TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Flag image____________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Language, location geographic, capital, president, flag, climate, gastronomy and restaurant___________ 3 Map location geogrephic________________________________________________________________________ 4 Ingredients for typical foo_______________________________________________________________________ 5 Preparation for typical food______________________________________________________________________ 6 Menu__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Bibliography___________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Our experience cooking_________________________________________________________________________ 9
ALGERIA People Speak Arabic, its religion is Islam Algeria is in Africa. Algeria borders on the Mediterranean sea to the north, Libya to the east, Níxer and Malí to the south and Tunisia to the west. Algeria has thirtyeight million people.The capital of Algeria is Alxer. The president’s name is Abdelaziz Buteflika. The colours of the flag are green and white, and it has a red star and a red moonIin the center The Climate of Algeria is temperate. Samia’s uncle is the chief of the army in the north of Algeria. Algerian gastronomy: Algerian gastronomy has a big variety of food. Burek is a healthy arabian food
Restaurant Le Taj Mahal is in Alxer. It is the number one among the 176 restaurants.
BUREK INGREDIENTS 8 leaves of brik dough 400gr. mince beef 2 onions 2 eggs mint leaves 1 lemon salt pepper olive oil 2 bay leaves
PREPARATION: Peel and chop the onions very thin. Pour 4 tablespoons oil in a pan Brown the onions and the bay leaves Add the mince beef and season to taste. Cook over medium heat stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and mix with one wo beaten egg Take two sheets of brik pastry and the meat filling and one or more mint leaves on each of them Roll the sheets of brik Brush with egg the edges to seal Fry them in a frying pan with oil until golden. Serve with enough lemon wedges.
MENU 1 salad (Slata) Starter 2soup (Grira) 1 burek (Burek) First plate 2 Cuscus (Tgam) 1 cake (Mscucha) Dessert 2 basbusa (Basbusa) Drink 1 Water (Lma) 2 tea (Letei)
BIBLIOGRAPHY EL MENÚ SALUDABLE: DoQFjAB& arabe%2Fburekrollitosrellenosdecarne&ei=bf8AULsOs7y7AbA6IDAAQ&usg=AFQjCNGI_W zZyI5gzQZwy8OhmXmJX9Pug&sig2=u7hlxKl42cMraNYBEUk81Q
RESTAURANTE: srQdU7KzA8ir7Abjx4DYCg&usg=AFQjCNFAzEkA_EqNmVnbyRDeaebPJe0dA&sig2=1KrBUXJ _ff4M6CGTWfF4OA&bvm=bv.62578216,d.bGQ&cad=rja
OUR EXPERIENCE COOKING María’s opinion: the food was delicious and it is easy to prepare and healthy. David: My opinion is that the food was very tasty and delicious but my fault was that the bureks I prepared were too big.
Noelia:I don't like this food very much.