"Prevention" by Ainhoa, Carlos, Iván & Nuria

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Prevention, the first step to end with gender-based violence

By Ivรกn, Carlos, Nuria and Ainhoa

Table of contents 1. Introduction ........................................................ p. 1 2. What is gender-based violence? ........................... p. 1 3. Types of gender-based violence ............................. p. 1 4. Why we talk about prevention……………………………. p. 2 5. How to prevent it………………………………………………. p. 2 6. Advertisment…………………………………………….……. p. 3 7. Our advertising campaign……………………….……… p. 3 8. Conclusion………………………………………….………….. p. 4 9. Bibliography…………………………………………..…….. p. 5

1. Introduction In this project, we are going to talk about gender-based violence and how to prevent it. The idea appears because gender-based violence is one of the most worrying problems of our society. We think that our teacher had a good idea doing this project because it is ​an interesting topic that we need to learn more about.

2. What is gender-based violence? Gender-based violence is one of the most alarming problems of our sociality nowadays, because of that we think that the first step to stop it is to prevent it.

Gender-based violence is the physical, psychological, sexual, economic violence, social discrimination from men to women.

3. Types of gender-based violence Physical violence is when men use his strength

to hit, threaten and subdue a


Psychological violence is when a man insults, blackmails, verbally threatens and isolates a woman.

Sexual violence is when a man abuses a woman. Economic violence, is when a man ​blackmails a woman, that if she ​abandons him, she ​ will lose everything. Social violence, is when men isolate women ​ ​for ​ to ​be women. 1

4. Why we talk about prevention We ​chose how to prevent it, because it is the first step to stop gender-based violence. We can prevent (gender-based violence) ​it by teaching young people that women are equals. And, of course, teaching how to help the person that is suffering from it so if we see a woman that is suffering gender-based violence we have to help her immediately. In order that a child can treat a woman as an equal and respect​ her ​it is important that he ​ ​sees a good behaviour in his home.

5. How to prevent it We have to teach children to help and prevent those mistreatments ​so that when they grow up they can know how ​ to ​help .​victims To prevent gender-based violence we need to be aware of what gender-based violence is and the seriousness of this terrible problem . Parents are ​the most important element to get it.They have to convince to ​his children it’s wrong ​ to ​abuse women and explain them why it’s wrong. Other part are schools, they should organize educative talks activities like this project work, have posters remembering that on the school walls, etc.

An essential part is the community. The community influences very much, if it is aware of this topic it ​can ​influence us.


6. Advertisment Our target audience is people in general, but especially young people because we have to teach young people to end with gender-based violence. The three advertising techniques that we are ​ ​going to use are: Transfer, because, a picture’s worth a thousand words and in our opinion with pictures​ it ​is easier to convince people. Slogan, because an slogan ​ ​helps people to remember ​ our​ campaign. Repetition, because if you repeat something many times, people remember better the purpose of the campaign that is​ to ​finish and prevent gender-based violence.

7. Our advertising campaign Our headline for this campaign is “ Prevent it, the first step to end with gender-based violence” I think that it speaks to our target audience first because our target audience is all the people and second because it ​is clear and makes people reflect about this big problem.

We are going to put our campaign on posters because it is something easy, that all people can understand easily. We think that this campaign can convince people and it ​makes reflect about this big problem of our society, and we think that with these ads we can change the point of view of many people and that they realize that gender-based violence is not a little problem. 3

8. Conclusion: With these kind of ads we try to convince people that gender-based violence is not a little problem, ​it is one of the biggest problems of our society nowadays , for example last year 44 women died at the hands of their former partners​, this is something horrible because 44 women


​di just because they are ​women and it is

something that we have to change, together with the idea that men are superior ​to women because ​it ​is something totally wrong. In our opinion to ​prevent it and teach young people is the first step to end with gender-based violence. If we get this purpose some day we will say that gender-based violence doesn't exist any more.


9. Bibliography Text “Definition and forms of gender-based violence” <​http://www.health-genderviolence.org/news/191​> [ Accessed 8 February] United Nations “Gender-based violence” <​http://www.unfpa.org/gender-based-violence​> [ Accesed 28 February] “Forms of gender-based violence” <​http://eige.europa.eu/gender-based-violence/what-gender-based-violence/forms-ge nder-based-violence​> [Accesed 8 February] “What is gender-based violence?” <​http://eige.europa.eu/gender-based-violence/what-is-gender-based-violence​> [ Accesed 8 Febrary ] “Fórmulas para la igualdad” <​http://www.fundacionmujeres.es/maletincoeducacion/pdf/CUAD5horiz.pdf​> [ Accesed 27 February ] “Defining Gender-Based Violence” <​http://www.health-genderviolence.org/training-programme-for-health-care-providers /facts-on-gbv/defining-gender-based-violence/21​> [Accessed 23 February] Images Millán, Mar; “Neomachismo: Callando bocas” <​http://informaticafrustrada.es/neomachismo-callando-bocas/​> [Accesed 19 February] Gonzalez, Xoán; “ Violencia de género” <​http://xoanmanuelgonzalez.blogs.uva.es/2015/10/12/violencia-de-genero/​> [Accesed 19 February]


Santana, Nayra; “Violencia de género y adolescencia” <​http://www.mujerysalud.es/i-violencia-genero-adolescencia/​> [Accesed 19 February] Jauregui, Ignacio; “ Papel de la violencia de género en los medios” <​https://pendientedemigracion.ucm.es/info/especulo/numero37/psqgener.html​> [Accesed 19 February] Buriel, Jose; “Efectos y consecuencia de la violencia de género” <​http://nomasvg.com/informacion-sobre-violencia-de-genero/efectos-y-consecuencia s/​> [Accesed 19 February] Buriel, Jose “Efectos y consecuencias de la violencia de genero” <​http://nomasvg.com/informacion-sobre-violencia-de-genero/efectos-y-consecuencia s/​> [ Accesed 23 February] New york academy of science, “gender based violence” <​http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1196/annals.1385.024/full​> [Accessed 02 March]


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