2ºB Naila "Michael, my model to follow"

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Michael Phelps

Guideline. Character ­ Eyes ­ browns ­ Charming ­ Nose ­ long and big ­ Attractive ­ Muscular ­ Honest ­ Short hair ­ Intelligent ­ Handsome ­ Hard­working ­ Strong ­ Funny ­ Tall ­ Friendly ­ Good Kind ­ Ordenado ­ Warm hearted

DESCRIPTION Introduction Michael Phelps,he is my idol besides I find him very handsome.

Description 2.a Michael Phelps is a hard­working person as he won many swimming medal. Michael Phelps has the record done more medals in world 2.b Michael Phelps is Speedo swimwear model Phelps is cofounder of the "Swim with the Stars" 2.c Michael Phelps classified as one of 10 most fascinating people of America Michael Phelps was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol

Conclusion I think Michael Phelps is a hard­working person

Bibliography information about michael phelps: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Phelps images the sides: https://celebrity.yahoo.com/blogs/balancedliving/michael­phelps­squ ashes­those­12­000­calories­per­223817970.html central image of michael phelps: https://celebrity.yahoo.com/blogs/balancedliving/michael­phelps­squ ashes­those­12­000­calories­per­223817970.html https://www.google.es/search?q=michael+phelps&biw=1366&bih=59 9&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=E5tOVJzAHpfjasfLgIgJ&sqi=2& ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=michael+phelps&facrc=_&imgdii= u1XoNGlbUFZrbM%3A%3Bfn­4jsaNHy0eUM%3Bu1XoNGlbUFZrbM% 3A&imgrc=u1XoNGlbUFZrbM%253A%3BE_jCCWQC6LlcSM%3Bhttp %253A%252F%252Ffootballmentaltoughness.com%252Fwp­content %252Fuploads%252F2013%252F01%252Fmichael­phelps­fly.jpg%3B http%253A%252F%252Ffootballmentaltoughness.com%252Fportfoli o%252Fwhats­going­on­in­michael­phelps­brain%252F%3B948%3B5 50

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