3 minute read

i’m thirsty, mom! what’s to drink?

story by | millie bokern, rn

OK, Moms. So what do you reach for to fill up that sippy cup or water bottle? Will it be juice, milk, soda, Kool-Aid, iced tea, Gatorade, lemonade, or a bottle of water from the store?

Water?? Just from observation of watching children today, rarely do I see their cups or containers filled with water. Have we become a society where we think every other form of liquid is better for our child than water? Here is a fact: when your child was born, their body consisted of 90% water. After all, they were bathed in it 24/7 for 9 months! It’s what made those babies smell so good and have such soft, kissable skin. They were free of toxins, their diets were pure, and their bodies fully hydrated. As long as that regime continued, they were healthy, contented babies. Then along came “treats” of fruit juices filled with sugar, homogenized milk, popsicles made with Kool-Aid, and, oh yes, don’t forget the vitamin waters because children need vitamins to be healthy. That should satisfy their “I’m thirsty, Mom” cry…right? This is how I thought when I was raising my children, although probably not to the extent that it is done today as we didn’t have so many choices 40 years ago.

Here’s another thought to ponder. If you are giving them water to drink [which is the ONLY fluid that actually hydrates the body], what kind of water are you giving them? And if you are buying that bottled water, how much is it costing you? “But isn’t all water the same?” you might ask. Until a couple of years ago I would have thought the answer to that question was “Yes”. In my 45 years of experience as a registered nurse, I actually never questioned that all water wasn’t equal. I just told people to drink lots of water. Then I was introduced to a video that showed how our bodies function best when they are in an alkaline state, and almost all the fluids we are drinking are acidic, INCLUDING JUICES AND MOST BOTTLED WATERS. Not only are they acidic, they are oxidizing to our cells so they cause us to age!

What does alkalization and oxidation really mean in terms you can understand? Alkaline simply means that the Ph of our cells is greater than 7.0, which is best for health. Our blood, for example, cannot stray far from the 7.35–7.45 range if we want to stay alive. Acidity is anything less than 7.0 on the Ph scale and sets up the body to allow disease to thrive. An acid environment will feed the “Big C”. Yikes! Not only are the fluids that we are drinking today mostly acidic, so are all processed foods, medications, and the adrenalin secreted in the body by strrreessss All of these factors add acid to the body, which puts an oxidative coating on the cells, and eventually, cell by cell, cause a breakdown in the body. No wonder so many people are sick today and the biggest causes of disease for children 13 or younger are cancer and diabetes.

Could good health be as simple as adding THE RIGHT KIND OF WATER to your daily regime, especially for your child? An alkalized, ionized water such as the Kangen water is one of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet today, which means it can wash that oxidative coating off the cell wall, allow the water to penetrate into the cell, hydrate it, balance the Ph, and, guess what, create a clear thinking, happy and content child again. No more runny noses, belly aches, and anxiety breakouts, or sometimes called temper tantrums, depending on the child’s age.

Would eliminating just bottled water from your grocery list help your child’s health and your budget?

Consider this. For one person to drink an adequate supply of bottled water a day, [based on taking their body weight, dividing it in half, and drinking that many ounces], it would cost approximately $4.92 a day, or $1,795 per year. If a family of four is doing that, it would cost them $7,183 a year. And that’s just eliminating water! Think what would happen if you also eliminated the soda and juice. You could take a family vacation for 2 weeks and still have money left over!

Drinking unfiltered tap water is another whole story for another article, but for now I would suggest that you go to www.ewg.org/tap-water/whatsinyourwater and check out your cities water. Did you know they can add up to 70 chemicals to make your water register alkaline? You might want to think again before you just take it for granted that unfiltered tap water is okay to put in a body.

It is my conviction that we need to put the brakes on the amount of sugar-filled juices, sodas, and expensive bottled waters we are giving our children if we want them to grow up to become healthy, happy adults.

Please take the time to educate yourself about the different liquids and how they affect your body by going to my website, www.lifelinetohealth.com and watch a ten minute demonstration on bottled waters. Then take our challenge to receive FREE, ALKALINE, IONIZED WATER FOR 21 DAYS.

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