The bedroom of my dreams
By: Ainara Rivera
Table of contents:
1. Introduction 2. Description 2.1 My real bedroom 2.2 The bedroom of my dreams 1. Conclusion 2. Bibliography
1. Introduction: In this project we are going to describe the bedroom of our dreams. 2. Description: My real bedroom - My bedroom is small and square. The walls are light blue. When you come into the bedroom, you can see the windows. At the right, you see the bed and one white piece of furniture. Hanged on the wall, that is behind the bed, there are three paintings of London and Paris, a white shelf with drawers of different colours, one clothes rack from London, one suitcase and some red spiral-shaped stickers In the center of the bedroom there are a black carpet, a white table and one stool of Paris. On the left there are a big white shelf and two white pieces of furniture with drawers of different colours. On top of the big shelf there is a white television and on top of the two pieces of furniture there are a stereo, a wii, a playstation and a pile of books. There is a bookcase and on the bookcase there is a clock. On the door there is a mexican hat, behind the door there is a blackboard. The bedroom of my dreams - This bedroom is big and illuminated. The walls are light blue with some drawings of the beach and the floor is made of pale wood. When you enter into the bedroom you can see a big television, a black sofa, a little table and a door which takes you to the terrace. In the
terrace there are two hammocks, a round table with chairs, a L-shaped sofa a big window from where you can see the bedroom and the stairs that take you to the beach. The terrace and the stairs are made of pine wood. In the hall, at the left, there is a picture window from where you can see the beach. On the left wall, there are a bathroom with a jacuzzi a toilet, a sink, a shower and a long aquarium with fishes for everywhere and a picture window. In the hall, on the right, there are a modern sound system with speakers all over the bedroom, but at the ballet studio and the cinema have some specials speakers. You can see films in a big television sat in a big sofa with shelves fulls of candice and chocolate bars. My bedroom is after the hall and doesn't have any door. On the wall at the right there are two wardrobes, One of them is more little and inside have some boards of surfing and others accessories with the boards. The other wardrobe is biggest and have clothes and shoes. Next to the wardrobe there is a little study with a computer, a pencil box and a books. On the wall of the left there is a drawing of a tree with photos of the best moments in my life with friends and with the family. On the wall of the back there is a swing bed, in the center of the room there is a carpet. When you enter for the door, that there are next to the bed, you see a little dance studio with mirrors on the two littles walls and a bar at one of the walls, a modern sound system with speakers and
a little cupboard with towels and first-aid kit of medicine. In a corner there are a little box and a bag with resin. 3. Conclusion: In this project I learned how to make a description of a bedroom. This bedroom is perfect and beautiful for me. My mother’s opinion - She thinks that is a beautiful bedroom but for the moment I doesn't have this bedroom. She likes much the view and the little cinema, but the rest of the bedroom is also beautiful and she loves the style of the dance studio. My father's opinion - He thinks that is very big, beautiful and have a beautiful style but he thinks that the bedroom it seems like an apartment because are very big. He thinks that the view is amazing. He loves the little cinema, especially the candies and the chocolate bars.
4. Bibliography: Cama colgante: Sala playera: Armario para tablas de surf: Armario de ropa: ado-2.JPG EstanterĂa tablas de surf: Â
Vistas a la playa: =1200&w=1600&tbnid=PuizWrODxZb6pM%3A&zoom=1&docid=gzJycT9kT4-AqM&ei=D rdwVOjoN8XZao2ugLAI&tbm=isch&ved=0CCQQMygDMAM&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=688&p age=1&start=0&ndsp=15