4 minute read

greatest gift the of family being

story by | cathy piatt

As a mom we want “it all” for our children. From the simpler things like lining up play dates to the more complicated issues like career choices, we are there for them every step of the way. We strive to nurture their physical, emotional, social, and academic needs and we do it all because we love them like no other.

It goes without saying that we want them to be healthy. We all know how important that is, yet it can seem so challenging at times. Our country is struggling with an obesity issue and our children are at risk. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, allergies, and ADHD are all on the rise. According to the American Academy of Obesity more than 30% of our kids are overweight. Why is this happening?

Our food industry has changed in the last 20 years: we are bombarded with unhealthy fast food, processed and genetically modified foods and super sized portions. Our lifestyles have changed: we walk less, drive more, spend less time preparing meals and too much time in front of the TV and computer screen.

The good news...we do have choices! When we promote health and wellness in our homes we protect our children from these trends. We empower them with the tools they need to feel their very best.... a gift that lasts a lifetime.


got to move it-move it

Exercise is SO important. Be a good role model and encourage your kids to keep moving. Limit time in front of the computer and TV to one hour a day and you’re off to a great start. Everyone in the family needs 45 to 60 minutes of exercise a day [that means your heart rate is up and you’re sweating]. If we exercise our kids will too.

got munchies? choose fruits and veggies Let children choose their favorites and then shoot for 5-7 servings each day. Accessibility is key! Keep a bag of each in the refrigerator so kids can grab them when they’re hungry. Put another bag in a small cooler in your car so they’re there for the kids [and you] as you taxi around town. Buying frozen is okay. They are frozen right after being picked so they are as healthy, if not healthier, than fresh. Fruits and veggies are jam packed with vitamins and minerals. smart start Children who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to meet their nutritional needs and keep their weight under control. Keep it balanced by serving foods with protein and whole grains such as:

1. whole grain cereal with fruit and milk

2. whole grain toast with peanut butter

3. smoothie with yogurt, milk and fruit [toss in some protein powder for a boost]

It is whole grain if the first ingredient on the nutritional label contains the word whole [ex: whole wheat, whole wheat flour, whole rye] .Brown rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal are also whole grain products .Multigrain simply means it’s composed of various grains, not necessarily whole grains “Wheat flour” is simply refined white flour not whole grain know the skinny on your fats Keep trans fats out of your house. They have no nutritional value and contribute to heart disease and high cholesterol...yes even in our kids!! Don’t trust food packaging. Be nutritionally savvy by checking the ingredient list instead. Trans fats are listed as “partially hydrogenated oils”. They are found in cookies, crackers, chips, fried foods, margarine...Stay Clear! Cook with healthy oils like olive, canola, and safflower, but keep at medium heat to avoid damage to the oil. Some research shows that overheating can turn oil into a carcinogen. lay off the sweet stuff High sugar diet = obesity = diabetes. It’s as simple as that. Say no to sugar filled sport drinks [Gatorade, Powerade...], sodas, and vitamin water. Falsely advertised as being “good” for us, these products contain up to 10 teaspoons of added sugar per 12 oz serving. Limit fruit juice to 6 oz a day. boost your immune system Vitamin D protects our bones and boosts our ability to fight infection. We get it in milk, fortified cereal and sunlight [not enough in the North]. Most kids and adolescents aren’t getting enough so doctors recommend they take supplements [400 IUs/day]. To keep influenza out of your house, make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D. It’s a must! z-out Sleep is as important as food, drink and safety when it comes to our children’s well-being. It “recharges” their brains and bodies and is necessary for them to develop and stay healthy. Each child is unique, but there are guidelines you can follow: age hours/day

The food industry allows manufacturers to advertise a food as having “No trans fats” if it has less than 5 gm per serving .This is deceiving! Outsmart the advertiser .

Encourage your family to drink water and milk [full of calcium, protein and Vitamin D] on a regular basis. Keep fresh, filtered water in the refrigerator. Adding fresh lemon or frozen fruits gives it some flavor. Organic milk is healthier than regular and is well worth the investment.

1-3 12-14

4-6 11-12

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13-18 8-9 all in the family It feels so great! Kids love it, parents love it...even the dog seems happier when everyone is around. Family meals foster warmth, security and love. It’s a chance to share information and really “get into” the minds and hearts of the people we love the most.

Making changes can sometimes feel overwhelming. Whether it’s motivating your kids to exercise or making healthy food choices, try to focus on just a couple things at a time. Get comfortable with that and then move on to another. Before you know it you will be amazed by what you’ve accomplished. Our world is changing and the health of our children is at stake. As moms, it’s an issue we can’t ignore...but we can control.

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