WHAT’S ON Guide to local events
CHAT MOSS A local wildlife haven
COMPETITION Win Chocolate prizes
FESTIVE ACTIVITIES Get in the festive mood!
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Welcome It seems like yesterday that all the children were on Summer holidays. It’s now Autumn and the best thing about Worsley during this time are the Woods. The image on the front cover was taken on the way back from the adventure playground one beautiful sunny afternoon. This issue is packed with community features. Find out what’s going on at Beesley Green Community Centre, the results of recent fundraising events, how to support new ones and what amazing wildlife lies on our doorstep. As always, we have the essential guide to “What’s On” in the area. Leading up to the festive season we have mouthwatering recipes, a competition for chocoholics and plenty of activities to get you in the festive mood. Plus, an all important guide to not over-doing it this party season! Thanks again to all our contributors for another great edition.
Editor On Our Doorstep is published by Zig Zag Ventures, an independent publisher. You can contact us by:Telephone: 0161 790 2504 Email: Website: Advertising in association with Angel Media Telephone: 07890 268167 Email:
Contents 4
In Our Community
Lancashire Day
Festive Competition
An Alternative Christmas Dinner
Celebrated on 27th November every year - what is it?
Hunt the Reindeers and win “Chocolate Explosions”!
Try something different this year
Get the Summer Look
Chat Moss
What’s On
Feature Recipe
Festive Activities
Surviving the Festive Season
Printed by: Tangent Print Services The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted or reproduced without the express permission of the Publisher. Views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the Publisher.
Tea at Beesley Green and local Fundraising efforts
Look healthy, feel great and beat the Winter Blues
A local wildlife haven
Your guide to local events
Blacksticks White Chocolate Cheesecake
Great ways to get yourself into the Christmas Spirit
A 5-point plan to help your body survive the party season!
When you have finished with this magazine please recycle it. ON OUR DOORSTEP 3
Drop in for tea at Beesley Green Community Centre A popular Community Centre Beesley Green Community Centre is run by Salford Community Leisure. With over 8,000 users in April-June 2010, the centre has something to offer everyone. Classes and groups of all types and for all ages take place 7 days a week, plus with rooms for hire there are 2-3 parties every weekend. Gordon Warnock, one of the centre managers, has worked here for 19 months. Since joining, he has made great efforts to open up the community centre for residents to use socially, and not just for classes or voting. Come and have tea! The idea grew from one man and his dog who stopped by for some water for his dog, and also ended up having tea and a chat. Thanks to Gordon’s enthusiasm and gaining SCL approval, you can now drop in, make yourself a drink and chat with friends. Tea, coffee, soft drinks are available and coming up to winter, hot chocolate and soup too! You just need to make a small contribution towards the cost. It is proving popular with “customers” from 13 to 87 years old. A selffunded initiative unique to Beesley Green!
Any surplus is spent on biscuits and cakes another good reason to stop by! Summer 2011 The centre’s goal for next summer is to have an outside seating area for community use. Again this will be self-funded, so if you have sturdy garden furniture you could donate, please call Gordon at Beesley Green. The centre is also aiming to create one big community event, “ROE GREEN DAY”, incorporating the Cricket, Tennis and Bowling clubs, Friends of Roe Green, Roe Green Church and the Salford Rangers. Key 103 Cash for Kids Collection Point Leading up to Christmas Beesley Green CC is kindly supporting On Our Doorstep’s charity collection for the Cash for Kids Toy Appeal. The community centre will act as a collection point for local donations. Leave an unwrapped new toy with Gordon or Dale. So don’t forget, if you are out for a stroll, take a class at the centre, or need a change of scenery, drop in and make yourself a drink! Beesley Green Community Centre Greenleach Lane, Worsley, M28 2QW Telephone Gordon or Dale on 0161 790 6124
Competition Winners: Man United Tour In the Summer, we ran a competition for 3 families to win a Museum & Stadium Tour at Old Trafford. Gwyneth Viney was one of the lucky winners and last month she took her granddaughters...
“We had a great day. I went with my son-in-law Paul and three of my grandchildren Megan, Sophie and Beth. The museum was very interesting and our tour guide was called Erica who had a wealth of knowledge about the stadium and Manchester United, she made the tour very interesting and enjoyable. I would recommend that anyone of any age or even if the are not interested in football would enjoy this. Thank you very much for an enjoyable day out.” 4 ON OUR DOORSTEP
Fundraising in Our Community Thanks to fantastic efforts from local residents, funds are raised for charities all year round. Here are the results of the events we featured in our last issue.
Athlete Matters (12th Sept) Worsley Woods Trail Race and Fun Run Raised £1,500 for The Christie Thanks to Bet Fred and TaxAssist Accountants for sponsoring the race, and to Fledglings for the fun run. All kids were kitted out in fluorescent blue t-shirts for the run which was great!
Friends of Roe Green Fun Day (12 Raised £190 for St Ann’s Hospice
The Fun Day was a success and we were fortunate with the weather. There were many events:- Birds of Prey, Brass Band, Dance Troupe, penalty shoot-out, bouncy castle, stalls and refreshments. The Mayor was present and met local residents and presented prizes for the winners of the 4.5k trail races. Pauline Ogden - Friends of Roe Green
Winners:Chi in the Park (25th Sept) Worsley Woods Trail Race Men’s: Andi Jones (24:33) Raised £625 for Arthritis Research Women's: Donna Jones (28:09) A beautiful day... sunny, nice crowds of people having fun. An event celebrating Worsley Woods Fun Run 1st: Hollie Barnes (9:14) World Peace Day at Victoria Park, Swinton. 2nd: Sinead Bent (9:39) Attended by the Mayor. it included live 3rd: Spencer Shaw (9:48) music and poetry from local schools,
dance groups and choir performances.
Jackie Mason - Athlete Matters
Gillian Fair - Infinite Tai Chi Salford
You can drop your new and unwrapped gift at your local ASDA store. You can also donate at : Beesley Green Community Centre Greenleach Lane, Worsley M28 2QW Tel: 0161 790 6124
Registered Charity Number 1087854
Visit our new website
Forrester Street, Roe Green
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BRIDGEW WATER T MATHS TUITION BRIDGEWATER SCHOOL SCHOOL We are an Independent School for boys and girls aged 3 – 18 years,, located in a delightful semi-rural setting in Wo orsley.
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If you are looking for the best quality childcare in the area in a superb home from home setting, you must call in and have a look round and meet our friendly, qualified staff.
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Tel: 0161 789 3470 The Manse Day Nursery 1 Cambridge Grove, off Belgrave Crescent, Eccles, M30 9AP
Lancashire Day
27th November 2010
Towns across the county will be celebrating, but what is ‘Lancashire Day”? Friends of Roe Green are celebrating with a “Lancashire Evening” on Friday 26th November at Roe Green Cricket Club. If you are anything like me and lacking in knowledge about local history, you may be enlightened to find out what it actually is! LANCASHIRE DAY Held annually, on 27th November, “Lancashire Day” commemorates the day in 1295 when Lancashire sent its first representatives to Parliament by King Edward I of England, to attend what later became known as "The Model Parliament". The occasion was first observed in 1996, being curated by the “Friends of Real Lancashire” group, with many towns throughout the county hosting events. The most common annual events are the reading of the “Lancashire Day Proclamation” and a loyal toast to the Queen, who holds the title “Duke of Lancaster”. Lancashire Day is an opportunity for residents, of the historic county, to declare their pride in their heritage. Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council has resolved to support the day every year. Town criers across the county will read out the Lancashire Day Proclamation.
County of Lancashire Flag
MANCHESTER OR LANCASHIRE? Worsley is still part of Lancashire - although there is confusion as to whether it is in Lancashire or Manchester. The Friends of Real Lancashire are keen to promote the true identity of our county which has been extremely confused by the local government reorganisation in 1974. The Government at that time stated that the "New Counties" were administrative areas only, and that the boundaries of traditional counties such as Lancashire had not been changed. Unfortunately, the Media refer to these administrative areas all too frequently and ignore the fact that places such as Barrow-in-Furness, Liverpool, Manchester, Warrington, etc. are still in Lancashire. MARK THE DAY AT HOME! To mark the day, you could go to Bolton and join in the festivities, or you could join Friends of Roe Green on their “Lancashire Evening”. Closer to home, why not commemorate the day by cooking a traditional Lancashire Hot Pot! For more information about Friends of Real Lancashire visit
Visit our new website to find out in the local area, from oneoff community events to regular free classes. and find local services in the You can also read Contact us if you would like to list a community event or just give us feedback on the magazine or website.
To learn more about life in the Sixth Form of Bolton School, join us at our: Bursarie
A Different Kind of Sixth Form The Sixth Form years can shape the rest of your life. At Bolton School, we will work closely with you to ensure that you reach your full potential. We offer: • Outstanding A Level results, which place the School amongst the best in the country • Highly dedicated and experienced tutors work with small classes - this is a Sixth Form where everyone knows one another! • An outstanding array of extra-curricular activities plus unique leadership and community service opportunities to add weight to your CV • Expert advice and guidance to help you get where you want to go - nearly all students progess to university, many to Oxbridge • Full fee assistance where needed and a coach service covering 22 routes
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117 Greenleach Lane | Roe Green | Worsley | Manchester | Lancashire | M28 2RS For advertising or general enquiries, please call 0161 790 2504
New Local Doggy Venture My name is Trevor Crookell and I have just started up "Barking Mad" in the Worsley, Roe Green, Ellenbrook and Boothstown areas. After running my own business for 16 years, supplying Home Textiles from China to UK Retailers, I decided it was time for a change and looked for something totally different. I found it at Barking Mad! When a dog owner is planning a trip we offer the "Home from Home" alternative to kennels by placing them with one of our carefully selected host families where the dog can maintain its existing routines. We collect the dog and its belongings, and take it to the host family for its own "doggy holiday".
Many hosts are retired people who’ve had their own dogs in the past, and enjoy the company of a dog as and when it suits them. The whole concept works really well and many customers come back to Barking Mad, showing how much confidence they have in the service we provide. Our key aims are to offer a caring, high quality and professional service to ensure much-loved pets are looked after to the owners high standards . We are now keen to find new hosts in the area and would welcome your enquiry:T: 01942 818833 or 07990 522622 E:
FREE NIGHT’S STAY OFFER ! Book 7 nights for the price of 6 Just quote “On Our Doorstep” when booking
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Opening Hours 17-21 Barton Rd Worsley Manchester M28 2PD
Mon~Fri: 12- 2.30pm 5.30-10.30pm Sat: 5-11pm Sun: 3.30-9.30pm
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Pattern imprinted concrete can be designed to re-create many effects such as slate, cobbles, brick, granite and even timber decking. By using imagination and combining patterns and colours, many special effects or individual features can be created.
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Classic Driveways & Patios (NW) Located at Worsley New Garden Centre, Leigh Road, Worsley, M28 2LJ 12 ON OUR DOORSTEP
classic driveways
Winter warning from motoring experts! Most motorists understand that keeping car paintwork in good condition prevents rust, both extending the life of their car and maintaining its value. However, whilst repairing major damage is a given, minor damage such as scratches, scuffs and bumps are often left, either due to concerns about cost, or the inconvenience of having the car off the road for a couple of days or more in a body shop. However, as Winter draws nearer, motoring experts agree that minor damage can turn into a major headache. Stewart Topp, AA Patrol of the Year advises, “Check for stone chips as rust forms very quickly in the cold, damp weather,� while Rick Tsang of leading
automotive paintwork repair specialist ChipsAway Worsley, adds, “It certainly pays to repair even small scuffs and scratches, as these can spread into larger areas of rust, ultimately costing you dearly if left untreated.� ChipsAway uses a unique system, which can repair small areas of damage within only a few hours and at a fraction of the cost of traditional body shop repair methods. What’s more, because ChipsAway operates fully equipped mobile workshops, we can come to your home (or your place of work) and undertake the repair at your convenience, restoring your car to showroom condition, prolonging its life and improving its resale value. For further advice about winter motoring, visit the AA website or contact ChipsAway Worsley on
! !
for more information about maintaining your paintwork.
0161 790 1755
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Please quote “On Our Doorstep 20% offer� when booking your repairs
Festive Competition Hunt the Reindeer! We have teamed up with My Chocolate Explosion! to run a festive competition in the lead up to Christmas There are several reindeers hiding in this issue of On Our Doorstep. They are lurking in articles, features and even adverts. See how many you can find from cover to cover. Count every reindeer you see - they don’t all look the same!
Three lucky winners with the correct answer will receive:1st prize: Chocolate Explosion 2nd prize: Celebration Ball 3rd prize: Lollipop Ball Send your answer with your l Name l Address l Telephone number
Email address
To: Chocolate Competition, On Our Doorstep, Media House, 4 Darwen Street, Manchester, M16 9HB. or email: (subject: “Chocolate”)
Closing date: 10th December, 2010
For advertising or general enquiries, please call 0161 790 2504
An Alternative Christmas Dinner If you’re not a lover of turkey, and looking for a change, why not try this mouth-watering Roast Venison dish for Christmas, Boxing or New Year’s Day?
Roast Venison Marinating for 24 hours brings out the delicious flavour and prevents the meat from being dry. INGREDIENTS Serves: 6 1.5-2kg Venison (saddle or haunch) 175g butter, softened 25g plain flour ---- marinade ---300ml red wine 1 carrot, sliced 1 medium onion, sliced 1 sprig fresh thyme 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon peppercorns 2 tbsp wine vinegar 2 tbsp olive oil 1 clove garlic 2 tsp soft brown sugar
METHOD The day before serving the venison, boil all the marinade ingredients together for 20 minutes. Allow to cool. Place the venison in a large dish, pour over the marinade and stand in a cool place for 24 hours. Turn the joint and spoon the marinade over it from time to time. When ready to cook the venison, remove it from the marinade and drain. Spread it with the softened butter, lay in a roasting tin and roast at 180 °C for 2-2 1/2 hours. Baste twice during the cooking time. Remove the venison from the roasting tin and keep hot on a serving dish. Pour off any surplus fat from the tin and stir the flour into the pan juices over a gentle heat. Strain the marinade liquor and add it very gradually to the roasting tin, beating with a wire whisk until smooth. Taste for seasoning and then simmer for 5 minutes. Serve separately. This recipe was inspired by Cindy & Lars Zollinger
Buy One Get One Half Price from our A La Carte menu on Wednesdays or Thursdays Offer applies to Starters, Main Courses and Desserts (lowest price course is half price) Call now to reserve your table & quote “Buy One Get One Half Price” and please bring this voucher with you to your meal
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It consists of three, 20 minute applications of whitening gel and light. These three sessions are completed in a 1-hour session so you can walk away from the treatment with a dramatically whiter smile. There are no side effects and the results are far better than over-the-counter home whitening kits.
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131a Greenleach Ln Roe Green M28 2RS
Make-Up by Design
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Hair Up’s: perfect to give you that extra special look for your Christmas/New Year parties. Call and book a free consultation Revive Your Hair for the party season with L’Anza Ultimate Treatment programme. An intense 3-step program for your specific hair requirements Crazy Colour: whether you are looking for a flash of blue, a streak of pink or a slice of orange, Amy specialises in this unique and very popular look Mens Styling: Gemma specialises in the latest fashion looks for men Gift Vouchers available: a perfect treat for your loved one at Christmas
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Christmas & New Year opening times:Mon 20 Dec 9.30-8pm Tue 21 Dec 9.30-8pm Wed 22 Dec 9.30–6pm Thu 23 Dec 9.30-8pm Fri 24 Dec 9-3.30pm
Tue 28 Dec 9.30-8pm Wed 29 Dec 9.30-5.30pm Thu 30 Dec 9.30-8pm Fri 31 Dec 9-3.30pm
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Chat Moss:
a wildlife haven “on our doorstep” If you walk along Leigh Road and, taking advantage of the height, look southward, then you are looking at Chat Moss. This broad swathe of countryside stretches from the fringes of Warrington, eastward to the Eccles and Worsley boundaries and is bounded on the north by the Bridgewater Canal, on the south by the Manchester Ship Canal. It extends for thousands of acres of prime agricultural land. In the urban sprawl that is South Lancashire such a landscape seems incongruous. Why has it not suffered the same fate as all around? It is girdled by small and large towns, old cotton towns, mining towns, ribbon development and waste that have swamped a once beautiful area. It seems ripe for exploitation. What saved the Moss and has preserved it since the last Ice Age (c.10,000 years ago), is the fact it was a bog. Not just a postage stamp of a bog, but a mighty morass of a place where a fall into its many black pools would be terminal. Little grew but cotton grass and the peat was up to 10 metres deep. Not until 200 years ago was any attempt made to drain the Moss - a process which continues to this day. To build his railway from Manchester to Liverpool, George Stephenson had to fell a forest to provide a raft on which to “float” 24 ON OUR DOORSTEP
the rail tracks across the Moss, for it swallowed all previous efforts. What was bad news for builders proved the salvation of wildlife in this region, for the Moss became a sanctuary for creatures fleeing the towns, which sprouted like mushrooms amid the smoke and squalor of the Industrial Revolution. Here they were safe, for successive landowners of the Moss - from the Duke of Bridgewater down to the present day - have forbidden public access to the land. So creatures that you would hardly expect to exist (given the popular imagery of “Salford”) within the bounds of a major city are prospering. This is no zoo, but a wild place where deer, foxes, badgers, hares, rabbits, weasels and stoats all compete for food and homes. Where now rare animals such as field and water voles are plentiful and all three species of newt (including the now very rare Great Crested Newt), are present. But the real glory of Chat Moss is in its birdlife, in quantity, variety and rarity. There are just over 300 species of bird in the British Isles and Chat Moss is known to contain 87 different species in its microcosm. This astonishing number far exceeds anything you are ever likely to see in your garden, except for one fortunate homeowner in Boothstown, on the fringe of the Moss. She has witnessed the regular appearance of at least 40 species! Visit our new website
Chat Moss: photography by Nick Harrison
Images of: Green Woodpecker, Peregrine Falcon & a Stoat
Of the total, some 15 species are on the national “Red List”, indicating severely endangered status and a further 28 species are on the “Amber List”, those considered to merit conservation concern.
from all parts of the North and congregate in the pine tree tops of the Wood to build their great nests. More than a hundred such nests fill the trees over a small area .
These are not just “little brown jobs”, but some of the most magnificent birds to be found anywhere. If you are a lover of birds of prey then there are Buzzards, Peregrine Falcons, Kestrels, Hobbys, Sparrowhawks and even an escaped American Harris Hawk who has taken up residence. Then the owls; Barn Owls, Little Owls, Tawny Owls. There is also no lack of colour, with Bullfinches , Lesser Spotted and Green Woodpeckers (in Middlewood), Greenfinches, Chaffinches and those gems the Goldfinches to delight the eye. Where, in urban surroundings we are fortunate to have the song of the Blackbird or Thrush, on the Moss there is an entire orchestra ! Many members of the thrush family, the Mistle, Song, Redwing, Fieldfare are all present but even they give way to the glorious paean of the Skylark, abundant all over the Moss, as it soars ever higher. For those contemplating a garden fishpond however, a word of warning. Chat Moss is home to over 7% of the total breeding population, in Great Britain, of Grey Herons. These majestic birds, each with a wingspan of over 2 metres, and a beak like a lance, choose Botany Bay Wood (the largest forest in Greater Manchester) on the Moss, to make their nests. Each February they come
To feed their young they raid every pond and watercourse in the area for fish , and scour the fields for amphibians. Then, in late June and early July, parents and young take wing and scatter for another six months. Every year, possibly since the Ice Age itself, when the Moss was a huge lake, they have returned. Their Heronry has been accorded “Site of Special Scientific Interest” status and is regarded as being of National significance. How can the nature lover see these wonders, that are literally on our doorstep? At Middlewood the landowner allows access along certain paths and the old beech trees harbour many rare species. However, for Chat Moss the only possibilities are along the Bridgewater Canal towpath between Worsley and Boothstown and very limited access from Boothstown and Astley. Further out at Irlam and Cadishead, there is again limited access to the fringes of the Moss. But even these scant opportunities can be rewarding, as witnessed by the Boothstown lady's garden visitors. It is to be hoped that now the proposed development of the area (the Salford Forest Park concept) has been denied, the landowner might consider greater access for wildlife enthusiasts. written by John Kirwin ON OUR DOORSTEP 25
Polo House Polo House and Polo Black will be like nothing Manchester has seen before. The three venues, in the cosmopolitan heart of Manchester, the stockbroker belt of Cheshire and in the tranquil village of Worsley, all still under wraps, will astound you with its interior beauty and captivate your soul through its diverse palette of modern, eclectic, European cuisine. An Internationally known chef, currently working at a top Spanish restaurant, will head the team and ensure that this venue is at the very pinnacle of its game. Polo House is truly a style venue and as such, will be required to have a hotel-like fluidity in its presentation and delivery. Intimate ambience, super premium spirits, the finest food and a vibrant, private late night poker space will help Polo House to establish itself as one of the premier venues this side of London. This is about taking a journey through an experience, which focuses on many different elements to ensure that each member has a lasting memory of their visit.
Polo House Under Wraps ON OUR DOORSTEP 27
LA PERLA Experience an evening of delicious authentic Italian food, fine wines and first class service, set in relaxed yet stylish surroundings! Christmas Day ~ 3 course meal including choice traditional Christmas dinner ~ £41.50pp Sittings between 12 and 2pm only Christmas Party Menu ~ 3 course meal ~ Sun to Thurs £19.50 ~ Fri to Sat ~ £24.50pp New Year’s Eve ~ 3 course meal plus disco til 2am to help see the New Year in! Italian lessons ~ every Tues, 6 week terms. Will resume 2nd week in Jan 2011 ~ £20pp for 2 hours which includes any pizza or pasta Sunday Roast ~ available 12-5pm ~ £6.95 for one course, £7.95 for two courses or £9.95 for three courses. Not available during December.
January offers 1. Early Bird Menu all night Sun-Thur throughout January 2. Free bottle of house wine with this voucher when ordering from the A la carte menu - any starter plus a main course steak, veal, chicken or fish "! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
4 Garrett Hall Road, Worsley, M28 1AW
0161 799 2266
For advertising or general enquiries, please call 0161 790 2504
Beauty Treatments Facials Treatments for Men Massages Manicures & Pedicures Self Tanning Indulge yourself with one of our Specialist Treatments:
Darphin Aromatic Facials: a unique treatment which is customised for any individual and any skin type CACI Facials: the ultimate non-surgical facelift which tightens and tones the facial muscles, whilst smoothing fine lines and wrinkles St Tropez Tan - a self tanning, streakless treatment that lasts for days, giving you the richest looking tan
Tel: 0161 799 7651
161 Greenleach Lane, Roe Green, Worsley, M28 2RS Open: Tue 10am-6pm Wed 10am-8pm Thu 10am-8pm Fri 10am-6pm Sat 9am-4pm
What’s On
Community Events INDOOR KURLING Worsley Methodist Church Hall “New Age Kurling” indoors. No experience necessary. Ideal for people with limited mobility. All welcome, wheelchair access. Wed 3rd & 17th November Wed 1st & 15th December 2.00 - 4.00pm £1.00 Charles Ogden - 0161 790 2125 COMMUNITY POLICE SURGERIES Drop in and chat about any issues concerning yourself or the community Ellenbrook:Fri 12th & 26th November, 10am Fri 10th December, 10am Ellenbrook Church Boothstown:Tue 16th & 30th November, 11am Tue 14th December, 11am Boothstown Methodist Church Moorside:Tue 16th Nov &14th Dec, 1.30pm The Hollies, Moorfield Close Worsley:Fri 26th Nov & 10th Dec, 10am Worsley Village Library Neighbourhood Police Team Tel: 0161 856 5284 TEA DANCE Worsley Methodist Church Hall, Barton Road Tea Dances with a professional leader. Everyone welcome, from beginner to expert. Tue 23rd November 2.00 - 4.00pm £3.00 (includes refreshments) Charles Ogden - 0161 790 2125 COMMUNITY COMMITTEE MEETING Worsley Road United Reformed Church Worsley & Boothstown open meeting where local residents can influence decisions about their neighbourhoods. Wed 24th November 7.00pm Tony Walsh Tel: 0161 790 4562 30 ON OUR DOORSTEP
LANCASHIRE EVENING Roe Green Cricket Club Join Friends of Roe Green and celebrate Lancashire Day (27th Nov). The night includes entertainment by folk group CALICO, reading of The Proclamation followed by the Loyal Toast, plus a supper of Lancashire hot pot! Open to members and non-members. Fri 26th November 7.30pm £5.00 (tickets sell out quickly) Pauline Ogden - 0161 790 3166 WORSLEY TOWNSWOMENS GUILD Worsley Court House Christmas Meal Christmas Meal with entertainment provided by "The Old Stagers". Open to members plus a guest. Mon 6th December 7.30pm £17.00pp Must book in advance Sheila Mayall - 0161 799 1845 Christmas Carol Concert Join us for and evening of festive singing. Entrance fee includes tea/coffee and mince pies. Mon 13th December 7.30pm £2.50 Sheila Mayall - 0161 799 1845 A CHRISTMAS AFTERNOON Roe Green Methodist Church Hall Come and get into the Christmas Spirit. Join Friends of Roe Green and be entertained by Salford Leisure Choir, followed by Christmas flower arranging. Tea, coffee, mince pies and entry into the raffle included. Wed 8th December 2.00pm £2.00 Annette - 0161 793 5489
Family Activities BONFIRE NIGHT FIREWORKS Ellesmere Sports Club Enjoy a an organised fireworks display. Bar facilities and food available. Join us from 6pm. Fri 5th November 6.00pm start £2 Adult, £1 Child, £5 Family Tel: 0161 790 2376 TUDORS LIVE! Salford Museum & Art Gallery Tudor themed fun days on the first Sunday of every month. Sun 7th Nov & 5th December 2.00 - 4.00pm Free (drop in) Tel: 0161 778 0800 CHRISTMAS LIGHT SWITCH ON Lowry Outlet Mall Bring the children to meet Peppa Pig, Father Christmas and other special guests. Sun 7th November Tel: 0161 848 1850 WHAT A PERFORMANCE: REMEMBRANCE Imperial War Museum North Special family friendly performances marking Remembrance. Hear the tale of husband and wife, Patrick and Molly, separated by war when Patrick leaves home to join the troops in the First World War. Brought to life by two actors, this dramatic story tells of the challenges both at home and away. Thu 11th November 11.15am, 12.15pm, 2.15pm, 3.15pm Tel: 0161 836 4000 X-PERIMENT Roe Green Methodist Church Mix, create, stick, explode, discover. Get ready for a concoction of fun and science. Come as a family and experiment together; make a balloon powered car, chemical powered boat or a volcano. Sat 13th November 3.00 - 4.30pm £3 per family (drop in) Ian Ley - 07813 923328
FAMILY FRIENDLY FILM CLUB Salford Museum & Art Gallery A different theme each month and craft activity afterwards. Sat 27th November 2.30pm (approx 1hr) Free (first come first served basis) Tel: 0161 778 0800 MUSICAL CHRISTMAS Salford Museum & Art Gallery Join Monton Voices as they sing us into the Christmas festivities. There will also be Tudor themed Christmas activities and crafts from the Ordsall Hall team. Sun 5th December 2.00 - 4.00pm Free Tel: 0161 778 0800 MESSY CHURCH Roe Green Church Hall Come as a family and celebrate Christmas together with Christmas crafts, the Christmas Story and party food! Everyone welcome to join in. Sat 11th December 3.00-4.30pm Free 07506472393
Fundraising Events CHRISTMAS FAIR St Ann’s Hospice Peel Lane, Little Hulton To be opened by Kieron Richardson from Hollyoaks. Refreshments, Santa’s Grotto, lots of great stalls toys, cards, gifts, cakes, bags, knitwear, hairdressing, nails & more! Sun 14th November 12.00 - 3.00pm £1 (children free) Margaret Beck - 0161 702 5426 BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT Ready Steady Store, East Lancs Local self storage company is opening its doors to the local business community in aid of St. Ann’s Hospice. Local businesses are invited to a networking and drinks evening. Guest speaker, Peter Aust, will be revealing small business secrets and on hand to answer all your business queries. All money raised donated to St Ann’s Hospice. Thu 18th November 6.30 - 8.30pm £10 per person Tel: 0161 727 4100
Kids Activities TINY TOTS RAMBLES Worsley Woods, meet at Beesley Green Community Centre Free themed one-hour guided walks around Worsley Woods. Suitable for prams. Many walks include an arts & crafts afterwards. 3rd Nov Bonfire walk with story 10th Nov Kevin the Squirrel 17th Nov Amazing Animals 24th Nov Mini Beasts 1st Dec Colours walk 8th Dec Winter Wonderland th 15 Dec Meet Santa Every Weds 11.00am - 1.00pm Tel: 0161 793 4219 UNDER 5S FIRST STEPS Lowry Theatre Bring your little ones to First Steps to release and engage some of that energy through fun dance activities. Join in with your child or sit back and watch as they gain co-ordination, strength and agility! Suitable for ages 2.5 - 4.5yrs Fri 5th & 19th November 10.00 - 10.45am 11.00 - 11.45am £3.50 (£1.75 Salford residents) Tel: 0843 208 6000 Under 5s Arts – Doodle Tots Lowry Theatre Paint, stick, play and make in this colourful workshop designed especially for toddlers and their parents/carers. Explore art, sound, texture and materials in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where you can spend time with your tot enjoying creative activities, having fun and getting messy! Suitable for ages 2.5 - 4.5yrs Fri 12th Nov & 3rd December 10.00 - 10.45am 11.15 - 12.00am £3.50 (£1.75 Salford residents) Tel: 0843 208 6000 OPEN STUDIO: REMEMBRANCE Imperial War Museum North Join us for this special Remembrance themed craft session. Create your own field of poppies as a colourful collage picture and get the chance to handle a real First World War memorial plaque from the Museum's collection. Sat 6th & 13th November 1.00pm - 4.00pm Tel: 0161 836 4000
Visit our new website
WINTER LOG LAND Victoria Park, Swinton Come and make a robin to live on your very own yule log. Sun 21st November 1.00 to 3.00pm Free WINTER WONDERLAND Victoria Park, Swinton Come and make a Christmas wreath and add some Christmas sparkle! Sun 5th December 1.00 to 3.00pm Free Tel: 0161 793 4219 CHRISTMAS PLAYHOUSE – MAKE YOUR OWN ART Lowry Theatre Get ready for the festive season and create your own sparkling decorations and colourful cards inspired by our Christmas shows. A different activity every time! Sat 4th, 11th & 18th December 11.00am – 12.30pm £3.50 (£1.75 Salford residents) Tel: 0843 208 6000 LOWRY OUTLET MALL FESTIVE ACTIVITIES NOV & DEC Lowry Outlet Mall Meet Bjorn the life-sized Polar Bear on his own Iceberg! Sat 13th November - 11am-4pm Mrs Claus’s Festive Face Painting Sun 14th & 28th November, plus 12th, 19th 24th, 27th, 30th December, 11am-4pm Meet Raymond Briggs’ Snowman Sat 20th November - 11am, 12pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm & 3.30pm Mrs Claus’s Balloon Modelling Sun 21st November 5th, 17th, 26th & 31st December 11am-4pm Meet Humpty Dumpty & The Gingerbread Man Sat 27th November 11am, 12pm, 1.15pm & 3.20pm Meet Postman Pat & Jess the Cat Sat 4th December - 11am, 12pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm & 3.30pm The Snow Queen – Show Time Sat 11th December 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm & 3pm All events are FREE Tel: 0161 848 1850 ON OUR DOORSTEP 31
Markets FARMERS MARKET Eccles Shopping Centre Homemade sausages, salami, dairy products, preserves and lots more! Sat 20th Nov & 18th December 9.00am - 2.00pm Free entry Tel: 0161 707 3058 CRAFT FAIR Lowry Outlet Mall Speciality beers, children's books, jewellry, toys, games, olives, nuts, Turkish delight, wall hangings, fossils/minerals/crystals, decorated mirrors, photographic prints, chocolate fountain, card making and scrapbooking supplies. Fri 7th - Sun 12th December Free entry Tel: 0161 848 1850
Music & Theatre MATTHEW BOURNE'S CINDERELLA Lowry Theatre Set in London during the Second World War, Matthew Bourne's interpretation of Prokofiev's haunting score has at its heart a true wartime romance. A chance meeting results in a magical night for Cinderella and her dashing young RAF pilot before they are parted. First seen in the West End in 1997, this heart-stopping new production is designed to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the London Blitz. Tue 23rd to Sat 27th November £15.00 - £35.00 7.30pm (plus matinees Thu & Sat) Tel: 0843 208 6000 A CHRISTMAS CAROL Lowry Theatre Manchester Library Theatre Co. Ebenezer Scrooge is the world’s most notorious miser, who even begrudges his staff a day off at Christmas until he’s confronted by the Spirits of Christmas - Christmas Past, Present and Future - who use magic to show him the miserable consequences of his meanness. Fri 3 December - Sat 8 January Times vary daily, check website £12.50 - £16.50 Tel: 0843 208 6000 32 ON OUR DOORSTEP
SALFORD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Peel Hall, University of Salford The Christmas concert programme includes Prokofiev - Peter and the Wolf, R Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on Christmas Carols, Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Suite, choir and carols. Refreshments are served during the interval. Sun 19th December 4.00pm £7.00, £6.00 concessions payable on the door. Children under 16 free Christine - 0161 737 4126 Peel Hall, Peel Building, University of Salford, Crescent, Salford M5 4WT DISNEY’S ALADDIN Robert Powell Theatre, University of Salford Urban Stage Senior Youth Theatre students production of Disney’s “Aladdin”. This will be a “feel good family production” perfect for Christmas. Sun 19th Dec - 2.30pm & 7.00pm Mon 20th & Tue 21st Dec - 7.00pm £8.00 concessions available Tel: 0161 211 9955 or email
School Events BRIDGEWATER SCHOOL OPEN DAY Bridgewater School, Drywood Hall, Worsley Road Bridgewater School is an independent, co-educational school for pupils aged 3 to 18. Our reputation has been built on treating everyone as an individual. Our pupils flourish because our close knit, family environment allows them to develop their full potential, both academic and personal. Sat 6th November 10.00 - 1.00pm Tel: 0161 794 1463 www.bridgewater– CHRISTMAS FAIR Bridgewater School Craft Stalls, Refreshments, Games, Santa’s Grotto Prize draw. Sun 28th November 12.00pm Tel: 0161 794 1463 E:
Outdoor Activities BRIDGEWATER BASH Blackleach Country Park Come along on a circular, autumnal eight mile walk to Worsley, exploring the woods, canal and loopline trail. Bring a packed lunch. Sun 7th November 10.00 - 3.00pm Free Tel: 0161 793 4219 WORSLEY WOODS CONSERVATION MORNING Beesley Green Community Centre Have a go at some practical conservation work. Sat 13th Nov, 10.00-3.00pm Tue 14th Dec, 10.00-12.30pm Tel: 0161 793 4219 WALK IN THE WOODS Clifton Country Park A family walk to see the park as our wildlife prepares for winter. Sun 28th November 2.00 - 3.30pm Free Tel: 0161 793 4219 FESTIVE FUN Blackleach Country Park Come along and celebrate with Christmas crafts and festive treats! Sat 18th December 2.00 - 3.30pm Free Tel: 0161 793 4219 FESTIVE WALK Ambiente, Worsley Road Uncover footballing legends, Hazelhurst Hall and The Duke of Bridgewater on a festive walk around the Worsley and Swinton border. Mulled wine available at extra cost. Starts & ends at Ambiente Sun 19th December 11.00 - 12.30pm £2.00, children under 15 Free Salford Tourist Information Centre Tel: 0161 848 8601
Details are correct at the time of publishing. However, it is advisable to check event dates and times with the venue in case of changes.
For more events visit our new website
Health, Wellbeing & Vitality Infinite Salford Calm l Confident l Content Children Relaxed l Revitalised l Radiant Adults WEEKLY CLASSES IN SWINTON FOR ALL AGES THURSDAY EVENINGS & FRIDAY MORNINGS BOOK NOW FOR DISCOUNTS ON CLASSES UNTIL END OF JAN 2011 For more information
Contact Gillian
We are an Independent School for boys and girls aged 3 – 18 years,, located in a delightful semi-rural setting in Wo orsley. Bridgewater is a school which cherishes the individuality of each child and is naturally the right choice fo or so many children. Whatever your child’s talents and interests wee can build on those and help them to appreciate their talents as weell as appreciating and applauding other s. Whilst we welcome applications fo or ad admission at any time, our fo ormal entrance exam fo or entr y into our Senior School will be held on the morning of Wednesda e ay 2nd February 2011.
For more information please visit our new website or call 0161 794 1463 to arrange a personal tour. We are always delighted to show our genuinely caring and nur turing environment. We also offfeer a broad range of School Bus routes providing a saffe and secure environment to transpor t your child to and from school.
07816 886 604 or visit
I V y -deli
226 Monton Rd Monton M30 9LJ t: 0161 281 3456
All we welcome elcome at the School Open Day Day Saturday Saturrd daay 6 November No ovember 2010 Charity No 1105547
Traditional Christmas Trees Christmas Wreaths Holly & Mistletoe Christmas Food Hampers Christmas Flowers Cheeseboards Seasonal cheese such as Brie De Meaux with Black Truffles Freshly Made Sandwiches & Paninis Homemade Soup - fresh every day Take-away Coffees
10% OFF
when you spend £5 or over valid until 18th Dec
please bring this voucher with you ON OUR DOORSTEP 33
Chunk's White Chocolate Cheesecake by Blacksticks Restaurant, Monton Method
Ingredients Biscuit Base 300g digestive biscuits crushed 150g melted butter Filling 300g white chocolate 300g full fat cream cheese 300ml double cream 100g caster sugar
1. For the biscuit base combine the crushed biscuits and melted butter and press into the base of a 10 inch springform tin lined with parchment paper. 2. For the filling place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering (not boiling) water until melted. Allow to cool slightly. 3. In another bowl mix together the cream cheese, double cream and sugar and whip with a whisk until it resembles a whipped cream consistency. 4. Fold the melted chocolate into the cream mixture until thoroughly mixed together. 5. Spoon the mixture on top of the biscuit base, smooth off the top and place in the fridge to set for 24 hours. 6. To serve remove from the tin and cut to desired size. At the restaurant we serve with a soft fruit comp么te and raspberry coulis, but it also goes well with a mango and pineapple comp么te.
BEST DEVELOPMENT MANCHESTER The Boatyard by Bardsley Construction Ltd
Luxury 4 & 5 Bedroom Homes Set in the Heart of Worsley Village The Boatyard by Bardsley, set in the exclusive village of Worsley, offers a better quality of life on the banks of the Bridgewater Canal. Conceived to bring a modern style of living to an idyllic English setting, The Boatyard is a fresh and tranquil environment to experience the very best in home life.
Open 7 days a week, 10am – 5pm For more information call 0161 330 4444 The Boatyard, Off The Moorings, Worsley M28 2QE Offers subject to contract, status, selected plots only and are subject to availability.
For advertising or general enquiries, please call 0161 790 2504
Worsley Golf Club Founded 1894
It's a well known fact that golf clubs are no different to many other businesses, in that they have suffered during the recent credit crunch. Declining memberships and rising costs have led to a lack of investment in golf courses throughout the land with their condition suffering accordingly. Not so at Worsley Golf Club! Successful efforts to attract new members and the effective promotion of the Club's social and catering facilities have led to an increase in membership and a busy year round calendar, enabling a programme of ongoing investment in the course and the Club's facilities. During this year's close season, over ÂŁ30,000 will be spent on course improvements with further plans already scheduled for the future.
Worsley Golf Club, Stableford Avenue, Monton Green, Eccles, M30 8AP 36 ON OUR DOORSTEP
The positive atmosphere at the Club has even rubbed off on its golfers with the scratch team reaching the finals of the Dunham Forest Trophy this year for only the second time in its history! Worsley still has a small number of full memberships available at the discounted rate of just ÂŁ300 for the rest of the close season so why not come down and have a look for yourself? The Club extends the same warm hospitality to small groups of visitors and large societies alike. Or why not let them handle your Christmas celebration? Their experienced staff and excellent facilities will ensure you have an occasion to remember. Contact Darren or Ru th on 0161 789 4202 or email Or take a look at the website.
T: 0161 789 4202 F: 0161 789 3200 E:
Please remember to mention On Our Doorstep when responding to adverts
holistic & beauty new worsley garden centre Offering a range of treatments including:
beauty treatments massage botox and fillers chiropody Special Offer
20% off during Nov & Dec 2010 please quote “On Our Doorstep offer” when booking & bring the advert with you
Tel: 07917 715 900 New Worsley Garden Centre, Leigh Road, Worsley, M28 2LJ
We are different, because you are different. At Lisa Foley Fitness we offer you more than just a personal trainer. You will have a coach to support you to make the changes you desire, providing you with an individualised exercise, nutrition and lifestyle programme. And, our trainers have a vital ingredient – real personality. Our mission is to help you get in the best shape of your life, feel fantastic and to enjoy the self-esteem you’ll attain through actually enjoying being active and living a healthy lifestyle.
We have a simple philosophy – if it’s fun, it’s done
We offer the following exceptional services: • Personal Training – one on one • Nutritional & Lifestyle Coaching • Group Training – train with friends • Massage Therapy • Fitness Boot Camp – train with others We can work out of Worsley Physio Clinic (Forrester Street, Roe Green) or do home training.
Join in the fun in 2010
T: 07908 015413
FREE Health & Lifestyle Assessment with personal nutrition and exercise session for the first 15 readers to email
Specialist in Payroll Self Assessment Tax Returns for Sole Traders & Partnerships Limited Company accounts and returns Sub Contractor CIS accounts VAT calculations and returns Bookkeeping Services Competitive rates from a local, friendly service 9 – 5 Mon to Fri (Closed Weekends and Bank Holidays)
Call Alan on
0161 794 2400 Offices 7, 8 and 9, 348 Moorside Road Swinton, Manchester M27 9PW email:
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We’ve been in the business of selling flooring products for more than twenty years and our professional approach has gained us a reputation for providing a top quality service to all our clients. Our showroom on Walkden Road in Worsley is full of fabulous carpets, laminates, engineered and solid wood and decorative vinyls. There’s always someone on hand to give friendly advice and estimates are free.
Tel: 0161 703 9401 85/87 Walkden Road, Worsley, Manchester, M28 7BQ
A J Prady
Painter & Decorator Interior & Exterior Decorators Established for 30 years (since 1980) City & Guilds Qualified We offer: l l l l l
Friendly, reliable & professional service Highest quality materials & finish Fully insured work References on request No obligation free quotations
For a free, no obligation quotation call Alan:
T: 0161 793 8230 M: 07985 436 009
75 Eccles Road, Swinton, M27 5GB Visit our new website
Festive Activities Some great ways to enjoy the festive season and get you in the Christmas mood! 18th November - 22nd December 2010 The perfect place to get your evening started, pick up some fabulous Christmas gifts, or relax after a hard day’s Christmas shopping, the markets really have become a very firm fixture of everybody’s yuletide countdown. The array of stalls is mind-boggling, with mouth-watering delicacies from all over Europe. This year the Market takes place over eight different spaces around the city.
THE LOWRY 8th December - 1st January 2011 J.M. Barrie’s beloved story Peter Pan has held a special place in the hearts of children all ages, for over 100 years and this classic tale is magically brought to life in this spectacular production. Stunning scenery, show stopping performances, swashbuckling sword fights and breathtaking flying, accompanied by soaring music written by Jule Styne, all played by a 14 piece orchestra, make this the North West’s must-see seasonal treat. £21.00 - £32.00 plus booking fee MANCHESTER OPERA HOUSE 3rd December to 2nd January 2011 Starring Coronation Street's Tina O'Brien and Emmerdale's Andy Devine. Snow White has a hilarious script, sparkling sets, lavish costumes, romance, comedy and bags of audience participation. With big song and dance numbers and a magic mirror full of surprises, Snow White is sure to delight the whole family. £13.75 - £28.00 plus booking fee
saNta’s grotto opening dates:-
LOWRY OUTLET MALL Sun 7th November CHILL FACTORe Sat 13th November TRAFFORD CENTRE Sun 14th November All open until Fri 24th Dec 2010
Chill faCtore w w w w w
Ski Snowboard Snowplay Tubing Luge
Enjoy a winter wonderland with real snow, Christmas stalls, festive lights and Christmas trees – it’s the perfect location for your child to meet Santa and the Elves.
Disco u ticketnted 27 s Nove–28 mber
A present for each child + mince pie & sherry for adults Magical grotto lit by 200 Christmas trees Costumed characters and brass bands playing carols Weekends only. Early booking is recommended.
Call 0161
764 7790 or visit
CHRISTMAS IN A BOX 2010 Christmas Party Offer Package includes arrival drink, 1/2 bottle of wine per person, 3 course dinner, DJ and dressed tables and all for £35 per person. Minimum numbers of 10 apply. Offer only available Mon-Thur throughout December 2010. Book early to avoid disappointment. Call 0161 975 2000 for information and bookings or visit * Limited availability. Minimum numbers for Private Events will vary. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion/voucher. Quote code CIAB
CalliNg for support from loCal resideNts aNd busiNesses! On Our Doorstep are collecting Toys for the “Key 103 Cash for Kids - Christmas Toy Appeal”.
We want to make a difference this Christmas for disadvantaged children in our area. So please help support the Appeal and donate a Toy towards making a child’s Christmas this year. From 1st November, Beesley Green Community Centre (Greenleach Lane, Worsley, M28 2QW) is kindly acting as our local collection point. All you need to do is take a new, unwrapped toy and leave it with Dale or Gordon, the Centre Managers. LOCAL BUSINESSES: Perhaps you could spread the word at work and collect a few toys for the appeal. You can either drop them off at Beesley Green Community Centre, or call us and we can come and collect. After the Toy Appeal has closed, we will follow up with a feature thanking everyone for their donation. 42 ON OUR DOORSTEP
Please remember to mention On Our Doorstep when responding to adverts
Saks Launches at David Lloyd Local Beauty Therapist & Entrepreneur Jasmine opens a new salon at the prestigious Club in Trafford Park - open to members and non-members Saks Manchester, part of the UK's leading hair and beauty salon group, opened in late July with a brand new look. The gorgeous new salon boasts the latest Saks salon design and has 6 styling stations and 7 beauty rooms offering many treatments.
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BEAUTY: including facials and massages, plus sunless tanning, pampering packages and nails. Jasmine says: “We've put together an exceptional team of stylists and beauty therapists to offer an extensive range of
The new franchisee Jasmine from Worsley prides herself in offering a completely discreet and professional service for all her clients. Having worked as an Inflight Beauty Therapist for the past 10 years for Virgin Atlantic and provided treatments for Hollywood A-listers and pop stars through to supermodels. The glamorous industry of hair and beauty has always been a passion for Jasmine and she is delighted to bring Saks to David Lloyd at Manchester. Saks is officially the UK's Best Training Provider, so you can rest assured the new salon's team is highly skilled, brilliantly trained, and the experts when it comes to recommending the best cuts, colours and beauty treatments to suit your specific needs. Saks will offer a wide range of cutting-edge treatments and services. HAIR: a full range of hair styling and colouring services. “At Saks we carry out an in-depth consultation, taking into consideration face shape, head shape and profile,� says Jasmine. “Face shapes with width suit flatter styles with height. Long faces work well with fringe details and no height. Sharp, angular faces suit softer cuts with textured edges.� first-class hairdressing and beauty services. I'm incredibly excited and the team can't wait to introduce themselves to new clients, their friends and family to the Saks experience.� ON OUR DOORSTEP 43
point plan for
Surviving the Festive Season As the party season looms large, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce the damage EXERCISE REGULARLY If fitting in a trip to the gym is next to impossible, then aim to build in more frequent, smaller bouts of activity. Choose activities you can easily fit into your day: a brisk 10 minute walk at lunchtime, take the stairs rather than the lift or escalator, park at the far side of the supermarket car park, go to the water fountain/toilet on the next floor. Buy a pedometer and aim to do at least 5,000 steps a day.
CHOOSE THE HEALTHIER OPTIONS FROM THE FESTIVE MENU Turkey is a great choice - but go easy on the trimmings. One portion of Christmas pud won't do much damage but if you have a few meals out planned, then opt for fruit-based desserts for the majority of them. Planning your day to day eating is also key. Stock up on healthy low calorie foods and snacks lots of white meat, fish, fruit and vegetables - to reduce the likelihood of reaching for the unhealthy option.
REDUCE THE ALCOHOL If alcohol is an inevitable part of your social routine, then plan your strategy in 44 ON OUR DOORSTEP
advance. Eat before you go out or drink low calorie soft drinks before the meal to avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Alternate alcoholic drinks with nonalcoholic ones, choose single measures of spirits or lower strength versions of lager and beer, or drink wine spritzers.
DRINK LOTS OF WATER Consuming 2 glasses before your meal will help you to feel full so you eat smaller portions. It will also help to reduce your alcohol intake, and avoid the hangover (and the inevitable munchies) the day after.
GET YOUR BEAUTY SLEEP! A late night will play havoc with your energy levels and appetite the following day, making you less likely to exercise and eat healthily. Enjoy yourself and then leave at a sensible hour.
Follow these five steps and you'll have a festive season to remember and not regret!! by Karen Pheasant, owner of Ladies Workout Express on the Swinton/Worsley border
FIT INTO YOUR LITTLE BLACK DRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! Would you like to try a treatment that is the intelligent alternative to liposuction, without the cost, surgery and downtime? We have the answer to losing inches in just four weeks.
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Svelte Body is at 7B Clovelly Road,Worsley, M27 0FT Home visits available
Phone 07961 228 824 and book your free consultation For advertising or general enquiries, please call 0161 790 2504
Chartered Certified Accountants - Registered Auditors 202, Mosley Common Road, Worsley, M28 1AF Tel: 0161 790 0002 | Mob: 07957 468038 Email: Do you need help with: Accounting Auditing VAT Payroll Taxation or specialist help with: Business Development Company Formation Business Plans/Forecasts Accounting Software
We provide a thorough and convenient service with 20 years of experience behind us; we make great use of technology to ensure the most cost-effective service for our clients, tailoring to your every need. Our aim is to help any medium or small business and we are also registered Professional Advisers for QuickBooks so can supply, install and train on this product.
The Tax return filing and payment deadline of 31st Jan 2011 is approaching. At David Nugent & Co we can ease any concerns you have by calculating your tax, providing detailed explanations, offering fixed fees and on-line filing.
For more information call us on
0161 790 0002
Please remember to mention On Our Doorstep when responding to adverts
BROADOAK All areas of Plumbing covered Specialist in Heating Systems All work fully Insured and Guaranteed Bathrooms Boiler Changes Heating Systems Conversions Warm Front Grants available
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FIFTY FIFTY TAXIS is a fully established Private Hire company and the ONLY one based in the Walkden area. n
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We also offer 24 hour airport transfers
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We have the latest GPS tracking system and computerised booking system, making us more reliable than many of our competitors.
If you need a TAXI or a QUOTE, call today and speak to our friendly team on:-
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For advertising or general enquiries, please call 0161 790 2504
Community Information USEFUL CONTACT NUMBERS Safety Police - general enquiries Neighbourhood Policing Team
872 5050 856 5284
Salford City Council Main Switchboard Environment (ie. refuse) Highways (ie. street lighting)
794 4711 909 6500 909 6505
Community & Leisure Facilities Beesley Green Community Centre Worsley Court House Worsley & Boothstown Surestart Swinton Surestart Centre Fit City Worsley Pool
790 6124 737 6277 703 7446 778 0750 790 2084
Dialling code for all contact numbers is 0161
Roe Green Church Christmas Celebrations:Sun 12 Dec - Toy Service 10.45am Sat 18 Dec - Carols on the Green 5.30pm Sun 19 Dec - Nativity 10.45am Carol Service 6pm Sat 25 Dec - Christmas Service 10.30am
Libraries Worsley Village Swinton Walkden Boothstown
794 921 909 799
Healthcare The Sides Medical Centre Tims & Parker Chemists (The Sides)
794 1604 794 1971
Schools St. Marks CofE Primary School Broadoak Primary School Bridgewater School Moorside High School Walkden High School
790 794 794 794 975
On Our Doorstep Mid Dec - Jan 11 issue Copy Deadline is
19th November To adver tise, or list community events call 0161 790 2504
8750 2360 6518 6549
3423 2326 1463 1045 8000
Church, Worsley Meadthodist Bar ton Ro
Christmas services:- & Tin Service y m Sun 28 Nov - To Mrs A Hall 10.30a 0am .3 10 dy ro B v Paul Sun 19 Dec - Re with Carol Service6pm Brass Band m oxing Day 10.30a Sun 26 Dec - BRev Ian Humphreys
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS Contact us For advertising, editorial & general enquiries:-
Susie: 0161 790 2504 Email: For advertising enquiries only:-
Louise: 07890 268167 Email: Log onto our new website!!! 50 ON OUR DOORSTEP
On Our Doorstep is the only community magazine dedicated to Worsley & Roe Green, giving you direct access to 5,500 local households and businesses. (Distributed to: Broadoak, Moorside, Worsley, Roe Green, stretching towards Boothstown & Ellenbrook)
Plus, through our website, our readership will extend beyond the distribution area.
Advertising in the magazine starts from ÂŁ32, or list your business on our website for just ÂŁ25pa Visit our new website
To book call 0844 815 4866
get your skates on 3 December 2010 – 9 January 2011 The Lowry Plaza, Salford Quays For more information go to
Worsley Garden Centre provides everything you could possibly need to create a beautiful outside living area along with DIY supplies and Water Features Worsley Garden Centre offers far more than just a horticultural shopping experience. Located in the grounds of the historic hall you can check through their wide range of plants in its impressive Victorian walled garden or enjoy the many other facilities available. Aiming to offer an entertaining day out for the whole family, the centre also offers a bustling, friendly cafe, large children’s playground, well stocked aquarium, an aviary full of rare birds and a new, extended covered area for all weathers.
0161 790 8792
Here at Worsley Pet Centre we cater for all fins and fur, holding a large range of livestock. If we do not have it we can locate any pet, as normal as a chicken (yes, chickens are the new cat) to something a little more exotic. Stockists of Royal Canin, James Wellbeloved, Iams. We also hold a large range of henhouses, homes for furry friends and tanks for fins and our non furry pets.
0161 702 7270
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Worsley Pet Centre at Worsley Garden Centre, Leigh Road, Worsley, M28 2LJ