The right to life
Mario and Teo 2ยบB
Table of contents: 1.Introduction 2.The right to life in United Kingdom 3.Conclusion 4.Bibliography
1.Introduction We choose the right to life because for us, it is one of the most important human rights and there is a lot of people who don’t respect this human right. We tried to answer , with this project , to the next driving question: ‘How important is the right to life?’ The right to life is very important but there are some people who don’t want to respect it and we’re going to talk about it
2.The right to life in United Kingdom Our Human Right: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”
Our reasons: We chose this right because this is one of the most important s human rights and we want to talk about this right and the countries and the people who don’t respect it it. This right is being violated in almost all countries. In Spain there is the abortion but there is also another problem, the problem with Hepatitis C, where there are people dying because the government is are giving them the medicines but the aforementioned medicines are very expensive. Because of this , people die and the sick people are doing manifestations in the most important cities of Spain. So the government are denying the right to life of those persons who are sick. In United Kingdom, abortion has been legal in England, Scotland and Wales since the Abortion Act 1967 but in Northern Ireland is illegal because the Abortion Act 1967 isn’t being applied right there, but what is abortion?
Abortion is a termination of the pregnancy . We think the foetus isn’t a human being but it is a living organism, you are killing something that is alive but it isn’t a human being so abortion isn’t a murder to a human being we think. An organization which fights for this human right: Red Cross.
An individual who fought for human rights: Mahatma Ghandi. Films, books, documentaries about this human right: “ The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas ” : This book is about a kid in the Nazi Germany who meets one jewish kid and they talk about the concentration camps and more themes relative to the age of the nazis. “ Auschwitz: The Forgotten Evidence ” : This documentary is about the Auschwitz concentration camp. “ The Schlindler's List ” : This movie is about a polish businessman who saves 1100 polish jews in the nazi Germany
3.Conclusion. We would talk to the children in the schools and make them aware that abortion is their choice and no one should force them to abort or not abort, we would make them aware besides how much important are human rights and how people don’t respect them. We would give some medicines to the people who are sick with Hepatitis C. With this project we learned a lot of things, we started to think deeper about some themes like abortion, human rights of our country and all over the world and how people violate this human right, our human right.
4.Bibliography nes-de-judios-proposito-auschwitz/ os-de-hepatitis-c-aplazan-la-querella-a-mato-y-la-amplian-a-mas-respons ables rensa-mundial-o-24077.htm e/ ba/red%20cross.html tma-gandhi/ e-done-more-performed-by-liam-neeson-legolambs-music-lyrics-by-jon-k aplan-al-kaplan/