Women in Science

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Table of Contents 1.




Women in Science











1. Introduction -

This project is about women in science throughout history.


We did this project because we want people know the importance of women in science.


Individual Work First we read a book about some scientist women’s life Second, Loly explained us how to do the project: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Born Died Nationality Field of study Anecdote (A short story about their life.) Quotes (A famous quote by those scientists.) Then with all the information , we added a map of the continents where our scientist were born and marked their countries with an arrow. Finally, when we finished the individual project, we started the group work.


Group Work First we wrote a neat copy of the project. Second we wrote the introduction of the project 1. What is this project about? 2. Why did we do this project? 3. How did we do it? Third we wrote the conclusion. Finally we explained the project in front of the group.

2. Women in Science

Ada Lovelace ( 1815-1845) -

She was english a mathematician


Anecdotes: She was the daughter of the poet age like his father.


“ That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal, as time will show �.

Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) -She was american a chemist. -The Rosalind Franklin University of medicine and

science unveiled a bronze statue of Franklin. -�Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated�

Marie Curie (1867-1934) -

She was polish a Physicist and Chemist.


Anecdotes: She received two Nobel prize for the investigation of radioactivity.


“ Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas �.

Lise Meitner (1878-1968) -

She was an austrian nuclear physicist.


Anecdotes: Lisa Meitner was the first scientist who discovered the nuclear fission.


“ No one really thought of fission before its discovery �.

Mary Leakey( 1913-1996 ) -

She was a British Anthropology and Archaeology.


Anecdotes: She discovered the first skull of a fossil ape.( Proconsul africanus).


“Theories come and go but fundamental data always remains �.

Katherine Johnson (1918) -

She is american a mathematician.


Anecdotes: She helped to send the first men to the moon.


“ Men don't pay attention to small things �.

María Inmaculada Paz-Andrade (1928) -

She is spanish scientist


Anecdotes:In 1994 Maria Inmaculada brought the calorimetry to Spain and in 1999 she created the group “THOR”.


“When the woman loses the scare will arrives where they want to go"

Aida FernĂĄndez RĂ­os( 1947-2015 ) -

She was Spanish a Marine Biology.


Anecdotes: She was a third woman to enter the Galician Royal Academy of Science, on 6th June 2015.



Alicia EstĂŠvez Toranzo( 1955- ) -

She is Spanish a Microbiology and Parasitology.


Anecdotes: She received a prize of microbiology.



MarĂ­a Isabel Loza GarcĂ­a(1961-) -

She is Spanish a pharmacology.


Member of the Coordination Committee by the Public Sector for Education and Training issues of






coordinator of the

Galician Network of Discovery of Drugs. -

Quote :


Susana Martínez Conde( 1969- ) -

She is Spanish a neurology.






investigator and

about oculomotor

neuroscience. -

“Success is the American Dream and that success is not something to be ashamed of, or to demonize.”

Sonia Villapol Salgado( 1977) -

She is a Spanish Neurologist.


Anecdotes: She settled in France and 2010 where she worked as a postdoctoral in the National Center for the Scientific Researched (NCSR ).

Vanessa Valdeiglesias Garcia ( 1980- ) -

She is Spanish Genetic Toxicology.


Anecdotes: In 2008, thanks to his Bachelor Thesis, she obtained the prize from the Royal Academy of Sciences to the youngest researcher.


ร frica Gonzรกlez Fernรกndez( XX century- ) -

She is Spanish an immunology.


Since 1996 she has lead a research group in the area of immunology of the University of Vigo.



She was a French physicist and chemist .

She and her husband were awarded the nobel prize in chemistry for their work in the synthesis of new radioactive elements “You must work seriously and you must be independent and not spend your life just having fun”

Sofia Kovalévskaya(1850-1891) She was a russian mathematician . She was the first Russian mathematician of importance. “There are no words to express the sweetness of feeling that there is a whole world of which the I is totally absent”

Grace Murray Hopper (1906-1992) She was a American computer technician. When she attended the naval school for girls, she was the first to graduate “You manage things, you lead people.We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership�

Margaret Hamilton (1936-) She is a American mathematician Her team developed a navigation software “on-board” for the Apollo “It’s not subtle or restrained. It’s not any of the things you like to think apply to your acting”

Emmy Noether(1882-1935) She was a German mathematician Emmy Noether together with another boy received the “ Prize Ackermann-Teubner Memorial “ for her contribution on mathematics

“I have completely forgotten the symbolic calculus”

Rita Levi-Montalcine(1909-2012) She was a Italian neurologist. She received a national medal of science, the highest recognition of the American scientific community. “At 100 years, I have a mind that is superiorthanks to experience- than when I was 20 “

Rachel-Carson(1907-1964) She was a American marine biology. Thanks to her protest the use of de DTT and other pesticides was controlled much more. “In nature nothing exists alone�

Josefina Ling Ling She is a Spanish Astronomer . She discovered a start to more than 3.046 years light and it carries her name.

Maria Inmaculada Paz Ada Lovelace Emmy Noether


Sofia Kovalèvskaya

Marie Curie

Lisa Meitner Mary Leakey

Irène Joliot-curie Rita Levi-Montalcini 1. Aida F. R. 2. Sonia V.S 3. Vanessa V.G 4. Alicia E.T 5. África G.F 6. María I.L.G 7. Susana M.C 8. Josefina L.L

Rosalind Franklin

Grace Murray Hopper

Rachel Carson

Margaret Hamilton

Katherine Jhonson

Conclusion When we start the project we learned a lot ot things about the womans, the most important is the importance we gived at the woman after, because anyone see the important work of the woman. When we finish the project we learned some womans who did more work than mens.

5. Bibliography ●

Marie Curie: Information: Cugota, Lluís & Luisa Vera, “Marie Curie”, Parramón, Barcelona, 2007. Photos: “Women in science” , Marie Curie Curie,Wikipedia, https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Curie, accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) Quote: Mary Curie, Quotes by Marie Curie, AZQUOTES, https://www.azquotes.com/author/3506-Marie_Curie, accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

Mary Leakey: Information: “Women in science”, Mary Leakey, Wikipedia, https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Leakey , accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) Photos: Ferrer Valero, Sandra, Pasión por pasado Mary Leakey, “Mujeres en la historia”, https://tinyurl.com/y42aewf4, accessed ( 17th March 2019 Quote: Mary Leakey,” Quotes by Mary Leakey”, AZQUOTES, https://www.azquotes.com/author/8618-Mary_Leakey , accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

Aida Fernández Ríos: Information: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) and “Women in science”, Aida Fernández Ríos, Wikipedia, https://tinyurl.com/y6eph4pm, accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) Photos: “Women in science”, Aida Fernández Ríos, Wikipedia, https://tinyurl.com/y6eph4pm, accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

Sonia Villapol Salgado: Information: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) and “Women in science”, Sonia Villapol Salgado, Wikipedia, https://tinyurl.com/y4prr8xm accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) Photos: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

Vanessa Valdeiglesias García: Information: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) and “Women in science”, Vanessa Valdeiglesias Garcia, Wikipedia, https://tinyurl.com/y6gzgstw, accessed (17th March 2019 ) Photos: Xunta de Galicia, Vanessa Valdeiglesias García investigadora contratada, Dicomosa, https://tinyurl.com/y28g6mha, accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

Alicia Estévez Toranzo: Information: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) and “Women in science”, Alicia Estévez Toranzo, Wikipedia, https://tinyurl.com/y3h8n95g, accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) Photos: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

África González Fernández: Information: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) and “Women in science”, África González Fernández , Wikipedia, https://tinyurl.com/y5yzllfx,accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) Photos: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

María Isabel Loza García: Information: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) and “Women in science”, María Isabel Loza García, https://tinyurl.com/y48r5npl, accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) Photos: Loza García, María Isabel, “BioFarma”, USC ( universidad de Santiago de Compostela ),http://www.usc.es/biofarma/es/mabelpublices.htm, accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

Susana Martínez Conde: Information: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 ) and “Women in science”,Susana Matínez Conde, Wikipedia, https://tinyurl.com/y36p7p87, accessed ( 17th March 2019 ). Photos: Stadler Macho , Marta“ Científicas gallegas “ , Mujeres con ciencia https://tinyurl.com/yxtd73r2 , accessed ( 17th March 2019 )

Iréne Joliot-Curie:” Wikipedia”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ir%C3%A8ne_Joliot-Curie, accessed:( 18th March 2019) Photos: Nobel Foundation, “Wikipedia”https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ir%C3%A8ne_Joliot-Curie#/media/File:Joliot-curie.jpg, accessed:( 18th March 2019) Quotes: “Wikiquote”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiquote, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Sofia Kovalèvskaya: “Wikipedia”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sofia_Koval%C3%A9vskaya,accessed: (18th March 2019) Photos: Desconocido, “Wikipedia”https://tinyurl.com/y23woht6, accessed. (18th March 2019) Quotes:” Wikiquote”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiquote, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Rosalind Franklin: “Wikipedia”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosalind_Franklin, accessed: (18th March 2019) Photos: Glynn, Jenifer, “Wikipedia”,https://tinyurl.com/yy63lsrr, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Grace Murray Hopper: “Wikipedia”https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Murray_Hopper, accessed: (18th March 2019) Photos: “mujeres con ciencia”, https://tinyurl.com/y2pl8nx2, accesed: (18th March 2019) Quotes: “wikiquote”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiquote, accesed: (18th March 2019)

Margaret Hamilton: “Wikipedia”,https://tinyurl.com/y2pydzbb, accessed: (18th March 2019) Pothos: Pedreira, Javier “ el país”,https://tinyurl.com/y4nygu7w, accessed: (18th March 2019) Quotes:”Wikiquote”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiquote, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Emmy Noether: “Wikipedia”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmy_Noether, accessed: (18th March 2019) Photos: desconocido, “Wikipedia”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmy_Noether#/media/File:Noether.jpg, acessed: (18th March 2019) Quotes: “Wikiquote”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiquote, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Rita Levi-Montalcni: “Wikipedia”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rita_Levi-Montalcini, accessed: (18th March 2019) Photos: Presidenza della repubblica, “Wikipedia”,https://tinyurl.com/y3wwgknj, accessed: (18th March 2019) Quote: “Wikiquote”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiquote, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Rachel Carson: “Wikipedia”,https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Carson, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Photos: desconocido, “ mujeres con ciencia”,https://mujeresconciencia.com/2015/06/22/el-caso-de-rachel-carson/, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Josefina Ling Ling: “Ceip laredo”,http://www.edu.xunta.gal/centros/ceiplaredo/?q=node/780, accessed: (18th March 2019)

Photos: “ International astronomical union”,https://www.iau.org/administration/membership/individual/6968/, accessed: (18th March 2019) ●

Maria Inmaculada Paz-Andrade: “Wikipedia” https://gl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inmaculada_Paz-Andrade, accessed (18th March 2019) Photos: “Elcorreogallego.es” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.elcorreogallego.es/tendencias/ecg/rechazo-poder-mente-tenga-ver-sexo/idEdicion-201805-02/idNoticia-1113178/amp, accesed (18th March 2019)

Ada Lovelace: “Wikipedia” (photo and information) https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace (accesed 18th March 2019)

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