LINUS TORVALDS “My example to follow”
Javier Varela López Date: 21/11/2014 4º ESO 1
Table of contents: 1. Introduction (P. 3) 2. Linus’ description (P. 3) a. Physical facts (P. 3) b. Character (P. 3) c. Hobbies (P. 3) 3. Conclusion (P. 4) 4. Bibliographycal references (P. 5) 2
1. INTRODUCTION: In this project I’m going to talk about Linus Torvalds. He was born in Helsinki in 1969. I choose this subject because he started to develop Linux, the free operative system that we use in our High School and so, he studied the same degree that I want to study, computer engineering. 2. LINUS TORVALDS:
a. PHYSICAL FACTS: Linus Torvalds is nordic, he has blonde air and he brushes it aside. He has blue eyes and a characteristic big smile. He uses glasses. Linus is well built and tall, people that have seen him say that he is a stocky person. He is very elegant, he never wears sport clothes and he usually wears smoking. b. CHARACTER: Linus is a person who always defends his ideas and when somebody doesn’t agree with him he gets angry very easily. He is a polemic person and this is one of the characteristics that makes Linus a referent in the technologic world. He is very serious and a very decided person. He is very perfectionist and we can see it in his operative systems. He is very intelligent. c. HOBBIES: Linus has only one hobby out of computers, scuba diving. 3. CONCLUSION: In this project I have learned how I can write a descriptive essay correctly and I have investigated a lot of things about Linus Torvalds’ character. The best of the project was to write the different characteristics of Linus’ character because some are very curious and funny. The worst of the project was that I didn’t know many things about Linus appearence because I had never seen him. 3
Linus is a great person for people who don’t want to pay to use a good operative sistem but to people who want to get money with their one software is the worst person in the world. 4
4. BIBLIOGRAPHYCAL REFERENCES: Unknow author. “Linus Torvalds from Finland”. JPG. [ eator_of_linux_programming_language_answers_interview_questions/146295334linustorval dsfromfinlandspeaksafterbeingawarded.jpg.CROP.promomediumlarge.jpg] Consulted: 19112014 Marcela Benutzer. “Restaurant Vtlava”. 2005. JPG. [] Consulted: 19112014 Unknow author. 2008. SVG. [] Consulted: 19112014 “Linus Torvalds carga con dureza contra la gestión de seguridad de OpenSUSE”. Genbeta. 2012. [ ddeopensuse] Consulted: 19112014 Unknow author. 2002. JPEG. [] Consulted: 19112014 Unknow author. “Microsoft Windows logo” 1999. SVG. [ 8PreXP%29.svg] Consulted: 19112014 Unknow author. “Linus in Scuba Gear”. 2008. JPEG. [ jpg] “How to write a Descriptive Essay”. Academic help. 2014. [] Consulted 19112014 Linux Veda. 2011. “Linus Torvalds: Scuba Diving, Only Hobby Outside Of Computers” [Video] [] Consulted: 19112014