El sabueso de los Baskerville by Arthur Conan Doyle.
3ºA E.S.O.
Por: Dani Eiroa Martínez.
TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1.Biographies………………………………………………………………………P.3 2.Book short summary…………………………………………………………P.4 3. Characters……………………………………………………………………….P.4 4.List of Sentences………………………………………………………………P.5 5.Personal response to the plot………………………………………….P.5 6.Bibliography……………………………………………………………………P.6
Author. Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 in Edimburgo, Escocia and he died on 7July 1930. He became famous because he created the detective Sherlock Holmes. His first book was Estudio en Escarlata. Other book were The Mystery of Cloomber (1889) and The Firm of Girdlestone (1890).
Illustrator. Sidney Paget was born on 4th of October 1860 in London and he died on 28th of January 1908. He became famous because he illustrated very Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories. When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle returned, he wanted to Paget as his illustrator. That’s book was The hound of the Baskerville.
The hound of the Baskerville by Arthur Conan Doyle. The hound of the Baskerville is about a big hound that it murder to Hugo Baskerville’s descendants. The last Baskerville decided to call a detective: Sherlock Holmes. He solves the mystery and he try to prevent the Henry Baskerville death. It’s set in century 18th in a mansion in the countryside.
Characters. ·Sherlock Holmes: He is the hero of book. He saves Henry Baskerville. He is reserved and very smart detective. ·Doctor Watson: He is the Sherlock Holmes’ assistant. He move to Baskerville’s mansion for three months. ·Henry Baskerville: He is the Charles Baskerville’s heir. He doesn’t believe the story of the hound. ·Mrs. Barrymore: He is the butler in the mansion. He and hiss wife live in the mansion.
List of Sentences: Lo dije en Londres, Watson, y lo repito ahora: nunca hemos contrubuido a acabar con un hombre tan peligroso como el que aquí yace. -Veamos, Watson, a qué conclusión llega? De algún sitio en el corazón de aquella masa blanca que seguía deslizándose llegó hasta nosotros un tambolireo ligero y continuo. La niebla estaba a cincuenta metros de nuestro escondite y los tres contemplábamos sin saber que horror estaba a punto de brotar de sus entrañas.
My personal response to the plot. I chose this book because I think that it is a very entertaining book. Sometimes it can be boring but, the climax is very exciting.
Bibliography: Images: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/Sidney EdwardPaget.jpg [21/02/2013] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Conan _doyle.jpg [21/02/2013] http://4.bp.blogspot.com/1AaWyc6N02A/Td3jgT7H3oI/AAAAAAAACf8/L1PsAAGB0H4/s1 600/El%2Bsabueso%2Bde%2Blos%2BBaskerville.jpg [23/02/2013] http://www.apuntesdelengua.com/ourscrapbook41/userimage s/69e60250dace.jpg [25/02/2013] Sources: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Conan_Doyle [21/02/2013] http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Paget [21/02/2013]