Magazine Viajante - Issue n° 12 - August | September 2014

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Viajante Year III – Issue no. 12 - August | September 2014

Company of the Year When turning 65, Marcopolo receives an unprecedented and coveted award


4. Special

Marcopolo turns 65 Viajante Newsletter is a quarterly publication by Marcopolo. General Coordination Marcopolo Marketing Dept. Editorial Board Andre Luis de Oliveira, José Carlos Secco, Méri Steiner, Paulo Corso, Ricardo Portolan, João Paulo Ledur, Humberto Oselame and Walter Cruz Website Addresses Ana Rech Unit Av. Rio Branco, 4889 Bairro Ana Rech Caxias do Sul - RS - Brazil CEP (Zip Code) 95060-145 Phones: (0800) 702-7070 (Brazil) or +55. 54. 2101.4000 (other countries) E-mail: Planalto Unit Av. Marcopolo, 280 - Bairro Planalto Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil CEP: 95086-200 Fones: (0800) 702-7070 (Brasil) ou +55. 54. 2101.4000 (outros países) E-mail:

8. Current Situation

Otávio Cunha, from NTU

11. Marcopolo Rio

Unit turns 15 years old

12. Tourism

Dubai, the city of the future

15. Cuisine

O sabor da culinária árabe

18. Management and Leadership

José Rubens de la Rosa

20. Customer

Viação Cometa

22. Representative

Brasil Bus

Coordenation, Production and Editing Invox Mais Comunicação Rua Bento Gonçalves, 2221, sala 502 Centro | Caxias do Sul | RS (54) 3028.2868 Supervising Journalists

Adriana Schio MTB RS 8107 Simoni Schiavo MTB RS 8821

Graphic Design

Invox Mais Comunicação

Printing: Cromo Gráfica e Editora Distributed free-of-charge

Reproduction without prior authorization is prohibited. All rights reserved.

23. Article

José Carlos Secco

24. Awards

Marcopolo, the Company of the Year

26. Latest News

Senior gains a new look

28. Marcopolo World

Chile, the United Arab Emirates and the Brics

Editorial Julio Soares/Objetiva

The Bedrock of our Success is our People In our 65th Anniversary, we are happy to celebrate another important milestone: we have been chosen as the Company of the Year by The Best and the Largest Companies Guide – Exame Magazine, and I would like to recognize that this has happened only due to the commitment of the thousands of people that were part and have been part of Marcopolo – both yesterday and today. The importance of this achievement is not on the award itself, but on what it shows: our company as an example of a Brazilian multinational organization whose brand and image are known all over the world, being synonymous with efficiency, development and people management. All this did not happen overnight, but it took years of hard work, experience and innovations in all sectors of the company. That`s how we have been able to build Marcopolo, as we see it today, and our buses – truly travelling billboards circulating throughout Brazil and in more than 100 other countries. Marcopolo people, throughout the world, reach 20,000, of which more than 12,000 thousand are in Brazil. In addition to operations in Brazil and exports, we have plants in countries such as Argentina, Australia, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Mexico and South Africa. We are also present in Russia and have smaller stakes in two other units: Canada and United States. Our real achievement and asset are our people, of whom we are very proud and with whom we share the daily routine of “MAKING IT HAPPEN”. Without the dedication, commitment and recognition of each one of our employees, representatives, partners and customers, we would not be the company we are, nor would have built the close-knit Marcopolo we are today. This is what drives us forward to pursue new goals while valuing our rich history. We still have a long way to go and to grow, and that’s why the future belongs to all of us, even more than the present.

Paulo Bellini

President emeritus


65 years making it happen While witnessing the success we have been able to achieve both in Brazil and abroad, our eyes turn to the future. More than the major Brazilian bus manufacturer, in its 65 years of existence, Marcopolo has become a benchmark and an example of a multinational company, successful in Brazil and abroad. And the reasons we have to celebrate are even stronger with the recent award we have received of the Company of the Year. Today, Marcopolo is one of the leading companies worldwide in the segment of public transportation of passengers. It is present on the five continents through either complete buses, bus bodies or components. Its products can be seen running in over 100 countries in a wide range of models: road, urban, microbuses, minibuses, and Volare vehicles, which are sold with chassis and body. Achieving these results has not been easy. It has involved the dedication of thousands of people, who truly “made it happen”, allowing the Company to become what it is today. Esta-

In addition to the six and a half decades of success on the bus market, Marcopolo is the Company of the Year in the ranking of the Largest and the Best Companies of Exame Magazine, an unprecedented and coveted award. 4

blished on August 6, 1949, Marcopolo was one of the first Brazilian industries to manufacture bus bodies, which initially were made of wood. Over the years, the Company has stood up by its innovative ideas and cutting-edge technology, which have resulted in a diversified product line that meets the specific needs of each market, both national and international. The Company was founded at a time of great growth for the auto industry in Brazil, allowing the manufacturer to go along with such growth, developing innovative solutions and also gaining the international market. The first exports were made for Uruguay in 1961, initiating the significant Marcopolo’s journey abroad. Marcopolo`s competitive edges: Innovation and professional Development. From the very beginning of its activities, Marcopolo`s Board – at the time Nicola & Cia. Ltda - realized that professional training and qualification, along with committed employees – were crucial in producing quality vehicles that could meet customers` needs. Manufacturing buses requires a high level and intensive workmanship. With the increasing application of technology in the products and working processes, constant training and

Arquivo Marcopolo

professional updating are essential to remain competitive. Therefore, the Company has always invested in training and in more efficient productive processes. Back in 1986, based on the Japanese management philosophy – the Marcopolo system originated, from which point a new organizational culture was formed. In this system, the employee participates actively in actions and contributes with suggestions and improvements, interacting in the making-decision

Since the beginning of its activities, in 1949, Marcopolo`s main characteristic has been its high-quality product standard. To this end, the Company invests heavily in advanced technologies and in the constant training and professional updating of its employees.

process. Such implementation transformed the Company, which has become a benchmark, nationally and internationally. Marcopolo has a modern center of training, the goal of which is to provide the ideal conditions for professional training. This shows the importance and focuses that Marcopolo places and has always placed on the professional qualification of its employees and customers, not to mention the young people studying at the Marcopolo´s Professional Development School.

Daniel Herrera


Special 7th Generation of Highway Buses Marcopolo`s flagship circulating on the roads of Brazil and abroad is the 7th Generation of Highway Buses. Launched in 2009, the bus results from more than three years of field research, development and investments of about US$ 30 million. The G7 vehicles have set a new standard of quality, comfort, security, robustness and economy, in addition to being developed for different models of chassis from major international automakers.

The company has been successful on the road segment since 1983, when the Paradiso line was developed. Its innovative features, compatible with the market needs – have rapidly led the Company to build up the image of quality, robustness, reliability, low operating cost and high market value for all of its products. In the urban segment, the Company has a long and strong tradition in the development of buses and passenger transport solutions that favor mobility. Since the 1970s, the Company has been a pioneer in the production of the first articulated

Daniel Herrera

Roadshow As a way to celebrate its 65th Anniversary, recognize and value its history and the people that were part and have been part of it, Marcopolo has promoted, in Caxias do sul, the Marcopolo 65th Anniversary Roadshow. The goal was to show the community important facts about the Company on a new and different way. The exhibition travelled in a Marcopolo bus – the old model Nicola, of 1967 – through different points of the city in order to get closer to the population of the city. Actors characterized by decade, representing the Navigator Marco Polo, a road-stewardess, women and men in various professions performed by the totem poles and gave out gifts.


“Our aim was to share with the community of Caxias do Sul some of the most remarkable and important moments of the Company and make them known especially to younger people, who did not follow the journey of the Company. We chose the streets and the bus to show the exhibition about Marcopolo`s history, as they are the “natural habitat” of the products produced by the Company “, says Walter Cruz, Strategy and Marketing Manager at Marcopolo. With the motto “On the comings and Goings of Life, Always Count on our Energy”, the exhibition included the distribution of souvenirs such as a seed-pencil to convey the message that, in addition to telling history, it also plants the future.


and bi-articulated buses for exclusive bus lanes, created in the Brazilian city of Curitiba (PR), the precursor of the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) current systems that is in operation in more than 160 cities throughout the world. In addition, the model Torino (of which more than 100 thousand units have already been produced) is the most successful model across the country. With more than 20 thousand employees worldwide, Marcopolo has operations in 12 countries: South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada,

China, Colombia, United States, Egypt, India, Mexico and Russia. In China, the Company has a plant of parts and components for bus bodies. The Company has also had a joint venture with Tata Motors, in India, since 2007; with GB AUTO, in Egypt, since 2008; and with the Group OJSC KAMAZ, in Russia, since 2011. In addition, it has a stake in Volgren Australia Pty. Limited (the leading company in the Australian bus market) and in New Flyer (the largest American manufacturer of city buses, with plants in the United States and Canada).

Julio Soares/Objetiva


Current Situation

“We need more investments in urban mobility” In an exclusive interview to Viajante Newsletter, the President of the National Association of Urban Transport Companies, (NTU), Otávio Vieira da Cunha Filho, comments on the current situation of the urban public transport throughout the country and states that more investments from the Government, cities and entrepreneurs will be needed, so that service can be more efficient, with the quality expected by users. Public Transportation Urban mobility in Brazil is a rather complex subject. Over the last 12 years, the situation has turned into a calamity. Cities have experienced poor mobility. Traffic jams have dramatically impaired urban public transport and individual transport has been encouraged (cars and motorcycles). There is also lack of investments and lack of priority on public transport, largely made by bus. This situation has led to a loss of 30% in demand, which has also strongly discouraged the development of this sector. Today, buses spend more time in traffic, reducing the quality of the service, since users do not wish to waste time on the daily home-work-home commuting. The positive side for passengers and for the urban public transportation is that, over the past five years, despite the lack of a transport policy, several investments have been made mainly because of the Soccer World Cup. These investments may bring benefits in the medium term and may improve mobility. As example are the BRT bus lanes of medium and high capacities.


NTU`s Measures Buses have to move faster in order to improve transport quality. NTU has been working hard for several years to improve and raise the standard of quality and efficiency of this service. But just being aware of the problem will not bring the desired results. We have launched a public manifest with eight key points, which are measures to improve urban public transportation in Brazil: l Prioritize public transportation on urban streets over motorized individual transport; l Draw up immediate urban mobility plans for all cities, whose implementation must be compulsory pursuant to Law – to be executed with the participation of representatives from the organized civil society; l Continue making Federal, State and Municipal investments in infrastructure for urban mobility; l Implement modern, integrated, multimodal, rational and high-performance transport networks; l Implement a policy of mobility developed with the effective participation of the society, with representatives in the municipal council of transport, establishing the desired level of service to all citizens and how much it will cost to the passenger (fare) and to the Government (subsidy); l Exempt from Local, State and Federal tax burden on the public transport sector; l Subsidy with public resources to compensate for those who are entitled to free-ofcharge or reduced bus fare; l Subsidy to be paid through a fund with fuel resources, distributed to the cities proportionally to population.distribuído aos municípios de forma proporcional à população.

Arquivo NTU

According to the entity, these measures may, in the short, medium and long term, develop urban mobility and public transportation. But it all depends on the measures taken by the Government at its three levels (Federal, State and Municipal) and by entrepreneurs. The Federal Government needs to play its role in promoting transport policies, which has not been made over the past 20 years. States should give priority and perform the necessary investments and Cities should develop plans with a focus on mobility. Results of Investments Made Most public works expected to be ready for the Soccer World Cup ended up by being late. Investments in infrastructure took too long to be made and so most of these important projects is yet to be completed. Therefore, the results they were expected to deliver will be delivered only in the medium term. The systems of Belo Horizonte (MG), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and BrasĂ­lia (DF), which are the most advanced in the country, have resulted in exclusive bus lanes that have already been approved even by tourists and users during the World Cup, not to mention that one in Curitiba, which was also approved by passengers. In places like Recife (PE), the projects are being implemented or are under test, which will bring results later on, serving, anyway, as an encouragement for Brazilians, who will be able to enjoy the benefits as a later legacy. Brazilian Fleet Quality in transport is expensive. Modern vehicles require not only investments in technology and service, but also in infrastructure, so that streets and roads can receive better vehicles capable of offering more comfort and safety, in addition to traveling faster. And Brazil has this modern industry and plenty of technology to meet the needs. But the service is regulated by public authorities-the company may be able to meet the demand, but the service su-

“The Brazilian urban transport sector is ready to offer better service, with benefits to urban mobility and sustainability.� 9






S Julio

pply is determined by the Government. As a result, the entrepreneur ends up adopting a conventional vehicle, often without air conditioning system or low floor, for example. The high quality possible of being offered is limited by bus fare and by rules set by the Government. Unfortunately, in Brazil, the cost is 100% paid by the user, different from the rest of the world where the State pays part of the bus fare (sometimes more than 50%) in order to offer high quality service, making the cost to be paid by users fall. So, fares in Brazil could be less than half for the same service. A better transport quality and service would require making investments in the sector of about R$ 1.2 billion. Sustainability Hybrid and/or electric vehicles, or vehicles using alternative fuels may be a solution for the future, but only in the medium to long term. Changing vehicles using fossil fuel to vehicles using non-fossil fuel depends on Government policy. There is a range of alternatives, but they still have a high cost, which would impact on the fare, and, at the moment, there is no a policy to address this immediately. Energy efficiency implies a compatible cost, which depends on public policy. There are today isolated actions with alternative solutions, but, alone, they are not feasible. Coming years We firmly believe that the Brazilian public transport can and will evolve significantly over the next few years. I can feel this vision and optimism from the business sector. What we really need are structuring solutions for public transportation, which needs


to be integrated, intermodal and streamlined, with projects involving local service. Every municipality must define what the best solution is for it and how it will handle urban mobility. Only then, local entrepreneurs can prepare and do their part in terms of investing in their fleet and in the efficiency and quality of services. But, to this end, new and continuous investments are required. A short-term measure capable of improving the circulation of buses is implementing bus exclusive lanes. In Sao Paulo, for example, the average speed has risen about 50%, which significantly reduces traveling time. Changes in the sector – through the creation of a new form of compensation, with subvention, are also crucial. Bus fare cannot be the sole funding element in urban transport. According to NTU, important issues – that need to be better analyzed - help rise urban public transportation. Zero-fare public transport, for example, has been treated with demagogic and wrong politics, as it increases fares for other users. Other relevant issues are relieving tax burden on public transportation – already being implemented - through ICMS on fuel (Value-added tax on Sales and Services) and ISS (Services Tax). A true public transport policy and investments in infrastructure would certainly encourage bus lines to invest and offer more and better buses, with better service.

“ In Brazil, the cost is 100% paid by the user, different from the rest of the world where the State pays part of the bus fare, sometimes more than 50%”

Domestic Market Paquito Masiá

Marcopolo Rio celebrates 15 anos Marcopolo Rio (acquired in 1999 – at that time Ciferal) celebrates 15 years of activity. During this period, Marcopolo has invested more than R$ 40 million to turn the Unit into a center of excellence of city buses in Brazil. Today, the Unit has new equipment, a training center, layout of assembly lines and modern painting booths. Under the name Comércio de Ferro e Alumínio Ltda., Ciferal was founded on October 11, 1955, in Rio de Janeiro, by Fritz Weissmann, an Austrian newcomer from Europe, which brought the know-how to build the carriages for Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary.

Five months after purchasing 50% of the quotas and the productive and administrative control of the company, Marcopolo introduced to the market a new urban product – the Turquesa - , thus demonstrating that the investment it had made was right. Two years later, Ciferal became 100% a Marcopolo company, resulting in the consolidation of concepts such as security, profitability and confidence, the characteristic features of Marcopolo in city buses. Currently, Marcopolo Rio is the exclusive production center of city buses with production capacity of more than 7.5 thousand units per year. About 2.5 thousand employees work in this Unit.


Sérgio Dal Alba

Marcopolo’s Corporate Board at Planalto Unit, in 2000. On the background a Panel shows Ana Rech Unit. From left to right, the then Corporate Director, Valter Gomes Pinto; VicePresident, José Martins; President, Paulo Bellini; and Corporate Director, Raul Tessari.




A world displaying all the glamour that money can buy. This is Dubai. Luxury, sophistication and wealth reflect one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates, on the Arabian Peninsula. Contrast is another of its features. Millenary traditions are mixed with contemporary concepts of a place of great Western influence. With a focus on tourism and business, Dubai attracts world`s attention. Buildings are masterpieces of architecture, malls are shopping paradises and beach resorts attract tourists for their white sands and blue sea of warm and crystalline waters. With more than 2.2 million people, the native population is a minority and more than three-quarters of the city’s inhabitants originate from other countries. The habit of women wearing Abayas or burqas is sacred. Underneath their garments, however, they hide beautiful clothes and jewels of the best brands in the world. After all, the designer brands available in luxurious shopping malls are not only for tourists; they cater also to the well -off inhabitants of the region. Entertaiment for All

Dubai, Mecca of Wealth Built in the middle of a desert, the city exudes luxury, sophistication and mega constructions.


There are plenty of attractions in the City of the Future, as it is known, and diversity is its main ingredient. You can spend a day on the coast, and the tip is visiting Jumeirah Beach Residence, the public beach of the city, and enjoy the view surrounded by stylish buildings. If the intent is a Safari in the desert, the experience will be unique, with dunes and unforgettable sunsets to admire. During the tour, groups stop in Bedouin tents to rest, ride a camel or savor a flavored tea. The desert holds also other attractions such as having dinner at Bab Al Shams. The place takes visitors on a journey into the past through the food, the music and dances of Arabs. In the middle of the night, Bedouin horsemen arrive blazing the desert and thus enhancing magic. Culture and Religion The Islamic religion is highly respected by the population and there is a mosque in every corner, but the only one receiving non-Muslims visits is the Jumeirah Mosque. And those who want to learn a little bit more about the history of the Principality have to visit the Dubai Museum. Located downtown, where formerly there was a Fort, the museum is considered to be the oldest building in the city (1787): if offers some fascinating insight into the city`s history and lifestyle of the Arab people. The Museum is small and can be visited in 20 minutes. Also downtown, are traditional markets, the so-called Gold and Spice Souks, on the banks of Creek River.

Mega Constructions Synonymous with Dubai, mega constructions are must-see sights, such as the Palm Jumeirah, the smallest of the three islands that make up the Palm Islands - artificial islands built in the shape of a palm tree. The complex includes houses, apartments, hotels and luxury resorts surrounded by private beaches. With impressive 828 metres, the Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building. Imposing, it is inserted into the Downtown Dubai Complex . It also holds other records such as: the tallest building in the world, the tallest free-standing structure in the world, the highest number of stories in the world, the highest occupied floor in the world, the highest outdoor observation desk in the world, the elevator with the longest travel distance in the world and the tallest service elevator in the world. The main postcard of Dubai, the Burj Al Arab (Arab Tower) is popularly known as the “seven-star” hotel for its high level of excellence, although. officially, the hotel is a five-star hotel. Sail-shaped, the building is 320 meters tall and is located on a small artificial island, 300 meters far from the coast, built especially to house the hotel. The security system to enter the Burj is quite strict. Access is allowed only for guests. Tourists not staying in the hotel, who wish to visit it, are only allowed to do it should they have made a reservation in one of its six restaurants. The Jumeirah Beach Hotel, which used to be the most luxurious hotel in the city until its neighbor Burj Al Arab was opened, also stands out. It is 100 meters high and was built in the shape of a breaking wave. As part of the complex and next to the hotel, there is the Wild Wadi Water Park. All guests receive unlimited access to the Wild Wadi Water Park. Open also for the public in general. The Madinat Jumeirah, built around the Greek River - an artificial channel - is another highlight. The complex includes restaurants, shops, a traditional souk and three luxury hotels, the Dar Al Masyaf, Al Qasr and Mina Al Salaam Hotel.

Fotos Maria João Palma Azevedo

The Future

Created to look imposing, the city continues to invest in huge attractions. The latest is the World Mall, an entertainment center that will occupy 743 thousand square meters and is connected to an amusement park, theaters, health tourism facilities, 100 hotels and apartment buildings with 20 thousand rooms, capable of accommodating 180 million visitors per year. But don’t worry, while the complex is not ready, there is plenty to see and do in Dubai.


Tourism Other Attractions

l The Creek, a channel or an arm of the sea that divides the city in half. It provides a view of historic architecture. It’s worth visiting it.

l Parks attract adults and children. Located in the Dubai Mall - the largest local mall - there are three great choices for fun: the Kidzania is a city built for children from 4 to 16 years old, where children can lead independent lives as grown-ups and where they can choose even a profession; the Sega Republic has 5 themed zones with more than 250 games/simulators; the Aquarium, one of the largest in the world, with about 400 species of fish, sharks and stingrays.

l The Creek Side Park is a modern and classical Botanical Garden, which offers tourists the union of nature and technology. l Skiing on the snow of the Ski Dubai, the world’s largest indoor resort, located in the shopping Mall of the Emirates. l Boat trip along the Persian Gulf and abra (wooden vessels in the style of the boats of Venice), in the Creek in Dubai.

l In Downtown Dubai, the Dubai Fountains, is the biggest show of dancing waters in the world. It is a choreographed spectacle of colors, sights and sounds. The water jets may reach a height equivalent to a 45-storey building.

l Dubai Marina, a neighborhood that has a large number of skyscrapers and buildings of incredible architecture built around the Creek.

Important information If you intend to go to Dubai, find out about all the details. The week begins on Sunday and the weekends are on Fridays and Saturdays. l Time zone is about 6 to 7 hours ahead of Brazil; l The currency is the UAE Dirham and one American dollar equals 3.68 Dhs. l Religion is Islam. l


Arabic is the official language, but English predominates. l The weather is sunny, but the summer is very hot. Temperature is about 46° C from June to August, Winter is very pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 14° C to 23° c. There is little or no rain, but many sandstorms blast across the desert. l


A Taste of Arabia Of Arab origin, the kafta is a traditionally recipe made with mutton, mint and spices. Similar to meatballs, they are shaped into skewers and grilled. Raquel Pachon Elias, chef of Maná Comida Árabe, of Caxias do Sul, presents her family recipe and highlights that there are many variations of the dish. “The ingredients change according to the region, since cuisine receives the characteristics of their place of origin.”

Kafta with Yoghurt Sauce Ingredients Kafta 8 wooden skewers 280 g of ground beef (mutton or lamb) 120 g of chopped onions finely diced 1 medium tomato without the pulp, chopped finely diced Freshly ground black pepper, chopped mint and salt to taste Yougurt Sauce 200 g Greek yoghurt 1/2 chopped cucumber finely diced Chopped mint to taste 1 clove of crushed garlic 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Salt to taste

Preparation Let skewers soak in water for 30 minutes. Mix all ingredients, kneading with your hands until the dough is smooth. Shape the dough on the skewers and grill on the barbecue grill, in a nonstick skillet greased with olive oil or, in a preheated oven on a oil greased baking pan. . Let brown on both sides. For the yogurt sauce, mix all ingredients and serve as a side dish of kaftas. Julio Soares/Objetiva


Management and Leadership Julio Soares/Objetiva

The Company of the Year Strategy, management and investment in training were the key criteria used by Exame Magazine to choose Marcopolo as the Company of the Year. The Magazine also highlighted Marcopolo as the best manufacturer in the Autoindustry sector. Marcopolo was elected, last June, the Company of the Year in The Largest and the Best 2014 ranking of Exame Magazine, one of the leading publications of Brazil’s economy. The manufacturer was also chosen as the best one in the Autoindústria sector. According to the criteria used by Exame, the strategy developed by the Company to gain market within and outside the country was one of the points that have led Marcopolo to win the award. Other aspects highlighted by Exame were the image of a quality and innovative company, in addition to people management and people development. We have talked with the General Director and CEO, JosÊ Rubens de la Rosa, on the reasons that have led the Company to this important and unprecedented achievement.


VJ: What are the reasons that have led Marcopolo to be elected the Company of the Year? JR: According to the criteria of The Largest and the Best Companies, of Exame Magazine, the first point was the performance of the Company in its segment which, in our case, is the autoindustry. We are the best company in terms of the results we achieved in 2013, especially our strong market share, particularly in the road segment, in which we have more than 60% market share, thanks to the success of the G7 (Generation 7). Among the 18 best companies of each sector analyzed, the Magazine Board elects the most outstanding ones. So, we were chosen based on our continued growth in recent years, solidity and on our presence in the Brazilian and international markets. VJ: How have Marcopolo`s strategy and management influenced in this achievement? JR: Marcopolo has continuously made investments in machinery, equipment and facilities, as well as in the development of people, processes, and innovative products that provide benefits and advantages to its users. Continue investing means to believe in our country, in our business and in our people. Stop investing is stop progress. That is, believing that our sector, that our “producing buses” is useful to the society is at the root of our strategy and, therefore, we continue investing. Understand that our workforce is crucial in the process is likewise very important, since it is our workforce that makes it happen, it is through it that we can produce with quality and competitiveness, pleasing our customers and keeping us growing and innovating. It is having people at our side, that is, employees, suppliers, partners and customers, all working together and aligned in fulfilling the tasks and processes with quality, it is this that makes Marcopolo a successful and recognized company. We cannot fail to highlight the important role that innovation has played in the strategy and management of our Company. In our vision, innovating constantly is the best way to find and retain new talents. Without these talents, there is no new ideas, processes, products and management. VJ: What is it like receiving this recognition when the Company celebrates its 65th

Anniversary? JR: It is extremely rewarding and motivating. This recognition, as well as several others that Marcopolo has received for more than a decade, as the best manufacturer of bus bodies, innovation award, people management, social inclusion programs, value creation…... demonstrate the continuing and constant development of the Company in its 65 years of existence. Despite several difficult moments the Company has experienced through the domestic and international economic crises, the strategies we have chosen have kept the company growing with direct benefits for our employees, for the communities in which we operate, for our customers and partners, with increasingly better and innovative products that help us be an efficient and competitive Company.

“ So, we were chosen based on our continued growth in recent years, solidity and on our presence in the Brazilian and international markets”. VJ: What can employees, partners and customers expect? How does Marcopolo plan to continue its path of growth and success? JR: They can expect a Marcopolo even stronger, more competitive, innovative and modern. We’re not and nor will stop; on the contrary, regardless of the scenario lived in Brazil and in the world, we will continue investing and renovating. Only this can ensure continued growth and success. We are currently making adjustments in our Organization, at Ana Rech Unit, aiming to face tougher challenges we view in our business segment. There are great and interesting opportunities ahead and we want to be prepared for them, especially in terms of delivering products in larger volumes and raising even more our quality standard. And I’m sure that in these new challenges, once again, we will be able to count on the strong and decisive response from our employees, as well as usual engagement of our partners and customers.



Operation focused on taking things seriously and on innovating A pioneer in passenger transport in the State of São Paulo and a benchmark for the road segment, Viação Cometa highlights, as its main feature, constant search for innovations capable of meeting its customers` needs. In the market for over six decades and currently being managed by JCA Group, the company is led by the CEO Carlos Otavio de Souza Antunes. “Cometa is the largest company (in the State of São Paulo) and certainly one of the best in the country in passenger transport,” he says. For him, taking things seriously and professionalism are the aspects responsible for being this long in the market. VJ: How and when did Comet start? Carlos Otávio: Cometa was founded in 1948 by Titus Mascioli and Arthur Brandi, as Auto Viação São Paulo-Santos SA. Operating in the interior of Sao Paulo, the Company has grown rapidly. A few months later, it changed its corporate name to Viação Cometa, a name prompted by a drawing on


the sides of the buses. In January 2002, following a three-year negotiation, the company was sold to the JCA Group. VJ: VJ: What are the main highlights of the Company since its founding? Carlos Otávio: The Company has always been serious about business and has always been committed to serving its customers in the best possible way. Throughout the 1950s, the Company introduced several innovations following the “grow inside” policy. Rather than expand the number and extent of the lines, the order was to improve and consolidate those already existing. Following this guideline, the operation area was limited to not more than 600 kilometers far from the city of São Paulo. In 1986, Cometa had 1,150 bus, being 900 of highway model. A great achievement. VJ: What is the Company`s Mission? Carlos Otávio: Customers always come first for Cometa. Surprise customers with flexible and dif-

Divulgação Cometa

ferentiated solutions, tailored to their commuting needs is our primary mission. VJ: Why do you think the Company has been in existence this long? Carlos Otávio: No company stands for over six decades of history if you don’t have a serious and focused work. Therefore, the main factor of the longevity of Cometa is our professionalism in facing our duty of providing the best service in mobility. VJ: What values and competitive edges sets Cometa apart these days? Carlos Otávio: Cometa has been in the market for many years, always serving its customers with quality, respect and innovations to meet their needs. Our employees are constantly trained. In addition, our values are focused on people, trust, positive attitude, continuous improvement and results-orientation. VJ: What is the structure of the Company?

Carlos Otávio: Our structure consists of support and maintenance service stations/garages, modern points of sale, a vip lounge at the terminals, internet room, sales application site, and self-service totems. Everything that can facilitate the daily life of our clients. VJ: Why is Cometa a Marcopolo`s customer? Carlos Otávio: We’re Marcopolo`s customers because they have a bus body that meets our needs in terms of comfort, safety and beauty. VJ: What are Cometa`s main challenges? Carlos Otávio: Our challenge is to continue leading the segment for the next 60 years. VJ: What are the prospects and innovations of the Company for the years to come? Carlos Otávio: We are always thinking of new services to attract customers and thus be always ahead of competitors.


Representative Fotos divulgação Brasil Bus

Brasil Bus has 15 thousand reasons to celebrate After only seven years in the market, the company consolidates its present in the market of São Paulo About to celebrate the milestone of 15 thousand buses sold in just seven years of existence, Brazil Bus has consolidated itself as an important representative of Marcopolo. Founded in March 2007 to meet Marcopolo`s needs in improving the focus and service offered to customers of the State of São Paulo, the commercial representative located in the State of São Paulo supplies that market with a wide range of products, covering bus bodies segments and spare parts. It has also operated in the sector of AfterSales and Services since 2012. The key of their success is their credibility with customers, partners and suppliers, according to the partners Jose Roberto Afonso Bernardes and Romeu Antonio Silva dos Santos. “It is the result of dedicated work, partnership and teamwork that build the trust that the market demands,” they claim. Despite the short time it has been on the market,


Brazil Bus celebrates the recognition for its work. In 2008, the Company received an award from Marcopolo for its good performance and for achieving the goals established. Recently, Brasil Bus received the Marcopolo award Focus on Business, of the Competitive Management program – a symbol of efficacy in processes, service quality, structure offered and sales/customer satisfaction. With 39 employees and 14 service providers, Brazil Bus has a 10,000 square-meter area. In its spare parts area, in addition to a sales office, the Company stocks 15,000 items ready to be delivered immediately. The After-Sales dept. has 10 parking spots for buses and capacity to service up to eight vehicles at the same time. The company also has a training center with a well-equipped room for theoretical classes and another one with simulators for the practical classes. The Company is currently investing in the construction of a showroom for buses (800 sqm) and in an area for holding events. The plan for the future is to consolidate even further the brand. “We intend to take Marcopolo to all highways, roads, avenues and streets of Sao Paulo, and be the leading company in sales in the country.”


Bus, the Champion During the Fifa World Cup 2014 in Brazil, the transportation of the 32 teams and their delegations was made by bus – and so the buses drew the attention of billions of people around the world. In addition, buses not only carried supporters and tourists to the stadiums, but served also to take tourists in their tours in the cities that hosted the games. During the opening of the event on June 12, while I was watching the teams of Brazil and Croatia leaving their hotels and heading to Corinthians Area – and seeing all the people on the streets waiting to see the buses carrying the delegations – I realized that, like me – more than one billion people all over the world was, at that moment – doing the same thing. One billion people watching, and cheering while the buses passed through them. What other means of transportation achieves the same thing? Whether on sidewalks or in front of the television, in that moment and in several other times throughout the competition, people saw the bus as the icon of the championship. The symbol of the best soccer teams on the planet. The vehicle “chosen” by the semi-gods of the world sport. No Ferraris, no Porsches or Rolls-Royces could steal the scene of the so criticized and often discredited buses. In that very moment, I recalled the long time we have tried to show the important role that a bus plays (public transport) in urban mobility and in the well-being of society, especially in the Brazilian society. And I noticed that the World Cup has become one of the world’s strongest pro-bus events, helping us to get closer to this yet-distant goal. Our feelings are (or should be) of pride, admiration, and recognition. If the bus (or public transportation) can and should be the vehicle of national and global integration during the World Cup, why could it not be always, or at least from now on? Why don´t we see it as important in our daily lives as most part of the 200 million Brazilians do while seeking to produce, create, generate wealth and thus move the country? This integration, this collective thinking and teamwork, this example of yielding space on the streets to the National Brazilian Team`s vehicle should guide our minds and attitudes so that we could stop being so individualistic and accept – for the sake of mobility, of the well-being of society and of our own well-being that bus public transportation is essential. More than anything else, the Soccer World Cup became the most important event in the world to change, subtly, the image buses have in the society, especially the Brazilian one. For a length of time during several days, buses became the center of everyone`s attention. More than highlight the bus maker’s brand or even the model, the important thing was the positive message sent to each viewer, men, women, kids, everyone who is passionate about soccer, even those who had never been in a bus before.

“ buses drew the attention of billions of people around the world during the Soccer World Cup”.

Julio Soares/Objetiva

José Carlos Secco




Valuable Distinction Marcopolo has plenty of reasons to celebrate in 2014. In addition to its 65th Anniversary, the Company has been awarded the title “The Company of the Year” in The Largest and the Best ranking of Exame Magazine, one of the leading publications about Brazil’s economy. The Company has also been chosen as the best company in the Autoindustry sector. Celebrated by everyone who took part in this achievement, the award did not come as a surprise, but as the recognition of hard and professional work over six and a half decades of history. “We take great pride in this achievement and I make it a point to share and celebrate it with the more than 20 thousand employees we have today around the world. We have received the award as the result of the complete dedication and commitment of everyone of us” stresses the CEO of the Company, José Rubens de la Rosa, who received the award along with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Marcopolo, Mauro Bellini, and with the Chairman Emeritus, Paul Bellini. Many factors have led the company to receive this award. Among the criteria used by Exame Magazine is the strategy developed by Marcopolo to gain market

Neitor Corrêa

both inside and outside the country. While Brazilian industries are beginning to lag behind abroad, Marcopolo has grown steadily in the international market, selling to more than 100 countries. In addition to the operations in Brazil and exports, the bus builder has plants in countries such as Argentina, Australia, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Mexico and South Africa, with smaller stakes in two units located in Canada and in the United States. In addition to the image based on commitment to quality, safety, design and comfort of its products, combined with its innovative features in the Brazilian and international markets, the presence of the Company on the five continents with plants and commercial operations is also an important competitive edge. Marcopolo also stands out as one of the main Brazilian multinationals, focused on personnel training and on people management. According to José Rubens, this unprecedented achievement is the result of continued expansion. “Throughout these 65 years of history, we managed to take the name of the Company and of the State of Rio Grande do Sul to many parts of the world”, He completes.

Dudu Leal

Marcas de Quem Decide

Ordem do Mérito Industrial

Marcopolo was one of the most highlighted and remembered companies by entrepreneurs of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in the 2014 Edition of the “Marcas de Quem Decide” award. The Company received awards in the following categories: “Grande Marca Gaúcha” (Great Brand of the State of Rio Grande do sul) and “Fabricante de Ônibus” Bus Builder. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Marcopolo, Mauro Bellini, states that the award demonstrates that Marcopolo did it right in its strategy and actions to strengthen its image.

The Brazilian industry’s highest award, the “Ordem do Mérito Industrial”, of CNI, was granted to the Chairman Emeritus of Marcopolo, Paul Bellini, in this year’s Edition. The distinction, created in 1958, recognizes leaders who contribute to the growth of the country and to the well-being of the society. Graduated in Accounting, the entrepreneur began his activity in 1949, when he took part of Marcopolo`s establishment as a company. His trajectory over the 65 years of the Company is marked by always breaking paradigms.


Rodrigo Lorenzoni

Sérgio Shibuia

Top of Mind Marcopolo is one of the most remembered brands by the people of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The bus manufacturer was distinguished, this year, in the segment of Large Company of the Top of Mind Award. Sponsored by Amanhã Magazine and by Segmento Pesquisas (Research Segment), the award is considered to be the the greatest brand recognition certificate of the State. Created 24 years ago, the award is represented by a stamp, which has won a new visual identity in this issue.The Top of Mind award is a benchmark for professionals of branding, marketing and communication throughout the State.

Apex Brasil The Company`s various initiatives in exports, investment processes used in the Units of Brazil and abroad, and the ongoing growth of its operations were the factors that have earned Marcopolo the recognition of Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos (Apex – Brasil). The company received the Excellence in Exports 2014 Award The Brazil that goes beyond – in the International Entrepreneur category. The award was received by the Manager of Commercial Operations of the Foreign Market, Ricardo Portolan. To him, the significant growth in exports and in production operations overseas, in the recent years, demonstrates the expansion of the Company’s international presence.


Gelson Mello da Costa


Senior Microbus with new look The most successful model of Marcopolo in the segment, the Senior Bus is now more modern, lightweight and beautiful. The major differences are in the comfort and sophistication of the vehicle, which gains the modern features of the 7-Generation of Highway Buses manufactured by the Company, with focus on charter and tourism applications. The changes were made in the bus design and interior. Leader in its segment, the Senior is a vehicle with distinct edges, with the sophistication and finish of a highway bus, although smaller. The vehicle is offered in several internal configurations, featuring partition wall with sliding door and curved transparent tempered window panes. The wider opening and the sliding system take up less space, while preserving the driver`s place. The model is also equipped with a wide and deep overhead parcel rack, following the trend

of hand luggage larger in size and volume, with consequent decrease in the use of the luggage compartment. The passengers` compartment features indirect internal lighting - strong and uniform - without losing visual comfort. LED reading lights. The Senior can be offered with exclusive audio and video system, with fixed LCD monitors by the door of the vehicle, in addition to individual sound for each passenger (Optional business kit). The sound system provides the same sound quality throughout the environment, with speakers on the seat light and volume adjustments; There is also the possibility of individual earphones located between the seats or on the seat lights. Developed to provide the lowest operating cost to fleet owners, among the models sold in the domestic market, its periodic maintenance components are designed to ensure affordable value and easy replacement.

The main changes Front panel with brighter and more harmonic look. Bee hive pattern front grille. Chrome finish.



Lower optical set with fog lights.


On side panels, finishing vertical


trims (of highway models) on front window panes – larger and more modern to broaden visibility; At the rear, lights with chrome edges on the sides.


Luggage rack with distinct and more prominent cover;


New decorative patterns in the interior of the vehicle, with floors matching the seat pattern.


Book signing at Transposul The book Marcopolo, The Journey Begins Here, launched last year by Paulo Bellini, was the subject of the lecture given by the Company`s Founder and President Emeritus at the 16th Transposul. Held From July 15 to 17, at Fiergs, in Porto Alegre, the second largest fair in the area of logistics in Brazil gathered dozens of exhibitors. With the aim of exchanging information and experiences among entrepreneurs of the sector, the event also included a number of

lectures and panels with national and international guests. Paulo Bellini was invited to tell how a small factory in Southern Brazil has become the largest manufacturer of buses worldwide and participated in his book signing. In the photo, He is along with Paulo Corso (Marcopolo), Lauri Koch, Pedro Teixeira (Planalto Unit), Hugo Flech (Outo e Prata Bus Company), Jaime Silva (Turisilva) and Luis Roberto Steinmetz (Local).

Divulgação Transposul

Non-Original Spare Parts are Destroyed To ensure the safety of passengers and users of Marcopolo buses, Marcopolo destroyed two batches of non-original spare parts in Aruja, São Paulo State, on August 5, The spare parts were seized from auto parts stores of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The action, which is part of the Marcopolo Original Spare Parts Program - aims to warn customers and consumers about the use of non-original spare parts, which jeopardize the safety and well -being of passengers. According to Antônio Carlos Boff, Marcopolo`s After-Sales Manager, the program was created in 2011 to raise awareness of the importance of using genuine spare parts when replacing bus components. “Many spare parts, such as headlights, taillights and blinkers are directly linked to vehicle`s safety. Irregular lamps may not only illuminate wrongly, but also dazzle and blind the eyes of drivers co-

ming from the opposite direction, causing accidents”. Marcopolo has invested over R$ 5 million in the research and development of lighting components, such as front and rear lamps/lights used in the Highway and City Buses models of Marcopolo brand. “The requirements used to get these components approved take into account the safety of the vehicle, a key factor in carrying passengers”. The parts that have been seized and destroyed have not been approved by a competent body, do not meet the current Brazilian legislation and may endanger the safety and health of passengers and users. The seizure was implemented by Marcopolo in order to draw the market`s attention to fake components. Users may be induced to buy these fake components, not realizing that they may pose serious risks to their safety.


Marcopolo`s World

For the United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates will be the destination of 32 Marcopolo Highway Buses in October. Vehicles of Paradiso 1200 comprise the third order in a row placed by AVIS, one of the main bus line companies in the region, and will be used for chartering - transportation of the employees of Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd (Gasco). With capacity to carry 44 passengers, the buses will be equipped with glued window panes, monitors and video, special insulation against high temperatures and acoustics. According to Paulo

Corso, Marcopolo`s Commercial Operations Director, the new acquisition demonstrates that the Company`s strategies were right to ensure greater productivity, efficiency, and international competitiveness. The vehicles will be produced in Brazilian Units. “We are managing to be competitive and are expanding our exports to traditionally buying markets that had their demands reduced. These units, added to the ones previously acquired, will comprise 79 buses supplied to AVIS”, explains the Executive.


on M


da C


Paradiso G7 in Chile A new successful company in the market, Eme Bus Transportes has invested heavily in the qualification of its fleet. In July, Marcopolo supplied to this new Bus Line Company 26 buses of the model Paradiso G7. In less than two years. the number of new buses bought by Eme Bus Transportes has been 50, all produced by Marcopolo. Eme Bus has shown an important competitive edge in Chilean transport – a highly-competitive market. The company has recently received the award Volante de Ouro – which highlights the


best companies in Chile. The order includes 24 Double Decker 1800 Paradiso models, and 02 Low Driver 1600 Paradiso models, and is part of the customer`s program to renew its fleet, implemented every three years by the Company. According to Paulo Corso, the deal shows the excellent acceptance of these models in all markets. All vehicles come with audio and video system, sanitary system, heating, air-conditioning and curtains between the seats, to ensure greater comfort to the passenger.

Divulgação CNI

Highway buses for Peru Ten new Paradiso 1800 DD are already circulating on Peruvian roads. The Highway models were acquired by Grupo Civa, one of the main passenger transport lines in the country, and will be used on domestic routes. The investment shows the efforts being made by companies to raise even further the standard of sophistication and comfort of road transport in Peru, and thus attract more passengers. “The goal is to offer comfort comparable to that of first-class international flights, providing enjoyable and productive trips. Seats are of bed type, they recline 150 degrees and are made with viscoelastic foam, moldable to passengers bodies”, explains Paulo Corso. Civa models carry 43 passengers, in addition to board service. They have a bar equipped with food and drinks, a refrigerator and exclusive space for the trip attendant.

Divulgação Eme Bus

Marcopolo`s CEO heads Brics`Council The creation of the Bank of Development of the BRIC`s countries was the main achievement of the Business Council composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The agreement was signed by the leaders of the five member countries at the 6th Forum of Brics, held in July in Fortaleza. The possibility of a currency exchange system directly among the countries was presented at a meeting headed by the President of the Group and Brazilian section, the CEO of Marcopolo, José Rubens de la Rosa, and aims to find solutions to boost trade and investment among their Nations. The Bank is expected to operate as of 2016. According to José Rubens, the initiative is highly relevant, since it would facilitate the transaction cost among Nations. “If we find a price that is equivalent to a product, why change currency? We would avoid one step in the process, “he says. He also understands that the Bank will need to operate not only in financing infrastructure projects and currency exchanges, but also in developing a mechanism of loan guarantees from third parties and exchange of money. Many other propositions were included in the Council’s Annual Report delivered to the Heads of State during the meeting. Among the actions planned, all focused on economic strengthening, is the facilitation of visas for businessmen and harmonization of technical standards. “Simple things make things more usable and, therefore, more marketable,” says José Rubens.


Visits Fotos divulgação Marcopolo

Delegation of Cameroon

Company Timm Tur, of Pelotas (RS)

Delegation of Ghana

AVIS, of United Arab Emirates

Alta Onda Paraná


Guaçutur, Paraná

Sud Log, Paraná


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