by: ivan, maite, lucia, sara
Table of contents: 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………3 2. bullying……………………………………………………………..3 3. Types of Bullying .………………………………………………...4 4. Consequences of Bullying at school a. For the victim ..……………………………………………...4 b. For the bully ….................................................................5 5. Why the victims do not ask for help?.........................................5 6. Conclusion………………………………………………….……….6 7. bibliography………………………………………………………....7
1. INTRODUCTION In our class there are small traits of bullying so we were assigned this theme. But we think that it is time to change these actitudes, before reaching the extremes we observe many times on television or at school. But we have a problem, sometimes we don’t know the difference between bullying and bad relationships… What can we do to finish it? Who are affected?
2. BULLYING Bullying is all type of harassment between ten and sixteen years old children. It can be done at school, in the street and through social networks. It is a problem that affects children more and more?.
psychological, sexual and social. Bullying is divided in two categories: ● Direct harassment. Fight and physical aggression. ● Indirect harassment. This type is more common between teenageers.
4. CONSEQUENCES OF BULLYING AT SCHOOL A) For the victim . ● Low self-esteem. ● Passive attitudes. ● Emotional disorders. ● Psychosomatic problems. ● Depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. ● Loss of interest in studies, which can lead to lower school performance and failure. ● Emergence of phobic disorders. ● Feelings of guilt. ● Behavior alterations: intrusion, introversion, shyness. Social isolation and loneliness. ● Problems in social and family relationships. ● Low family satisfaction. ● Low responsibility, activity and effectiveness. ● Post-traumatic stress syndrome. ● Rejection to school. ● Neurotic manifestations and anger. ● Failure to attend school and even dropping out of school. B) FOR THE BULLY Although it does not cause them direct suffering, as it happens with the victims, some studies indicate that the harassers can be in the prelude of the criminal conducts, possible problems of the bully: ● Lack of control. ● Violent, irritable, impulsive and intolerant attitude. ● Signs of exaggerated authority.
● Imposition of their views and achievement of their goals through force and threat. ● Problematic social and family relationships. ● Loss of interest in studies and failure at school
5. WHY DO NOT VICTIMS ASK FOR HELP? Research indicates that more than half of all Bullying cases aren’t reported to teachers or school authorities in these situations. Children who are victims don’t talk to adults by several reasons. ● For impotence sensation. ● For fear.
6. CONCLUSION. We think that to do this project is a good idea to be more informed about bullying, and a know how it looks from other points of view (including ours).
7. BIBLIOGRAPHY The Alannah & Madeline Foundation. Types of Bullying, National center against bullying <â&#x20AC;&#x2039;https://www.ncab.org.au/bullying-advice/bullying-for-parents/types-of-bullying /â&#x20AC;&#x2039;> [Accessed 20/2/2017]