TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Introduction 1a. What are H.R.R? 1b. We chose this right because… 2. Right to life. 3.Some photos and videos 4.Some organizations that defended Human Rights 5.(Conclusion) We think that... 6.Bibliography
Introduction We are going to talk about the right to life (third human right). We chose this right because it is a right that everyone should have. What H.R.R? Human rights and freedoms are something basic to which all humans are entitled.They are expressed in The universal declaration of human rights, rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and through international treaties adopted then. These Are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever nationality ,sex or ethnic origin , colour , religion…
Why we chose this right? We chose this right, and not another, because this is a n essential right . If you lose this right you lose everything. We believe that everyone should have this right and nobody can snatch it from any other . This right isn’t respected in many countries, these are ten: 1 Syria 2 Sudán 3 Congo 4 Pakistán 5 Somalia 6 Afghanistan 7Iraq 8 Myanmar 9 Yemen 10 Nigeria About 40.00050.000 people die in these countries annually.
In Algeria, 1.952 people have disappeared without a trace, all should the war. In this country there have been many wars recently. In Spain 23 rights of the Spanish Constitution are not respected but the right to life is the exception, the right to life is fulfilled .The right to life in Spain is very important. There have been many demonstrations in favor of abortion recently.
Some organizations that defend human rights: O.N.S : World Health organization (1948) F.A.O : agriculture and nutrition organization (1945) UNESCO : culture and health services organization (1946)
VIDEO: http://www.humanrights.com/#/whatarehumanrights SOME BOOKS: 1 “SOBRE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS” (Osho) (A) 2 “INSTINTO DE LIBERTAD”( Alan Clements) (B) 3 “QUIEN DIJO QUE VIVIR SEA FÁCIL”(José Chamizo) (C)
CONCLUSION: In Spain things are going well but in Algeria they’re not so lucky. In this project we learned that we have to be thankful that we are born and raised in Spain (although the things are not going quite right).
Bibliography “Quién ha dicho que vivir sea facil: http://noticias.lainformacion.com/arteculturayespectaculos/teatro/josechamizopresentaestejuevesenja ensulibroquienhadichoquevivirseafacil_n1K0VhPP9UJ7l6qLw5Cc22 “Instinto de libertad”: http://librosypensamientos.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/instintodelibertaddealanclements.html “Sobre los derechos humanos”: http://www.casadellibro.com/libroderechoshumanos/9788486797690/635964 What are the human rights: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Pages/WhatareHumanRights.aspx video : the story of human rights
http://www.humanrights.com/#/whatarehumanrights Image keep calm and live your life: http://www.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/nz40frfBlo/UXMyT1apCMI/AAAAAAAACCw/ omXJCXENiSI/s1600/keepcalmandliveyourlife1485.png&imgrefurl=http://suuperdahhoraa.blogspot.com /2013/04/keepcalmandcrieoseu.html&h=700&w=600&tbnid=Rurxp5E_6pbN5M:&zoom=1&docid=kT6TM tw139gA4M&ei=e4z8VPb1BY70arizgcAN&tbm=isch&ved=0CGIQMyg4MDg Wordreferences: http://www.wordreference.com/es/
Spanish flag:
https://www.google.es/search?q=libro+instinto+de+libertad&rlz=1C1QJDA _enES607ES607&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch& sa=X&ei=AeD9VO2ZMovfU2sgegK&ved Algeria flag: http://img1.goodfon.su/original/1920x1080/3/3b/alzhiralgeriaflagkraski.jp g