October A Issue
Gregg Braden Human by Design: From Evolution by Chance, to Transformation by Choice
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Features October A EDITION
what's inside this issue
Gregg Braden Interview By Dirk Terpstra
Lessons On “The Art of Love” by Erich Fromm
Is your Child a Crystal Child
The Universe Has A Message For You
Helping your child to develop Self-love
5 Symptoms that you have an Emotional Overdose
The Icky Truth About PeoplePleasers
Ego and the Evolution of Consciousness
Looking to connect with the Conscious Community? Let OMTimes point the way!
October A 2018
Cover Story 26
Gregg Braden - Human by Design
Health & Wellness 42
5 Symptoms You Have an Emotional Overdose Music and Physical Health
Spirituality 52
A Lesson in Manifestation
OM Living 58
62 68 72
Is Your Child a Crystal Child? The Universe Has A Message For You Helping Your Child to Develop Self-Esteem & Self-Love How To Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone In Business
Relationships 84
The Icky Truth About People-Pleasers Lessons On “The Art of Love” by Erich Fromm
Metaphysics 96
Can the Energy of Others Condition Your Own? 100 The Lord of Seven Solar Systems
Personal Growth 112 116
The Path to Success Ego and the Evolution of Consciousness
World Vision
122 What is the Precog Economy?
128 Invitation to Freedom
Gregg Braden Human by Design: From Evolution by Chance, to Transformation by Choice
Interview by Dirk Terpstra
Dirk Terpstra: Gregg Braden. I am so honestly pleased to be with you and to share some space with you. I really appreciate you for being with me here. Gregg Braden: I’m absolutely thrilled to be with you, and I very much appreciate you working around our crazy schedules so we can spend a few minutes together.
Dirk Terpstra: The last time that we spoke was about resilience from the heart, but this time it’s about your latest book Human by Design with the subtitle, From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice. At what point in life you did start sensing that we must embrace a new story to create a more healthy and balanced future, to start changing our human story? Gregg Braden: Well, when we look at the question of who I am, as an individual, we gather that every human who has ever walked the earth consciously or subconsciously has asked this question, and when we begin to think about the implications of the answer; and that it’s more than just a philosophical question. Because we live our lives, we solve our problems, we heal our bodies, we create our relationships, all based on the way we answer the question, “Who am I as an individual? Who are we collectively?” So, suddenly, it evolves from a philosophical question to the very heart of every moment
of every day. When we begin to understand that, and we look at what’s happening in and what is not working in the world, the rise of hate, for example, hate based upon the color of one’s skin, or our sexual orientation or our religious beliefs, it becomes obvious that our story needs to change. Because the brutality that we see, the war, the brutalization of other people, domestic violence, the upswing in drug abuse with young people, the opioid problem that’s happening, all those things are only possible because of our present way of thinking. But when you carry it beyond the human condition and begin looking at our planet, it’s only possible for us to destroy this planet the way we are because we’ve been taught that the planet is not significant. We’ve been taught that we are insignificant. Scientists are telling us now there is an island twice the size of Texas made of plastic, off the coast of California, Omtimes.com
from the discarded plastic that is being thrown into the ocean and we’re losing sea life. It’s dying faster than we can even document its existence because of this kind of experience. So, when we begin to look at all these things, what we find is the way that we’ve been taught to think is directly responsible. It is the root of the very things that are destroying our nations, they are tearing our families apart, they’re destroying communities. It’s all about an obsolete way of thinking. I’m a degreed geologist, I am a scientist. We are steeped in the story based upon false assumptions of an obsolete science on the one hand. On the other hand, people believe that story and that story has led to the hurt, to the brutality, to the suffering, to the destruction that we’re seeing today. So, when we look at the big picture, we’re living a time now unlike anything we’ve ever seen, where globalization is happening. We’ve never seen in 5,000 Omtimes.com
years of recorded human history, we’ve never seen this, suddenly, were the things that used to separate us, don’t. So, what’s happening is we are pushing together a global population that has been separated, not only by physical borders but by thinking. So, we’re pushing together a global population of diverse cultures, diverse religions, diverse ways of thinking about men, and women and family. All those things, we’re pushing ourselves together into a global family on the one hand and we’re asking ourselves to think about that merger through the thinking that we now know is no longer true based on separation. The good news is that the science is giving us everything we need to do that. The flip side of that is there’s a reluctance, and in many cases, there’s a resistance to sharing the science in the mainstream. So, some of the things we’re going to talk about in this interview, they’re simply not showing up, and you won’t
see it in the mainstream classrooms, mainstream textbooks, mainstream television documentaries. You won’t see it, and it’s the very information that helps us to heal the divide and the separations that have caused so much hurt. So, if we are honest with ourselves, if we truly want to bring about the kind of change that we know is possible, we’ve got to begin with the thinking, and that’s why I think this information is so important. Dirk Terpstra: Is it fair to say then that suffering of the world is what helps you to move into action? Gregg Braden: I spent a lot of time in Tibet with the Tibetan Buddhists. The topic of suffering is a big part of their teaching, and I’ve learned to think differently about that. What I recognize is the suffering, it’s not necessary. From the Buddhist perspective, growth comes from the suffering, but I believe personally, that that’s true. I also believe it’s not necessary
to suffer from growing. I think we can have the growth without the suffering and it’s more than the suffering. It’s about the cruelty. It’s about the atrocities based upon hate, which ultimately, stem from fear. So, this is the key for me. The better we know ourselves, the less we fear change in the world because we are selfreferencing beings, is the term that’s used in science. So we become aware of ourselves. We become comfortable in a particular setting or a way of being or thinking. And then when the world changes, we ask ourselves what does that change mean to me? How’s it going to change my life? How am I going to respond? If we don’t know who we are, then we cannot answer that question, and the change becomes scary. So the better we know ourselves, the less we fear change in the world. The better we know ourselves, the less we fear other people. So, as we are globalizing, we need to understand who we are. Omtimes.com
So as we embrace our own power, then the differences of other people become less frightening, sexual orientation, and the different religions, and the different ways of believing about our origin and our creation, as we know who we are then, it’s less threatening to us when other people think differently. It’s when we don’t know who we are and we cling to this idea, and someone else says, “Well, I have another idea,” that becomes frightening if we don’t know we are. So the rock-solid science is telling us that the story we’ve been taught is not true. The story of evolution, I’ll begin with that. I’m a geologist. I’ve seen evolution in the fossil record for some forms of life, some plant, some animals. I believe in evolution, it is a fact for those forms of life. The theory breaks down when it comes to humans. The science does not support the theory when it comes to humans. Number one, the physical evidence has never been there, and we’ve known that since the theory was introduced in 1959, and that Omtimes.com
has been an ongoing point of tension. But what’s changed is in the last few years, the technology now has pushed the science of DNA analysis to the point where we now are able to look at the DNA of beings who have lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. It’s like the movie if you ever saw the movie, Jurassic Park, they were able to extract the DNA from the fossilized remains of ancient forms of life. To the best of my knowledge, we can extract, and we do extract, the DNA from ancient forms of life, from the bone marrow, the fossilized bone marrow. We can compare that DNA to our modern DNA today, and now we don’t have to guess. We can tell what forms of life were related to, which ones were not, which ones we descended from and which ones we have not. And what the data is saying very clearly, we’ve been taught that we descended from Neanderthal. We now know that is not true, but that’s not being shared.
You won’t see that in the mainstream, the classrooms, and textbooks. Their DNA and ours, there’s not enough overlap to show that we descended from them. The studies also show now that we walked the earth with them. We shared the earth with them. We interbred with them. We had Neanderthal boyfriends and girlfriends, they tell us. So, yeah, we may have some Neanderthal DNA in modern humans, but it doesn’t mean that we descended from them and if we walked the earth with them, we could not have descended from them. What the DNA is also telling us and this is where it gets really interesting is that what is called anatomically modern humans or AMH is the acronym, is that we appeared suddenly. We showed up. We emerged on earth about 200,000 years ago, and scientists agree with that. There’s no argument there. The problem is, where do we come from, and this is where the problems emerge because what the DNA analysis is showing us is that we did not
evolve slowly, gradually over a long period to time to get to that point, 200,000 years ago. So I can be specific about what those are, but these are the two places where the evidence no longer supports this story, the physical evidence, and the DNA evidence. It’s led to what is called forbidden territory because now the scientists if they’re honest with themselves what they have to say is that evolution, as we know it, cannot account for the genetic changes that have led to our existence. So when they began looking at this, what’s called forbidden territory because evolution did not produce these changes and for me, this is what’s important. What I know is the story that we’re teaching our young people is not the true story. It did not happen. So this is an invitation. The science is an invitation to free our scientists and our young people today from the shackles of an obsolete story and false assumptions in science, and allow them to follow the Omtimes.com
evidence to the story that it will tell, rather than trying to force the evidence into a preexisting story that we know has not been true for 150 years. Dirk Terpstra: Well, that interests me so much, who are we then? You know if we are not just a random act of creation, but we have been created intentionally, who are we? Gregg Braden: Well, this is the second part of the story. I have a new book. It’s called Human by Design. It is essentially a two-part book. The first part of the book describes the science that I’m sharing with you right now. The second part of the book answers the question that you’re asking, in the sense that these changes that give us our unique ability for selfregulation of our biology, they open the door to this extraordinary potential that is rarely realized by most people. This is the kind of potential that we see in monks and nuns in Tibet, isolated on mountaintops, in a monastery Omtimes.com
half a world away, or mystics or yogis or shamans or curanderos, or some kind of extraordinary being who has left their everyday lives. And what we’re now discovering is what we used to think were extraordinary abilities, actually, are ordinary abilities that we simply have forgotten over time, and they are available to each of us, and they’re available because of the changes that happened 200,000 years ago. Who or whatever is responsible for giving us these uniquely human capabilities, has given us a way to awaken in our everyday lives these abilities that we used to think were relegated to mystics, and yogis, and my sense, my personal belief, this isn’t science. I think as we embrace the gifts that were left to us, that will be the path that leads us to the answer of who we are, as we begin to live our lives differently, very, very differently. Dirk Terpstra: It’s a beautiful thing, because, of
course, it’s not only what we can give, but it’s also how we can receive, then it becomes a natural pattern as energy flows back and forth. Now, in the chapter “We Are Wired for Long Life, you share evidence that humans can live two, three times longer than we do now. Two questions for you related to that subject. Where does your interest come from to extend possible human life, so do we have that capacity? What evidence do you use to back this claim? Gregg Braden: The science is rock solid. What the science shows us now is that every organ in the human body, even the organs that we were told could not, every organ in the human body has now been documented with the ability to do three things. First, stop the damage that it’s sustaining. Secondly, heal the existing damage, and third, rejuvenate to become healthier in time, so even though the organ may chronologically be older, biologically it becomes healthier and younger by the biological markers.
Every organ, so brain tissue, spinal cord tissue, pancreatic tissue, heart tissue, all of these organs have been documented with this ability given the right environment, and this is the key, what does that environment mean? When you say environment, people usually think of the world around us, and it can be. The nutritional environment, very specific kinds of nutrients contribute to longevity. But perhaps most important and least recognized is the emotional environment of the individual, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs. What we now know, that every emotion that we have, the good ones and the bad ones, but every significant emotion that we have in our lives creates a chemical in our bodies that will match that emotion, and it creates what is called neuropeptides. It’s a very specific form of a molecule for both good things and bad things. Well, the good experiences rarely cause us problems. We don’t get stuck in joy. We don’t say you know, “We’ve got so much joy in our lives; we’ve got to heal that.” Omtimes.com
So the joy is not the problem. It’s the trauma. When we experience trauma, and we don’t know how to heal it, when we’re young, we don’t have the tools. So your body will store those chemicals in an organ until we have the ability, either to come back and resolve the trauma to release those chemicals, or if we don’t do that, it’s not uncommon for those chemicals to let us know that they are there because the organ appears to have some kind of a disease. And so now, when we go back and look at healing, it’s a very different way of thinking about healing because the healing comes from us finding ways that we can go back into our bodies and release that trauma, and there are many ways to do that. That’s what a lot of the self-help modalities are all about. So now what the science is showing is that, when we do that, there is a biological impact on the DNA. At the end of the DNA are specialized portions called the telomeres. Omtimes.com
They’re the little DNA caps to protect the rest of the information and as we go through life--when we’re born we have a large complement of these telomeres. By the time we are 35, we’re down to about half. Our bodies want to live and heal. So that’s how long the body can hold up to the stress and the afront of oxidation, environment distress, emotional stress, doing nothing. As we begin to apply these inner technologies what we see is those numbers move up tremendously. In the mainstream media, scientists recently announced they believe that 140 years of age was an achievable age. They said if you’re living today because of where technology is with both pharmaceuticals and artificial organs, people are living today, they’re not surprised if you reach adulthood today that you will extend your life to around 140. My feeling is why stop there because the organs are designed to repair and heal themselves, not to
wear out constantly. Dirk Terpstra: I really, I so feel your passion for life. I have one more last question, and that is, in the chapter We’re Wired for Connection, you write about intuition. How do you make the distinction between intuition and instinct? Gregg Braden: Yeah, they’re very closely related and very different experiences. Instinct, we can think of the instinct of a hardwired response that we have to a condition or circumstance in life. It doesn’t mean it’s based on our personal experience. It’s something that is maybe in the DNA, or it’s in the field, a survival mechanism. So, for example, throughout history, more often than not, it has been true that it’s dangerous for a woman to walk alone down a dark street late at night in a strange city. We hope that’s not true, but in the past for hundreds of years, more often than not that has been true, so it is hardwired, and for men
to some degree, as well. That’s instinct. Intuition can draw upon instinct, but intuition, and this is really interesting; intuition is a subconscious reflex, and I say that because the subconscious mind works so much faster than the conscious mind. So intuition is an assessment of the moment drawing upon all possible sources of information. Intuition can draw upon instinct. It can draw upon personal experience that we have had. It can draw upon what we call street smarts, you know, what it is that makes sense. It can draw upon just a feeling that you have. All of those things come together. So very interesting, and as we begin to understand that, we can utilize intuition and instinct in different ways consciously, rather than responding unconsciously out of the fear of what the instinct might be telling us. Yeah, it’s interesting, really interesting.
Health & Wellness
Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
5 Symptoms that you have an Emotional Overdose By Cathedral of the soul
“I feel vulnerable, I get bored easily, and every once in a while, I feel the need to run away and leave everything behind. I’m not interested anymore, and I’m not interested in a thousandth of a second, so I’m encouraged to Omtimes.com
finish a project, but the next moment I get bored.� I live on a constant roller coaster, laughter and crying accompany me and destabilize me in the most unexpected moments. I must make a great effort to separate my present and past concerns. Insecurity reigns in my life. I often react disproportionately and cannot express my thoughts and emotions clearly, I’m suffocating because I feel a deep need to have someone give me my hand ... Can you identify someone or yourself saying the words above? This could perfectly well be the speech of a person under the effects of emotional overdose or emotional intoxication. Many of us understand the terrible consequences of alcohol intoxication; it is visible how perceptions change, that the reaction capacity deteriorates, that the heart rate decreases ... But are we able to interpret emotional intoxication, and to
deal with toxic emotions? If you are going through, or have gone through times of high emotional load, you are likely to be intoxicated. The causes are diverse since we are emotional beings in our totality, but in any case, the emotional intoxication is the consequence of not taking daily time to cultivate our interior. 1- Your perceptions of your emotional surroundings changed You will be looking at the world with the emotional lenses, will not care about reasons and will feel like listening to right or others. This attitude can generate nervousness and impatience with unexpected emotional reactions that are out of our control since it is likely that you will not know how to handle what comes next. 2- Your insecurities arise Your insecurities may arise, and they start to control your life.
You have become more reactive and often become defensive. Your self-esteem is completely impaired, and you may feel vulnerable in the face of any event. Your strength weakens, and your toxic emotions are keeping you from seeing clearly the value of who you are and what you are capable of doing. This encourages the development of emotional dependency, to the point of believing that you cannot do anything on your own. 3 - Emotional blockage prevents progress Giving a free pass to our emotional reactions without subjecting them to a mental filter limits our ability to communicate appropriately and advance. It is common for us to find ourselves in situations where we do not know how to act as a consequence of our emotional intoxication. Let’s say that being emotionally
intoxicated prevents you from thinking straight before you speak and have a correct perspective on what happens. “You should always have a cool head, warm heart and give up,” said Confucius. A “hot” reaction causes our emotions to control us, and our impulses explode because we will not be the same if we act at this moment. 4- Emotional vertigo prevents from leaving what does not do well to go away I would define the fear of “letting go” as emotional vertigo; this is nothing more than fear in its purest state, the fear of facing the emptiness generated by a loss. It is the fear of mourning for the loss of our love of sacrifice, and of our weakness for masochism. You feel irritable if you leave the pre-established roadmap for your life and you think that if you deviate, it will provoke a sacrifice that will completely
unbalance your existence. You do not feel empowered to get on with your life if you abandon those habits or people who remain by your side, but you still know that something about them is not going well.
not have the energy you need to face everyday challenges. You may not feel you have the strength to do it.
5. Mental laziness rules your life and your ability to struggle
We need to understand that when we are under the influence of our toxic emotions and insecurities, we deteriorate our sense of self, enormously. We tend to misinterpret things, as they seem less accurate, and we are very likely to say or do things that we will feel guilty later.
It is likely that if you are emotionally intoxicated, feel that you do not listen to what others say and that not only your attention but also your memory, are overly selective. This worsens if you find yourself at the crossroads of an argument, for you will begin to misunderstand the words you hear and draw your own conclusions, according to your frustrations and problems given your level of toxicity. It is not that you do not want to do something correctly, but that it is a tremendous mental effort to have different perspectives on any issue and to be aware of everything. It’s not that you do
How to deal with emotional intoxication?
When we are faced with these problems, what is important is that we are aware that we are full of emotions and that we should allow time for us to analyze and accept them. If we learn to identify these five symptoms quickly, we will realize our state of “ emotional drunkenness,� allowing us to withdraw in time; this withdrawal will turn out to be incredibly advantageous in keeping our emotional balance.
Music and Physical Health You also are what you Listen to!
Music influences our cells, causes tissues to break down, and diminishes cancerous growths and alleviates skin ailments. On his website, Fabien Maman[1] displayed Kirlian photographs of sound exploding helix cancer cells.
We overlook the impact of sound and music because we do not observe its subtle impact with our eyes. M.D. Mitchell Gaynor, an oncologist at Cornell University Medical Center, reported that sounds such as crystal or Tibetan bowels, chants and meditative practices can significantly reduce cancer tissue when coupled with traditional therapies. Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, discovered that tuning forks can balance the nervous system, increasing a release of nitric oxide, a key component for healthy tissues and organs.[2] Studies demonstrated the effect of music on pulse and respiration. Blood pressure is lowered by sustaining chords and raised by accelerated and jumpy rhythmic patterns. Melodies affect tension in the larynx, which tightens when exposed to descending cords. Dr. Tartchanoff[3] concluded that music affects muscular activity according to the feeling of the melodies. When
the music is sad or involves a slow rhythm, a decrease of muscular activity results. The following summary of research regarding the impact of music was found on Sri Swamiji’s sites. [4] Evidence shows that listening to the appropriate music: • Lowers BP • Stabilizes heart rate • Relieves depression • Reduces pre-treatment anxiety • Enhances concentration and creativity • Lessens the need for sedatives and painkillers (during and after surgery) • Reduces nausea after chemotherapy • Manages pain • Improves stability of people with Parkinson’s disease. Physical Effects of Appropriate music • Brain function physically
changes in response to music • The rhythm can guide the body into breathing slower, deeper patterns that have a calming effect.
Mental Effects of Appropriate Music • Sharpens mental acuity or assists in relaxation • Memory and learning can be enhanced
• Louder and faster noises raise both heart rate and blood pressure; slower, softer and more regular tones produce the opposite result.
The term “Mozart effect” was coined after a study showed that college students performed better on math problems when listening to classical music.
• Music can also relieve muscle tension and improve motor skills. It is often helping to rebuild physical patterning skills in rehabilitation clinics.
Emotional Effects of Appropriate Music • Creates feelings of calmness, tension, excitement, or romance.
– L evels of endorphins are increased, and stress hormones are decreased. This improves immune function. – A 1993 study at Michigan state university showed that even 15 minutes of exposure to music could increase interleukin-1 levels, a consequence which also heightens immunity.
• Lullabies have long been popular for soothing babies to sleep. • Music can also be used to express emotion nonverbally. Precautions Music Therapy is not a substitute for standard medical care.
Maximizing with Music Therapy
• Try taking a 20-minute “sound bath.” • Choose music with a slow rhythm. • Music that has a repeating or cyclical pattern is found to be effective in most people. • Focus on your berating, letting it deepen, slow and become regular. • Concentrate on the silence between the notes. This keeps you from analyzing the music and makes relaxation more complete. • If you need stimulation after a day of work, go for faster music rather than slow calming music. • When going gets tough, listen to music you are familiar with - such as a childhood favorite or favorite oldies. Familiarity often breeds calmness. • Take walks with your
favorite music playing on the walkman. Inhale and exhale in tune. • Listen to sounds of nature, such as ocean waves, or the calm of a deep forest, can reduce stress. [5] [1] www.tama-do.com [2] Blackburn, Zaccciah, “Sound Healing: A Therapeutic Tool for the Future!” http://thecenteroflight.net/ SoundHealing3.html pg 2. [3] Tame, David. The Secret Power of Music: The Transformation of Self and Society through Musical Energy, Destiny Books: Vermont, 1984, Pg. 137. [4] http://www.dattaretreatcenter. org/, http://www.dycusa.org/, http://www.dattatemple.com/, www.DallasHanuman.org, http:// www.yogasangeeta.org, http://www.dattapeetham.com/ [5] http://www.dattaretreatcenter. org/, http://www.dycusa.org/, http://www.dattatemple.com/, www.DallasHanuman.org, http:// www.yogasangeeta.org, http://www.dattapeetham.com/
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
A Lesson in Manifestation By John Holland
How’s your 2018 going so far? Still undecided what you want to happen or bring into your life this year? If you want to manifest something in your life, it’s important to start out by having a clear mental picture of what you want, as well as the desire to bring it into your life. Remember: “The soul never thinks without a mental picture.” When you have an image followed by the emotion of joy and excitement, as if it’s what you desire, and it’s happening here, and now, then you open yourself to the universal energy Omtimes.com
– the Divine Source – to able to attach itself and assist you in fulfilling your aspiration or desire. Many people when asked: “What do you want in your life?” often respond by saying: “I DON’T KNOW.” When you say ‘I don’t know,’ it really means the energy has nothing to grab on to. By visualizing, what you truly desire and bringing in the positive, joyful emotions as if your goal is already happening, you stand a far better chance of your soul meeting your goal half way. If it’s for your highest good,
and that of others – then you, your soul, and the Universe can all work as partners in manifesting the outcome you desire.
JOHN’S LESSON This week, I’d like you to take some time out, and imagine what you want to bring into your life. Try to do this slowly bringing in one thing at a time. Just so you know, it really does work. Experiment with this exercise. Choose anything, it could be a butterfly, a certain bird, a particular coin (try 25 cents) it could even be a particular book. One late summer day once I tried this experiment for myself. I love going out on a boat trip on the ocean, I love the freedom, the sun, and the wind, and always feel invigorated after the boat trip. Well, the summer was almost over, and I realized I never went on a boat trip that I so wanted. So… I tried what I teach. I imagined myself on a boat out on the ocean and brought in the joy and sense of freedom that comes with the feeling of being out there on the open ocean. In other words, I imagined as if it happened right then and there in my mind. Well, it must have worked! Just two days later a
friend of mine called me and said that a family member was just about to take the boat out one or two more times before the end of the summer and asked me if I wanted to join them! Of course, I accepted the invitation. There was a bonus though – there were drinks and lunch included! You don’t have to be a psychic to make this system work for you. Just take a few minutes and imagine you are seeing the object in your mind, the feel of it, notice the texture, then reach out with your imagination and see yourself holding the object, noticing every detail, even the smell. Bring in the emotion of what it would feel like to already have it. Could be Joy? Excitement? Love? Visualization partnered with emotion is a powerful tool. Soon the Universe will conspire to bring you what you visualize. Now, this exercise is designed to start off small, just to get you going. As you get the hang of it, you can move on to bigger things. The more you practice this – the better you will get at manifesting what you want to bring into your life for your highest good. Enjoy! Live a Soul-filled life! Omtimes.com
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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
Is your Child a Crystal Child? By Humanity Healing
How do I know if my child is a crystal child? First of all, we must tell you, if your child is of the crystal vibration, or crystal child, we are talking about an extraordinary and creative being.
The positive energy that naturally emanates from this child easily transforms her into a unique person, of its kind who shapes thoughts, actions and goals for the purpose of doing good. Crystal Children purpose in life is to live in harmony with the environment in which they develop themselves and to somehow inspiring those around them to do the same. This child does not make demands using tantrums. They only request what they need. They do not scream, instead they prefer to speak softly, slowly and clearly. In general, they don’t belong to the gifted children category, their uniqueness can be related to a higher and even divine level. If your child is a crystal child, you have received a blessing
from the universe. You can be sure of that. Characteristics of a Crystal Child According to the connoisseurs of the theme, crystal children have a harmonious and transparent aura such as crystal (from which comes the name of crystal child) and are human beings who stand out due to purity and lack of ego. To find out if a child is a child of crystal vibration, we have gathered some characteristics on which you can base yourself: They are empaths: One of the characteristics that defines a crystal child and what differentiates it from the rest of the other children is empathy. The empathy of these children, it could be said, is far from normal.
She can understand the feeling of another person like no one else. They can transform into any mood absorbing from the people around her to feel in her own flesh what the other person feels. There are people who describe this process in an esoteric way. As if the mind of the crystal child could enter the soul of another person to know their emotions in a deeper way. They are usually Lonely A crystal child is lonely even when he lives or is surrounded by people. He loves solitude and generally prefers spaces where he can avoid direct contact with other human beings. They are Passive In any context it does everything to get away and avoid divergences, problems and confrontations with others.
Discreet She is a discreet child with few words. Educated in your own way, even if you have not stimulated many of the behaviors it presents. She prefers to be quiet and keep a low profile before she runs the risk of being reckless. They are Serene They have this characteristic serenity that is peculiar and stands out. The child with crystal vibration is in harmony with his inner self and the environment that surrounds it. For this reason, she remains calm and in constant balance. Intelligent Owner of very creative ideas, generally out of the box ones, their concepts are concise but correct. They don’t wander in their
opinions. Their intelligence and reasoning can be said to outweigh those of other children of the same age. Sensitive The crystal child is sensitive to the extreme. They are easily saddened to know about violence, lack of love, greed, cruelty, lies or envy. The negative feelings and actions of others impact them deeply. They are Sweet Hearts These children are in general very kind, with a pleasant disposition, sweet and with an affectionate character. Other characteristics of a crystal child They are environmentally conscious souls She is attracted to animals, water sources, and nature in general. She is interested in the environment and likes to know about the behavior of
the elements of nature. A crystal child was often diagnosed with diverse degrees of autism. But, unlike what some people believe, the crystalvibrating child does not live inside them, in their own world, as a child who has some autism spectrum disorder lives. The neurons in your brain connect in the same way as those of other children. A crystal child is only a special being who fills his life with happiness and, according to scholars of the subject, came to earth to establish peace and spiritual harmony among all. They are here to change the world, to enable us to achieve inner peace, and to enable the human species to live in balance with the environment around us.
The Universe Has A Message For You by Leigh Burton
Everything we want is available just for the asking. All we must do is ask for it. We live in a time that whatever we imagine, we can find it somewhere. The difficulty is knowing how to ask.
When we were children, we experienced a rite of passage that took us into the beginning of adulthood. The moment that we realized that Santa Claus was a fantasy, our ability to dream with innocence and vigor started to diminish. The experience left some of us embarrassed, but for all of us, a great deal of disappointment surfaced. That experience changed everything for us because from that moment forward all dreams came with consequences, questions or doubt. We quickly went from standing tall for that which made our hearts sing to grieving a loss of innocence and vulnerability that now feels more like a menace.
can’t receive that which we seek. Even though we do the work and create a space that will welcome our dream coming true, the challenge is that planting a seed is not enough. Taking good care of our vision is not enough. The process by which we receive is directly correlated to the vibration that we are when we are working so hard at seeing our dreams come to fruition. While vision boards are a great tool to assist in manifestation, they with crystals, cards, community support, meditation and everything else we can add to the power of creation will not complete its purpose if we are not vibrating on a level that is equal to that which we hope for.
Allowing ourselves to afford innocence and trust in dreaming, opens us up to the abundance that we seek. Whether it be a great deal of love, something tangible or anything else that you can imagine, what we dream our lives to be, seems at the least difficult to obtain. Contrary to our knowledge that the universe has a vast amount of possibility, most are faced with wondering why we
Yes, most of us know this already, but how do we achieve a balance of the energy field that is to receive that which we consider being our abundance? Just by letting go of the limiting beliefs that have developed because of experience or mental conditioning. “You will see it when you believe it.� Wayne Dyer
The very moment that we release ourselves from a limiting belief, we shift to a place that allows us to receive something exceptional. Without surrendering to the greatness that is in true manifestation, we will stay right where we are. We don’t want to get close to someone because we fear our heart may be broken. What if we changed that to the opportunity to experience love for what it this time has to offer? We don’t pursue our dreams because of the fear of failure. What if we changed that to allow the experience of trying to be what gifts us with wisdom and knowledge of what we don’t want and allowing our dreams to become crystal clear? We believe that we are not capable when the experience of learning a new skill can be an all-encompassing experience of personal power. Cutting the cord that attaches our limiting belief to our
goals, the same that is holding us back, will immediately open a portal that will instantly start receiving that which is conducive to raising the vibration in our energy field. This is how abundance flows. It isn’t that what we seek isn’t available, and it isn’t that we don’t deserve it. A shift in our minds is all that we need to allow the flow to become more of what it is we desire. This is where we will see and feel abundance. When we ask the universe why we can’t achieve our dreams or why it isn’t producing, how do we know that the world isn’t looking back at us and responding “When are you going to step up? I have it right here, you just need to be ready.” Leigh Burton: Author, International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Emotional Health Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapist, an expert in letting go, and a lover of life. www. leighburton.com
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Helping your child to develop Self-love & Self-Love By OMTimes
Self-esteem is an essential factor in our general wellbeing, in our relationships and how we relate to our environment. Do you know how to help build your
child’s self-esteem? Here are some tips on how to aid your child to have more confidence and be self -reliant. Self-esteem is in a sort of wahy a self-image, the way a person thinks about herself. This means that with high self-esteem we can see ourselves as very capable, a good, and a secure person aware of our worth. On the other hand, when there is low self-esteem it means that we do not see ourselves as having enough value, we think we are not good enough, and we feel insecure about ourselves and our needs. All parents want their children to like and respect themselves because in this way they can grow up as safe and happy people. However, some parents also worry that their children have very low or very high self-esteem.
But the truth is that if you find yourself very good, very capable or very valuable all the time, it can also be a negative aspect. The key to a healthy life is finding balance. The Self-esteem in children There is always parental concern about both high self-esteem and low selfesteem, but we must pay attention to all the different aspects of the same coin It is possible that as a parent you see in your children self-esteem that is very “inflamed” about their own abilities, or your child may think you are better than other people. When this happens, it is not high self-esteem what appears, it is low self-esteem camouflaged, it is a feeling of grandeur caused by great insecurity. The Low self-esteem aspect
can sometimes be expressed as self-critical behavior, but it is often revealed through arrogance or the need to believe that we are better than others. This is a defense against the deep fear of believing that we are not good enough. It comes from the belief that others will criticize us or that others are better. On the other hand, people with high self-esteem, are very safe and know that they have a great value, and the best thing is that they are people (in this case children) who do not need to compare themselves with others to improve their abilities. Their good concept of themselves is enough to make them feel good. How to help a child develop good self-esteem The child should have the opportunity to feel fit to do things by itself. For this, a child should know that the effort is more important
than the result, that it does not matter if they succeed or they fail; what matters is that they have struggled to achieve good results. When a child feels capable, they can meet their needs and achieve their goals and be a well-adjusted adult one day. Educating must match the needs and emotions of children It is essential that the upbring of the child be assisted by loving parenting attitude, which helps the child to feel dignified and safe always. Parents should be connected with the child even when the child becomes independent. They should accept and affirm who the child is, respecting their needs and also respecting the most difficult times when the children are immersed in the messy feelings. All parents may find themselves at a time when they must maintain a
positive attitude toward a fit of anger, a rebellious teenager, or a ten-year-old who responds rudely ... even if it sometimes seems like an impossible mission since the temptation to end this anger is more powerful. But unconditional love toward the child should prompt you to act in a certain way, administering positive discipline so that the children know that you will be at their side no matter what happens. Educating with guidance and without punishment Perhaps “without punishment” seems to be something very unrealistic, but it is possible when a positive discipline and the consequences agreed upon with children become a reality. Children need limits because they cannot be allowed to run down the street or insult their father, but punishment undermines children’s self-esteem, so ... what to do?
It is necessary to set boundaries through empathy and assertiveness, to help children learn to manage their emotions and therefore to be able to control their behavior. In this way, children can see themselves as competent and capable people to achieve things, something that will undoubtedly help them to increase their selfesteem and consequently improve their self-love. On the other hand, punishment does not help children learn to manage their emotions. It only aggravates the situation, and they will begin to feel negative emotions like anger since they cannot control it. Thus, they believe that they are not good people who are not able to control themselves. And that’s not true! They just need your help to be able to improve their selfesteem radically.
How To Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone In Business One of the major ways people prevent their businesses from being as successful and generative as they can be is by getting complacent and comfortable.
The business owners who are truly successful are those who are willing to take risks and discover what possibilities exist beyond the comfort zone. Complacency is a result of deciding and defining what a business can or can’t be or do. When you function from those kinds of conclusions, there is limited room for growth and expansion. To start extending beyond the places you’ve made solid, comfortable, and, as a result, limited in your business, you want to start asking questions. A true question is one that invites a different possibility. It brings into your awareness available options that you weren’t previously acknowledging. Here are three questions you can ask to start opening up to the generative possibilities that exist for
you beyond the comfort zone: What capacities do I have beyond this? How many capacities and capabilities do you have that you aren’t readily acknowledging? Most people have a few skills that they are most comfortable with and that they use to define what they do, or can’t do. However, if you start to get curious about your own capacities, you’ll discover that there are all sorts of things you’re capable of that can contribute to your life and business. How many conclusions do you have about your capacities? Are you willing to truly see them? Try asking the people you work with to tell you what they see. When you acknowledge all of your gifts, you have access to resources that allow you to move beyond
your ‘comfortable’ way of operating. Being willing to function from all of your capacities is the type of risk that few people ever choose. What am I aware of that I can choose, create, and generate that’s different? Look at any hugely successful business, and you will find multiple ways that those business owners did things differently. Most business models are built on the facts and figures of what others are doing; they are based on trying to emulate what has worked for someone else. However, to be great, you have to be aware of possibilities beyond the examples set by others. If you want to open the door to a massive vault of inspiration, ask what you’re aware of that you can choose, create, and generate
that’s different. Until you actually ask, you won’t see what’s waiting and available. Once you’re willing to be aware of something different, there is no limit to what you can create. If this wasn’t a problem, what possibly could it be? How many problems have you decided you have? Have you ever stopped to notice how many times a day you say, “the problem is” or “if I only had…?” Defining situations as a problem will never allow you to move beyond the comfortable, compliant way of being in your life and business. What if every problem was a possibility instead? If you look at your business and think, “I can never make enough money,” or “I never have enough clients,” then that’s where all your choices will come from. You
won’t perceive and receive the places where money, clients, and possibilities are showing up because your fixed points of view stop you from seeing them. Functioning from a perspective of ‘problem’ is a comfortable place for most people. Wrangling with challenges and putting out fires is something we’ve concluded we have to do consistently. Businesses that truly thrive are the ones where all challenges and fires and received as the possibility for something different to be created. For your business to be truly successful and generative, you have to be willing to go beyond everywhere you’ve become complacent and comfortable. When you ask questions, you have access to resources and possibilities that allow your
life and your business to thrive. Simone Milasas is an entrepreneur, creator, creative business coach, international business owner, author and Worldwide Coordinator of Access Consciousness. She has been at the forefront of cutting-edge business creation and development for over a decade and has trained business leaders and innovators all over the world. Simone is the author of JOY OF BUSINESS translated into 13 languages and best-selling book GETTING OUT OF DEBT JOYFULLY translated into 5 languages. You can find Simone every week on her podcast – The Art & Industry of Business & Living available on her website, www.simonemilasas.com, and iTunes.
The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
The Icky Truth About People-Pleasers By Marcia Sirota, MD.
We all have at least one or two people-pleasers in our life. We can recognize them as those overly nice, helpful, accommodating individuals who’ll go out of their way to be there for everyone else.
We think of people-pleasers as basically decent folks who are trying too hard to be nice. The truth is that there’s a dark truth about their behavior, which is readily explained by their underlying motivations.
are users like any other person who manipulates or exploits. The difference is that what they’re seeking — love, approval, validation — isn’t inherently bad, compared to some of the users out there.
People-pleasers are all driven by one singular need. They’re helpful, ingratiating, accommodating and placating out of a powerful desire for affection and approval.
Some users have dark desires, exploiting other people to gain money, power, sex or other advantages. Peoplepleasers aren’t anywhere that bad, but they’re still functioning on a transactional level.
People-pleasers have low selfesteem and depend on others to boost it. Instead of taking responsibility for building up their self-worth, they turn to everyone else to make them feel better about themselves. In that sense, people-pleasers are users, only being nice so that they can get what they want from the people they’re helping. People-pleasers don’t give from the heart; their generosity has strings attached. Every seemingly kind gesture has an ulterior motive; every instance of altruism comes out of an underlying need for affirmation and validation. In essence, people-pleasers
People relate to each other in some different ways. We can be empathetic, acting out of caring and kindness, or we can be defensive, assuming that others are out to hurt us and always trying to protect ourselves. We can be oppressive, trying to dominate and control others to serve our purposes, or we can be playful, seeing human interactions as a game. We can also be transactional, basing our interactions on a model of give-and-take. Transactional relationships always involve mutual Omtimes.com
exploitation. The people in these relationships see others more like commodities than as inherently valuable human beings. Even when the pleaser’s goal is as innocent as finding approval and affection, they’re still using other people to get it. And when someone approaches their relationships from a transactional perspective, the only other person who’ll engage with them is someone else who operates on a transactional level. The people-pleaser is a benign kind of user; their currency being niceness and helpfulness, but the other side of the equations is often someone who’s not that nice at all. The type of person who’ll take advantage of the pleaser’s need for approval is often a self-serving narcissist or remorseless sociopath who promises to give the pleaser what they want but then chews them up and spits them out. In a transaction between a Omtimes.com
pleaser who uses someone for validation and a narcissist or sociopath who uses someone for more nefarious purposes, it’s obvious who’s going to come out ahead, every time. Sometimes, one peoplepleaser will attract another, and they’ll do things for eachother, hoping to gain approval and start feeling good about themselves. This is what we call co-dependency, but it too turns out badly. The problem is that even if one pleaser gets the other’s approval, it doesn’t actually make them feel good about themselves. That’s because we can only build our self-esteem by loving and accepting ourselves. Nothing we get from other people has any meaningful effect on our selfworth. I don’t mean to say that we never benefit from the love and support of other people, but rather that no amount of external love or validation can penetrate our psyche and heal our damaged self-worth. It’s ultimately our responsibility to heal it ourselves.
When we engage in transactional relationships, we always end up getting burned. At best, we get caught up in codependency and end up feeling frustrated and resentful.
who gets taken advantage of and is frequently mistreated. What this person needs to understand is that engaging in transactional relationships will never bring them satisfaction.
At worst, a more nasty type of user will take advantage of our generosity draining our time, our energy, even our bank account before we realize, often too late, that there’s nothing in it for us.
When two people use eachother for any reason, neither one comes away feeling better. True happiness comes from loving ourselves and from giving to others out of real caring. When we’re filled with self-love, our hearts are full, and the caring overflows outward.
Interestingly, even the nasty users don’t get their needs met in a transactional relationship. They think that by taking advantage of a “peoplepleaser” they’ll feel better but no amount of help, rescuing or support from a pleaser will make a nasty user feel happy and content. These people have a bottomless pit of emptiness inside them, and it’s up to them to fill this abyss with selflove and self-acceptance.
When we take responsibility for loving ourselves instead of giving to get, we’re giving just for the sake of it. We’re not starting from a place of emptiness, hoping to be filled; we’re already filled with positive self-regard, and we’re just sharing these good feelings with the world. That’s what will make us happy and fulfilled; not trying to use each-other for any reason.
It’s sad because the peoplepleaser is basically a good person who’s desperate for affection and approval but
Sign up here for my free monthly wellness newsletter. August is all about making the most of mindfulness. Omtimes.com
"The first step is to become aware that love is an art, just as life is an art. If we want to learn to love, we should proceed in the same way as if we were to learn any other art, such as music, painting, carpentry or medicine and engineering. " -Erich Fromm By Ascendinghearts
Using love to escape loneliness When we use “love” just as an excuse to escape loneliness or our even other problems, we are doomed to destroy it. If we apply this feeling as a refuge for challenges we can’t endure in our lives, we will be running away from ourselves. "Love as mutual sexual satisfaction, as teamwork and as a refuge from loneliness, are normal forms of the disintegration of love in contemporary Western society, It is the pathology of socially determined love." -Erich Fromm
This way of loving becomes something neurotic since it does not promote our personal development. We do not listen to ourselves, and we expect the other to take responsibility for what we are not able to accomplish. In this way, the shadows and projections may arise; we see in the other what we do not support in ourselves. It is a childish way of not wanting to take responsibility for our own lives, and all that it entails. When we convert love into a tool, an instrument of escape and manipulation, we lose our ability to love and the honesty to relate to each other. The active energy of love Love is limitless surplus energy that we have at our disposal even after we satisfy all our basic needs. Erich Fromm believed that this energy cannot become stagnant.
It is not enough to feel, it is necessary to mobilize and to live, and this is only possible when one decides to be taking care and feeding this love actively. There are specific difficulties in a relationship that are inevitable and even necessary, and everyone knows that. But there are some obstacles that cause negative emotions we must deal with. It is required to work these emotions that we experience and to understand that the ruptures arise from something that we do not pay attention to. Emotions are our most intimate and personal language, they help us to relate more honestly. OMTIMES |OCTOBER A
"Love is a constant challenge. It is not a place of rest, but a place of movement, growth, of working together; that there is harmony or conflict, joy or sadness, they are secondary to the fundamental fact that two beings are experiencing from the very essence of their existence, that they are committed to the relationship and are not together to flee from themselves. " -Erich FrommFinally, from this reflection, we realize the importance of the fact that two people relate from their own essence. Through deep knowledge of themselves, the couple will be able to build a solid foundation on which their love can evolve. To love only to escape from oneself is a mistake hence it is not possible to have a healthy and reciprocal encounter when we can’t be responsible for our own experiences and limitations. OMTIMES |OCTOBER A
Erich Fromm, (born March 23, 1900, Frankfurt am Main, Germany—died March 18, 1980, Muralto, Switzerland), Germanborn American psychoanalyst and social philosopher who explored the interaction between psychology and society. By applying psychoanalytic principles to the remedy of cultural ills, Fromm believed, mankind could develop a psychologically balanced “sane society.” (from Brittanica.com)
Can the energy of others condition your own? By Humanity Healing
Humans beings can and do absorb other people’s energy. This ability explains why there are people who feel uncomfortable when they are along with a particular group of folks. This conclusion came from a research study carried out by the University of Bielefeld. In it, it has been shown that humans are continually influenced by the
energies of the environment in which they are inserted.
The relationship between the state of mind and the energy level
Just like the flowers need water and light to develop and bloom, human beings are no different. Our physical bodies are like sponges, absorbing part of what gravitates into the environment. We all have a person with whom we live who is capable of sucking all our energy and leaving us exhausted. The opposite is also true: there is always that person whose presence inspires, motivates and nurtures us.
Energy may be defined as the ability of a body to perform work. All bodies can accumulate it and produce changes about themselves and/or other elements. In fact, when we do any activity, what we are doing is basically a transfer of energy. Energy is never wasted it is only transformed.
It is sad that Human being can also absorb the energy emanated by animals e from Nature in general. That’s the reason why being in touch with nature is a stimulating and energizing experience for so many people. On the other hand, Zootherapies or assisted therapy with animals also has a mission to consciously harness the animals’ energies to improve the conditions of the human patients. “The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” –Benjamin Franklin
All living things need different kinds of energies to develop our activities, and we get them through food. We can also get them from nature, more precisely in the wind, water, heat, light, etc. Without a doubt, energy is essential for our lives, the absence of it hinders many of our days to day activities, such as moving, caring, working or playing sports. The energy of our body influences and modifies our state of mind. According to some psychologists, such as Robert Thayer, mood reflects the association between energy and emotions. It fluctuates between an energetic state (from more
tired to more active) and a state that refers to the degree of nervousness (between the calmer and the tenser), and the “best� is considered to be a quiet and energetic state, and the worst, an anxious and tired state. The man usually becomes what he believes he is. How to increase positive energy? When the state of our personal energy is low, everything becomes more complicated, and the difficulties are exponentially multiplied. It is necessary to ask ourselves what actions, events or people bring us a positive, Upbeat and energetic state. Activities and people who offer us good energy help us to be more proactive with our lives. To increase our energy status, in addition to surrounding ourselves with positive people, we have to develop a program to work internally with ourselves. Following we collected 4 tips that can help us achieve an excellent energy state: 1. Keep the focus on our goals, so
that the energy does not disperse. 2. Cultivate a mind-state of nonresistance, what we resist turns out to be a problem. 3. To be aware of our limits without judging yourselves for it. 4. Try to Focus your energy on those goals in which you have greater control. On the other hand, we have to look for activities that help us stay motivated. For some, it is enough to practice exercises, walk in the field, share tasks or change habits. We have to find what recharges our batteries and try to include it in our day today. Likewise, it is also beneficial to keep people with a similar approach close by, so that they too can take advantage of the energy you emanate. Choosing our daily environment, friends, activities and, above all, our life partners influences our state of mind. Surrounding affable people with positive energy provides us with significant help in meeting the challenges, both the transcendental and, of course, the more mundane ones as well.
Love is Possible
THE LORD OF SEVEN SOLAR SYSTEMS (including our own solar system) by Marguerite Dar Boggia
Our solar system is under the guidance of a Star in our Galaxy referred to as “The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said.” It is His Will and Purpose which are the Laws governing all of the constellations under His jurisdiction. His four lower
vehicles, really His Personality, are the twelve constellations of our zodiac!1 This Indescribable, Absolute Monad2, is the ineffable Cause of the seven solar systems of which ours is one. It is His energy that vitalizes our solar system with the “waters of space.”3 Yet, He is but a cell and/or a force center, (also called a ‘chakra,’ which is a VORTEX, that digs in Space,) in a still greater stupendous Life, which is part of the infinite Universal Living Organism. The whole universe is guided, controlled and animated by an endless series of Hierarchies of sentient Beings. Each has its mission to perform. They vary in their respective sizes and degrees of consciousness.4 Some function as Gods, some as Hierarchies of Angels or Devas, some as rivers of Lives vitalizing galaxies, solar systems, planets and all the kingdoms of nature with the fiery energies of the “waters of space.” The Ancient Greeks might call it the ether, also referred to as the “waters of space.” All types of energy such as prana are included in the waters of space, as well as the ‘soul,’ which is a type of energy distinguished from that
of the matter! The first picture is a NASA photo of a so-called “angel” taken on 10/15/12; the 2nd was taken on 2/20/13.
Waring (a member of NASA) commented: “From the analysis, this angel -shaped object is the size of two earths. It moved directly to the sun.” Dr. Robert Moon was one of the key scientists involved in the Manhattan Project, which was noted for building the first atomic bomb. He built the first scanning X-ray microscope. He discovered that the protons of atoms naturally assemble into the Platonic solids. He believed geometry was the key to understanding quantum physics. In Dr. Moon’s model, more than one geometric form can nest within the nucleus at the same time. Each one is inside the next. He found four Platonic POLYHEDRA in the nucleus of an atom. From this, he was able to determine the number of chemical elements in the Periodic Table.5 In geometry, a polyhedron is a solid in three Omtimes.com
dimensions with flat polygonal faces, straight edges, and sharp corners or vertices.
Plate One at the end of this article shows how the Polyhedra are combined.
What is a Platonic Solid? Google’s Wikipedia definition is:
Plate Two shows the Elements of the Five Regular Polyhedra. (It includes the edges or lines, the faces, and vertices, together with the length of the line, both inner and outer and the sum of the plane angles of each polyhedron).
“In Euclidean geometry, a Platonic solid is a regular, convex polyhedron. The faces are congruent, regular polygons with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. There are exactly five solids which meet those criteria; each is named according to its number of faces. The aesthetic symmetry of the Platonic Solids has made them a favorite of geometers for thousands of years. They are named after the Ancient Greek, Plato, who theorized that the classical elements were constructed from the regular solids.”
I get really excited when I think how planetary cycles and the Golden Section (allegedly discovered by Pythagoras) correlate with the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, which I send out weekly online, free of any charge. Those familiar with the Fibonacci series will notice that the length of the lines exhibits the proportions of the Golden
Section, which is also called the golden ratio, the golden mean, and the divine proportion. It is closely connected with the Fibonacci series and has a value of (√5-1)/2 which is 0.618…. Notice in Plate Two, that the sum of the plane angles of the cube is 2,160. This is the Messianic Cycle! It is the number of years for the equinoctial point on the earth’s orbit to move backward among the constellations of the zodiac through an angular distance of 1/12 of the circle of the Precession of the Equinoxes.6 Twice 2,160 is 4,320. The number 4,320,000,000 is a key number that relates to what the Teachings call: a “Day of Brahma” or a planetary chain cycle that covers the evolution on 49 globes.7 The following is the number of degrees of the plane angles. Icosahedron 3,600° Dodecadedron 6,480° Octahedron 1,440° Cube 2,160° 1st Tetrahedron 720° 2nd Tetrahedron 720° ______ 15,120°8
This is the number of degrees for the Equinoctial point to pass through seven signs of the zodiac. Notice that the icosahedron and the dodecahedron are complementary. Each is having 30 edges or lines. The icosahedron has 20 faces, and the dodecahedron has 20 vertices. The icosahedron has 12 vertices, and the dodecahedron has 12 faces. I believe that everything in manifested nature, including the planets, has its complement and its opposite polarity; thus forming a triangle. The octahedron and the cube are also complementary. The tetrahedron is its own complement as it interlaces with itself. If we omitted the number of degrees of the plane angles of the second Tetrahedron, the total number of degrees would be 14,400. (15,120 minus 720 = 14,400) They are all multiples of 720, the number of degrees in a tetrahedron. They increase in the ratio of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9, with a total of 20 X 720 or 14,400 degrees. 720 is the product of (3+4+5) and (3x4x5). (12 x 60) The numbers representing the sums of the angles may be expressed as follows: Tetrahedron 1 x (3+4+5) times (3x4x5) Omtimes.com
Octahedron 2 x (3+4+5) times (3x4x5) Cube 3 x (3+4+5) times (3x4x5) Icosahedron 5 x (3+4+5) times (3x4x5) Dodecahedron 9 x (3+4+5) times (3x4x5)9 All of these numbers are divisible by the number: nine. Those familiar with the Golden Section and the Fibonacci series will notice that the length of the lines, exhibit the proportions of the Golden Section, to wit: Inner icosahedrons: .382; dodecahedron .618; cube 1.00; outer icosahedrons: 1.618. Since the cube represents fully developed man, the length of the unit used is 1.00 from which the edges or lines of the other polyhedra are derived. The length of the tetrahedron is 1.414 which is the square root of 2 since it is the diagonal on the face of the cube.10 Behind every planet or object is an Entity. (It is part of a Living Organism which is the Infinite Kosmos.) When we say that the number of days for the Entity informing the Earth to make its
rotation around the Sun is 360 days, it is because it can vary from 356 days to 366. So we take the approximate number of days for a planet to rotate around the Sun. They are as follows: Mercury
90 days
216 days
360 days
720 days
4,320 days
10,80011 days
We notice that Mercury revolves around the sun four times to one of Earth’s year. The ratio is 4:1. Once every 60 year period the planets are all in conjunction or in syzygy. They would all lie along a straight line concerning the Sun. The following table shows the ratios of the planets correlating to the faces of the polyhedra. Mercury: Earth 4:1 Tetrahedron (Faces) Mars: (Faces)
Jupiter 6:1 Cube
Mercury: Mars 8:1 Octahedron (Faces) Earth: Jupiter 12:1 Dodecahedron (Faces)
Venus: Jupiter 20:1 Icosahedron (Faces) Mercury: Earth 4:1 Tetrahedron (Vertices) Mercury: Mars 8:1 Cube (Vertices) Mars: Jupiter 6:1 Octahedron (Vertices) Venus: Jupiter 20:1 Dodecahedron (Vertices) Earth: Jupiter 12:1 Icosahedron (Vertices) Mars: Jupiter 6:1 Tetrahedron (Edges) Earth: Jupiter 12:1 Cube & Octahedron (Edges) Earth: Saturn 30:1 Icosahedron & Dodecahedron (Edges) 12 There are so many more instances of correlations between the Ancient Wisdom Teachings and the cycles to wit: 60 is 5 times the Jupiter cycle of 12 years. The square of 60 is the Chaldean Saros of 3,600 years. The Golden Section was used by the Greeks in architecture. It appears in nature in the Sunflower, flowers and seashells. Marguerite Dar Boggia formerly served as Membership Secretary
for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She was past Secretary and Director of ISAR and Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She was a cofounder of UAC, the United Astrological Congress, and its past Secretary and Director. Her goal is to serve humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. To that end, she offers free, online, three pages weekly of the Esoteric Teachings as was known by that great Disciple, Pythagoras. To receive these studies, she can be contacted at her website, www. FreePythagorasTeachings.com which website, she created at the age of 90: References: Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Publishing Co. N.Y. 1951, p. 608 1
de Purucker, G., Occult Glossary, Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, CA 1972, pp. 121, 111 2
“A monad is a spiritual entity which to us humans is indivisible; it is a divine-spiritual lifeatom, but indivisible, because its essential characteristic, as we humans conceive it, is Omtimes.com
homogeneity; while that of the physical atom, above which our consciousness soars, is divisible, is a heterogeneous composite particle. “Monads are eternal, unitary, individual life-centers, consciousness-centers, deathless during any solar manvantara, therefore ageless, unborn, undying….Monads are spiritual-substantial entities, self-motivated, self-conscious, in infinitely varying degrees, the ultimate elements of the universe. These monads engender other monads… Every monad is a seed, wherein the sum total of powers appertaining to its divine origin are latent…” Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on White Magic, Lucis Publishing Co. N.Y. 1925 p. 275. 3
We have generated a term we call the ether. Occultly speaking, this is the modern way of expressing “the waters of space,” which are the waters of desire, in which we are immersed. It is in constant ebb and flux and is the stream of life, constituted of 49 types of energy, which pours through the cosmic egoic
lotus, and (radiating forth from it) feeds with its measure of sustenance the form—solar, planetary or human—for which it is responsible. This is dealt with in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.” Blavatsky, H.P. The Secret Doctrine, Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, CA. 1963 Vol. I, p. 295 4
Wilcock, David The Source Field Investigations, Dutton a member of the Penguin Group (USA) NY, NY, 2011, pp.328-329 5
Plummer, Gordon, L. The Mathematics of Cosmic Mind, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL, USA, 1970, 1982,p. 31 6
de Purucker, G., Book IV, Galaxies and Solar Systems; Their Genesis, Structure and Destiny, Point Loma Publications Inc., San Diego, CA 1987, p. 75
Plummer, Ibid p. 26
Plummer, Ibid pp. 34-35
Plummer, Ibid p. 29
Plummer, Ibid p. 36
Plummer, Ibid p. 37
PLATE 1 - How the Polyhedra are combined
PLATE 2 - Elements of the five regular Polyhedra
Icosahedron Octahedron Tetrahedron Hexadedron Dodecahedron Edges 30 12 6 12 30 Faces 20 8 4 6 12 Vertices 12 6 4 8 20 Length of Edge 707 1,414 1.00 .618 Inner * .382 Outer* 1.618 Sum of Degrees 3.600 1,440 720 2,160 6,480 *By the terms Inner and Outer Icosahedron we mean the Icosahedron which surrounds the Dodecahedron and the smaller one at the center formed by joining internally the vertices of the Dodecahedron Omtimes.com
Personal Growth & Development
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
The Path to Success (excerpt from Andrew’s new book, Lead Us To A Place ~ your spiritual journey through life’s seasons)
The greatest successes come from the ideas we are most passionate about! When we are passionate about something, we devote our time, money, resources and most of all love, to this idea.
When you follow your dream and see it through, the greatest reward is your success! This is done in two ways: passion and persistence. Passion is the root of what you love to do most. It is a blinding force of energy that you desire to do, every waking day. If all you could do is your passion every day, then that is what you MUST do. It will drive you to success. Your passion will assist you in finding the right audience, attracting those who are drawn to your passion and make you successful. Why will your passion do this? Because you will find the answers through what you love doing most… or these answers will find you. This passion can turn into a profession. A profession from your passion is one of the greatest rewards. There is also the fact that when someone genuinely enjoys their profession and are
motivated by their passion, they tend to be more satisfied with their work and more psychologically healthy. When these same people begin to get positive feedback and see results from their passion, they are motivated to work harder to ensure that this passion continues. It is a profession they will always have in their lives. Persistence is the other part of this equation. When you are passionate, you do not give up. It is not an option. No matter how long something can take to become a realized dream, this persistence is guided by your passion. So many times, in my life, I have seen patients, friends, and colleagues give themselves a “time limit” for their passion. They would tell me: “if I don’t make it by next year…” “if I don’t publish my work by next Spring…”
“if I don’t get this promotion next week…. I’m done”.
them as such. They may pass over the fact that…
Often, they give up. They let go of their dream or relinquish their passion. It is a tragic end, and it hurts to see someone give up on a dream. They block their progress by giving it an “expiration date.”
~ “They finally got a meeting with the top brass,” unfortunately, they do not recognize that they have been waiting a year for this meeting.”
I think this also shows that perhaps, they just were not passionate enough to truly pursue what they desire most in life! Success has stepped up a ladder. Reaching for the top rung of that ladder is great. But do you even know what that top rung is? Success is often a definition we have in our heads, which we do not seem to stray from. But, success often comes in ways you do not even imagine. At the top rung of that ladder, are other, endless possibilities, that we have never thought of. Many people who have experienced successes, tend not to see them or recognize
~ “They just sold products to their first big box store concept” but now they are more concerned about getting 10 more contracts with other big stores and fail to realize, that this was the best success they have had in 6 years.” In achieving success, it is important to remember how far you’ve come. Even though there’s a part of you that wants to grow and yearns for more, acknowledging each achievement, no matter how small, is necessary. Success is notoriously elusive for many people because their definition of success sets them up to never quite have it. We may have minor
achievements, but do not feel they are successes, because it’s not the end goal. Success is an achievement in any form, on any level. If your definition of success has the room to include who you are and what you have right NOW, you’ll continue growing and refining, even when you make mistakes. You will realize you are defining success! It is important to recognize, honor and appreciate the little “rungs on the ladder” as these are the real successes. This is the real definition of success. Success is money and power to most people. What also must be included is: 1. Peace of mind, which is the result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. 2. Well-being, which is the long-lasting result of your
success and how it makes you feel. 3. Wonder if your own amazement of where you came from and what it took for you to succeed. 4. Wisdom, from the long journey it took for you to get here and the brain power you discovered to make it all happen. 5. Giving is the gift you offer back for your success. It is probably the most rewarding of all. 6. Success is a mirror of yourself. It is how you like yourself, how you accept yourself and how you like how you do it. 7. Success is the expansion of your happiness through worthy goals. Andrew Pacholyk MS, L.Ac http://www.peacefulmind. com Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit
Ego and the Evolution of Consciousness By Anja Sagan
Is the ego as bad as they say? Sometimes we’re not even aware we have one. Sometimes it feels annoying, like a mosquito flying around
us and other times it’s like a whirlwind that blows things way out of perspective based on childhood fears, past life traumas, cellular memories and more. When we fear something, we often try to run from it, fight it or end up leaking our power to it. Many spiritual practices teach that the ego must be subjugated or even eliminated entirely to reach higher levels of spiritual consciousness. It is the unwanted party guest we would love to rid ourselves of, yet it remains. But is it necessarily something we need to eliminate, or can it still hold some purpose or function? When living on an egoic level, survival, sex and greed are the main driving factors. There is little room for higher spiritual evolution and, we remain in a ‘crabs
in the bucket’ kind-of existence. Spiritual teachers have told us everything that exists is an aspect of the Divine and therefore serves some purpose. If so, then how can the ego help us? The ego, in its correct position, helps us translate infinite consciousness into communication through thought and language with others. It acts as a sort-of interface software decoding spirit into matter. It has served us as a species since its’ inception at the fightor-flight level, but optimally, we must surrender it to the position of co-pilot rather than the captain of our ship. We see it in the negative just because it is in an incorrect position relative to the soul. When it functions properly, the ego serves the Spirit and allows us to interact with others. When the ego yields to our Spirit, we
align with our intuition, guidance and grounding as well as our experience of the Divine Presence in all things. We understand ourselves as a spirit in mortal form awakening to It’s true, Divine nature. The ego’s unique makeup in each of us also enables us to express our genius through art, poetry, mathematics, scientific discovery and all kinds of other pursuits. Humankind is evolving in consciousness and moving away from living in constant fear for survival. We have the means as a species to feed, clothe and provide for all people on the planet. The supreme powers that be are not interested in paying for the global distribution of those resources. Our leaders function in fear, competition and scarcity, precisely as an ego-based level of consciousness would demand. Entire countries
have been bent to serve the will of one person, creating a gross imbalance. Unfortunately, there are many examples of leaders around the world who serve only their lust for power, control and their financial supporters. While it is difficult to witness the countless millions living under inhumane conditions, we may take heart in the fact that the stranglehold those leaders once had is eroding. Though things may seem desperately out of balance, those leaders no longer have the carteblanche ability to run amok and lie to the world, as they once did. The power of Social Media and people’s ability to record events and put them on the internet has created a hole in that previously impenetrable armor. More and more, people will no longer tolerate the
damage that is done to our planet or its people. Through the global connection of social media, people are now able to see, in-masse, the injustices that go on and are using their voices to create change through collective pressure. We see in the news, and on social media, a polarization going on between those who adhere to the outdated fear-driven systems and those who see the gross imbalance and damage those systems have caused on the planet. Awareness brings change. Like the Australopithecines or Neanderthals, who died out because they were unable or unwilling to adapt to changing circumstances, the leaders of the old system will, in time, give way to spiritually evolved, conscious leaders. This evolution of our species is real, and it is accelerating.
As we change our beliefs and perceptions to create a reality of collective prosperity, the more it will reveal itself. As others see it unfold and they come to believe, it will continue to spread across every nation through the “100th Monkey Effect”. An idea becomes thought, thought becomes belief, belief creates action, and with consistent effort, it becomes a manifested reality. We, as a species do hold the collective genius and potential that can and will bring balance to our planet. As we create this new reality, we become the change we wish to see in the world. Anja “Miraclewalker” Sagan is an author, filmmaker, shamanic spiritual teacher, public speaker and advocate for the fullest development of human genius. www. miraclewalkereterprises.com
When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.
World Vision
What is the Precog Economy?
The Premonition Code: How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life authors Theresa Cheung and Julia Mossbridge explain why the science of precognition is becoming more important to the world of business and technology. Discover how in the future, being “a precog” will be a job and be vital to the emerging futurist economy. Learn how you can begin to train for one of the most interesting jobs of the future. Omtimes.com
Imagine going to pick out a new car in the year 2035. After test-driving it – of course it runs on an alternative fuel that has one by-product: water – you meet with your Positive Precog Sales Associate. You have to wait a few minutes, because she’s not quite done with her meditation hour. As you wait, you check out the awards on the wall of her office. “Best Precog Assessment of Traffic Patterns, 2021”, “Positive Precog Coach of the Year, 2028, 2034”, “Most
Airbag Recalls Averted, WesternCanadifornia region 2033”, “Positive Precog Hall of Fame, 2019–2035”. You are excited, but also nervous. You really want her to approve this car for you. You like it a lot; it self-drives like a dream, and the mobile holographic teleporter is the highest resolution you’ve seen. You can’t wait to host crosscountry parties in it with all the glitterati, dead and alive. But you know that if she says you’ll die in the car, you can’t buy it. The company won’t let you; it would be bad for their numbers. You wait, tapping your bionic forefingers on her hammock posts as she gently swings back and forth. You hear a chiming, and there she is, having jumped out of her hammock, standing in front of you. She’s a bit dishevelled, but friendly. “Oh, it’s you. Hi! Yes, the car’s fine. I saw it this morning in the shower. You’ll have fun. It’ll take you places. You’re good to go. Remember: I can’t be sure that you’ll be 100% accident-free, of course, but I didn’t see any major accidents, for what that’s worth. I sealed up the paperwork this morning, before you came. Now, enjoy!”
She hands you a packet of papers, and you’re off. You’re thrilled, and so is the company. Since she started working for them, they’ve had only three accidents in their cars for the past three years. Not bad. To be sure, this story is highly speculative. But right now, organizations such as Soul Rider LLC, Intuitive Intelligence, Inc. and Technical Intuition are using what we call “controlled precognition” in applications such as stock market trading and consulting for corporations who want to anticipate future trends. That’s just a beginning. We think that these kinds of applications will become more popular and more openly discussed as their utility is made clear, and this will drive the emergence of what we call the “Precog Economy”– a positively disruptive array of goods and services based on controlled precognition and other related forms of precognition. In addition to financial markets and corporate consulting, we envision that in the Precog Economy, there will be jobs for precogs at every level of education, health care and Omtimes.com
government. What we call Positive Precogs – people with precognitive gifts who work toward positive changes in the world – could help schools, hospitals and governments prepare for potential future threats and opportunities, define needs for curricular changes to adapt to future worldwide trends, and be available for intelligence gathering for government agencies. Positive Precog trainers, testers, mentors and coaches would probably be commonplace as well. Sensitive people who have skills that are currently under-valued could use these skills to lead the world toward a new way of doing business, one that would take into account both historical lessons and the most positive direction for the future. In the Precog Economy, how will precognition be used to make the world a better place? It is our hope to foster the development of a Positive Precog Council (PPC), a group of Positive Precogs, each with different specialties and styles. Positive Precogs who work best at discovering new long-term solutions to Omtimes.com
environmental problems would be on the PPC Environmental Team, while those who excel at the fast-paced world of terrorism precognition would sit on the PPC Anti-Terrorism Force. Global weather disasters, earthquakes and geomagnetic storms would be predicted, saving lives in the process, by pairing the PPC Future World Natural Event Team with meteorologists and geologists. Sure, all this sounds like a movie. On the one hand, that’s the point – we want to get you thinking about possibilities. On the other hand, it’s not actually that far-fetched, given what’s already happening today. There are a few efforts around the world that we know of, and certainly many of which we are unaware, that seem to be honing this type of PPC vision. For example, between 1978 and 1996, approximately four thousand people in nations around the world were asked by researcher Stephan Schwartz to give their precognitive impressions of major world changes that would occur by 2050. To his surprise, one of the first consensus points to emerge
from these responses was that by 2050 there hadn’t been a nuclear war (which was a major concern at the time). Instead, the precogs told him that terrorism was the real threat the world would face. There was also agreement on a series of epidemics. The first one, the precogs agreed, was a blood disease that would spread out of Africa from primates to humans and kill millions of people. At the time, Stephan went to a friend who was a haematology specialist with the US National Institutes of Health to ask about this, and he was told that medicine knew nothing about such a disease. Two years later, in 1981, HIV emerged. Other predictions included climate change (unknown in the 1970s and 1980s), the decline of antibiotic medicine and the rise of genetic engineering medicine. Certainly, this project is not a controlled scientific study -- there’s no way to verify the data until 2050. But we think it might be smart to continue investigating how to assess and increase the accuracy of controlled precognition in the service of the Precog Economy and the creation of a
Positive Precog Council. We think bringing precognitive skills out into the open and examining how they might best be used is an important contribution to helping the world move toward a better future. Theresa Cheung has a Masters degree from King’s College Cambridge and has spent the last twenty years writing bestselling books and encyclopedias about the psychic world. Two of her paranormal titles reached The Sunday Times top ten and her international bestseller, The Dream Dictionary, regularly bounces to number 1 on the Amazon dreams bestsellers chart. Julia Mossbridge MA, PhD is a cognitive neuroscientist and director of the Innovation Lab at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and visiting scholar in psychology at Northwestern University. She is the author of Transcendent Mind, one of the first academic books to examine paranormal experiences, published by the American Psychological Association in 2017. Her research focus at IONS is precognition and the possibility of time travel. Omtimes.com
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October A 2018 Contributors Writers
Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac. Anja Sagan Ascending Hearts Cathedral of the Soul Dirk Terpstra Humanity Healing Jill Mattson John Holland Leigh Burton Marcia Sirota MD Marguerite Dar Boggia OMTimes Simone Milasas Theresa Cheung and Julia Mossbridge
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