November A Issue
Mark Nepo “Discovering the Power and the Spirit of Community in our Lives and in the World.
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November A EDITION
what's inside this issue
Lama Tsultrim Allione Interview By Justine Willis Toms
Discover the Violet Flame and how to use it
The Universe as a Symphony of Strings
What to do when Mourning a Beloved Animal
Tricky Behaviors that Keep us in Unhappy Relationships
The Negative Power of PseudoPositive People
Conscious Keys to Teach Our Children with love.
6 Steps to Clear Old Love Karma
Special Features
Looking to connect with the Conscious Community?
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November A 2018
Cover Story 26
Mark Nepo: The Power and The Spirit of Community
Health & Wellness 48
Trigger Point Therapy with Crystal Sphere or Large Tumble Stone
Spirituality 54
The Universe as a Symphony of Strings
OM Living 62 66
How's Your Life Force? Conscious Keys to Teach Our Children with love
Relationships 80 84 90
Tricky Behaviors that Keep Us In Unhappy Relationships 6 Steps to Clear Old Love Karma The Negative Power of Pseudo-Positive People
Metaphysics 98
The Seductive Influence of Incense 102 Discover the Violet Flame and How to Use It 106 The Science of Precognition 112 Why Astrology Works
Personal Growth 120 What to Do When Mourning a Beloved Animal 124 Self-Reflection - A Journey of Authenticity
World Vision
130 Finding Love and Unity in this Divisive, Yet Hopeful Time
136 Our Secret Powers
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH JUSTINE WILLIS TOMS “More Together than Alone – Discovering the Power and the Spirit of Community in our Lives and in the World.”
Spirit of community JUSTINE TOMS: You just remind me of so many wonderful moments that we can have in our lives to contribute to the betterment of ourselves and our community, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today because in these times it seems as if we have stopped listening to others. The fear is really creeping in. It seems as if there’s an escalation of violence, so I’d love for you to talk about that; what is dominating our culture now and what are the antidotes to that. First, how do you see where we
Mark Nepo, who is a Poet and Philosopher and who, for over decades, has been teaching in the fields of poetry and spirituality. Mark Nepo, who is a Poet and
He devotes his writing and
Philosopher and who, for over
teaching to this relationship
decades, has been teaching
that we have with ourselves
in the fields of poetry and
and with one another. His
spirituality. As a cancer
most recent book is called
survivor, Mark also remains
“More Together than Alone –
committed to the usefulness
Discovering the Power and
of daily inner life, and I know
the Spirit of Community in our
that we are all interested in
Lives and in the World.”
are right now, Mark?
It’s kind of like spiritual physics, but when things fall apart, they make a lot of noise. When things come together they’re quieter. MARK NEPO: Thank
you, I feel it too, and so let me begin to
explore that. Of course, I don’t have answers, but let me speak to it in the context of all this research I’ve done. I’ve worked on this book –for over 13 years and I was really
A lot of times you’ll hear people say we need a Good News Station. Well, I think we need a Whole News Station because we don’t hear the things that are coming together. Things are falling apart, but we don’t hear or listen to the things that are coming together which are the antidotes, historically, because we’re addicted to the noise of things falling apart.
drawn to and compelled just to gather stories of moments when we’ve worked well together and the lessons from that, and to affirm that lineage of care and inter-dependence and kindness which is quieter but just as strong as the fearful, discordant, separate kind of lineage. So all of that is to say, as I’ve looked at where we are today and feel where we are today. I am not just talking here in America, but globally in pockets all over the world. I started because of all this research to see that just as there are waves in the sea that swell and crash, there have been waves throughout the history of humanity; long periods when we’ve come together and long periods when we’ve pushed each other away. So, in that context, it seems –that we are on the verge or in the midst of one of these times when we push each other away. So, as we talk about that a little bit, one of the reasons I say I’m not sure yet is because in our modern world with so much instant access to everything, which is wonderful, but I think it’s how we take it in, that we don’t know how to take it in. Things are always falling apart and coming together at the same time. It’s kind of like spiritual physics, but when things fall apart, they make a lot of noise. When things come together they’re quieter, and because of all the technology, because we don’t know how to internalize and listen to each other, I think we are addicted to the noise of things falling apart, so we don’t hear.
When you and I were growing up, and we turned on the TV, it would be the weather report. Now it’s storm watch, and the last I knew a storm is only one form of weather, so we are being honed for the catastrophic and for the danger and the thrill. So, given all that, let’s look a little further and, again, I don’t have the answers, but let’s try and look at what’s happening today. I think it goes back to every generation, every life, every incarnation has to go through the same journey. We go through it in detail differently, so every day and every period of our lives we’re asked to make this choice, perennial choice, between fear and love, between pushing each other away.
We’re part of the “come to teach me” tribe.
Then when fear gets
JUSTINE TOMS: You know that reminds me of a story you tell, Mark, that really
malignant and is so widespread that we can’t
then we have these
illustrates this, and you talk about going back to
horrific periods of
caveman times. You talk about two tribes – the one tribe is the “go away” tribe,
we have in our lives
MARK NEPO: Thank you for
today, I try to think back to these rhythms and patterns. So, what was this like all
even trust you to be where
you go away”. However, on the other side, if we go back to that person
looking in the cave who says “Oh, you’re different.
pointing to that. As I experience the discord
tribe say, “Well, I can’t
I put you. I’ll have to make
Maybe that would help to illustrate the choice-point
genocide where the rabid members of the “go away”
and the other tribe is the “come to teach me” tribe.
even trust our shadow,
Come to teach me. Thank God you’re not me. We are more together
than alone. Teach me what I don’t know, and together we’ll be more
than we can be separate”.
those years ago, and what I Throughout history, when
imagine or reflect upon is just what you’re pointing to. Imagine the first two human beings to realize they weren’t alone, to come
They go “Huh, who are you?” The one in the cave points to the other and says, “You’re different, go away,” and I think that was the beginning of the “go away” tribe. Depending
that has been dominant when wonder and curiosity and the leaning into what we don’t know has been dominant, then we’ve had
upon each other. So, one
on the level of fear that governs us, so if fear
what I’ve tried to chronicle
person in prehistoric times
is strong and dominant enough, then we say
in this book. Throughout
comes to the mouth of a
“Well, I can’t trust you’ll go away. So I’m going
history and across culture,
cave, and they see
to have to put you where I can watch you, so
someone in the mouth of
I’ll put you in a camp, or a refugee center, or a
the cave.
ghetto, or a reservation”.
moments when we’ve worked well together, in high moments of civilization.
Deep moments and long moments, if you will,
like the Iberian Peninsula for 700 years in Spain, centralized in Cordoba, the Capital,
where Muslims and Christians and Jews didn’t just tolerate each other, they thrived
together, and it resulted in common intermarriage and trading and culturally
appropriating and integrating gifts from each culture.
The catch, though, Justine, is I think we belonged to both tribes and given what I was talking about depending on the level of fear that I wake up with tomorrow, I could switch tribes, and then I need you to remind me. No, no, no – we’re part of the “come to teach me” tribe.
JUSTINE TOMS: I’m thinking that when you talk about those 700 years in Spain when these cultures came together, they were hugely creative. I mean, language and mathematics and art. It was a time of great, great flourishing and creativity.
There was a wonderful
inter-relational scholar named María Rosa Menocal who wrote an amazing book about that period called “Ornament of the World.” On that book, she talks about and what I quote in my book, is that one of the things that became an ethic of those 700 years was the ability to welcome and tolerate different points of view. To seek out contradiction because people were taught to look for the third integrated view. Obviously, today, we’ve stopped listening to each other. Somebody else I quote in the book which is contemporary, who is very helpful about this, is Robert Keegan, a Development Psychologist at Harvard. What I quote from him is that he defines Centrism, which is self-centredness, or egocentrism, or ethnocentrism, any kind of centered
way of thinking. He says that’s when we mistake what is familiar as true, we stop looking for the truth because it’s near us and it’s familiar. We say that’s true, and now we look for only things that confirm what we already know, and the real danger or insidious part of this way of being, or thinking, is that anything new we then see it as false, so we come back to the “go away, you’re different”. The thing I want to point up here, too, is we might say I don’t want to do that. Well, we will, because we’re human, so the question is how we recognize it and help each other and, in selfawareness and relational awareness, so that we can course correct when we find ourselves doing that and not just reaffirming our fears and what we already know.
OMTimes Magazine
"Allowed our true nature, we will always flow to each other and be kind"
I also think that in our more strident pockets today
around the world we are
been an age-old through
stuck in this out-of-balance
the history of Humans in
fear that then we try to
the realm of philosophy,
protect ourselves by
trying to understand
from devouring each other.
what it is to be on this
Just like why that’s an
reaffirming what we already know and seeing everything different as false. JUSTINE TOMS: Mark, I would like to go back to an original thought that you had in which you talk about the original instruction of Humans is one of kinship and relationship. I would love for you to talk about that,
This has
journey. There has been this unsolvable argument and, again, as I mentioned before the
and strict rules to keep us
unsolvable argument, well it’s like we blink how many times a day?
break, I’m not really interested in argument, but there is unsolvable argument about we are hard-wired for
So, is the world all light interrupted by moments of dark, or is the world all dark
connection and
interrupted by moments of
relationship, and another
light? It’s kind of a useless
that says no, we’re worse than animals and we
and to talk about some of
need separation and
the examples of how we
everyone’s out for
know that, like our heart
selves’ example.
That’s why we need laws
Yes, it has been discovered that if you take two living heart cells from two different people and you put them in a Petri dish, and you go and have lunch, and then you come back, and in a certain
Then, if we go more to our sense of what that means for us as human beings, there was a Chinese Philosopher, Mencius or Mengzi who lived about two hundred years
amount of time they will actually discover
after Confucius, and he was in the
and start beating to a third, common
Confucian tradition. He had a beautiful
beat. The Physicist, Irvin Lazlo, did similar
metaphor for this. He said the way water
experiments with people meditating. He
allows its true nature will always flow
would take two strangers and put them in
downhill and join other water, human
a room and have them meditate while
beings will be kind. Human beings allowed
they were measuring their brainwaves.
their true nature, will always flow to each other and join and he said that water can
After a while, just like those cells in the Petri dish, their brainwaves would start to move in signature with a third, common wave. Then, even more, what he did, he removed one person and brought a stranger in who was just told to start meditating without any introduction and, in time, that strange third person started to be in the third, common beat that the other two had arrived at. Those are just some ways that we are hard-wired for connection.
be manipulated to go sideways, even uphill behind dams and through pipes. Just like that, human beings can be manipulated, or manipulate themselves depending on their pain and wounds and upbringing to go against their true nature. Allowed our true nature, we will always flow to each other and be kind, and I think this leads to a small poem of mine about how we’re inextricably linked, and it goes like this:
Then, if we go more to our sense of what that means for us as human beings, there was a Chinese
Philosopher, Mencius or Mengzi who lived about two hundred years after Confucius, and he was in the Confucian tradition. He had a beautiful metaphor for this. He said the way water allows its
JUSTINE TOMS: Mark, that’s so beautifully written and so beautifully said. Poetry goes into the heart of the matter, I believe, and you are a beautiful poet. When you talk about how as human beings we’re allowed to let our true nature shine
true nature will always flow downhill and join other water, human beings will be kind. Human beings allowed their true nature, will always flow to each other and join and he said that water can be manipulated to go
forth, I’m reminded of something that happened to you. We’re going back to Spain again, to Barcelona, some years ago at the Parliament of World Religions, where you ended up in a place where you didn’t speak the language. That story really says a lot, I believe. Can you
sideways, even uphill
share it with us, please?
behind dams and through pipes. Just like that,
MARK NEPO: This was back
human beings can be
in 2004-2005, and I was
manipulated, or
attending the Parliament of
manipulate themselves depending on their pain and wounds and upbringing to go against
World Religions, a gathering of probably 8,000 people from all over the world. I was part of a group. There were many, many Dialogues and Conversations,we were
their true nature. Allowed our true nature, we will always flow to each other
convening one. The two languages for the Parliament were settled on English and Spanish, and so
and be kind, and I think this leads to a small poem of mine about how we’re inextricably linked, and it goes like this:
we had about 50 people who were coming to our Dialogue, and we had a translator who was going to be there for us, and the translator got sick.
So, there we were, four Englishspeaking people in a room full of people speaking Spanish, and we just sat there for a while. What was amazing is that without words getting in the way, we started to communicate. We started to understand each other’s gestures and expressions and, while we didn’t know what we were saying for a while, we could feel our connection.
This ties in with our larger conversation. One of the stories about whether we understand each other or not is the legendary story which I retell in this book of the Tower of Babel. It holds very important ongoing lessons for us today, as it does in every age. So, the Tower of Babel, if there was one, and there might have been, would have
We could feel each other. We could tell if someone was expressing sadness, though we didn’t know the details or the why, and then we could feel compassion for that or when someone was surprised or wonder or laughter. That was an interesting lesson for me that yes, we need a common language to understand each other in depth, but it reminds me of Martin Buber, the great Jewish Philosopher.
He said that the world is incomprehensible, but it is embraceable. Then, what happened is that a young man stood in, a University student who could see that we didn’t have a translator and he was exquisite in both languages and he began to serve for us in that regard.
been in the land of Uric which is now where Iraq is. The
They were no longer connected to the dream, so as they started to work they were distanced from it, and they got more overwhelmed by the task because they had no love for the task. There’s a good chance we’re going to value the brick over the worker and, once we do that, we lose the ability to understand each other.
original intent for the Tower, it was a time when there was only one human tribe before humanity had migrated across
JUSTINE TOMS: Mark – is that when you’re talking about going out in the
the globe. The elders of that
world, each of us is
tribe said let’s build a tower
offered in any moment
taller than anything we have
the opportunity to
so far so that when people lose their way they simply
practice, even in the smallest gesture, caring kindness.
have to look to the sky and they can find their way home.
Whether it’s standing in
line at our grocery store,
Now that sounds like a
or whether we’re driving
wonderful, noble thing to do, and so they began. It took so long to build this tower that it went beyond one generation.
on the highway and allowing someone to move in ahead of us to change lanes, or whatever it is, we’re
So, now you have sons and
offered that opportunity
grandsons, and they were
every day in all sorts of
now buildings someone else’s dream.
This is why
it matters so much to go back to the time we’re living in. I’m not sure we are entering a dark age because of what we talked about earlier, but if we are entering a difficult period in the swell and crest of humanity, let’s look at another difficult time. That was the Dark Ages
Well, I offer that humanity is a global body and every soul is a cell in that
I believe in the lineage that says “No, being who you are
body, and every
is the best self-protection,”
conversation and gesture
and that means by owning
and kindness and
and feeling and admitting to
compassion and listening
our humanity, we are
that we do, might be the
strengthening our humanity.
one healthy soul that
Lao Tzu in the Tao said “Look,
keeps humanity healthy
the things that don’t last in
and not ill and we don’t
the world are the things that
know which gesture it’s
are hard and brittle. The things that are soft and
going to be.
flowing like a river, they
in Europe. It’s interesting
absorb everything. Nothing
that we’re taught in
breaks them”. So, being
school that the Dark Ages
talk about the thresholds
vulnerable, and the word
were the Middle Ages,
to the relationship, and
vulnerable comes from the
and yet in the rest of the
you use the metaphor like
Latin of wholeness, which
world it was an
logs on a fire, I’m thinking
means carrying a wound
enlightened time. That’s
“Oh, logs on a fire.” That
when everything was
means that in that life of
happening in Cordoba,
questioning and that life
Spain, as well. In Europe,
of holding one another
for those 200 plus years,
we must allow ourselves
there’s only 10% of the
to be vulnerable, and
European population was
allow ourselves to
literate. That means that
disappear into the
10% of the people kept
questioning, into the
literacy alive for over 200
relationship. Do you have
open and fully transparent
years. So, if we are
any comments on that?
with our humanity we let the
gracefully. I think we know that any physical wound needs air and light to heal. If it stays closed, it will get infected; so, too, the heart.
Carrying a wound with grace means carrying it openly. The secret to being vulnerable,
entering a dark time or a
the resource, is by being
grace and light of everything
difficult period, it is
we’re not in that can heal us
incumbent on us to keep
the literacy of the heart
One of the age-old
with our own wound; which
alive. That means we
things and I think this
brings us back to we’re more
need to stay visible and
affirms personally and in
together than alone, come to
wholehearted and why
a community sense, one
every conversation and
of the questions has
every gesture matter. It’s
always been what the
easy to feel overwhelmed
best self-protection
and feel that this has
is? Hiding who you are, or
been going on for
being who you are?
centuries and it’s our turn,
Again, there are people
so what difference can I
on both sides of that
and not have us be infected
teach me. You know, in Chinese Philosophy, there’s a beautiful mythical creature known as a Chien, and a Chien is a bird that has one eye, and one wing and its sole journey in life are to find another Chien so that it can see and fly together.
Yes, she’s a
thinking of the way the
wonderful storyteller and
Geese move, and they
Poet, herself, and obviously
have different leaders,
a Therapist and Thinker.
and they encourage each other with honking, and that leader and that V shape will break the air for the others, and when that leader gets tired it moves back and somebody else takes
She tells this story of a man who is on his deathbed, and he has a large, very loving family, and they all come together, and he gives each of them a stick, a little twig, and he asks them all to break it. They break it easily. Then
over, and they all
he hands another bundle of
encourage each other.
sticks, the same amount of
That’s why we hear them
sticks that are all tied
honking when they fly
together, and he passes it
overhead in their V
around all of his children
formation, and that’s
and loved ones, and he says
what you’re talking about, of holding together and sharing with one another.
now break this and no-one can break the bundle. He says promise me when I’m gone that you’ll all stay together because together we’re unbreakable.
Yes, and in
the larger of all the stories and all the cultures that I’ve been able to look at, and even those took me all these years, and it’s in no way definitive. It’s in no way definitive. It’s like
JUSTINE TOMS: It just goes back to your story, the story of the Native American Elders Circle that it takes all of the perspectives together to heal where we
trying to drink the ocean; I
are right now really. Are
can only drink what I can
you optimistic about the
hold even after all that
future, Mark?
time. But in all the things that I was able to look at, one kind of insight held true across all the stories and all the traditions, and that is when fear makes us
Yes, I am. I
mean I’m not denying the difficulty we’re in, but the
think that self-interest will
rhythm of life force and the
save us and protect us,
rhythm of humanity is larger
love and suffering affirm
than what any one time can
that we’re more together
do; either wonderfully, or
than alone.
disastrously. So, I am optimistic, and I’m very optimistic about our youth,
and I was so moved by the
I’m reminded as you’re
students at the Parkland
talking, of another story
High School after that mass
that you tell in the book,
shooting. They’re very old
and it’s from a wonderful
souls, and brave souls who
storyteller, about a man on
were thrust at an early age
his deathbed. If you could
into this conversation we’re
tell that story, I think it
having, and Mother Theresa
really demonstrates what
said that courage is doing
you’re talking about.
small things with love.
JUSTINE TOMS: I know one of your favorite quotes is an E.E. Cummings quote, which says I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach 10,000 stars how not to dance. Share with us why you love that piece of poetry
MARK NEPO: Well, in that couplet, E.E. Cummings opens two very different ways of learning which speak to what we’re talking about over this entire time. He says, as you telescope that out, he says I’d rather learn than teach, I’d rather learn how to than how not to. He says I’d rather learn how to teach one bird, which is a living thing than teach 10,000 stars. I’d rather learn how to learn from one than teach 10,000. So, he
Thank you so much for being with us today.
telescopes out this whole sense of being open to how all of life is encoded. Just
I thank Sandie Sedgbeer for allowing me to take her place today and to be with
like x and y chromosomes. In any
Mark Nepo. He’s the author of More
chromosome, all of life is encoded there.
Together than Alone – Discovering the
All of life is encoded in the simplest
Power and Spirit of Community in our lives
gesture of heart.
and in the World. His website is:
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, New Dimensions Radio Creative Producer, and Host She’s co-authors of True Work: Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do Author of Small Pleasures: Finding Grace in a Chaotic World
Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
Trigger Point Therapy with Crystal Sphere or Large Tumble stone (excerpt from Andrew’s Complete Crystal Massage Course)
Trigger Point Therapy or Myofascial Therapy is a unique treatment protocol for the treatment of myofascial pain. Trigger Points produce pain locally and in a referred pattern and often accompany chronic musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of trigger point therapy
is to eliminate pain and to reeducate the muscles into painfree habits. Treatment of trigger points involves the application of sustained pressure for a period long enough to release the muscle spasm, which is causing the pain. The Trigger Point Therapy procedure is one of the most powerful, yet simplest ways to treat muscle pain. Based on the idea that pain in a certain muscle group stems from where the muscle insertion is, the particular muscle group innervates and its origin, great relief can be accomplished by massaging these regions.
Trigger Points 1,2. Occiput: The back part of the head or skull at the insertion of suboccipital muscles. Lower cervical: at the anterior aspect of the intertransverse spaces at C5 - C7 3,4. Sternocleidomastoid: (SCM) muscle, rotation of the head and neck, upper cervical extensor, a flexor of the cervical spine on the thoracic spine, and lateral flexor.
5,6. Trapezius: midpoint of upper border, spinous processes and supraspinous ligaments to T12. Laterally rotates, elevates and retracts scapula. If scapula is fixed, extends and laterally flexes neck 7, 8. Rhomboids: bring the scapula in towards the spinal column, squeeze the shoulder blades together when they are used at the same time. Supraspinatus: at origins above the scapula spine medial border 9, 10. 2nd Rib: second costochondral junction, just lateral. 11, 12. Lateral epicondyle: 2cm distal to epicondyles, the action includes grasping muscles (extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus) and supination muscles (supinator longus and brevis) of the forearm, which originate on the lateral epicondyle of the elbow. 13, 14. Greater trochanter: posterior to the trochanteric prominence 15, 16. Gluteal: upper outer quadrant, an anterior fold of muscle
Piriformis: muscle originates at the front the sacrum, passes through the greater sciatic notch to attach to the top of the femur at its bony prominence called the greater trochanter. The gluteus maximus covers the piriformis muscle. 17, 18. Knees: medial fat pad, proximal to the joint line Sartorius: the longest muscle in the body, originates from the iliac spine and goes across the front of the upper thigh from the side to the middle and then descends vertically to the knee. It inserts into the surface of the body of the tibia. The muscles involved with pain are frequently found by recognizing the “pain pattern.” 1. A history of widespread pain of at least 3 months in duration. 2. Widespread pain falls into the following categories: * Present- pain on the left side of the body * Pain on the right side of the body
* Pain above and below the waist * Plus axial skeletal pain (cervical spine or anterior chest or thoracic spine or low back) must be present.
How to Use the Charts: 1) Identify the region on the body closest to the patient’s pain 2) Check the muscles at the top of the list first. They are most likely to be the cause of pain in the area, although any one of the muscles may be the cause. 3) Check each muscle for the restricted range of motion. The muscle or muscles which cannot sustain full stretch or which cause pain “on the stretch” should be palpated and checked for trigger points. 4) Once the trigger points have been located, treat them with Trigger Point Elimination Techniques. 5) Always follow Trigger Point Elimination Techniques with proper stretching, the range of motion exercise and self-care treatments. Do not attempt
strengthening exercises for affected muscles until trigger points and referred pain are eliminated.
Trigger Point Elimination Techniques 1. With a crystal sphere or large tumblestone, lay on the floor and place the tennis ball under you in the points between and under the shoulder blades. Massage the area by gently rocking over the tennis ball. 2. Move the ball around to different trigger points on your back. The trapezius muscles at the base of the neck 3. The occiput at the base of the skull 4. The dimples of the buttock, is where we hold a lot of tension that crawls all the way up the spine to the behind the shoulder blades, which in turn burn up to the base of the skull. 5. Let your body relax over the sphere or large tumblestone until the tension dissolves. 6. Still lying on the floor, when the ball is under your upper back and neck, rotate the arm slowly
along th floor to over your head and slowly back. 7. When the ball is under the right buttocks, with the foot flat on the floor, slowly lower the right knee to the floor on the right side. Move the ball to the left buttock and repeat the motion. 8. Use the sphere or large tumblestone on each one of the 18 trigger points. Gently massage these areas. 9. This is often a painful procedure. The trick is to find your pain threshold, then pass it. Once, you stand up, you will understand how you got the amazing results. 10. Always use the breath when working with the sphere or large tumblestone. Inhale deep and then exhale as you dig the ball into the trigger point. Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac courses Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
The Universe as a Symphony of Strings By Jill Mattson
What do Fifth Century B.C. Pythagoreans have in common with modern state-of-the Art cosmologists & physicists? In a word - strings! For the ancient Greek Pythagoreans, it was the lyre string; modern scientists postulate infinitesimally small
strings as the ultimate building blocks of the universe. The Greeks found that the tone of a plucked lyre string corresponded to its length. Changing the length of the vibrating string changed the tone in a precise way; double the length and the tone go down by a full octave; reduce the length by two-thirds, the note changes by a fifth. The laws of music and harmonics are discovered and reduced to mathematics. The Pythagoreans believe everything is based on music and math. The Pythagoreans extended this thinking in an attempt to explain the entire universe. They partially succeeded but ultimately failed in their attempts. The thing based on incredibly small strings. These vibrating strings are the fundamental unit of all matter and energy. When a string vibrates in a certain way, an electron results; change the vibration of this same string and another particle appears - the electron changes into a neutrino. As with the plucked lyre, it is the string that is fundamental; the
tone (in the musical example) or the subatomic particle, arise from the way that the string is vibrating. Modern string theory also had its roots in mathematics. The proposed strings are far too small ever to view directly. Their existence was slowly recognized as the theory of strings solved formerly impossible problems in physics. The beauty of the theory is that we eliminate the numerous “fundamental� particles that exist today and unite the formerly conflicting theories of Einstein & the Quantum theory. We potentially have a real theory-of-everything. Same as the Pythagoreans sought thousands of years ago. There is another group, growing in popularity today, that share important links with the ancients & scientists of today, Vibratory Healers. The string is the primary element with our first two groups, but it is the vibration, more precisely vibration energy, that modern Alternative Healers utilize to produce wondrous results. Vibration energy has been found to be extremely versatile
and effective, in its benefits to living things; why is this? The form of the energy - vibrations - seems to be easily absorbed; frequencies are available for almost any need - in the exact amount of energy required. The spectrum of vibratory frequencies is immense, offering precise and selective remedies to tune all elements of the Holistic Being... Body, Mind & Soul. Vibratory Energy of the right frequencies has shown the ability to greatly accelerate the growth and resistance to disease and pests of many plants. “Melodies” of frequencies derived from plant DNA was studied by a French physicist, Joel Sternheimer, and found to produce accelerated plant growth consistently. Certain Sound Healing practices have achieved impressive results “tuning.” The Individuals that make use of unique tuning forks (Hulse), for example, a tuning fork that emits a single frequency would be placed on the spine, or on key meridians can help Loosen subtle energy or alleviate back pain. Tones, rhythms, and harmonics have been associated with chakra
clearing, allowing subtle vital energy to enter our systems, producing health and vitality. Modern Masters, many of them Indian Swamiji and Sufi masters are descendants of a long tradition that uses sound to build moral and spiritual development. The master, Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji does healing concerts where modern-day miracles are reportedly performed. Many ancient spiritual masters held sound like the most powerful means of achieving & influencing the divine (like the Pythagorean tradition above). Sharry Edwards has spent a lifetime demonstrating that the voiceprint of a human the voice is a window on the underlying physical and emotional wellbeing of its owner. Edwards has learned to read and correct imbalances in the human voice - all with Vibratory energy - restoring health in the process. In Edwards BioAcoustics, frequencies can be used in place of physical substances, such as vitamins, muscles and so on. These frequency equivalents are noninvasive packets of energy that can selectively
restore missing balance to the unharmonious soul. The circle is complete when the restored frequencies are once more present in a new voiceprint is recording. The author has studied the vibratory modalities of the Bach Soul Flower remedies and of facial skin and muscle rejuvenation potentials. These seemingly very different aspects of nature are linked and made available or tuned and revitalized by the use of the appropriate sound energies. Cousto learned to interpret the motions of the planets and stars into Star Tones, powerful forces for using and understanding Astrological Energies. He played the music of the Stars! Fibonacci tones mirror patterns found throughout nature and the cosmic realm. This set of frequencies is revealed in every aspect of creation, including the human body. The ancients believed that tuning to this pattern not only harmonized their souls and bodies but connected them to the divine. The Solfeggio tones are mysteriously encoded in
the Bible. In history and modern times, each tone is reported to have its own healing benefit, such as one frequency used to repair DNA in scientific settings. Different scales with related note-pitches also have been touted to produce a variety of healing impacts. Scales such as the Pythagorean and Just intonation are created with different methods than those used in our current musical scale. Different vibratory patterns are associated with different impacts on the body. Through the ages the idea of a vibrating string has been used again-and-again to help thinkers better understand the universe around us - and to gain insight into unseen mysteries - be that super-submicroscopic strings or the workings of the human body and the chakras... Einstein had it right, matter IS energy, all is vibration, everything is One, all can be shown to be the same and we will evolve out of matter - and one day, all are united in the divine. Jill Mattson can be found at & at
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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
How’s Your Life Force? By John Holland
To lead a completely soulfilled, energetic life, giving life everything that you have to offer and being all that you can be, you must keep your soul power (life force) entirely
strong and intact. I constantly remind people when I’m teaching that we’re all made up of energy! As energetic beings, we have what’s known as energy cords, which we constantly emanate, whether consciously or unconsciously. When you direct your thoughts and energy to a particular person, place, object, situation, or even an uncompleted project, you begin to establish an energetic cord with whatever you’re focusing on. The more you send your power there or obsess about it, the bigger and stronger the cord becomes. In turn, what happens is that your energy attaches itself to the object of your concern, and your own precious resource seeps away from your soul, where it’s most needed. I’m sure that you’ve heard the expression “giving your power away.” Well, that’s exactly what happens. Not only are you giving it away, which is a form of soul leakage, but you also become
energetically entangled once this energy connection has been established. I’m not advocating that you never become attached or that you disconnect yourself from those around you or from life itself. You can have healthy attachments to people, places, and situations, ones that feed your soul and supply you with energy. In other words, I’m referring to anything that’s taking your power away and draining you — the unforeseen connections that pull or tug on your energy, leaving you feeling drained.
JOHN’S LESSON Take out your journal or make a list of whatever (or whoever) is draining, irritating, or upsetting you — or even issues you may be unclear about. These could be in any area, including your personal, work, or even your home life. Break down the list into categories, and go through them one by one. Making this list is an important step. You’ll start noticing where your energy is
going, and you’ll be able to make decisions that are more informed when you want to cut the cord and deal with it. It’s amazing when you start this process. You’ll get your energy back, and in so doing, you’ll begin healing every part of you. You don’t have to cut all the cords at one. Go slow, and work at them one at a time. Here are a few examples of potential draining energy cords: • Family concerns • Unhealthy diet • Lack of exercise • Putting off a health checkup • Relationship issues that have never been addressed • Uncompleted projects (personal, home, or work) • Unresolved financial issues • Excessive worrying • Taking on the problems of a friend
Give life your best and do things that you feel passionate about instead of just talking about them. Remember that your body acts like one big psychic antenna, receiving energy, thoughts, and feelings — and the same metaphor applies when you’re sending out energy. Now it’s time to get your energy moving in the right direction and take a long, hard look at your life. When you’re interacting with the different people in it, ask yourself: “Are they giving you energy, or are they taking it away?” “Is there an even exchange?” There should always be a balance between giving and receiving. I want to encourage you to become more consciously aware of when and where you give away your power — the power that infuses your soul and that’s meant for you. Honor it. Live a Soul-filled life!
Conscious Keys to Teach Our Children with love
Educating with love is, above all, a commitment to adore and admire this little person who looks up to us eager to learn. Educating with love is teaching through caring with dedication and paying
particular attention in the moments that are dedicated to that purpose, regardless of the time needed for it. Learning is the mental function of acquiring knowledge. It is the process that takes care of the development and the implementation of most of our abilities. To adequately equip your little one to a Life Journey should be your primary function as a conscious parent. Through learning, humans develop understanding, observation, assimilation, and reasoning. It also influences the formation of moral conduct and values. The transformation of skills and the accumulation of experiences are consequences of what we have learned. Although animals are born with certain instincts that enable them to climb in things, feed
themselves, walk, swim, hide from predators as self-preservation mode, according to the species to which they belong, human beings are in constant process of learning and adapting from when they are small children. Educate with love to achieve Conscious learning But to learn effectively and facilitate a better understanding of the subject, especially in childhood, it is essential to find motivation. One of the primary motivations of the child may be to spend more time by their side. That’s why you should be, in a way, your child teacher. We are not talking about teaching a child to memorize; to memorize something to make a test, for example, and to forget as soon as we conclude it, it is not to learn. At least it is not education that will be effective.
When we are educated people, we have the tools to put into practice everything we know to become independent, intelligent, and educated beings. Children must be able to make their own decisions because these decisions will be based on sound moral foundations and will not be mere random impulses that they may have. So, take care that your little one becomes worthy of his own knowledge and not imposed strength, economic standing, nor the following an unrealistic educational scope. Educate and encourage your child to learn all he/she can. But do not do this with scolding, pressure, shouting, cursing or using punishment, or physical abuse. Your child needs to learn how to be sufficient for a lifetime, and he can only do this by taking his own time without being forced. Educate your child with love,
tolerance, and patience. Take this opportunity and teach by example. Put all your efforts to offer them the best knowledge For this, you must strive, do everything to convey the education that maybe you yourself never received. Remember that children should always be better than their parents. As a parent, you must prepare your children for the life that awaits them. Put seriousness in your teachings It is imperative that you see your child as a human being who needs you to learn how to behave, how to overcome their shyness, how to speak, how to make decisions, to be consistent and value what they have; to make use of the best values and ​​ love and respect others like themselves. Therefore, you should
put importance on your teachings and make your child see the significance they have. Applaud Their achievements If the children see that you value their accomplishments and feel proud of them, they will feel loved by the most significant person in the world to them: you. And so they may want to try harder to learn. Applauds each goal, praising when the child learns something new, highlighting their qualities and rewarding their efforts. Interweave the affection with the teachings Even when you feel like your child’s teacher you should know that you are still their parent. The moments you use to instruct should be interspersed with tenderness, kisses, hugs. So, your little one will also feel more relaxed, loved and cared for.
Invest in Teaching Compassion It is vital for a human being to learn how to develop the qualities of the heart because of these qualities we evolve the way to relay and to interact and adequately navigate in a social environment. Teach your children to be kind, respectful to others different from him/her and cultivate the natural empathic abilities of your child. Giving the freedom a child needs to learn and err alone If your child gets the resources to practice learning and some self-reflection, you will be contributing to their autonomy and independence. This is what really means to educate with love. Let your child try and venture out, no matter if he/ she makes mistakes. Most significant is that he/she knows to stand up and keep on thriving.
Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
Tricky Behaviors that Keep us in Unhappy Relationships By Ascending hearts dating
Relationships and love are not just about gifting boxes of chocolates on Valentine’s Day, they are much more than that. We must be able to differentiate between healthy relationships and unhappy
relationships so that we do not become attached to the latter. A satisfying and healthy relationship can make us better and happier. To cultivate that there must be decent communication, respect and good habits of the couple. “The company of another person must add value to your life, and not fill an emotional need.” –Gottfried KerstinWhen communication, respect, and good habits do not exist, doomed relationships are born. Worse still is to maintain these relations for convenience with the following tricky behaviors:
Disregarding your intuition: Has your inner voice been saying for some time that your partner is not what it seems? It is very common that at the beginning of the relationship everything seems perfect. It is the part of the passion that
brings us closer to this person: we tend to minimize their defects and increase their qualities. The problem starts when they start appearing, or you begin to see specific unhealthy behaviors like lies, strange attitudes and excessive jealousy. If you ever find yourself in this situation as such, stop, or you will enter into one of those unhappy relationships that no one wants to have. Analyze the case and if you think you are actually falling into unhealthy behaviors, think about the different options that are available. Sometimes it is possible to seek external help, and support, but it is better to terminate the connection to avoid more serious problems in the future. “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. “ –Albert Einstein-
Anxiety about married life If your family is like any other, they probably want to know if and when you are getting married. They will express their concern for your singleness without caring about your age or your goals. It is a widespread thing, and one must learn to deal with it instead of becoming obsessed with the subject. Many hopeless relationships are born of this concern. Both women and men may feel tempted to start a connection just to avoid the constant questionings. “The problem is that we live in the culture of the happy ending, in the culture of ‘how it should be’ rather than ‘as it is.’ If they had not taught us this fantasy, I believe we would be less neurotic. “ –AnonymousWhen the engagement time finally arrives, some families begin to push for marriage.
Some people will eventually marry, and after a short time, they realized they are involved in a relationship that is not what they wanted. The best you can do is not to worry about external pressures. If you are not ready now, merely explain this to anyone in your family or circle of friends who comes with questions and demands.
We end up conforming to unhappy relationships Conforming is a behavior that may be related to the previous, but not necessarily. Those are situations in which we maintain a relationship with another person only to avoid questions, but without real love. You may like the person, but do not necessarily love the person, or there are things you have problems tolerating. However, you put up with it because it is “easier” than enduring social pressure.
It may also happen that there is no external pressure. You may have nurtured the biggest dream of getting married and having children to form a stable family. So you seek and find a person who wants more or less the same thing. It most likely does not meet all your expectations, but since you’re willing to offer what you want, you accept, thinking you are in fact fulfilling a life dream. As you can imagine, in any of the two situations described we will have unhappy relationships. At first, they may even work, but after a few years, the problems will be too much to handle. “Never settle for being the ‘something’ of one person when you can be the ‘everything’ of another.”
we have not often given it the attention it deserves. Paying attention to intuition is the best way to avoid being tricked by the circumstances and end up in an unhappy relationship. Just listen to what your feelings say. We always want to avoid pain and suffering. This is normal so we can do two things with unhappy relationships: To get out of them or to convince ourselves that all is well. If you wish to stay sane, the best alternative would be to end the ill-fated relationship at once. It may not be easy, but you will be taking control of your life, and you can seek a relationship that really brings you happiness, and make you feel like a completely loved being.
How do we change these behaviors?
“ Be Guided by intuitions is not the same as being guided by impulses. Intuition sees beyond your eyes. The impulse is frighteningly blind. “
We all have intuition, although
Clear 6OldStepsLovetoKarma
If you feel stuck in your love life, unresolved karma may be to blame. Old karma is particularly effective at blocking relationships from progressing. Many people
misconceive their karma for “what goes around comes around,” but this is such a narrow explanation of an elaborate, eternal principle. The truth is that we all carry karma, both good and bad. Your karma can draw its origins in your past lives, and chances are that you’ve created a bit of new karma through your current experiences, too. Karma can also be shared among people or “passed down” through generations.
enduring the same heartache, until you become aware and take appropriate action. If you want to clear your love karma once and for all, you must welcome it as you would an old (but annoying) friend. You must come to terms with it, accepting what has happened while acknowledging that you hold the power over what will happen. A clean karmic slate sets your soul free to fulfill your highest purpose, and to give and receive the love you deserve.
Your karma is yours like your eye color, voice, and blood type are yours. It belongs to your being, although you can’t see it the way you see your physical features when you look in a mirror. But karma makes sure its presence is felt, manifesting as the repetition of events, situations, and people in your life. It will knock at your door time and time again until you open and say, “I get it!” In terms of love, unsettled karma will cause you to experience similar scenarios over and over, such as meeting the same types of partners and
Carry out these six steps to attract a new relationship with unlimited potential or help your current relationship overcome karmic hurdles: 1. Understand your karma. If you want to change a story’s ending, you have to revisit its beginning. Understanding your karma requires that you return to the origin: When, where, how, and why did this pattern start? What exactly keeps repeating? Is it that you keep bringing in partners with toxic qualities (cheaters, addicts, narcissists, etc.), that identical problems
pop up in your relationships, or that your romances all end in disappointment? Identify the issue then its source: Did your parents suffer similar circumstances, or was it something that happened to you as a child? Recognizing the reality of your karma entails a bit of introspection, but it’s the first step towards true karmic resolution. 2. Respond differently. Karma likes to test us by steering us towards the same situations to see if we’ll respond as we did before. If we do, we repeat the karmic cycle. It’s like playing a video game: Go down the road where you know the monster is hiding, and you’ll never get past that level! You have to remember to take the road that’s clear. A real-life example would be that if you keep attracting “bad” partners, yet you turn down good guys and give every notorious cheater a chance, how do you expect to meet an honest person? Reverting to habit will keep you stuck in frustrating patterns. Break the behaviors that tie you to negative karma. Im-
plement new intentions, thoughts, and actions to reap new results. 3. Change environment. Staying in a place that carries bad memories won’t lead to personal progress. Sometimes the best way to close a karmic door is to remove yourself from an environment that’s heavy with reminders of the past. One of my clients was so devastated by her husband’s betrayal that she developed cancer. After she divorced, my client continued living in the same house and suffering from the same illness. Karma can attach itself to a place and trap us both physically and emotionally in the pain of the past. I advised her to move, let go of this ordeal, and start over. As my client settled into her bright new home, her health not only started to improve but she even met a new partner. Don’t be afraid to leave behind a place that is burdened by bad energy or impeding you from a happy relationship. 4. Practice forgiveness. No one can hurt you if
you forgive them because forgiveness is an act so strong, it takes away their power. When you forgive, you regain control of your karma. So forgive your former partners, your parents, your younger self who didn’t know any better, your mailman—forgive everybody! Forgiveness breaks down hardened karma and detaches it from you. It helps you move forward by gifting you with wisdom, resilience, and new drive. A great way to start the process is to acknowledge who has hurt you and determine whether you still harbor emotions like resentment or bitterness. Even if someone caused you harm a decade ago, the memory can still rear its ugly head in your relationships. Know that no matter what happened or what was done to you, you always have the ability to heal yourself; Forgiveness is the glue that makes you whole again. 5. Generate good karma. One of the best ways to eradicate negative karma is to replace it with positive karma. The general rule
behind good karma (as well as most religions) is to do what you want done to you. When it comes to love karma, this means not interfering in other people’s relationships, not being with someone who’s already taken, and treating your partner with honesty and respect. Be careful not to succumb to situations that trigger new karma, like retaliating against lovers who have caused you pain, acting egoistically or deceptively to get your way, or leaving a lot of loose ends when you walk away from a relationship. When in doubt, follow the Golden Rule. 6. Perform cleansing rituals. Small, symbolic acts performed with mindfulness and meaning can reshape your karmic reality. Close your eyes and inhale deeply, feeling your core fill up with fresh air. Hold your breath for a few seconds then exhale slowly. As you exhale, imagine any dark, pent-up energy being released from your being. Affirm to yourself: “I am letting go of old karma that has held me back from finding
unconditional love” and “I welcome a relationship with endless possibilities into my life.” If you’re already in a relationship, you can say: “I’m sending the bad karma back where it began. I’m free to manifest love, loyalty, and joy in my relationship.” This breathing exercise is one of the many rituals you can repeat each day to move out stagnant karma and purify your love energy. Your karma may be part of you, but it’s a part you can improve. Follow these steps to clear old love karma and foster a fulfilling relationship. To good karma and great love, Dr. Carmen Harra Dr. Carmen Harra is a worldrenowned intuitive counselor, psychologist, best-selling author, radio show host, and relationship expert. In the past 25 years, Carmen has helped over 40,000 people rediscover peace of mind, reclaim personal power, and regain joy. Her clients include people from all walks of life, from the lady next door to Hollywood celebrities and eminent politicians.
Carmen’s unique technique includes combining the normal with the paranormal to deliver the greatest transformative potential: tried and tested cognitive therapy coupled with the ancient arts of numerology, mediumship, and incredible intuition. Carmen has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, New York Post, and New York Daily News, and on shows like Good Morning America, The View, Good Day New York, the Today show, and many more. Carmen is the author of the international best-sellers Everyday Karma, Decoding Your Destiny, The Eleven Eternal Principles, and Wholeliness, among others. Her seventh book, The Karma Queens’ Guide to Relationships, was released by Penguin Books, and she’s now working on her eighth book all about commitment! Carmen has also hosted callin shows on Hay House Radio, WOR Radio, and WABC Radio. She now hosts a popular weekly show called Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life every Tuesday at 7pm EST on OMTimes Radio.
Love is Real
The Negative Power of Pseudo-Positive People By Marcia Sirota
Tara Parker-Pope published an interesting article in the New York Times about the health benefits of spending time with positive people. She recommends that if we want to be healthier, we ought to spend less time with negative
people and a lot more time hanging out with positive ones. It seems self-evident that there would be benefits to associating with those individuals who are optimistic, supportive, generous and kind. It’s obvious that this would be preferable to being around people who are angry, spiteful, jealous, hostile or undermining. The article got me thinking, though, about people who seem positive but aren’t. What if you’ve been hanging around with some friends who you thought were positive people when in fact, they weren’t? What if they were in fact, pseudo-positive individuals? You’d want to know this, wouldn’t you? Especially in the light of all the research, Ms. Parker-Pope quoted in her article. In fact, I believe that as much as there’s value to spending time with positive people, there’s a detriment to associating with the pseudopositive ones, and I’ll explain my reasoning for this in a moment.
So, who are these seemingly positive people who aren’t so positive after all? They’re the people-pleasers of the world; those unfailingly nice, helpful, generous folks. They constantly do for everyone around them, both personally and professionally. The people-pleasers never say “no,” and they never confront you about anything they don’t like. They never directly express anger at you, and they never ask directly for what they want. They’re always there for you, no matter how inconvenient it might be for them. On the surface, these seem like great people to be around. They’re always helpful, and they never complain about anything; they’re always available, and they never refuse a request. But doesn’t that make you suspicious? Is it possible for a human being to be so genuinely and consistently helpful and never have needs of his or her own? The answer, of course, is no. True positive people would fall into the category of those I call
kind. These are caring, openhearted and loving individuals who also know how to take care of themselves. They’re able to say “no,” and they’re comfortable expressing their feelings and needs. Pseudo-positive people fall into the category of those I call “nice.” These individuals are looking for love and approval from others, so they try too hard to please. They can’t say “no,” express a need or confront someone about being hurtful because they’re afraid of losing the person who’s their potential source of selfesteem. Kind people are the true positive people because they don’t want anything from you. They’re choosing to be with you because they enjoy your company and they genuinely like you. They’re giving you their time, their energy and their affection because it makes them happy to do so. It’s a true win-win. People-pleasers are the pseudo-positive people because they have a hidden agenda. They’re secretly using
you to build up their fragile sense of self-worth. They don’t love you for who you are; they’re with you for what you might give them regarding affirmation and validation. Kind people are authentic. They come into the relationship feeling good about themselves, so they aren’t expecting you to compensate for any lack of self-esteem. They don’t expect anything from you except your friendship, so there’s no pressure on you to like or approve of anything they do. You can be real together; sometimes disagreeing with each-another and sometimes even arguing. This makes it possible to form and maintain a meaningful connection. Nice people are inauthentic. They feel compelled to show you only their “good” side. They withhold their true needs and feelings for fear of imposing or offending. Unfortunately, that prevents you from really getting to know them. You never know who’s really there behind the ever-pleasant mask which can feel on some level, rather
uncomfortable. And these overly nice people expect a lot from you, even though they aren’t actually saying so. It’s almost impossible not to sense the unspoken expectations of your affirmation and approval. You can start to feel pressured to constantly validate them, which can become more burdensome than enjoyable. A relationship with someone like this will be superficial, stressful and fundamentally unsatisfying. You should understand that the people-pleaser is in essence, a user, only being nice to gain your approval. They aren’t being genuinely helpful or caring, so anything you get from them is tainted by this unspoken demand. How can you really benefit from gifts that are offered with invisible strings attached? I agree with Ms. Parker-Pope about the benefits of choosing to associate with positive people. As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen the importance of social support in both mental and physical well-being. Studies
have shown that positive social connections improve health and support longevity. That’s why it’s important to distinguish the true positive people from the pseudopositive in your life. You owe it to yourself to pay close attention to the way people behave around you. If they’re always nice and never say no; if they never get mad or express any real needs, assume that they’re too good to be true and that they won’t add value to your existence. Keep your eyes open for the true positive people; the kind ones who are loving and caring but who don’t ignore their own needs. These are the ones who’ll form meaningful connections with you and who’ll exert a truly beneficial influence on your life. Sign up here for my free monthly wellness newsletter. August is all about making the most of mindfulness. My new online course is called How to stop PeoplePleasing, Once And For All.
The Seductive influence of Incense By Shakti World
They give good energies, they purify the environment and attract good vibrations. Know how you can use the incense and which are the most suitable for particular purposes
How to light it?
Scents for all purposes
Incenses are known to be an artifact of reverence and attraction of energies, but they must also be used in specific ways so that your power actually invades your life. A fragrance represents the divine breath, and before using it, you must mentalize a special prayer for what you want to achieve.
Amber - Stimulates intuition helps you with clarity helping you to choose wisely.
You should always light incense in a serene place and full of tranquility. It should continuously be burned with your left hand and the same way you light a candle. Ideally, use a match because it means that you respect your relationship with the spiritual or heavenly energies.
Absinthe - In addition to protecting love, it helps to have clarity of thought.
If you cannot light an incense every day, burn it at least once every three days so that the lower spirits will not be able to stand in too fragrant surroundings and will want to move away from incensepurified places.
Star Anise This fragrance can help you to attract good luck in your life. Acacia - Helps you to sleep peacefully, without restlessness, or nightmares.
Rosemary - Removes negative thinking and purifies the environment to open your mind. Lavender - In addition to conveying tranquility, it helps maintain a good mood. Musk - It makes intuition more accurate and increases luck and success in your life. Angelica - Help protects all areas of your life.
Artemisia - Gives clarity of thought. Balm - Helps release the contained emotions. Benjoim - In any area where it moves, it helps you to have a lot of creativity. Coffee - It attracts luck and prosperity. Chamomile - Soothes impulsiveness and helps improve your financial life. Cinnamon - Purifies the environment and helps solve financial issues. Camphor - Eliminates all negative energies from the environment and protects you emotionally and professionally. It is good when using to cleaning a space before you intend to move in. Cedar - Helps increase physical strength, purifies the environment, removes negative energies, and protects those who have their own business.
Cypress - Helps increase levels of concentration, conveys safety and balance, and assists fortune. Coconut - Helps make difficult decisions without feelings of guilt. Harpsichord - Harmonizes the whole environment, opening up all the paths of life and moving away from the negative energies. Lemon balm - Helps find true love, happiness and helps the pursuit of success. Fennel - Removes envy, brings harmony and conveys peace. Eucalyptus - Promotes a true purification of the environment and renews the positive energies in the place. It is excellent for clearing space before spiritual ceremonies. Mint - Helps promote understanding, assists in making important decisions, and nullifies all negative energies.
Jasmine - Purifies the atmosphere, increases physical strength and improves success. Lily - Increases fertility, helps gestation and growth. Basil - Increases prosperity and protection in your life and attracts luck and happiness. Myrrh - Enhances your intuition and open the space for angelical communications. Nutmeg - Attracts good humor, money, and justice to your life. Orchid - Purifies the professional environment and helps to have clarity of thought.
Pine - Boosts fertility and attracts luck and protection. White Rose - Purifies the environment against negative energies and soothes the impulsiveness of the people who are close to you. Sandalwood - Help your intuitive power. White sandalwood - Increases your ability to meditate, success and luck. Verbena - This flowery fragrance has the influence the attraction of love into your life.
Frankincense - Helps purify the environment.
Vetiver - Assists all businesses, helping to increase sales. Perfect when it is used in conjunction with the cinnamon one.
Patchouli - Attracts abundance to your life.
Violet - Remove all negative energies.
Allspice - Harmonizes the environment in the home, attracts luck and money.
Ylang-Ylang - Empowers selfesteem.
The Power of the Violet Flame and how to use it. By Humanity Healing
According to Ageless wisdom, the Violet Flame is the expression of Seventh Ray of Creation. It is a ceremonial emanation capable of transmuting human
negativities and karma. It is the instrument of divine alchemy; whose constant use accelerates the vibration of our energy field; dissolves the mental and emotional conditioning and thus contributes to the expansion of our spiritual consciousness.
What would happen in your life if you figured out a way to find more balance? The good news is that this is not only possible as the secret to being successful at this task is in each being. Thus, the violet flame can be used to cleanse karma, renew energies, heal relationships, and bring harmony. The experts say that this transformation tool governs the Age of Aquarius, which began in 1954, and influences the cycle currently lived by humanity. By releasing the mind from constraints and limiting beliefs, the violet flame allows one to reach an equilibrium where it is needed.
Another interesting point in this story is the connection with the Count of Saint Germain, a French alchemist who lived in the 16th century. According to the legend, he would be the Ascended Master who activates this flame; besides being immortal and having access to the fountain of youth and the philosophical stone. Mysteries aside, the fact is that the benefits of this secret have gone decades and helped many people. So now it’s your turn to understand more about this topic.
What does the Violet Flame Represent? The violet flame acts by identifying everything that needs to be cleaned and renewed, bringing liberation to those who need it. Just like Reiki healing modality, it works on both the physical and spiritual planes and can function even when it is invoked at a distance.
The Violet Flame is also called Flame of Forgiveness and Mercy, because it is said that the Flame represents the vibration of the Holy Spirit. When invoked, its cosmic action is complete: it transmutes our karma, heals our body, our spirit, our soul and raises our consciousness. This high vibrating energy penetrates our nervous system, our heart, our brains and increases our vital energy. Like a solvent, it dissolves the sicknesses spiritually, and purifies our body of all emotional problems.
and causes, by contacting the memory of past lives and purifying its records. This flame is the expression of the Seventh Ray, which unites matter and spirit. This ray is a divine tool capable of transforming behaviors and ideas. Its main benefits are: A. Treat physical, emotional and spiritual diseases; B. To ease suffering; C. Curing traumas; D. Clean negative karma; E. Help in difficulties, dissolving obstacles.
When the Violet Flame encounters our negative thoughts and feelings: stress, anger, hurt, hatred and depression, it generates harmony and positivity, and great Light alchemy manifests itself.
The Violet flame is said to be very effective when used in conjunction with Lord Ganesha mantras.
This spiritual fire-light consumes not only the outward manifestation of our karma but also its roots
People; houses; automobiles; objects; cities; oceans; rivers; countries and the entire planet.
The violet flame acts on Living beings and in substances, such as:
The main characteristics of violet flame are: Primary chakra - coronary; sound - rattles; Regent Planets - Saturn and Uranus; Perfume – violet flowers; symbol - Maltese cross; archangel - Ezekiel.
How to use the violet flame? To put the violet flame into action in your life, you must ask your Higher Self to emanate that energy. Then begin to visualize the flame forming on the top of your head. Try to imagine that this ball of violet fire runs through your body, entering through the crown chakra, passing through all seven main chakras and enveloping each part of your body. Stay for some time imagining this energy acting on the heart chakra and bringing balance to the physical, spiritual and
energetic body. So, after that, you can ask that this flame transmute the negative into positive and that brings healing and harmony to your entire being, in a harmless way. To absorb all the energy emanated from the Violet Flame, you can do a guided meditation for a few minutes. In this way, the mind relaxes and opens itself to the healing benefits that the violet flame can bring. You can also add a prayer of your choice and give your personal touches to practice. It is worth using crystals, incense, flowers and everything else that can leave the environment energized and prepared for this moment of interiorization. Just find a quiet and comfortable place and let go of the imagination to attract everything positive you want. Visualize the violet flame enveloping your home, objects, loved ones and everything else you want to see filled with light and peace.
The Science of
The Premonition Code: How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life by Julia Mossbridge and Theresa Cheung the authors describe the science behind precognition and what defines the difference between a precognitive experience and a coincidence. This information
sets the basis for refining your precognitive skills and becoming a “precog.� Precognition is the scientific name for a group of abilities that have to do with knowing or using information about the future without drawing
on information from the five senses, memory, or logic. Premonitions are one of those abilities – a premonition is a feeling or sense about a future event. But precognition includes premonition as well as other ways of knowing, so precognition is the umbrella term that includes premonitions. So, what exactly is precognition, again? If every Thursday you get a call from Aunt Millie, it’s not precognition to feel like she’ll call on a Thursday. If it’s raining, it’s not precognition to bring an umbrella out, so you don’t get wet. If a particular subject in school is difficult for you and you haven’t studied for a test, a dream that you might fail the test would not be considered precognitive, though it might be tragically accurate! Also, there’s always a coincidence – which can explain a lot. To be reasonably convinced that genuine precognition has occurred in your daily life, you would need to meet all of the following criteria: Two or more correspondences between the precognition and the event.
A reasonably short delay between the precognition and the event. No way of predicting or causing the event yourself in the normal course of your daily life, even using your unconscious mind. Extra credit if you record the experience before the event occurs (so you don’t fool yourself with false memories). Here are two of many examples of spontaneous precognitive experiences that fit these requirements: Craig Hendricks, a 65-year-old retired US Army Officer Sergeant 1st Class who now lives in San Diego, California, tells a story of a compulsion he had while in the Joint Inter-Agency Task Force in Baghdad. “We had a trailer, there were 20 of us with our computers. We were doing research. One day as I was sitting there in this air-conditioned space, it occurred to me that I needed to get an ice tea. I never drank ice tea. We had plenty of cold water, and it was 112°F outside. But I had this thought – ‘I really want some ice tea.’ It was almost a conversation within my own mind. I said, ‘Nah, don’t think so.’ The thought came
up again, ‘Go get some tea.’ I said, ‘No, I really don’t think so.’ The voice was insistent. ‘You need to go get some tea!’ I said, ‘I refuse to. It’s ridiculous. I will not.’ Finally, it asked again, and I decided it was a good time for a break. I left my office, sweating like a dog, and walked to the compound to get the ice tea. Then I headed back to the trailer. The trailer was in a security compound, and when I returned, it was all secured. I wasn’t allowed in. I wondered why, and later found out that about a minute after I’d left, a 120mm rocket had impacted right next to the trailer; stuck like a dart into the ground. It would have killed anyone in the vicinity – but it was not fused correctly. It could have killed me just by impact, even if it didn’t explode.” What are the two correspondences here? They are the feeling of urgency and Craig’s leaving the trailer to go to the compound. If Craig had just felt that he wanted ice tea but not in an urgent way, the story would not seem so precognitive – he would have been feeling he wanted ice tea when the rocket hit. Or if Craig urgently felt he wanted something to drink, but he just got some water from the trailer, no impressive precognition. In
order for us to call this experience a genuinely precognitive one, Craig had to decide he urgently wanted to do something that could only be achieved by leaving the trailer and going far away in order to avoid the rocket strike. Here’s a precognition experience with all the elements plus extra credit. According to a newspaper story in January 2018, a Virginian named Victor Amole dreamed about the numbers 3-10-17-26-32. He had never had a dream like that before. He decided to enter the lottery using those numbers. In fact, he entered four times. He won, each ticket is worth $100,000. Five numbers (five correspondences), all recorded before the event. In this case, the odds of anyone’s dream of five random numbers being accurate are easy to calculate – according to the Virginia lottery, they were 1 in 278,256 for that draw. While some scientists who study precognition study spontaneous precognition (outside the lab), most of them study precognition using controlled tests administered in the lab or over the internet. Instead of going through all the results from these studies, here is a summary:
there is statistically impressive evidence for both conscious and unconscious precognition, based on careful studies. And a thing called unconscious precognition – in other words, precognition that we don’t notice in our daily lives because we’re not conscious of it seems to be relatively commonplace. For example, a 2012 analysis of 26 experiments found that physiological changes occur before emotional events that do not occur as often before boring events. These are changes in heart rate, sweat, respiration, and behavior, and they occur seconds before violent or erotic images are randomly selected to be shown to people volunteering for these experiments. Because of these kinds of results, precognition is becoming a hot topic in the research world. This doesn’t mean precognition research is uncontroversial. Check any Wikipedia entry for any of the researchers we have discussed here – or just read the entry for “precognition.”You will see that the mainstream scientific view, which Wikipedia represents well, is: “As with other forms of extrasensory perception, there is no reliable scientific evidence that precognition is a
real ability possessed by anyone and it is widely considered to be pseudoscience.” Luckily, this kind of uninformed view is largely ignored by the scientists who see the data first hand. About the authors Theresa Cheung has a Masters degree from King’s College Cambridge and has spent the last twenty years writing bestselling books and encyclopedias about the psychic world. Two of her paranormal titles reached The Sunday Times top ten and her international bestseller, The Dream Dictionary regularly bounces to number 1 on the Amazon dreams bestsellers chart. Julia Mossbridge MA, Ph.D. is a cognitive neuroscientist and director of the Innovation Lab at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and visiting scholar in psychology at Northwestern University. She is the author of Transcendent Mind, one of the first academic books to examine paranormal experiences, published by the American Psychological Association in 2017. Her research focus at IONS is precognition and the possibility of time travel.
Astrology & Numerology
WHY ASTROLOGY WORKS By Marguerite Dar Boggia
The reason why astrology works is that the universe is a single undivided WHOLE. Dr. David Bohm in his book: “Wholeness and the Implicate Order� posits that the entire universe has to be understood
as a single undivided whole.1 Dr. Ervin Laszlo, in “Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything” explains that the universe with all things in it is a quasi-living and a coherent whole. All things in it are connected.2 The medium for this interconnectedness is the Akashic field which interpenetrates and sustains all physical manifestation. 3 This Chinese symbol signifies duality, and among other things, it signifies Spirit and its veil, matter. It signifies duality stemming from Unity. The universe is a single undivided whole. The only difference between Spirit and matter is the rate of vibration and consciousness. This symbol also signifies an interconnectedness. Through the Quantum Vacuum3a of science, scientists proved that the twin of an atom, when separated by a great distance, such as in another State or in another country, can still communicate with its twin. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings
state that all forms in the solar system are part of the whole and are not isolated units.4 The soul is part of the Oversoul. The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Kuhl, said that in his opinion the main cause of the disease is separateness. Not realizing the Oneness of LIFE and all forms.4a The Ageless Wisdom teaches that our invisible etheric body is integrated into the etheric body of the earth and the solar system. The constant circulation of life forces through the etheric bodies of ALL forms is the BASIS of all manifested life and the expression of the essential NON-SEPARATENESS OF ALL LIFE. (This is why astrology works)4b The interrelatedness of all things has profound implications for the study of both physics and human consciousness. Bohm called the unmanifest planes or dimensions as the implicate order and the outward manifest physical reality, as the explicate order. Manifest reality is but a shadow of the
deeper underlying realities.5 According to Hindu teaching, Deity in the shape of Aether (Akasa) PERVADES ALL THINGS. The whole range of physical phenomena proceeds from the Primacy of Ether -- Akasa. .6 The definition of Akasa aka Akasha aka Aether: It is the synthesis of ether, the essence of ether, it is the primordial ether. It is the third Logos (Deity) in manifestation. Madame H.P. Blavatsky defines akasha in the following terms: It is the Universal Soul, the Matrix of the universe, the Mysticum Magicum from which all that exists is born by separation or differentiation. There is one universal element with its differentiation.7 The Ageless Wisdom teaches that the energies of the third Logos (Deity) are known as ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE. That it is more than Mind. All matter is Intelligent, active energy. All dense physical matter is Mind CONCRETED. That includes our dense physical body! The Ageless Wisdom teaches
that: Absolute Intelligence thrills through every atom. Wherever there is an atom of matter, there is life. The atom is a concrete manifestation of the Universal Energy; Every atom in the universe has the potential of selfconsciousness. Atoms and souls are synonymous in the language of Initiates. Deity is within all atoms. Atoms are vibrations. There is heat in every atom. A germ exists in the center of every atom. Every atom is doomed to incessant differentiation. The atom belongs wholly to the domain of metaphysics. The object of the evolution of an atom is Man. An atom has seven planes of being.8 Matter or Substance is septenary within our World, as it is so beyond it.9 We have seven bodies and/ or sheaths. Occultists see in the two opposite Forces of attraction and repulsion only two aspects of the universal unit, called “MANIFESTING MIND�; in which aspect, occultism, through its great seers, perceives an innumerable host of operative Beings; ..... Entities, whose essence, in its
dual nature, is the Cause of all terrestrial phenomena. For that essence is co-substantial with the universal Electric Ocean, which is LIFE.10 The Ageless Wisdom Teachings are not for everyone; however, if you are ready to expand your consciousness, you may receive approximately three FREE pages weekly online of these teachings, by contacting www. Marguerite Dar Boggia was past Secretary, Membership Secretary and Director for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She was the Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She was a co-founder of UAC and its past Secretary and Director. Her goal is to serve humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. To that end, she offers FREE, online, three pages weekly of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings as was known by Pythagoras. To receive these teachings, contact www. 1Bohm, David, Wholeness and
the Implicate Order, Routledge & Kegan, Paul, London 1980, p 174 2Laszlo, Ervin, Dr. Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything. Inner Traditions 2007 p. 1 3Holmes, Christopher P. Dr., God, Science & The Secret Doctrine, Zero Point Publications 2010, p. 223 3adar Boggia, Marguerite The Quantum Vacuum www. 4Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Co. 1925 p. 5 4aBailey, Alice A. Esoteric Healing, Lucis Publishing Co. 1953, p.82 4bIbid Bailey Esoteric Healing, p. 3 5Ibid, Holmes, p.198 6Blavatsky, H.P., The Secret Doctrine I, Theosophical University Press 1970 pp.343-4 & 536 7Ibid, Bailey p. 43 8Ibid, Bailey p. 246 9Ibid Blavatsky, H.P. p. 289 10Ibid Holmes p.114
Personal Growth & Development
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
Mourning a Beloved Animal: What to do? By Cathedral of the Soul
We never imagine that this day would come, but unfortunately, our furbabies don’t have the gift of a longer lifespan to share countless moments at our
side. There is no way to protect ourselves from this pain. Despite what some people say regarding the mourning of your pet as a silly feeling, the pain is very much real. Many issues can surface from their departure, what to do with the body, how to tell the children, how to help them to integrate the pain of losing their animal companions.
Necessary steps to deal with the grief If your animal is sick and it is in a Vet Hospital: If your Furbaby is sick, go visit your cat, or your dog, and bring the children with you. Talk to them, allow them to let go if they feel it is their time. Tell them that you don’t need to see them suffering and in pain, it is important to say your goodbye. You as their earthly guardian should observe a compassionate attitude, especially when they are dealing with the end of life issues.
Compassionate Euthanasia: When the suffering of our pet is too much, or the quality of life can’t be preserved, your Veterinarian may suggest euthanasia. The ideal scenario would be to have the procedure done at your home, with all the pet’s family around, including other animal companions. This may sound creepy at first but would help them relax and feel that they are not being abandoned. For many Pets, their collars are symbols of their belonging, their guarantee that they have a place in the family. It is important not to take their collars before the procedure, it can inflict some distress to them. A Memorial Service: To hold a Memorial service to your beloved animal is not strange or weird, just the opposite. It can be a powerful way to prepare and deal with their departure and their future absence.
A Memory Box: The first thing you may want to do is to gather your pet’s toys, blankets, and other belongings. It is important to keep memories, but the need to keep them may change with time. Your Memory box may be reduced as you may decide to donate, but the rule of thumb is that you should keep something with you when you feel nostalgic.
Let people talk: Many people may think they have the magic solution for your grief. Many will feel the need to give you their precious advice, but at this time is very important to follow your heart. If at any point you need to cry, by all means, do it. Keep in mind that real friends will try to support you the best way they can. Suffering alone will hurt you more.
What to do with the Body? No doubt this is one of the
most significant questions, and many have different answers. Some people may want to bury your animal in the backyard, others may throw the body in the trash, and some will prefer to have the body of their pets cremated. But what would be the best for you? If your animal passed away while at home with you, you may want to contact their Vet and arrange the cremation services, that could be collective or personal. The collective cremation you will not receive the ashes of your animal, but the price will be more reasonable. With the private server you will receive the ashes, and if you want, you might also arrange a memorial ceremony at the same place.
How to tell the children? Avoid saying phrases such as “he went to sleep,” “she
became a little star,” or she went to live in heaven. The loss of a beloved pet can be an ideal situation to teach the little ones how to deal with death and grief. When tenderly introduce, the concept of death can be understood and will be invaluable when dealing with it later in life. It is vital to ask the children if they want to participate in any memorial ceremony or funeral, if not, they wish should be respected. During the period of grief, you should be prepared to answer their questions, and if you feel you are not able to respond appropriately, don’t hesitate to procure a professional to assist you with those. Be aware of the signs of grief, sometimes the child seems to respond quite well to a loss, but it doesn’t mean she is not suffering in silence.
When to adopt a new Animal: That is a tricky aspect of life that only you can determine. Slowly, the pain will give the place to good memories and the remembrance of joyful moments, but the absence will always be eternal. You may choose not to hurry to get another animal as at the peak of the mourning process, it would not be fair with a new rescue to fill the Big “shoes” of your previous pet. Many people don’t think like that, they believe they will honor the memory of their furbabies if they adopt another animal in need of loving kindness, and a special place to call home. Mourning is hard especially when we loved someone so much. Thrive to cultivate the good memories and the gratitude for sharing so many beautiful moments together with your furbabies.
Self-Reflection - A Journey of Authenticity by Leigh Burton
For as long as humanity has existed, we have practiced contemplation to find our purpose and understand our essence. Individually,
each of us wants to be our best self. We have an innate awareness that this is how we will find our true happiness and freedom. There is a natural source of curiosity that comes to life when our instincts tell us that something isn’t right and that we have to own the responsibility of making the change. While change can be scary sometimes, we know in our hearts that it is necessary. We can’t change others, but we can inspire them by continuing our journey of self-awareness efficiently. It requires an ongoing effort in taking a look at who we are as individuals. That means continuous self-reflection. It’s a good thing because with it comes tremendous personal growth and authenticity. The alternative is a life of being blind to our best self and the opportunities
that would otherwise flow through us. We are left in the space of judgment that will only work against what we want in life. The closer we are to our authentic self, the more we can raise the vibration that is at the core of who we are and what we will become. Don’t be deceived though, the responsibility of selfreflection requires great courage, and we should honor that courage. Because when we look at ourselves, we are going to find out things about ourselves that we may not have known. But that’s ok because whatever the finding, it is a part of who we are and it too should be loved. What we find doesn’t have to be a bad thing either. We can easily find out all kinds of exciting information about who we are at our core. Like asking ourselves why it is that we can’t help but smile
when we see a puppy. How that moment fills our heart with incredible warmth and a yearning to reach out and hold the puppy. What if reflection identified that as having a loving relationship with our inner child? This little morsel of awareness can motivate generosity and encourage gratitude. Both being an integral part of a prosperous journey. What we see of the world around us is a projection of the movie that is playing in our head. So, what we feel about what we see truly is about ourselves. If what we see causes us to have a negative judgment, it’s essential that we look in the mirror. Whether it be projected onto another person, situation or object, judgment lowers our vibration and hinders our
ability to live our lives open to the opportunity for greatness. A simple example is when connecting with someone who is annoying because they talk a lot and always about themselves. Upon reflection, it is easy to see that the issue isn’t that this person is annoying, but that we are annoyed. To say that they are annoying would mean that they would find themselves annoying. Some likely many people don’t find this person annoying at all. What this could be masking is that we don’t want to be in a position to support someone. It could mean that we have a deep desire to express ourselves and are uncomfortable doing so. There are many possibilities, and none of them are wrong. Because what we uncover is a part of who we are and every
part of us deserves love. To the contrary, if it doesn’t serve us, then it is time to let it go. What an amazing gift it is to come to this type of realization instead of just finding that person annoying.
and opening up to safely look at ourselves and ask the question “What about me is showing up?” Lastly, there is forgiveness. We will most often remember to reflect when it is about something negative, something that questions our motives. Before any cascading emotion of shame creeps into our space, selfforgiveness will keep it at bay. But, if it doesn’t, love that too. It too is a part of us.
This is true of good things as well. Like having a strong desire to cuddle or hug the puppy mentioned earlier. Beautiful! That could easily mean that we are comfortable engaging our inner child and allow its existence to be necessary. How can that not be a good thing?
The journey of life is a short one, so take every opportunity possible to make it an abundant one.
A healthy process of selfreflection comes in three parts. When allowing the opportunity to look inside it is vital to announce that what we are feeling is our perspective. Separating us from the emotional attachment to our thought,
Leigh Burton: Author, International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Emotional Health Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapist, an expert in letting go, and a lover of life.
When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.
World Vision
Abstract: How we can join together in unity to begin to heal the divisiveness that is plaguing our world today? We are passing through a critical time in human history as our world is drifting from “peace” to “pieces.” As conflicts and terror increase, there is a
greater demand for spiritual openness and unity. It is time all of humanity joins together to evoke the spirit of tolerance and love to envelop Mother Earth. Unless we unite as spiritual beings above all economic, cultural, political, and religious differences and conflicts, the very existence of this planet is in question.
Darkness Comes Before the Dawn! As the world is moving from “Peace” to “pieces,” it is time we join together and walk handin-hand towards unity, which is only possible through a soulcentered life. As conflicts and terror increase there is a greater demand for spiritual openness and unity. The purpose of religion is to serve the work of the spirit: it unifies. It brings us back to the divine unity underlying all existence. Those who do not understand that, who become lost in theologies and philosophies, sects and dogmas, often cut, rend and divide. All misery arises from ignorance of the spirit and our essential oneness with the Divine. All that separates must ultimately be sewn into the whole cloth of unified being.
Ultimately we are heading toward the dawn of unity consciousness, the golden era of love and harmony. But nature teaches before the golden light of dawn lights the eastern sky, the darkness of night is deepest! To move from this darkness, we first must learn that all differences are on the surface; they are skin deep! We are here not to create differences but to unite, and the only cord that can bind us together is love. Unity is love. Love dissolves all borders, and divisiveness, and creates unity in diversity. Differences are a pure illusion! As we go through life, we will meet people belonging to every faith, tradition, culture, political party and economic status. Our goal is to have no conflicts with anyone or with anything under the sun, for how can we question the love of God for variety? Yet, we know that His eye is always on unity. Finding Unity Within We need to move from the outer world of manifestations to the inner world of calm, peace and silence. Meditation, mindfulness, prayerfulness, and gratitude transform our lower mind to our higher
mind where only unity in diversity prevails. The goal is to function in this world of diversity and chaos with the core of our inner being, where our spirit is unity and order. A practitioner of mindfulness and meditation realizes that this notion of borders gradually dissolves, and love, compassion, and forgiveness bring about a deep sense of expansion. The expansion is life and separation is death.
is breathing through us as we meditate upon our breath for we all breathe the same air; air does not discriminate! As the mind surfs the breaths, the flow of the vital life energy in and out, bridging the inner and the outer worlds, we are in a spontaneous state of unity in the midst of all the diversities that play randomly on the surface and periphery. We are instantly centered and in a blissful state!
The most fascinating thing about our quantum mind is that it knows all the answers and has infinite power to create anything and everything for us, but it needs to hear our voice of unity. Confusion and doubt, and negative attitude and belief, simply kill its power to deliver.
We also need to practice being as “heartful” as we are mindful. Our heart sees through the eyes of unity. The head can divide. The heart unites. The head can try to discriminate or try to rule and control. The heart unifies the broken threads of life and harmonizes the discordant notes into a Divine symphony.
Try proclaiming that “My quantum mind is omnipotent and omniscient, I am infinitely blessed to receive the bounty of all that I need in life to be healthy, happy, and in harmony and unity with all of existence.” Another most effective way to center us is to practice pranayama or deep breathing. The whole universe
Unity Is Compassion in Action Therefore, before we go out into the world to bring any kind of change, first let us know that our world is our own quantum mind. We see the world through our mind, translate the vibrations of the world through our own mind and perceive the other. It is necessary to first
dwell within us and integrate our fragmented selves into an integrated state of unity so that our mind, body, and spirit are in synergy. In such a state, whatever we do is an act of worship, whatever we think is an act of compassion and love. We are then safe from the grip of individual egotistical efforts and serve the world selflessly as the very embodiment of God. One of the simple practices of unconditional love and compassion in action is to collect ourselves, breathe deep breaths, be aware of the calm center within us, and feel the presence of divine light emanating from our heart touching every sentient and insentient being. Then we feel our heart surging with a deep sense of love and spreading in every direction healing and uplifting every soul, creating a new wave of consciousness that dissolves all divisions and blossoms into pure unity consciousness. That is God. In conclusion, the time has come when we cannot survive as a “man,” but only as humanity. In the midst of all the varieties on Mother Earth, the one principle that rules all the worlds of
gross and subtle planes is unity. Unless we unite as spiritual beings above all economic, cultural, political, and religious difference and conflicts, the very existence of this planet is in question! Let us rise above all body identification and merge in the consciousness of unity in the midst of all diversities. Let us share our individual quantum energy to create ripples of positive vibes that can impact the collective mind, moving toward unity of consciousness amongst all of humanity, beyond all conflicts and strife. Peace! Peace! Peace! Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (India): Globally acclaimed spiritual and inspirational speaker, author, and visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. Received Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015. shuddhaanandaa10/ Baba-ShuddhaanandaaBrahmachari/e/B003W5XP5W/
Our Secret Powers: Telepathy, Clairvoyance and Precognition
A Short History of (Nearly) Everything Paranormal
Is the paranormal normal? Many readers will be surprised when learning that reputable scientists, among them several Nobel laureates, have claimed that telepathy is a reality. Their curiosity will increase when reading that Cleopatra’s lost palace and Richard III’s burial place were recovered by the use of clairvoyance. And some will think it to be science fiction when finding out about Stargate––the espionage program where the American military and CIA engaged in the development of psychic spies! Simonsen, a Norwegian historian of ideas, introduces an array of entertaining paranormal tales from history, archaeology, anthropology and psychology, and presents scientific research that has provided fascinating results. He argues that the stories we hear about telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition should not be dismissed as superstition. In step with spiritual and occult traditions, the author suggests that consciousness is not limited to our own head. Rather he thinks that all humans, and likely all living beings, are linked together in a “Mental Internet.’ Via this network we may exchange ‘telepathic emails’ with friends and family and make clairvoyant ‘downloads’ of information. Thus, what we call ‘supernatural’ could perhaps be completely natural but little understood communications via this Mental Internet?
For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:
November A 2018 Contributors Writers
Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac. Ascending Hearts Carmen Harra Cathedral of the Soul Humanity Healing Jill Mattson John Holland Julia Mossbridge and Theresa Cheung Justine Willis Toms Leigh Burton Marcia Sirota MD Marguerite Dar Boggia OMTimes Shakti World Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari
48 80 84 120 102 54 62 106 26 124 90 112 66 98 130
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