- Apocalipsis Z - El principio del Fin. Manel Loureiro.
- Agustín Suárez Bello
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1- Cover page 2- T. Of contents3- Biography of the author. 4- A short summary 5- Language and techniques. 6- P. Response to the plot. 1. 7- Bibliography.
Manel Loureiro.
- Manuel Loureiro was from Pontevedra. He studied law in Santiago. After graduation he worked in TV and behind the scenes as a writer. Now he is working as a lawyer in Pontevedra and writing other books. Now, he works as a lawyer in Pontevedra and writes other books. His first book (Apocalipsis Z) was written in a blog, people could comment and read the book progress. The book has not an illustrator.
Short Summary:
- A galician young lawyer only lives with her cat, and they are the witnesses of a global pandemic. A mysterious incident, that happened in Russia, is thought to be an news invention. But the people didn’t think this was important, they think: “is another normal conflict”, but it wasn't. The protagonist escapes to save her live.
-Setting: The story was in Galicia in 2009-2010 -Characters: - - Pincipal Characters: -The protagonist: The protagonist haven't got name. Viktor: He's an old russian pilot. Lucía: A girl who is in the hospital. A nun: An old person who is in the hospital. - Plot: I like it because it is very intriguing. - Conclusion: The principal characters hide in the hospital basement.
Lenguage and techniques.
– The book is narrated in first person as if a diary. The protagonist tells in first person the history. Example: - 3 de marzo de 2009: - Ha sido un día muy movido ya que no tenía...
I first read this book when ... I read this book because a friend recommended it to me.
When I read this book I imagined... When I read this book I imagine the situation and what I would do.
I really liked this book’s theme because I like to imagine I would do and I like the zombies.
List of sentences "Cuando el infierno este lleno de muertos, caminarán sobre la tierra"
Additional informatio: The book is witten in spanish, english, italian and french. It's making a film and a comic.
- Image(s): http://www.elgrancatador.com/3119/cocteles-para-el-apocalipsiszombie
– Information:
http://apocalipsisz.es/ http://www.manelloureiro.com/ http://mundocadaver.livejournal.com/ http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manel_Loureiro