Magazine Viajante - Issue n° 21 edition - august 2017

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Viajante Magazine Issue 21 August 2017

“The journey is never over. Only travelers get to the end. But even then they can prolong their voyage in memories, recollections, in stories... the end of one journey is just the beginning of another. You have to start the journey anew. Always�

The phrase by JosĂŠ Saramago, Portuguese poet and novelist, reflects nicely the 90year story told in this special edition of the Viajante magazine dedicated to Paulo Bellini.


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Photos: Marcopolo Collection


The journey never ends ... “While Rereading the contents of the book “Marcopolo, sua viagem começa aqui”, I spent some time thinking: what was the most important and decisive moment that cemented the culture of Marcopolo? I have no doubt that the culmination of this history occurred at a moment when we broke the most ingrained paJulio Soares radigms. The employees began to feel at creativity that only flourishes in such coease and relate in a relaxed manner, acoperative environment. Today, it is not ting with more autonomy. From then on, enough merely having a great product we created a stimulating environment, a to be a global company. Everything that fundamental factor that guaranteed our concerns the human being and the enviexceptional growth and expansion”. ronment is more and more a concern to “I can safely say that I have opted for this our clients. Social work is the way to desimple form of registration to pay homage velopment. Profit and company growth and motivate our collaborators, all of whom are consequences” so spontaneous in telling their stories.” “And business life is like “I was moved by obthat. It is not a sea of roses. “ serving the passion disOur focus is always “The facts are told by played by the staff when the victors, as we are, but recounting their memories on the customer, their many forget to say that, with joy and good humor.” before winning the war, “The spontaneous gessatisfaction and the they lost many battles. In tures of appreciation by thefavor of transparency, I feel overcoming in meeting se collaborators, whom I comfortable in exposing my meet by chance when I walk stumbling blocks as well”. their needs and desires. the factory, and who treat “It is very important me with an unusual affecthat the company’s leadertion, and the insistence of friends, led me to ship is present. I feel very gratified when conclude that, in some way, there truly is a I watch these presentations. It is a stimupeculiar culture by which we live naturally, lus and confirms the importance it attawithout realizing its decisive importance. ches to the company. “ That is what has kept Marcopolo growing “This is Marcopolo’s story. A bit of for more than six decades and led us to all mine too. But ... So many people making!” five continents, giving the company a dimension that I had never dreamed of. “ “I am very gratified when I see that the original ideas born of the work of the teams add so much value to the company. When stimulated, people expose their solutions without being afraid of making mistakes. Paulo Bellini Thus, innovations are created. We are always concerned with nurturing the President Emeritus

SUMMARY Viajante Magazine Issue 21 August 2017

16 - The steps of a traveler

12 - Impeccable Friendship

22 - Perennial Legacy

46 - Not only a Businessman, an athlete

36 - Community spirit

SUMMARY Viajante Magazine Issue 21 August 2017

06 - Widening Brazil, conquering the world

28 - Management and leadership

50 - Flavor of Solidarity

59 - Trajectory revisited



Widening Brazil, conquering the world Building a strong identity, introducing new products to the market and improving them to keep pace with the evolution of transportation required the dedication of many people who pioneered Brazil and made so that Marcopolo vehicles now roam around the world.

The transport companies PĂŠrola, Santos, Grazziotin, Expresso Rex and Jesus Pascoal Lopes are some of our first customers since the opening of the first commercial representation abroad, in Uruguay in 1960, up until the consolidation of Marcopolo in the world scene. To sell a Marcopolo product always meant more than just delivering a bus. Paulo Bellini and Valter Gomes Pinto have developed a working philosophy: understand each individual customer before the sale, help them to choose the configuration most appropriate to their use and deliver trust and quality. In a trajectory in where customer satisfaction with every delivery is the stimulus for the conquest of new markets, the network of re-


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presentatives plays a fundamental role. This relationship was strengthened by Bellini and Gomes Pinto annually in the Sales Con-

ventions and went beyond the commercial relationship. One of the promoters of the sales network, Bellini was part of the story of people


who contributed to Marcopolo’s achievement of worldwide recognition. Stories so rich that it is somehow hard to summarize in a few lines.

Paulo Bellini and other CEOs in an event commemorating the 25 years of the Marcopeças, founded by Antônio Carlos Hilgert

“From a young age I remember hearing my father, who was one of the pioneers in the sales network, talking about Paulo Bellini. Over time, I had the opportunity to get to know him, and being around him greatly contributed to my personal development. Of course, as one of the protagonists of the rise and growth of Marcopolo, his name merges with the

history of the bus. It is a great loss for the family, for Marcopolo and for the country. We lost a great entrepreneur who, through his work, has allowed the growth of the companies and people who interacted with him. Surely, every time we’ll come across a Marcopolo bus, we will remember him” Cristiano Sperb Hilgert, Marcopeças

- Rio Grande do Sul “The great talent and vision of Paulo Bellini led Marcopolo to become a well-known and respected company all over the world. It was a privilege to live with this extraordinary man, a leader and friend who, with his simplicity, captivated all “Benicio Amantéa, Marcopeças - Rio Grande do Sul

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“In 47 years with Paulo Bellini, I was able to learn how to work like him. He leaves an enviable legacy of work. Certainly, his

absence affects us all, but it is our duty to continue. We will miss greatly the traditional call every December thanking us for another

“Paulo Bellini’s trajectory is fused with that of his own company, marked by simplicity. He will be remembered by all for his kind and attentive treatment. Always present, firm and optimistic even

year of partnership and sending good wishes. “Gilberto Daniel, Centropolobus - Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul

during the most difficult times. We will work even harder in tribute to his legacy and for the continuity and grandeur of Marcopolo. “Alfredo Flach, Riomarci - Rio de Janeiro

“In order to reach the client, he gave us hope and confidence, and the long-awaited annual telephone call that always began with “hi kiddo”, was enough to renew our energies and encourage us to face another year of work. By beginning the call that way, he showed the affectionate manner he used to relate to people. The simplicity of words was his hallmark and he always achieved his goal. Relationship was his secret. “Remo Lucian, Norbus – Bahia


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“Paulo Bellini has always been the personification of Marcopolo and has served as a guide and inspiration to all those who had the opportunity to meet and work with him. His friendship, generosity and leadership stay in our memory and in our hearts”. Ivo Rocco, Roccopeças – Paraná “I met Paulo Bellini on March 1st, 1958, on a Saturday. My brother Hairton, who was already working with him, introduced us. Paulo was

in the factory yard looking after some expansion work. He asked if I could ride a bike and we agreed that I would start working on March 3 as an office boy. The deal was done with a fatherly hand in my head. I learned a lot from him. Over the years, with his help, I climbed through various positions in the factory. He has contributed so much to my personal and professional growth. So, when I got married, I invited him to be my


godfather, which he readily accepted. I always had a great affection for him, he encouraged me and gave me the courage to work, not only me, but the whole team. He said: go and make it happen. The last time I saw him was at an event organized for businessmen from Florianópolis where he charmed everyone with his recollections, leaving good memories for the customers and all at Carmar”. Carlos Romani, Carmar - Santa Catarina

Ivo Rocco and Carlos Romani at the 2017 Sales Convention

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“As Marcopolo representative to the state of São Paulo, working with Mr. Paulo and participating in his projects was a unique opportunity. He had as main characteristic the valorization of his colleagues, which for him was fundamental. He was always encouraging, every December he called us to thank for the work done during the year and encourage us to the next one. Throughout the years his way of acting has never changed towards us or his colleagues”, Romeu Santos and José Roberto Bernardes, Brasil Bus - São Paulo

“My relationship with Paulo Bellini began in 1954, when the second stage of Carrocerias Nicola began, Moving from the facilities located in the Caxias do Sul city Center, at 13 de Maio Street, to the industrial complex in the Planalto neighborhood. It was a relationship of friendship, trust and enthusiasm, as well as a belief in the potential of the

Romeu Santos and his wife Silvana on Paulo Bellini’s 90th birthday in January 2017

bus market, incipient in Brazil. In 1957, I became part of the small administrative team composed of only eight people. I am honored to have been, alongside Paulo, a part in two significant moments in Marcopolo’s history during the 1960s: the approval of a project now known worldwide as BRT System, conceived by the you-

ng mayor of Curitiba, Jaime Lerner, and Marcopolo’s first export. After developing a monobloc model on a zero-platform Mercedes-Benz and a Nicola body, we went to Uruguay to celebrate and deliver two units for demonstrations. We were in seventh heaven by the accomplishment”. Hairton Romani, Sulbrave – Paraná

Paulo Bellini always saw Argentina as an important strategic partner country for Brazil and for Marcopolo. In the 25 years of Marcopolo’s presence in the country, Mr. Paulo has graced events and clients at every possible occa-

sion, with some of whom he developed a warm friendship. With humility and courage, he strengthened the Marcopolo brand in Argentina and left a legacy that we are very proud to follow”. Cecil Toledo, Metalpar – Argentina

“The greatest satisfaction I experienced in my work was when, with only seven months as Marcopolo representative in the Dominican Republic, on December 23, 2015, I received a call from Mr. Paulo Bellini to wish happy holidays and Congratulate me on the results achieved in this market in

such short time. I will always be grateful for that motivation and since then I have always strived to be at the top of Marcopolo sales in the Dominican market”. Teofilo Cuesta, FCM Servibus Dominicana - Dominican Republic.

“He was more than a co-worker. The decades of coexistence have made him an irreplaceable friend. His various visits to our country left a legacy of empathy with the different groups in which he circulated and also a luminous trail that will endure over time. We will never forget one of his recurring expressions of relationship with customers: face to face. The example is the inheritance that Don Paulo leaves us to promote friendly relations, making the Marcopolo brand even stronger”. Florencio Barreiro, Cipar – Paraguay


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“When my father decided to take over the representation of Marcopolo in Chile, Don Paulo believed in him. To him, the important thing was the face-to-face relationship with the customer. The friendship between him and my parents transcended business. Recently, when I traveled to Brazil for the Sales Convention, I stayed there for a few more days and on a

Sunday I invited him to dinner. He accepted my invitation without a second thought. We talked about business, life, friendship. Now I feel it was the opportunity to say goodbye to an extraordinary man”. Andrés Novion, Epysa – Chile “The first time I went to the factory was in 1991, where I was able to witness the launch of a product. Mr. Paulo in his speech commen-


ted: Thank God for the opportunity to be in a business where the relationship with the customer is face-to-face. Because of it, I made several friends from around the world, which makes me very happy. This story struck me and I always put it into practice with our clients to create relationships of friendship and trust”. Matias Castro, Epysa – Chile

Matias Castro, Andrés Novion and other members of the Epysa team at the 2017 Sales Conference

“More than 20 years ago, when I started working with Marcopolo, I heard so much about Mr. Paulo Bellini, always with great curiosity and with a doubt whether what they said was myth or truth. In 2007, I had the honor of receiving his visit and the pleasant surprise of realizing that his presence was even stronger than I had heard. A humble and kind person. The man who founded and ran a company like a Marcopolo, with factories

all over the world, with thousands of employees, was congratulating us for our work. This moment sums up a lot of who was Mr. Paulo, a person with the power of motivation and humility. Features that undoubtedly have guided everyone who met him. He taught us how to work like him: “face a face, body to body”, to make good things happen. And he will continue to guide us, no matter what. “Eduardo Costa, Dloner – Uruguay

“He came into this world to teach us how to dream and succeed. He conveyed his passion for the mobility of people. His passion infused me, an African man born in the Republic of Congo. In Africa, an old person is seen as a library and I told him this during the Sales Convention. Talking to him that night was a privilege and I was thrilled to receive his blessing and words of encouragement. He will always be a source of inspiration in my life and I will do my best to honor his memory”. Maximilien Watso - Africa.

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Impeccable Friendship

Impeccable Friendship 14

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This is how David Olano, owner of the Peruvian company Oltursa, Marcopolo client for 40 years, defines his relationship with Paulo Bellini, Valter Gomes Pinto and Marcopolo.

Impeccable Friendship

“Throughout our relationship with Marcopolo, Don Paulo and Don Valter have always put friendship before business. Our relationship was never tainted and they both knew how to first give the necessary attention to customers and then reconcile with business”, he explains. According to David, second generation of the family whose enterprise began 65 years ago with his father, also David Olano, in Trans Olano, Don Paulo is a breed of special people that must be followed as an example of work and friendship. “I cannot find the words. He showed that youth can last until our 80s and 90s”. “I still remember the first units acquired by my father in the late 1970s with

Marcopolo II and III. Later, in 1982, came the Oltursa buses. Don Paulo was in Lima at an exhibition when we received the first Paradiso buses in Peru. We also pioneered the use of two floor models in 1992, as well as seat-bed service with 140, 160 and 180 degrees tilt”. What fueled this relationship of four decades and two generations? “Firstly friendship. Secondly, the quality of the services and products. We always visited the Planalto unit first, where Don Paulo and Don Valter always welcomed us. Then we went to Ana Rech’s factory”. From his last visit to Marcopolo, David recalls: “I went once again to see the new buses purchased, before they left Caxias do Sul for Lima. They made sure


we would see that everything was perfect, as we had requested. Last year, we went with eight Peruvian businessmen and their spouses to get acquainted with the company. We had lunch together and recalled moments from previous years, such as the trips through Brazil and our meetings in the Terraço Itália, in São Paulo. “The passing away of Don Paulo is a regrettable and saddening loss, a deep sorrow. The friendship between our families cannot be understated. My father, my mother, Paulo, Valter, as well as Mary and Therezinha. Whenever I go to Brazil, I also make sure I visit them. I’m sure that Marcopolo will be very well represented by his children and the entire team of executives”, he says.

Entrega dos primeiros modelos Paradiso do Peru

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Impeccable Friendship

100% Marcopolo Uruguay was the first country to which Marcopolo exported its buses in the 1960s. More precisely in 1961, with two units for the company Compania de Omnibus Pando (COPSA). Uruguay did not have a local production and used to buy mainly from English and American companies. The possibility of acquiring the product from a supplier so close to home seemed great, especially for a country that, although small, uses buses in large quantity for inter-municipal travel.

From the neighboring country, other important businesses and close friendships developed, as with Pablo Nossar Lafluf, owner of Nossar Passenger Transport. “A very solid and close friendship emerged from the business. Our ties are so strong that, in 2015, we celebrated our company’s 90th anniversary with a party at Mr. Paulo’s house in Caxias do Sul”, says Pablo, moved. Nossar Passenger Transport has a 100% Marcopolo bus fleet and is one of the most tradi-

tional and experienced transport companies in Uruguay, beginning in 1925. In 2015, during the company’s 90th annyiversary celebrations, Mr. Pablo Nossar was welcomed by Paulo Bellini and Therezinha Gomes Pinto, along with Mateus Lorandi, Ruben Bisi, Marcopolo CEO Francisco Gomes Neto and his wife, Livia Faria Cruz Gomes, Maria Aparecida Lima, Marcopolo’s director of commercial and marketing operations, Paulo Corso, And the director of Dusil SA, Jorge del Rio.

Respect, kindness and solidarity “The commercial relationship with Marcopolo began through SOGIL. Then, with Visate, we expanded and consolidated the partnership. Particularly, my relationship with Paulo Bellini has always been fraught with respect, affection and friendship”, re-

calls Sérgio Tadeu Pereira, managing director of SOGIL - Sociedade de Ônibus Gigante Ltda., A traditional southern Brazilian company founded in May 1954 . “We have been together on several occasions to celebrate life, our health and the conquests of the companies.

Paulo Corso e Paulo Bellini prestigiam evento de comemoração aos 60 anos da SOGIL.


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Whenever we were close, the moments were pleasant and memorable”, he says. For Sérgio Pereira, Bellini was a friend who wanted to be close and show solidarity especially in delicate moments. “I remember when I was hospitalized, he insisted on visiting me. I always admired the cheerful way he lived his life, as well as the impeccable and contemporary manner he dressed”, he says. At SOGIL since 1963, Sérgio has contributed to the advancement of passenger transport, with the adoption of modern and advanced buses. “I will remember Paulo Bellini as an extraordinary entrepreneur, and it is with pride and satisfaction I call him my friend.”

Impeccable Friendship


Always offer something more

André de Oliveira, Hugo Fleck, Paulo Corso, Paulo Bellini and Benicio Amantéa on a visit to Marcopolo’s Ana Rech unit

“Paulo Bellini, throughout his career, created for Marcopolo and its executives the image of hard work, always striving to do better and seeking to offer ‘something more’. This has always been his philosophy when dealing with Ouro e Prata”, says Hugo Engênio Fleck, CEO of the Ouro e Prata Railway and member of the Fiscal Council of ABRATI, among other duties. The entrepreneur recalls a trip he made to Europe and the United States with other businessmen from the transport sector to visit bus factories with the directors of Marcopolo. “They have always worked very well with customers. In addition to the technical support, training and modifications made on the buses, the Brazilian manufacturer has

always sought to differentiate itself from the competition by offering something more. This was Paulo’s way. Other companies also try it, but Marcopolo has always done better”. For Fleck, Paulo Bellini

The Brazilian manufacturer has always sought to differentiate itself from the competition by offering something more. This was Paulo’s way. and Marcopolo have always contributed to the constant elevation of the bus as one of the most efficient and safe means for transporting peo-

ple. “In general, companies in this segment have emerged as a family enterprise, with limited reach in schedule and area of coverage. In order for the service to grow, there was a need for professionalization, investments in fleet and personnel, always aiming to satisfy the passenger. This development in planning, focus and equipment, with the use of the most modern and advanced buses available in the world, relied on the fundamental participation of Bellini and enabled a consolidation of Marcopolo’s image as one of the best and most responsible services in the Country”, he highlights.

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Paulo Bellini Profile

The steps of a traveler The path taken by Paulo Bellini to transform a small workshop into one of the largest bus body manufacturers in the world.


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Paulo Bellini Profile


Construction of Marcopolo’s Planalto unit in the 1950s

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Paulo Bellini Profile

Paulo Bellini (standing, second from left to right) and his family in the mid-1940s

Paulo Bellini, son of Alberto Bellini and Ermelinda Segalla, was born on January 20, 1927, the fifth child of eight siblings. He started working in Porto Alegre in 1946, in a wholesale of haberdashery, when he went to study Business Administration. He was 22 years old when he returned to Caxias do Sul, where he started a Technical Course in Accounting. By the time he returned to Caxias do Sul, three neighbors, the Nicola brothers, had put up a workshop for repairing and painting truck


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cabins. In August 1949, Dorval, the oldest of the three, invited Paulo to join the business, expanding Nicola & Cia Ltda and thus taking the first steps in the production of bus bodies. With a lean team of about 15 employees, Bellini took on a variety of activities, from cashier to payroll preparation. A small workshop set up in the backyard, in the central area of Caxias do Sul, would be Marcopolo’s embryo. Paulo married Maria CÊlia Festugato in 1954. A constant companion, she followed her husband in

the activities of the company since the beginning. At a time, when calculating machines were scarce, Bellini brought work home for the night. Along with Mary, as she was best known, they calculated by hand the payment to suppliers and the payrolls. The same thing happened with the year-end balance sheet, after the assessment, the data was brought home and calculated by her. Mary died in 2013 at the age of 81. Paulo had three sons: James, Mauro and Paulo Pacheco Bellini.

Paulo Bellini Profile


First headquarters of Carrocerias Nicola: a small workshop located in the central area of Caxias do Sul - Rio Grande do Sul.

From the trucks were born the first buses Trucks and buses arrived in Brazil well before the consolidation of the automobile industry in the country. With no experience and low capital, bus manufacturing in those days was an adventure and the production of the vehicles was purely handmade. There were carpenters in the workshop work the wood. The metal joints were made with the aid of mallets and anvils. In addition to the fact that there was no specialized

manpower, there were also very few chassis specifically for buses. The truck chassis needed to be cut and increased both in length and width. The structures of the bodies and the seats were made of hardwood. The glass for the windows was cut one by one. The seat padding was made with vegetable fibers packaged in burlap, a cotton layer on top of this first fill, and finally, a leather finishing. The first bodies were produced with a wooden fra-

me covered with steel sheet and it took three months to build it. Those were products lacking any technology. Several of the solutions that seem technological advances for the time were, in fact, an attempt at creating attributes that impressed the client. Creativity, therefore, has always been part of Marcopolo’s history. Because creativity is always necessary, be it during production or administration.

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Paulo Bellini Profile

Valter Gomes Pinto, José Antônio Fernandes Martins, Paulo Bellini and Raul Tessari: Together, the four became known as G4.

G4 - The alliance of talents During the first two decades, up until 1968, the presence of the Nicola brothers was fundamental to the expansion in business, but with their departure from the partnership, Paulo Bellini had to find other characters to continue writing this story. In 1964, Bellini met Valter Gomes


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Pinto, a marketing man who joined the company to take care of the sales and conduct the client approach, reinforcing institutional communication with the market and the community. Excellent editor and reviewer of the Correio do Povo, one of the most important newspaper in Rio

Grande do Sul at the time, Valter also contributed to the company’s growth by writing the projects for the Regional Development Bank. In the same year, Bellini invited the engineer José Antônio Fernandes Martins, who already had experience in the automotive industry, to contribu-

Paulo Bellini Profile

te to the production, manufacturing and assembly of the products. Thanks to a strong after-sales work, he also gave support to the commercial area. Subsequently, he had an important participation in the process of internationalization of the company. As a member of the Board of Directors and a great connoisseur of the

Brazilian bus segment, he dedicated himself to attending institutional matters for the company to representatives in the sector. In 1973, Raul Tessari joins in, an economist and administrator who took the responsibilities related to tax and commercial law, human resources, management and categorization of


professionals and management of the company’s relationship with banks and capital markets. The work of Tessari was decisive so that the company could be always at the forefront of the transformations in both the Brazilian and world scenarios regarding the conceptual paradigm of the administration.

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Market Overview

Perennial Legacy The culture and the relationship to employees, customers, communities and the market is the essence of Marcopolo


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Market Overview


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Market Overview

“I am very gratified when I see that the original ideas born from the work of the teams add so much value to the company. When they are stimulated, people expose solutions without being afraid of making mistakes. Thus innovations are created. “ “With naturalness and simplicity, we can make it happen and be a reference for a better society, more humane and inclusive. The opportunities are there, we must not let them go” (Paulo Bellini). Paulo Bellini stood out for the permanent breakdown of paradigms, for a strong determination towards the quality of the products, for the sustained growth of the company and for the valorization of the human being. He quickly realized that producing buses demanded intensive and highly skilled labor and that people were the lifeblood of the business. Therefore, he was dedicated to creating an environment of trust to en-

sure the continuous motivation of the teams, which has become one of Marcopolo’s main competitive advantages, as well as a close and transparent relationship with customers, innovation and flexibility in the company’s productive processes. This essence, which is in Marcopolo’s DNA, is what will guide the next 68 years, explains James Bellini. “My father always cared much more about the people. The raw

material was not what mattered to him, it was the people. No business can be successful without it being motivated and committed. This, for me, is the most crucial and important point of all this story” he confesses. The continuity of the style and culture of Paulo Bellini is unanimous among all three sons, James, Mauro and Paolo Bellini. “We are sure that this is what our father would do”, explains Ja-

Paulo Pacheco Bellini, James Bellini and Mauro Bellini


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Market Overview


Paulo Bellini visits the unit of Ana Rech

mes. “Our commitment to the community, employees, customers and suppliers is very important”, says Paulo. “And we will do this, initially through active participation in Davos and the Marcopolo Administration Council, building a harmonious environment between managers, advisors, executives and all personnel involved in the operations of the company”, explain the sons. “The great secret of Marcopolo has always been the attendance to customer needs, requests and desires. That goes way beyond making the best bus. On the other hand, my father’s focus has always been on the factory, interacting and motivating all people. He did this by walking

the factory floor and through the New Year’s Eve Meeting, one of his trademarks”, says Mauro Bellini. “He had the gift of making people feel at ease and promoting integration and close relationships. I remember one episode in my first year in Johannesburg. We decided to promote a barbecue - which later became traditional at every anniversary - with all 50 employees. During the celebration I noticed that separate groups were forming, with several groups separated by race, which was common in South Africa”. Mauro says that he tried to mix and integrate people, seeking to bring all together and form a large group and promoting interaction betwe-

en all the participants, from factory employees to the managers and directors. “That’s our essence.” “Let us continue what he bravely achieved”, emphasizes Paulo. “People are the soul of our business and we must treat them with simplicity, transparency and respect, keeping this culture in the company, which is what dad always did. Being always close to customers, suppliers and employees, a friendly hug, a handshake, a face to face talk, such cannot be replaced”. Marcopolo executives. “It has been approximately 15 years between Caxias do Sul and Argentina. First as representative in Argentina, where I was entrusted with the task of opening a difficult market,

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Market Overview

protectionist and extremely bureaucratic, with many obstacles set up by the lobbies of local manufacturers. Later as commercial manager, and finally as director of international market where I acted in the opening up of several markets, like Cuba and Central America among others. The lessons learned are many, but one of the most valuable


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is undoubtedly the importance of personal relationships with customers, representatives and factory personnel�. One such episode occurred in Argentina in 1992, when the opening of that market had begun. “It was early on, when we were still working in a rented apartment turned improvised office, where I also lived. The living room had

only a table and some plastic chairs like those used in bars, and we were discussing a deal of four Paradiso buses with a very nice customer from Cordoba. In mid discussion, just as he was bargaining the price of the vehicles, a leg on his chair broke and he plunged to the floor, his legs up. Half embarrassed and trying to soften the situation a bit, I quipped:

Market Overview

“See what happens when you ask for too much discount?” We all laughed and the deal was done after all, which was our first sale to Cordoba”, he recalls. Paulo, on the other hand, was not an executive at Marcopolo, but the relationship

with Paulo “senior” and with the business of Marcopolo has been intense in recent years. “He had a business sense and an extensive life experience, he gave a lot of advice about pretty much everything, very charismatic and happy, he liked


to gather friends and clients in his house and, after some good wine sing Italian songs. He relished seeing the house always full of friends and family. The lesson I learned from him is humility and thinking well before making any decision.

Simplicity and gratitude At the head of Marcopolo’s Board of Directors until 2016 and for many years an executive and representative of Marcopolo in Africa, Mauro Bellini comments that what he most assimilated as an example and always tried to practice was the feeling of simplicity and humility in dealing with all.

The way he treated people, especially the employees, whom he thanked by walking the factory floor and greeting the work done. He also faithfully called the representatives every December to say a happy New Year and was always present at the events of the Marcopolo Foundation.

“As his son, I thank the collaborators, clients and friends who have followed dad’s trajectory with great affection, respect and admiration for 67 years of Marcopolo. I will always be grateful to what they did for him, for it was very important to motivate him to reach his 90s as sound as he did. “

Simplicidade e gratidão

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Management and leadership

“We can only grow if we work with joy and good humor” But what’s behind Marcopolo’s success?


o Viajante - Edição 21 - Agosto 2017

Management and leadership


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Management and leadership

To Mrs. Therezinha Lourdes Comerlato Pinto, Valter Gomes Pinto widow, Marcopolo was built with a lot of work and dedication to the customer. “When Dorval Nicola left the company and went to work with the brothers at Furcare, Paulo asked Valter to go to São Paulo, strengthen the branch and sell Nicola bodies. The company depended heavily on that market. I went with him and together we, as he said, “faced the challenge with strength and courage”, because we did not know Sao Paulo. We rented an apartment that went on to become a kind of Marcopolo hotel. When people came from Caxias, they stayed there.

Since these three years in São Paulo and throughout our career at Marcopolo, we have worked very hard, but what struck us most was the relationship with customers. At that time, few manufacturers went personally to the customer as Valter did. Most only sent salesmen. Valter ended up creating a strong and distinct relationship with customers because he was totally dedicated and went to meet face-to-face. He and Paulo always made a point of having a close relationship with customers and ended up transmitting this to the representatives that knew them, both domestic and abroad”. According to José Antô-

Marcopolo’s board doing business in Ghana during the 1970s


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nio Martins, vice president of Institutional Relations, Paulo Bellini’s main qualities were to bring out the best in everyone and to choose the right people to build a team. “Bellini was a man far ahead of his time, he was a visionary. His main characteristic was undoubtedly his folksy demeanor. He liked being on the factory floor talking to employees, and that helped him to become such a great figure. Secondly, he was an aggregator. He could find and reconcile the talent in people, thus building a winning team. I also recognize the dedication of his business partners, like Valter, Tessari and myself”.

Management and leadership


Commit and make it happen “Make it happen was the expression most used and practiced by Paulo Bellini”, says Carlos Zignani, former Marcopolo chairman, now statutory director and secretary of the Board of Directors. “This culture made a lot of difference and always propelled the company”, says Zignani. At the end of the 1990s, Marcopolo sought expansion, especially abroad, and in order to make that leap it released preferred share capital to the market. The strategy allowed for expansion. Strategically, Marcopolo decided for the professionalization of its directors. Since then, some executives have been hired and gradually the G4 focused more on strategy and long-term planning. But what the company has always tried to maintain is the improvement of its professionals. Motivate and engage talented people who are committed. There are families with multiple genera-

tions working at Marcopolo. According to Paulo Bellini, Marcopolo’s DNA sees no adversity. “Our team just makes it happen, nothing is impossible. When motivated, people can make miracles. If you give a vote of confidence, if you care and give a fair recognition, you have a return”, he used to say. “We overcome the challenges because we have matured cultivating a direct and frank relationship between all the people who are part of our daily lives: employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders. And we have kept these values since our origins more than 60 years ago”. Paulo Corso, director of commercial operations and marketing at Marcopolo, tells an emblematic story about how this culture has been constantly a part of the company. It was seven o’clock on a cold night about 35 years ago when he, who at the time was a young man be-

ginning his work in the sales team, was leaving the factory after work and received a call from the central gate about a young man wanting to talk to someone in the sales department. Despite the late hour, Corso went to meet to the prospect client. “He was the owner of a tiny transport company from a small town in the countryside of the state. His name was Elemar and he had a bag of money on him. I said: today it can’t be done because the factory is already closed. I cannot even get your money, but we can get it done tomorrow. It was the first time he would buy a new bus and he was worried because he had to go back to his town that same night, so he stayed overnight and we got everything right in the end”. At the time Corso was not a director, but a salesman who did not want to lose a customer. “We became friends and to this day Elemar

In 1989, the S & S micro-bus, developed exclusively for the United States market, transported the “Top Seven Heads of State in the World”, among them Margaret Tatcher, François Mutterand, Helmut Kohl and George H. W. Bush.

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Management and leadership

buys a new bus every five years, always from Marcopolo”, he stresses. The close connection between soccer and

buses marked and still marks the company’s presence in the sport. It is another example of the “make it happen”

spirit. Andre Luís de Oliveira, Marcopolo’s marketing consultant recalls an episode about the supply of vehicles

the national market, Mr. Paulo decided to cede them to the soccer teams because, coincidently, the colors matched each team. Unfortunately, the engine of the Caxias bus presented problems with only one week of use and we had no way of repairing it because the propellant was Italian,

without similar in Brazil”, he explains. “In one of our many talks about customer relations, Mr. Paulo said: we cannot leave Caxias without a bus. We need to sort this out. In a few days, we delivered another bus and the two teams rode them for several years”, says André.

Buses delivered to the soccer teams from Caxias do Sul

for the two main soccer teams in Caxias do Sul, S.E.R. Caxias and the Esporte Clube Juventude. “We had manufactured two prototype buses with imported Iveco chassis, which should be exported to China. The vehicles, however, were never shipped. Since we could not sell the vehicles in


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Management and leadership


SIMPS/SUMAM, Marcopolo’s Game Changers One of the most important moments in Marcopolo’s growth and expansion trajectory was the introduction, at the end of 1986, of SIMPS Marcopolo System for Supportive Production, and SUMAM - Suggestions for Improvement of the Marcopolo Environment. SIMPS and SUMAM came after Paulo Bellini traveled to Japan with a group of businessmen from Caxias to learn the administration and production philosophy used there. Upon his return, Bellini

gathered all the collaborators and shared the news he had seen on the trip, encouraging the team to think about how to put into practice the ideas they considered appropriate for Marcopolo. The receptivity of the collaborators was so good that several improvements groups quickly emerged, which were called SUMAM. At the same time, a system was created to facilitate production work, which mainly involved manufacturing and storing parts using shelves and control cards, which became known as SIMPS.

Subsequently, SIMPS and SUMAM served as basis for the Marcopolo System, which began to gather the main tools and techniques used to support production, such as Program 5S, Kanban, Quality and others, which evolved over time. “Before the implementation of SIMPS, the supply of assembly lines was a mess. We had a central warehouse, and it was a pain every time we needed a part. We needed a request from the head of the department every time we

that the changes had on the lives of the people who worked at Marcopolo, as well as suppliers, customers and the community. “When news began to spread that something innovative was happening at the manufacturer in Caxias do Sul, dozens of companies and entities asked to schedule visits. They wanted to send groups of executives and employees to understand how Marcopolo had implemented the new pro-

cesses, how they worked and what results they were bringing. In the early 1990s, the number of executives from all over the country and even abroad who wanted to meet the new Marcopolo grew so much that it was necessary to set up a team of trained professionals to meet them. “Sometimes there were just too many people to care for. There were 20, 30 people from a single company. Marcopolo was one of the first

Memory from the trip to Japan

needed as much as a screw. With the adoption of Just In Time and kanban, it became like a “supermarket” of parts, and the collaborator himself made the withdrawal as he needed. The implementation, however, was not easy”, says Carlos Alberto Casiraghi, Marcopolo’s former director and now a member of Marcopolo’s Board of Directors. According to him, one of the most striking consequences was the multiplier effect

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Management and leadership

in Brazil to adopt and really adapt all the tools of the management system that transformed Japanese companies, “Casiraghi emphasizes. For the former director and now consultant Ruben Bisi, the evolutions affected more than just the people, and the effects of the practices adopted back then are visible today. “Ana Rech’s plant was designed to manufacture 10 units per day. It began producing 30 units a day. How? Rationalization of the layout, reduction of stockpile and

transfer of a large portion of the stock to our suppliers. They delivered it to us timely, just as we needed it. And these numbers continue to change, because we are always evolving”, he says. These evolutions are not limited to Ana Rech or Caxias do Sul. In Marcopolo Rio there is a recent example of the improvements adopted. In order to achieve even greater efficiency and productivity in the production of the new Torino S, Marcopolo designed an exclusive and dedicated line in

its operation in Xerém, which has some innovations and differentials in relation to the line where the other Torino models are mounted. According to Lusuir Grochot, Director of Industrial Operations and Continuous Improvement, the new line was designed in accordance with LEAN principles and had a pertinent Kaizen 3P conducted. “All opportunities for improvement were identified and an exclusive action plan was generated. Since the line is exclusively

SIMPS / SUMAM: Renewal of the production lines for road (above) and urban (right) models


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Management and leadership

dedicated to the production of the Torino S model, it also received a unique light gray paint job”, says the executive. Last year, Marcopolo began a new cycle aiming at revitalizing these programs, based on the LEAN Manufacturing philosophy inspired by

the Toyota Production System, using Kaizen as a tool for continuous improvement. “The rewards of the efforts made in the revitalization of the Marcopolo System of Solidarity Production, thanks to the application of LEAN concepts, are already visible in the


indicators of safety, quality and efficiency”, explains Francisco Gomes Neto, Marcopolo CEO. “In addition, they contributed to a greater company competitiveness and also to the result of actions to adapt the organizational structure and reduce fixed costs,” he concludes.

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The Trip Hasn’t Ended

Marilda Vendrame Psychologist with specializations in Human Resources, Advanced Business Management and Master in Educational Management, she has worked in the process of family businesses succession, including at Marcopolo. She also has extensive experience in the area of education and currently works in the management of families with elders, in the company Longevitá.

Speaking about Paulo Bellini now that he is absent from this world, after so many years of deep coexistence, is a very strange experience. Firstly because facing the emptiness that was left still frightens me. I feel his presence every day. It is as if he is traveling to an unknown and distant place, and may at any time return. How to accept that, su-


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ddenly, a person I loved so much was no longer in this world? What do you mean Paulo died? He was among us just now, smiling, telling jokes, singing, organizing dinners with all the joy he had for life, and suddenly, all this ended. Will he never come back? Ah! The rational mind knows perfectly that this is the cycle of life, from which none can escape, but how to explain death to the heart, which selfishly won’t accept the loss of such a dear friend, such a special person? A feeling of emptiness, that something important has been lost in space, that we lost someone who we’ll miss so much, and no other can replace, because each of us is unique and irreplaceable, and absence becomes presence through memory, the sadness. My relationship with Paulo was very interesting. Like any relationship, over time it became deep, open, frank, honest, loyal. I have it clear in my memory the first time I met him. It was during lunch at work, discussing matters related to the succession process in the company. On the occasion, I worked with his son Mauro, who would take over the chairmanship of Marcopolo’s Board of Directors. At first sight, I came across a simple man, humble, shy, with a wide smile and humorous. He politely asked me to explain my work. As I spoke, I began to observe him, and

in the course of my conversation I realized that beyond the appearances, there was a man of strong personality, wise, shrewd, observant, who could easily fool a less attentive interlocutor. The simple way he treated me was to make me comfortable so he could explore the terrain he dwelled. There I perceived an intelligent, insightful person, at-

“Those sharp eyes hid the strength of a man who knew very well what he wanted and how to get it.” tentive to detail, who did not miss a gesture, a word, an idea. Those sharp eyes hid the strength of a man who knew very well what he wanted and how to get it. I understood that I would be pressed, but at the same time I would have the incredible opportunity to learn from him about life, how to deal with problems, how to deal with people in a simple way – always in control - because he knew exactly what were his goals when faced with complex situations that demanded wisdom, serenity and patience. Naturally, just as he preferred, our relationship was being built, delicately forged in solid bases, with


respect, ethics, trust and loyalty. With Paulo, I learned the value of the word trust. He demanded dedication and did not go well with people who could not fully trust. His casual, relaxed, playful way of living and relating was always accompanied by observations about the attitudes of others. It was impossible to fool him. He was very, very sagacious. We created our own codes that

membered. And he would say, “Your memory is faltering. Look after it”, and we laughed out loud! When we talked about feelings and emotions, he would say, “This is your business. I do not understand these things”, and whenever I proposed conversations on these subjects he would go: “I will pay close attention, we’ll talk about it later”. He always had a folder

only we knew to have fun, always with respect, when someone failed his tests and then we had fun with these situations. He was endowed with an exceptional memory, a characteristic that always put him at an advantage. He was passionate about old movies. So many times he challenged me to remember the names of actors in movies I knew, but I never re-

with papers and a pen hanging from the pocket of his shirt. I spoke, he took notes, and never kept any opinion to himself. Some days later he would come with his notepad and say “I thought about what you told me and I want to talk about it”. His capacity for perception and analysis was exceptional. We had countless afternoon conversations that went on until evening,

talking about life, family, feelings, mistakes, successes, business. The one thing he did not like to talk about was death. In the last few days, however, we calmly talked about it, I expressed my belief that life does not really end, and he said he hoped I was right. Every time I left Caxias and went back to Rio I was certain to be a better person because of the time I spent with Paulo, because to me he was a teacher, without the arrogance of those who get knowledge through books. He learned about life by living. These moments will be etched in my memory for the rest of my days. His departure left a deep void in my heart, my soul, my life. His physical absence, the impossibility of seeing him, of talking to him, hearing his voice, his laughter, talking about the little things that were already part of the routine of our lives, it will never happen again. It is no more. However, someone once said that a person will never die while his memory is alive in someone’s mind. So I can guarantee that Paulo will never die, he will remain alive in my heart while I live. We agreed that if he left first, I’d give him a call to tell how things were going around here. Therefore, since I do not believe that death is the end, I want to tell him that his journey, and that of all of us, will never end. One of these days we will meet again and continue our delicious discussions about living, enjoying life, eating well, traveling and drinking good wines.

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Community Spirit Presence in the community was marked by the valorization of employees, involvement in social projects and representation in business class entities. Paulo Bellini had other facets besides that of entrepreneur, and had an important participation in the community life too. From 1960 to 1962, he was president of the Metallurgic, Mechanical and Electrical Industries Union of Caxias do Sul. In 1962, he became president of the Rotary Club of Caxias do Sul Cinquentenário, an organization that brings together professionals and leaders in their areas to provide humanitarian services, foster a high standard of ethics in all professions and help to establish peace and goodwill in the world. In the period between 1970 and 1974 he was president of the Textile Industry Center. In 1973, together with Edemir Zatti, president of the Commercial and Industrial Association of Caxias do Sul, he promoted the merger of the two entities,

giving rise to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Caxias do Sul, where he became the vice president for Industrial issues. In 1999, he was elected first Chairman of the Deliberative Council of the NGO Parceiros Voluntários, a position he held until 2001. In 2003, he served as chairman to the Superior Council of the Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Services of Caxias do Sul. He also contributed significantly to the most important social and cultural events held in Caxias do Sul and neighboring cities, like his role as a member of the Community Commission of the Festa da Uva. At a national level, he held executive positions ahead of the Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (Fiergs) and the National Association of Bus body Manufacturers (Fabus).

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Before the company, the people

An organization is first and foremost its people. The work philosophy adopted by Marcopolo in the sixties demonstrated the human and, at the same time, entrepreneurial side of Paulo Bellini, who always guided his work by enriching the dedication of his collaborators. He sought to create and maintain an open entrepreneurial environment to stimulate and motivate the collaborators to use their individual capacities and form united, competitive,

creative and efficient teams. The appreciation of people has become a trademark of the company in all its plants in Brazil and abroad. The daily learning and engagement with collaborators ensured the creation of a true Marcopolo culture, as well as its business expansion. At a time when relations between bosses and subordinates were generally based on tension and intimidation, and when there was little talk of social issues, Bellini was

already concerned with ensuring a comfortable working environment and led the city to discuss the well-being of employees with other companies. This is because he believed that the quality of the product depends entirely on the motivation and commitment of employees, those responsible for customer satisfaction and the level of competitiveness that the company achieves.

Paulo Bellini and Valter Gomes pinto visiting the Marcopolo factory in China


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Marcopolo Foundation A result of the position adopted by Paulo Bellini to interact with the community and collaborators is the Marcopolo Foundation, whose history begins in the 1950s by virtue of the union of the employees of Carrocerias Nicola around the national passion: soccer. In 1956 the Grêmio Atlético Nicola was created . In addition to soccer, it promoted other sports and leisure activities. In 1971, with the change of the company’s corporate name, Grêmio Atlético Nicola was renamed to Grêmio Marcopolo S.A.

Paulo Bellini, second from left to right, crouched

Paulo Bellini and Mrs. Mary among the dancers of CTG Marco da Tradição

Ten years later, the Grêmio ceases to have an exclusively sporting character to assume a care giving position for employees and relatives. The Association of Marcopolo Employees was born, still focused on sport, but now with social, civic and cultural actions. On May 25, 1988, the Marcopolo Foundation was established to promote programs and campaigns aimed at the well-being of employees, their families and the communities in which the company is located. In 2003, the Association of Marcopolo Employees was extinguished and its activities incorporated into the Marcopolo Foundation. Among the main events focused on the integration of collaborators and family members are Entrevero Farroupilha and the Christmas Party that annually gather hundreds of people.

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“I think I have a little bit of metalworking in my blood. My father worked for 45 years at a very important metalworking company in Caxias do Sul at the time, Eberle. I inherited from him a habit that gives me the most pleasure: Walking the factory floor and talking to the people. Two of my seven brothers also worked at Eberle. Encouraged by the wisdom of my father, I did something different”. Paulo Bellini in his book Marcopolo, Sua História Começa Aqui.

Apadev In the 1990s, Bellini was one of the promoters of the headquarters construction of Apadev - Association of Parents and Friends of the Visually Impaired. The organization was created in 1983 on the initiative of some families who sought to organize themselves in order to seek better conditions of care specific to visually impaired families, giving them the chance to be helped by others. Five years later, in or-


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der to improve the service offered, the families sought the support of the Rotary Club Caxias do Sul Cinquentenário, at the time chaired by Claudio Biasio, who mobilized the members of the Club to regularize Apadev with the city council and the construction of its own headquarters. “When we decided to mobilize and build an entity headquarters, I invited my fellow club members to support the project. Among

the enthusiasts of the idea was Paulo Bellini. He organized visits to a large number of businessmen in the city and contacted friends to seek funds for the construction of the building”, recalls Biasio. The mobilization brought positive results and the inauguration of the Educational Center for the Visually Impaired took place on 29 June 1992.


Citizenship for the youth As consequence of Bellini’s understanding of the importance in vocational training, the investment initially directed at employees was ex-

tended to young people in the community. In 1990, the Marcopolo Vocational Training School (EFPM) was created to offer vocational courses for

young people in the community, providing the same benefits the collaborators had, like scholarships, first paid employment and the possibility of

a career in the company. EFPM has maintained an educational agreement with SENAI since the beginning of its activities. Later, partnerships were established with the Social As-

sistance Foundation (FAS), in Caxias do Sul, which routes students from the community, and the University of Caxias do Sul, for a course in the area of Plastics. In 27 years,

more than 2,000 young people have graduated; upon course completion, these are given a guaranteed job position in the company and are encouraged to develop their careers.

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d e g d e l w o n Ack y t i l a n o s r e P

1972 Industry Personality of Caxias, Marketing Man in Rio


1975 1987

Grande do Sul, ADVB

Man of Steel Trophy, Steel Association of Rio Grande do Sul

Industrial Merit Award/RS FIERGS

The presence and actions of Paulo Bellini in the community and his work with the company, gave him the opportunity to win several awards. The last one was in 2015 when he was named Honorary Citizen of San Benedetto Po, Italian city located in the


Lombardy region and from where his grandfather, Giusepe Maria


Bellini, left in 1875 to Brazil, a country presented back then to the Italians as a land of opportunities and abundance. The title was


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Industry Highlight


Metalurgic Merit

of the Year,


– Gigia Bandera – SIMECS

Industrialist of the year

created especially to honor him.



Highlight Award, Diário de Notícias Rio Grande do Sul




Outstanding Gaucho Award

Caxias do Sul Personalities of the 20th Century


2011, Entrepreneurial Merit


Research developed by the Social Communication Course - UCS Leaders and Winners Award - Business Success Category - Legislative Assembly Federasul

2004 2002

Manager of the Year Trophy – AANERGS

Personality of the Year – ARH Serrana

Coat of Arms of

Entrepreneur of the Year


“I am indeed much honored with the award I am receiving today, but there

the University

Wisdom Medal - Ministry of the Foreign Industry and Commerce Development. CNI / SEBRAE

should be no doubt that the merit is

of Caxias do Sul


not just mine. This is the result of the



work done by every employee who has been by my side since the beginning. With buses scattered in more than 100 countries, we can say that today we are one of the world’s leading bus manufacturers. “


1998 - 1999 - 2001 2003 - 2005 Sectoral Business Leader Award -

of Rio Grande do Sul, category

2008 2001



Caxias do Sul Emeritus Citizen

by the President Auto Parts Business Leader – Business Leaders Forum Gazeta Mercantil

Prêmio Distinzione

of the Italian

Comunità Italiana

Republic. Italian

Associazione Culturale Italiana del RS – ACIRS

Industrial Merit by CNI, the highest

Commander of Italy - Conferred

Gazeta Mercantil


award in Brazilian Guri Trophy - handed to Gauchos of birth or heart who contributed

Consulate of Porto Alegre.

their work to the development of Rio

Export Personality

Grande do Sul

industry: the Order of Industrial Merit. Outstanding Entrepreneur in the SAE Brazil Award Caxias Trophy 2014 Special Highlight awarded to those

granted by

who actively


participate in the development of the city and its people.

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In youth, his sports were basketball, soccer or volleyball. Over time, fishing, tennis and golf became part of

a y l n o Not , n a m s s e n i s u B t e l e t h a an

the favorite pastimes of Paulo Bellini, who also gathered wife, kids and friends to sing and cook. Fishing became a habit since 1981, and his fishing friends described him as a serious fisherman who knew like no other how to prepare fish wrapped in salt. He tried to, at least once a year, get to the Amazon Basin and the Pantanal. Fishing trips also took him to international destinations such as Chile, Miami and Alaska.


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Marco Barreto


his house with three greens flags, the largest of which is 40 meters. “We ended up traveling the world playing golf. Here in Brazil only a few customers practice it, like Renan

from Águia Branca and Roger from Transol. Abroad, as in Africa, Mexico and the Middle East, it is very common and part of the relationship because it presents an opportunity for new experiences


and interaction”. In 2010, at an annual tournament in Mexico organized by the Federation of Road Bus Entrepreneurs, Mauro made a hole-in-one. A first in that tournament.

Legacy backwards The taste for golf, a hobby that became one of the Paulo Bellini’s passions, passed from son to father. Bellini was “brought” to the sport by his son Mauro. Mauro’s love of golf happened while he lived in South Africa and it changed his life. He says that

one day, on his way to the office, he received a golf lessons leaflet at a traffic light. He phoned out of curiosity and began to take classes and practice. “On one of my parents’ (Paulo and Mrs. Mary) visits to South Africa, my mother

presented him with a set of golf clubs. He began to practice and started to commit to it, helping the sport to grow in Caxias”, he emphasizes. Paulo helped set up the Caxias do Sul golf course and created the Paineiras, a training ground area next to

Luiz Magnus Correia Cardoso

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Solidarity Flavor

Men in the Kitchen 2017. From left to right, Paulo Corso, Tiago DaltoĂŠ, Paulo Bellini, Paulo Pacheco Bellini and Francisco Gomes Neto

When the desire to promote actions that contribute to the wellbeing of the society meets the love for gastronomy, the result is an event like Men in the Kitchen, of which Paulo Bellini, along with Valter Gomes


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Pinto, was one of the supporters since the first edition held in 2002. The event, which reached its 16th edition in 2017, has already brought together more than 20 thousand people in solidarity and has allocated over 500

thousand dollars to 195 non-profit entities of Caxias do Sul. What follows is a recipe prepared by Paulo Bellini, Valter Gomes Pinto and Claudio Biasio in the first edition of the event.



Ingredients: 4 kg of fish (grouper, Spotted sorubim, or skinned conger) 1 ½ kg of onions 1 ½ kg of tomatoes 1 bell pepper (small) 500 ml of coconut milk 2 coffee cups of olive oil ½ coffee cup of Mazola oil ½ cup of balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon of cumin 1 large bunch of green coriander 1 lemon 1 coffee cup of brandy ½ coffee cup of palm oil Salt, red pepper and black pepper to taste Vinegar A pot made of clay, iron or aluminum with a thick base

First step

bell pepper into strips. Put in a

Cut the fish into slices or

saucepan greased with olive oil,

steaks. Remove the fat and wash the

simmer in low heat, and when it

blood. Add ½ glass of vinegar

starts to boil, add 250 ml of co-

with 1 glass of water and wash

conut milk, 1/3 of the chopped

the fish. Drain and set aside on a

green coriander, a bit of salt

platter. In a bowl put the Mazola

and a pinch of pepper. Cook un-

oil, olive oil, cumin, crushed

til the ingredients melt.

bell pepper, black pepper, 1/3 of the chopped coriander, salt,

Third step

lemon juice, balsamic vinegar

Add the fish to the condi-

and brandy. Mix all these ingre-

ments in the container, plus 250

dients well and spread over the fish

ml of coconut milk in the sau-

so that it absorbs the seasoning well. Let it set for 2 hours.

Second step Hot sauce Cut the onion and the to-

mato into small pieces. Slice the Instagram: puntomenosoficial

cepan where the sauce is boiling. When it comes to a boil, put the remaining chopped coriander and let it cook for another 20 minutes. In the meantime, about 10 minutes




with palm oil. Recipe: Tiago Daltoé Photo: Graziela Chiattone Martins

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Alta Onda Turismo – Paraná

Autostar Vehículos - Costa Rica

Canasvieiras Transportes - Santa Catarina


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Photos: Douglas Melo

Auto Viação 1001 - Rio de Janeiro

Brandão Turismo - Pernambuco

Ceccon e Biora Transporte de Passageiros - Paraná


Catuzzo Turismo – Rio Grande do Sul

Suzantur - São Paulo

Gabard - Uruguay

Yvonetur transporte e turismo - Piauí

Guerino Seiscento - São Paulo

Janiz Transportes - Rio Grande do Sul

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JTP Transportes - São Paulo

José Roberto Sobral - Translitoral - São Paulo

Strengthening Partnerships Håkan Agnevall, president of Volvo Buses, and Fabiano Todeschini, president of Volvo Buses Latin America, visited Marcopolo with the objective of strengthening the partnership between the two companies in business conducted in Brazil and abroad. The executives learned about the plant’s production processes and the new Marcopolo Solidarity Production System, accompanied by Francisco Gomes Neto, Marcopolo CEO, André Vidal Armaganijan, Director of International Business and Rodrigo Pikussa and Ricardo Portolan, export executive managers.

JTP Transportes - São Paulo


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Photos: Douglas Melo

Massaneiro Turismo - Santa Catarina


MHT - Turismo Rio Grande do Sul

MLTT Transportes e Turismo - Alagoas

Institutional Visit In an institutional visit to Marcopolo, Marcos Pereira, Minister of Industry, Commerce and External Affairs, and the delegation were welcomed by José Antônio Fernandes Matins, Paulo Corso, Ricardo Portolan and Rodrigo Pikussa, members of the Marcopolo’s board of directors.

Nobre Turismo - Goiás

Plusmar - Argentina

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R. M. Arruda Cia Ltda. - Maranhão

Real Rodovias - Rio Grande do Sul

Intercity STC Group and Nordic Logistics One of Ghana’s main road operators, the Intercity STC Group, which had already acquired 50 Marcopolo buses in 2016, increased its fleet by 26 units, including 8 Paradiso 1200, 2 Paradiso 1800DD and 16 Paradiso 1600LD, the first in Africa. In addition to the STC, representatives from the investor group Nordic Logistics were also present, which initiated investments in the transportation segment, enabling the purchase of the units operated by the Intercity STC Group.

Rimatur Transportes - Paraná


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Photos: Douglas Melo

Sete de Setembro Transportes - Rio Grande do Sul


Trans Copacabana - Bolivia

Transmetro - Chile

The first 1800DD of Espírito Santo Coopetranserrana Cooperativa de Transportes da Região Serrana, from Santa Maria de Jetibá, purchased the first Paradiso 1800DD with 15 meters of length in the state.

Nobre Turismo - Goiás

Transportes Ecuador – Ecuador

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Turis Silva - Rio Grande do Sul

V.I.P. Transport - Ghana

Viação Rocio - Paraná


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Photos: Douglas Melo

Única - Fácil Transportes - Rio de Janeiro

Viação Nossa Senhora do Amparo - Rio de Janeiro

Viaggio Tur - Rio Grande do Sul


Trajectory revisited The story of Paulo Bellini is rich and leaves a legacy that will inspire future generations. This story and personal items that accompanied him during more than six decades of work will be displayed at an exhibition held at the

Marcopolo Memory Space - Valter Gomes Pinto during the next few months. Collaborators and clients, as well as the community in general, will have the opportunity to see up close the entrepreneur’s belongings

and learn more about his life and trajectory. Opening times are Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Group visits with more than ten people need to be scheduled via phone call (54) 2101.4170 or e-mail

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G et i n touch, we’re near.

Images merely for illustration. Consult with your region’s representative to know more about models and their configurations – on social media: OnibusMarcopolo


o Viajante - Issue 21 - August 2017

o Viajante - Issue 21 - August 2017


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