Human Rights Manu and Nuria 2ºA
Table of contents: 1. Introduction 2. Human Rights a. What are Human Rights? b. The right of Housing c. Countries where this right is being violated d. An organization and an individual which fights for human rights e. Films, documentaries and books about Human Rights 3. Conclusion 4. Bibliography
1. Introduction: In this project we are going to talk about Human Rights and the Right of Housing. We are going to explain the countries where this right is being violated and the reasons why aren’t respect. We are also going to explain about the Right of Housing in Colombia and Spain. We think human rights are a list with thirty rights, all the world must accomplish. Human Rights aren´t respected in 180 countries.
2. Human Rights: Human Rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world. “Everyone has a fundamental human right to housing, which ensures access to a safe, habitable, and affordable home with freedom from forced eviction.” This right is respect in some countries. The 10 principal countries are, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Norway, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Canada, Denmark and Holland. Nobody must live under a bridge, in the street or covered with some cardboards. We chose this right because we think everybody must have a house to life. 26. 549 families in Spain were evicted from theirs houses in 2014. In Spain sometimes, houses are sold without being built, so people remain without a home. The Spanish constitution approved this right in 1978. Governments
everyone can exercise this right to live in security, peace, and dignity. At present 100 millions people haven’t a house. The United Nation have promoted since 1988 politics, strategies and programs to defend this right. The right of housing is recognised by the article 51 of the colombian constitution.
Towns where this right is being violated are: Bogotá ``Ciudad Bolívar´´, Cali ``Distrito de Agua Blanca´´. Generally, the north is poor and the south is rich. At present 120 million families in Colombia haven’t a house. The objective of the United Nations is universalize the right of housing. Two thousand millions people in the world haven’t a house. Human Rights groups in Colombia have suffered many losses in the last few years. An organization in Spain, PAHR (Pro Association of Human Rights), this organization defends Human Rights. First of all, liberty. There are
some organizations in
Colombia, many struggle to get peace and liberty. For example IFJ( International Federation of Journalists), IFP (Ideas Foundation of the Peace) and LJPC (Life, Justice and Peace Commission). People who defend Human Rights. At present few people defend Human Rights. In the past, Martin Luther King defended equality among people, Mahatma Gandhi struggled to get peace, Nelson Mandela, also struggled to get equality between white and
RamosHorta struggled to get to eliminate poverty.
Some films about the right of Housing are: ``El pisito´´: Spain, in the year 1959. ``La estrategia del caracol´´: Colombia, in the year 1993. ``En construcción´´: Spain, in the year 2001 Some books about the right of Housing: ``Derecho constitucional a una vivienda digna´´ , written by Sofía Borgia in the year 2009. ``Vivienda para todos: un derecho en (de) construcción: el derecho a una vivienda digna y adecuada como derecho exigible´´: written by Gerardo Pisarello in the year 2003.
3. Conclusion: In this project we learned about all human rights and who defends each one. Also we learned about more tools to present our project. We knew books, films and organizations that defend the right of housing. We think, this project was boring because, it was difficult to find information and this theme is complicated. We think, the most difficult part was to search and classify the information. We think there wasn’t any easy part. All parts were difficult.
4. Bibliography:
Photos: Hands PhotoCentrum voor HouseCaracol Radio
Derecho constitucional a una vivienda dignaAtelier dadignaelregimentributarioypropuestasdereforma/978849849 7953/
Vivienda para todosCasa del libro ndeconstruccionelderechoaunaviviendadignayadecuadacom oderechoexigible/9788474266849/933428
People Q2JRpQcqKerXRI2nNXEX80da9lelzGvoA
Wikipedia King_Jr_NYWTS.jpg
Coordinadora nacional de derechos humanosprensa a_logoAPRODEH.jpg Tripod Pages: Soy periodista.comArturo Prado Lima aunabombadetiempo
Equality and Human Rights arehumanrights Equipa Nizkor 100 títulosMiguel A. Presno Linera assobrederechos1.pdf Nesri
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