Nata y Chocolate
Cristina Rodríguez Piñeiro 3ºB ESO 26/02/2013
Table of contents 1. A short biography of the author and illustrator. 2. A short summary. 3. Language and techniques. 4. Your personal response to the plot. 5. List of sentences, quotes‌ 6. Bibliography.
Nata y chocolate
1.The writer : Alicia Borrás Sanjurjo Alicia Borrás Sanjurjo was born in Vigo .The author, like the main character, grew without a mother, but her family took care of her with great love. She has always been a writer. When she was seven or eight years old, she wrote her first tales. When she became a mother, she wrote stories for her four children. And as she loves children, she decided to begin to publish her books.
The illustrator: Anuska Allepuz Anuska Allepuz was born in Madrid. She studied Beaux Arts at the University of Salamanca. At this moment, she works as an illustrator and she enjoys creating different characters and atmospheres, always considering the readers’ age.
2. A short summary The protagonist of this book is Sonia, a quiet, sad and lonely girl. Sonia’s classmates insult and depreciate her because she is albino and even Lola, one of the girls, forces her to do her homework. Unfortunately all the teachers let this happen. But when Inés, the new Spanish teacher, arrives at the school center, and discovers this terrible situation, everything begins to change for Sonia. Ines is not willing to allow all this. She decides to punish those children who insult her and make them see Sonia is a great person. She also introduces Sonia to his son, a wheelchair user black boy called Juan. He and Sonia become great friends. Besides ...
3. Language and techniques When I read this book I discovered albinism. I learned what this word means and all the problems albino people has just because they are different. I also realized some people discriminate wheelchair users or those people of different races.
4. Personal response to the plot. I first read this book two years ago. When I read it I imagined how terrible Sonia felt when all her schoolmates insulted and depreciated her just because she was albino. I really liked this book because it is a very moving story about a very important theme: bullying at school.
5.List of important sentences to the story -Sois tan pocas las que tenéis ese don de la transparencia que realmente para mí es un orgullo que estés en mi clase. I have chosen this sentence because with it Sonia’s teacher makes her feel special. -La alegría no está en conseguir lo que no tienes, sino en hacer bueno lo que tienes. I like this remark because I think that if you look on the positive side, you will be happier. -Uno se da cuenta de que siempre hay gente buena a su alrededor para ayudarle, gente que regala sus sonrisas a cambio de nada. I have chosen this sentence because fortunately there also are good people you can count on. -Observar es una forma de concentrarse en lo que uno ve. Si uno observa concentrado a un compañero, podrá conocerle y comprenderle mejor. The world would be much better if everyone tried to understand the rest, don’t you think so?
6.Bibliography -Nata y chocolate by Alicia Borrรกs Sanjurjo. Illustrations by Anuska Allepuz .
- Photograph: 'I wanna hold your hand' Author: Josep Ma. Rosell Date:26/02/13 Time:12:01