emotion and feeling.

spiritual development. Awareness is the first principle of healing toward a

3. Test your comfort zone by regularly doing something new. 4. Our surrounding is a good

positive transformation.

trigger of feelings and emotions. A few suggestions for spotting and

5. Breathwork and bodywork

addressing self-sabotage: 1.

Pay attention to them.

Make time to explore and spot

(e., Yoga) help to release self-

self-sabotage patterns.


OM TIMES | November 2022

Try This Psychic Reading Technique!


By John Holland

hile reading some

As I mentioned before, psychometry

of the comments

is the practice of holding someone's

on my social

personal possession and then

media pages,

reading the object as part of a

I noticed that many of you want

psychic reading. It's as if you're

to learn more about psychometry

somehow feeling, seeing, or hearing

or "The Psychic Touch." So, let me

through the power of touch and

tell you a little bit more about this

receiving impressions from this

powerful technique.

person's possession. OM TIMES | November 2022

Remember, everything is made up of

It's amazing how much you can learn

energy and its own auric emanations.

about someone or events in their life

It could be your favorite ring, a watch,

just by touching an object of theirs.

the shirt you're wearing, or even that old chair you love to sit in. Each one

I have a friend who uses

of these objects can hold messages

psychometry every time she gets a

about your history and experiences!

business card from a new contact or associate. Most likely, these cards

That's why psychometry is such a

have the owner's energy on them.

wonderful training tool. It can help

She stops and holds the card in her

you to reach beyond your five physical

hand, tunes in to ask herself how

senses by silencing or quieting your

she's feeling about it—whether

conscious mind so you can sense

it's a positive or negative vibe. This

these messages and impressions

helps her to make the best business

through the energy of these objects.


OM TIMES | November 2022

Try this exercise with a business


card you received or maybe The next time you pick up something

someone's car keys. I've found that

that belongs to someone else, try

metal items seem to work best,

this power of touch for yourself. Think

such as keys, watches, necklaces,

about the object you're holding

and rings. They seem to hold on

and ask yourself whether it feels

to the owner's energy even more

positive or negative. For example,

stronger. The longer the item

have you ever borrowed someone's

has been worn or in the person's

shirt or sweater, and it made you

possession, the better.

feel different? What's happening is that you're picking up that person's

Hold the object lightly in your

emotions and their essence.

dominant hand. Keep turning it OM TIMES | November 2022

around in your hand as the images

or symbols, with the owner of the

and feelings begin to form. If you

object. You might be amazed by

can, write down the first few things

how the information you received

that come to mind. You can ask

translates into facts!

questions while you're holding the object: Is this person happy? Are

Want to read more about "The

they troubled? Can this person

Psychic Touch" technique? See

handle the job I'm about to offer

Chapter 8 of my book, Bridging Two

them? What advice can I give to


help them right now? If you know someone who may like Share what you've received,

to get this message, feel free to

whether it's feelings, words, images,

share these Soul Inspirations

OM TIMES | November 2022

Personal Growth & Development

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

One Huge Mistake That Ruins Relationships and How to Fix It SIMPLE MISUNDERSTANDINGS CAN RUIN A LOT OF RELATIONSHIPS


By Marcia Sirota, MD.

ver the years, I’ve noticed

simple misunderstanding ended up

that many relationships

exploding the relationship.

that end in acrimony could have easily been

Nowadays, when communication is so

salvaged. The one thing they all

complex and complicated, it’s easier

seem to have in common is that a

than ever for misunderstandings

OM TIMES | November 2022

to arise. For example, if we jump to

why our response was so hostile or

conclusions and assume that someone

sarcastic, they could send us a text

has been rude, dismissive, or hostile

reflecting their confusion and anger.

toward us, and then we respond with

You could see how things could spiral

anger, it’s easy for the relationship to

out of control.

collapse. Perfectly good romantic relationships When I look at social media, it seems

could be destroyed by such a text

that many of us have a habit of making

volley. Jobs could be lost; friendships

assumptions based on what we have

could die a sudden, unnecessary

heard or read from someone else.


We read the text or the email; we hear something on the phone and

Instead of making assumptions,

automatically assume that we have

we need to clarify

been slighted somehow.

Instead of having a knee-jerk reaction, people needed to notice

But what if it’s all just a simple

their feelings and ask themselves one

misunderstanding? How many have

important question: “am I sure that

otherwise good relationships been

this person meant to offend me?”

destroyed over something as simple as a lack of clarity regarding what was

If we are not 100% certain that the

actually being expressed?

other person intended offense, we need to clarify. Let me give an

We jump to conclusions about


things we read in texts For example, when we receive a text,

Thinking about texting, imagine if you

it’s often hard to interpret the tone. If

were the person on the receiving end

we assume that the tone is negative

of the first confusing text stopped

and then we shoot off a retaliatory

and if you stopped and asked yourself

text, we risk making the person on the

that one important question about

receiving end feel confused and upset.

the intention to cause offense.

If they look at our text and become

Imagine that you could not say with

angry because they don’t understand

100% certainty that the person who

OM TIMES | November 2022

sent the text intended to offend you.

what the other person meant to say in

Then imagine if you ask for clarity

the first place.

instead of jumping to conclusions. Relationships can be saved Imagine if you stopped and considered

by taking a pause before acting

the possibility that the other person

The whole issue could have been

didn’t mean to offend you. Then,

quickly and easily resolved, and the

imagine if you sent a text back, or even

relationship could have been salvaged.

better, made a phone call to check on

It’s that simple.

OM TIMES | November 2022

And that’s why it’s so sad when

must stop and tune in to ourselves

we jump to conclusions and

when something bothers or

make assumptions. When the

upsets us.

solution is so readily available, losing a relationship over a silly

We must ask ourselves if we’re

misunderstanding is tragic.

100% sure about what’s going on or if we need clarification. In

In this world of instant everything,

my experience, we need to seek

we need to build in pauses. We

clarification most of the time.

OM TIMES | November 2022

It’s very simple to ask for clarification.

to keep seeking clarification politely

For example, you can say, "I got your

and neutrally until you’re sure that

text, but I wasn’t sure what you meant

you understand what they mean.

by it. Could you please explain?” One of the advantages of seeking Or, “in our last conversation, you

clarification, as opposed to jumping

said something that I’m not sure

to conclusions, is that the other

I understood. Could you please

person is not likely to go on the


defensive when you ask a simple question like that. Instead, they’re

Clarification involves asking and

more likely to just answer your


question. Imagine how many

And then, you need to listen to the

relationships could be saved if we

other person’s answer. And you need

all did this.

OM TIMES | November 2022

The moral of the story is that tuning

clarification, we prevent hurt feelings

in to our feelings and noticing when

and can maintain healthy, long-lasting

we feel upset or hurt is very important

personal and professional interactions.

because it will prevent us from making

Isn’t that what everybody wants?

dangerous assumptions. Sign up here for my free biweekly Taking the time to notice our feelings

wellness newsletter.

and then ask ourselves what we think just happened is the first step in

Subscribe to my YouTube, where you’ll

preventing tragic misunderstandings.

learn simple tips for taking the best care of yourself and your loved ones. Tune in

Seeking clarity is the next and

to my Ruthless Compassion Podcast,

equally crucial step in salvaging

where I go in-depth about mental

our relationships. When we ask for

health, trauma, and loneliness.

OM TIMES | November 2022


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