Magazine Viajante - Issue n° 13 – December 2014 | January 2015

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Viajante Year IV – Issue no. 13 – December 2014 | January 2015

BRT, the Best solution Jaime Lerner, who has revolutionized public transportation in Curitiba, believes that this system is the answer for mobility in the country


4. Current Situation

Mobility, by Jaime Lerner

Viajante Newsletter is a quarterly publication by Marcopolo. General Coordination Marcopolo`s Marketing Department Editorial Board Andre Luis de Oliveira, Eliana Zanol, José Carlos Secco, Méri Steiner, Paulo Corso, Ricardo Portolan, João Paulo Ledur, Humberto Oselame and Walter Cruz Website Addresses Ana Rech Unit Av. Rio Branco, 4889 Bairro Ana Rech Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil CEP 95060-145 Phones: (0800) 702-7070 (Brazil) or +55. 54. 2101.4000 (other countries) E-mail: Planalto Unit Av. Marcopolo, 280 - Bairro Planalto Caxias do Sul - RS - Brazil CEP: 95086-200 Phones: (0800) 702-7070 (Brasil) or +55. 54. 2101.4000 (other countries) E-mail:

7. Special

Marcopolo at FetransRio

10. Management and Leadership

Simefre`s 80th Anniversary

12. Sustainability

Actions for the present time and for the future

14. Customer

Juan Salgado - Cutcsa

16. Article

Adamo Bazani – CBN Radio

17. Representantive

Mercobus - Peru

20. Awards

Company of the Year Recognition Coordination, Production and Editing Simoni Schiavo Rua Bento Gonçalves, 2221, sala 502 Centro | Caxias do Sul | RS (54) 3028.2868 Supervising Journalist Simoni Schiavo MTB-RS 8821 Graphic Design Cíntia Colombo Cover Photo Victor Leite Printing: Cromo Gráfica e Editora Distribution free-of-charge Reproduction without prior authorization is prohibited. All rights reserved.

21. Tourism

The Paradise City of Vitória

25. Cuisine


26. Marcopolo World

Business around the world

29. Latest News

Company at the Bus Museum

Editorial Julio Soares/Objetiva

A year of learning and persistance In early 2014, we were already aware that it would be a difficult year, but we did not know it would be such an atypical year, with so many troubled moments and indefinitions that would end up affecting, sensitively and dramatically, the Brazilian bus industry, despite the fact that, here at Marcopolo, we always try to anticipate the events and plan accordingly, with “our feet on the ground”. There’s no denying that, in this year, the Brazilian bus industry has been deeply affected as a whole. We will end this year with less than 30 thousand units produced. The sales of road and city buses were below our expectations and purchase orders for school buses went down too, along with our exports. Authorization rules for interstate and international lines have had a negative impact on the road market. Weak investments in road infrastructure and delayed adjustments in fares have slowed the renewal of city bus fleets. Chartering services have also been reduced as a result of a sluguish economy and weak economic activity. Despite the investments made in urban mobility for the Soccer World Cup (many of which have not entirely been completed), this year turned out to be below market expectations. But, the most important thing now is to look ahead and see what we can accomplish and build. The year 2014 is behind us, but has taught us important lessons in the sense that we need to stick together - Marcopolo, customers, suppliers, Government and professional associations –, maintaining and strengthening our partnership bonds so that we can persevere, learn and prepare ourselves for more prosperous days in our business. Now, we need to look beyond and expect our revenues to grow in 2015, no matter how small it will be. Life doesn´t stop and so I take this opportunity to reassure that, despite the slowdown in 2014, Marcopolo will not stop either. We have prepared very interesting materials for this last 2014 Issue of our Viajante Newsletter, such as our presence at FetransRio and important actions we have been performing to stimulate and cooperate with sustainability – which is so important for future generations and which will be a recurrent theme in all our Newsletter issues - reducing and disposing correctly the waste from our production activities. I wish you all Merry Christmas and a year of 2015 filled with many achievements. Enjoy reading our Newsletter!

Paulo Corso

Diretor of Commercial and Marketing Operations

Current Situation

Poor public transport results from bureaucracy and lack of decision

Divulgação Jaime Lerner

With expertise in revolutionizing the concept of public transportation in the country, Jaime Lerner states there is no more time to waste. Actions must be immediately taken to improve urban mobility in large Brazilian cities. An architect, urbanist and politician, Lerner was three times Mayor of Curitiba times and once the Governor of the State. In his first term as Mayor of Curitiba, in 1974, he introduced the so-called “Express-Lanes” for city buses. The current Integrated Transport Network was the embryo for the modern Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT), which, according to him, is the tool capable of changing the chaotic situation of mobility in the country. In a conversation he has had with Viajante Newsletter, Lerner talks about the challenges being faced by the sector, the need to make public transportation a priority and surprises us by saying that – yes - it is possible to change the current scenario in less than three years: “but that takes courage to start.”

“Public transportation must, however, be given absolute priority for this to happen.” 4

Current Challenges Firstly, it must be said that the priority being given by Federal Government is to individual transport. This has brought major problems to cities. Prioritizing public transportation isn’t preventing people from using their vehicles or preventing the auto industry from creating jobs. The change would be in the way people use their cars. So, the biggest challenge facing Brazil is offering quality mobility in large cities. So far, except for a few exceptions such as Curitiba (PR), a little bit in Rio (Rio de Janeiro), and in Belo Horizonte (MG), the biggest problem is delay in taking action, i.e. poor system operation. Lack of decision. Too much bureaucracy and too little decision. I often say that cars are the cigarette of the future: If you want to smoke, do it, but consequences will have to be faced. In a quality public transportation system, cars would be used for trips with the family and for lesure purposes… But daily commuting requires high-quality public transportation. Getting cars and stimulating people to have cars should come second to quality public transportation and not before. That`s why we must change the way cars are used.

“A big leap can be made in less than three years if we give buses the same performance as subways through the BRT system.”

Answers and Solutions Another big mistake is thinking that the solution lies in the car or in the subway. Cars are not the solution to mobility. On the other hand, waiting 20 years for a subway half-line or for a subway line is sacrificing generations and generations, when an effective answer can be offered in less than three years by giving buses the same performance as subways. Curitiba did that along with 180 other cities around the world. That`s why prioritizing public transportation is a must. We need to start, right away, to invest in good solutions for the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system. It is a mistake thinking that exclusive bus lanes solve the problem, and this raises another issue: providing mobility is not only painting a Bus Lane stripe. One must understand that the concept of mobility involves a network and that the system comprises several steps. The exclusive Bus Lane is the first one, that is, it serves to confirm that priority is being given to publice transportation. We can have BRT networks and trunk lanes, followed by integrated systems, but the concept of a “network” is very important, since it affects the way stations are designed and the quality

of operations. That makes the BRT operation different. The most complete phase – in use in Curitiba – is this network operation. This means having a single fare and 2.7 million passengers being served every day. The London underground system transports today 3 million people, and London is much bigger than Curitiba, having the oldest subway system in the world. BRTs and Subways Subways interconnecting with the BRT system would be ideal, but this depends on the city. Many of them have old subways, about 150 years old, such as London and Paris. Moreover, subways are not always needed, but, if they already exist, a good solution would be interconnecting these two transport modes. It is the quality of the operation that tells if a subway is needed or not and the main condition is frequency. The Curitiba system was designed with trains running minuteby-minute. Highly-technological subways offer a schedule every two to three minutes. Of course the composition is longer, the convoy is longer, but as it takes three minutes, the capacity ends up by being the same.


Current Situation Many claim that “We can go faster if we travel underground”. It is true, but let`s not forget that it takes 15 to 20 minutes to walk between stations, trying to integrate one line to the other. So, we do not gain time in this process. One must understand that subways emerged at a time when the only technology available was the rail. Today, rails are not needed any longer. Although I believe that the future lies on surface transportation, I won´t try to prove which one is the best. The best is the combination of all systems and all transportation alternatives. Expectations We need to take immediate action. And not just that, but accelerating it as well, since things that are not right away implemented will be constantly postponed. I’m tired of seeing transport plans in almost all cities ending up not being implemented. We must start right away! Innovating is getting started. We can fix systems over time, but we must have the courage to start. .

across the country in less than three years. Brazil could set the example, and an example to the world, since it possesses the required technology to reach solutions for surface transportation. It is not that we do not have the money for that! We have the manufacturers, we have the world’s largest manufacturer of bus bodies, we have designers, we have the people who know how to operate….Brazil has the best know-how in BRT in the world, except it does not apply it. Today, streets and avenues in our cities are used almost exclusively by cars. . A very small percentage of these routes are designed for public transport. Almost 80% of our streets and highwats are used by cars.

“Bureaucracy, investments prioritizing cars, huge commitment for rail technology, that does not solve the problem ... What we have is the misuse of surface operation. “

World Cup Legacy The World Cup legacy was ridiculous. Our expectations have not been fulfilled, frustrating the population. Mobility was restricted to one or half subway line …… I would say not even 10% of the needs have been met. The Brazilian Government may pledge investing R$ 50 billion, as it has stated, or may pledge R$ 500. I do not believe and nobody believes that urban mobility may be improved, since bureaucracy, lack of decision and bureaucratic barriers are increasingly bigger, preventing solutions to be found. Solutions will be reached only upon the firm decision of improving, in the short term, the transportation problem in the Brazilian cities. I do not believe that mobility in the country will be improved in the way things have been made. I’m not talking about intent. Everyone knows the problem, everyone knows what can be done, but lack of decision and red tape have been big problems, preventing actions to be taken. Joint Work The Federal, State and local government should take jointly action, quickly and without bureaucracy. This can be done. Mobility can be improved


Example to be followed There are currently 180 cities around the world operating with the BRT system, setting an example! Here in Brazil we have Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro (which is beginning this process) and Belo Horizonte. There are some signs in Sao Paulo and in other cities, but it is still too little. Many other solutions are available in the world, and a lot more advanced. They not only have had complete networks for many years, but they have also introduced the BRT system very quickly. Following Curitiba, we have Bogotá (Colombia), Seul (South Korea), Istanbul (Turkey), Mexico City (Mexico) and many cities in China, Europe and the United States. A Piece of Advice If I could give a piece of advice to the Federal Government, I would say: forget about cars and start investing in fast public transport solutions, forgetting about rails, since rails are a long-term solution that will take 20, 30, 40 years to be implemented. Rails require high investments, 50 times higher than the BRT system.


Technological innovations mark FetransRio The 10th edition of FetransRio brought together 73 exhibitors and 12 thousand visitors, who had the opportunity both to exhibit and check the innovations in the sector The 10th edition of FetransRio, held on November 5-7 at RioCentro in Rio de Janeiro, showed the main technological innovations in the sector of Brazilian buses and in the development of urban mobility, such as the expansion and evolution of BRT systems in several Brazilian cities. The event was attended by approximately 12 thousand visitors from all over Brazil and from abroad, who had the opportunity to learn about the novelties related to the transport production chain, bringing together 73 exhibitors. Participants watched 50 panels with speakers from Brazil, Canada, United States, France, China, Chile, Mexico and England, among others, who addressed important topics that have been chosen during a survey conducted among entrepreneurs from across the country. Another major event was the 8th UIPT (International Association of Public Transport) Inter-

national Conference on this that is the main public transport mode (bus), responsible for carrying 80% of all passengers. BRT system, the future in urban mobility The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) was again the highlight and the center of attention. The event showed the expansion and evolution that the country has achieved in recent years, mostly because of investments in infrastructure for the Soccer World Cup. Other cities have implemented the BRT system, resulting in important gains in urban transport. At the panels presented, Mexico City set an example of success in applying the system. The city, which began implementing the BRT system with 54 buses, has now 427 vehicles running, managing to reduce emissions through the use of new technologies. Photos: Marcopolo 


Special MarcoPolo highlights innovation and technology Marcopolo, a 65-year old company that has become one of the world leaders in solutions for transportation and mobility, has highlighted innovation and technology by displaying, at the Trade Show, several bus models designed to meet the Brazilian and international demands for city and road bus models. In its booth of more than 1000 square meters, located at a prime location at the entrance of Rio Centro Pavilion, Marcopolo displayed different models of its road and city buses, thus showing the extensive range of products and the Company’s ability to meet the most different needs of customers in terms of mobility. Standing out were the Viale BRS Low Entry and the Novo Torino, which have been developed for modern public transport systems, in addition to the Paradiso 1800 Double Decker 8 x 2, the most sophisticated Marcopolo road bus model, already being produced in Brazil. Viale BRS Low Entry The city bus Viale BRS Low Entry and the Viale BRT (articulated and bi-articulated) have been recently supplied to meet the demands of modern public transport systems in cities like Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Belo Horizonte, Campinas and Florianópolis, among others, representing solutions for urban mobility in large centers. According to Walter Cruz, Strategy and Marketing Manager of Marcopolo, (the largest manufac-

To celebrate its 65th year of existence and the mark of 1 million “likes” on Facebook, Marcopolo has customized a Paradiso 1800 with images of fans. Those who passed through FetransRio and found their image on the vehicle won a special gift, a Paradiso model. 8

turer of buses in Latin America), the Company is committed to making a difference by producing solutions to their customers, which may contribute to the growth of mobility in Brazilian cities. “We have massively invested in innovation and in the continuous development of new bus models, including buses running on renewable fuels, always with our eyes on the needs and demands of the Brazilian and international markets “, states the Executive. Production of 1,000 units of the Novo Torino The most successful city model of Marcopolo, the Novo Torino - recently remodeled - was another novelty at the Trade Show. First designed 30 years ago, more than 100 thousand units have already been produced, of which 20 thousand have been exported. The production of the 1000th unit of the Novo Torino was marked at the FetransRio. The vehicle was produced in Marcopolo Rio – an exclusive plant of bus body production. According to Paulo Corso, Marcopolo`s Commercial Operations Director, the production of more than 1,000 units of the new model shows the great success achieved by the Torino over 30 years. “The Torino is the most successful urban model in the entire history of the Brazilian bus industry. Its characteristics of comfort, safety and robustness have always been the mark of its success. These are certainly the features responsible for this tremendous success with the industry entrepreneurs and for this expressive mark “, says

Fotos divulgação Marcopolo

the Executive. The Novo Torino has been designed to offer comfort and safety for passengers, lower operating and maintenance costs for the operator, and improved ergonomics and convenience for drivers and conductors. With contemporary design and technology favoring convenience, the model counts on a redesigned Multiplex system, dashboard with 3.5” color LCD display, air conditioning system offered as an option, new light front and rear sets including day light, adding more security in urban transit. Paradiso 1800 Double Decker Marcopolo has also displayed its most sophisticated road bus, the Paradiso 1800 Double Decker 8 x 2. The model has been developed to offer the highest standard of quality available in the national and international market. With comfort and amenities comparable to those offered on the first class of international flights - in order to provide an even more pleasant and enjoyable journey - the vehicle can carry 44 passengers on the upper floor, in sem -bed seats, and 12 passengers on the lower level. The leather-coated seats are made of special foam (viscoelastic) in the head and neck area, in addition to wider and softer armrests. The model features a cabin for the assistant driver, bar with fridge and coffee-maker, audio and video systems with five monitors, air-conditioning and toilet. The passengers` compartment uses a LED lighting system with indirect lights that create a

comfortable and sophisticated environment. LEDs can also be found in the touch-activated reading lamps, in addition to individual audito amplifiers. 65 years of Existence As a way to celebrate its 65th Anniversary, recognizing and valuing the path followed by the Company and by the people who have been and are part of the history of the Company, Marcopolo displayed, in its booth, the Marcopolo 65 Years Exhibition, aimed at highliting important facts in the history of this Company based in Caxias do Sul in a unique and different way. With the motto “On the comings and goings of life, always count on our energy” the exhibition includes panels with records of some of the key moments and historical facts of the Company. The aim was to make them known to the younger audience who did not participate in this company`s journey over the past 65 years. Another action performed to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the Company in public transport and also the mark of 1 million “likes” on its Facebook fan page (reached in early November), was the customization of a Paradiso 1800 with images of fans. Those who passed by the FetransRio and found their images on the vehicle won a special gift, a bus model. The goal of this campaign and exhibition was to enhance all people who daily have helpe and help build this history focused on improving public transport.


Management and Leadership Julio Soares/Objetiva

80 years focused onTransport Simefre has been operating for eight decades with the mission of promoting the development of the domestic sectors related to the roadway, railway and two-wheel transport. Simefre (Interstate Association of Highway and Rail Material and Equipment), a non-profit trade association, has recently completed 80 years of activity, promoting the development of the national sectors engaged in the manufacturing of road, rail and two-wheel material and equipment. Founded on September 17, 1934, the Association congregates companies of all sizes from almost every State of the country, collaborating with the State, as a technical and advisory body, in the study and solution of the problems related to their economic areas. Over the last 10 years, Simefre’s actions have


made it possible, for companies representing the road, rail and two-wheel sectors, to gain a prominent position in the national and global economic scenario. This increasing representativeness is linked to the important role that the entity has played in all spheres of the Federal, State and Municipal Governments, trade associations and civil society representatives, among others. Achievements One of executives responsible for this projection and for various achievements of the Association is the current President José Antônio Fernandes Martins. Serving the Association since 1998, he highlights the latest achievements and also those which have consolidated the position of the Association in the Brazilian business scenario. “Simefre has played a very important role in the development of the Brazilian industry. It wasn´t easy in the beginning, since the various

sectors represented by the Association viewed one another as competitors, making it difficult to achieve harmony and balance. Today, we managed to act in their interests and promote the development of all of them, boosting the progress of the country in general, “he says. According to the President, the good relationship that has been achieved in all national spheres has allowed to consolidate the Association and bring benefits and advantages to the various sectors. “Among the more recent achievements, we highlight, in the railway sector, the inclusion of train in Finame PSI 4, companies` payroll exemption, metro-rail expansion and the program for the construction or rehabilitation of more than 11 thousand kilometers of railways”, emphasizes. Benefiting from Simefre`s actions are also companies engaged in the manufacturing of buses and road equipment, bringing gains for both segments. “The bus industry was one of the first sectors to be included in the measures taken by the Federal Government: payroll exemption, Reintegra Program (a tax-credit program) and PAC (Growth Acceleration Program), among other achievements. Urban Mobility According to Martins, both, buses and trains (including subway and the CPTM (São Paulo Metropolitan Train Company) have a key role in government projects for the development of Brazilian mobility. “Industries can grow a lot in the next few years. R$ 92 billion will be directly invested in infrastructure and road projects aimed to transform Brazil. It is up to the companies to be prepared to meet this future demand in the short term, “says Martins. Prospects for 2015 “2014 was a very difficult year for all sectors of the Brazilian economy, partly because of the inappropriate measures taken by the Government, by promoting consumption rather than investments at the beginning of the year, But this has been fixed and privatizations and concessions of highways and railways began, even though they will not impact GDP until 2016”. To Martins, 2015 will still be a tough year, even though recovery is on the scene. The year will begin at a standstill and uncertainity environment, as it happened in late 2014. But from the second quarter on, the result of investments will begin to show and that will be precisely the moment when companies will need to be prepared to meet the demand to be created. “Whoever is prepared,

will achieve high growth, as a strong demand will come for sure.” Concerning buses, with the new rules from bidding to authorizations in the interstate and international lines (as soon as ANTT regulates and publishes the new rules), the market will begin renewing a fleet of about 10 thousand buses, representing investments of about R$ 6 billion in four years. “Not to mention the impact that investment projects in road infrastructure in the cities will have in the production of city buses, since the fleets will require modernization to better meet the population`s needs and to raise the standard of quality of services”, he observes. Large-Scale Operations Another important achievement of the Associaton refers to Traffic Regulation..”We have managed to change the law, which will bring gains to the sector, since the maximum permitted load is now 18,000 Kg- 7,000 kg on the front axle and 11,000 on the rear axle, as compared with the previous limit of 16,000 kg. We have strived for years to change the law and thus stimulate growth in the Brazilian cargo transport,” comments. It is a mistake to think that the Association does not care for the interests of the two-wheel sector as well. “One of our contributions was to support bikes as a means of transportation and recreation. Just look at the projects throughout Brazil aimed at the creation of bycicle lanes in cities areas. Sao Paulo has become one of the best examples in this concern, with the creation of 400 km of bike lanes “, stresses the Executive. According to Martins, the Association has grown a lot over the last years, thus consolidating its role, that of stimulating the Brazilian industry. “Our mission never ends. Even considering all we have achieved so far, we will continue acting in the interests of the sectors we represent”.

“2015 will begin at a standstill and uncertainity environment, but from the second quarter on the result of investments will begin to show and that will be precisely the moment when companies will need to be prepared to meet the demand to be created.” 11


Far beyond Environmental Preservation Being financially healthy, caring for people inserted in the process and protecting natural resources are the three pillars that define a sustainable company The term Sustainability automatically relates to the care for nature, but, despite having originated in this area, the concept of sustainability goes far beyond that. “It’s the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, according to the Independent World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987,� explains the Engineer and Environmental Coordinator of Marcopolo, Eliana Paula Zanol de Oliveira. In the corporate area, this definition is based on three fundamental pillars: economic growth, community/equity and environmental protection, that is, for a company to be considered sustainable, in addition to the actions of preservation of natural resources, it needs to have social focus, taking care of the people inserted in the process, and being financially healthy. Marcopolo develops a number of actions aimed at improving and controlling the production system to reach sustainable growth. On an annual basis, Marcopolo has published, since 2012, its Sustainability Report concerning its operations in Brazil and following the methodology of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), as a way to increase its accountability to stakeholders.The reporting process is conducted by the Sustainability Committee, created in 2008 and formed by representatives of the financial, social and environmental areas. Among the programs implemented by the Company is the Marcopolo Solidarity Production System which consists of an industrial competition strategy for growth, market leadership, productivity, quality, improvement of the working environment and profitability of products and services. Marcopolo is also certified to ISO 14001 (Environment), ISO 9001 (Quality), OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety) and SA 8000 (Social Responsibility).

The Company created in 2008 the Sustainability Committee, which develops a number of programs and tools aimed at improving and controlling the production system to reach sustainable growth. 12

Some Actions Waste Processing Unit: it is a Marcoplo unit, licensed by the Environmental Body, to promote the sorting, processing, compaction, recycling for sale, or disposal in landfill cells of Class II industrial solid waste; . Wastewater Treatment: treatment of industrial and biological effluents. The treatment process ensures that the legal disposition standards are fully met. Reverse Logistics of Chemical Product Packaging: One of the requirements of the Company, when contracting suppliers of chemical products, is that they take responsibility for the disposal or reuse of packaging. Replacement of Oil Boiler for Natural Gas Boiler and maximizing their use in greenhouses: the burning of natural gas generates less environmental impact as compared to fuel oil. External Lighting with Led Lamps: pilot project to replace fluorescent lights for LED lighting in order to save electric power and minimize the generation of hazardous wastes when disposing fluorescent lights. Everyone at School Project: distribution of 27 thousand notebook -kits to all children of employees regularly enrolled in Elementary and High Schools. Schools Project: developed in partnership with municipal schools, it aims to contribute to the development of the educational environment, helping prepare citizens for the labor market so that they may have worthy opportunities in the community. Volunteers of Joy: about 150 volunteers develop socio-educational activities, recreation, culture and professionalization, benefiting 5.2 thousand people. A Happy Day: event held by Company’s volunteers in celebration of the Children’s Day, at the headquarters of Marcopolo Foundation, benefiting 1.7 thousand children and teenagers from different charities. Children and Youth Choir and Flutes Orchestra: gives employees`children and the community, of 7 to 18 years of age, the opportunity to participate in artistic activities. Recreate Making Art and Education Project : developed in partnership with Comdica (Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescent), Fundação de Asistência Social, and Instituto Leonardo Murialdo, through the Law for the Incentive of Culture (LIC) – providing access to knowledge and the practice of artistic and cultural expressions for children and adolescents in situation of social and personal risk. Where Am I: Educational and cultural action promoting interface among the school, the museum and the city, this way engaging in dialogue children and young people with cultural heritage, via LIC (Law for the Incentive of Culture). Marcopolo Foundadion Youth Orchestra: formed by employees` children and by the community through LIC. Divulgação Marcopolo



Cutcsa: ‘We will always go with you’

Divulgação Cutcsa

Responsible for 65% of the transport in Montevideo, the Companhia Uruguaia de Transporte Coletivo (Uruguayan Collective Transport Company - Cutcsa) was created more than seven decades ago from the awareness of establishing partnerships among the few bus drivers of the city. Originally operating as a cooperative business, the vehicle owners gathered together in 1937 to form a private company. Today, it operates both in the capital’s urban transport and in intermunicipal transport, covering 52 kilometers. Among the challenges Cutcsa faces is the strengthening of the company in its current area of expertise without neglecting to invest in growth, highlights the Chairman, Juan Antonio Salgado Vila. As the head of the Company since 1996, Salgado joined Cutcsa in 1977, at 17, as an office boy. He later began doing administrative work and then he began working as a bus driver, driving his own bus, given to him by his father. In 1992, at 42, he was first elected a member of the Board of Directors and, in 1996, he was appointed Chairman, a position he holds to this day. VJ: How did Cutcsa start? Juan Salgado: The Company was established in 1937 by the Spaniard José Añon. He was responsible for gathering together the few bus owners that, back then, worked individually to cater for a growing city. This union proved to be very beneficial: buses maintenance costs went down, buses purchase value improved, and routes and schedules were organized, providing better service to users. Operations began to develop as a coopera-


tive business, formed by almost all individual owners of buses of Montevideo at that time. In 1937, new rules laid down by the Government forced the Company to make a decision: it either would operate as a cooperative or as a private company. It was then that Companhia Uruguaia de Transporte Coletivo S.A. (Cutcsa) was established. VJ: Over these more than 70 years, what would you highlight about the Company?

Salgado: One of the highlights took place when the company expanded its service to the metropolitan area, in 1970 (until then, the Company provided services exclusively in Montevideo). This expansion in area was instrumental in the strengthening and growth of the Company. Another important milestone, and far more recent, took place when we decided to expand our business segment and invest in the construction of a shopping mall, i.e., we began operating in a rather different and new activity). The Shopping Mall opened a year ago in downtown Montevideo, being one of the most important shopping malls of the city. VJ: Why did you decide to diversify the Company`s business segment? Salgado: We came to the understanding that the future of transport all over the world cannot depend exclusively on fares. The resources of a company must come also from other investments, other sources. This is important also to relieve users from high fare costs. A year after the opening of the Mall, we can say that our expectations have been surpassed. VJ: What values and competitive edges differentiate Cutcsa on the market today? Salgado: What sets apart our company from others is having the newest and most modern fleet. We also work to adopt new technologies in the fleet, such as GPS and electronic ticketing. Another highlight is our customer service and the excellent relationship we have with our customers. . VJ: What is the current structure of Cutcsa? Salgado: Our fleet includes 1.1 thousand buses, of which 1.05 thousand are Marcopolo`s. Our goal is to have 100% Marcopolo buses. Cutcsa has been working to unify the brand of its buses. Ten years ago, our buses were from different brands. This unification is very important to reduce maintenance costs and costs related to the replacement of the units. In terms of people, Cutcsa involves 5 thousand people: 3 thousand are employees and 2 thousand are bus owners, being the responsibility of Cutcsa to provide the required logistics. VJ: Why does Cutcsa choose Marcopolo models? Salgado: We have had a long and excellent re-

lationship with Marcopolo - in fact since the export of the first unit. The presence of a Marcopolo representative here in Uruguay also gives us the support we need in terms of customer service, which is crucial for a company engaged in transportation. I often say that the purchase itself is less important than the After-Sales service. VJ: Cutcsa has recently purchased 207 Marcopolo buses. Where will they be used? Salgado: We have a Board responsible for purchasing buses and making decisions, always based on service expansion needs. These new units will be used in urban and intercity transport, where all buses are already of Marcopolo brand. VJ: What is the mission and commitment of Cutcsa in your market? Salgado: We are committed to providing our clients with a quality service, since our company provides 65% of Montevideo`s transportation needs. 1.5 thousand units run in Montevideo, of which 1.1 million are Cutcsa`s buses. We are committed to offering high standard service and providing economical fares, in addition to taking social actions to the community, which is part of our actions. VJ: What attributes does your Company have which are responsible for existing this long? Salgado: The main one is how the company has been established. There are many bus owners working for us. They are not employees only. They own their buses and take care of them, directly working so that the system may operate efficiently. That makes all the difference. Just to have an idea, we bought in early 2000 about 300 Marcopolo G5 buses. Fourteen years later, some of them are like new units. That is, in addition to the product itself, which is very good, this shows the care given to our fleet. VJ: What are the challenges that Cutcsa faces today and what are the prospects for the coming years? Salgado: One of the main challenges is strengthening our Company in Montevideo and then considering the possibility to grow in other regions of the country. We are ready to identify new opportunities and take advantage of them in the coming years.



MarcoPolo 65 years: present in millions of stories Have you ever wondered how many people pass through a bus throughout its useful life? We are talking about millions of stories, dreams, everyday facts that end up having the bus as a direct character or, at least, as a stage or a setting. The transport sector is essentially made up of people for people. This is why it is possible to reveal a little the history of a city, State or country through what happens in a bus, for example. Transportation is influenced by economic, political and social facts that reflect each particular time. In addition to helping understand a little the present time through a look at the rearview mirror, buses keep, in themselves, their main element: they are a vehicle designed for public transportation and they carry so many memories of relationships, friendships, family. In other words, they carry the aspects that characterize us as human beings. Marcopolo is completing 65 years of activity. In addition to its own history as an example of development, economic growth and search for a better life in the city – making it possible for people to go and come – the Company ends up by being part of the history of each Brazilian citizen, even though many of them do not know exactly the buses brand names and models. With this reporter, passionate about the transport sector, was no different. A Marcopolo bus model was instrumental in this passion becoming a profession. I am talking about the Marcopolo San Remo II, operated by Viação Padroeira do Brasil, in Santo André, on the ABC Paulista. The model, produced in early 1980s, was one of the highlights of the urban transport in Brazil. Straight lines, large windows to the standards of the time and harmonious design!

But to me, back then, a boy from Santo André, these were just a few details. I did not know even the model name. What impressed me the most was the bus size and its appearance – a beautiful bus – and, above all, for being the setting of facts that have marked my childhood. Today, I am a journalist of the transport segment working for both, CBN radio and Ponto de Ônibus (Bus Station) blog, and this makes me look at the “bus world” with a critical and impartial eye, and sometimes from the technical point-of-view. But that doesn’t invalidate my passion. Before I knew it, I realized that the San Remo, and many other bus models of various brands, were much more than simple vehicles. They brought me memories of my history, rides with my parents, my first day at school, and my first girlfriend. To me, buses are a sign of freedom, despite all mobility problems nowdays. I still have that same feeling, riding in the San Remo, when today I take the time to watch what happens inside a bus: people talking, enjoying the scenery and all the movements and changes in the city. That is why a bus manufacturer or a company, in the market for this long, as in the case of Marcopolo, must be appreciated. After all, their products helped so many people not only arrive to their destinations, such as health centers, schools and leisure facilities, but, above all, become citizens and – why not saying – become better human beings from the fact that they have to live in a society?

Private Collection

Buses are much more than simple vehicles. They carry lives and are part of people`s everyday lives and the stage of transforming collective relationships.


Adamo Bazani

A CBN Radio Journalist specialized in Transports

Representative Divulgação Mercobus

Achieving Results In Peru for four years, Mercobus holds a market share of 78% for doubledecker road buses In Peru for four years, Mercobus began 2014 operating in new headquarters. Aiming to qualify even more their customer service, Mercobus has more than doubled its area, going from 1.2 thousand square meters to an area of 3 thousand square meters. Cleiton Basso, responsible for this operation, remarks that Marcopolo has been operating in the country since the mid-1980s, when customer service was provided directly by the plant in Brazil and highlights Peru as one of the main parkets. In the segment of double-decker buses, our market share reaches 78%”. This percentage results directly from the movement of formalization of mining companies that the country has been experiencing since 2012, not to mention economic growth. “The main source of Peru`s income comes from mining and to meet this new legislation, mining companies need safe units”

says Basso. Mercobus has invested in this new niche extensively. As a result, the company has sold in this year more than 70 units only for the transportation of miners. In October, the company began delivering 58 new road buses to the major carriers in the country. The models will be used in tourism and charter trips. Partnership with mining companies has marked Mercobus` activities over these last four years. “They are bringing excellent results and positive prospects of growth for the future. “. In addition, 100% of the formal mining operations count on Marcopolo products. Quality, safety and the possibility of customization – to suit individual needs – are factors that determine our preference for Marcopolo buses. The company`s main expectation for the coming years is renewing the urban bus fleet in Lima and in the major cities of the country. Still informal, bus transport is performed by small-capacity buses, with an average age of 20 years. “Mercobus sees as a significant challenge solidifying its position in this segment, even though firm guarantees are still lacking from the local government. However, prospects for 2015 indicate advances and Mercobus is prepared to provide buses coming directly from Marcopolo of Brazil. “


Gallery Photos: Marina Bueno

Consul General of Italy in Rio Grande do Sul, Dr. Nicola Occhipinti

Southern Brazil

Aragua Futbol Club (Venezuela)

Copetran (Colombia)


Viação Cometa

Cutcsa (Uruguay)

Commission of Journalists from Chile and Tur-bus customer

Nacional Expresso - 40 years

Fotos Marina Bueno

Volvo Commission (Sweden)

Macon (Angola)

Auto Viação Dragão do Mar (Ceará)

Doce Rio (RJ)

Irmãos Mingoti

Cruz Del Sur and Volvo Chile

Singer Gabriel Valim

Ifeanyichukwu (Nigeria)


Awards Ruy Hizatugu

The Largest and the Best Companies For the seventh consecutive year, Marcopolo has led the ranking of the Bus Body Assemblers and received The Largest & the Best in Transport Award, organized by the Magazine Transporte Moderno. The survey results from the analysis of the Annual Balance Sheets of companies, made by the Magazine team, and has shown not only that Marcopolo has achieved the highest score but also that six of the data have received the maximum marks. The award ceremony brought together 500 guests, in São Paulo, to honor the winners. The President of Fetcesp, Flávio Benatti, handed the trophy over to Mauro Bellini, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Marcopolo.

SAE Brazil Award The Chariman Emeritus of Marcopolo, Paulo Bellini, received the 2014 SAE Brazil Award in the category Highlight for Entrepreneuship, for the piorenism, actions and contributions to the Brazilian automotive engineering as Head of Marcopolo. The award was handed out in October. Established in the 1990s, the award recognizes the contribution that engineers and professionals have given to the development and growth of the automotive, aerospace and rail sectors. The annual edition takes place during the SAE Congress Brazil, in São Paulo. The theme this year was: “Building Intelligent Mobility – Vehicles of the Future. SAE Brazil was founded in 1991 by executives of the automotive and aerospace segments, aware of the need to open up the frontiers of knowledge for professionals in mobility, in the face of the country’s integration into the process of economic globalization, which was in its very beginnings. It gathers more than 5 thousand members in the country.


Divulgação Transporte Moderno

Transparency Trophy Marcopolo has won, for the second time, the Anefac-Fipecafi-Serasa Experian Award - Transparency Trophy, in the category Publicly-Held Companies with revenues of up to R$ 5 billion/year. According to José Antonio Valiati, CFO and Investor Relations Officer of Marcopolo, the Transparency Trophy recognizes the company’s management and its ethical conduct. “This award, which highlights the form of relationship with the market and stakeholders, shows that transparency, quality and consistency are crucial in the information contained in the Statements of Income, Notes, and Management Results disclosed by the company”.

Eduardo Lins


Victoria, born for tourism Yuri Barichivich

With paradisiacal landscapes, clear-water beaches, a history of more than four centuries and rich in culture, the capital of Espírito Santo State is among the fastest growing cities in Brazil, attracting tourists from around the world for business and leisure. The starting point for most tourist routes of Espírito Santo State, Vitória is recognized by the Ministry of Tourism as one of the 65 top tourist destinations in Brazil. The city, one of the three island capitals of the country (the others are Florianópolis-SC and São Luís-MA), was founded in 1551 and retains many architectural examples of the time: houses, churches, palaces and staircases that recount a history of disputes and achievements, and most of that collection is at the center of the city. The richness of its history, the beauty of its parks and beaches, and its economic position – which show Vitória as one of the fast-growing cities in the country - attract tourists from various parts of the world, interested in leisure and in business opportunities, showing the tourist potential of the city. With a population of more than 350,000 inhabitants, Vitória is a great place to live, work, and have fun. Business tourism has grown above the national average, being followed by leisure.



Camburi Beach

Fotos Yuri Barichivich

The Beaches Among the main Vitória beaches is Camburi, the best known beach and the only located on the Mainland, a great choice for a walk outdoors and for water sports. Camburi is a six-mile stretch of coast that has been urbanised and integrated into the city. The costline has some of the best hotels and restaurants of the capital serving the famous “Moqueca Capixaba” (a fish stew). Another option, the Curva da Jurema, allows you to admire the scenery from one of the many kiosks with covered areas that serve delicious appetizers of the Capixaba cuisine. The cold and calm sea is ideal to practice nautical sports and the narrow strip of sand is an invitation for races and walks. With clear and tranquil waters, the Ilha do Boi has a length of 140 meters and some peculiar characteristics: Praia Grande, a natural retreat with shadows provided by trees, with Praia Pequena nearby. Both are located a few minutes from Praia do Canto and Jardim da Penha, meeting points for the young people of the city. Located on Ilha do Frade, the Praia das Castanheiras, although small, appeals to all tastes. In

addition to the open sea, it has small natural pools amid stones. You can reach it using the stairs or walking among the rocks. Night Life Night life in Vitória starts with a happy hour and goes until dawn. Some regions are notorious for concentrating bars, restaurants and other leisure options. Rua Viva, at Triângulo das Bermudas, is one of those places. From 10 PM to 5 AM, vehicles are not allowed in Praia do Canto stretch in order to welcome the bohemians of the city. Rua da Lama, a place for young people, concentrates bars that stay open until dawn. The Hortomercado, in Enseada do Suá, offers restaurants of different styles in air-conditioned environments. On the beaches, kiosks and tables are found along the boardwalk, where culinary delights are served. The Mar da Música project is another attraction of the city during the summer months. To give opportunity to local artists and delight tourists, musical performances take place on Camburi and Ilhas da Caieiras, at the airport and at the Bus Station of Vitória, thus welcoming tourists to the summer environment of Espirito Santo.

Ilha do Boi Beach


Typical Cuisine “Capixaba” cuisine sets apart from the cuisine of other regions of Brazil, as it is the result of a mix of cultures tracing back from both, European settlers and Indians and Africans. This mixture results in quite typical dishes. The most famous are the Capixaba Pie, which is traditional in the Holy Week, and Moqueca Capixaba, which is internationally famous. Spices and the unique way dishes are prepared (using clay pots) is what distinguishes the local cuisine from others. Typical dishes can be sampled in restaurants or in street markets found in about 20 different locations in Vitória. Three of them sell only produce without pesticides.

“Capixaba” Pie Photos: Government of the Espírito Santo State

Clay pots

Capixaba Crafts Clay pots have an indigenous origin (Tupi-Guarani) and they are the items that best represent the Espírito Santo craftsmanship. The tradition has been passed down from mother to daughter for at least 400 years, being considered indispensable in the local cuisine. They pots are known for making tastier seafood-based dishes such as Moqueca and the Capixaba Pie. The Association of “Paneleiras” (women who make clay pots from their homes) is located in Bairro das Goiabeiras and sells clay pots. The making of clay pots has been considered, since 2002, a Cultural Intangible Heritage, named as Brazilian Cultural Heritage.

Yuri Barichivich

Pedra da Cebola Park

Parks and squares The climate, in Vitória, is an invitation to outdoor leisure activities and places like these are plenty. The Parque Municipal Pedra da Cebola (Stone Park), the site of a former quarry, is great for hiking and enjoying nature. It comprises a cultural space, house of meditation, oriental garden and a gazebo on a rock wall, used for climbing. The Praça dos Namorados, in Praia do Canto, houses the traditional craft fair, held on the weekends. In the neighborhood Enseada do Suá, one of the noble areas of Vitória, Praça do Papa has a terrace where you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the city: the Vitória Bay, with Convento da Penha and the city of Vila Velha in the background. It occupies approximately 67 thousand square meters and houses playgrounds, an area for holding events, two restaurants, a coffee shop, and a parking lot. A trail leads to Reserva Ecológica Ilha do Papagaio (an Ecological Reserve), an area that is adjacent to the Square and where there’s a gazebo. One of the most important historical spaces of downtown Vitória is Praça Costa Pereira (Costa Pereira Square) which still keeps its original ambience, with Portuguese white stones. Carlos Antolini

Plaza del Papa


Tourism Tamar Project Turtles in two large aquariums, giving you the opportunity to learn more about their lives, reproduction and preservation, are the attractions of the Tamar Project Visitor Center, on Ilha do Papagaio. The tanks hold young and adult species of green turtles, loggerhead and olive turtles. Visitors also receive information about Ilha da Trindade, the country`s largest reproductive site of green turtles in Brazil and the feeding area of hawksbill sea turtles. Another attraction is the beautiful scenery of the surroundings: a panoramic view of Baía da Vitória and Vila Velha town. A Tamar Project Publication Yuri Barichivich

Historical and cultural attractions

Carlos Gomes theatre

Built in the 20th Century, the Metropolitan Cathedral: in Gothic style, is famous for its stained glass. Santuário de Santo Antônio (Shrine of Santo Antonio): built in the 1960s in the Baroque style. Its architecture is based on a 16th-century Italian temple consecrated to Mary. Anchieta Palace: A 16th-century Jesuit building, it has housed the seat of the State Govermnent since the 18th century, in addition to the tomb of Father José de Anchieta, being one of the oldest government centers of Brazil. Carlos Gomes Theatre: built in 1927 and designed by the Italian architect André Carloni, which took inspiration in the Scala Theatre of Milan, it is an eclectic architectural landmark of the city.

Carlos Antolini

Antigo Teatro Glória: the first five-story building in the city, initiated in 1926, the building stands in the heart of Vitória. It was built from reinforced concrete.

Solar Monjardim Museum

Casa Porto das Artes Plásticas: installed in a 1903 historic building, it houses exhibitions of local and national artists. Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo (Arts Museum): installed in a building listed by the State as a Cultural Heritage, it houses a large collection donated by the State Government. Museu Histórico das Ilhas das Caieiras (Historical Museum): it is popularly known as the Fisherman’s Museum and is geared mainly for the residents ‘ relationship with the sea and the mangroves. Solar Monjardim Museum: a house-museum located in a mansion built in the 1780s, it has been listed as a National Heritage in 1940. Vila Rubim Market: opened in 1969, it was rebuilt on an area of 4 thousand square meters following a big fire in 1994. It houses 425 shops. Capixaba Market: designed by the architect Joseph Pitilick, it was built to replace the old municipal market. For more information, visit: (27) 3235.2910


Divulgação Prefeitura de Vitória

Anchieta Palace


Julio Soares/Objetiva

Indian-Based Cuisine Moqueca is a fish stew with shrimp, lobster, hearts of palm, seafood and different seasonings. A traditional dish in the Capixaba cuisine – and in the cuisine of Bahia State as well – it is originally a variation of typically indigenous dishes. What differs one from another (the Capixaba moqueca from the Moqueca in Bahia) is the choice of seasonings. The Capixaba moqueca does not take “dendê oil” (palm oil), coconut milk and bell pepper (a clear African influence

in Bahian cuisine). The color is given by papikra. The oil is sweet (olive), tomatoes must be ripe, the white onion, garlic and cilandro must be chopped and in generous amounts. The perfect frame is the clay pot made by the Paneleiras de Goiabeiras, taken from the mangrove forest. This provides the dish a unique taste. Recipe by chef Antonieli Souza Lopes - Antonielle Restaurant, in Farroupilha.

Capixaba Moqueca Ingredients


1 kg of fish (whiting, dentex, sea bass, padhi, goldfish, sandperch). 1 pack of cilantro 1 pack of scallion 1 medium onion 3 garlic cloves 4 tomatoes 1 chilli pepper Olive oil to taste Paprika Lemon, black pepper and salt to taste

Season the fish with lemon to make it more firm. Add black pepper and salt. Avoid adding too much not to make it too salty or spicy. Add the chopped scallion and garlic, letting it to rest for about 15 minutes. Over low heat, pour olive oil into a saucepan and add a little paprika and the onion. On the top of this, spread the previouslyseasoned fish and add the chopped tomatoes (without the flesh) and preferably without skin, in addition to the chili peppers. Alternate layers of onions and fish. Finally, add water to cover it and then add the chopped cilantro. Cook for about 25 minutes. Be careful not to let it dry. If necessary, add more water and salt. Serves 4 people. Tip: with the stew broth, make a mush with manioc flour to accompany. The dish also goes well with white rice.


Marcopolo World


ção Ma con

Angola receives first DD Marcopolo Marcopolo went down in the history of Angola, on the west coast of Africa. The Company has exported its first batch of double-deck vehicles to the country. The company responsible for this is Macon, the largest transport operator in Angola, which has renewed its fleet with three new Double-Decker Paradiso 1800. The buses, which will be used in intercity road lines, were delivered during the 2014 International Trade Fair for the Transporrt and Logistic Sectors (Expotrans), which took place in Luanda, on November 20-23, and were exhibited at the booth of the company.

The country is a traditional buyer of Brazilian buses. This new business operation opens the possibility for them to receive the safety, comfort and reliability of the DD Marcopolo road vehicles. The model carries 46 passengers on the upper floor, in semi-bed seats, and 12 seats in the lower floor, in bed-type seats. Established in 2001, Macon began its business operating urban lines in the city of Luanda. Today, the company has 1.8 thousand employees and carries out the transport of passengers across the country, using a fleet of little-time-used buses. Divulgação Volgren


The DD Paradiso 1800 has been chosen by South Africa The Double-Decker Paradiso 1800 was the model chosen by two of the main passenger transport companies in South Africa when renewing their fleets. The companies Intercape and Greyhound have purchased 10 units of Marcopolo double-decker buses, which will be used in tourist transport, charter and in intercity and Interstate lines in the country. Unique configurations characterize the vehicles to provide even more comfort, safety and ergonomics. The models bought by Intercape have the steering wheel on the right side, air conditioning systems, video and audio with DVD player, six monitors, radio, and 70-liter capacity refrigerator by the stairs on the upper floor, toilet with a stainless-steel sink, three monitoring cameras, being also prepared to heat liquids. The Greyhound buses, on the other hand, also have the steering wheel on the right side. They have 48 semi-bed seats on the upper floor and 12 bed-type seats on the lower floor, air-conditioning system, audio and video system with DVD player, five monitors, radio, two refrigerators, three monitoring cameras and preparation for liquid heater. In addition to the features offered to each company, the vehicles have modern finish, embedded technology and bold design, with panoramic side/front windows, ventilation system and windscreen wiper, expanding driver and passenger visibility.

Fotos divulgação Marcopolo

Coaches for Japan Volgren, Marcopolo’s subsidiary in Australia and the largest bus manufacturer in that country, has developed and supplied four new buses to the city of Niigata, in Japan, located on the West Coast, approximately 320 km away from the capital, Tokyo. The models are part of a test program for the possible supply of 16 other vehicles. The buses have been developed by the Australian Unit and are of the model Volgren Optimus, 18 meters long for 124 passengers. Aluminium body and Volgren technology, the

coaches are equipped with passenger information system, GPS, external communication system with the driver on all doors and passenger counting system. This business transaction with Volgren is very important, since Japan is a global benchmark for quality and reliability in the automotive industry. Being able to develop, produce and export vehicles to the Asian country proves the high quality standard of the Australian manufacturer on the global market of coaches.


Marcopolo World

Market is expanded in Mexico Marcopolo coaches will be under the spotlight in another region of Mexico. This time will be in Tijuana, in the area of the Pacific Ocean, where Camiones Vence opened its fifth establishement last November. One of the main representatives of Polomex and Daimler, and a joint-venture of Marcopolo with Mecedes-Benz in the country, the company chose Tijuana – the largest city in the State of Baja California - for its new branch on account of its strategic location. We expect to increase annual sales (between 350 and 380 units), of urban coaches by 60%. 50% of the units are of Marcopolo brand. We also ex-

pect to expand the market of road buses, especially the Paradiso 1200 and Viaggio models, since local manufacturers prioritize urban buses. Camiones Vence believes that working together with Marcopolo is strategic to enhancing their commercial partnership and promoting business, creating opportunities to meet the needs of the new market and delivering differentiated seervices.. With five points of sales, Camiones Vence becomes the distributor of buses with the widest coverage in the Pacific region, serving the entire States of Sinaloa and Baja California.

Divulgação Camiones Vence

80 Highway Buses for Ecuador Marcopolo will supply 80 new highway buses (DD Paradiso 1800 and Viaggio 1050) to the transport carriers in Ecuador: Cooperativa de Transportes Ecuador, Cooperativa Viajeros, and Cooperativa Loja. The vehicles feature differentiated configurations and will be used to transport passengers on an interstate and national basis. According to Ricardo Portolan, Commercial Operations Manager for Marcopolo`s foreign market, the Ecuador market of buses is rapidly developing. “We put a lot of effort to gain these customers and this reinforces Marcopolo’s strategy in providing the best solutions to different needs”, explains the Executive.


The road passenger transport is very competitive - some routes have a higher demand for vehicles and others end up virtually abandoned - and this has made product segmentation feasible. This scenario has aroused the interest of some Cooperative companies in purchasing larger and differentiated vehicles, seeking to increase their revenues without extending lines or frequency. This would allow them to carry more people with more comfort at a quite similar operating cost. The sale of the DD Paradiso coaches to Cooperativa Ecuador has been the largest fleet renewal ever made by a company in the country. The goal is to replace 100% of the current fleet.


MarcoPolo participates in the reactivation of the Museum of the History of Transportation Fotos divulgação

Marcopolo is the first bus company to participate in the reactivation of the Museum of the History of Transportation, put together in Sao Bernardo do Campo (São Paulo) to preserve the history of over 100 years of commercial transportation in Brazil. The Company’s institutional showcase portrays a BRT system terminal in operation, with bus station, vehicles, passengers, streets and avenues, in addition to showing, in chronological order, the trajectory of the company. According To Walter Cruz, Strategy and Marketing Manager of Marcopolo, the project highlights and reinforces the strong presence that the company has had for more than 40 years in implementing these systems. “Our participation and experience began with the first project in the city of Curitiba (PR), back in the 1970s, then expanding to the entire world”. About the Museum

Opened in June 2001 under the name Museu Nacional dos Transportes, (National Museum of Transportation) in the city of Patrocínio (MG), the project continued until 2004. It has recently been reactivated in São Bernardo do Campo under the name Museu História do Transporte ( Museum of the History of Transprotation). The museum displays 37 vehicles that include “Jardineira” buses (local native buses), trucks, vans and passenger cars, some 100 years old. It also houses a a Reading Room with about 10 thousand copies of magazines specialized in transportation, 400 books, 350 images and texts, and 380 framed paintings on the topic. There is also a themed bar with motifs of 1910 for events, lectures and a gastronomy space. Located in the garage of the company Breda, in Jardim Planalto, the museum is not open to the public yet, but it has already held temporal events for groups of people, companies and students under previous scheduling. For more information, call (11) 4355.1544



Novo Torino reaches one thousand units sold The Novo Torino – a version released in late 2013 of the best-selling model in the entire history of the bus industry in Brazil - reaches one thousand units sold. A cause for celebration, the bus number 1000th was manufactured in Marcopolo Rio, a center of production of buses designed for the transport of passengers in urban centers. The Torino has been so successful that the company has already manufactured more than 100 thousand units in 30 years of production. According to Paulo Corso, the Commercial Operations Director of Marcopolo, these figu-

res show how successful this model has been. “Comfort, safety and robustness have always characterized the Torino and, of course, these are the features that have made it possible to reach this significant result”, he says. The Novo Torino has been designed to offer comfort and safety for passengers, lower operating and maintenance costs for the operator, and improved ergonomics and convenience for drivers and conductors. With contemporary design and technology favoring convenience, the model counts on a redesigned Multiplex system, dashboard with 3.5” color LCD display, air conditioning system offered as an option, new light front and rear sets including day light, adding more security in urban transit. With capacity to carry 47 passengers, the Novo Torino is larger inside, which ensures more internal room, LEDs internal lighting and priority seats for seniors, pregnant women or persons with disabilities. The seats are more ergonomic, there are new headrests that give more comfort to passengers, enabling passengers to move in an easier way, and new and more modern decoration. Another innovation is the bell cord system.

Divulgação Marcopolo

New Paradiso for Viação Cometa Exclusivity is the mark of the new Marcopolo highway buses supplied to meet the fleet renewal needs of Viação Cometa. The Double-Decker Paradiso 1800 and Paradiso 1200 models were manufactured with customized configuration to suit the operating needs of that company based in the State of São Paulo, in addition to incorporating the most modern and advanced features in terms of safety, comfort, ergonomics, technology and finishing. The DD Paradiso buses will operate from Rio to São Paulo and will offer two types of


service, with semi-bed seats on the upper floor bed-type seats on the lower floor. This configuration shows the unique ability of Marcopolo to deliver to customers what they need in order to stand out in their segments, not to mention the modern design, maximum comfort and high investment in safety that the bus has received, features that are present in all models of the brand. The units are part of a batch of 139 buses acquired by Grupo JCA, one of the leading road transport operators of Brazil.

Divulgação Sest/Senat

MarcoPolo delivers Buggy for Sest/Senat of Paraná Marcopolo, which traditionally keeps close partnerships with entities and professional development-related organizations, has delivered one Buggy model to Sest/Senat, of Paraná State, the result of a partnership between the company and that institution. The initiative is aligned with the Company`s strategy of enabling future professionals of the bus segment to remain updated in relation to the company’s products, being this way able to perform their work efficiently and to meet market needs with quality. The model includes all pieces of equipment /instruments of a road bus, allowing students to learn how to service Marcopolo coaches. Training for professionals working in the transport market, and in the development of young students is crucial for Marcopolo. Marcopolo considers it so important that has maintained, for 25 years, its Escola de Formação Profissional Marcopolo (Professional Development School), which trains and prepares young people to work in the Company, where they can build their careers. And the Buggy is one of the products designed at Marcopolo`s Training Center – Reolon Unit – that helps students acquire hands-on knowledge.In addition, it shows

the quality work they can develop. The Automotive Vehicle Assembler course, conducted in partnership with Senai and the Municipality of Caxias do Sul, lasts two years and includes disciplines related to all manufacturing processes of Marcopolo buses. Divulgação Marcopolo


News Divulgação Sogil

Sogil celebrates 60 years in public transportation Sharing emotional moments, Sogil has celebrated 60 decades of activity in the public transportation of passengers. The celebration, which has brought together more than 450 guests, was also attended by authorities and entrepreneurs of the passenger transport segment – when a successful history was told with focus on the future. The testimonies of the Directors Sergio Tadeu Pereira and José de Jesus Teiga Junior, followed by those of the Directors Ana Cristina Pastro Pereira and Fabiano Rocha Izabel, were very emotional, to the point of making guests feel emotional too, as they recalled their 60-year history, which began back on May 25, 1954. 16 entrepreneurs decided to venture into the task of providing effective service in the public transport of passengers from Gravataí to Porto Alegre.

Entrepreneurs owned one or two buses, later added of the buses belonging to the company that previously provided the service. These few buses have become the seed of the more than 330 buses currently owned by the Company. Those were difficult times: the region was little developed at that time and Gravataí was considered to be a dormitory town. The company`s founders, in addition to managing their assets, worked also as drivers, conductors and even mechanics. Within a short time (in early 1960s) the company was able to grow. Later, the merging of partners` assets caused the bus company to be registered under the name of Sogil (Sociedade de Ônibus Gigante Ltda). Today, the company has four fully-equipped garages that are prepared for major operations in the public transportation of passengers.

Gratitude and tributes at the 50th Anniversary of Eucatur To mark its 50th Anniversary, Eucatur has gathered together friends, employees, service providers and authorities at the Company’s administrative headquarters in Ji-Paraná (RO), to celebrate a journey filled with hard work and achievements. Founded by the couple Assis Gurgacz and Nair Ventorim, in 1964, in Cascavel (State of Paraná), the road transport company expanded, creating a legacy that mingles with the history of Rondônia. In 1972, the first trip was taken to the then-called Federal Territory – and União Cascavel was the only company regularly operating this line of road passenger trans-


port, linking the South to the North of the country. An ecumenical service was held and many tributes were paid, such that paid to Marcopolo, there represented by Jocemario Dartora (Regional Manager), Gilberto Daniel (Marcopolo’s representative in the Northern Region), and André Oliveira (Marketing Director). Gurgacz`s words were filled with emotion: “if I were to start all over again, I’d do it. In addition to bringing people to Rondonia, we helped families to settle and all the lines we began to operate have become towns. There are today 52 municipalities, and the first bus to run through each one of them was an Eucatur bus”.

Leonardo Kerkhoven

Fatima completes five decades of history More than 400 people attended the event that has celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the company Fátima Transportes e Turismo Ltda., in the city of Taquari (RS), in November. Authorities, suppliers, employees, trade associations and community members gathered to greet Jaime José da Silva, the Company`s President, who, along with the company Turis Silva, of Porto Alegre, have been the owners of the company since 2011. Founded by Laurentino, Lauro and Bolívar Mayer da Silva in 1964, we can say that the company gave its firs steps long before that - lacking less than a decade for public transportation to begin in the Vale do Taquari Region, in 1937. In December of that year, Laurentino and Lourenço had founded, in Lajeado, the company Irmãos Mayer da Silva, which, over time, has added new partners. In the 1960s, the then-named company Irmãos

Mayer da Silva e Cia. Ltda., becomes, with the remaining partners, a partner of Expresso Azul Ltda. On December 10, 1964, Laurentino then establishes, along with his nephews, in Taquari, the company Nossa Senhora de Fátima. Currently, the company has 105 employees and 50 vehicles, and serves the city lines of Taquari and Triunfo, as well as the intercity lines operating in the regions of Taquari, Tabaí, Paverama, Teutônia, Fazenda Vilanova, Mariante, Bom Retiro do Sul, Estrela, Lajeado, Triunfo, Montenegro, Portão, São Leopoldo, Canoas and Porto Alegre. Overall, the company carries more than 110 thousand passengers/month. Since they have taken over the company, the new partners have invested over R$ 3 million in renewing their fleet, and they intend to continue to invest to qualify even more service to the population. Divulgação Eucatur


Social Network

Historical Mark One million fans. This is the mark of fans on Marcopolo`s fan page, a number that is far beyond our expectations if we consider that it has been reached over such a short time. The company joined Facebook in late 2011 and three years later it is reaping the results of its efforts in bringuing its stakeholders closer. A cause for celebration, the speed in reaching so many fans does not surprise: seven months after debuting on the social network, Marcopolo had already 100 thousand fans, a sign of what was ahead. Events, promotions, literary contests, product launches and many other actions undertaken by the Company have been responsible for this achievement. Just to have an idea, the video launching the Novo Torino has received more than 9 thousand “likes�. According to Marcopolo, this serves as an additional motivation for us to continue fulfilling a little part of our mission, that of seeking solutions for public transportation in Brazil and in the world.

1.000.000 fans 700.000 fans

500.000 fans 360.000 fans

100.000 fans

171 fans 26/10/11




3 years


Over these 65 years of existence, in which Marcopolo has looked for creative, modern and effective transportation solutions in Brazilian cities and in other countries as well, seals have become one of the main marks of this history. Created as of its 25th Anniversary, they reflect the mission of the company in its business segment, but also in the communities where the company operates, always playing a key role in terms of economic and social development in each one of these places.





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