FAIST Light Metals | Newsletter - April 2019

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FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

April 2019


IN THIS ISSUE Highlights from the plants FRIMA becomes RATIONAL FAIST Light Metals meeting up with Customers at MWC 19 in Barcellona Implementation of in-house hard-coat anodizing of Kongsberg Lower Cover Strategic action plan to reduce operator turnover rate in Romania FPSZ Annual Dinner for 2019 Chinese New Year Training for production line team leaders Emulsion Recovery System First Suppliers conference in China Teambuilding through sports Students/Pupils Company visits to FAIST Mekatronic Christmas celebrations around the world! Employees Recognition in USA FALU: we are focused on performances! FAIST Thought‌

Highlights from the plants FAIST Light Metals Tennessee Congratulations to the US team who scored 91% and succeed in getting BOSCH VDA audit in February. Well done!!

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

April 2019

Automatization projects in FAIST Precision Suzhou • Automatic lathe machining cell without operator. • 3 lathes + 2 linear robots + 1 vibration feeding system.

EA211 Sleeve Automatic Machining Cell

• Automatic transfer line machining cell with automatic

loading/unloading and 3D vision system for flatness inspection. • 2 Transfer lines + 2 6 axis robots + 2 conveyer feeding system + 1 3D vision system.

TL9 & TL10 VCT Front Covers Automatic Loading/Unloading & 3D Vision System

We are going to install 1 robot for Transfer line 9 on May to gain the experiences and then install Transfer line 10.

We installed this cell on last November and succeed run around 2000pcs with quite positive results.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

April 2019

Finance team has 2 new members We want to welcome Amber Hamilton and Smith SHEN to FAIST Light Metals. Amber has been appointed Financial Controller at FAIST Light Metals Tennessee. She has a Bachelors degree from University of Memphis and has a Masters degree in Business Administration from University of Phoenix. She had Accounting as her Major in both Bachelors and Masters degree. Smith has been appointed Finance Manager at FAIST precision Suzhou. He graduated from Nanjing University of Finance &Economy with major of Accounting and got his mater degree of Accounting in Shanghai University of Finance &Economy. He has 20 years working experience to cover all finance functions, especially in Finance Analysis, Cost Control, Tax and SAP system.

FRIMA becomes RATIONAL RATIONAL/ one of our histori c customer in FLM and the main customer of FSYS, announced that from January 2018 their former subsidiary FRIMA will be merged with RATIONAL. The VarioCookingCenter® as FRIMA‘s single product line is more and more on interests of professional chefs. As the projected volumes and growth of the VarioCookingCenter® increased, FAIST Systeme came into the focus of former FRIMA. As a well-known partner for industrialization and growing volumes with the smartest selection of the manufacturing process for each component FSYS supported FRIMA a lot particularly in designing and understanding of manufacturing processes. Currently besides additional quotations FSYS was nominated for the production and assembly of the applicator panel for several sizes (picture below) of their new generation with SOP in Q1/2020. Due to the close contact and cost oriented solutions as well as the intention to invest in resources FSYS is very optimistic to win further projects. It’s the first time that RATIONAL has a second product group besides the well-known cooking centres. Particularly on the sales channel RATIONAL is expecting a high synergy effect. Both product lines usually have life times of more than six years and FAIST is a major supplier for the next generation of both companies.

Bent and stamped stainless steel cover assembled by gluing with the injected plastic housing rograms and games.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

FAIST Light Metals meeting up with Customers at MWC 19 in Barcellona During 27th & 28th February I went to the MWC 2019 held in Barcellona representing FAIST Light Metals division. This is the major worldwide event for Telecom Industry, with more than 100K visitors coming from 198 countries! I met up with our major Customers discussing about new products launch and how the 5G will change the Ecosystem. Besides the speed (100Mbps in download and 50Mbps in upload), the latency is the main characteristic of the 5G network. AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT, M2M are forecasted to be the main drivers/consumers.

Gianfranco Natali, Meik Andriani and Tongbiao Zhou present awards to employees who have worked for 8 years

It was a good occasion to looking for new potential Customers too, selling our Technology strength and Global Footprint. Michele Acquisti (Head of Global Telecom Sales)

April 2019

I was personally invited by ERICSSON to join the private pavilion, having a personal tour and understanding what solutions they are offering to their Customers to build their networks.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

Implementation of in-house hard-coat anodizing of Kongsberg Lower Cover Every year we face different challenges that make us constantly develop the business and create the perfect environment to shape the future in the industries we focus on. In December 2018 we created the plan for the projects we want to implement in 2019. One of the main projects on was the implementation of the internal anodization process, a process that was previously done just externally. On December 27 we were announced that our only viable anodizing supplier had a fire on the surface treatment lines that seriously affected the anode section. Due to the serious damages, the supplier announces that they will be able to reach normal production capacity only in March 2019. We had to find a quick solution to make sure we serve our customers and have all the orders delivered in time. Unfortunately, finding other external suppliers was not a solution as the event occurred at the end of the year and all suppliers had closed doors till the first week of January 2019. The only solution we had was to quickly create a mixed team to implement the internal anodization process. The first step the we took was to call the Candor supplier for chemistry (Jorgen Petterson and Ivan Brigido) and to ask them to create a dedicated process for our alloy type in the first week of the year. At the end of week 1, we had the process created and on the second week they made a study visit and delivered the necessary training to make sure we can run the line as soon as possible.

April 2019

At the end of week two, all the chemicals were already delivered and anodization process was ready to start. We started the process on January 3rd and on January 10 the first test was done and we successfully made the first anodized part in FAIST Mekatronic’s history. In the coming days, adjustments and improvements were made, and in the third week we declared the anodized production fully functional. At the end of week 7 we managed to reach the target set by the SCM department: 120 pieces per shift, thanks to the contribution of all the team members involved. We once more proved that everything is possible in FMKT.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

Strategic action plan to reduce operator turnover rate in Romania The global talent shortage is at its highest rate in over ten years. It becomes more and more challenging to recruit and retain employees in Romania and especially in Oradea. Some of the external factors that influence this result: 1. Aging population 2. High emigration rates 3. Low unemployment rate in Oradea 4. Political and legal instability At the same time, we know that our business is complex and there are challenges to be faced every day. It is our aim to attract and retain people with the right skills and motivation at all levels in the organization. To reach this goal FAIST Mekatronic created a strategic retention plan customized for each specific target groups. For operators, the first action that we took was to create a competitive package that includes the following: • Competitive salary: considering the specificity of the industry we focused on offering the highest salaries in the market for the operator level

To constantly keep the pulse, our HR team created a project called “HR in your department” that aims to have private discussion with employees to identify and address specific individual needs. Having these initiatives in place, we aim to reduce the turnover and

April 2019

• Bonuses

for individual and business performance up to 35% of their gross salary • Other bonuses such as: 5S and loyalty • Benefits: meal tickets, free meal, free transportation, gifts for special events (Christmas, Easter, Women’s day, Kids’ Day) and social events. • As special attention this year was the introduction of a private medical insurance for all employers. This insurance covers all the costs for any medical checks. The insurance is also available to family members at a preferential price. • Based on the feedback we had from our employees, we committed to improve the working conditions, starting with cafeteria and lookers’ room.

increase the number of employees who celebrate a decade with us.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

FPSZ Annual Dinner for 2019 Chinese New Year Time never stays, disappearing like water. In the blink of an eye, the busy year of 2018 has already gone, and the year of 2019, full of expectations, is approaching us. On January 23, 2019, FPSZ annual dinner for 2019 Chinese New Year kicked off in the ebullient opening dance of the managers. At the party, General Manager Tongbiao Zhou extended sincere appreciation and blessings of the Chinese New Year to the staff on behalf of the company. Mr. Natali, Meik Andriani and other members of the FLM Management Team, who were in China to have a meeting on FLM business strategies, also participated in this annual dinner. The programs in the annual dinner were absolutely fabulous. Beautiful classical dance, passionate chorus, novel fluorescence dance, graceful singing, cross-dressing opusculum, funny games and exciting lucky draws constantly created upsurges in the annual dinner. We laugh and hug heartily here, we struggle with

Gianfranco Natali, Meik Andriani and Tongbiao Zhou present awards to employees who have worked for 8 years

April 2019

aspiration here, just for welcoming a better tomorrow. In the new year, we mutually encourage with all employees and customers.

FLM Management Team at FPSZ Annual Dinner

Colorful programs and games

Training for production line team leaders On January 8, 2019, FPSZ organized training for production line team leaders. This training was given speech by HR Director Lucy Gu and Operation Manager Brian Lv to improve the management talent and communication skills of team leaders. The training was interspersed with games to enable team leaders to learn how to share out the work and cooperate with one another during the game to achieve the goal.

Lucy, Brian and production line team leaders

Teach through lively activities

Winning team leaders

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

Emulsion Recovery System In FMKT continuous improvement is a constant. Each day we strive to be better and offer the best products to our customers. We analyse each process and look for opportunities to make it better and more cost effective. One of the challenges we faced in 2018 was the high cost of utilized emulsion for Die Casting Machines. Our engineers researched the options and at the end of June 2018, we started to step by step implement the emulsion recovery system for all Die Casting Machines (DCM). At the end of the year, the system was fully implemented for 12 out of 14 DCM. How the system works: all the emulsion that is sprayed to the mold and does not evaporate drains into a tank under the mold. From this tank the emulsion is separated from impurities and oil. With a pump, the emulsion is pumped into another filter tank, and with gravity is

First Suppliers Meeting in China On the afternoon of August 28, 2018, The first supplier Meeting was held in FPSZ. Managing Director Tongbiao Zhou explained our new quotation system, including the principles and process

April 2019

mixed with pure emulsion. The mix (recovered emulsion with the pure one) is done in proportion of maximum 50-50 and afterwards is sprayed into the mold. Having this process implemented since the end of June, it immediately started to produce visible results in terms of cost efficiency. At the end of the year the total cost saving was over 350.000 EUR. Congratulations to all FMKT DC engineering team involved in the process and may 2019 bring all of us success in each project implemented.

of the suppliers selection, the way how we run the quotation system, what we will provide to suppliers about the process optimization support and share the benefits, the way how we manage suppliers and how we assess the suppliers each month. The meeting is much helpful to create a win-win relationship between FPSZ and Suppliers.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

Teambuilding through sports An interesting autumn sports meeting was held in FPSZ on Nov 20th 2018, to enhance across function team building. Four groups were set up with different color clothes, and strong competition were implemented among them. All the employees enjoyed very much. Each group took a resounding team name and slogan. Finally, the Wolf Warrior Team won the champion of this sports meeting.

April 2019

Students/Pupils company visits to FAIST Mekatronic Last quarter of the last year is most probably the most crowded time in FMKT plant. Do you wonder why? The answer is simple... over 70 students and pupils visited our plant. During this visits they had the opportunity to discuss with our engineers and learn new things about our processes, products and clients. Also, some of our colleagues took a step out of their comfort zone and help recruitment team during the participation at 3 job fairs. One of the job fair was dedicated to disordered people and we managed to adapt our recruitment strategy and internal processes in order to successfully include everyone in FMKT.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

Christmas celebrations around the world! ROMANIA Each year end is nicely marked with the sparkling spirit of the Christmas season. This spirit is obviously present in

USA Don’t forget the little things We tend to think of holiday traditions as big events: decorating the tree, going to Grandma’s house, opening gifts. However, family traditions are more often tied to the little things we overlook as habit. It takes changing those habits, due to moving to a new home or experiencing the loss of a loved one, for us to finally see such activities for what they really are — special traditions that create life-long memories of family togetherness.

April 2019

FMKT through a lot of small things noticeable from the first step after the factory gate. The big lightened tree at the reception desk, the carols at the cafeteria and the 1000 gifts shard by the Company for each employee are just the beginning of the celebration. To fully mark the moment, FAIST organised a 5 star party for the employees. As Romania celebrated in 2018, 100 years since the great unification of all historical provinces inhabited by Romanians, forming a single country, Romania, the theme of the party was traditional costumes. Everyone enjoyed the party and the lucky ones went home with the prices won at the raffle.

So take a moment with your family this season to identify some of your favorite traditions. It may be drinking hot chocolate with your kids on Christmas Eve or going holiday shopping with your spouse. It may even be a task you dread, like making dozens of deviled eggs every year, only to bask in the praise received when family members say how good they really are. Then, make a special effort to let your loved ones know just how special those moments are for you. That’s when little habits become cherished — and remembered — traditions. FAIST USA has started a new Christmas tradition, by decorating the Christmas tree together. We exchanged gifts and had a fun time playing secret Santa game. We really look forward to continue this new tradition with our FAIST Family for years to come.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

ITALY Christmas at FLME means fun, joy, but mostly it’s an opportunity for sharing and strengthen team spirit. This seems to be present everywhere: the decorations in the offices, the

MEXICO On December 21st, the year end party of FAIST Alucast 2018 took place, where all the employees of the Company could enjoy a special event. The event was located at the Los Troncos in León, Gto. at 1:00 p.m. People arrived very enthusiastic to their annual event, during which we celebrated employees with more than 4 years

April 2019

Christmas tree all lit up and shiny, wrapping gifts for the staff in the canteen and the organization of the Christmas event. On the 14th of December, the employees of the tool shop, together with the colleagues from Città di Castello, gathered in the center of Bologna to visit Prendiparte Tower, one of the tallest and ancient building in the city. From there you can admire the best view that Bologna has to offer. And then, according to tradition, we all celebrated with a typical hearty dinner. It was a special moment, where all the participants could exchange greetings and gifts, share commitments and common goals, having fun all together. of seniority at FALU. All employees could enjoy a delicious meal which consisted of several fast food carts with exquisite Mexican meal such as Tacos al Pastor, Quesadillas of different regional dishes & another one of Tacos de Carnitas (Pork). After this, Samuel Alonso Enriquez started the awards ceremony, recognising the employees with seniority 4 & 2 years within the Company as well as production operators who had perfect attendance during 2018. A funny raffle was also held with prizes of kitchen appliances for the employees. Following this, the employees had the opportunity to enjoy a moment with a local comedian who entertained everyone with their jokes for almost an hour. Towards the end of the event a musical group entertained all with some regional music “Banda”, which captured the attention of our employees and delighted them with music to dance all afternoon.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

Employees Recognition in USA Employee recognition has left a positive impact on all our employees at FAIST Light Metals Tennessee which makes it hard to pick the best of the best. Every single one of them in the shop floor are striving hard and improving their efficiency day by day. We are so proud of our Operators and Hearty Congratulations to the ones recognised.

Name: Valerie Jackson Employee of the Month: October

Name: Quamesha Rivers Employee of the Month: November

Name: Sarah Mendoza Employee of the Month: December

Name: Chris Robinson Recognised as the Employee of the 4th Quarter

April 2019

FALU: we are focused on performances! At FAIST Alucas on December 7, 2018, we held a strategic meeting to present actual results and Budget 2019. Each manager had the opportunity to present his improvement projects and savings for the following year. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss together, focused on how to face challenges for the benefit of the Company for the coming year. At the end of the session, Samuel Alonso, Plant Director, invited all his collaborators to enjoy a delicious and succulent meal where we hanged out together and strengthened teamwork.

FAIST Light Metals - 16th Edition Company Newsletter

April 2019

FAIST Thought… “I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” Michael Phelps Send your famous favorite quote to: communication@faistlightmetals.com You can send it in your own language, and we will translate it!

Recruitment Multiple roles available across the FAIST Light Metals Business Unit. Ideal candidates should have: • bachelor Degree or relevant qualifications in mechanics or appropriate subject; • proficiency in English; • min 1 year work experience. If you think you have the skills and wish to apply, then contact your local HR Team or visit and follow us on our LinkedIn page for more detail.

Contact Us If you want to get involved, make a comment, submit a photo or just get in touch please contact the Newsletter team at:

communication@faistlightmetals.com Remember, the Newsletter is YOUR VOICE!

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