"Freedom of Expression"

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HUMAN RIGHTS “Freedom of expression”

By: Carla Fornos & Alba Fornos

Table of contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Human rights. a. What we understand by “Human Rights”. b. Short explanation of the human right you have chosen. c. Reasons why we have chosen it. d. Countries where this right is being violated (Spain and France). ​ d.1.​ Freedom of expression in Spain. ​d.2.​ Freedom of expression in France. e. An organization which fights for human rights. e.1.​ ​ Associations fighting for press freedom. ​ e.2.​ Associations fighting for freedom of religion. f. An individual who fights for human rights. g. Films, documentaries and books about this human right. ​ g.1.​ Films on… - Freedom of expression. - Freedom of religion. g.2.​ ​ Documentaries on freedom of expression.

3. Conclusion. 4. Bibliography​ .

1. Introduction: In this project, we are going to talk about the Article 19: “​ Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.​ ” We choose it because it caught our attention. In many countries, for example France.There are people who die for expressing their opinions (for example ​ in ​ France; we will talk about this). We all have the same rights to think and express differently from other ​ people rights are important. We chose it for one reason in particular, everybody has the right to express, without any type of consequences. Everyone should express what they think, without fear of consequences. In this project we want ​ to expand this right, because we have the right be able to express yourself.

2​ ​ . Human


a. Short explanation of “Freedom of expression”: Freedom of expression is ​ a​ Human Right, this right must be obeyed. We have the right to express our opinions. We chose it for one reason in particular, everybody has the right to express themselves, without any type of consequences.

b. Countries where this right is being violated: ​ There are 89 countries without freedom of expression, among others: ➢ Afghanistan: Ten years after ​ of the fall of the Taliban regime, the reporter association and defensors organizations of freedom of expression in Afghanistan, make a call to Afghan government and to international community so that they would ​ compromise promise to defend the freedom of expression. Bonn, 5 December, 2011.

➢ Kuwait: The reporter ​ kuwaití Ayyad al-Harbi ​ went to jail ​ due to express her vision of her monarchy country in twitter. 7 February,2009.

➢ Venezuela: Venezuela is one of the countries with more arrests of journalists. Only in 2014, more than 34 journalists suffered the consequences of the government of Nicolas Maduro.

➢ Egypt: Islamic extremists in Egypt and the Islamic world consider Christians as infidels who must be converted to Islam​ :​ or leave the country, or pay tribute, or face death…

➢ France: Is a country where ​ freedom of expression is not respected. For example: the magazine "Charlie Hebdo".

c. Reasons why we have chosen it: We choose this right because we believe that all people are free to express their opinions and defend their ideas. But there are many countries in the world that do not respect this right. Journalists can’t publish their news; people can’t freely choose their religion; They can’t manifest … Society and politicians have to propose solutions to end this.

d. Countries where this right is being violated (Spain and France): d.1. Freedom of expression in Spain.

Political parties created the Spanish Constitution. This text incorporates all the rights and obligations of Spaniards. Article 20 of the Constitution talks about fundamental rights and public freedoms. Everyone has the right of assembly and expression without any punishment. However, on 11 December 2014 the PP adopted the law on Public Safety. This law goes against freedom of speech, expression, assembly and association. People who violate this law will pay a penalty. The UN agency calls on Spain to change the law of Public Safety and the last reform of the Criminal Code because they violate fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals.

d.2. Freedom of expression in France.

France is a country where there is freedom of expression. On 10 january two thousand and fifteen there is a attack. Four hostages died in the assault to the supermarket in Paris where there were about 20 people held by a man. The magazine “Charlie Hebdo” is offensive cartoons of Muhammad. Islamists were offended ​ and decided to fight. Coulibaly converted to Islam during his time in prison and became radicalized. He was arrested in two thousand and ten in a counter-terrorist operation against a group seeking to organize the escape of Ali Belkacem, a jihadist jailed for the attacks in Paris in 1995 against public transport. Coulibaly was imprisoned until last year.

e. ​ An organization which fights for human rights: ​e.1. Associations fighting for press freedom. ➢ ​ IFEX ➢ CJFE: Canadian journalists for free expression. (Canada) ➢ RSF: Reporters Without Borders (Spain) ➢ FLIP: Foundation for press freedom (Spain). e.2. Associations fighting for freedom of religion. ➢ IARF

f.​ An individual who fights for human rights​ : ➢ V ​oltaire. He was a member of a noble family. He dedicated to the cultural and physiologic Rehearsal.

➢ ​ Francisco Zarco. Famous journalist, historian and politician. Man of thought, action and faithful supporter of liberalism. ​ He had a distinguished participation in the daily: "The Mexican Album", "The Democrat" … As deputy your presence was exemplary and decisive in the Extraordinary Constituent Congress 1856-1857.

g. ​ Films, documentaries and books about this human rights: g.1. Films on... ​ -

Freedom of expression:

➢ “​ Radio Favela​ ” The film tells the story of a radio station established in 1980 by young Brazilians who criticize the social situation in the Favela of Belo Horizonte.

Brazil 2002, director Helvécio Ratton.

➢ “​ Good night, and good luck​ ” The film is about the role of journalists in relation to politics. They do not know whether to publish all information or just what the political congressman.

2005, director George Clooney.

➢ “​ The people vs. Larry Flynt​ ” This film ​ is ​ about the right to privacy, not to reveal the source and limits of parody. Shows what people will not see.

1996, director Milos Forman.

-​ Freedom of religion:

➢ “​ Timbuktu​ ” In 2012 the people of Mali suffer the terror imposed by the jihadists: banned music, laughing, smoking and even play football. Women try to resist with dignity. The chaos in Timbuktu doesn’t ​ seem to affect Kidane until the day he accidentally kills Amadou, a fisherman who has claimed the life of his favorite cow. It must now face the laws imposed by foreign occupiers.

Mauritania 2014, director Abderrahmane Sissako.

➢ “​ Cristiada​ ” This film is based on the Cristero War (1926-1929) when Mexico persecuted the Catholic Church. A group of people decided to rebel and fight against the government.

Mexico 2012, director Dean Wright.

g.2. Documentaries on freedom of expression. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. ➢ Freedom of expression in all its forms and manifestations is a fundamental and inalienable right inherent in all people. It is also a prerequisite for the existence of a democratic society. ➢ Everyone has the right to seek, receive and impart information and opinions freely under terms set forth in Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights. All people should have equal opportunities to receive, seek and impart information through any media without discrimination on any grounds, including race, color, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, origin national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

3. Conclusion

Carla’s opinion: I liked this work, but It was a little boring. I ​ liked the part of ​ to search for the information. I liked the part of to defender Human Rights, especially the Freedom of Expression. Alba's opinion: In conclusion, freedom of expression is a very important right because everyone can give their own opinion and nobody can tell him not to dea. We all say what we weigh and naie we can deny.

4. Bibliography ➢ https://lagarto1949.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/periodistas-el-salvador-afiche-c andado-en-la-bonca-y-pistola-en-la-boca1.jpg?w=368 ➢ http://img.rtve.es/imagenes/portada-octubre-2014-del-semanario-satirico-charliehebdo/1420635373452.jpg ➢ ​ http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=194464 ➢ http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2015/01/07/actualidad/1420631305 _443027.html ➢ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zsz3t-CXUaC0.kDUZbCU8Eru0 ➢ http://es.rsf.org/afghanistan-por-un-afganistan-libre-28-11-2011,41475.html ➢ https://libertaddeopinion.wordpress.com/proteccion/ ➢ https://periodismoenlibertad.wordpress.com/2010/12/27/ifex-una-agrupacion-de-o rganizaciones-que-luchan-por-la-libertad-de-expresion-en-el-mundo/ ➢ http://www.cineol.net/galeria/carteles/bigtmp_30862.jpg ➢ https://ojarbol.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/radio-favela.jpg ➢ http://static1.squarespace.com/static/537243bde4b0db8de8ced356/5378cedbe4b0c c86709c07a9/537bb03ce4b02dfe16cf6459/1400876241838/good_night_and _good_luck_ver3_xlg.jpg?format=1000w ➢ http://mlm-s2-p.mlstatic.com/la-cristiada-pelicula-en-formato-dvd-13327-MLM 3250177601_102012-O.jpg

➢ http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTc0MDEzNTY5MF5BMl5BanBnXk FtZTYwOTUyNzM5._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg ➢ http://img3.telestar.fr/var/telestar/storage/images/media/images/2015/photos/2015 -01-08-charlie-hebdo-l-hommage-en-images-des-dessinateurs-etrangers-diapor ama/lucille-clerc-uk/690721-2-fre-FR/Lucille-Clerc-UK_max1024x768.jpg ➢ http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Afghanista n.svg/200px-Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg.png ➢ http://www.un.org/common/members/countryflags/kuwait.gif ➢ http://www.coingra.com.ve/swpanel/archivos/productos/Bandera%20de%20Venezu ela%20en%20Lustrillo.jpg ➢ http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Flag_of_Egypt.svg/2 00px-Flag_of_Egypt.svg.png ➢ http://www.sitographics.com/enciclog/banderas/europa/image_2012/Francia.gif ➢ http://www.instablogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/censorship_Ouibq_386 8.jpg ➢ http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f2/Atelier_de_Nicolas_ de_Largilli%C3%A8re,_portrait_de_Voltaire,_d%C3%A9tail_(mus%C3%A9 e_Carnavalet)_-002.jpg/200px-Atelier_de_Nicolas_de_Largilli%C3%A8re, _portrait_de_Voltaire,_d%C3%A9tail_(mus%C3%A9e_Carnavalet)_-002.j pg ➢ http://www.memoriapoliticademexico.org/Biografias/ZAF29.jpg

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