“Las Meninas de Canido”
By Andrea, Marta, Sofía.F, Óscar and Sofía.G
Table of contents 1. Introduction ..................................................... p. 3 2. Velazquez Biography ...................................... p. 3 3. Meninas …………………………………………. p. 3 4. Editorial a. “Las Meninas de Canido” the most beautiful project by Andrea ……………………….... p. 4 b. “Las Meninas de Canido” a fantastic idea by Marta ……………………………………….. p. 4 c. A great project “Las Meninas de Canido” by Sofía F. ……………………………………… p. 4 d. “Las Meninas de Canido”, a tiny project very famous around the world By Óscar ........... p. 5 e. “Las Meninas de Canido” is a funny project by Sofia. G……………………………………... p. 5 5. News Article …………………………………….. p. 6 6. Conclusion………………………………………. p. 6 7. Bibliography…………………………………….. p. 7
1. Introduction This project is about the painting “Las meninas” by the spanish painter Diego Velazquez. We will tell about the story of the painting and the painter.
2. Velazquez Biography The spanish painter Diego Velazquez was born on June 6, 1599, in Seville, Spain. He died on August 6, 1660, in Madrid. He painted many paintings, but “Las Meninas” is the most popular. He painted in “Baroco” era. In 1618, he married Pacheco’s daughter, Juana. By 1621, the couple had two daughters. 3. Meninas
“Las Meninas” is a very famous painting by Diego Velazquez. It was painted in 1656. It is in the “Museo del Prado” in Madrid. This painting represents the kings, the servants of the kings, “Mari Bárbola”, “Nicolasito Pertusato” and “José Nieto”
4. Editorial
a) Andrea
“Las Meninas de Canido” the most beautiful project “Las Meninas de Canido” is an interesting and fun idea, also it helps to bring people from other countries to meet Ferrol and Canido neighborhood. Also
brings joy to the neighborhood with Las
Meninas This is my favorite “Menina”, that looks like a fairy from a tale and it is very original, also it is in good condition, but I do not like about it that the wall is not very well.
b) Marta “Las Meninas de Canido” a fantastic idea. I think the project was a fantastic idea because the painting in which it is inspired is very beautiful and Eduardo Hermida wanted to give the village was destroyed. My favourite Menina is The Stars´ Wars Menina because I like so much that movie and the Menina is very well drawn c) Sofía F.
A great project about “Las Meninas de Canido” In my opinion this project is a very good idea because while we learn, we know more things about ”Las Meninas”, Diego Velázquez and “Las Meninas de Canido”. The visit to Canido was very interesting and funny. I also liked the meeting with Eduardo Hermida. For me, the most beautiful Menina is this, because I love cupcakes
d) Óscar
“Las Meninas de Canido”, a tiny project very famous around the world. This project is very curious, I love the different “Meninas” in Canido. “Las Meninas de Canido” is a great tourist attraction for Canido. Eduardo Hermida has given back the “spark” to Canido. My favourite “Menina” is the “Cupcake Menina”. Because it is very funny to see the “Menina” painting her own flame.
e) Sofía G “ LAS MENINAS DE CANIDO” is a funny project
I like the project of “Meninas de Canido” because I found interesting the tour we took to Canido, and the talk that Hermida gave us. This is my favourite Menina, because I liked the impression given when you sit on it. Also, it is my favourite because, for me, it is the best drawn.
5. News Article
The revolutionary “Meninas” by Eduardo Hermida
Andrea, Marta, Sofía. F, Óscar and Sofía. G. 2/6/2016
“Las Meninas de Canido” are very famous around the world.
“Las Meninas de Canido” is an idea by Eduardo Hermida to give life to Canido neighbourhood, because the village was abandoned. He had this idea because the village was very destroyed. Many cities called Eduardo Hermida to talk about the initiative of “Las Meninas de Canido” because it is very original.
6.Conclusion Conclusion (Group) This project is very important for us because we learned many things about “Las Meninas de Canido”, we learned to work in group and the project was very funny.
ANDREA This project was very funny and very important to help us work in group and for to learn new things
MARTA With this project I learned how to work in groups and to know better my schoolmates. And finally the project was very funny for me
SOFIA. F In this project we learned how to work in groups. It was very funny, and it was a very good idea to improve our English, and we learned many things about “Las Meninas”, “Las Meninas de Canido”, and “Diego Velazquez”. ÓSCAR With this project I learned many things about Velazquez, “Las Meninas” and about Eduardo Hermida’s life. I think to work with projects is very funny, we know to our schoolmates and we learn to work with them too.
SOFIA. G This project was very important, because we learned to work together. It was very funny for me.
7.Bibliography Information: About Velazquez : Without author, “Diego Velazquez and his
paintings”. < http://www.diegovelazquez.org/ > Copyright © 2014Present www.diegovelazquez.org. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2014Present www.diegovelazquez.org. All Rights Reserved. [Accessed: 4th May 2016. At 1:39 PM] Biography.com Editors, “Diego Velázquez Biography”. < http://www.biography.com/people/diegovel%C3%A1zquez38179#lateryears > © 2016 Bio and the Bio logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. [Accessed: 4th May 2016. At 1:42 PM] About “Las Meninas”: George Konstantinidis, ““Las Meninas” By Diego Velázquez”. < http://www.velazquezlasmeninas.com/ > Copyright (C) 2012 George Konstantinidis. All rights reserved. [Accessed: 4th May 2016. At 3:10 PM] Velazquez photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_Vel%C3%A1zquez#/media/File:Diego_Vel%C3% A1zquez_Autorretrato_45_x_38_cm__Colecci%C3%B3n_Real_Academia_de_Bell as_Artes_de_San_Carlos__Museo_de_Bellas_Artes_de_Valencia.jpg “Las Meninas” Photo: Author: Velazquez, Diego https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Meninas#/media/File:Las_Meninas_01.jpg Andrea’s Menina: Author: Corral, Andrea Marta’s Menina: Author: Fernández, Marta Sofia F.’s Menina: Author: Fuentes, Óscar Óscar’s Menina: Author: Fuentes, Óscar Sofia G.’s Menina: Author: Corral, Andrea