Who is Gabe Newell?
Javier Prado Pico
Table of contenents 1) Introduction 2) How is he? a) Physical 3) Conclusion. 4) Bibliographical references
1-Introduction. Gabe Newell is one of the most important people in my live. After having dropped out of Harvard University he worked 13 years for Microsoft with Mike Harrington. When they left Microsoft, they used their money to found Valve Company and start with his first project: HalfLife 1 in 1999. Some years later they created Steam , one of the pages with more data traffic in the world where you can buy games digitally. He is a reference for me because he started like a normal programer and now is one of the most important people in the videogames world and he wins a lot of money.
2-Description a)Physical description. Gaben is fairly overweight because he doesn't do exercise and he isn't tall. Gabe has a big head with yellowbrown hair, a big beard and moustache. He has blue small eyes and he always uses glasses. Behind his eyes he has a big prominent nose. He is always smiling with his big mouth
b) How is his character? He is a famous person and he doesn't talk about his life but we know some things. He always defends what he does , he is a sincere man. He is millionaire, but he doesn't want a lot of money. When steam started, he lost a lot of money with the steam summer sales but they won a big devoted community. “Do not worry about money. Just focus on the users, don't cheat them. Your reputation will follow you. Don't want to be smart than internet”GabeN He always has time to answer your emails. One of his hobbies is to collect knives
3-Conclusion GabeN made some of my favorite games and I use “Steam” every week. I always buy games in steam and save a lot of money in the steam summer sales. He always goes to the beneficial actions and the great videogames conventions. Because of that and more things all the pc players know who is Gabe and we are thankful to him. In this project I learned a lot of things about GabeN what he did and how he started. Before, I only knew that he was the steam owner.
4-Bibliographical references http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabe_Newell 3/11/15 http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidewalt/2012/03/07/valvegabenewellbillionaire/ 3/11/15 http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/006/0/7/gabe_newell_by_mizifuld5qocth.jpg [3/11/15]