Lucía Casas & Antía Hermida 4º ESO 01/06/2015 1
Table of contents 1. Introduction……………………………………….……...... Page 3 2. Acrostics………………………………………..…..…....... Page 4 a. Antía: “Movies”……………………………………....Page 4 b. Lucía: “Enjoy”...........................................................Page 5 3. Haikus…………………………………………………...…... Page 6 a. Lucía: “Spring”...........................................................Page 6 b. Antía: “Happiness”.........................................................Page 7 4. Calligrams………………………………………………..…... Page 8 a. Lucía’s calligram………...…………………………...... Page 8 b. Antía’s calligram……………………………………..... Page 9 5. Poems……………………………………………………..... Page 10 a. Lucía’s poem…………………………………….…..Page 10 Author & title………………………….…………..... Page 11 Meaning & content ………………………………..... Page 12 Structure & my present …………………………...... Page 13 b. Antía’s poem………………………………….….... Page 14 Author & title………………………….…………..... Page 15 Meaning & content …………………………………. Page 16 Structure & my present …………………………..... Page 17 6. Conclusion………………………………..……………….... Page 18 7. Bibliography…………………………..…………………….. Page 19
In this project, we are going to analyze and to create different poems, and each one is going to analyze the poem we have chosen. Lucía’s poem is “An old man” by Kaváfis, and Antía’s poem is “Alone” by Edgar Allan Poe. The poems we are going to create are two acrostics, two haikus and two calligrams (one each one), and we will have to present them in a special way. Before this project, we have worked hard with different types of texts and descriptions (of artworks and photographs) and we are prepared to do this project.
Acrostics Antía:
M arvel superheroes O verwhelming and sad stories V ariety of happy endings I ncredible fight scenes E motions that make us feel the S cenes we’ll remember forever.
Everybody in the world Not lost willingly Just run and play Outside or inside Young forever
Haikus Lucía:
Spring comes happily. Its flowers in blossom fast. We are happy now.
The sound of the sea
I’m really happy because You are here with me.
Calligrams Lucía:
Poems a. Lucía’s poem:
Old man
At the back of the noisy café bent over a table sits an old man a newspaper in front of him, without company And in the scorn of his miserable old age he ponders how little he enjoyed the years when he had strength, and the power of the word, and good looks He knows he has aged much; he feels it, he sees it. And yet the time he was young seems like yesterday. How short a time, how short a time. And he ponders how Prudence deceived him; and how he always trusted her - what a folly! that liar who said: “Tomorrow. There is ample time.” He remembers the impulses he curbed; and how much joy he sacrificed. Every lost chance now mocks his senseless wisdom. ..But from so much thinking and remembering the old man gets dizzy. And falls asleep bent over the café table.
Constantine P. Kaváfis
1. Author The author of this poem is Constantino P. Kaváfis. Kaváfis was a Greek poet. He was born on April 29 1863 in Egypt, and he died on April 29 1933 in Egypt. After his father’s death, he travelled to England, he started his studies and he learnt english language. In 1882 his family abandoned the city because of the political disturbance. His first publications were in 1866. He rejected the Christianity, nationalism, patriotism, etc, as for example in his poems El Dios abandona a Antonio and Itaca. Kaváfis did a lot of works but he didn’t publish some of them. His most famous poems are 154 and they are brief. His poems are about history, death, the old age, the past sadness.. According to Politis (Greek philosopher) his poems belong to three different series: philosophical, historical and erotic or sensual. The grammar isn’t always perfect and his style is deliberate. 2. Analysis. a. Title. The title of this poem refers to a person, it is symbolic and also descriptive because the title gives a clue of the nature of the poem, because the poem, how I’ll explain later, is about an old man that remembers his infancy and he feels the old age, because of that the poem has this title. The poem is divided into stanzas of three verses each one and it tells the story of a person’s life that realizes of the speed of life. Other poems are of different size and they are also divided in different stanzas but some of them are only in one stanza. His poems are about different themes, for example history, love, the passage of time.. The poem, maybe, was written about 1900 because the words that are used are not really known. 11
b. Meaning. I think that this poem is about a man that is in a cafe reading a newspaper, without any company, and he thinks about his infancy, about how he enjoyed the past years, the power he had but now, being old, he hasn’t… and he feels he has grown old (a lot), how short life has been for him.In this poem the author treats Prudence like a personification of a person, and she lies to him telling that the time was very ample and he’s sorry about every lost chance, and suddenly, he falls asleep on the table. c. Content. ● Speaker. The speaker is the poet, the author, and he is an omniscient narrator because he knows all the old man’s feelings and his appearance. He talks in 3rd person in this poem. ● Tone. The tone of this poem is sad and melancholic because the narrator uses a language that remembers the situation of the old man, with sad words or expressions as “And in the scorn of his miserable old age” or also “ Every lost chance..” and also his previous life. This tone is consistent during all the poem and it never changes. ● Tension. The conflict of this poem is the war between the old man and his past, because he wants to return his youth for that he takes advantage of the strength and chances that he had. It is an internal conflict, spiritual and moral because he thinks about it. The tension in that conflict appears with brief conversations, with replays, etc. This conflict isn’t resolved because the poem starts the same way that it finishes because the man, tired of thinking, falls asleep. ● Context. The poem was written in 1897. It was the second poem published by Kaváfis. This poem can’t be combined with any historical or social event because it talks about the poet’s own feelings.
d. Structure. This poem has a different number of syllables, because some verses have eight, nine or ten syllables, for example, so the metric is irregular. There is also a personification, because the author treats prudence like a person, considering that he names it with a capital letter, and there are also a repetition of small sentences or words like “How short a time.” In various stanzas there is an enjambment, for example:
“He remembers the impulses he curbed; and how much joy he sacrificed. Every lost chance now mocks his senseless wisdom.” The poem has six stanzas and every one has three verses with a different length. I think that the rhyme is slow to be able to go into the theme of the poem. 3. My present This poem is dedicated to my grandmother. I chose her because she is a very special person for me but she died last January, and I want to dedicate this poem to her because I miss her a lot and I'll always love her. The present has various parts: flowers, because she loved them; a paper folding bird, which expresses freedom and the uncertainty of not knowing where my grandmother is; a basket because she worked in the field and it represents the bad conditions that she went through and a rosary because she was always very religious.
b. Antía’s poem: Alone
From childhood's hour I have not been As others were; I have not seen As others saw; I could not bring My passions from a common spring. From the same source I have not taken My sorrow; I could not awaken My heart to joy at the same tone; And all I loved, I loved alone. Then- in my childhood, in the dawn Of a most stormy life - was drawn From every depth of good and ill The mystery which binds me still: From the torrent, or the fountain, From the red cliff of the mountain, From the sun that round me rolled In its autumn tint of gold, From the lightning in the sky As it passed me flying by, From the thunder and the storm, And the cloud that took the form (When the rest of Heaven was blue) Of a demon in my view.
Edgar Allan Poe
1. Author Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. His parents died before he was 3 years old, John and Frances Allan adopted him as a foster child in Richmond, Virginia. John sent him to the University of Virginia but he was forced to leave because his father didn’t pay it. He came back to Richmond but he hadn’t a good relationship with him. In 1827 he went to Boston and enlisted in the United States Army. That year, he published his first collection of poems, Tamerlane, and Other Poems , that year. Poe was admitted to the United States Military Academy but he was forced to leave again because of the money then he moved to his aunt’s house Maria Clemm and her daughter Virginia in Baltimore, Maryland. When he began to been an editor he moved with them to Richmond. In 1836 he married Virginia, she was only fourteen years old. She died eleven years later of tuberculosis and Poe suffered depression and alcoholism. On October 3, 1849, someone found him in a really bad state and he died four days later of “acute congestion of the brain.”. But later, the doctors who reopened the case discovered that he may be suffering rabie. After his dead, his works as editor, poet, and critic kept being really important in America and all around the world. 2. Analysis. a. Title. The title of this poem is ‘Alone’ and it was written by the poet Edgar Allan Poe, the word ‘alone’ is used later in the poem when the poet says “And all I loved, I loved alone.” I think that it is a good title for the poem because it describes very well what the poet is telling us and what the poem is about, for example, because of the meaning of the first lines we can think that he was alone:
“From childhood's hour I have not been As others were; I have not seen As others saw”
b. Meaning. This is a long poem without shape, it doesn’t make a figure. Edgar Allan Poe used in most of his poems themes like dead, sadness… and in this poem he follows that way of writing. I think that this poem is about Edgar’s life and how he felt when he was a little boy, I think he felt different from of the other kids and that he was worried about that, and because of this when I read the poem for the first time I felt that it was a sad poem about a lonely person. c. Content. ● Speaker. The speaker of this poem is the same poet who wrote it. My favourite line of the poem is “ And all I loved, I loved alone. ” ● Tone. The tone of this poem is sad and melancholic but not in a good way, because he remembers the time when he was a child and he was alone and the pain he felt. ● Tension. I think that there are two important points of tension in this poem, one of them is my favourite line “And all I loved, I loved alone.” and the other ones are the four last lines of the poem: “From the thunder and the storm, And the cloud that took the form (When the rest of Heaven was blue) Of a demon in my view.” ● Context. This poem was written in 1829, Edgar Allan Poe wrote it when he was only twenty years old and it wasn’t published while he was alive, but it was published in 1875 because a family from Baltimore had it and they decided to publish it.
d. Structure. This poem isn't divided into stanzas, it is a 22 verses poem and some of the lines follow and enjambment like in this line: "From childhood's hour I have not been As others were" The rime of this poem is in every two verses, for example, in the first four verses the rime is in “en” , “en” , “ing” and “ing” . I think that this poem needs a slowly rhythm because it is melancholic and sad. The structure is not really important in this poem because it doesn't follow any special poetic structure and it doesn't transmit anything. 3. My present. This poem by Edgar Allan Poe is about his stormy childhood, and because of that I will give this poem to my friends, because if I wouldn't have them as I did in my childhood and now, I wouldn't be the same person that I'm now and I wouldn't be as happy as I am. My recipient will be some kind of box, where I am going to put lines of the poem in different papers, and in one of them all the poem.
Conclusion In this project, we learnt how to create different types of poems, knowing its basic rules and how to analyze a poem that we chose, not looking at the form, but looking at the way it make us feel and what we think it is about.
Antía: What I liked the most about this project is doing our poems and analysing the poem we like because it is very entertaining.
knew that we were going to do this project, I wasn't really excited because I like poetry but I don't think I'm good at analysing it and I thought we were going to do an structure analysis and for me, that is boring.
Lucía: What I liked the most about this project was to choose is a poem to analyse, I liked the theme of my poem because it is beautiful and I also liked doing haikus. I like reading poetry, and when I started this project I liked it, but I don’t like analysing the meter and either analysing the structure, because of that this was what I didn’t like about this project. On the other side, I liked doing the meaning of the poem and knowing things about the author.
Link presentation:
Bibliography: 1. Front page: Wikipedia.. Guillaume Apollinaire Calligramme. [08/05/2015] 2. Antía’s acrostic: -
Pixabay, public domain. [06/05/15]
Pixabay, public domain. [06/05/15].
3. Lucía’s acrostic: Pixabay, public domain. [06/05/2015]. 4. Lucía haiku’s: Pixabay, public domain. [30/05/2015] 5. Antía’s haikus: Pixabay, public domain. [08/05/15] 6. Lucía’s information: Constantine P. Cavafy Poems (English). [05/05/2015] -
Constantin Cavafis. [07/05/2015]
Biografía y vidas. Constantin Kavafis.[07/05/2015]
7. Antía’s information: - Wikipedia. 81829.29 [21/05/15] [25/05/15]