2 minute read

rad dad

I believe what makes me a good dad…

The balance that I keep between my family and profession. It is hard to find with our busy schedules, but having a good relationship with my wife and my family sure allows me to have a sharper focus at work.

the subject I wish I knew more about…

How to more fully utilize the power of the conscious and subconscious mind. It is amazing the obstacles that have been overcome by some people due to the power of their minds. We all have the potential for greatness in us. How do we unlock it?

something I admire but would never do…

Run a marathon. My wife has successfully completed eight of them, not to mention numerous half marathons. I think it is really cool and I would love to say that I’ve done one, but I have no desire to go through the training or the event itself!

my kids would describe me as… if I had to eat only three things for the rest of my life, they would be… French toast with syrup, pizza, lasagna. the family member most like me… favorite seasonal time of the year… people would be surprised to know…

A great story reader. The Berenstain Bear voices are my specialty!

Andrew. He dresses up as a football player and plays pretend football games complete with a national anthem, starting lineups and replays. He occasionally ‘watches’ his game tapes with his imaginary remote control in the same room where I watch my game film.

Football season!!! Can you really be a football coach and think any other time of the year would be better?

We don’t watch TV. My only ‘TV’ time is watching high school game film while I am on the treadmill.

it’s important to me my kids learn…

To take responsibility. If you assume responsibility and realize you are where you are in life by your own doing, then it stands to reason you can get to a better place by your own doing as well. It only takes a better attitude, better decisions and better effort.

our family motto…

Joshua 24:15. […decide today whom you will serve… As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.] It’s engraved on a big rock outside of our front door.

the last time I did laundry…

Right before answering these questions! We have four kids. No matter how often we do the laundry, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the bottom of the basket!

my biggest pet peeve…

Slow and random walkers in stores. When you shop with four kids there is a small window of opportunity before someone needs a nap, drink, bathroom, snack or time out. People that walk randomly, take up the whole aisle, or go really slow because shopping is a leisure time activity for them all are detriments to the easily toppled dictatorship I run over the kids.

one life lesson I hope to instill in my students and athletes…

Life is full of highs and lows. How you manage the lows of life determines how long you stay in them. Likewise how you handle the highs of life also plays a key factor in how long you stay on them. Faith is what gets you through the lows and keeps you humble on the highs.

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