Magazine Viajante - Issue n° 23 edition - september 2017

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Viajante Magazine 23rd Edition September 2018

Natural Evolution The Paradiso New G7 line arrives with news

Lat.Bus 2018 Strength and Leadership

Panorama James Bellini Participative management

Memory 30 years present in the community Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



New G7 line brings innovations

that raise the level of sophistication, comfort, safety and efficiency of the road models already


recognized by the market.

Seat belt saves lives.

IMerely illustrative images. Consult your local representative to learn more about the models and their configurations. - on social networks: OnibusMarcopolo


Overall coordination Commercial and Marketing Department Texts production and editing Secco Consultoria de Comunicação Sabrina Leme MTB-RS 15062 Graphic project Communication Sector Printing Cromo Gráfica e Editora Digital Edition

Reproduction prohibited without prior and express authorization. All rights reserved. All images are merely illustrative and product configurations may change without prior notice.


Julio Soares

A journey towards growth and innovation Brazil, like all of Latin America, needed an event that would represent the importance of the bus to people’s mobility, both in urban centers and between cities and countries. After a delicate period of market retreat, the bus industry gradually improves, with the vigor of its strength. In this scenario of recovery and growth, Marcopolo, which has just completed its 69th anniversary, has taken advantage of Lat.bus to reinforce relationships with partners and customers and to present the novelties it has been uninterruptedly working on to the Brazilian and international markets. Those who visited the company’s fair booth were surprised by the innumerable releases and innovations presented by each one of its brands. We have received customers and partners from all over the country and the Latin American continent, further highlighting our market leadership and strength. The New G7 road line models were the big hit and caught the attention of the public, but the attractions were not limited to new products. The customer care and the development of technologies and innovations

that provide real gains to our bus users were also the focus. We try to show how we envision and conceive each new product and all the work done by the Design, Engineering, Quality and Production areas to provide the passenger with the most modern and advanced standards of safety, comfort, ergonomics, efficiency and well-being. In our booth, the largest in the event, we explore sensorial experiences by stimulating the five senses in order to strengthen the relationship with customers, partners and audiences sympathetic to our brands. It was, without a doubt, the most important participation of the company in such an event. To partners and clients who were unable to visit the fair, we prepared a special edition on Lat.Bus, replete of news, and detailing this remarkable presence. I invite you to share this experience with us. Good reading! Rodrigo Pikussa Bus Business Director at Marcopoio

SUMMARY Viajante Magazine 23rd Edition September 2018

8 - News Route

16 - Panorama James Bellini

14 - Client

25 - Cover

46 - Traveler’s guide Minas Gerais

Paradiso New G7

SUMMARY Viajante Magazine 23rd Edition September 2018

8 News Route

18 Panorama

GBS Group : 84 years, 84 buses

James Eduardo Bellini Participative management

News from the North Silvio Tamelini Renewal in Mato Grosso

Enhanced Chartering

Reunidas Group presents

27 Article

new fleet and positioning

Marcelo Fontana Lat.Bus: For an integrated

More colorful roads

and strong market

35 years of partnership

28 Cover Paradiso New G7

20 new Paradiso 1200 to Ecuador

Natural Evolution

New partnership in Argentina

36 Special Strength and Leadership

14 Representative Minas Gerais

42 Awards Master Exporter

16 Client

Big and Innovative


Brand of The Year

Vocation for pioneering

44 Traveler’s Guide Minas Gerais

52 Visits 59 Memory 30 years present in the community



GBS Group: 84 years, 84 buses In celebration of Viação Garcia 84th anniversary in 2018, The GBS Group has incorporated 84 new Marcopolo buses, 62 of them for road transport and 22 to metropolitan transport. The purchase of the 29

units of the model Paradiso 1200, twenty-five Paradiso 1800 DD , twenty-two Torino and eight Paradiso 1600 LD is part of the fleet renewal process of companies Brasil Sul, Princesa do Ivaí and Viação Garcia.

The GBS Group’s vehicles have different internal configurations and a lot of embedded technology for passenger comfort and safety. According to Rodrigo Pikussa , director of the Bus Business of MarcopoMarcus Vinicius Marin

lo, the GBS Group always invests to offer an ever increasing standard of quality to its clients. “For 40 years we have had a great partnership with the group. The vehicles are state-of-the-art and add several technological innovations such as the image monitoring and recording system and the Vidic audiovisual system, which is a personal enter-

tainment system”, explains the executive. Founded in 1934, Viação Garcia stands out among the five largest Brazilian companies in the sector and is recognized for investments in new technologies to ensure more and more comfort and safety to its passengers. With a fleet of over 800 buses, it travels 5.5 million kilometers per mon-

Topline 10 years Topline Bus, a Marcopolo representative that serves the states of Goiás, Tocantins and the Federal District, celebrated in 2018 its 10th year in operation. With units in Goiânia and Brasília, the company is led by Sérgio Castilhos and Wagner Conrado and offers to the market bus-body sales, after sales, technical assistance and spare parts.


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

th on the lines connecting the states of Paraná, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The modern and upgraded f leet is also available in charters for group transportation for leisure, tourism, business and others, as well as chartering for transportation of employees.

Douglas de Souza Melo



News from the North Boa Esperança, from Belém, is incre-

and Bragança. With new visual identifica-

asing its 100% Marcopolo fleet with 20

tion and the ability to carry 54 passengers

units of the Paradiso 1200 model that will

in Executive 1060 seats, the vehicles are

be used in inter-municipal lines linking the

equipped with air-conditioning, monito-

capital of Pará to the cities of Paragominas

ring system and wi-fi.

Douglas de Souza Melo

Renewal in Mato Grosso União Transporte e Turismo, a com-

ger transportation, were delivered along

pany operating in the cities of Várzea

Cuiabá’s bus station with attendance by

Grande and Cuiabá, added to its fleet seven

the Governor of Mato Grosso, Pedro Ta-

units of the Viaggio 1050 model. The new

ques, and representatives of the Marcopo-

vehicles, configured for intercity passen-

lo’s commercial staff. Disclosure

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018





Reunidas Group presents new fleet and positioning

Completing 67 years of activities, the Reunidas Group assumes a new brand positioning by investing in a complete, albeit gradual, fleet renewal. The president of the group, Sandoval Caramori, explains this new moment for the company: “In this evolution, Reunidas is positioned as a modern and innovative company, with experience and tradition in its segments of activity, updating its visual identity and initiating a gradual process of fleet renewal”, he emphasizes. The first vehicles to come into operation are Paradiso G7 1800 DD models.

With 14 meters in length, they have the capacity to carry 42 passengers in semi-bed seats in the upper floor and nine bed seats on the lower floor. Passengers will also have personal entertainment kit, consisting of Wi-Fi, USB and Digital Video Bus Streaming equipment that offers the possibility of accessing movies, documentaries and music, via cell phone, tablet or computer. The company’s new phase was disclosed to its employees in conjunction with the Driver’s Day celebrations. The vehicles were taken there so that em-



Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

ployees could experience firsthand the new phase, along with an explanatory letter about the changes, delivered to all.

New brand For this new phase, the well-known company brand was redesigned, gaining modern overtones. However, it continues to preserve the values established ​​ over the years, which have gained trust and respect to the company. For this reason, the wings, which were used since the beginning and instantly identify the brand, were kept, but with a slight touch of modernity, and the font used carries now a simple and sophisticated style. The brand’s central symbol, represented by two links forming a circle, like a handshake, Convey the ever-present zeal and care for the customers who were and still are part of the company since 1950.



More colorful roads Viação Util adds to its fleet eight units of the Paradiso model 1800 DD, with new themed paintings. Configured for two classes of service and with capacity for 60 passengers, 12 in bed seats on the lower floor and 48 semi-bed upstairs, the vehicles will be used in regular lines, as well as charter and tourism.

Recognized for the different painting projects, Viação Util has already honored Brazilian cities, the fauna, flora and historical moments of the Country. The newly incorporated units allude to various themes such as healthy food, education and reference to one of the company’s routes, Rio- Brasília. Douglas de Souza Melo

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




Commercial Area ever closer to customers Always attentive to market demands, the Commercial area has been working to further strengthen customer relations so as to offer better experiences in the acquisition of Marcopolo products. “The strategy adopted is to be ever closer, to be even more agile and more structured to guarantee the best deliveries”, says Rodrigo Pikussa, director of the Bus Business. One of the recent initiatives undertaken by the company was the selection of three regions between strategic

markets for the opening of branches: Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. With the creation of subsidiaries, the company seeks to promote excellence in service, performed by specialized teams trained in the very factory, as well as increasing the availability and speed of delivery of original parts. “This is a decisive move in our business, which should allow us to offer products and services beyond expectations”, said Pikussa. Another change is the

appointment of two new sales and after sales representatives: Basebus, which will serve the states of Bahia and Sergipe, and VIM Serviços Automotivos, responsible for the Espírito Santo market. “The changes are aimed at commercial excellence and value creation to the customer. They also aim to strengthen relationships and meet the needs of transport operators in these markets”, he concludes.

35 years of partnership Client since 1983 and with 90% of its fleet by Marcopolo, the Expresso Princesa dos Campos celebrates the 35 years of partnership incorporating 30 new units to its fleet. 21 Paradiso 1600 LD and nine Viaggio 900 will be used for conventional and executive services on regular lines in Paraná and interstate in São Paulo, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The models are equipped with air conditioning, radio, DVD, USB-ready seats and Wi-Fi. Some models of the Paradiso 1600 LD also feature individual monitors built into the seats.


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



20 new Paradiso 1200 to Ecuador Cooperativa Loja, whose headquarters are in the city of the same name located 660 km from Quito, now has 20 new Paradiso 1200 for national and international transportation of passengers. The purchase

is part of the f leet renewal program. Pioneer in the bed-seat service in the country and with a current f leet of over 140 vehicles, 80% of them Marcopolo, Cooperativa Loja invests in models with

capacity to carry 42 passengers in semi-bed seats with individual USB inputs and equipped with Wi-Fi, air conditioning, refrigerator and audiovisual system with 5 monitors. Douglas de Souza Melo

New partnership in Argentina In order to intensify its presence in Argentina, Marcopolo SA has appointed the Fênix Group as responsible for Commercial and Post-Sales Management of products exported by the Brazilian company to the country. According to André Armaganijan, director of Strategy and International Business at Marcopolo, the great acceptance and presence of the Brazilian brand in the Argentine market played a decisive

role in the choice of the new partner. “We chose Grupo Fênix because of the great experience and credibility it has throughout the country, due to the high standard of services offered and the service network located in the main economic centers,” explains the executive. Created in 2003, Grupo Fênix SA has in its board professionals with over 25 years of experience in the sector of road passenger transport

in Argentina. It has its own structure in Buenos Aires to provide commercial, administrative, financial and foreign trade support, technical assistance, supply of spare parts and development of local suppliers. It has 3,000 m2 of roofed workshop for after sales, 1,500 m2 of semi-roofed area for services, 1,000 m2 dedicated to spare parts and 400 m2 of commercial and administrative offices. Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Minas Gerais

Jean Assis

Market Strengthening In






Marcopolo Minas is the company’s first subsidiary. Part of the restructuring that combines its own sales offices with a representatives network, it counts on a team that seeks to be closer to customers in the state, where the brand has been present for over 50 years, and offer better experiences in the acquisition of branded products. Jocemario Dartora, Direct Sales Manager, is at the forefront of the subsidiary and talks more about the new phase of Marcopolo.

Viajante Magazine: With its own branches, what is the desired objective? Jocemario Dartora: Bringing Marcopolo ever closer to its customers, with more agile and structured processes, allowing us to offer products and services beyond the expectations of our customers. With this, customers here will have a direct connection with the factory to carry out business. Viajante: What changes in processes? Jocemario: Teams from different areas are being trained and tooled to have more autonomy in the conduct of work and decision-


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

-making, this allows for a faster customer service. Viajante: What is the current panorama of the Minas Gerais market? Jocemario: Currently, there are over 700 active clients. Divided into 12 microregions, among them the Urban Belo Horizonte, Triângulo Mineiro and Alto, Zona da Mata and Vale do Rio Doce. This market is peculiar and is characterized by being heterogeneous, that is, the transportation segments are diversified and characterized by the large number of small and medium-sized operators, which is very representative in the state. Viajante: What is the

current team for this new moment of the company? Jocemario : Currently the local market is attended by a team composed of six people (a Direct Sales Manager, three External Sellers, an


mercial Assistant and one Technical Analyst). Viajante: What is the balance of this first semester? Jocemario: The experiences that we have had in this recovery have been very positive. In this market there was a gap that needed to be filled, and the proximity that we are providing companies has warmed the factory-client relationships.

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Images for illustrative purposes only.

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Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




Douglas de Souza Melo

Vocation for pioneering

The company began in 1943, during World War II, by a young man of only 19 years driving a 1940 Chevrolet bus. Now it is commemorating 75 years and has established itself as one of the references in road passenger transport in Brazil. Founded by AbĂ­lio Pinto Gontijo, the company, since the beginning, showed a vocation for pioneering, due to the competence and dedication he conducted business in those very challenging times. Marco Antonio Gontijo, Supply director and son of still active AbĂ­lio, tells us more about this story.


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018


Viajante Magazine: Over the decades, how did Gontijo reach the current levels? Marco Antonio Gontijo: In 1949, the company moved from Carmo Paranaíba to Patos de Minas, making the first connection to Belo Horizonte. In 1965, with the increase of industrialization in Brazil and with the population moving from the rural area to the cities, it moved to Belo Horizonte and continued expanding its lines in the North and Northeast regions of the State. In the 1970s, Gontijo went beyond the limits of Minas Gerais and reached the northeast and center-west of the country. In 1981, the Gontijo Road Park was inaugurated in Belo Horizonte, which is the company‘s administrative and maintenance headquarter, with an area of ​​approximately one hundred thousand square meters and operating capacity for two thousand buses. Since the 90’s, the company continues in the process of expansion, winning awards and recognitions for its services over the years. Viajante: Gontijo currently has one of the largest and most

modern fleets in Brazil. What is the company’s current structure? Marco Antonio : Currently we have passed the mark of 1,400 vehicles, of which 700 are Marcopolo. Our main parking and maintenance yards are in Belo Horizonte and São Paulo. We have 90 garages and approximately 830 ticket-sale booths. About 4,800 employees are responsible for the operation of the Group and for maintaining the standards of comfort and sophistication of the services offered to over five million passengers transported annually in 282 lines that cover 19 Brazilian states, the Federal District and Paraguay. Viajante: How is the maintenance of a fleet of this size managed? Marco Antonio : We focus daily on preventive and corrective maintenance of vehicles. Over 250 items are preventively replaced by professionals trained directly by component manufacturers. We have our own grinding and rethreading machines, capable of meeting all our needs. Every vehicle at the end of a journey, and before starting the next, undergoes mechanical and


bodywork review, including seats and toilets. To keep the fleet always renewed, we constantly sell used buses, all revised with the quality standard of the company. Viajante: What is the company’s policy for driver training? Marco Antonio : We prioritize the qualification of the drivers, investing constantly in training. Before taking the wheel, each new driver undergoes psychological assessments, a minimum period of ten days of training and a further 40 days of follow-up done by professionals with experience in road passenger transportation. Over 300 thousand kilometers are covered yearly through trainings alone. Viajante: Besides passenger transport, what services does the group focus on? Marco Antonio : In addition to the transportation of passengers we offer bus rentals for other purposes. The 20 Brazilian states we serve also allow us to operate in the shipment segment with the same quality and safety with which we transport thousands of passengers.

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018





James Bellini

Participative management

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




Elected president of Marcopolo’s Board of Directors, James Eduardo Bellini returns to the company after a hiatus of over a decade. Alongside vice president Paulo Cezar da Silva Nunes, the other members of the board, the management, Marcopolo employees and his brothers Mauro and Paulo, James aims to perpetuate his father’s legacy, keeping the company in growth.

Viajante Magazine: When did your relationship with Marcopolo’s day-to-day life begin? James Bellini: In early 90s. Initially I worked as a commercial representative in Argentina, later as commercial manager and director of international market, where I participated actively in the opening of new markets. Viajante: Do you believe the previous experience contributes positively in this new moment? James: Absolutely. It was almost 15 years of intense living for Marcopolo. During this period, I came to know many markets, some of them I personally opened and developed, interacting with the company’s public and all its areas, relating to employees, managers, directors, representatives, clients, assemblers, advisers, controllers, competitors and suppliers. Viajante: After more than ten years dedicated to other activities, what is it


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

like to be back to Marcopolo? James: It is very good, as the famous saying goes, “the good son returns home”. I feel very comfortable at Marcopolo, I have a great affinity for the company. After all, it was many years between the roles of representative and executive. It gave me a solid business foundation, and the chance of knowing the people that make it all happen. Many employees are former colleagues, I know so many new people, I relate well with everyone. Clearly, there is mutual respect. Viajante: Will your action at the forefront of the board have traits of the management and leadership profile inherited from your father? James: Without a doubt, my great mission, and that of my brothers, is to continueour father’s legacy. Mauro has already served in the Board of Directors and currently serves as




President of Moneo, Paulo also follows the ronment, ensuring that the company adapts company’s affairs. We have been talking a lot to these changes. In addition, we must moand all the decisions that relate to the com- nitor and support the board in implementing pany are taken based on the premise: “what strategic actions. With regard to future strais best for Marcopolo?”. Important decisions tegies, it is the role of the Board of Directors were made based on this. One of them was to monitor the direction of the executives in myself assuming as chairman of the Council the preparation of the Strategic Plan and deof administration. Our responsibility is enormand its execution. We have done this sysmous, there are thousands of people depentematically, discussing the company’s key ding on this company and we cannot ignore this reality. Marcopolo is driven by people’s strategies at both the Executive Committee motivation and they will only be motivated and Board of Directors meetings. Viajante: How does the role of Counif they realize they are valued. Ensuring this cil Chairman contribute to this? acknowledgement is one of my priorities. AfJames: My management can basically ter all, as Mr. Paulo used to say, “the most influence the company’s business throuimportant are the people.” Viajante: One of the hallmarks of Mr. gh observations based on past experiences, Paulo was the proximity to the factory. Is this conversations with people inside and outsistyle going to continue? de the company and conversations with cusJames: With my experience in this butomers and representatives, thus detecting siness, it certainly will. Our goal is to have opportunities for business improvement and an active presence, overseeing and working guiding the board of directors into taking in line with the entire board to achieve the the necessary actions to improve results, the established strategic objecwork environment, client tives to keep the company My great mission, satisfaction and motivation growing and ever closer to of the whole team. its customers. With an enand that of my Viajante: Taking on gaging management, listhe role of Chairman of tening to our customers brothers, is to the Board, can you see and bringing their needs challenges and opporcontinue our to the table, we can jointly tunities to approach the find the most appropriafather’s legacy. market, shareholders te solution for each one’s and customers? reality, strengthening the relationships and responding in an agile James: The main challenges are in the and assertive manner to the demands of the pursuit of sustainable growth, thus allowing market. Listening to the customer is crucial us to return to historical levels of profit, and for us to evolve. in this way generate jobs that benefit the Viajante: What is the Board’s involcommunities where we are present. We also vement with the company’s strategy? need to be attentive to the social issue, whiJames: The Board of Directors is the body ch is increasingly worrying in large urban in charge of the decision-making process of the company in relation to strategic direc- centers, together with the important envition. In summary, it means that we should ronment issue. The satisfaction of all stakeconstantly stimulate strategic thinking and holders will be a consequence once these obkeep an eye on changes in the business envi- jectives are achieved. Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




Silvio Tamelini

Enhanced Chartering


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




FRESP - The Federation of Passenger Transport Companies of São Paulo - represents seven* unions pertinent to the sector, which together congregate more than 300 charter companies dealing with the transport of people. With 24 years of operation, the federation seeks to improve the activities of passenger transport via charter. It is chaired by Silvio Tamelini, who also manages the São Paulo company Ipojucatur.

Viajante Magazine: What is the focus of the Federation?

Silvio Tamelini: The mission of FRESP translates into five key actions: bring together, represent, coordinate, protect and stimulate the transportation by charter private sector. Always with the purpose of promoting and giving visibility to the charter service , ensuring the quality of the transport offered by the associated companies, and benefit, in a balanced and responsible way, from the advantages of this service to all segments of the economy. Viajante: What is the profile of the charter segment in the state? Silvio: Continuous chartering works heavily in the transportation of workers and students, corresponding to about 80% of companies’ revenues. Tourism chartering, on the other hand, represents only 20% of the revenues. The average age of the fleet in São Paulo is quite young, due to public policies that started to limit the age of operating vehicles, and the financing lines that favored investments. In the past two years, legislation was relaxed for the entrance of micro or individual entrepreneurs, who operate with only two light vehicles,


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

and who began to compose the state’s transportation sector. Viajante: What are the challenges facing the segment in the national scenario? Silvio: The economic crisis demanded a very accurate and dynamic management of the business. Technologies are created or improved daily to provide diagnoses of every moment of transportation, from vehicle acquisition, legalization, driving, customer service, market, competitiveness; in short, everything must be analyzed very closely. Not to mention the economy, trends, sustainability, human resources, and a whole range of data and studies that require daily analysis and management, causing entrepreneurs to overburden themselves. The challenge is to hold quality information and apply it in strategic planning. Viajante: Does FRESP work together with other entities to strengthen the charter service? Silvio: FRESP is engaged with other charter entities in Brazil, seeking to implement common solutions to problems that affect everyone, regardless of geographic location. It is associated with the National Public Transport

Agency (ANTP), an important transport agency in the country, which discusses the relationship between public and private passenger transportation services and brings together authorities, technicians and trade managers. Together, we promote charter visibility among the various transportation segments in the country. It also integrates the Passenger Transport Commission, coordinated by the São Paulo Transport Agency - ARTESP. In order to encourage road tourism, we also have representation in the State of São Paulo Council of Tourism (CON-TURESP), through our executive director Regina Rocha, who was recently elected Executive Secretary of the council. Moreover, at the end of 2016, an agreement was signed with the Association of City Councils of the State of São Paulo (APRE – CESP) for the promotion of actions aimed at the development of road tourism in resort cities. We also participate in the National Confederation of Transport (CNT). It is important to emphasize that FRESP participates intensively in discussions about transportation problems in the cities, and has



frequently raised awareness, with public and private entities, about the public transport of passengers, especially highlighting the charter service as a viable alternative to improve urban mobility, increasingly handicapped by the ever-growing number of cars on the streets. The lack of traffic fluidity affects negatively the whole community and the environment. Viajante: What are the strategies developed to promote and give visibility to the charter service? Silvio: This visibility is achieved through presence in the press in general, and in specialized publications. We also have digital activities on our website, where topics related to transport serve as a source of consultation for all, and social networks, where we divulge the advantages of chartering and its possibilities of use. In 2016,

we launched the digital magazine Conexão a Bordo, also aimed at publicizing chartering, mainly tourism. In addition, we support actions of great importance in the national scenario, such as Maio Amarelo (a traffic safety campaign) and the National Traffic Week. Annually, we hold the Brasil Frete/Fresp, a large gathering of charter companies from all over the country. The fair mixes lectures on technical issues and the showcase of products and services specifically aimed at the charter sector, allowing for a great exchange of information between the participants, speakers and exhibitors, essential for the development of the sector as a whole and improvement of participating companies. Viajante: What benefits do the companies that make use of this type of service reap?

Silvio: Charter transport brings countless benefits to both the contracting company and its employees. For the company, we can highlight the increase of productivity, since they reduce the problems with worker’s delay. Another point: without worrying about chaotic traffic or crowded public transport, the collaborator uses the trip to rest, reducing his stress and increasing proficiency. Greater legal guarantee is also a charter benefit for corporations. For the employee, having this transportation generates comfort, tranquility and safety on the way to work. And, of course, the city also wins: there are fewer cars around, more space on the road, more parking spaces, more urban mobility, less pollution and, consequently, an improved quality of life.

* Syndicate of Passenger Transportation and Tourism Companies by Charter of Sorocaba and Surroundings - SETFRET, Union of Chartering Transport Companies of Campinas and Surroundings - SINFRECAR, Union of Charter Transport Companies of Ribeirão Preto and Surroundings - SINFREPASS, Union of Chartering Companies of Santos and Surroundings SINFRESAN. Union of Passenger Transport Companies of the State of São Paulo - SINFRET, Union of Passenger Transport Companies by Charter of the Vale do Paraíba and Surroundings SINFREVALE, Trade Union of Transport of Passengers and Tourism Companies of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region - TRANSFRETUR .

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




BRING GOOD NEWS Seat belt saves lives.

For illustrative purposes only, consult your local representative to learn more about the models and their configurations. - on social networks: OnibusMarcopolo

One of them is the renovation of the Senior, which now brings external and internal changes that meet the standard of comfort, safety and efficiency of current Marcopolo road models.



Lat.Bus: For an integrated and strong market Marcelo Fontana Managing Director of OTM Publishing house and MF Events

A major event gathering the main players in the Latin American passenger transport and mobility, with the aim of bringing together the industry, service, technology and payment segments, thus strengthening and integrating the market. That describes Lat.Bus, the Latin American Transport Fair, which took place from July 31st to August 2nd at the Transamérica Expo Center in São Paulo, where over 7 thousand visitors from 26 countries gathered together. Organized by OTM Publishing house and MF Events, the event was supported by entities such as the National Association of Urban Transport (NTU), National Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Anfavea), National Association of Bus Manufacturers (Fabus), National Association of Public Transport (ANTP), the International Union of Public Transport (UITP), the Brazilian Association of Terrestrial Transport of Passenger Companies (Abrati) and the Interstate Union of Railway and Road Materials and Equipment Industry (Simefre). After a period of dif-

ficulties across the continent and especially in Brazil, it is time to steer the sector in the proper direction, with a focus on success and growth, which are beginning to take place, despite political and economic problems. Lat.Bus comes at the proper time to mark this momentum of recovery. The fair, which will happen every two years, also highlights Brazil as an important economic hub in the region, whose industry exports products and technology to most Latin American countries. Strengthening this commercial and technological exchange is strategic for domestic companies and neighboring markets. Lat.Bus presented news and industry trends, as well as a content grid directed to companies and specialists. We seek to create an environment that fosters discussions about the paths to be taken in order to improve productivity and the service offered to the passenger. What are the directions for mobility and transportation of people on the continent? What are the common challenges and solutions? What are our particularities and what paths can we take to address them? All of these issues, fundamental for the development of our segment, were addressed with seriousness and transparency. Lat.Bus was a privileged forum to discuss what we want to build for the present and future. Simultaneously to the

fair, the NTU 32nd National Seminar was held, with focus on public transportation and urban mobility. The meeting stimulated the discussion of experiences and projects, at a delicate time for the country, preparing for the 2018 elections and debating the new directions of public transport. We also presented a “minimum agenda” with effective and innovative proposals and solutions for urban mobility, which will serve as a resource for those interested in formulating proposals and programs on the subject. With the central theme “Building today a new tomorrow: public transport contributions for urban mobility”, the NTU presented and discussed a paper with suggestions for the strengthening of urban public transport, from the adequacy of road infrastructure and prioritization of public transport to the operation’s cost and financing, including the legal certainty of contracts, technological modernization, reduction of environmental impacts, improvement of the quality of the service and articulations with the government. In short, more than a business event, Lat. Bus was an opportunity for companies and entities from all over Latin America to work together and build a strong, integrated market, in sync with the industry’s latest standards. Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Paradiso New G7

Natural Evolution The Paradiso New G7 line arrives bringing innovations that raise the level of sophistication, comfort, safety and efficiency of the road models already famous in Brazilian and international markets.


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

Ronaldo dos Santos

Paradiso New G7


As a natural evolution of Generation 7, the Paradiso New G7 Line was designed to provide the best passenger experience and greater comfort and safety to the driver due to a better steering experience and ergonomics, also raising fleet quality, owing to its high standard of sophistication. “The new road line brings together improvements hinted by our customers and their passengers. The result is a product line that values ​​the pleasure of traveling by bus and maintains the already established performance”, says Marcopolo’s bus business director, Rodrigo Pikussa. Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Paradiso New G7

As a natural evolution of Generation 7, the Paradiso New G7 Line was designed to provide the best passenger experience and greater comfort and safety to the driver due to a better steering experience and ergonomics, also raising fleet quality, for its high standard of sophistication. “The new road line brings together improvements hinted by our customers and their passengers. The result is a product line that values​​ the pleasure of traveling by bus and maintains the already established performance”, says Marcopolo’s bus business director, Rodrigo Pikussa.

Marcopolo Identity The new external design of the Paradiso New G7 models, with black mask headlights, integrated Daytime Running Light (DRL) and new LED fog light, enhances the Marcopolo identity. At the rear, the brand was repositioned to gain more prominence, and the taillight set sports rear fog light, delimiters and LED break lights and turn lights, replacing conventional bulbs.

The changes ensure more safety by enhancing visibility even at long distances or at night. The stylish headlights and rear view mirrors, in harmony with the frontal design, increase the visibility and complete the look. The front grille and side tiara, with a new design that follows the shape of the top windshield, are now made of stainless steel. The new concepts for the interior design of the

New G7 benefit first and foremost the passenger. To facilitate boarding and disembarking, the access ladder has new profiles and indirect lighting, and the package holder now has a new fastening system. The separation wall sliding system was redesigned so as to preserve the driver’s cabin, ensuring greater privacy and making for a more ergonomic and accessible

Julio Soares


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

Paradiso New G7


Julio Soares

driver’s cabin. With differentiated finishes and a large glazed area, the clean design improves the passenger’s view and enhances the hall’s natural lighting, complemented by the sunroof with built-in emergency exit.

The indirect indoor lighting uses the concepts of Bio Lightining, changing hue and intensity according to the time of day, The option of Chromo therapy allows for the choice of different scenery lighting ac-

cording to the application. Audio and video systems, with fixed or retractable LCD monitors and individual sound outputs for each passenger, provide a quality experience throughout the internal environment.

Julio Soares

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Paradiso New G7

Julio Soares

Designed with comfort in mind The Executive and Semi bed seat models have been fully revitalized to provide more comfort and ergonomics for passengers. The use of special foams (viscoelastic) in the head and neck region, as well as wider and softer armrests, are some of


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

the improvements introduced to further raise the experience inside the vehicle. The seats also gained new fabric patterns and templates. There are over 10 different finishing options, as well as ecological leather, which comes in many co-

lors to match the side, floor, ceiling and package holder. One of the Highlights is the Relax Seat, with several degrees of massage, selected by the passenger via remote control, already present in some markets.

Paradiso New G7


Special attention to the driver The driver’s cabin received special attention to provide a pleasant driving experience. The ergonomic and functional dashboard allows the driver to keep the focus on the road and maintain his position in the seat while accessing different systems and

equipment. The Ergodesign seat, especially dedicated to the driver, was developed with a focus on ergonomics and comfort. The Multiplex system provides full control with easily accessible backlit buttons. It also has an informa-

tive display and, optionally, a 7 inch monitor with images from the passenger hall and / or rear camera to aid in reversing maneuvers. To ensure more safety and reduce the impacts caused by eventual frontal collisions, the cabin has a reinforced structure.

Julio Soares

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Paradiso New G7

Ronaldo dos Santos

Renewed Senior

Reference model for more than 20 years in the 10ton range, the Senior micro-bus, destined to the road segment, was revitalized internally and externally. The objective, besides offering a better travel experience for the passengers with the best use of the internal space, is to offer the fleet an efficient vehicle, with easy maintenance and replacement of components. The upgraded exterior


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

sports a new headlight design, new front grille opening system, wider windshield and elements similar to the new road models like upgraded side profile. The interior of the Senior has also received a number of upgrades, following the current Paradiso New G7 line standards. The vehicle has a widened outer width (from 2,350mm to 2,400mm) and elimination of the central aisle slope, which,

together with the increased external height of the vehicle, increases the internal height of the passenger hall, facilitating the movement of occupants. The new micro-bus from Marcopolo was developed to fit all the main chassis on the market, allowing for different internal configurations and capacity to carry up to 32 passengers.

Paradiso New G7

Market Release



The first event to receive the new models and present them to the Brazilian market was held in a workshop promoted at


Sest/Senat of Minas Gerais. More than 100 representatives from 32 client companies and business partners attended by the Marcopolo subsidiary in the state witnessed the Paradiso New G7 1800 DD upgrades. “The

Rufino Haag

objective of the event is to present the innovations and evolutions brought by the new line that shall bring benefits to investors and passengers. The intention now is to do the same all around Brazil�, says Pikussa.

Rufino Haag

At an event held in Epysa, Marcopolo


in Chile, the Senior was presented to 200 customers. The




presented to Peruvian and Mexican



during factory visits.

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Gelson M. da Costa

Lat.Bus 2018

Strength and Leadership Marcopolo‘s new releases and technology showcased at continent-wide event After some years without an international event of such magnitude in the sector of road passenger transport, Brazil again hosted a Latin American fair, Lat.Bus&TranspĂşblico, and Marcopolo SA showed its


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

strength and leadership by being the main exhibitor at the event, with a 2,400 square meter fair stand. For the first time, the company gathered its three bus brands - Marcopolo, Neobus and Volare - in the

same space, presenting 12 product launches, a record in the company’s history, which is commemorating 69 years of activity on August 6th. Marcopolo also had Moneo Bank and spaces dedicated to technology and innovation in

Lat.Bus 2018

the fair. “This is the first place where the new action strategy was presented for the three brands, achieving success beyond our expectations”, said Francisco Gomes Neto, General director of Marcopolo SA. “We have received cus-

tomers and partners from all over Brazil and other Latin American countries, highlighting even more our market strength with each of the three brands, Marcopolo, Neobus and Volare , along with Moneo Bank”.


In addition to the New G7, evolution of the Marcopolo Road Bus family, the public was presented with the intermunicipal Neobus Spectrum 325 and the new Volare models, Fly 6 and Fly 9, as well as the electric vehicle Access. Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Lat.Bus 2018

Awakening the senses Marcopolo SA developed a fair stand that explored sensory experiences via the stimulation of the five senses, with the aim of bringing the brands together, while maintaining the identity of each one of them, and strengthening the relationship with customers, partners and sympathizers of the brands. To enhance the space and promote the brand’s traditional sense of well-being and hospitality, the stand featured live music, 360 ° videos, augmented reality and product experiences. The booth also had an auditorium for the exchange of information regarding Marcopolo’s new products and services. In the space, 24 classes were held with presentations and workshops aimed at the sales network, representatives and customers. More than 300 people attended the meetings. Two exclusive and differentiated areas were dedicated to the Engineering and Design sectors for the presentation of innovations, providing an even greater interaction between public and products.


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

Gelson M. da Costa

Lat.Bus 2018


Gelson M. da Costa

In order to highlight its leadership in the development of new solutions in the bus industry, Marcopolo created Espaço Engenharia, which presented the innovations in the developed products, such as the new materials adopted. One of them was the new plastic developed for the bumpers of New G7 models - replacing fiberglass, they are 30% lighter, more resistant and durable as they have the ability to absorb impact, deform and return to the original format without rupture. “The client often does not have the opportunity to know in detail and up close everything that we have developed for the new models

to increase bus safety, comfort and efficiency. They also cannot imagine how much we invest in research to create the innovations that are incorporated into our vehicles. In this space, we were able to show how these new Marcopolo products are born”, says Luciano Resner, Engineering director. According to Luciano, in addition to the new materials and coatings, the partners also met in detail every project and action that Marcopolo developed to remain at the crest of the Brazilian and international bus industry. “One of the details was the videos showing the meticulous work that is carried out in tests and validations

with each new product before launching them to the market. In this regard, the recent partnership with Randon for exclusive use of their Test Field in Caxias do Sul reinforces the differentials we have in relation to any other national manufacturer”, he emphasizes. “More than merely seeing the bus in use, the customer can know and understand how each new detail incorporated in the vehicles is born, how much time it takes and how much is invested so that the new technologies can guarantee benefits and practical advantages to the owner and passengers”, concludes Luciano Resner .

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Lat.Bus 2018

User Experience The Marcopolo stand at Lat.Bus 2018 also had an exclusive area where the visitor could get to know all the work that the Design and Innovation area carries out in the development of unprecedented technologies that offer more comfort, ergonomics and safety. According to Marcopolo’s Design and Inno-

vation manager, Petras Amaral, these technologies and equipment are Marcopolo’s vision for the bus today, tomorrow and the “post-tomorrow”. Among the equipment and solutions that are already available or will be launched soon, the new driver’s seat is in prominence, developed with the aim of prolonging driver

alertness by acting during moments of drowsiness or fatigue, thus reducing the high rate of accidents caused in the transport of people and cargo. Another technology already available that should meet the demand of transportation operators is the Next Seat, in which the passenger has the sensation of being



Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

Lat.Bus 2018

physically and emotionally better. The seat respects the biotype of the users and changes their perception of time by reducing fatigue. It features a massage system consisting of four individual vibration modules that provide a therapeutic

massage, improving circulation and muscle relaxation in the regions of neck, back, thigh and calf. The massage takes place in a cycle of different intensities, varying frequency and intercalating the vibration areas. It also has a heating


system in the lower back region, driven by an electric heating element located underneath the seat covering, with temperatures ranging from 35º to 42ºC, it provides a soothing action, automatically adapted to each passenger.


An anti-sweat system is also present, with air circulation produced by an internally installed micro fan and aided by a transpiration permeable fabric. It relieves the sensation of heat and moisture formation between the seat and the passenger, increasing the feeling of comfort.

“Through Design and Innovation, Marcopolo develops the most modern technologies available to its customers. Some are already available, but we are also working on innovations that should be a reality in transport by 2025”, stresses Petras. These technologies

aim to show how our bus can soon meet future needs and desires that are yet to be imagined by passengers and operators. Development is continuous and perpetual in the face of challenges, fostering solutions for a better transport in which the user feels ever more welcomed.

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



The actions

Master Exporter For the second consecutive year, Marcopolo received

developed by Marcopolo to improve the

the RS Exports Prize, in the Master Exporter category, due the growing supply of vehicles sent to foreign markets. In 2017, Marcopolo’s exports grew 5.1% as compared to 2016 (3,271 units from 3,111). This is the 21st time the company Neitor Luis

production processes, increase market share and capture new customers, earned the company

is recognized with the Exports Award, the first was in 1974, demonstrating the company’s export expertise. Awarded by the Association of Marketing and Sales Directors of Brazil - ADVB/RS, the 46th edition recognizes and

several awards throughout 2018.

highlights the main Gaucho companies that have achieved outstanding performance in the international market, and fosters national economic growth.

Big and Innovative Once again one of the most outstanding and remembered companies, Marcopolo was voted among the top 5 companies by business managers and senior executives of the gaucho market, both in the categories of Big Brand and Innovative Brand in the southern region. The 20th edition of the Marcas De Quem Decide Awards was granted by the Jornal do ComĂŠrcio.


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018


Brand of the Year: Road Bus Bodies Last year’s sales performance and leadership in the segment earned Marcopolo the 2018 Lotus Award, promoted by Editora Frota, in the category Brand of the Year in Road Buses. “We are very proud of this achievement. It represents the company’s effort, dedication and will of all our employees and partners to satisfy and meet the demands of customers, with state-of-the-art products and services”, explains Francisco Gomes Neto, Marcopolo CEO. The Lotus Prize is awarded by Editora Frota & Cia to manufacturers and distributors of commercial vehicles, whose products and brands have won the preference of Brazilian buyers. The winners are chosen through the analysis of domestic market sales in the previous year, according to FENABRAVE statistics. Disclosure

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018


s a n i M s i a r e G TRAVELER’S GUIDE


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018


Leandro Neumann Ciuffo


Bandeirantes in the 16th century ventured the still unknown interior of Brazil in search of gold and precious stones. A narrative that could be the beginning of a fictional story is the

origin of the Province of São Paulo and Minas de Ouro, spun off into Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais, later in 1720. Acting as a bridge between past and present, the centuriesold cities of Minas


Gerais, a state with 853 municipalities, more than 21 million inhabitants and 585 thousand km2 of area, preserve the most beautiful architecture in Brazil and tell us a little of the country’s history.

Ouro Preto Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




São João del-Rei Hometown of former Brazilian president Tancredo Neves, São João del-Rei is a historic city where, on weekends, it is possible to get to and from by steam train. It preserves many buildings, such as the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, which has the title of first Baroque art of the Country and is the only one of the city designed by Aleijadinho, as well as traditions of the golden age, such as church bells announcing masses and the Hail Mary hour since the 18th century.

Adam Jones

Belo Horizonte Amongst ancient traditions, the capital of Minas Gerais, baptized in 1897 and assuming the position hitherto occupied by Vila Rica (now Ouro Preto), Belo Horizonte has a recent history. It was founded on December 12, 1897, about 150 years after the creation of Mariana, the first mining city. Built in a planned way, inspired by the urban models of Paris and Washington, it is

framed by the Serra do Curral and presents several attractions in its urban landscape. Two highlights are the projects by the architect Oscar Niemeyer: the Architectural Complex of Pampulha, declared in 2016 by UNESCO as World Heritage Site, and the Church of St. Francis of Assisi. Other important tourist attractions in Belo Horizonte are the Liberty Square com-

plex, where the Liberty Palace - seat of state government – is located, the Mineirão stadium, the Central Market, the Abilio Barreto Historical Museum, the Arts and Crafts Museum, located in Station Square, the Municipal and Mangabeiras parks, the Palace of Arts and the Pope’s square, which offers a great panoramic view. Carlos Eduardo Livino


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



A bridge between past and present In the 18th century, the development of Vila Rica, now Ouro Preto, was always linked to the extraction of gold. The city drew so much attention from the Portuguese Crown that it became the capital of Minas Gerais.

Seat of the largest group of baroque architecture in Brazil, it had its historical value recognized in 1933 when it was decreed National Monument City and was the first Brazilian city to receive from UNESCO, in 1980, the title of

World Heritage Site. Its cobbled streets are an invitation to stroll among museums and churches adorned in gold, such as the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, the Our Lady of Pilar and the Museum of InconfidĂŞncia.

Yuma Salsero

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




The Inconfidência Hero


The discovery of gold on the slopes of the Serra de São José in 1702 gave rise to a camp from São Paulo, named Santo Antônio do Rio das Mortes, later renamed Old Camp, to differentiate it from the New Camp from Rio das Mortes, now São João del-Rei. Elevated to village status in 1718, it was named after Saint Joseph in honor of Prince D. José, future King of Portugal. In 1860 it was elevated city status. With the Proclamation of the republic In 1889, it received its current name: “City

and Municipality of Tiradentes”, in honor of the hero of Inconfidência, Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, also known as Tiradentes. The Inconfidência Mineira was a separatist movement that attempted to emancipate Minas Gerais in 1789. The city’s charming architectural ensemble, turned heritage site in 1938 by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan), preserves the cobbled streets, the colonial houses and the St, Joseph Fountain, built in 1749.

Tomas Belcik

City of the Prophets Although gold was the gimmick for the occupation of this region, Congonhas, as was in other cities in Minas Gerais, was notable for its religious fervor, leading the history of art by preserving one of the most significant sets of Brazilian colonial art. The Basilica of Senhor Bom Jesus de Matosinhos, a jewel of the Brazilian Baroque and declared World Heritage by UNESCO, houses within its walls the sculptures of the Twelve Prophets made in soapstone by the sculptor, carver and architect Antônio Francisco Lisboa, the Aleijadinho, and attracts thousands of devotees for the jubilee that takes place in September.


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Sergio Rossini

Cradle of Illustrious Personalities With more than three centuries since foundation, going from camp to village until reaching the status of municipality, Diamantina is a city rich in history and traditions that began with the discovery of precious stones in the 18th century. Cradle of personalities such as Chica da Silva and former president Juscelino Kubitschek, the city, framed by Serra do Espinhaço, has a backdrop of baroque churches and preserved colonial

houses, as well as a rich cultural and natural heritage. The residence of former slave Chica da Silva and Portuguese contractor João Fernandes de Oliveira, who never officialized the relationship because the laws at the time did not allow marriage between people of different origins, is a typical example of the architecture of Minas Gerais. Currently, the house, which between 1763 and 1771 housed the couple and their 13 children,

Nature and Literature Located 120 kilometers from Belo Horizonte, the small town with less than 10 thousand inhabitants is known for the Maquiné Cave, discovered in 1825 and used as a shelter by prehistoric man, and for being the native land of the writer Guimarães Rosa. A museum, created in 1971 in the house where the author of Grande Sertão Ve-

displays panels and paintings that tell the story of Chica and the city. Diamantina is for Juscelino Kubitschek just as São João del-Rei is for Tancredo Neves. Located on the slopes of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, the old preserved house where Juscelino lived with his mother and sister since the age of three, after his father’s death, was transformed to honor its most illustrious resident.

Felipe Arruda

redas was born and spent his childhood, preserves a collection of records about his professional career as a doctor and diplomat, personal objects and more than 700 documents. Among them are certificates, correspondences, discourses, articles in periodicals and manuscripts or typewritten originals, like “Tutaméia”, his last published work.

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018




l a c i r o t s i H r o flav 50

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Where the past is still present, gastronomy also carries in its flavors the historical legacy that gave birth to Minas Gerais. An example is the Vaca Atolada, a curiously named dish (stranded cow) that can be served alone or accompanied by beans and rice, whose origin has several popular versions. The most common account is that the dish would have appeared around the 17th century on the expeditions of tropeiros in search of the gold, who carried the meat immersed in lard inside a food bag. In these journeys, it was common for cattle to get stranded in mud during rainy seasons. When that happened, it was time to take a break and eat a good meal.

Ingredients: 1.5 kg beef rib cut into pieces 1kg of peeled cassava cut into pieces 2 chopped onions 6 minced garlic cloves 3 chopped tomatoes 1 peeled carrot

3 Sliced celery stalks ​​A generous handful of parsley Salt and Black pepper to taste Pepperoni pepper to taste Water and oil

In a large saucepan, co-

tender. Cooking time depends on

ver the bottom with a generous

the size of the pieces. Add water

amount of oil and bring to the

whenever necessary. Once the

heat. When the oil is hot, drop

rib is soft, remove and discard

the pieces of rib, seasoned with

the carrot and celery from the

salt and black pepper and fry un-

pan. Add the cassava and keep

til it is golden brown. Then, add

adding water until it is tender

the onion and garlic and fry un-

to your taste, add the necessary

til the onion is translucent. Add

water to leave the dish juicy ra-

the parsley, carrot, celery and

ther than soup-like. Towards the

tomatoes, covering with water

end, set the salt and season with

and boiling until the rib is very

the pepperoni pepper to taste. Instagram: puntomenosoficial

Recipe: Tiago Daltoé Photo: Graziela Chiattone Martins

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Aliança Turismo - Rio de Janeiro

Autobuses Quirquincho - Ecuador

Brasil Sul and Viação Garcia - Paraná


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

Astrocamiones - Mexico

Bitur Transportadora Turística - Paraná

CARRIS - Rio Grande do Sul

Crédits: Douglas de Souza Melo, Tatiana Donde dos Santos, Guilherme de Paula Vigano


Carvalhos Transporte e Turismo - Parรก

Coletivo Santa Cruz - Santa Catarina

Customer Group - Guatemala

Changzhou Committee - China

Customer Group - Guatemala

Customer Group - Nigeria

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Customer Group-Peru

Military Fire Brigade of Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul

Diron Tur Transporte e Turismo - Goiânia


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

Coop. de Transporte Union Cariamanga - Colombia

Dinamic Turismo - Paraná

Eldo Coaches - South Africa

Crédits: Douglas de Souza Melo, Tatiana Donde dos Santos, Guilherme de Paula Vigano


Estrella Blanca - Mexico

Feltrin Turismo - Santa Catarina

JCA Locadora - Rio de Janeiro

Expresso Lobato - Parรก

JCA Group - Rio de Janeiro

JH de Paula Transporte & Turismo - Rio de Janeiro

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Massaneiro Turismo - Santa Catarina

Michelon Turismo - Brasilia - Distrito Federal

Monica Tur - Rio Grande do Sul


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

Melhorim Turismo - EspĂ­rito Santo

Miragem Tur - Rio Grande do Sul

Pevidor transportes - Mato Grosso

CrĂŠdits: Douglas de Souza Melo, Tatiana Donde dos Santos, Guilherme de Paula Vigano


Princesa dos Campos - Paraná

Rovetur Turismo - Espírito Santo

Solazer - Rio de Janeiro

Real Expresso - Brasilia

Sete de Setembro - Rio Grande do Sul

TJ Turismo - Rio Grande do Sul

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018



Transkalledy – Pará

Unimar Transporte – Espírito Santo

Turil - Uruguay

Unitur Turismo - Rio Grande do Sul

Eucatur celebrates 54 years To celebrate the anniversary of the company founded in 1964, Assis, Nair and Marcos Assis Gurgacz received at their home in Cascavel / PR, the visits of Rodrigo Pikussa , Maicol Garbin and Gilberto de Souza Daniel, who delivered a commemorative plaque. Afterwards, Marcopolo representatives visited all the companies of the group.


Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018

Crédits: Douglas de Souza Melo, Tatiana Donde dos Santos, Guilherme de Paula Vigano


30 years present in the community

The Marcopolo Foundation promotes programs and campaigns aimed at the well-being of employees, their families, and the social development of children and teenagers in the communities in which the company is located. The programs conducted by the Foundation in the areas of culture, education, sports and leisure, benefit approximately 60 thousand people each year.

Cradle in the sport A story that began in 1956 from the fraternal union of Carrocerias Nicola employees, motivated by the national passion, is the bedrock of Marcopolo Foundation. Along the years, Grêmio Atlético Nicola has promoted not only soccer, but other sports and leisure activities as well. In 1971, with the change of the company’s corporate name, Grêmio Atlético Nicola was renamed Grêmio Marcopolo SA. Ten years later, Grêmio ceases to have a solely sporting character to take on a care and assistance aspect, aimed at employees and their families. Thus, the Association of Marcopolo Employees was born, still focusing on sport, but now with social, civic and cultural actions. In 1988, the Association becomes a Foundation.

Viajante - 23rd Edition September 2018


G lo b a l presen c e to b e a lwa ys cl ose by.

With factories on five continents, specialized sales and after sales network and vehicles running in over 120 countries, Marcopolo SA brings to roads around the world efficient solutions to public passenger transport. | on social networks: OnibusMarcopolo Consult your local representative to learn more about the models and their configurations. Merely illustrative images.



MOVING TOWARDS NOVELTY. Seat belt saves lives.

Merely illustrative images. Consult your local representative to learn more about the models and their configurations. - on social networks: OnibusMarcopolo

The Paradiso

New G7 line brings innovations

that raise the level of sophistication, comfort, safety and efficiency of the road models already recognized by the market.

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