ivan barro fraga 2ºb
table of contents 1introduction 2description 3conclusion 4bibliografi
1introduction I chose this room because I love new technologies and this room represents the room of my dreams 2. description The bedroom of my dreams is large, mainly white with a bluish window bluish. Attached to the exterior walls there are some solar panels that provide energy to the entire bedroom So, I will save a lot of money on electric bills On the wall behind my trundle bed I would like to have a TV 54 "inches to watch 3D films and I would love to have an X box one with my favourite games In my bedroom I would have the best computer in the world I would like to have a gokart track and a tank with seahorses I would love to have a not very large closet built into the wall with a nice white door 3.conclusion In this project I learned that sometimes share our dreams with this fellow mui well and is entertaining