Human right to housing
Iván Barro Fraga Sara Alonso López Cristina Alonso López
1. INTRODUCTION (p1) 2. HUMAN RIGHT (p2,3) a. BRAZIL (p2) b. SPAIN (p3)
1.INTRODUCTION: We are going to talk about the human right to housing. We think that human rights are the rights that all people should have, and we think that human rights are not respected all in over the world. This law says that everyone should have a home where they can live without living on the street. Many people are dying because of a breach of this right.
2.HUMAN RIGHT Article 25. ● (1) “ Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness,disability widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. ”
This right means you can have one adequate home.We chose the human right to housing because this right is very important and we think in the world it is not respected. This right is not respected in the world except Greece. We think that in Spain it is not respected for the eviction.
a. Brazil In Brazil there are people that hasn’t a house or the requisites are not respected for example in Rio Grande (Brazil) there isn’t potable water. In Brazil most homes are in poor conditions for life. News in the presentation.
b. Spain In Spain, some homes don’t have the right conditions for life. A TV program (Esta casa era una ruina) that was broadcasted every two months, helped people to have their houses rebuilt the conditions of the houses are not the biggest problem but the evictions because they leave people in the street. News in the presentation. "Stop desahucios" is an organization that fights to stop evictions.
3.Conclusion We participated in protests, we repaired homes that didn't respected conditions for life and we talking about this problem with the people to make people aware of this problem. Iván, Sara and Cristina: The problem is more serious than we thought in the start of this project.
4.BIBLIOGRAPHY Images: 1º_ Administrator “Housing is a human right”jpg. 28 February 2012 ( ) (8/3/15) 2º_ ¿? “ HOUSING IS A HUMAN RIGHT!”jpg. 15 November 2014 ( usingisahumanright/ ) (8/3/15)
3º_ Right to Housing (R2H) Coalition “Housing is a human right”jpg . 20 November 2014 ( ) (8/3/15)
4º 15 January 2013
( ) (8/3/15) 5º PSOE “Stop Desahucios” 26 February 2014 ( psoeparapararlosdesahuciosenextremadura)