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The Inner Adventure of Discovering Ourselves
The philosophy of waiting is sustained by all the oracles of the universe.
Ralph Waldo EmersonThetarot,anancientdivinationsystem rich in symbolism, is interwoven with the timeless language of archetypes. These recurring motifs, present in myths, tales, and the psyche across cultures, serve as universal symbols representing core aspects of human experience. When engaging with tarot readings,thepowerofthesearchetypes is instrumental in decoding the layers ofmeaning,bridgingtheconsciousand unconsciousrealms,andunderstanding theprofoundguidancethecardsoffer.
To appreciate the significance of archetypes in tarot, one must first recognize that archetypes, as conceptualized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, connect individuals to the collective unconscious. This shared reservoir of memories, symbols, and experiences transcends personal experiencesandtapsintotheuniversal.
Within the tarot deck, each card embodies a distinct archetype: The Empress represents fertility and nurturing, The Hermit stands for introspection and solitude, and The Fool symbolizes innocence and new beginnings.Theseimagescommunicate profoundtruths,resonatingdeeplyand instantlywiththoseseekinganswers.
When a querent approaches the tarot, they come with personal stories, dilemmas, and emotions. However, their unique narrative parallelsthebroaderhumanjourney,marked by challenges, transformations, and revelations.Bytappingintoarchetypes,tarot readingsallowtheseindividualstoriestobe viewed within the vast panorama of collective human experience. The cards become both a personal and universal mirror.
Furthermore,thepotencyofarchetypeslies in their versatility. An archetype like The Magician, symbolizing manifestation and resourcefulness, may evoke feelings of empowerment in one individual, while for another, it could highlight unutilized potential.Therichnessofinterpretationthat archetypesofferensuresthattarotreadings remain multi-dimensional, adapting to the nuancesofeachquerent'ssituation.
Inconclusion,archetypesarethelifebloodof tarot readings, serving as bridges between individual dilemmas and timeless truths. They transform the tarot from a mere collection of images to a profound tool of introspection, guidance, and connection to the broader tapestry of human existence. Through these universal symbols, tarot achievesitsdepth,resonance,andenduring relevance.
Editor In Chief““Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.”
– RumiOMTimes: How were you first introduced to Tarot, and what drewyoutobecomeareader?
Paul Fenton-Smith: I answered an ad for a vacancy as a palmist and began working six days a week in a small shop. I worked alongside a tarot reader, and during quiet periods, I trained him in hand reading, and he taught me the Tarot. I was initially resistant, explaining that if someone returned four or five times a month, they probably would drawdifferentcards.
Then, over the eight months we workedtogether,Ioverheard(behind a crimson velvet curtain) him tell someone the same story at the same time each Sunday for seven weeks in a row. This client had seven readings in as many weeks and received an almost identical readingeachtime.
OMTimes: Can you explain the history and origin of Tarot cards toourreaders?
Paul Fenton-Smith: There are several origin stories about the Tarot, including an adaption from ancient Chinese sticks used for divination to foundations within the Tora (or Torah). Like most systems, ithasevolvedoverthecenturiesand continuestoprogressevennow.
OMTimes: How do you view the Tarot? Is it a tool for divination, guidance, introspection, or somethingelseentirely?
Paul Fenton-Smith: I see the Tarot as a valuable tool for shortterm divination (up to two years intothepastandtwoyearsahead), as a way to illuminate underlying patterns and spiritual lessons, and for personal guidance during periods of change. Like any system, it has limitations, but the Tarot shines when focused on immediate issues and short-term outcomes.
OMTimes: How do you prepare yourselfmentallyandintermsof the environment before a Tarot reading?
I'll sometimes inwardly ask for guidance,particularlywithhowmuchto say aloud and how to phrase any news thatmightbeunexpected.
OMTimes: How do you interpret the cards: by their traditional meanings, intuition, or a combination of both?
Paul Fenton-Smith: I usually begin with traditionaldefinitions,allowingforcardsin combination, then I take a moment to intuitively determine if any card in the layouthasamorespecificmeaning.
This might be a person's star sign, an underlying repetitive pattern, or a significant location. When glancing at the Fool card in one reading, all I could see was the snow. The client had asked if she'd travel with her husband in the comingyear.
On that day (and that day only), I began by telling her that she'd be skiing in Aspen, Colorado, later that year. Once you'vebeenthatspecific,there'snogoing back.Herresponsewas,"Ohyes.
Paul Fenton-Smith: I usually sit silentlyforafewminutestorelease personal issues to ensure I'm centered.
We go yearly as my husband's business partner has a chalet there. I wanted to knowifwe'dgoanywhereelsethisyear." Allowing time at the end of each layout for intuition means I can be more specific with descriptions of events ahead. This helps clients recognize circumstances whentheyarrive.
OMTimes: How do you handle skeptical clients or those who fear the cards?
Paul Fenton-Smith: When clients sit at my reading table, I ask them to sign a form stating they accept they have free will in all predictions and that forecasts are not absolute. Sometimes intuition is like shining a narrow torch into a dark room.
You can only describe what is lit by the beam. At other times, I feel as if I'm standing in the room with a client, hearing the conversations, and occasionally feeling overwhelmed by a strong perfume or aftershave of someoneinthevicinity.
Skeptical clients rarely pay for readings but sometimes arrive with gift vouchers. If they seem doubtful, I explain that I'll begin by describing their past and present circumstances to give them confidenceinwhatIsayaboutthefuture. In rare instances, they cannot recall the peopleand
EventsI'mdescribing.Inonereading, I described a fit, lean man in his thirties withshortblondehairandblueeyes.
He had a small, upturned nose and was mid-height. "This guy looks like an advertisementforagym,"Isaid.
He must work out all the time. She shook herhead,puzzled.45minuteslater, Iheardtheentrancedooropen,so Ipausedtherecordertogreetmyguest .
"That's my partner. He's collecting me," sheexplained.Hewastheman I had initially described to her, so I beckoned him into the room and asked himtostandnexttome.
He was bursting out of a tight t-shirt as though he'd just stepped out of a menswearcatalog.
"Take a close look at both of us and answer me this. Which one of us has short, blonde hair, an upturned nose, and worksoutatthegymsevendays aweek?"
"Six days," he corrected me as my client nodded with recognition. After he returned to the waiting room, I enquired how long they had been together. "Eighteen months,"shereplied.Thisisrare.
However, sometimes people tell me weeks or years later that they remembered a person or situation that wasdescribedinanearliersession
PaulFenton-Smith: Some superstitious people have told me that Tarot can bring bad luck, while others sometimes think that readers can create or alter the future. Onlyclientscaninfluencetheirdestinieswiththeirchoicestodayandtomorrow.
OMTimes: How do you address questions about the future, especially given thatmanybelievethefutureisn'tsetinstone?
Paul Fenton-Smith: I help clients to phrase questions more positively. Instead of simplyaskingwhatthefutureholdsformeinloverelationships?Aclientmightask.
OMTimes: How do you handle readings that might convey negative or challengingmessages?
Paul Fenton-Smith: If a question is answered with a clear 'No,' I encourage the person to ask another question. I remind myself that there will be other, different opportunities beyond the one the client is focused on today. I suggest they ask if theyaretoldtheywillnotmarryacurrentpartner.
OMTimes: Can you explain the difference between Tarot and otherdivinationtools,likeoracle cardsorrunes?
Paul Fenton-Smith: Tarot is best for immediate issues and shortterm readings. Questions around career options, buying a home, investments, travel, and study can beexploredusingtheTarot.
Palmistry is a whole-life reading that can reveal natural talents, character traits, the most suitable career options, and relationships that won't arrive for 30 + years. Children and grandchildren can be found in a person's hands if the lines are clearly marked. It's not suitedtocurrentproblems.
Pure clairvoyance readings can focus on immediate issues and also on long-term. In my pure clairvoyance sessions, I often look beyond the client's last day to see who meets them when they arrive in the afterlife. I might ask them on their last day what they came to learn in this life and if they learned it.
OMTimes: What role do you believe intuitionplaysinTarotreadings?
Paul Fenton-Smith: My tarot teacher never used intuition in readings, believing that the system of Tarot is intricately designed to not require intuition. Instead, he paid attention to cards in combination and recurring cardsinsuccessivelayouts.
Ifeelthatintuitioncanenhancereading aslongasthereaderdoesn'tforgetthe fundamentals of the Tarot. Tarot card meanings are helpful when intuitive readershaveabaddayorfeelblocked foranyreason.
The I-Ching is best suited to people who are prepared to reflect on their personal circumstances in relation to the subtle influences of outer forces so that they know whentomoveandwhentowait.
OMTimes: How do you cleanse or rechargeyourTarotdeck?
Paul Fenton-Smith: Every client who sits for a reading with me shuffles my tarot deck, so I don't use silk to protect the cards because I'd only be holding on to clients' energies. The cards are working tools, and I replace decks every18months.
Ishufflethedeckforclientsindistance readings (on-screen). Then, I establish an invisible psychic cord to each client early in the reading to help with intuitive information. I take regular salt baths and swim in the ocean during summer to ensure I don't hold on to client energy cords. I also regularly meditate to cut all psychic cords to ensureIremaincentered.
OMTimes: Having achieved fame as a Tarot reader and an author, how do you feel these roles intersect and influence each other in your journey?
Paul Fenton-Smith: I'm from a family ofeducators,soteachingpeopletoread the Tarot inspires me. From complete beginners opening their first deck in a class to students already in private practice who are role-playing difficult clients and emotionally loaded questions, there are dozens of ways to exploretheTarot.
I specialize in asking clients how they'll get to their goals from where they sit. Tarot readers are sometimes map makers,helpingpeopletoplaneachstep towardsviablegoals.
OMTimes: Your book, "Intuition" (Keys to Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom), offers a unique perspective on Insights and the most impressive Psychic gifts. What was the inspirationbehindwritingit?
Paul Fenton-Smith: Intuition evolved fromcoursenotes.Iwasteachingpsychic development courses, and students kept asking for more notes. "Where's that in the notes?" they'd ask, so I'd add to the notes continuously. It is now required readingformyintrocourses.
The process is that I become interested in something; I read up on it and sometimes take a course or private lessons. Then, I teach it to deepen my understanding of the subject. Next, I write course notes and refine them into books.
A friend recently explained that she's always aware of what I'm currently interested in by the new workshops I'm designing. She knows that a book will eventually follow. Book twelve is due out before Christmas. It's an advanced intuitionbook.
OMTimes:WithsomanyTarotand Metaphysicalbooksinthemarket, whatgapdidyouaimtofill,orwhat freshinsightsdidyouhopetobring withyourBooks?
PaulFenton-Smith: Inoticedinthe 1980sthatstudentsremember examplesmorethanplainfacts. Bytellingstorieswhileteachingcard meanings,studentscanrecallthe Tarotmoreclearlywhengivingpractice readings.Myfirstbook, The Tarot Revealed,wasrefinedoverafewyears whenIwrotedowneveryquestion studentsaskedover14consecutive courses.WhenI'dansweredallofthese questionsinthebook,Iknewitwould flowmoreeasilyforreaders.
I write for people who want to give tarot readings, leaving all the esoteric aspects to other writers. An effective reading needs to addressreal-worldissueswhileacknowledging underlyingspirituallessons.
OMTimes: Beinga prominent figure inthe Tarot community, how do you handle the responsibility of setting standards or guidingbuddingTarotenthusiasts?
PaulFenton-Smith: I'm strict with guidelines for tarot readers. These include not reading when under the influence of drugs, serious medications,oralcohol.
I ask students to limit one-card cuts to basic questions,suchas'WillIfindacarparkcloseto myfavoritecaféifIleavehomenow?'
I caution readers not to read for clients when their partners, parents, or friends are present, as they'll inadvertently reveal secrets. I caution students to avoid tarot addiction (overuse of cards to make decisions that can be easily made usinglogicandcommonsense).
This means dependence on the cardthemselvesorclientswhowant readingseveryweek. I explain that no one's life is sufficientlyinterestingtowarrant atarotreadingeveryweek.
I also point out that selecting one card every day often simply trains people to look for incidents that explain that card. It's simply confirmationbias.Abetterway is to select a card at the start of each day, write down a few key points about that day in the evening, and then reveal the card's face.
I remind students that although the Tarot is useful for predictions and revealing underlying lessons, it's not a pathway back to God or our creator. The Tarot shows many journeys we can take on our unique paths to enlightenment without actuallybeingarouteinitself.
OMTimes:Asanauthor,howdoyou feelthewrittenwordcanenhanceor shape the understanding of the Tarot, which is largely visual and intuitive?
PaulFenton-Smith: Whenstudents arestuckwithacard'smeaningin practicesessions,Iaskthemto memorizeit.If,forexample,a personcannotrememberthebasic meaningoftheSevenofWands,I mightask.
"Whatisthethemeofthewand suit?"Action,conquest,adventure, passion,achievement,physical effort,andcompetition.
"Whatisthephraseforthesevens?" Don'tgiveup.
Knowingthis,whatcanyousayto yourclient?There'salotonyour plate,butdon'tgiveup.Instead, thinkofwaystobettermanageyour currentresponsibilities.Iremind studentsthatwhenWands'people areoverburdened,it'susuallythe resultoftheirownchoices.
Havingareferencebookwhen you'restuckinearlyreadingscan meanthedifferencebetween becomingatarotreaderand abandoningthelearningprocess altogether.Studentsappreciate havingaquick,clearguidewhen theygivereadingstomaintainthe flowofthesession.
Evenadvancedreaderssometimesneedto refer to books during unusual readings. Theydothismoresmoothlythanbeginners bysaying,'Thisisaspecificcombinationof cards.
Ihaven'tseenthisinalongtime,soI'dlike to check a reference to be certain." Now, the client feels special instead of uncertain aboutthereader'sability.
OMTimes: Your book Advanced Tarot mentioned: "The Tarot provides a glimpse of life's hidden, otherworldly side, itisawindowthroughwhichitis possible to glean personalized spiritual direction." Can you elaborate more on that,especiallyforthosenewtoTarot?
Paul Fenton-Smith: If we accept that humans are more than our physical bodies andhaveemotional,mental,andspiritforms, it's easy to recognize that each energy systemrequiresnourishment.
Food, water, exercise, sunshine, and sleep can feed the physical body. The emotional body is nourished through love, friendship, music, creativity, and animal care. The mental body is refreshed through reading uplifting books, studying, volunteering, conversations and discussions, or gathering andtestingknowledge.
Our spiritual selves sometimes find nourishmentwhenthephysicalbodysleeps, traveling off at night to a sleeper's class or perhapsjoiningaspiritualgroupmeditatingin anotherlocation.
Finding purpose in life is different from achieving goals. Goals are what we want from life, whereas purpose is often found in whatwegivebacktoothers.Identifyingyour unique way to contribute is a great way to nourish yourself spiritually for your soul's journey through life and beyond. As part of our spiritual journey, the Tarot reminds us whenwestrayfromourintendedpathinlife or what we can learn from current circumstances.
“Ifeelthatintuitioncanenhance readingaslongasthereader doesn'tforgetthefundamentalsof theTarot.”
OMTimes: How do you deal with criticism, especially given that despite its popularity, Tarot still hasitsskeptics?
Paul Fenton-Smith: I accept that the Tarot is not for everyone. Years ago, in a radio interview, members of the Australian Skeptics Association phoned to give me a hard time. I askediftheiropinionswerebasedon personal experience, experiments involving a control group, or halfbaked hearsay. To their credit, not only did they venture out and have some readings, but two of them joined the Australian Psychics Association.
In interviews, I usually say that if you can make a clear decision without thecards,that'sgreat.
You've saved enough money for a decent dinner for two. However, when you're torn between several options or unable to see any viable choices, consulting a stranger who can clarify your opportunities ahead canbeadvantageous.
OMTimes: What advice would you give to Tarot readers who aspire towritetheirownbookorguide?
Paul Fenton-Smith: I would suggest that aspiring authors teach the Tarot for at least a year (four or five short courses) while collecting examples of each card to provide a unique approach.
Educatingothersforcesustoknowthe card meanings for various questions. In advanced courses I lay seven cards on the table, and together, students giveageneralreading.Then,Iaskfive questions, and students answer each usingsevencards.
It forces students to ask themselves, 'What does the Strength card mean in a question about dental surgery, overseas travel, a new job, or a home extension.
OMTimes: How do you think the modern interpretation of Tarot differs from its historical or traditional roots, and how have you addressedthisinyourbook?
Paul Fenton-Smith: Although contemporary clients ask about careersthathaveonlyexistedfor 10 years or explore choices their ancestors could not have dreamed about, the Tarot addresses those timeless issues about finding love, meaningfulwork,creativeoutlets, ordeeperpurposeinlife.Itcan also answer innovative questions if theyaredefinedclearly.
OMTimes: In the journey of becoming both a famous Tarot reader and a published author, what has been your most transformativeexperience?
PaulFenton-Smith: In1991,whenIwasstudyingwithaspiritualteacherintheUK, she explained to me that as much as I loved the Tarot, I'd eventually need to go beyond it as I reached for details on what lies beyond this life. This wasn't said to diminish the Tarot but to remind me that it was simply part of my journey and not the actualdestination.
OMTimes: Doyoubelieve that Tarot readingcanbe fully capturedinwords,or istherealwaysanelementthatremainsbeyonddescription?
PaulFenton-Smith: Idon'tthinkthatalloftheTarothasbeencapturedinwordsyet. Eachgenerationapproachesitslightlydifferently,blendingtraditionwithinnovation.In combination with personal intuition, the Tarot provides a jumping-off point for spiritual exploration. -
OMTimes:Canyougiveusasneak peek into any upcoming projects orbooksyou'reworkingon?
PaulFenton-Smith: I'vecompletedtwo advancedintuitionbooks.I'mexploringa book about how energetic bodies or parts of us can be left behind during trauma, leaving people feeling empty anddirectionless.IfIwritethisbook,itwill revolve around how to retrieve those parts of us, cleanse and restore them, and integrate them into our lives again. The process is like marshaling an army, potentially capable of achieving more becauseit'sateamthatworksinunison.
I'm also writing two novels that will hopefully become screenplays and films and revising and expanding an out-ofprint astrology book for possible release in2024.
OMTimes: Lastly, as someone at the forefrontoftheTarotworld,wheredo you see the future of Tarot heading, bothasaspiritualpractice(Inaworld of developing AI) and as a topic of literaryexploration?
PaulFenton-Smith: Ihaven'texploredhowAI willinfluencethedirectionoftarotreading.
The Tarot will endure as a tool for guidance andspiritualpractice.Itsadvantageovermore modern oracle decks is that the foundation is solidlybasedonhumannatureandthenatural desireforspiritualmeaning.
It'snoaccidentthatithaslastedthislong,and future tarot authors will find unique ways to keepitrelevantforgenerationstocome.
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Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
Energy healers work with clients to release stress, tension, anger, and confusion from the human body and energy field, replacing those emotions with love and light. Occasionally, a concerned client asks what happens with the energy
released - does the healer take it on?
It wouldn't be unheard of, especially when the healer works in the client's auric field, using their own body as a channel for healing. While energy healers can absorb the client's vibes, most professionals are trained in energy management to avoid
this during healing sessions and personal interactions. Regardless of the situation, we can all adopt these techniques to keep our energy clear.
The energy body can act like a sponge, absorbing energy, emotions, and stress from our surroundings through the aura and the chakras. By learning to ground, clear, and protect our personal power, we reinforce our boundaries making that transfer less likely. The process is simple though
it does require practice before it becomes second nature:
Step 1: Ground yourself by visualizing tree roots growing out of the bottoms of your feet into the ground. See and feel as those roots cut through dirt, rock and even concrete layers. These roots anchor us to the ground while doubling as escape valves, through which we release excess energy into the ground for cleansing and purification. We can also use these grounding roots to draw on the earth's nourishing energy for support.
Step 2: Clear your aura by intending for a shower of light to run through your energy body from top to bottom. This light washes away any stress or tension that may have been created during daily interactions. Take a deep breath and let it be washed away.
Step 3: Protect your energy by drawing in your front and back chakras so that they fit snugly against your body. Place a bubble of protective soft violet light around your aura. This light draws on
amethyst crystals' protective and transformative qualities, replacing negative energy with love, healing, and protection.
The most important component here is the intention to ground, clear, and protect your energy so that you become less susceptible to outside influences. By visualizing these three steps, we communicate that intention to our subconscious and to our energy body. Ideally, we would ground, clear, and protect our energy twice daily, morning and night.
The following technique is taught at the School of Intuition & Healing in London as part of the two-year Energy Healing Accreditation. While the curriculum goes into a variety of healing techniques, including Chakra Balancing, Medical Intuition, and Ancestral Healing, the cornerstone is solid energy management and channeling. Student healers are taught to channel universal harmonizing energies, releasing stagnant energy into the ground for
purification. This process makes for simultaneous clearing, healing, and replenishing.
The following steps are carried out before the healing session begins:
Grounding: The healer begins the session by grounding themselves and drawing on Mother Earth's healing energy for use during the session. As mentioned above, this also provides an instant release mechanism for any tense energy released during the session.
Attuning: Energy healers draw on healing energies from Mother Earth and the universe, channeling them through their bodies and auras to their clients. In this step, we connect with the highest source of light imaginable and intend for it to flow during the healing session, along with Mother Earth's nourishing and supportive energies.
Permission: We ask the client's higher self for permission to carry out the healing and ask that it be intuitively guided for their highest good. The
healer is but a channel for healing, and this makes it easier for the healer to step away from a desired outcome.
Protection: We then protect the space by placing a sphere of white or violet light around the client and the healer. This allows the healer to focus solely on channeling energy as part of the chakra and aura-clearing process. Earth and universal energies flow through the healer in this sacred space. The energy released during the session is cleared by that protective bubble and sent to the ground.
Once the healing session is done, the healer takes their attention back to that distant source of light, consciously disconnects, and then clears and closes down their own energy field, thus releasing any energy that may have shifted during the healing session. While booking a session with a professional healer can be a wonderful experience, we can also apply these techniques in our meditations for emotional and spiritual healing. Link
Sometimes visualization isn't enough to clear the air after an intense session; in these cases, healers turn to their favorite props for energy clearing and protection. This can include placing amethyst or rose quartz crystals in the healing room, burning sage at the end of the day, or even using a cleansing flower essence spray between sessions. For those of us who connect with the element of water, washing our hands while we visualize a shower of light running through our energy body is likely to do the trick.
Can anyone learn to channel healing and shift his or her life ina new direction? Of course! This startling discovery made Regina Chouza an Accredited Healer, blogger, and teacher. Her first book, A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love, is available on Amazon.com. Visit www.diaryofapsychichealer.com for details or tweet a question
@reginachouza. www.facebook. com/diaryofapsychichealer
To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Mediumship is based on spirituality and the spiritual light that exists in every person. It is not based on fear or judgment but on love. We can share unconditional love through spirit communication that transforms
and transcends us into a better understanding of our souls and our purpose here.
Psychic Mediums can feel, see, hear, and understand the messages and the presence of those who have crossed into spirit form.
This communication helps to bring comfort and validation that the energy of a soul never dies. Although this may be a controversial subject for some, it has been practiced, appreciated, and respected by many throughout the world for a very long time.
It is not a practice to be taken lightly, attempted with negative intentions, or merely entertained. Calling on spirits for assistance is a practice that deserves reverence and respect from those who
wish to engage in this type of communication. There are beautiful, incredible beings on the other side who want nothing more than to assist us on our human life journey. As we navigate through challenges and situations, losing loved ones and needing guidance, they are always near with unconditional love. Spirit guides, ascended masters, angels, and kindred souls who bring healing energy exist in higher frequencies and allow us to share these dimensions in times of need.
Belief in the afterlife is the first step in accepting that mediumship is real. Having an open mind and a life theme of empathy is also a great motivator to open up about these experiences. Some people are born with their psychic abilities wide open, and they need help understanding what is happening. Others may have a great interest in metaphysical matters, and through study and practice, they are able to enhance their abilities through time. Meditation practices are also extremely important in making and strengthening connections to
the spirit. Quiet spaces, saying a prayer, or a chant help a receiver to listen, feel and intuit. Full-on connection only requires that a medium is open to receive the energies and the messages being sent.
The messages can come through visions and symbols, along with being able to hear word for word from the other side. Using a crystal pendulum can help a beginner ask simple questions or even spell words and sentences. Through practice and patience, no tools
are needed. A gifted, dedicated, an d experienced medium is able to hear, feel, see, and know what is being translated without them. They can learn to interpret everything through pure light energy.
We must respect that not all souls cross into the light when their human bodies die. They may have lived a life here that was void of compassion, empathy, love, and understanding for life. They may have a great fear of judgment in that light. If someone is dabbling in spirit communication without
protection and education about this phenomenon, it can open up a very harmful portal. These lost souls can send out disturbing energies and inaccurate information because of the place they reside in. They have made a choice to stay in the in-between spaces. If they choose the light, great soul healing can take place. Mediums who are greatly skilled understand this, and if they do encounter such a soul, they can direct them to the light. There are also souls who become lost and confused because they don’t
understand what has happened to them, and they need direction. They mean no harm and may also have unfinished corporal business.
There are many reasons that people may be fearful or have a misunderstanding of mediumship. To many, it makes no sense if we believe in the afterlife through religion. Some religions teach against mediumship (although others encourage these connections). Why would it not be a wonderful and amazing way to connect with God?
Another reason is that there have been many who have “claimed” to be a psychic or a medium who turned out to be frauds. They did not respect or understand that it was a real and true skill, not a trick or an illusion. These practices have helped to tarnish the good intentions and miraculous experiences of those who have worked so hard to make true connections with spirit. Validation is all around us when we choose to educate ourselves to the truth. It is so important to read, study, and experience psychic mediumship on
our own terms without interference from past judgment and negativity.
When we understand these metaphysical occurrences in high regard, we bring in the higher frequencies of spirit that help us heal and thrive. Mediumship is based on spirituality and the spiritual light that exists in every person. It is not based on fear or judgment but on love. We can share unconditional love through spirit communication that transforms and transcends us into a better
understanding of our souls and our purpose here.
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com
Spirituality is often thought of as practicing rituals or meditating for hours in solitude. While these practices can play a role in one's spiritual journey, true
spirituality goes beyond physical actions. Practical spirituality is about becoming aware of our mind patterns, beliefs, and emotions and learning to release the impermanence within ourselves. It is about discovering the
stillness within and operating from a space of mysticism.
Whether you are a spiritual seeker or simply looking for greater peace and fulfillment, incorporating practical spirituality into your daily routine can be a transformative experience.
In this blog, you will gain a deeper understanding of practical spirituality and how it differs from traditional spiritual practices.
So let's dive in
Traditional spirituality often emphasizes religious rituals, beliefs, and doctrines. However, a shift towards practical spirituality is becoming more popular. Practical spirituality focuses on the individual's personal journey and inner exploration. It acknowledges that spirituality is not just about following set rules or practices but finding a deeper connection with oneself and the world.
Practical spirituality encourages individuals to find their own truth rather than solely relying on external sources. This approach emphasizes self-awareness and emotional acceptance, recognizing that true spiritual growth starts from within.
Practical spirituality empowers individuals to find their unique path to spirituality rather than adhere to traditional or prescribed ways.
Let's learn How you can Incorporate Practical Spirituality into Life.
Understanding the influence of our thoughts:
Our thoughts have a powerful influence on our lives and our spirituality. Our thoughts shape our beliefs and emotions, and they can create either positive or negative patterns in our minds. Therefore, understanding the influence of our thoughts is a crucial step in becoming self-aware and embarking on a journey of practical spirituality.
Even positive thoughts can cause suffering based on unrealistic
expectations or false beliefs. For example, if we constantly tell ourselves, "I should always be happy and positive," this thought can create pressure and cause stress when we inevitably experience negative emotions. In this scenario, our positive thoughts are causing suffering because they are not aligned with reality.
By becoming aware of these thoughts and allowing ourselves to experience all of our positive and negative emotions, we can avoid this kind of suffering and live more authentically
and more fulfilling. This demonstrates the importance of examining the content of our thoughts and their underlying beliefs and assumptions.
Recently, we have become increasingly engaged with our minds and have neglected our emotional well-being. One example of how we are engaged in our minds is through constant distractions, such as checking our phones, scrolling through social media, or watching Web series. Unfortunately, these distractions prevent us from
being present in the moment and can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress.
We often try to suppress or ignore our emotions rather than embrace them. This can lead to feelings of disconnection and a sense of emptiness. Embracing our emotions, on the other hand, is a crucial step in our journey toward practical spirituality.
Embracing our emotions is not about becoming overwhelmed by them but rather developing a mindful and compassionate relationship with them. This can bring greater peace and fulfillment into our lives and help us to
connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us.
Discovering the stillness within is a key aspect of practical spirituality. When we become aware of our thoughts and beliefs and learn to embrace our emotions, we can connect with a deep inner stillness that brings grounding and joy into our lives. This stillness is a mystical space beyond the chaos of our thoughts and emotions. It is a place of peace, clarity, and wisdom where we can find refuge from the stresses and pressures of daily life.
By connecting with this stillness within, we can tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning and experience a greater sense of wellbeing and happiness.
Accessing the mystical space within in the midst of chaos can be challenging, but it is also a crucial step in our journey toward practical spirituality. The chaos of daily life can make it difficult to connect with our inner stillness. Still, we can access this space even amid the turmoil by
developing clarity of thoughts and embracing emotions.
This is the essence of practical spirituality – bringing the mystical into the mundane and bringing greater peace and fulfillment into our lives.
Greater self-awareness: By connecting with our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, we can gain a deeper understanding of who we are and what drives us.
Improved emotional well-being: By embracing our emotions and letting go of negative thinking patterns, we can experience greater joy, peace, and contentment.
An Increased sense of purpose and meaning: We can find a deeper sense of purpose and meaning by accessing the mystical space within and connecting with our inner stillness.
Better coping with stress and challenges: We can better navigate life's challenges and difficulties
by cultivating a sense of calm and equanimity.
Improved relationships: By developing greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence, we can improve our relationships with others and build meaningful connections.
Increased creativity and intuition: By accessing the mystical space within and tapping into our inner wisdom, we can experience greater creativity and intuition and bring more joy and fulfillment.
In conclusion, practical spirituality is a powerful way to bring greater meaning, purpose, and joy.
By becoming more self-aware and embracing our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, we can connect with our inner stillness and tap into the mystical space within.
Shoonyo is a spiritual mentor with a wealth of experience in meditation, mind powers, NLP, martial arts, and spiritual practices.
With 18 years of dedicated practice, Shoonyo understands the transformative power of practical spirituality. Having experienced the clarity of awakened space for himself, he left his corporate career as a business intelligence manager in London to pursue his passion for guiding others toward awakening. Visit Website: Shoonyo — One Purpose: Awakening Life.
For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
Everything begins with one of the most complex questions a human being can ask: who am I?
We know that this is a difficult question to answer, one that can take
a lifetime, if at all. However, despite how complex it may be, delving into this question sooner rather than later is a direct route to achieving emotional intelligence and, therefore, a more pleasant and conscious existence. Knowing who we are
(or simply deciding to start that search) brings the implicit opportunity to know ourselves and face the uncertainty that human life naturally brings in a healthier way. This is true for adults as well as for children.
That is why it is important to invite children to this questioning and provide them with possible tools to find an answer. However, we must not forget that, as adults, our mission is to guide children in the search for a full and resilient life in which they understand that the world has its own
times and processes and that they learn to understand our communities and societies through observation and closeness to themselves— something that also fosters the formation of empathetic individuals with good self-esteem.
We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.
Franklin D. RooseveltIt is natural for all human beings to find themselves in situations where they have difficulties understanding our feelings and, above all, expressing to others why we feel this way. However, this communication gap, both external and internal, becomes larger when it comes to a child, as they are constantly on a learning curve, often unable to
discern between the individual and the world they inhabit.
In this sense, self-knowledge is a tool that allows us to modulate our feelings, thoughts, and actions; in other words, to learn the art of reflection. It also implies learning to recognize how we act affects ourselves and others, locating
the pillars of our personality to understand that our journey through the world, as transient beings, has a unique and unrepeatable value.
Creating a satisfying personality is possible when we explore our being, so it is crucial to invite our children or students to explore
themselves—and remind them that this journey can be deeply pleasurable. Furthermore, children develop skills to refine their character by introducing this tool into our everyday pedagogy. This is achieved when we allow them to listen to themselves and to understand that, although no one is perfect, we are all special and unique.
Children (like adults) must understand that despite being a complex and, in many ways, endless journey, it is a completely necessary process. You can start with three questions: Who am I? What am I good at? What motivates me?
While emotions are involuntary bodily reactions when we face specific situations, feelings are associations and responses to what happens to us, which make us aware of our emotions.
By seeking these answers, children will begin to consider the possibility of seeking happiness from their own rules.
Teaching children this subtle difference will allow them to understand their experiences in all
their dimensions and dedicate necessary reflections to them. It will also enable them to turn their impulses into actions and actions into concrete and structured goals.
The act of teaching a child the path of self-knowledge should begin by opening channels of communication (always healthy and respectful) through which they can learn to rationalize and
analyze the things that happen to them: arrange each emotion as if it were a book on the shelf that corresponds to it so that they can face them and digest them over time.
It is also crucial to let the little ones know that every time they feel down, they experience life as humans, and humans can grow beyond our immediate emotions. Eventually, all the bad things pass, like clouds.
Although self-knowledge is a personal and subjective search, a journey different for each person, it is possible to encourage through certain steps. These are some possible and simple exercises to encourage children to know how to have a good relationship with themselves.
Learning to spend time alone. Sometimes being without
company can be complicated and uncomfortable, but doing so voluntarily can help them quietly listen to their thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
Making lists. To practice selfknowledge, it is essential to know your strengths and weaknesses. Putting it on paper will help clarify both qualities and areas of opportunity. It is a list that can change over time, and in the future, it will bring useful answers.
Asking them questions. What do they value, and what is important to them? What do they like about themselves? This will allow them to develop an empathetic awareness that, in addition to highlighting their concerns, will encourage them to respect those of others.
Teaching them to express their emotions. Every time something happens to them, we should invite them to talk about it. This will help them develop a specific language to describe what they feel, use words to unravel those internal knots that we all face, detect what made them feel that way, and seek a good solution for what ails them.
Meditating on their life. As life goes on, we can always take a step back and analyze the situation unhurriedly and deeply. This will allow children to contemplate their actions from a new perspective—like the ancient Stoic philosophers, study what they did well and what they did wrong, and come to a resolution on how similar situations that occur in the future should be handled.
Using art
Speaking is not always easy, nor is it putting feelings and sensations that
often have no name into words. That is why we can teach children to say what is happening to them through music, painting, cinema, and other artistic stimuli intended to express what is happening inside them. Telling them to draw their day, think about their emotions when they listen to a melody or write a diary of the movies they watch can help them discover who they are.
In the world of organizing, the decision to re-gift items can make either a small dent or a big difference in securing more space for the things you want to keep. When you have more space, you have more options for organizing the things you need to keep.
One of the most basic principles of organizing is to get rid of things
you don’t want or need. And nothing declares that so obviously as the “re-gifting” drawer or space in a closet for things we will never use. In fact, without much contemplation, the things we choose to save as future gifts for others might be a decision made within seconds. Compare this to agonizing over giving up favorite clothes which just no longer fit.
The question at hand is whether those gifts really get recycled or do they just pile up? I have tucked away gifts over the years, but usually, I would not want to re-gift the things given to me. Most of the gifts we don’t like are generic ones, which do not feel like much thought was put into buying them, such as getting a candle. And yet, having an assortment of candles could be imperative in an emergency. I have often thought about how ironic and lovely Southern California will smell from all the burning scented candles when we have our next Great Quake, and millions need to use candles since we will have no electricity for weeks or longer.
Whether expressed or not, most of us want to receive a birthday or holiday gift which we will really like. For example, one of my best friends loves to read and is also a prolific writer. I often try to get her a book on a topic she is interested in. Even better, she appreciates a gift card from Amazon. If I re-gifted her a candle, she would surely be disappointed and not feel I had put much thought into making her happy.
So, is there any circumstance when these little frivolous items can be
passed along and not feel cheap or generic? I have found that when these little items are passed along when least expected, people appreciate them so much more! For example, I brought over a luxurious bar of soap to a friend one night when we were simply getting together for dinner. She was surprised that I gave her something for no reason and acted thrilled! But if I had given her soap for her birthday, I am sure she would have been disappointed. So, my suggestion for “winning friends” and spreading good cheer is to just re-gift
for the heck of it during the year and for no special occasion. For example, if you have a female friend who had a bad week, presenting her with some fun costume jewelry or a little goofy stuffed animal can be a nice gesture without it being judged as “This is what you got me for my birthday?”
Another way to bring value to your re-giftable is to group them into a gift basket where the sum is truly greater than the individual parts. Donating these items to Good Will may not seem like the essentials these
charities need. Still, many people will buy these frivolous items and bring donation dollars to the charity itself.
On the other end of the spectrum, I have received a steady stream of very expensive holiday gifts from one of my wealthy clients. Somehow I got on his Christmas gift list, and I know I must be in the company of a hundred or more recipients of his surprising annual generosity.
If you ever feel overwhelmed with your holiday shopping, just know
that the personal assistant to a celebrity feels like they are one of Santa’s Helpers each December.
I remember visiting this client one holiday season, and the whole living room looked like a cashmere sweater factory, with orderly rows of dozens of sweaters waiting to be gift-wrapped and mailed out. With this particular client, I have been given some expensive gifts that I felt were “too good” for me.
And yet, these kinds of items would be equally inappropriate
to re-gift to friends who usually spend much less on each other. They would surely feel an awkward burden to buy me something of equal value. In these cases, I either go ahead and indulge myself or save it for a really special occasion like a wedding or some other milestone. Re-gifting unexpectedly can be a win/win in helping you de-clutter one closet or one drawer at a time.
From the Tao of Organizing Blog Series
As babies, we attach to our primary caregivers, such as parents, guardians, carers, siblings, extended family members, etc. It is the person or people responsible for taking care of your practical and emotional needs. This first attachment forms the basis of what we learn about relationships, including how we trust, what makes us feel safe and secure, our perception of the world and its people, and how we react or behave in certain situations. It influences what we internalize about the world and ourselves, and this internal model determines how we
view the world, whether we see it as safe or unsafe.
Difficult, frightening, or stressful life experiences, such as loss and abuse, can also impact how safe we feel. Trauma can happen at any age to anyone, and everyone will respond to it in a unique way. The impact it has will depend on previous experiences of trauma, the number and intensity of life stressors experienced, the nature of the trauma, how many safe relationships are present, and if the person feels supported and validated at the time or after the incident.
It is likely that anyone who has experienced these concerns has become used to being in 'survival mode' as a way of coping. In a nutshell, we usually go into survival mode, 'fight or flight,' when we feel emotional or physical danger. However, when considering safety, it is important to consider psychological safety too. For example, someone may have their physical needs met but still experience emotional neglect or feel that their emotions were not validated, that love was
conditional, or they were not seen, heard, or understood by their primary caregivers.
The fight or flight response is linked to the release of cortisol (the 'stress hormone') and adrenaline, which is the body's natural way of preparing to cope with danger. It is an automatic response to danger linked to the primitive brain, meaning the body at that point cannot tell the difference between real or perceived danger or between physical and emotional
threat. We usually respond to danger in one of four ways:
Fight: This is where we protest, struggle, or fight back against danger. It can be linked to anger and irritability.
Flight: This can be seen as running away or hiding from danger. It can be linked to avoidance of people, situations, or emotions.
Freeze: This is an experience of numbness or being cut off from
the situation or emotion being experienced.
Fawn: This can include trying to appease, please, or pacify the source of the harm (e.g., a particular person).
All of the above are protective mechanisms. All of them are also automatic, part of our survival instinct. Trauma can leave you feeling frightened, invalidated, under threat, humiliated, rejected, abandoned, unsafe, unsupported, trapped,
ashamed or powerless. These feelings can trigger in the now, which may make it more challenging to separate the past from the present and cause those affected to feel emotions more intensely or be hypervigilant or on edge.
When we go into a state of surviving rather than thriving, this triggers our primitive brain as we feel emotionally overwhelmed (e.g., feelings of fear or anxiety). Several academic studies, such as one included in the
American Journal of Psychiatry, have researched how in order to survive the perceived threat, our primitive brain then hijacks the logical brain (prefrontal cortex). As a result, we become less able to regulate our emotions or make logical decisions until we start to feel emotionally and/ or physically safe again.
It can also impact how we behave, as when we are in survival mode, we may be more impulsive, overwhelmed, or feel vulnerable. We may go out of our way to not make ourselves emotionally vulnerable, for example, by avoiding conflict, having a lack of empathy for others, or shutting ourselves off from our feelings. But in the absence of real danger, the more we avoid feeling fearful or anxious, the more intense the anxiety and fear become as we don't allow ourselves to challenge our assumption that we are unsafe or can't cope. Being constantly in survival mode also impacts how much we emotionally connect with others, as we may not have the energy or focus to do so or feel too scared.
The good news is it's never too late to change things. This is highlighted
in the concept of neuroplasticity. Consistent, physically and emotionally safe, and healthy relationships can create new neural pathways in the brain as the brain is able to adapt and change in line with our experiences and in order to learn from them. This re-wires the brain over time, taking us out of survival mode.
within the field of mental health and well-being. She supports individuals with the tools to develop healthier relationships so that they can reach their full potential and live fulfilling lives.
Rina's new book, The Magic in Me, is all about how people can transform their relationship with themselves and the key people in their lives.
Many people tell me that they don't have any time for themselves. It's no wonder. Mothers, in particular, have busy, challenging
schedules. But here's an idea to find one full hour just for yourself. No matter how much you love sleep, it is possible to swipe an hour out of the day – just for you – as part of your morning routine! Think about it – one hour to yourself daily that you can count on…it sounds wonderful!
"The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine." ~ Mike Murdock
All you have to do is to set your alarm an h our earlier every day and see for yourself what a difference it makes..
The first hour of your day can set the tone for the entire day. After that, you can focus on your mind-bodyspirit connection. Then, you can focus on the organization needed to get your family going for their day. It does not have to be a spiritual time, but it should be meditative in some way so that you can unleash the power of your mind to organize and energize your day.
Focus on your body. Stretch, do yoga, ride a bike, walk the dog – this is all about being fully present in your body. Take ten minutes to breathe and be present with your unique physiology. This body and the mind behind it make everything happen in our world. Greet it gently.
Feel your good fortune. There are people and things in your life that make you feel fantastic. Take a moment to appreciate everything. This gratitude is pure positivity. Once you've done this, move on to
envision all the wonderful things that may come. Imagine how appreciative you would be if they were in your life. The vibrancy you feel when you imagine these things is electric and powerful.
The last 30 minutes of solitude will be spent in a mindfulness routine. Choose to do something that calms you: Meditate, iron, knit, sit quietly, paint, or draw. During this time, you will focus completely on building yourself up and infusing your entire being with positivity. Choose an affirmation
that you feel comfortable with and comforted by. Choose another that makes you feel empowered. Finally, choose one more that makes you ready to take on the world.
"I radiate grace, kindness, and wisdom."
"My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil."
"My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite."
"I am healthy; I am whole; I am wise."
"I am love."
"May all beings be healthy, may all beings be safe, may all beings be content."
Tranquility, a renewed sense of purpose, and clarity should infuse your mornings. It is unnecessary to spend even one morning fighting the day's momentum. One way or the other, the day will go on. You can embrace this momentum by duplicating it. The sun rises daily with radiance, peace, purpose, and capability. You can learn to energize your morning routine to match it.
With over 20 years of experience gained across television, radio, and print, Maria Khalifé brings her client knowledge and understanding of holistic and motivational living. Maria brings to the world powerful life-changing experiences for those who seek extraordinary lives and want to reach their maximum potential. Maria can help you to uncover your true, dynamic self. Please visit www.MariaKhalife.com
Have you noticed that many people are adopting cats as pets lately? A few years ago, dogs were the favorites for home companions, but currently, many people prefer cats'
cuteness and independence for pets. In addition to being beautiful and very clean animals, cats can be true holistic therapists. Having a cat at home can reduce the blood pressure and stress levels of the people in the house.
Several studies analyze how having a cat at home affects our health. Here are some examples:
A study conducted by the University of Minnesota over 10 years used 4,000 American volunteers to point out the relationship between the presence of cats at home and improved heart health. According to the study, Americans who owned cats as pets had a 30% lower chance of having a heart attack than those who did not.
Dr. Karen Allen at New York State University also led a study evaluating how cats and dogs can reduce human stress. She selected real estate agents - a profession with high-stress levels - and a history of hypertension and suggested half the group adopt a cat or pet dog. Six months later, the doctor measured the blood pressure of the participants. All of them had increased blood pressure due to the high level of work stress. Nevertheless, those who had adopted pets had a 50% smaller increase than those who did not have the company of a pet when they got home.
According to a paper presented by the University of Buffalo to the American Heart Society, cats are true therapists because their presence generates immediate relaxation upon arriving home, which also helps to relax the blood vessels, reducing stress and the risk of heart attacks.
The paper also reports that the presence of a pet causes our brain to release oxytocin, a hormone known as the love hormone - which brings greater empathy, patience, concentration, and learning ability, reduces aggression, and increases trust in other people. In addition, when we have the presence of oxytocin in our body, we reduce the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone. So that's why we feel physical and emotional well-being, bringing harmony to the body and mind, thereby benefiting our immune system.
You have learned enough to see that cats are much like you and me.
T. S. EliotCats are wonderful animals. They love independence but also being
pampered. Sometimes they seem to hate the world, but at other times they are so affectionate that it can be bothersome. These animals' uncertain and confusing behavior is extremely similar to human beings. Perhaps that's why techniques like cat therapy have begun to gain strength in emotional health.
For years, equine-assisted therapy (therapy with horses) has shown incredible results with children
with autism, self-esteem issues, or cerebral palsy. Although there is no scientific basis to prove it, there is no doubt that as a complementary therapy, it can improve patients' motor and emotional skills.
Similarly, cat therapy has shown that the company of a cat promotes physical and psychological improvements. Again, it may seem unbelievable, but cats can bring much more benefits than most people believe.
What sort of philosophers are we who know absolutely nothing of the origin and destiny of cats?
Henry David ThoreauCats are little energy transformers, and when adopted as a therapy, they can be an effective treatment for anxiety, stress, and depression problems. It improves the quality of life and creates a special connection between the cat and its owner.
In addition, according to various studies, people suffering from some type of heart disease show progressive improvement after living with a cat.
It is quite curious that the same research carried out with dogs has shown completely different results. Dog owners, unlike cat owners, continued to keep the average. People who adopt and own cats are less likely to suffer from a heart attack.
Cats are often recommended for people living alone, especially the elderly. Indeed, people suffering from some form of dementia, such as Alzheimer's, can have memories when petting cats, slowing the neuronal degeneration they suffer. The animal's purring, in turn, stimulates some fundamental nerve endings when remembering past stories.
A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.
Ernest HemingwayFor hundreds of years, cats were treated as infernal beings. It was believed that they were the faithful companions of witches, messengers of misfortune, and emissaries of the devil. Moreover, their untamable and unpredictable character was feared by both ordinary and powerful people.
In some civilizations, however, the presence of cats was always sacred. In Egypt, they were revered for protecting the most important God. He was born and died with the sunrise and sunset, respectively, and it was during the night that he became easy prey for his enemies.
The eyes of the felines, associated with lions, would reflect the sun's rays during this period.
Legends aside, the history of cats as domestic animals has also been quite curious. Cats initially remained wild, unlike dogs, which were used as shepherds and hunters.
According to recent studies, it is believed that they decided to approach humans when they noticed that humans would provide them with food. The docile appearance facilitated the initial feeding of these animals by farmers who, in the end, accepted their thanks for the
excellent work these animals did as rat hunters.
It would still take several centuries for cats to be accepted as companion animals. Until the 19th century, having pets was considered unusual and frowned upon, as supporting these animals would be a waste of money.
Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made a slave of the leash. That one is the cat.
If man could be crossed with the cat, it would improve the man but deteriorate the cat.
Mark TwainCats can notice an improvement in people suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression disorders. Their purring is relaxing, stimulates concentration, and creates a welcoming environment.
Cats are the best pets for those living alone. Cats can be very independent when they want to be, but they can also be very affectionate. On the other hand, sometimes they can be so annoying that you might wish they weren't there!
You will always have fun with them. But remember, providing them with proper nutrition, keeping up with their vaccinations, and trimming their nails (unless you want them to scratch all your furniture and curtains) is necessary.
Petting them, hearing them meow and purr, and watching them play can stimulate many patients.
Adopting a cat is a great opportunity to teach responsibility to children as they must care for, feed, and train the animal, which is not always easy. Therefore, it is important to talk with children about this so they know the importance of the tasks they have to perform.
Don't forget to emphasize that an animal is NOT a toy. It's wrong to hit, drop, or pull the animal's tail. Living beings should be respected and loved. Your pet will surely be much happier if treated this way.
Also, animals can bring valuable lessons about aging and death, asides from teaching sentience and compassion.
Unlike other animals, cats don't need much care beyond vaccinations or feeding. They are very clean creatures and will always use the litter box once they learn to use it. They clean themselves and do not demand constant attention.
However, it's good to bathe cats from time to time. It's also necessary to ensure the food provided is suitable, and don't forget to have regular check-ups with the vet. Remember, a healthy cat represents a healthy human being.
Have you ever heard of Karma? It is a psychological law that primarily acts in the psychological field, with physical circumstances not being restricted only to the means through
which the psychological purpose is achieved. Learn how to use Past Life Therapy to help in such cases.
The purpose of Karma's suffering is not punitive but corrective. One
who has seriously harmed someone needs to feel the pain they inflicted on others, so they can be re-educated and not repeat the mistake.
Past Life Therapy and Regression transcend the boundaries of space and time by scanning the history of human soul experiences in order to untie the knots existing from intrauterine life to past lives, releasing the once-repressed flow of energy.
By healing and redefining the lived experience, it leads the individual to a better quality of life in the current existence.
Numerous patients with psychic, organic, psychosomatic, and interpersonal relationship disorders have these problems caused by one of these three factors:
Traumatic experiences that are unresolved from the current
incarnation (maternal womb, birth, childhood) or even in other lives.
Spiritual interference caused by harmful spirits or "obsessors" often hinders or even prevents the patient from regressing into their past and finding the origin of their problem. This happens because these "obsessors" (obsessive souls) know that if the individual regresses, they may obtain their healing.
There are also cases where these two factors can be combined at the origin of the problems faced. Finally, there are cases where, when the negative interference of the obsessors is eliminated through the help of friendly spiritual presences in regression sessions, the one seeking to heal quickly resolves their problems.
Despite suffering from the harm of these negative spirits in their life,
many people are completely unaware of the influence of extraphysical beings in their lives.
Past Life Therapy works on the assumption that many experiences originating from past incarnations may have created deep marks in our psyche. These marks can have their genesis at determined moments during life or at the moment of death. With the post-birth amnesia
of the next life, our memory becomes veiled. Still, the repercussions arising from the marks left by past lives continue to resonate in our being, generating multiple and varied problems, such as pain, phobias, trauma, anguish, anxiety, and physical and emotional symptoms.
When Past Life Therapy (PLT) is used for spiritual healing, the improvement in the lives of individuals is impressive and significant. When the external
(spiritual) factor is eliminated, everything gets better.
However, there are cases where, even after eliminating external interference, the patient's improvement does not occur immediately but gradually. This happens because these patients end up creating a symbiotic relationship with the spiritual parasite, the obsessor, that comes from past lives.
Past Life Therapy helps the patient relive their previous incarnations
and thus treat their blockages, sufferings, phobias, symptoms, and other problems requiring spiritual healing.
It is known as a short therapy, very objective and efficient. This is because, with regression, the patient is faced with the root of their problem. This way, PLT helps to have a better, happier life that brings more satisfaction. By understanding our past, we can live the present better, enjoying our moments with peace, tranquility, and balance.
In 1982, research at the University of Connecticut (USA) indicated that children up to 11 years old have an expanded perception because they use the right side of the brain more. As a result, they capture reality without distinguishing the visible from the invisible, the explicit from the implicit.
They saw people's auras, for example, and when they reported to adults,
they devalued their perceptions with comments like "This is nonsense."
Therefore, the discouraged children close this portal, this connection with the extraphysical Universe, adapting only to the material world. They begin to use the left side of the brain more, prioritizing only the physical reality: logical, linear, and temporal.
This natural potential then lies dormant in the unconscious. Did we also close this portal?
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
Viewing your life through your ego lens inevitably makes you doubt yourself. If your intention is to speak your soul’s truth and share your wisdom, you’ll often be misunderstood by others. Your ego will tell you this is because you’re a loser and you’re too different to fit
into or succeed in this world. But once you remember that you carry a light inside you that cannot be extinguished, you’ll no longer doubt yourself. Your uniqueness is your gift.
Your physical self is part of the reason why you struggle so much. Your body is a great weight that you carry in
this heavy dimension. Sometimes this heaviness is too much and pulls you away from your divinity. But your body is also a great gift that can be used to connect to the Divine.
Several practical steps can help lift you into higher frequencies. These include physical movement, getting outside in nature, feeling gratitude, and laughing with others; there is also meditation to quiet the mind, crying to release the pain in your heart, and sending compassion
and forgiveness to those who misunderstand you.
Once you remember that you’re here to enlighten others and be a teacher, you’ll stop being disappointed by those less evolved than you. By aligning with your Higher Self, you’ll see the pain that others carry, and you will become the healer. No one can wound you when you stand in alignment with your soul. Those less evolved than you will be drawn to you because you carry the light inside you.
Because of your open heart and your powerful soul’s wisdom, others, But if you allow yourself to be wounded by the judgments of others, when they don’t react as you’d hoped, by stepping into their divine light as you have, you might feel discouraged or defeated. This only pulls you out of your divinity.
Feeling worthless and discouraged is an enormous waste of time. No soul is worthless. There is no soul that has any reason to feel discouraged. All is evolving as it should. You are evolving as you should.
The judgments of others reveal infinitely more about them and
their seeming unwillingness to grow than they reveal about you. How many lifetimes will it take for you to learn this, to see their criticisms and contempt as misunderstandings due to their low level of consciousness rather than as a statement of your worth or value?
Once you absorb this lesson, you will never be hindered by criticism from yourself or others again. Instead, you’ll become the source of loving wisdom for others, and you’ll fill the room with light everywhere you walk.
Shift into the confidence of the Divine Lens View:
• Take one deep, slow breath; follow it in and out. Repeat.
• Chant a mantra like Om Namah Shivaya or say a prayer such as the Lord’s Prayer for several moments.
• Make your request: Please help me see my soul’s perspective on this challenge. I pray to be hooked up to the wisdom of my Higher Self, the divine realms, and the guidance of all the divine
beings. I pray to align with this wisdom now in order to see from my soul’s perspective and choose my words and actions from that perspective.
• See yourself and others as one expanded soul on a shared journey. Invoke the Divine with the request. Help me to see the path my sister/brother walks, understand their pain, and realize how to love them best in their journey, knowing that their limitations and mistakes have nothing to do with me.
• Ask, How do I move forward through my doubts and fears? Write this question over and over until you begin to sense the answers channeled from your Higher Self. You’ll know that the words are coming from your Higher Self because you’ll be writing quickly, without thinking or editing what you write. This is how divine guidance comes to us.
• Complete these sentences: I am grateful for . . . I open my heart and send love to . . .
• On e positive step I can take today is . . .
About the Author:
Sue Frederick is a lifelong intuitive, an ordained Unity minister, a certified pastlife and between-lives soul regression therapist, a certified creative arts therapist, an intuitive career coach, a grief intuitive coach, and a master numerologist. She’s the author of Bridges to Heaven: True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side, I See Your Soul Mate: An Intuitive’s Guide to Finding and Keeping Love, and I See Your Dream Job: A Career Intuitive Shows You How to Discover What You Were Put on Earth to Do, and the memoir Water Oak: The Happiness of Longing
- Sue Frederick – Excerpted from Through a Divine Lens
Many of us embark on personal journeys of healing.
Healing from old wounds, healing from traumatic childhoods, healing from old "addictive habits," and even healing from what we might perceive as "past life junk."
The Highly Sensitive Person—or "HSP"—tends to be more "aware" of his or her inner world and generally spends more time in introspection than most people. HSPs are also more aware of subtleties, feelings, and tiny patterns, which can be a wonderful gift... but it means we are also more deeply affected and
influenced by the ups and downs of our lives. As a result, we're more susceptible to getting bogged down in endless analysis when we hit life's challenging patches.
Because we're simply more likely to "pay attention" to the stories and language we use to narrate our lives.
Consequently, sharing that story with appropriate and "mindful" words can be especially important for HSPs. Of course, we don't always like to stay awake because rigorous self-inquiry— that is, telling the real story—is not always pleasant and can be outright
scary when we come face-to-face with "less than attractive" parts of ourselves. But the benefits of "Calling Things What They Are" almost always outweigh the downsides..
Here are a few "Language Traps" to consider and brief explanations of how we sometimes use them as barriers against our progress.
Because HSPs "feel things deeply," we tend to spend a lot of time immersed in the inner landscapes of our feelings. In fact, many spend so
much time there that they become "identified" with their feelings.
But however intense these feelings may be, we must remember that feelings are something we feel, not something we are. They are transient, not permanent. And we must remember this when we talk (both in internal dialogue and with others) about what's happening to us. We must stay mindful of our language:
Don't say, "I am angry!" when the truth is, "I feel angry!"
Don't say, "I am sad," when the truth is, "I feel sad."
Don't say, "I am so hurt," when the truth is, "I feel so hurt."
When you are a Highly Sensitive Person, this can be one of the most difficult things to do because we tend to interpret our feelings as "facts," not as feelings. The power of our feelings seems overwhelming, but even so, they are still "just feelings."
If you recognize yourself in this particular language trap, try consciously calling feelings "what they truly are."
On a conscious level, it may seem like a very small thing. Still, subconsciously,
you are changing the "story" you're telling yourself, correctly identifying what you're feeling as something transient rather than permanent.
Another major language trap is characterizing a challenge with the phrase "I can't!"
I "can't" go to the doctor to have this skin rash examined, I "can't" quit my job, I "can't" manage money, I "can't" tell my toxic friend to stop calling... most of us have used that phrase at one time or another.
At its root, "I can't" is basically a copout; it's an excuse we use to avoid looking directly at—and speaking— the truth: I don't want to go to the doctor because I'm afraid or I don't like dealing with my finances or whatever the issue may be.
"I can't" becomes a trap because it's a way we allow ourselves to abdicate responsibility and accountability for difficult issues in our lives, some of which may force us to look closer at our inner "shadows."
We also tend to make situations worse when we use "I can't" in contexts where we are faced with a choice
between two unpleasant outcomes: We say things like "I can't" when faced with an option like leaving an emotionally abusive spouse and suddenly having to "deal with everything ourselves" and staying and continuing to be emotionally abused.
In a sense, "I can't" becomes a way of making a decision by not making a decision, a way to postpone dealing with unpleasant realities which—in the end—may cause us even more pain than would be caused by taking current action in our own lives.
As an exercise, watch your language and observe if or when you use the
phrase "I can't" as an avoidance tool— either as a way to avoid expressing your own truth honestly ("I have no interest in learning about managing money") or as a way to sidestep dealing with a difficult or fearful situation ("I can't ask for a raise"). Adopt the habit of expressing yourself without returning to "I can't" in such situations. Practice telling the truth, even if only to yourself, using phrases like "I don't like to," "I don't want to," or "I'm afraid to" instead of "I can't."
Again, the difference in phrasing may seem subtle—on the surface—but you're quietly changing the context of your personal story from having
permanent ("I can't") obstacles to temporary ("I'm afraid to") ones.
Sweeping generalizations can also be a Language Trap.
Paradoxically, HSPs tend to be very generous, mindful, and sensitive with their words when describing others but less so with words describing ourselves. We forgive a million sins committed by others but condemn ourselves for a single mistake. This means we easily fall into "untrue" ways of describing our lives, the things or
events we are part of—and perceive as negative—by labeling them as something we "always" or "never" do.
"I'm useless with money. I always overdraw my account at the end of the month!" we may say when the truth is that we've been overdrawn exactly twice in the past 18 months.
"I can never maintain friendships!" we lament when the truth is that one friend got married and simply chose to spend more time with their new spouse (quite natural), and another moved four states away. Maybe we claim that we "always attract toxic
people who use us," when the truth is that the vast majority of the people in our lives are nothing of the sort.
These generalizations may have their root in unrealistic expectations we create if we have tendencies towards perfectionism—a common HSP issue. Although these thoughts occur to everyone at one time or another, they feel more intense for HSPs because they are overlaid with the HSP trait of conscientiousness, which—in turn—can lead us to become overly obsessed with "never doing anything wrong" and beating ourselves up
whenever something doesn't go as planned.
Stay aware of whether you are really being truthful when you make statements about events in your life. Practice saying, "I've messed up my bank account a few times," when you feel tempted to say, "I always mess up my finances."
Last—but certainly not least—be mindful of negative phrasing because it can be one of the most pervasive—
yet subtle—"Language Traps" in our lives.
What does that mean, exactly?
There are many instances in which we have a pretty good idea of something we want in our life—relationships, careers, projects, finances, lifestyle— and yet we succumb to a pattern of not asking "directly" for them. Instead, we believe we are stating what we "want" by instead making a list of all the things we don't want... and then we end up feeling stuck because even though it seems like we've done the
work on ourselves and identified our wants, needs and desires it seems like "nothing ever changes."
I'll avoid getting into the many "programs" within the conscious community that focus on this issue— from "positive affirmations" to "The Secret"—and just briefly touch on the underlying psychology of positive phrasing.
Consider, for a moment, a fictional person who's at his or her wits end over seemingly always attracting "mentally ill chaos mongers" in his or her relationships.
This person may even have developed a long "laundry list" of attributes of a desirable relationship partner based on these past painful and chaotic encounters. However, if the top item on their list is "no mentally ill chaos mongers," it's a good bet the relationship pattern will not change... and a couple of years hence, our fictional person will once again be lamenting the "mentally ill chaos mongers" dominating his or her life.
As an example, consider that old psychological party trick: If I ask you
to "NOT think of a pink elephant," what happens? The first thing you think of is a pink elephant!
By extension—no matterhow
evolved you may be and how positive your intent maybe—if you focus on not attracting "mentally ill chaos mongers," what is the key phrase you are going to be honing in on? Your "spiritual keywords"—like a Google search—are going to be "mentally ill chaos mongers." The "no" just sort of vanishes. What you truly want—let's call it "healthy and well-adjusted"—is never part of your search!
Because HSPs are exceptionally good at "paying attention," this particular language trap can keep us stuck in negative patterns without our really understanding why.
As an exercise, take a couple of weeks to truly examine your language:
Do you feel "happy" or "not unhappy?"
Are you trying to "succeed" or "avoid failure?"
Do you desire "quiet" or "not a lot of noise?"
Even if you think of yourself as a positive person, you may be surprised!
The above suggestions for "minding your language" is merely a partial list of the "language traps" we use— there are many more, but they are too numerous to cover in full—so this article is merely intended as an introduction to being mindful and conscious with your language. Although these words were written mainly with HSPs in mind (If you're not entirely sure what an HSP is, please refer to my introductory article on this topic), they could certainly be relevant for anyone on a path of personal understanding and healing.
Do you feel "well" or "not bad?"
Peter Messerschmidt is a writer, beachcomber, rare stamp dealer, and eternal seeker. When he's not wandering the beach or the Internet, he facilitates groups & retreats for HSPs, and shares his musings at "HSP Notes," the web's oldest HSP-specific blog, at hspnotes. com . He lives in Port Townsend, WA, with the great love of his life and several furry "kids."
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