Lucía, Sabela and Susana 3º ESO
Reasons why you chose that Meninas.
Comparaison with the Meninas by Velazquez
Short biography of it’s author
Take “Las Meninas” out of their prison.
“As Meninas de Canido”
1. INTRODUCTION In this project, we are going to talk about “Las Meninas de Canido”. We did this project to learn relating to Eduardo Hermida’s initiative to renovate Canido district. We interviewed him to know more about this initiative. We visited Canido district to see the different Meninas that had been painted everywhere in Canido.
2. VELAZQUEZ BIOGRAPHY Diego Velázquez was a very important Spanish baroque painter. He was born o n 6 june 1599 in Sevilla. When he was 24 years old, he moved to Madrid and he became Felipe’s IV painter. He dedicated all his life this job. It consisted in painting pictures for the king and his f amily
t o
decorate the castle. He painted around 120 or 130 pictures but the two most important are “Las Meninas” and “Las hilanderas”. The majority of his pictures are in the Prado Museum, in Madrid. Velazquez died on 6 august 1660.
Reasons why you chose that Meninas. I chose this Menina because I like it, it explains the reality of the present with the social media. For me it is funny and cool the way it was painted, its colours, the phone with the apple and the caterpillar and the date when it was painted.
➔ Description In the background you can see Velazquez in the middle of two Meninas and in the foreground the infanta Margarita. There are two Meninas, one with short curly red hair with a red blue dress and in her arm there is a bag of the pharmacy. In front of it there is a dog. The other Menina has short curly brown hair with a red green dress. Velazquez is with a selfie stick and the infanta Margarita has a blue pink dress with two margaritas one on the dress and the other on her blonde hair. At the bottom of the painting there is a hashtag, #menimasdecanido2015 and on the right the author’s name.
➔ Comparaison with the Meninas by Velazquez There are a lot of differences between the two Meninas, the colours, the style they were painted and the number of people there are in the picture I think Blanca Vila tried to do a new Menina, a moder one. In the Meninas by Velazquez, the author painted himself and in the Menina by Blanca Vila there is a selfie, the new self-portrait, and pose of its characters is modern too.
➔ Short biography of it’s author The author of this Menina is Blanca Vila. She started painting when her mom took to painting classes, with Eduardo Hermida. Now Blanca is Eduardo’s right hand and she helps him with this initiative.
SABELA ➔ Reasons why you chose that Menina I chose this Menina because I think that it's very typical of Galicia. I think that Rosalía de Castro is the best example to represent Galician women because she was a brave woman in her time.
➔ Description In the image we can see a “Menina” with Rosalía de Castro’s face. She is wearing a dress, apparently from the old times. Her dress has different colours: grey, white and some types of brown. In her left hand, she is holding a green book with a title written in red: “Follas Novas 1880”. In the Foreground, there are two verses of Rosalía. The first one is written in blue and says “¡Si si! Deus fixo esta terra encantada pra vivir e gozar, pequeno paraíso, este é un remedo do que perdeu Adán” ( ...) and the second one is written in red and says “Esta terra, non hay duda… Deus a fixo para ser amada e amar”.
➔ Comparison with “The Meninas” by Velázquez In my opinion, the author of the Menina that I chose, painted a Menina with Rosalía de Castro’s face to represented the opposite to the real painting. Rosalía was a woman who fought to make her dreams come true and didn’t let her husband control her as it used to happen in those times and the infanta Margarita was a woman who did all her parents wanted. She was a woman that got married very soon and she lived all her life under her husband’s control.
➔ Short biography of the author Eduardo Hermida The author of this Menina is Eduardo Hermida. He was the impulsor of this initiative 10 years ago and painted some Meninas. He started with this initiative to give colour and life to Canido. Canido was in ruins and he didn’t support
to see
his district
this way. He selected “Las
Meninas” by Diego Velázquez because he thinks that in the Prado Museum the painting looks as if it was in a prison.
SUSANA ➔ Reasons why you chose that Menina I chose this Menina because I think that it isn’t necessary to show people only the perfect things, this Menina had breast cancer and because of that she has a scar in her breast.
➔ Description This Menina is
in an
old house. In the
upper part of the house there are a lot of yellow stars with a blue and pink planet. At the bottom the
sea is. In the foreground
there is a Menina whose hair looks like a galaxy. The girl has a scar in her breast representing Breast cancer. She has a skirt which represents a mountain full of flowers and a sun. On the left there is an old drawing with a cross which represents Velazquez.
➔ Comparison with las Meninas by Velázquez In my opinion, I think that Velazquez tried to show people that the Infanta wasn’t happy and because of that the painting has only dark colours. The Menina that I have chosen is the contrary because the painter uses only happy colors and they represent the happiness of this girl.
➔ Short biography of the author The author of this menina is Quico, a teacher of Concepción Arenal Secondary School and his students. The Menina was painted in 2015.
Take “Las Meninas” out of their prison. Eduardo Hermida’s initiative in his district. S.L.S. - Fene 28/02/2019 18:18 10 years ago, Eduardo Hermida, a painter from Canido, saw that the district where he had been born was in ruins. He started to paint the first Menina, his Menina.His objective was to renovate Canido in an original form. He selected “Las Meninas” by Velázquez, because when he visited the Prado Museum and looked at the picture his first impression was that the painting looked as if it was in a prison. Eduardo wanted to set it free. Every year in Canido, the city council, organizes a reunion of painters from all the world to paint new Meninas in Canido walls. Many people come to see the new paintings and a groups of music do t he meeting funny. There is a photographer who all years does a video explaining all that the people do in this reunion.
“As Meninas de Canido” Our opinion of this initiative. S.L.S. - Fene 28/02/2019 18:40
wonderful idea to learn about things that happen in districts near
Eduardo and listening to his story as well as visiting Canido and seeing all the Meninas painted by famous artists was funny and interesting for us. An amazing experience. I n our opinion, this initiative is a very good form to make known a district and renovate it.
The first year, in 2009, a neighbour of the district, covered the Menina painted by Jorge Cabezas. This wall wasn’t his him property and he covered it using the argument “This painting could be made by a child”.
In this project we learned how to interview a person, how to analyse an article and to recognize “the good� journalism too. This project was very interesting for us because we learned things that can be used in our daily life. We also learned that a district in ruins could turn into a friendly and agreeable one.
5. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brian Allen, “Prado at 200:...”, The Art Newspaper,, [15/03/2019] Cerra, A. , “Las Meninas de Eduardo Hermida”, “La Guía”, [ 12 / 03 / 2019 ] “Diego Velázquez”, Wikipedia,ázquez [28/02/2019]
“Diego Vélazquez”, Wikipedia, [13/03/2019]
EFE Ferrol, “Eduardo Hermida, artista que dio color a un barrio gris llenándolo de Meninas”, El diario, _555044599.html
“Las Meninas”, “Wikipedia”, [12/03/2019]
Brian Allen, “Prado at 200:...”, The Art Newspaper,, [15/03/2019]